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Термины в модуле (127)

-Bishop's Palace
-St. Peter's Cathedral
Architecture & Society -Foam House
-The Parthenons
-->Architecture is a means of expression. Details portray message.

Nicholas Clayton
-->about family
Bishop's Palace
• decor from all over the world

Barmante, Sangallo, Michaelangelo

-->expresses power & time
St. Peter's Cathedral

Charles Harker
-->1960's, hippies, rebellious
Foam House

no architect
-->represents culture
The Parthenons
• curved bc curved retina

-Barcelona Pavillion
Architectural Values
-New State Chancellery
-->Values are based on architect's life.

• Values:
Hugo Haering -beauty is unique
-architecture should express functionality
-->buildings shaped depending on movement

Barcelona Pavillion
• Values:
-beauty is rational --> similar buildings
Mies Van der Rohe
-architecture should represent spirit of its age
*invented steel & glass architecture
-->confusing architecture; led movement

New State Chancellery

• Values:
Albert Speer -Drama
Architecture -->expressing type of building
-Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte
-Taj Mahal
Sensual/Visual Form
-Sydney Opera House
-->Buildings express message through elements of form; they all work together.

12 Elements of Form

no architect
-->expressing religious devotion
• no symmetry
• heartbeat rhythm
• contrasting light
• stained glass

Le Vau
• symmetry (plants)
Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte
• texture (interior)
• scale (bedroom)

Shah Jahan
-->as a result of favorite wife's death
Taj Mahal • bilateral symmetry
• color (white marble)
• scale (human proportion)

Le Corbusier
-->angel had appeared to little girl
• shape shifter
• plaster texture
• light & color combined
• soothing rhythm

Jorn Utzon
• dynamic balance
Opera House
• vantage point

-Villa Rotunda
-Dormitory at Bryn Mawr College
-San Carlo alla Quattro Fontana
-S. Andrea
Architecture as an Intellectual/ Artistic Experience
-Schroeder House
-Centre Pompideau
-->Art in math & order. Beauty in lack of order, expression of technology, and connections w'

• serves as compass
Villa Rotunda
**order and math

Louis Kahn
• from public to private
Dormitory of Bryn Mawr College
**order and math
-->demonstrating women power [Antine]

• 4 fountains = 4 seasons
San Carlo alla Quattro Fontana
• dome in center w light
• different on each side [no order]

--> speaks technology [columns & beams]
S. Andrea

Gerrit Reitveld
• connected to nature [open & airy]
Schroeder House

Piano and Rogers

-->expresses technology [ducts outside]
Centre Pompideau

-Austin City Plan

-Savannah City Plan
-Central Beheer Offices
Order & Systems in Architecture -Sarabhai Residence
-Kimball Art Museum
-Modern Art Museum
-->order and grids = beauty.

Edwin Waller
• wanted a grid
Austin City Plan
• wanted capitol in center

James Oglethorpe
• garden in center-->expressing organization
Savannah City Plan

Herman Hertzberg
• like a small city
Central Beheer Offices

Le Corbusier
Sarabhai Residence
• easy movement inside/outside

Louis Kahn
-->expresses system/functionality
Kimball Art Museum
**vaults & light

Tadeo Ando
• structural and mechanical system
Modern Art Museum

-Designs for Chaux
-Stockholm Library
-Guggenheim Museum
-U.S Pavillion at Expo
Numbers/Mathematics/Geometry as Inspiration of Form
-Zollverein School of Design
-Capitol Building
-->Geometry can either be functional or not. Systems are expressed through geometry. There's
mysticism in math.

• equilateral
• precise measurements
Pyramids (Egypt)
• stone from across Nile River
**mysticism & immortality

Claude Ledoux
• utopian city
Design for Chaux
• full of salt [perfect cubes]
• rich would be located in center; poor outside

Gunnar Asplund
-->symbolic of culture
Stockholm Library
• libraries were not common before
• enter into center

Frank Lloyd Wright

-->to gain respect --> prime location
Guggenheim Museum
• strong geometry [circles]

Buckminister Fuller
• greatest space w least amount of materials
U.S Pavillion at Expo
• photosensitive cells
• dome

Peter Eisenman
• mathematical puzzle
• not functional

Kazuyo Sejima
• strong geometry [squares]
Zollverein School of Design

Louis Kahn
• has a mosque
Capitol Building

-Wat Arun and Royal Palace

-Casa Mila
-Dipoli Student Union
-TWA Terminal
Nature/Biology/Organisms as Inspiration of Form
-Phaneo Science Center
-Guggenheim Museum
-->Buildings from nature = organic. Nature affects shape and location. Expression of
functionality and concern for movement.

no architect
• shape in response to rain --> shaped like umbrella
Wat Arun and Royal Palace

Antonio Gaudi
-->expressing connection w' nature
Casa Mila • air chimney
-->mountain as oath to Montserrat
• organic

Reima Pietila
• windows parallel with trees
Dipoli Student Union
• big rocks

Zana Hadid
• lifted off ground -->passage under
Phaneo Science Center
• focused on movement of kids

Eero Saarinen
-->expressing first time flying across Atlantic
TWA Terminal
• form guides movement

Frank Gehry
• shaped like ship bc fascination w fish
Guggenheim Museum

-St. Ignatius Chapel

-Museum of Contemporary Art of the XXI Century
Synthesis of Form -Jewish Museum
-->Beauty behind form creates feeling [symbolism]. Golden rectangle and math help

Steven Holl
• small but had to be memorable
St. Ignatius
• shape
• space
St. Ignatius Chapel
• light & color [yellow glow]
• geometric
• organic
**7 bottles of light

Kazuyo Sejima
• very public --> addressing all surroundings
Museum of Contemporary Art of the XXI Century • white rooms
• soft light
• golden rectangles

Daniel Libeskind
-->personal connection w holocaust
• doesn't fit it; disoriented ; uncomfortable
Jewish Museum
• aggressive compared to adjacent building
• 7 by 7 piers --> religion
• strong emotional feeling [vulnerability]

-Monte Alban
-Mont St. Michael
-Falling Water
Buildings and Land
-Taliesin West
-->Build according to environment. Use landscapes efficiently. Try to replicate environment.
Beware of consumption.

1) Energy Consumption
2) Land Consumption
Physical Considerations 3) Resource Consumption
4) Waste Disposal
5) Toxicity

no architect
• lined by mountains
Monte Alban
• replicating mountains

no architect
• local materials [Adobe in response to climate]
• replicates environment
-->Native American sophistication

no architect
• use of rock
Mont St. Michel
• comes from landscape

Frank Lloyd Wright
• physical consideration
Falling Water • extension of landscape
• local materials [sedimentary rock]
• ledges characterize

• red wood bc red forest
• orientations lets trees act as windbreakers

Frank Lloyd Wright

-->had to move from Wisconsin bc sick
Taliesin West • sunk in ground
• tents [light]
**builds according to surroundings

-The Woodlands
-Sea Ranch
Geography/Topography/Ecology -Hill Towns
-->Consider trees, land, climate and how to respect it. Use topography accordingly to

1) Transportation
2) Infrastructure
Concerns during Planing 3) Land Use
4) Economic
5) Environmental

Impervious Cover keeps water from being absorbed

Ian McHarg
• prone to heavy rain --> minimize impervious cover
The Woodlands
• build on higher land; lower land for ponds
• no storm sewers

Lawrence Halprin
• built against wind
Sea Ranch
• open space from cluster
-->doesn't feel developed; preserved beauty

• on top of hill
• very dense; conserves land
Hill Towns

-Pont du Guard
-The Pantheon
-Hagia Sophia
-Ames Gate Lodge
Structure & Materials -Maisons Jaoul
-Morse & Stiles Hall
-Lake Shore Drive Apartments
-John Deere Headquarters
-->Demonstrating physics behind construction adds beauty and character. Helps portray
physical consideration.

• compression
• tension
Types of Structure
• bonding
• sheer

no architect
• engineering challenge
Pont du Guard • no concern for beauty just engineering
• stone for compression
• perfect circles

no architect
• arches for loads
• heavy/thick on bottom
• light on top

H.H Richardson
• building in stone
Ames Gates Lodge • visible compression
-->expressing what an arch is
-->expressing physical considerations

no architect
• huge dome
The Pantheon The Pantheon
• stone and compression

no architect
-->trying to move capitol to this huge church
Hagia Sophia
• stone carrying loads

Le Corbusier
• brick and concrete
Maisons Jaoul
• explains physics

Eero Saarinen
• gothic but w' physical concerns
Morse and Stiles Hall

Mies van der Rohe

Lake Shore Drive Apartments

Eero Saarinen
• steel [beams]
John Deere Headquarters
• open space bc "farming"

-S. Maria della Fiore
Construction & Tectonics -Sydney Opera House
-->Must take surroundings and weather into consideration [moisture]. Make sure a building is
stable by inspecting walls, windows, etc.

1) site work
2) foundation
3) erect structural system
Steps in Conventional Construction Process 4) produce skin
5) aline rooms and bathrooms
6) put in systems
7) put finishes

no architect
• heavy on bottom; light on top
• constructed on ground then erected
• spiral staircase actually used during construction

Arnolfo di Cambio and Filippo Brunelleschi

• couldn't figure out how to build --> held competition
S. Maria della Fiore
• winner got rid of semi-domes, added ribs, and added
chains as belts

Jorn Utzon
• necessary inventions to construct -->challenge
Sydney Opera House
• held competition
• hired best engineer to carry out winner's idea

-Cameron Offices
-Tenneco Building
-Secretariat Building
Architecture in Response to Climate -Palace of Justice
-Assembly Building
-->Importance of shading, beauty in orientation, and connection with nature through massing,
fenestration, and solar shading.

1) orientation
2) solar shade
Main Concerns for Building in Response to Climate 3) thermal storing
4) insulation
5) air circulation

-Massing: long faces north/south

3 Manipulations (Thermally) -Fenestration: windows facing north/south
-Solar Shading: horizontal and vertical

John Andrews
• long faces North/South; short East/West
Cameron Offices
• horizontal shading in south
• microclimate in courtyard

• steel frame
Tenneco Building
• windows 6 tf deep

Le Corbusier
• aligned to mountains
Secretariat Building
• 45 degrees
• windows on long side

Le Corbusier
• inspired by parasoles
Palace of Justice
• space for movement

Le Corbusier
• huge thing on top traps sun
Assembly Building
• scientifically calculated

-Marika-Alderton House
Designation & Organization -Stoughton House
-->Rooms are separated due to values, practicality, and ownership. Human factors have been a
concern since nomadic culture.

Glenn Murcutt
• one large communal living room
Marika-Alderton House
• ways of socializing integrated into architecture

no architect
• rooms upstairs graciously
• from public on bottom to private on top

H.H. Richardson
• expresses affluent family
Stoughton House
• servers never seen
• taboos

1) practicality
2) values
Why Rooms are Separated
3) ownership
also... accommodation of machines & efficiency

- Baker House Dormitory
- La Tourette
Architectural Determinism
-->Distance, environment, and space affects relationships. Uses are unique and convey

• physical
Types of Distances
• functional

• conforming
Types of Uses • implied
• accommodate

Alvar Aalto
• easy environment
• river for view when studying
Baker House Dormitory
• challenged by long thin site and # of rooms
• students divided and placed strategically for

Le Corbusier
• isolation [you & God]
La Tourette • silence
• no view, just light [symbolistic of God]
• lifted --> no connections

-Baker House Dormitory

-Exeter Library
-Paimio Sanatorium
Humanism at a Personal Scale
-Resurrection Chapel
-->Organic buildings. Everyone matters; all kinds of responses. Egalitarianism.

Everyone matters.
Humanism Emphasizes self-realization.
Achieved logically.

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