7T04 MP 00 Po 041 1 B 006 - 0 - Pmi - Procedure - C2 - C

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DOCUMENT NO. 7T04-MP-VP-PO0411B-006 PO041B-006







PO NO. 7T04-MP-00-PO-041-1-B


Egyptian Refining Company (TAKRIR) S.A.E

Mostorod, Arab Republic of Egypt




Commented by GS E&C in pages 5, 7

0 18-Jun-13 Issued for approval


For approval
Doc. No.: NW S6995

Rev. No.: 2012B

Positive M aterial Identification Procedure

Controlled Copy


Prepared by Chen dajun Date 2012-08-08 .

Reviewed by Li qianliu Date 2012-08-08 .
Approved by G uofei Yu Date 2012-08-08 .
Translated by Chen dajun Date 2012-08-08 .

地 址 : 苏 州 新 区湘 江 路 999 号 电话 : 86-512-666-51365 传 真 : 86-512-666-51390 邮编 : 215129

Add : No.999 Xiangjiang Road, Suzhou New District, P.R. China Post Code: 21512 9 Tel: 86-512-666-51365
Fax: 86-512-666-51360 E-Mail: new ay@ neway.com .cn http: //ww w.newayvalve.com
Doc. N o.:NW S6995
Positive Material Identification Procedure Rev. N o.: 2012B

Docum ent Revision Records

Rev.N o. Page/section Change Description Issued date Rev,Sheet,N o.

2002 First issued 2002-05-26

Specify PMI Machine calibration 2003-06-10


2003B Change sampling requirements 2003-07-10

2004 Change sampling requirements 2004-9-3

2005 As blue specified 2005-3-24

2009 All 2009-05-14 09158

2012 6.2/6.3 2011-04-08 12055

2012B As red specified D4.3.3 and D4.3.5 2011-08-08 12394

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Positive Material Identification Procedure Rev. N o.: 2012B

Table of contents

1. Scope of application
2. Definitions
3. References
4. Method of sampling
5. Requirements of sam pling
6. Acceptance criterion & inspection location
7. Operation instruction
8. Report and record

Annex table 1 : Analysis deviation of carbon steel and low alloy steel products

Annex table 2 : Analysis deviation of high alloy steel and stainless steel products

Annex table 3 : Analysis deviation of low alloy steel products

Annex A PMI-M aster operation methods

Annex B Material identification m ethods by PM I-Master
Annex C Accuracy of the PM I-Master
Annex D NITON-XLT898 alloy elem ent analysis detector operation instruction
Annex E Standard sam ple list
Annex F PMI report

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Positive Material Identification Procedure Rev. N o.: 2012B

1. Scope of application
1.1 This procedure specifies the minim um requirem ents of positive m aterial identification (PMI)
for carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, nickel-based and cobalt-based alloy materials
used in valve fabrication.
1.2 This procedure is applied to semi-Processed and finished products analysis.

2. Definitions
2.1 Positive m aterial identification (PMI)— a procedure used to verify both the type of material
and chemical composition of an inspection sam ple.
2.2 Inspection batch -- except for tighten parts, one inspection batch is a group of
components of same heat number or heat treatment batch, then a sample will be
selected from this batch. For tighten parts, a batch is a group of similar com ponents in
terms of alloy m aterial and size.
2.3 100% Positive M aterial Identification -- Each individual component and welding slot will be
2.4 Representative Sampling -- PMI test one or more sample from a inspection batch
random ly to determ ine the acceptability of this batch.
2.5 Check (instrum ent performance) -- PM I a known standard alloy to verify equipment
2.6 Pertaining to Elements
2.6.1 Specified elem ent -- an elem ent controlled to a specified range, maxim um or minimum , in
accordance with the requirem ents of the product specification.
2.6.2 Intentionally added unspecified element – an element added in controlled am ounts at the
option of the producer to obtain desirable characteristics.
2.6.3 Residual element – a specified or unspecified elem ent, not intentionally added, originating
in raw materials, refractories, or air.
2.6.4 Trace element – a residual element that may occur in very low concentrations, generally
less than 0.01% .
2.7 Pertaining to analysis
2.7.1 Cast or heat analysis – applies to chemical analyses representative of a heat of steel as
reported to the purchaser and determined by analyzing a test sample, preferably obtained
during the pouring of the steel, for the elements designated in a specification.
2.7.2 Product analysis -- a chemical analysis of the sem ifinished or finished product, usually for
the purpose of determining conformance to the specification requirem ents, The range of
the specified com position applicable to product analysis is normally greater than that

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Positive Material Identification Procedure Rev. N o.: 2012B
applicable to heat analysis to order to take into account deviations associated with
analytical reproducibility and the heterogeneity of the steel.
2.7.3 Product analysis tolerances – a permissible variation over the m aximum lim it or under the
minimum lim it of a specified elem ent and applicable only to product analyses, not cast or
heat analyses.

3. References
ASME Code, Section II, Part A, B & C
ASTM 751 Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Term inology for Chemical
Analysis of Steel Products
G B/T-20066-06 Standard practices for sam pling and testing steel--iron chem ical
ASTM 703 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, G eneral Requirem ents, for
Pressure Containing Parts
ASTM 961 Standard Specification for Comm on Requirem ents for Steel Flanges,
Forged Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Piping Applications
ASTM 788 Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, G eneral Requirem ents

7T04-QA-00-PC-004 PMI Procedure

4. Sam pling requirem ents— Random sam pling
4.1 The alloy and stainless steel pressure-containing parts (body/bonnet/cover) shall be PMI

verified on at least five pieces or 10 % from each heat or lot. If the test on specimen is

successful then outstanding products in this lot can be accepted. If the representative
sample failed then all rem ained m aterials in this lot shall be PMI examined one by one.
4.2 The alloy and stainless steel trim material, welding overlay deposit and welding slot shall

be PMI verified on at least five sample or 10 % from each lot. If the test on specimen is

successful then outstanding products in this lot can be accepted. If the representative
sample failed then all rem ained materials in this lot shall be rejected.
4.3 The alloy and stainless steel bolting shall be PMI verified on a representative sam ple,
based on supplier’s quality history. Acceptance criteria can be referred to 4.2.
4.4 Forged pressure m aterials should be inspected at least 10% of total products. Inspection
method can be referred to 4.1.
4.5 Special requirem ent: 100% PM I test when purchase order required, include but not limited
to experim ent below:
--All alloy and stainless steel pressure-containing parts, i.e. each individually body and
--All alloy and stainless steel pressure-containing welds;
--All alloy and stainless steel internals;

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Positive Material Identification Procedure Rev. N o.: 2012B
--All welding overlay deposits.

5. Requirem ents of sam pling & inspection location

5.1 This procedure is applied to product analysis. If examination not available due to
shape/size or anything else, then sam ple can be made to be performed other analysis
method. Sam ple location shall avoid hole, crack, loosen, burr or other defects.
5.1.1 Solid part sample shall be taken from the midpoint of product surface and center.
5.1.2 Hollow part sample shall be taken from the midpoint of product inner and outer surface.
5.1.3 W hole size extending part sample shall be taken from m idpoint of product surface and
5.1.4 Failed parts sample can be taken from ruptured position.

5.2 Requirement of product analyzed position : The product analyzed position shall com ply
with clause 5.1; waive surface painting, dust, damp and other pollution. The
casting/forging shall be grinded to expose m aterial m etal surface. Because the
repeatability and steel asymmetry deviation, product analysis shall be taken 3 points at
least in the sam pling.

6. Acceptance criterion
6.1 The acceptance criterion shall be according to requirem ent in specification, i.e m aterial
standard, purchase specification, order special requirement etc. The sequence of
acceptance criterion is as order requirement, then purchasing requirem ent then material
industry specification.
6.2 Tolerances
6.2.1 Tolerances of the inspection: accuracy of the PMI-M aster as per Annex C.
6.2.2 Product analysis tolerances: since analysis re-appearance discrepancy and steel un-
sym metry property, therefore, the exam ined scope of chemical component in product
analysis may be larger than the scope in cast or heat analysis. Unless m aterial
specification allowed to certain item s, product analysis is not able to be verified if it
comply w ith specified cast or heat analysis. Product analysis tolerances follow s single
item m aterial specification or general requirem ent specification, which could be referred
to annexed table 1/2/3.
6.2.3 If the test samples taken for the heat analysis are lost, inadequate, or not representation
of the heat. A product analysis of the sem ifinished or finished product may be used to
establish the heat analysis. If a product analysis is m ade to establish the heat analysis.
The product analysis shall meat the specified limits for heat analysis and product analysis
tolerances described do not apply.
6.2.4 Analysis tolerance applies only to product analysis and becomes meaningful only when

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the heat analysis of an elem ent falls close to one of the specified lim its.

6.3 Unspecified element or residual elem ent : Unspecified elem ent or residual elements are

allowed to exist in the com ponent analysis report from supplier. The acceptance criteria
of unspecified elem ent or residual elem ent should follow purchasing specification. If
purchasing specification does not specify, then m aterial standard or general requirement
standard can be referred.

7 PMI identification

Refer to annex A、 B、 C、 D for detail.

8 M arking
8.1 W hen PM I is accepted then each com ponent shall be identified and m arked with the
Letters “PMI” by a low stress stamp. => Adjacent to the supplies markings on the body
8.2 If the m aterial or item is too small to be stamped, vibro-etching or color-coding could be
used. Those marking shall be explained in Alloy Verification Reports.

Stenciled by water insoluble paint materials for all

9 Report and record veerified lot materials.
9.1 The report form at could the recom mended as appendix F. For special condition, other
format from clients is also available. Effective digit of each element com position should
be sam e with the m aterial standard homology.
9.2 Inspector shall use the equipment’s software to copy the PM I record into lab’s inspection
database weekly for further checking.

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Annex table 1 : Analysis deviation carbon steel and low alloy steel products Ref,

note: Annex table 1 only applied to A216/216M 、 A217/217M 、 A351/351M 、
A352/352M 、 A389/389M 、 A487/487M

Element Scope ( * 1) Allowed deviation ± , % Remark

≤0.65% 0.03×% CL+0.02 1、 The range denotes

C the com position limits up
> 0.65% 0.04%
to w hich the tolerances
≤1% 0.08×% MnL+0.01 are com puted by the
Mn equation, and above
> 1% 0.09% which the tolerances are
≤0.60% 0.22×% SiL-0.01 given by a constant 。
Si 2、 The “L” m eans in the
> 0.60% 0.15%
formula: the boundary
P All 0.13×% PL+0.005 value of that chemical
element take into
S All 0.36×% SL+0.001
formula, calculation top
≤2% 0.10×% NiL+0.03 and bottom deviation
> 2% 0.25% 3、 for exam ple:
consider the Mn limits
≤2% 0.07×% CrL+0.04 0.50-0.80% of W C4 of
Cr A217/217M .
> 2% 0.18%
Low limited deviation
≤0.60% 0.04×% MoL+0.03 calculation method:
> 0.60% 0.06% 0.08*0.50+0.01 = 0.05
Up limited deviation
≤0.25% 0.23×% VL+0.04
V calculation method :
> 0.25% 0.06% 0.08*0.08+0.01 = 0.074
≤0.10% 0.08×% W L+0.02 %
W The finished product
C> 0.10% 0.02%
analysis deviation
≤0.15% 0.18×% CuL+0.02 calculation :
Cu 0.45%~ 0.874%。
> 0.15% 0.05%
Special rem ind: The
≤0.03% 0.01% finished product analysis
0.03% ~0.10% 0.08×% AlL+0.02 when deviation
Al calculation and material
> 0.10% 0.03% standard conflict should
according to m aterial

Remark: 1、 Special remind: Above is applicable to finished product analysis.

2 、 Order or contract have special requirement, shall be according to the order or the
contract requirem ent

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Annex table 2 : Analysis deviation of high alloy steel and stainless steel products

Ref, ASTM 961

note: Annex table 2 only applied to A105/ A 105M 、 A181/ A 181M 、 A182/A182M 、

A350/ A 350M 、 A522/ A 522M 、 A694/A694M 、 A707/ A 707M 、 A727/ A 727M 、 A836/ A

836M 。

Scope or Max Tolerances over S cope or M ax up Tolerances over

elem ent up lim it W t% m ax or under element lim it W t% m ax or under m in,
m in, Lim it,% Lim it,%

≤0.030 0.005 ≤1.00 0.05

C Si
> 0.030~0.20 0.01 > 1.00~5.00 0.10

≤1.00 0.03 > 4.00~10.00 0.10

> 1.00~3.00 0.04 > 10.00~15.00 0.15

Mn Cr
> 3.00~6.00 0.05 > 15.00~20.00 0.20

6.00~10.00 0.06 > 20.00~27.50 0.25

P ≤0.040 0.005 S ≤0.030 0.005

≤1.00 0.03 ≤0.50 0.03

> 1.00~5.00 0.07 > 0.50~1.00 0.05

Ni > 5.00~10.00 0.10 Cu > 1.00~3.00 0.10

> 10.00~20.00 0.15 > 3.00~5.00 0.15

> 20.00~22.00 0.20 > 5.00~10.00 0.20

≤0.20 0.01 ≤0.19 0.01

> 0.20~0.60 0.03 > 0.19~0.25 0.02

> 0.60~2.00 0.05 N > 0.25~0.35 0.03

> 2.00~7.00 0.10 > 0.35~0.45 0.04

Co > 0.05~0.20 0.01 > 0.45~0.60 0.05

Ti All 0.05 Nb+Ta All 0.05

Nb > 0.05~0.20 0.01 Al ≤0.05 0.01

Ta ≤0.10 0.02 ≤0.10 0.01

Ce 0.03~0.08 -0.005/+0.01 > 0.10~0.25 0.02

Remark: 1、 Special remind: Above is applicable to finished product analysis.

2 、 Order or contract have special requirement, shall be according to the order or the
contract requirem ent

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Annex table 3 : Analysis deviation low alloy steel products. Ref. ASTM 788
note: Annex table 3 only applied to A266/266M 、 A336/336A 、 A372/A372M 、
A541/A541M 、 A668/A668M 、 A723/A723M 、 A859/ A 859M 、 A909/ A 909M 、 A965/ A
965M 。

Scope or Max ≤100in ² 100~200 in ² 200~400 in ² > 400in ²

up lim it W t%
≤645 cm ² 645~1290cm ² 1290~2580 cm ² > 2580 cm ²

≤0.90 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

> 0.90~1.00 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

P ≤0.045 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.010

S ≤0.045 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.010
≤0.040 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04
> 0.40~1.00 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07

Ni ≤0.50 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

≤0.90 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05

Cr > 0.90~2.10 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07

> 2.10~3.99 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.14

≤0.20 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03

Mo > 0.20~0.40 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04

> 0.40~1.15 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

≤1.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

> 1.00~2.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

Ti ≤0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

≤0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

V > 0.10~0.25 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

> 0.25~0.50 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

≤0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

> 0.03~0.75 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Nb ≤0.14 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Ca ≤0.02 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
B ≤0.01 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005

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Scope or Max ≤100in ² 100~200 in ² 200~400 in ² > 400in ²

up lim it W t%
≤645 cm ² 645~1290cm ² 1290~2580 cm ² > 2580 cm ²

Remark: 1、 Special remind: Above is applicable to finished product analysis.

2 、 Order or contract have special requirement, shall be according to the order or the

contract requirem ent

3、 Above value is horizontal piece area, show size scope is bigger than the biggest

value, is smaller than least to be worth.

Annex A PMI-Master operation m ethods

A1. Equipm ent used
1) Spectrum analyzer PMI-M aster 01C0092, produced by W AS (W orldwide Analytical
System AG , G ermany) ;
2) 99.999% argon;
3) G rinding machine BOSCH PBC 75A;
4) known standard alloys to verify the perform ance of the instrum ent.

A2. Preparation
-- The PM I Master shall be used in a good w orking environm ent, free of vibration & ash.
-- The know standard alloy selected shall have the sam e chemical com position as the
material to be tested.
-- G rind the standard alloy and the material to be tested.

A3. Calibration
A3.1. Recalibration of the standard curves

1) Click on “Analysis”, select reference curve applicable to the material being tested.
CO-OR G eneral reference curve for cobalt base alloy, spark emission.
FE-A-CN Reference curve for ferrous base stainless steel, arc em ission.
FE-A-LA Reference curve for ferrous base low alloy steel, arc emission.
FE-ALIG H Reference curve for ferrous base alloy, spark em ission.
FE-CRNI Reference curve for ferrous base stainless steel, spark em ission.
FE-LA Reference curve for ferrous base low alloy steel, spark emission.
FE-M N Refer curve for ferrous base high-manganese steel, spark em ission.
FE-OR G eneral reference curve for ferrous base alloy, spark emission.
FE-TOOL Reference curve for ferrous base tool steel, spark em ission.
NI-OR G eneral reference curve for nickel base alloy, spark emission.

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2) Enter the main menu, click on “RECAL”, the m achine is ready for re-calibration; click on
“This Alloy”, the m achine is ready for full standardization procedures.
3) Follow the screen instruction, test the standard alloys, each standard alloy shall be burnt

at least three times , the RSD value of each element shall not exceed 3% , w hile the

RSD value of aluminum and copper shall not exceed 7% . The burning having big RSD
shall be deleted, re-burn the standard alloy until satisfactory results are obtained. Click on
the “N EXT”, and test the next standard alloy until all of the standard alloys been tested.
A3.2. Test the representative sample
1) Click on “NEW ”, input information for the test sample.
2) Before test, the sample shall be grinded.
3) Each test sample shall be burnt for at least three tim es, delete the unsatisfactory results,
re-burn the test sample until three satisfactorily results are obtained.
4) W hen perform standard curve re-calibration or w hen environmental condition changes,
the standard sam ple shall be tested (the standard sam ple shall have the same chem ical
composition as the test sample). W here the test results of one or m ore elem ent exceeds
the specified deviation, a “Type Standardization” procedure shall be performed, otherw ise
click on “Store” to store the accepted test results.
A3.3. Type standardization (re-calibration)
1) Use “Analysis Mode”, click on “Change”, enter the change screen, click on “Edit” near the
“Type recal file”. N ow the machine is ready for type re-calibration, double click the
elem ent requiring calibration, the status changes from “NO” to “YES”, under “Correction”
of the element “Blanket” changed as “Additive”. double click “OK” and enter the main
2) Click “Recal” and enter curve re-calibration menu, click “Type recal sam ple” and select
the type of standard alloy, click “Type” and enter “Analysis M ode” screen, test the
standard alloy.
3) Each standard sample shall be burnt for at least three tim es, delete the unsatisfactory
results, re-burn the standard test sam ple until three satisfactorily results are obtained.

4) W hen satisfactory results are obtained , click “Accept” and enter the main menu, re-

calibration procedure com pletes.

5) Type re-calibration procedure may repeat m any times. Just repeat the steps 2), 3) and 4),
click on “Store” when satisfactory results are obtained.

A4. Print out the test reports, refer to Annex F.

Annex B M aterial identification m ethods by PM I-Master

B1. Sorting identification

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B1.1 Switch the power and the source button on, start the PMI software.
B1.2 Click “sort” and choose the sorting program, then fulfill the name and description.
B1.3 Click “edit”
1) Setup/change parameters: m atrix element, brushing electrode times, exposure tim es and
so on.
2) Setup/change source-parameters: select a reference curve in the button “reference”, then
setup flush time, pre-burn time and exposure time.
3) Set the tolerance: select the main element and it’s tolerance.

B1.4 Click “Burn ref”, grind and burn reference sample over 3 tim es. Choose the most steady
groups and get the average value.
B1.5 Burn the sample to distinguish the material.

B2. Fingerprint m ode

B2.1 Switch the power and the source button on, start the PMI software.
B2.2 Click the “Fingerprint”, infill the alloy name.
1) Edit the burn parameter: argon flush tim e, expose tim e, pre-burn time and so on.
2) Select the reference elem ent in the reference dialog box.
3) Edit the material: click “Add”, infill the reference name and click “burn”. Burn the reference
over 3 times. Choose the most steady groups and click “accept”.
B2.3 G rind and burn the sam ple to check.

Annex C Accuracy of the PMI-Master

C1. Ferries base alloy
W here: S.D=Standard deviation R.S.D=Relative Standard deviation

Item Elem ent content % S.D % R.S.D(%)

1 0.010-0.10 0.0015-0.010 15-10

2 0.10-0.30 0.010-0.018 10-6

3 0.30-0.50 0.018-0.025 6-5

4 0.50-1.0 0.025-0.040 5-4

5 1.0-3.0 0.040-0.090 4-3

6 3.0-5.0 0.090-0.125 3-2.5

M ax. 2.5
7 M in. 5.0 --

C2. Cobalt or Nickel base alloy

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W here: S.D=Standard deviation R.S.D=Relative Standard deviation

Item Elem ent content % S.D % R.S.D(%)

1 0.010-0.10 0.0015-0.010 12-8

2 0.10-0.30 0.010-0.018 8-5

3 0.30-0.50 0.018-0.025 5-4

4 0.50-1.0 0.025-0.040 4-3.5

5 1.0-3.0 0.040-0.090 3.5-3

6 3.0-5.0 0.090-0.125 3-2.5

M ax. 2.5
7 M in. 5.0 --

Annex D NITON -XLT898 alloy elem ent analysis detector operation m ethods
D1 The inspection scope of N ITON-XLt898

D1.1 Element that can be inspected by NITON -XLT898 : Ti、 V、 Cr、 M n、 Fe 、 Co、 Ni、 Cu、

Zn、 Se、 Zr、 Nb、 Mo、 Pd、 Ag、 Sn、 Sb、 Hf、 Ta、 W 、 Re、 Bi。

D1.2 Element that can not be inspected by NITON-XLT898 : C、 P、 S、 Si、 Al and otherwise.

The result will be higher than actually if materials to be inspected including such elem ents.
D2 Operation

D2.1 Start : Press “Power” button for about 5 second, and let it go when you hear “di”.

D2.2 Press any place in the screen to enter.

D2.3 Security w arning , press “YES” to enter next step.

D2.4 Press the screen keyboard to input password “1234” , and then press “E” to enter the

main function menu.

D2.5 Self- calibration

D2.5.1 Self- calibration period : Once a week

D2.5.2 Keep far from the interference source and wait 5-10 minutes to carry on after startup.
D2.5.3 Press “Utilitie” to enter the tool menu, and press “Calibrate” to enter the calibration m enu.
D2.5.4 Press “Calibrate Detector” to Calibrate itself.

D2.5.5 Res < 250 up to grade , click “left function key” back to the m ain function menu.

D3 Inspection
D3.1 Make sure that inspection can be carried on only after startup for 5-10 m inutes.
D3.2 Press “Test” to enter the testing menu at the m ain function menu.
D3.3 Pull the trigger to start the inspection at the testing m enu.
D4 Radiation Safely

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D4.1 To avoid the instrum ent fall off on the ground, we should be also sheathe the buckle on
my wrist.
D4.2 Never point your instrument at yourself or anyone else when the shutter is open.
D4.3 Exposure to radiation is dangerous.
D4.3.1 Extremity exposure from a properly used NITON XRF instrument will be less than
100mmREM per year, (1.0 m Sv per year) even if the instrum ent is used as m uch as 2000
hours per year, with the shutter open and the tube energized continuously.
D4.3.2 Do not hold the instrum ent near the window during testing. Never point your instrument at
yourself or anyone else when the shutter is open or closed.
D4.3.3 Instrument testing -“N O-OFF” mechanical test
The instrument emits no radiation at all unless the X-ray tube is turned on, and virtually no
radiation with the x-ray tube on and the internal shutter closed, as during calibration.
Instrum ent test shall be conducted the first M onday of each m onth . The technician will
need to stand in front of a mirror and the point the device at the mirror then activate the
device. The 3 warning lights on the instrum ent will blink on and off w henever the x-ray
tube is on, and those lights will continue to blink as long as the x-ray tube is on. The
technician will look to see if the shutter over the source opens and closes. If the shutter
opens and closed the test is com pleted. The technician will log the test on the log sheet
for the device as “PASS”. Should the shutter not open or close turn the devise off and log
on the log sheet for the device “Failed”. The device is to be taken out of services.
D4.3.4 In the highly unlikely event that the x-ray tube remains on when the trigger is not
depressed, disconnect the battery pack imm ediately to turn off the x-ray, and call local
Authorized N ITON Service Center, and request shipping instrument to return for repair.
D4.3.5 Radiation Leak Test
NEW AY shall be entrust the radiation leak test to G uoH uan (Su Zhou) Testing Co. Ltd.,
and specify the radiation leak test shall be performed every six m onths. G uoHuan will
assay the “radiation leak test” and send a certificate if the device passes the test. If the
device fails the test the device is to be taken out of service and Authorized N ITON
Service Center is to be notified that the device has failed the “radiation leak test” and
request shipping instructions to return for repair.

Page 15 of 17
Annex E S tandard sam ple list

Form:N W S6995-01
控样选用对照表 Rev: 2009
S tandard sam ple list
苏 州 纽 威 阀门有 限公 司
Page 1 of 1
Sample standard
Sample standard code apply stet scope Manufacture
m aterial
9714 1Cr18Ni9Ti Beijing Haixin
YSB35-211 16M nV5 Beijing Haixin
YSB35-9713 Ni12Cr17Mo2 Beijing Haixin
1Cr13,2Cr13,410 Shanghai material
YSBS41303a 1Cr13
graduate school
F11,F22,12CR1MOV,W C6,W
W C5,1CR5MO,42CRM O,50C Metallurgy industrial
G BW O1666- 1668
RVA department steel
G BW O1673
25CR2MO1VA,B7,2H ,B16,L7, graduate school
1670 L7M
,7M , B7M ,
212A-053098-ARM-F 2205 F59,F60, USA
Alloy20,F20,CN 7M
25B-053098-ARM-F 20Cb-3 USA
239A-04182002-IARM-F Alloy255 F59,F60, USA

Rem ark: Above m aterial sam ple is the kind as more approximate m aterial composition , if needs
precision to discrim inate can be choose with a hom othetic inspected sample of
chemical composition to one by one examines and attains the best examination effect
Annex F PM I report
form : NW S6995-02
化学成份分析报告 Rev: 2012

Positive Material Identification Report 报告编号:

Report No :

苏 州 纽 威 阀门有 限公 司 页次

项 目名 称 Project N ame: 顾 客 Custom er: 生产 令 号

P.O. N o:

零 件 名 称 Item Name: 零 件 号 Part No: 图号 Drawing No:

检 验 对 象 Exam ined Object: 材 料 Material: 样 品 特 性 状 态 Sam ple Status:

□ 铸 件 Casting
□ 锻 件 Forging 炉 号 Heat No.: 环 境 温 度 Circumference
□ 焊 接 区 W eld Temperature : ℃

检 测 仪 器 :The m ain testing equipment: 验 收标 准 Acceptance Standard

□ PM I-MASTER 移 动 式 火 花 直 读 光 谱 仪 □ ASTM .
□ NITON-XLt898 合 金 成 份 分 析 仪 □ ASM E .

检 测 数 据 The date of Analysis

elem Other
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Cu V W Nb N
ent element




检 测 结 论 Result: □ 合 格 Accept □ 不 合 格 Reject

备 注 Remark:

操 作 员 Operator 日期 Date 审 核 Review er 日期 Date

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