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t CHAPTER 1: PARTS OF SPEECH (cont.) Part 8. Interjections Definition Classification Uses OBJECTIVES: By the end of this unit, you will be able to * know the definition of English interjections. © understand the classification and uses of English interjections. © use them in sentences correctly. GETTING STARTED — Work in groups of four. Discuss the following questions. You can use any resources (grammar books, internet, etc.) to help you. 1. What is an interjection? 2. How many kinds of English conjunctions are there? What are they? a |. Definition An interjection or an exclamation is a word used to fill pauses or to express a particular emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker (although most interjections have clear definitions). il. Classification There are 2 types of Interjections according to their use. 289 4. Interjections to fill pauses: Examples: Interjection Meaning Example Ant Indicates a pause/ need for _| Wait | know this... uh... is it Ruskin more time Bond? a Thinking/Hesitating about | Hmm, I'm not sure this colour is the best something for this room, i Not knowing what to say {don't think... wait... let me call my S. ; ; Not that | don’t believe you but, um, you um Pausing or being skeptical | TOV its a ghost? Examples: 4. interjections to express the speaker's emotions Interjection Meaning Example ‘Aah Exclamation of fear ‘Aah! The monster's got me! ‘Abh Realization or acceptance | Anh, now | see what you mean. Aww Something sweet or cute | Aww! Just look at that kitten. ; Acknowledge something as | Bingo! That's exactly what we were looking Bingo : right for! Eh Question something So that was all she said, eh? Eww Something disgusting Eww! That movie was so gory. tou To indicate displeasure | HmPh. | could do that for half the amount he charged. on Taser Oh, it’s been around @ week since | saw her. Oops Making a mistake Oops! Sorry | didn't see those skates there. Ouch Exclamation of pain Ouch, that hurt! Stop pinching me! shh An indication for silence —_| Shh! The show is about to start. 290 Uh oh Showing dismay Uh oh! The teacher's caught him. Whew Amazement and/or relief Whew! | can't believe we actually finished it all. Wow Expressing surprise or | That! 7 admiration Wow! That's really great news! Yay/Yaay —_| Congratulatory exclamation | can’t believe you're actually coming here! Yaay! Yeah Variant of ‘yes’ Yeah, I'd love some orange juice. Yikes For fear or concer (not ; Yikes, my mother’s home! serious) Yippee Exclamation of celebration | Yippee! We won, lets head to the bar. Exercise 1: Complete these sentences with suitable interjections. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We have won the match. Where are you going now? What a beautiful color. | hear someone coming. What a wicked lie. Exercise 2: Complete these sentences with suitable interjections. 1. 2. 3. Behold, the enemy marched! Hip, hip Hurraht Bravo! A good shot! . Fie! A soldier and afraid of war! . Alas! | have lost my grandfather. . Oh! What a rogue he is! 291 Exercise 3: Choose the correct word in brackets to write on the line. 1. 1 Who cries outside? (Hark, Hallo) 2. {| have lost my purse. (Alas/Ha) 3. I have defeated all my rivals. (Hurrah/Ha) 4, 1 Are you not in your senses? (Oh/Halto) 5. ! The vietory is yours. (Bravo/Hurra) Exercise 4: Match the sentence that contains the interjection on the left with the one with the corresponding meaning on the right. . Excellent! Thank you! a. He paused and asked which one he should eat. b. He was surprised that it tasted good. c. He embarrassedly admitted to dropping it. d. He caught my attention and asked me what | had. . Hey! What do you have there? . Ooh! May Ihave that apple? . Oops. | dropped it. Psst. Pass this note to that guy. Ug! | won't eat this. . Uh, Which one should | eat?. . Whew! My boss nearly got me napping. 9. Wow! This tastes good. e. He really wanted to have the apple. He was pleased and thanked me. g. He got my attention and asked me to pass a note. h. He adamantly refused to eat the food. i. He was relieved that his boss hadn't caught him. ONOARONS REVIEW EXERCISES OF CHAPTER 1 Exercise 1: Circle the best choice. 1. - Dad. What do you call the small brown thing with ten legs and green eyes? - I don’t know, son. Why do you ask? - Well, one (1)(crawl) __on your lettuce just before you (2\eat)__ it. (1)Aiscrawiing B.hadecrawed — C.hascrawled —_D.. crawls Q)A. ate B. eat C. are eating B. had eaten 2, -What (1)(do)___ you__in my apple tree last night, young man? = Well, one of your apple (2)(fall)__ down when | (3)(pass)__ your garden. So, | (4)(put)_it back for yout 292 i (1) A. haverbeen doing B. do/do C. did/do D. are/doing (2) A. falls B.was falling C.hadfalien _O. fell (3) A. passed B. passes C.was passing _D. had passed (4) A. will put putting —C. had put D. put . Alifeguard (4)(give)___a young lady a kiss of life when her husband (2)(arrive) = What are you doing with my wife? - I'm giving her artificial respiration. - Artificial! Give her the real thing. I'll pay for it. (1)A.was giving BB. gave C.has given C. was given (2) A. arrives B. is arriving C. arrived D. has been arriving . - Doctor, lots of my hair (1)(fall)___ out while | (2)(brush) __it this morning. Have you got anything for it? - Sure. Here’s a box. (1) A. is falling B. falls C. fell D. is fallen (2) A. am brushing B.was brushing C. brushed D. has brushed . Ayoung man was in the middie of the road with his right ear to the ground. An old lady asked him. - What are you listening for? - A motorbike passed this spot ten minutes ago. - That's incredible! How do you know that? - Because it (1)(hit)__ me while | (2Xcross)___the road and it (3)(break)_ my neck. (1) A. hits B. hit C. is hitting D. was hitting (2) A. cross B. crossed C. am crossing D. was crossing (3)A. breaks —_B. broke ©. is breaking D. was broking . —(1)(belyou)___ to America before? - No, this is the first time. - Did you know that Christopher Columbus (2){find) America? - Really? | never knew it was lost. (1)A.Are you B. Will you C. Be you D. Have you been (2)A.found — B. had found —_C. finds D. was finding . - When you (1)(sell)_me this car this morning, you (2)(say)__it was trouble- free. Since then, the brake (3)(fail) __and the door (4)fall)__ off. - Well sir. | did sell you the car but the trouble was free. (1) A. are selling B. sell C. has been selling D. sold (2)A. says B. say C. said D. had said (3) A. has failed B. failed C. will failed D. is failing (4) A. has fallen B. fell C. falls D. was falling 293 1 5 1 12. 1 14. 15. = . Doctor, 1(1)(have)____a sore stomach ever since | (2)(eat)__ three crabs last week, - (3Xsmeli/they) __ bad when you (4){take)__ then out of their shells? (1)A. has B.havehad —C. have D. had (2)A. eat B.ameating —C. ate D. was eating (3) A. Are they smelled B. Do they smell C. Have they smell D. Did they smell (4) A. are taking B.aretaken —_C. had taken D. took . ~ Now, (1){readieveryone)___ the chapter on Lord Nelson for homework? - Yes, sir. - Kevin, in which battle (2)(die/Lord Nelson) ___? - Er, his last one, sir? (1) A. has everyone read B. had everyone read C. Do everyone read D. Does everyone read (2) A. Does Lord Nelson die B. Did Lord Nelson die C. is Lord Nelson died D. was Lord Nelson die =| (1){buy)_ this diamond ring from a man in the street. It's for my girlfriend. - Are they real diamonds? - | hope so. Ifnot, the man (2)(cheatjust)__me out of £5. (1) A. buy buying —C. will buy D. bought (2)A.justcheats _B. is cheating C. has just cheated D. will just cheat .- Dad, was | walking when my little sister was born? - Yes, you (walk)___ for six months. - Really? | must have been very tired then? A.walks B. have walked —C. have been walking —_D. had been walking Peter had a very large garden and he (1)(dig)__it for about five hours when Mrs Burns came along. - Oh, hello Peter! What are you growing? The sweat was running down Peter's face. He (2)(lo0k) up and said, ‘Tired!’ (1) A. digs B. is digging C. had dug D. had been digging (2) A. looks B. looked C. was looking D. had looked - Darling! | want to see the world. - | (give) you an atlas for your next birthday, then! A. will give B.amgoingtogive —C. give D. gave =I (buy) ‘one of those small Japanese radios. - But how will you understand what they are saying A.was bought B. was buying C. am going to buy _D. will buy - Waiter, there's only one piece of meat on my plate. ~ Just, wait a minute, sir, | (cut) it in two, A. cut B. will cut C. have cut D. am going to cut 294 16. - If you (have) 20 apples in your right hand and 30 in your left, what would you have? - Sore arms. A.has B. have C. will have D. had 17. - What would you do if you (be)_in my shoes? - Polish them. Aare B. was C.were D. have been 18. - Men, I'm sorty to tell you that Corporal Wright (1)(be killed) bya tiger ona jungle path last night because he (2)(not think) __ quickly enough. Private Smith, if you (3)(be)____ in the Corporal's shoes, what steps would you have taken? - Great big ones, sir! (1) A. killed B. was killed C. has been killed —_D. is killed (2) A. didn't think B. doesn’t think C. isnot thought ——_D. wouldn't think (3) A. be B. were C. have been D. had been 19. - What type of car does your dad drive? - I don’t know. But it (1)(start)___ with a 'P’. - That's strange. Our car (2)(start)__ with a key. (1) A. starts B. started C. was starting D. had started (2) A. starts B. started ——_C. was starting D. had started 20. - The police (1)(look)__ for a man with one eye called Smith. - What (2)(his other eye/call)__? : (4) A. will look B. is going to look E C. are going to look D. are looking i (2) A. does his other eye call B. is his other eye called : C. was his other eye called D. will his other eye call 21.-Iwish | (1)(have)____ enough money to buy 20 elephants. - But what do you want 20 elephants for? = I don’t. | Just wish | (2\have)___ that much money (1) A. had B. have C. am had D. was had (2) A. have B. had C. am having D. was had 22.-Ifonly 1(1){bear)___2,000 years ago. - Why, son? - Because there (2)(be)__so much history to lear. (1) B.hasbom ——_C. was born D. had been born Q)A.isn't —B. wasn't C. wouldn't be D. won't be 23. - Why is Jame sticking his tongue out? - I guess the doctor forgot (tell)__him to put it back in. A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told 24. 25. 26. 2 N 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. - Your school report is very disappointing. | promised (1)(buy) you a bicycle if you passed your exams. What have you been doing with you time? = Learn (2)(tide) a bicycle. (1) A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. bought Q)Aride — B. toride C. riding D. ridding ~ You require a fishing permit (fish) here. - Thanks, officer. But I'm doing all right with worms. A. fish B. to fish ¢. fishing D. to be fished . - The doctor has just reminded me (take) your temperature. - Why, nurse? Doesn't he have one of his own? A. take B. to take ¢. taking D. took . - Doctor, you toid me (1){take) these pill on an empty stomach? - Did they do you any good? - 1 don't know. They kept (2){roll) off. (1) A. take B. to take C. taking D. to have taken (2)A. roll B. to roll C. rolling D. to be rolled - My dog digs hoies in my garden all the time. What can | do about it? - Have you considered (hide) a spade? A. hide B. to hide C. hiding D. to be hidden - Yesterday | went to the doctor about my bad memory. - What did he do? - He made me (pay) in advance. A pay B. to pay C. paying D. to have paid - When | was 8 months old, | could walk. - | think you're clever. When | was at that age, | let them (carry) me. A. carry B. to carry C. carrying D. to be carried - That's a nice dog you have. What's name? - | don't know. It won't tell me. A. her B. it C. its - ls that Susan’s brother? - Yes. - He is very small, isn’t he? - Weil, he's only half-brother. A. his B. he C. her D. she - Why are you looking so (1)(depress)__?. - I've just been to the doctor and he told me | would have to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. - Why is that so (2)(depress)__? - He gave me only 25 pills. 296 i i | i i (1) A. depress: B. to depress C. depressing D. depressed (2)A.depress _B. to depress C. depressing D. depressed 34. - | was very (1)(embarrass)___ yesterday. | call my wife Sue. What's (2)(embarrass)___ about that? - Her name is Edwina. (1)A.embarrass embarrass C. embarrassing —_—D. embarrassed (2)A. embarrass embarrass C. embarrassing —_D. embarrassed 35. Mary: That boy over there is (1)(annoy)__me. Jane: But he is not even looking at you. Mary: That's what | am (2)(annoy) __about. (1)Avannoy —_—B. to annoy C. annoying D. annoyed (2)A.annoy —_B. to annoy C. annoying D. annoyed 36. - Dad, are cockcroach good (eat)__? - Don't be stupid. Why do you ask? - Because there was one in your sandwich. A. eat B. to eat ©. eating D. eaten 3 Sg > I've decided to let my hair (grow) __. - But how can you stop it? A. grow B. to grow C. growing D. grown 38. - Waiter, there is a (dead/blue/big)___fiy in this meat soup. - That's the meat, sir! A. dead blue big _B. big blue dead C. dead big blue D. blue big dead 39. - Hey, what's that (brown/horribleflittle)___thing on your shoulder? - Aaaargh! What is it? - Don’t panic! It’s only your head! A. brown horrible little B. horrible litle brown C. little horrible brown D. little brown horrible 40. - Do you think you could spend your life with a(n) (intelligent/young/nice)_ man like me? - Sure, as long as he wasn't too much like you. A. intelligent young nice B. young nice intelligent C. nice young intelligent D. intelligent nice young 4 .+ | borrowed a (thicklibrary/English) ___ book called ‘How to Hug’ yesterday. ~ Are you enjoying it? - No, it was disappointing. | took it back to the library this morning. - What was wrong with it? - The book was volumn 7 of the Encyclopedia Britanica. A. thick library English B. English thick library C. library thick English D. thick English library 297 42. - Madam, you've put too many stamps on this letter. = It won't go further than | want it to, 2 A. don't 1 B. will | C. won't it D. will it 43. A car knocked a pedestrian down. - What's the matter with you? — Shouted the pedestrian. Are you blind? - What do you mean — ‘blind’? Said the driver. |hit you, ___? A. didn't i B. don't! C. didn’t you D. did! 44. - | don’t want a car. | need a cow, said the farmer. - You can't ride a cow through the town center, (1) ?, said the salesman. - True, but | can't milk a new car, (2)___? replied the farmer. ()Adol B. don't! C. can you D. can't you (2) A. did he B. didn’t he C. can! D. can you 45. - Doctor, come quickly! - What's the problem? - We can't get into our house. - That’s not really a job fora doctor, __?- - I think it is. My baby has swallowed the front door key. A. is that B. isn’t that C. isn'tit D. is it 46. — Why do people always put the right shoes on first? - | don’t know. - Well, it would be silly to put the wrong shoes on,__? A. would it B. wouldn't it B. dol C. do they 47. — What's the difference between a nail and a boxer? - The former gets knocked (1), and the latter often gets knocked (2), . (1A. in B. off C. out D.on (2) B. off C. out D.on 48. — When is a car not a car? - I don't know. -When it tums ___a garage. Ain B. into C. out D. from 49. Aman was on the point of being executed by firing squad. - Would you like a last cigarette? - No, replied the man. I'm trying to give it__. A. off B. away Cin D. up 50. Waiter, there's a fly__ my soup. ~ Don't worry, sir. The spider___ your bread will eat it. A. infat B. on/in C. infon D. at/on 298 5 5: 5 5 5 3i 5 & 5s 8 6 3 6 6: 6 6. 6 v 2 = 2 N Re 2 & a Haven't | seen your face somewhere else? ~ No, | don't think so. My face has always been my ears. A. between B.on B. under D. above Well, son. How are your marks from school? ~They are___water. - What do you mean? -They'e___C level. A. in/on B. under/below C. above/at D. with/of When an elephant sits your chair, what time is it? ~ Time to get a new chair. Ain C. over D.on Waiter, do you have frogs’ leg? - Yes, sir. = Well, jump the bar and get me a beer. A. on B. at Cin D. over Does your train stop Lyon? A.on B. in C. at D. over Turin is the north of Italy, the River Po. A. on/in B. in/at C. atlin D. in/on Kell fell the ladder when he was changing the light bulb. A. off B. out of C. outside D. into . Andrew normally goes to schoo! the bus. A.on B. in C. at D. onto |. My car broke down this morning so | went to work a taxi A.on B. in Cat D. onto . | was sitting the driver in the back seat of the car. A. next to B. in front of C. behind D. between . There's a shoe shop the chemist’s and the library. A. through C. among D. between When the bus came | put out my hand, but it just went me without stopping. A. over B. along C. across D. past The bus service is very terrible; the buses are never time. Ain B.on C. at D. over She didn't arrive time to say goodbye to him. Ain B.on C. at D. over We are leaving tomorrow moming, but we'll be back three weeks’ time. A. on/in B. at/on C. Xfin D. X/at 299 66. I'm taking my driving test__4.30__ July 3¢ A. at/on B. alfin C. inlon D. onlin 67. I'm going to a conference in Egypt__a week. AX B.on Cin 68. | waited __half past eight_nine o'clock, but she didn’t come. A. by/to B. by/until C. from/to D. from/by 69. I've been waiting __almost an hour. A. during B. in C. while D. for 70, We visited the Colossem __ our visit to Rome. Ain B. during C. for D. white 71. The steak is very tough. It's_eating leather. A. like B. as C.asif D. as though 72. She uses the living room ____ her office. A. like B. as C. as if D. as though 73. Did you travel right across London __the Underground? A by B.on Cin 74, We've decided to travel to New York _sea rather than go___air. A. onfon B. onlin C. byby D. atby 75. - What did you think of my mother’s cake? ~ Oh, | thought it was wonderful. Did she buy it__? B. my C. hers D. herself Exercise 2: Underline the best answer. 1. = Waiter, 'd like (1)(some/any) coffee. Why isn't there (2)(some/any) on the menu? - Because | wiped it off. 2. -Do you have (somefany)___ holes in your socks? - Of course not. - Then how do you get your feet into them? 3, - My husband is very upset about (1)(him/her/his/my) weight. - Why? - Yesterday, he decided to weigh (2)(himself/hin/his/me) . 80 he stood on the talking weighing-machine in the town center. - What did (3) (he/Vhin/it) say? - One at a time, please. 4, - Why are you scratching (it/you/your/yourselflyourselves) ? - Because only | know where | itch. 300 5. - I'd lke a first class stamp, please. - There you are. That's 26 pence. - Do | stick the stamp on (myself/me/it/youlyourself) 2 - No, you stick it on the envelop . - I's (1)(lightlighterilightest/as light), than a feather but you can't hold it for (2) (as/so/more/most) than 3 minutes. What is it? = | don't know. - Your breath. . = Would you say the princess is pretty? - Let's just say she looks (beautiful/so beautiful/more beautiful/beautifuler/the most beautiful) ‘on the radio than she does on television. - My dog can’t jump (high/as high/higher/more high/the highest/the most high) as our house. = I don't believe it - Why not? Our house can't jump at all. |. - Excuse me! Do you know (good/as good/gooder/better/more goodithe goodest/the best) way to the station? - Yes. Run! . - firmly believe that eating meat is good for you. I've eaten meat all my life and | am (strong/as strongs/stronger than/more strong than/the strongest/the most strong) an ox. - That’s funny. I've eaten fish all my life and | can't swim at all. . - | said to the dentist that £30 was a lot of money for pulling out a tooth. After all, it only takes 5 seconds. - What did he say? - Nothing. He just pulled the tooth out very very (slow/slowly/quick/quickly) . A small cat was taking her kittens for a walk when a large aggressive cat approached them. - Woof! Woof! Shouted the small cat and the large cat turned away. - See how important it is to speak another language (‘luent/fluently/fluency) - Excuse me, is this spray good for mosquitoes? ~ Certainly not, sir. It kills them (instance/instantinstantly) . - What do you do if an elephant sneezes? - Get out of the way (fast/quick/rapid) ! . Mrs Macintosh was a very tidy person. She had just finished cleaning her house (1)(accuracy/accurate/accurately) when she heard her son arriving home from school. - Don't come into the kitchen unless your feet are clean, she shouted. 301 Her son was already in the kitchen and shouted back: - My feet are clean, mum. It's my shoes that are (2)(dirty/dirtily/dirtiness) Exercise 3: Correct the following sentences. 4. One should not waste his time. 2. ‘Have you got a pen?’ ‘I haven't got.’ 3. He enjoyed during the holidays. 4. | asked for his book, but he did not lend me. 5. Every people know this. 6. These all mangoes are ripe. 7. He held the bag in the both hands. 8. Ihave no any friends. 9. Both men have not come. 10. Both answers are not correct. 302 19. 20. 2 22. 23. 24. There is very cold in the summer. According to me, that's not true. . If | will be late, I'll call you. 1am used to wake up early on weekdays. . She sat in the end of the table. . | stopped to smoke cigarettes because it's unhealthy. . Itis very good weather. . I need to concentrate myself on my homework. Did you ever read the book "Moby Dick?" Brian is so stupid man. . In Spain are many nice beaches. | told that | will come back later. In my city, bars are closing at 10 p.m. on weeknights. Let's have a dinner together sometime. 303 25. 26. 2 N 28. 29. 30. 3 3: 8 x 8 35. 3 3 a 38. 2 Do you know where is the nearest police station? | often do mistakes when I speak English. | can't find nothing in my neighborhood. I've seen the movie last Thursday. How does your new painting look like? | look forward to see you next month. . Can | have a question? The news on TV are always sad. . What means this word? The capital of the United Kingdom is the London. Doctor is a hard job. Surprising is that no one was hurt. 1 suggested to buy a new car. My teacher is a 34-years old woman. 304 3s 4 4 4: 4 45. 46. 4 g 4 S 4 s 5 3 5 52. © S Bb & If | would be taller, I'd play basketball. That's not that bad idea. . One of my roommate plays video games every night. It depends on countries. Even | was tired, | still went to the party. | explained her the problem twice. | will see you the next Friday. Do you like it? No, | don’t like, On Sunday, | always go to the church. . On Saturdays, | always go to movies. . | love listening music. ). | born in 1962. |. | could to go to the store tomorrow. The last year | didn’t know much English. 305 53. 54, 55. 56. 57. 58. So. 60. 6 6 6 6 6 8 @ a s Are you agree with me? I'm afraid to the dark. Always, | study before | go to bed. | can’t eating when it’s late at night because | get sick. I'm not very good for cooking. After class, | always go to home. My uncle John is funner than my uncle Mike. These pants are more cheaper than the other ones. . Probably he likes soccer. | love that movie because is funny. I'm thinking of to go home because I'm tired. I'ma doctor. So do |. | go every day to school. Do you have a dog? Yes, | have. 306 67. Do you like to go to the movies tomorrow night? 68. What are you doing? Right now | cook dinner. 69. | don't dance good. 70. Where did you went yesterday? 71. When did you born? 72. What did you do yesterday? | did go to the mall. 73. There is much noise here. 74, How much restaurants are in your neighborhood? 78. Is very windy today. 76. | love Brazil because it's too beautiful. 77. What you can do in New York City? ~ ‘8. | have a daughter. | am too, 79. I'm glad we're practicing grammar because | do a lot of mistakes. 80. Before make a presentation, you should practice a lot. 307 81. Things went really good today at work. 82. My mother always told me a bedtime history when | was a kid. 83. There isn’t a lot of cars on the road today. 84. Class today was really bored. 85. | don't have no money. 308

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