HEF Application Form 2023 New Zealand

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The New Zealand High Commission

Fund (the HEF)


Please fill out this column

Name of organisation
(as written in the official Tenderness And Love
registration documents)

Type of organisation NGO (Community Based and Work)

Registration number 101716481

Organisation street
Katembe Inkassane, number 16.

Organisation postal
Katembe Inkassane,

Country Mozambique

Contact name Priscila Sitole

Telephone number

+258 85 73 38 036
Email address tenderness@tendernessandlove.org

Website www.tendernessandlove.org

Please provide 1 – 2 +258 87 118 80 61 (Dr Zélia- Director of Social Intervention In District
references for your of Katembe).
+258 82 346 4013 (Dr Arcénia- Director of Cooperation At University
A Politécnica

Please refer to the HEF Information Sheet for eligibility criteria of fund
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Please fill out this column

Project title: Girl You Can

What is the start date of

this project?

What is the completion

date of this project?

What is the project Girl you can, is a project to share the rights and dutys of a woman,
about? and some tools and contents, so they can create a better life for
them, and for their community.
In a world where women are often told that they "can't", this project
arises in order to share tools and content so that women can see that
yes, they can, as long as they wish, dream, commit and that run after.
Of course, always respecting the freedom and individuality of each
This project includes training on leadership and communication,
workshops on mental health and emotional intelligence, self-esteem,
empathy, sexual health and the prevention of premature marriages,
studies and a career.

According to our evaluation and monitoring, the girls demonstrate

continuous evolution throughout the project, and in the end, more
than 95% of the participants say that the project had a positive
impact on their lives.

In the end, the girls leave with the certainty that they CAN, yes,
transform their journey, their family, and their community, betting on
Note: this project includes girls with different disabilities.

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First, because Mozambique continues to have very high rates of
When developing the
premature unions (48%), we relied on existing content and statistics.
idea for this project: who
Then we consulted the central government, then the district
did you consult with? government, and then the communities. But above all, we listen to the
girls in focus groups, in order to be able to understand what the main
challenges are they have in relation to full access to their rights.
After listening to them, we concluded the creation of the Girls and
Women Who Can project, which includes both girls in their adolescence
and women. Throughout the project, we have continued to carry out
constant monitoring, as well as final evaluations, in order to be able to
make adjustments taking into account the needs of the beneficiaries,
whenever deemed necessary.

What are the objectives

of the project?
What do you want to  Girls with more knowlodge about their rights and how to
achieve from this benefit from them;
 Have the Government and local authorities with one more
partner to encourage educational activities and girl

 Girls that choose to continue the school.

 Girls with more self-esteem and emotional intelligence;

 Girls with more sexual education;

 Reduction of early marriage.

Who will benefit from the

project (please include the
20 girls from Katembe, Inkassane. And 20 girls from Nampula
number of women, men,

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boys and girls)? (Resettlement Cabo Delgado).

How will they benefit?

They will benefit from the training, debates, gifts (books and school
supplies), as well as the transformation of mentality, for
multiplication in their communities.

How much funding are

you applying for?

Has your group applied to

the HEF before?
No. It’s our first time.
If yes, please provide
details of the funding
request and the year the
request was made.

At the moment, the project has only the management's own funds.
Have you requested
Another form of sustainability that we have had is the provision of
assistance from any other
services such as training, consultancy, which allow the projects to
source for this project?
continue. We have already submitted some background requests,
If yes, please describe: however, still no response.

Was the funding It’s our first time. And we hope to be succeed.
requested above
successful? If not why

What will your group

contribute towards the
achieving project?
Our group will contribute to the project, bearing in mind that we
have already made individual efforts to follow up on it. Therefore, we
will continue to do our best: preparing content, gifts, and snacks for
the girls, as well as the best human resources, so that they really feel
inspired to be able to be Girls Who Can.

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We will continue the project, because so far we have already carried
Once the project is
out 8 groups of 20 girls, with our own funds, because we believe in
completed, who will take
the cause, and in a country where the rights of girls and women can
responsibility for future
be respected. So, as soon as this fund is finalized, we will continue the
costs and maintenance?
project, in future groups that can continue to impact more people.

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3 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (show key tasks)

Start End Date Task Inputs required


19/09 19/09 Launch of the project

29/09 29/09 Trainning of communication and leadership

03/10 03/10 Workshop: human rights and women rights

16/10 Workshop: Mental health and emotional


02/11 02/11 Sexual health and early marriage prevent

20/11 20/11 Self steem and empathy

05/12 05/12 Studies and carreer

15/01/2 15/01/24 Refresh of the content and balance of the project


05/02/2 15/02/24 Last evaluation


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Who will manage the project and provide financial report on expenditure?

Please fill out this column

Name: Priscila Sitole

Qualification/Skills of the Sociology Degree, and Human Rights Master. More than 15 years of
Project Coordinator experience in project Management, founder of the NGO, and creator
of the project. Mozambican woman herself, and know about the
main challenges of the group.

Experience of the Project Actual Executive Director of Tenderness And Love, and Manager of
Coordinator the projects in the Organization.

Who else will be involved in the delivery of the project?

Name Role Experience in relation to delivering the


Esperança Assane Field Assistant At this moment Esperança is one of the main
responsibles of the project in Nampula (city
with the higher statistics in terms of ealy
Ruth has a degree in accounting and auditing,
Ruth Nhanala Field Assistant
and in addition to providing financial support,
she also helps with project logistics.
Edsa Mavie Field Assistant At this moment Edsa is one of the main
responsibles of the project in Nampula (city
with the higher statistics in terms of ealy
marriage), with Esperança. Edsa is graduated
in Phsycology, and has more than 5 years of
experience in work with gender.

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The inputs below are examples of potential inputs. Please change these to align with your project.

Inputs HEF Your Other Total Cost

Contributions* Contribution Contributors
Material & Equipment

Paper 100 100 N/A 200

Pens 100 100 N/A 200

Exercice Book 700 N/A N/A 700

Books 1.000 1.000 N/A 2.000

Pads 500 N/A N/A 500

Mirrors 300 N/A N/A 300

T-shirts 1400 N/A N/A 700

Colun and 1.300 N/A N/A 1.300


Roll ups 200 N/A N/A 200

Balloons 100 N/A N/A 100

Plates and cups 400 N/A N/A 400

Combs 300 N/A N/A 300


Communications 600 N/A N/A 300

Transport 1000 N/A N/A 600

Food 2.000 N/A N/A 2.000

TOTAL $ 21.000

Please attach invoices/purchase orders from suppliers for all items requested. You should include
shipping costs as part of the invoice/purchase orders if possible.

NB: Please note that failure to provide quotations/invoices/purchase orders will result in your
application not being considered.

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Please list the risks associated with delivery of the project, i.e. what might get in the way?
Also detail how your group will manage the risk to ensure that the project will be delivered.

Risk How will the risk be managed?

Culture issues tied to early marriage;
Create focus groups with the parents, community leaders
and girls, to share about the law of the end of early
Community negative perception
Create focus groups with the parents, community leaders
about girls/women empowerment
and girls, to share about the relevance of gender equality

Lack of some girls throughout the Follow-up through the attendance list, and identification of
project cell phone numbers of those responsible to guarantee the
participation of the girls.

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Are there any potential health and safety risks to workers or others during the implementation
phase of this project? Circle one: YES NO X
If Yes – complete the following table. An example is provided in blue.

What tasks will be done What tasks could cause What will be done so that the injury does
to complete this project? an injury? not occur?
Providing & installing - Risk of falling from - Personal protective equipment is
solar panels by project working at heights provided to workers including safety
workers harnesses and [list equipment]
- Risk of injury when - Installers are trained or qualified to
using tools and carry out the work [list training or
machinery qualifications]
Providing training on the - Risk of falling from - Personal protective equipment is worn
ongoing maintenance of working at heights by trainees including safety harnesses
solar panels to local and [list equipment]
community (trainees) - Risk of injury when - Trainees are supervised by trained or
using tools and qualified staff
machinery - Trainees are assessed after training to
test their understanding of the
training and ability to carry out the
maintenance work

Will the outcome of this project be used by the general public (i.e. community projects or public
buildings/services)? Circle one: YES NO
If Yes complete the following table. An example is provided in blue.

What actions must be completed to ensure Who will ensure that the correct standards are
the safety of users or the general public? met or that the correct permits or
endorsements have been obtained?
i.e. engineer, site manager, project coordinator,
local authority etc.
Training of local community to maintain solar - The Project Coordinator will train the local
panels (trainees) community trainees and assess their ability
to carry out the maintenance work
Installation certified to [insert standard] - Site manager / contract manager/ project
Or coordinator
[insert Permit or endorsement] is granted Or
- Local government or authority
Follow up & monitoring of local community - The project coordinator will help the local
trainees community trainees for three months after
the project is completed

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Have you:
 Completed all sections of the form?
 Enclosed quotations/invoices/purchase orders for the materials or equipment you seek?
 Attached lists of names of those implementing the project?
 Provided proof of bank account in the form of a stamped letter on bank letterhead or bank
statement not older than three months?
 Provided proof of registration of organisation?
 Signed below?
 Queries may be directed to Malebo Masemene at the New Zealand High Commission
Pretoria on Malebo.Masemene@mfat.govt.nz should you require further information.

Application submitted by:

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