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The word agronomy has been derived from the two Greek words, agros and nomos having the
meaning of field and to manage, respectively. Literally, agronomy means the “art of managing
field”. Technically, it means the “science and economics of crop production by management of
farm land”.
Definition : Agronomy is the art and underlying science in production and improvement of field
crops with the efficient use of soil fertility, water, labourer and other factors related to crop
production. Agronomy is the field of study and practice of ways and means of production of
food, feed and fibre crops. Agronomy is defined as “a branch of agricultural science which deals
with principles and practices of field crop production and management of soil for higher
Importance : Among all the branches of agriculture, agronomy occupies a pivotal position and
is regarded as the mother branch or primary branch. Like agriculture, agronomy is an integrated
and applied aspect of different disciplines of pure sciences. Agronomy has three clear branches
(i) Crop Science,
(ii) (ii) Soil Science, and
(iii) (iii) Environmental Science that deals only with applied aspects.
(i.e.,) Soil-Crop-Environmental relationship. Agronomy is a synthesis of several disciplines like
crop science, which includes plant breeding, crop physiology and biochemistry etc., and soil
science, which includes soil fertilizers, manures etc., and environmental science which includes
meteorology and crop ecology.
Basic Principles
• Planning, programming and executing measures for maximum utilization of land, labourer,
capital and other factors of production.
• Choice of crop varieties adaptable to the particular agro-climate, land situation, soil fertility,
season and method of cultivation and be fitting to the cropping system;
• Proper field management by tillage, preparing field channels and bunds for irrigation and
drainage, checking soil erosion, leveling and adopting other suitable land improvement practices;
• Adoption of multiple cropping and also mixed or inter cropping to ensure harvest even under
adverse environmental conditions;
• Timely application of proper and balanced nutrients to the crop and improvement of soil
fertility and productivity. Correction of ill-effects of soil reactions and conditions and increasing
soil-organic matter through the application of green manure, farm yard manure, organic wastes,
bio fertilizers and profitable recycling of organic wastes;
• Choice of quality seed or seed material and maintenance of requisite plant density per unit area
with healthy and uniform seedlings;
• Proper water management with respect to crop, soil and environment through conservation and
utilization of soil moisture as well as by utilizing water that is available in excess, and schedul
ing irrigation at critical stages of crop growth.
• Adoption of adequate, need-based, timely and exacting plant protection measures against
weeds, insect-pests, pathogens, as well as climatic hazards and correction of deficiencies and
• Adoption of suitable and appropriate management practices including intercultural operations
to get maximum benefit from inputs dearer and difficult to get, low-monetary and non-monetary
• Adoption of suitable method and time of harvesting of crop to reduce field loss and to release
land for succeeding crop(s) and efficient utilization of residual moisture, plant nutrients and
other management practices;
• Adoption of suitable post-harvest technologies.
• Agronomy was recognized as a distinct branch of agricultural science only since about 1900.
The American Society of Agronomy was organized in 1908.
1.6.1 Agronomist
Agronomist: “Scientist who studies the principles and practices of crop production and soil
management for production of food for human beings and feed for his animals”.
Role of Agronomist
• Generally agronomist studies the problems of crop production and develops better ways of
producing food, feed and fibre.
• Agronomist aims at obtaining maximum production at minimum cost e.g., developing efficient
and economic field preparation method (i.e.) energy should be minimized (i.e.) what type of
crop, in what season, etc.
• Agronomist shoulder the responsibilities of all social, economic, cultural problems in addition
to field problems for the effective functioning of the farm in general.
• Agronomist exploits the knowledge developed by basic and allied, applied sciences for higher
crop production.
• Agronomist carries out research on scientific cultivation of crops taking into account the effect
of factors like soil, climate, crop varieties and adjust production techniques suitably depending
on the situation.
• Since, the agronomist co-operates and co-ordinate with all the disciplines of agriculture, it is
essential that an agronomist should have training in other disciplines of agriculture also.
• To develop efficient method of cultivation (whether broadcasting, nursery and transplantation
or dibbling, etc.) The method may vary according to the germination period and depending upon
the crop establishment and what should be the optimum plant population.
• He has to identify various types of nutrients required by crops, e.g., for long duration rice
(150-100–50 kg), for pulses N2, P and K. If the method of cultivation varies the nutrient content
also varies. The time and method of applying nutrients must also be taken into account. Method
refers to broadcast or to apply close to the root or through leaves (i.e.) foliage.20
• Agronomist must select a better weed management practice. Either through mechanical or
physical (by human work) or chemical (herbicides or weedcides, e.g.; 2–4-D or cultural (by
having wide space it may increase weed growth by using inter space crops). Weeds are
controlled integrated means.
• Irrigation management: Whether to irrigate continuously or stop in between and how much
water should be irrigated are calculated to find the water requirement.
• Crop planning (i.e.,) developing crop sequence should be developed by agronomist (i.e.) what
type of crop, cropping pattern, cropping sequence, etc.
• Agronomists are also developing the method of harvesting, time for harvesting, etc. The harvest
should be done in the appropriate time.
• Decision-making in the farm management. What type of crop to be produced, how much crop,
including marketing should be planned? Decision should be at appropriate time.
Potential Yield - It is the maximum possible economic yield for a crop from a unit land area,
when all the factors affecting the crop growth and yield are available without any constraints (or)
this is the maximum possible yield that could be obtained under controlled condition. Here, all
the environmental factors are provided to the crop to express the full potential.
Research yield - The yield obtained in the research station under correct management and super
vision by the scientist. Hence, all the technologies are being used by scientists to get maximum
Potential farmers yield - The yield obtained by the progressive farmers under the guidance of
scientists using new techniques.
Average farmers yield - Actual yield obtained by the farmer.
Gap I - The latest technologies developed by the scientists are not completely transformed to the
extension agency. The extension agency should fill up the gap by advocating the farmers by
acquiring themselves with these improved methods of cultivation.
Gap II - Here, there is no input constraints and only environmental constraints exist.
Gap III - Variation in management of field and crop. Only few farmers get higher yield. Gap
can be filled up by improving the socio-economic condition of the farmers.
1. Potential yield
2. Research yield
3. Potential farmers yield
4. Average farmers yield

Gap I Research
Gap II Extension
Gap III Socio-economic gap
Constraints in Crop Production
I. Ecological
1. Weather
2. Pollution

II. Production
1. Variety
2. Weed
3. Pests
4. Soil Health
5. Water (poor quality)
6. Farm machinery
7. Post harvest technology
III. Socio-economic
1. Cost and return
2. Credit
3. Risk uncertainty
4. Traditional attitude
5. Knowledge
6. Input availability
7. Institution
8. Market facility
Part One: Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your choice in the
space provided in your answer sheet

1. Which one of the following is true about Federalism as an ideology?

A. It is a compact referring to the unity among political entities

B. It is an organizing principle accommodating unity and diversity within a larger
political union
C. As a normative principle it is the perpetuation of both union and autonomy
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

2. The House of the Federation is given the power to interpret the constitution as indicated in the
EPRDF’s constitution. This is because

A. The House is composed of diverse nationalities

B. Constitutional interpretation is considered as a political rather than a judicial function
C. All sovereign power resides in the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

3. Which one of the following is not true about the 1931 constitution of Ethiopia?

A. It reinforced the traditional position of the Emperor as elect of God

B. It strengthened the role of the nobility in local leadership
C. It developed a mission of “Japanizing Ethiopia”
D. It marked the beginning of the culmination of the struggle for centralization
E. None of the above

4. Which one of the following is not true about the 1955 Revised Constitution of Ethiopia?

A. It made the Chamber of Deputies to be elected on the basis of universal adult suffrage
B. It made the Emperor both the head of the state and the government
C. It made members of the Senate to be appointed by the Emperor
D. It granted the parliament the power to control over the ministers
E. None of the above

5. Which one of the following is not a concurrent power exercised by the Hose of the Federation
and the House of People’s Representatives as stipulated in the current Ethiopian constitution ?

A. Election of the Federal president

B. Constitutional amendment
C. Making Federal laws
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
6. Civic education plays paramount role in the creation of good citizens. In this connection what
do you think the meaning of good citizen is?

A. One who knows and exercises his rights and obligations

B. One who possesses civic virtues
C. One who is democratic in his behavior
D. He who is well educated although lacking in civic virtues
E. One who gives priority for public interest

7. Developing scientific outlook being one of the specific objectives of the study of civic
education, it includes as its elements;
A. Separating fact from myth
B. Identifying truth from falsehood
C. Recognizing the distinction between propaganda and genuine information
D. Developing the capacity to make convictions and to act bodily on values
E. All of the above

8. One of the following is not among the skills which a student of civic and ethics education
develops from his/her academic pursuit.

A. Expression of oneself logically and clearly

B. Use of respectful language
C. Accurate decision making
D. Resolving conflicts through violence
A. Participatory skill

9. Which one of the following is not among the objectives of the study of Civics and Ethical

A. Developing a feeling of patriotism

B. Strengthening democracy
C. Building international outlook
D. Dwarfing national and international integration
E. None of the above

10. Population being one of the elements of the state, which one of the following statements is
true with regard to it.

A. The issue of literacy shall not be considered as a characteristic feature of population

B. A state can be viable irrespective of the size of its population
C. There is a fixed minimum requirement in terms of size to claim statehood
D. The degree of homogeneity is a relevant factor
E. None of the above

11. According to the FDRE constitution, constitutional interpretation is the prerogative of one of
the following bodies.

A. The executive
B. The federal supreme court
C. The house of the federation
D. The House of People’s Representatives E. C and D

12. Identify the wrong statement about the 1931 constitution.

A. It constituted a fundamental departure from the past.

B. The constitution was used by the Emperor to build a modern image for the country
C. It was the first written constitution in the history of the country
D. One of the major objectives of the constitution was to centralize power in the hands of the
emperor E. None

13. In parliamentary democracy;

A. The highest political authority is given to parliament

B. The executive and legislative branches are fused
C. The presidency is part of the executive and therefore has overriding power over legislative
decisions D. A and B E. B and C

14. Which of the following is an innovative feature of the 1931 constitution?

A. Separation of church and state

B. Checks and balance between the three branches of government
C. The introduction of annual budgeting
D. All of the above E. None of the above

15. Naturalized citizenship can be acquired in one of the following ways.

A. Marriage
B. Legitimization
C. Official grant of citizenship upon request
D. All
E. A and C

16. Which one of the following is not true about government?

A. It is the executive agent of a state

B. It exercises legislative, executive and judicial functions
C. It is the political and administrative hierarchy of an organized state
D. A state without a government is inconceivable
E. None of the above

17. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of the civil service structure in the
government system?

A. Politically affiliated
B. Constitutes part of the permanent executives
C. Supposed to be neutral in the politics of a country
D. Forms the main component of the bureaucracy of the government
E. None of the above

18. Which one of the following is not true about the political executives in the
government system?

A. Represent political parties to run the function of the government

B. Formulate national policies and follow-up their implementations
C. Form part of the non-permanent executives
D. They are larger in number compared to the civil servants
E. None of the above

19. A system of executive where by the executive and the legislature are separated from
each other is:

A. Presidential system
B. Parliamentary system
C. Quasi-Presidential system
D. Quasi-Parliamentary system
E. C and D above

20. The oldest form government in which the ruling power is vested in a single person through
hereditary succession is:

A. Monarchy
B Aristocracy
C. Authoritarianism
D. Totalitarianism
E. None of the above

21. Which one of the following statement describes the characteristic of a democratic

A. It is a system where the ultimate political power resides in the people

B. Government authorities emerge from the people and are supervised by the people
C. The constitution grants sovereign authority for the people
D. It implies the rule of the people
E. All of the above

22. The specific expected manners and acts of workers in the same area of specialization at
working places is termed as:

A. Professional ethics
B. Professional standards
C. Civic virtues
D. Civic disposition
E. A and B are correct

23. Which one of the following is not part of civic responsibilities?

A. Respecting the law of the land

B. Being informed of the current and public issues
C. Paying taxes
D. Assuming leadership whenever necessary
E. None of the above

24. Citizens’ legal and moral responsibilities does not include one of the following:

A. Taking care of one’s family

B. Industriousness
C. Observing laws and social values
D. Keeping public(government) properties
E. None of the above

25. Which one of the following is not the function of a democratic constitution?

A. Establishing the different branches of the government

B. Establishing the general rules about the rights and duties of citizens
C. Determining the country’s system of government
D. Setting up the legitimacy of the government
E. None of the above

26. A theory which describes that the state gradually emerged from earlier forms of settled
communities such as clan and tribe is:

A. The divine right theory

B. The genetic theory
C. The social contract theory
D. The evolutionary
E. B and D are correct
27. Which type of democracy places a due emphasis upon individual’s rights and freedoms?
A. Liberal democracy D. Tory democracy
B. Pluralist democracy E. B and C are answers
C. Direct democracy

28. The fundamental principle of democracy involves:

A. Political Pluralism
B. Popular sovereignty
C. Equality and respect for human rights
D. Constitutional limit on government
E. All of the above

29. Which one of the following is the skill required for global citizenship?

A. Rational thinking
B. Capacity to argue effectively
C. Capacity to challenge injustices and inequalities
D. Respect for all people
E. All of the above

30. Which one of the following is not a value associated with global citizenship?

A. Sense of identity and self-esteem

B. Sympathetic feeling
C. Social justice and equity
D. Respect for multi-culturalism
E. None of the above

31. Which one the following principle is the best way to make the best use of and make a living
with diversities?

A. Tolerance D. Individual self responsibility

B. Patriotism E. All of the above
C. Honesty

32. The rights to elect and be elected in one’s own country belong to one of the following
category of rights:

A. Political rights D. Human rights

B. Economic rights E. Moral rights
C. Cultural rights
33. Which one of the following habits of citizens is conducive to the healthy functioning and
common good of a democratic system?

A. Civic commitment
B. Compromise
C. Self-discipline
D. Civility
E. All of the above

34. The participation of students in the classroom to elect their own representative is an
example of:

A. Direct democracy
B. Indirect democracy
C. Representative democracy
D. Pure democracy
E. A and D above

35. All are features of the judiciary body of a government in a democratic state except:

A. Power is exercised in the courts

B. Governed by the principles of rule of law
C. It is impartial
D. It is an adherent of the ruling political party
E. None of the above

36. Which one of the following is not the concurrent responsibility of the Federal and Regional
governments of Ethiopia?

A. Engaging in public welfare

B. Collecting taxes
C. Infrastructural developments
D. Monetary policies and external relations
E. None of the Above

37.Running for private interests alone without considering the common good of the society is
expressed through the doctrine called:

A.Rationalism D. Utilitarianism
B. Empiricism E. None of the above
C. Egoism( rasin bicha mewdwd)

38. Which of following is the correct procedure to be followed in the designing of

a new constitution of a state?
A. Drafting, initiation, ratification, deliberations and publishing
B. Drafting, initiation, publishing, ratification and deliberations
C. Initiation, ratification, deliberations , drafting and publishing
D. Initiation, drafting, deliberations, ratification and publishing
E. None of the above

39. Which one of the following is false about the 1955 Ethiopian Constitution?

A. It states that all Ethiopian languages shall enjoy equal state recognition
B. It underscores that Amharic should be the state language of the Federal Government
C. It allows member states to determine their respective working languages
D. It gives the right to Regional States to have their respective flags
E. None of the above

40. Which one of the following is false about Conduct and Accountability of Government as
stipulated in Article 12 of the Current Ethiopian Constitution?

A. The conduct of affairs of government shall be transparent.

B. Any public official is accountable for any failure in official duties.
C. In case of loss of confidence, the people have the right to recall an elected representative
D. An elected representative has the right to access national secret to any other state
E. C and D are answers

41. Which one of the following is not a condition for the independence of the judiciary?

A. The appointment of judges on the basis of their loyalty to the executive

B. Long and secure tenure of judges
C. Close monitoring of the judicial by the political executive body
D. A and C are answers
E. None of the above

42. Which one of the following is not true about citizenship?

A. Its legal recognition is given by a government

B. It incorporates a bundle of rights, privileges and obligations
C. It establishes relationship between an individual and a state
D. It provides an individual a sense of national belongingness
E. None of the above

43. Which one of the following is not true about human rights?

A. They are inalienable by a state

B. They have a universal applicability
C. They are acquired by virtue of being human
D. They are bedrock to the genuine growth of human personality
E. None of the above

44. Which one of the following is a political right?

A. The right to promote ones’ culture
B. The right to live
C. The right to vote
D. The right to property
E. All of the above

45. The highest authority of the Federal Government of Ethiopia resides in:

A. The Council of Ministers

B. The Prime Minister
C. The Federal Supreme Court
D. The House of People’s Representatives
E. The House of the Federation

46. Which one of the following organs of the government represents the totality of all the
functionaries and agencies that are concerned with execution of the will of the state?

A. The Political Executive Organ

B. The Executive Organ
C. The Administrative Executive Organ
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

47. Which one of the following Ethiopian Constitution decided that upon the death of the leader
of the country there shall be a period of full national mourning of three months followed by a
period of half-mourning of six months?

A. The 1931 Constitution of the Imperial Government

B. The 1987 Constitution of the Derg Government
C. The 1995 Constitution of Federal Government of Ethiopia
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

48. Independent judiciary does not refer to the idea that:

A. Courts are impartial

B. Courts are free from political pressure
C. The judiciary is controlled by the executive
D. All of the above E. None of the above

49. According to the 1995 Ethiopian Constitution citizenship can be acquired by the law of:
A. Jus Soli
B. Jus Sanguins
C. Naturalization
D. A and C are answers E. B and C are answers

50. Which one of the following civic disposition refers to treating others in a polite way?
A. Civic- mindedness D. Civility
B. Compromise E. None of the above
C. Honesty

51. Which one of the following is not true about a constitutional state?
A. It makes the constitution the supreme low of the land
B. It is characterized by the prevalence of constitutionalism
C. It ensures the Rule of Law
D. It has a limited government
E. None of the above

52. Which one of the following forms of democracy believes that only a few highly educated
individuals should take the political power, for the mass of population are politically pre-

A. Plural democracy D. Democratic elitism

B. Liberal democracy E. None of the above
C. Tory democracy

53. Which of the following forms of government refers to the condition in which power is
controlled by a small group of people who share the same interest?

A. Aristocracy
B. B. Monarchy
C. C. Oligarchy
D. D. Dictatorship
E. E. A and C are answers

54. Which of the following civic disposition refers to citizens’ readiness to give priority to public
good than one’s own interests?

A. Compromise
B. Open-mindedness
C. Civic- mindedness
D. Honesty
E. None of the above

55. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of the Constitution of FDRE?
A. Recognition of cultural diversity D. System of federalism
B. Unity on the basis of equality E. None of the above
C. Sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia

56. Which of the following is not true about the Rule of law?

A. It is the rule of justice and of protection for all members of society against
excessive government power

B. It puts governing bodies above the law

C. It requires both citizens and government to be subject to the laws
D. It puts limit on the discretionary power of government
E. None of the above

57. Determining the division of revenues derived from joint Federal and State tax sources and
the subsidies that the Federal Government of Ethiopia may provide to the States
(=Regional States) is the responsibility of :

A. The House of Federation D. The President of FDRE

B. The House of Peoples’ Representatives E. None of the above
C. The Prime Minister of FDRE

58. Which one of the following is not a basic system of government under representative

A. Direct democracy. D. presidential democracy

B. Indirect democracy. E. All of the above
C. parliamentary democracy

59. Which of the following classification of rights are exclusively reserved to only citizens?

A. Civil rights D. All of the above.

B. Political rights E. None of the above
C.Moral rights

60. Which one of the following sets of power is left to states under the Constitution of the
Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia?

A. Concurrent power
B. Residual power
C. Exclusive power
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

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