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Daily Lesson Log- Catch Up Friday

Catch- Up Subject: Values Education Health Education Peace Education HOMEROOM GUIDANCE
Quarterly Theme: Community Awareness Sexual and Reproductive Health Community Awareness
Sub-theme: Prudence Functional and Loving Relationship Prudence
Grade Level: 3
Date: MARCH 8, 2024
References, google,, google,
Supplemental Learning Materials
Session Title: Principle of Peace Pagbibigay ng Solusyon at
Obedience Characteristics of Good Friends
Humility Paglutas sa mga Suliranin
Session Objectives: Natutukoy ang mga Ibat-ibang
paraan ng paglutas ng mga
Identify the qualities of a good friend.
Learn what obedience means. Learn what it means to be humble. problema tungkol sa sarili at sa
Understand that to have a good friend it
Understand the importance of being Think about how we can show iba pa.
is important to be a good friend.
obedient. humility in our daily lives. Nakikilala ang iba’t ibang
kaparaanan sa paglutas ng
Key Concept: Obedience is doing what you are told, Good friends can make you feel happy Humility is the quality of being Mga paraan ng pagharap mo ng
right away, and with a happy heart and loved, while bad friends may humble. Being humble means not tama sa mga suliranin o problema
without being reminded. disappoint you and make you sad. But, proud : not thinking of yourself as sa buhay:
being a good friend doesn’t just mean better than other people A humble 1. Lakasan ang loob at
having a good time. Good friends are child is courteous and respectful to panatilihing positibo ang pag-iisip
kind, keep promises, tell the truth, other people, no matter that 2. Mag-isip ng paraan kung paano
respect differences, and cooperate, person's age or status. Humility malulutas ang problema
among other traits. teaches a child to put others before 3. Humingi ng payo at tulong sa
themselves and place importance on iyong pinagkakatiwalaan
listening to the ideas and
perspectives of other people
Components Duration Activities and Procedures Activities and Procedures Activities and Procedures
5 mins. BLINDFOLDED MAZE GAME Draw a word web on the board or on Read/Watch the story: Basahin ang kwento:
Print out the free printable and cut to chart. Invite students to think about the The Tortoise and The Hare
size. One person will be giving characteristics that make a good friend.
instructions. The other person will be Have students share their ideas (i.e., v=hiWMVOi4fPA
Introduction and trying to complete the maze. Blindfold kind, loyal, listens to you). Record ideas
Warm- Up the child who will be attempting the on the word web. Tell students that
maze within the lines. Manually move they will be revisiting this word web What is the moral lesson of the
their hand to the starting point. Begin story?
again later in the lesson.
giving voice commands to lead them
through the maze successfully.

20 mins How often do you follow your teacher Think about what makes someone a Imagine you’ve just won a game or
or parents? Elder siblings? good friend. an award. How do you feel?
Look at the pictures below and sort How would you show humility?
Concept Read the story: them. Do you think each pictures shows
Exploration Marie is a Grade Three pupil who someone being a good friend or not? If you’ve won the game, you will feel
performs well in school, especially in Can you talk about your ideas? proud and confident; you will
academics. But her mother has want to share your good news. All
observed that Marie does not obey these feelings are fine. Confidence
some rules at home, like going to bed is good and you should strive to be
early, finishing her homework before the best you can be. To show
playing, and asking permission to go humility, you would not boast or
somewhere. It has become her habit to claim to be better than anyone else.
visit and play with the children next
door after school hours. One day,
Marie’s mother asked her to come
home early because she needed to
take her grandfather to the hospital for
his regular checkup. Marie was to look
after her younger sister while her
mother was away.Instead of coming
home early, Marie joined her friends to
swim in the river near their school. She
enjoyed her swim and forgot about her
task. After a few hours, she went home
and was surprised to find her baby
sister crying very hard. It seemed that
she fell from a chair while trying to
reach a toy on the shelf. The helper
was in the kitchen preparing food
when it happened. Marie realized that,
if she had been home earlier as her
mother asked her to, she could have Read the poem:
attended to her sister’s needs. When
her mother arrived home, Marie told Be Like the Earth
her about what happened. She See the earth
apologized for disobeying her. She It’s so humble
promised to be more obedient from Has all God’s wealth to give
then on. Her mother embraced her How Do Good Friends Make Us Feel? Everything we need to live
and accepted her apology. Lets us walk on it every day
But have you ever heard it say
Questions: “I am richer
1. What did Marie’s mother observe Greater than you”
about her?
2. What did she ask Marie to do? See the tree
3. What happened to Marie’s younger It’s so humble
sister? The more its fruits abound
4. What lesson did you learn from the It bows closer to the ground
story? And shares the fruit that way
5. When was the last time you t in order to have a good friend it is
But have you ever heard it say
disobeyed your parents or teachers? important to be a good friend.
“I am richer
What happened then? It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of
Greater than you”
friends or just one very good friend.
Being obedient means following rules Friends enjoy each
Be like the earth
and regulations. You must obey rules other’s company and look out for each
Be like the tree
and regulations whenever and other. Being a good friend is an
Rise to the heaven of glory
wherever you are. It is good to obey important skill to
On the wings of humility
our parents and teachers. You feel develop throughout their whole lives
Rise to the heaven of glory
happy and satisfied when you do what On the wings of humility
is right.Respect and obedience to I will be a good friend by…
elders is one of the Filipino traits that Say something nice about the person
we can be proud of. you are sat next to
Offer to help someone who is having
difficulty in your class or lesson
Apologise for something you did by
accident (or not)
Invite someone who is sat alone to sit
by you at lunch
Tell someone when they did something
Greet someone who enters your
classroom with a smile
Thank someone for helping you,
whether it is in our out of school
Go out of your way to introduce
yourself to someone you have not
spoken to before
Find out something new about
someone you are already friends with
Admit to doing or saying something that
made someone else feel bad
Ask for help if you need it
Commit to giving a compliment to
someone everyday
Be the best friend that you can be
Tell your friends what they do for you
that makes you happy
15 mins Making and Keeping Friends Activity Boastful or Humble?
In this activity, students will cut out the Are the children in these situations
Valuing statement strips and mix them up on being boastful or humble?
their desk. Students will then read each 1. Jimmy came running home from
statement strip. If they think the school. He got an "A+" on today's
statement describes a good friend, they quiz. He thanked his mom for
should glue it into the “GOOD” box. If encouraging him to study the night
they think that it describes a bad friend, before.
they should glue the statement into the Was Jimmy boastful or humble?
“BAD” box. __________
The teacher will read statements out
loud. Have students take turns deciding 2. Tammy looked around at the
whether the statement describes a other girls in her classroom. None of
good friend or bad friend, and then them had as nice a dress as she did.
they’ll get to throw a ball into the She couldn't wait for someone to
respective box. Students should still notice, so she told everyone how
glue the statement to the correct pretty her dress was. Was Tammy
column on their worksheet to have it boastful or humble? _________
for reference. 3. Carl knew his parents were
Make fun of a friend wealthy. He always got a large
Leave a friend in need allowance. But all of his friends said
Respect differences Carl didn't act rich, instead he was
Be a good sport very generous. Was Carl boastful or
Break a promise if it’s easier humble? __________
Tell the truth
Argue a lot 4. Elizabeth was doing great in
Feel jealous a lot school, was captain of her soccer
Insist on your own way team, and had many friends. She
Cooperate thanked God for the many blessings
Help out a friend He had given her. Was Elizabeth
Brag about winning boastful or humble? _____
Keep promises 5. As James entered his friend's
Usually have fun together house, he noticed how old and dirty
Guard your stuff for yourself everything looked. He laughed and
Be a sore lose said, "Our furniture looks much nicer
Lie if it’s easier than yours." Was James boastful or
Be happy for friends humble? _______________
Share your stuff
Compromise 6. Justin saw the mess his younger
sister made. There was mud all over
the floor. He knew his mom would
clean it up, but he decided to do it
himself before she noticed. Was
Justin boastful or humble?
20 mins Obey O-Meter Activity Be a Friend Being Humble
To have good friends we have to be In the boxes below, write down
Reflective good friends everything that you know and have
Journaling Draw a picture of you being a good found out about being humble.
friend in each spot below. What is the definition of the word
humble? How can we be humble?

How to make:

1. Before class print out the Obey O-

Meter Activity Sheet (or make your
own) onto white paper and make
2. In class talk to your children about
obeying. Ask them when it is hard for
them obey their parents. Write
something that each child would like to
work on obeying during the week on
each child's paper.

3. When your children's parent show

up to pick them up, tell them what
your children have been learning and
show them the Obey O-Meter Activity
Sheet. The parent should move the
arrow on the paper up and down
according to how well their child is
obeying during the week. The children
can bring their paper back the next
week and share how well they obeyed
with the class.

Prepared by:

Noted: Teacher III

Principal I

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