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I. Eligibility and Requirements

1. Each team must have a maximum of fifteen (15-17) players and each team from each category
shall pay the following tournament fee:


17 BELOW 800 17 and below 16 teams
OPEN 1,000 18 and above 16 teams
*Note: Teams per division is on a first come, first served basis.

2. Each team should have a uniform (jersey or matching colored shirts) with unique number at
the back to participate in the tournament.
3. Players of each team should play for only one team participating in the league.
4. Each team must submit the following:
 Birth Certificates of the players or Valid ID;
 Registration form per team from the organizers of the league.
5. The deadline of the REQUIREMENTS is on January 12 until 13 only.

II. Coach and Team Captain Responsibilities

1. The coach and team captain should attend the meetings set by the organizers for proper
implementation of the league.
2. The coach or team captain should disseminate information to its team members, submit
the league requirements, and pay the tournament fee.
3. They are the only ones allowed to discuss calls to the officials.
4. They are also responsible for the behavior of their team.

III. Player’s Decorum

1. A player who is ejected out of the game by the referee shall not be allowed to continue to play.
2. If the player is ejected out of the game for the 2nd time, he will be suspended for the remaining
games of the league.
3. Players who are ejected from the game should not be replaced on the team roster.
4. Once a player has played for a team, he cannot move to another team and his spot on the
roster is locked. He cannot be replaced.
5. Any team member that engages in fist fight, brawl, argument before, during, and after the
game within the venue of the game will be subjected to:
 Automatic disqualification from the league and banned from the future league;
 Liability for any physical injury and property damages or losses;
 Civil case by the organizers.

6. Walk-out: After 15 minutes, automatically, the team who walked out will be
declared disqualified from the league.

IV. League Rules (FIBA RULES)

1. When a player is assessed his 5th personal foul, he is considered fouled-out and shall not return
to play in the game.
2. Substitutions will only be allowed on dead ball situations. The substitute must report to
the committee and may only enter the court when called by the referees.
3. There is only one (1) time out allotted from the first quarter until third quarter and two (2)
time outs for the fourth quarter.
4. Timeout/s that has not been utilized in every quarter cannot be cast off to another

Purok 5 Buro-Buro Council -Official

5. Players must stay in their designated areas at all times during the game play.
6. All technical fouls count towards the players 5 personal foul allowance. Two technical
fouls committed by a player in the game will be ejected and leave the court premises.
7. For safety of all, the players must remove all jewelry prior to the start of the game.
8. Players must notify the committee prior to the beginning of the league if they have a medical
condition. Organizers are not responsible for whatever circumstances and unavoidable
injuries may happen.
9. Twice to Beat advantage is only entitled for those team who has “NO DEFEAT” from the
elimination until semifinals.
10. In case of a triple tie, “QUOTIENT RULE” will be utilized to break the tie.

V. Defaults/Forfeits

1. If a team is not yet ready to start the game with at least five (5) players signed in and out of the
court at the scheduled game time, ten (10) minutes grace period will be given to the team.
After 10 minutes, they will be forfeited.
2. Forfeit fee: a fine of 1,000 pesos is charged to the team forfeited.
3. Teams that are forfeited twice shall be disqualified in the league.

VI. Protest

1. No protest shall be entertained while the game is on-going. All clarifications and complaints
will be dealt with accordingly on a case to case basis. It must be in writing and must be
submitted within 24 hours after the conclusion of the game to the committee. The team
captain or coach may file the complaint and must have specific details about the player’s
2. Protests must be accompanied by a 1,000 protest fee, which may be returned if the protest
is ruled in favor of.

VII. Player/Coach Ejections and Technical fouls

1. Any player that is ejected from the game shall pay 500 pesos reinstatement fee to be able to
play again in the league. A player may not resume play in the league until the fee has been
2. A player may be ejected from the game if he receives two (2) technical fouls in that game.
3. If a player is ejected from the game twice, he is ineligible to participate in the league.
4. If a team receives four (4) technical fouls in one (1) game, they will be forfeited and must
pay forfeit fee of 1,000 pesos.

VIII. Other rules

1. No participation in the opening will result to penalty:

 300 pesos for incomplete players and the player who didn’t attend the opening
and parade will be suspended on their first game.
 300 pesos for the entire team absence and they will have a standing of 0 win and 1 lose.
2. There will be a penalty of 250 pesos for each technical foul of each team.
3. No uniform on the following will result to a penalty:
 Opening – 300 pesos
 On the first game, if the team has incomplete uniform or if some players don’t have
uniform, there will be +10 points to the opponent.

Also consider FIBA tie breaker RULES:

 If two or more teams have the same win-loss record of all games in the group, the
game(s)between these 2 or more teams shall decide on the classification. If the 2
or more teams have the same win-loss record of the games between them, further
criteria shall be applied in the following order:
 Higher game points difference of the games between them.
 Higher number of game points scored in the game s between them.
 Higher game points difference of all games in the group
 Higher number of game points scored in all games in the group
Purok 5 Buro-Buro Council -Official
Purok 5 Buro-Buro Council -Official

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