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History of Arch - Greek Glossary

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Термины в модуле (67)

a flat slab forming the uppermost member or division of

the capital of a column.

citadel or complex built on a high hill overlooking a city,

in Ancient Greece, it was the religious center of the city
and was occupied by temples.

a decorative pedestal at the corners or peak of a roof to

support an ornament, more usually, the ornament itself.

a public open space that serves as a meeting ground for

citizens in Ancient Greece - the civic, political, and
commercial center.

an ancient temple with a portico both at the front and

the rear, with the naos in between. an important example
is the Temple of Athena Nike.

narrow, small square components in a column,

commonly in the base or the capital.
Annulets / Listels / Fillets / Laths

posts/pillars on either side of a doorway of a Greek

temple, slightly projecting.

lowest part of the entablature, immediately above the

capital of a column.

the residential and urban spaces of the city in Ancient


a name specifically given for the base of Ionic columns,

which consist of an astragal, scotia, and a torus,
Attic Base
separated by laths.
History of Arch - Greek Glossary
vertical molded shaft found in stairways.


in the Hippodamian plan, an orthogonal way of dividing

up a city and organizing the space to allow citizens to
Block (Urban)

a building for public meetings where issues were voted

and decided on, all citizens had the equal right to speak.

a sculpted female figure serving as the support for an

entablature, taking the position of a column/pillar.

large curved barrel-vaulted corridor beneath audience

seating in theatres.

Chora land surrounding a poleis with cultivated fields.

the topmost element of the entablature.


the multilevel platform, typically three steps, on which a

Greek temple stood.

a passage in the auditorium of ancient Greek theatres

dividing lower and upper seats for convenience of
Diazoma (Gangway)

a temple surrounded by two rows of columns.


a rounded molding below an abacus on a Doric or Ionic

capital, usually decorated with an egg and dart motif.

decoration found in moldings, consists of a series of oval

reliefs alternating with pointed narrow dat carvings.
Egg and Dart Motif

the uppermost portion of a column, comprising of the

architrave, frieze, and cornice.

a slight convex curve in the shaft of a column,

introduced to correct the visual illusion of concavity
produced by a straight shaft.

shallow, usually vertical grooves running along the

surface of a column shaft.

History of Arch - Greek Glossary

horizontal element in the entablature, above the
architrave, below the cornice, usually contains a
decorative, sculpted element.

small, water repelling, cone shaped projection used in

the architrave of the Doric order.

in ancient Greece, functioned as a training facility for

competitors in public games, also used as a place for
socializing and intellectual pursuits.

a sculpture with a head and perhaps a torso above a

plain square lower section.

a city plan devised by Hippodamos of Miletos in which a

strict grid was imposed so that all streets would meet at
Hippodamian Plan
right angles, and citizens were divided into 3 distinct
social classes.

In antis in ancient Greek architecture, between the antae.

one of the three main styles of Greek architecture. The

column is slender and finely fluted; its capital is in the
shape of a scroll.

a covered exterior corridor, supported by a series of

columns or arches.

above ground structure that houses burial spaces.


a rectangular architectural element that fills the space

between two triglyphs in a Doric frieze.

decorative border constructed from a continuous line

shaped into a repeated motif.
Meander (Greek fret)

the chamber at the center of an ancient temple; in a

classical temple, the room in which the cult statue
Naos / Cella
usually stood.

continuation of the shaft but which is set off from it

visually by narrow grooves.
Necking (Hypotrachelium)

Oikos the family, the family/s property, the house - the basic unit of society in most Greek city-states.

Opsithodomos the rear room of an ancient Greek temple.

the circular space used by the chorus in front of the

proscenium in an ancient Greek theater.

History of Arch - Greek Glossary

styles of classical architecture, each distinguishable by
certain proportions or characteristics.

side entrance to the stage in ancient Greek theatres


the triangular upper part of the front of a building in

classical style, typically surmounting a portico of
columns, usually containing decorative elements.

type of ancient Greek temple surrounded by a portico

with columns.

a central courtyard with porticoes usually on all four

Peristyle (Peristylium)

Pillar vertical element with a square section.

streets that are oriented East-West, smaller number than Stenopoi, distant from each other,
Plateiai (East-West)

an architectural support or base for a column or statue,

or a decorative vase.

the inner area of the portico of a Greek temple, leading

to the cella/naos.

the part of a theater stage in front of the curtain - the

metaphorical concept of the 'fourth wall' separating the
audience from the actors.

Prostas an antechamber in a temple.

a specific type of temple featuring a row of columns in

the front.

a concave molding used in the bases of columns.


essentially a structure at the back of the stage in a

theatre, used for costume changes and as a background
before which the drama was enacted.

structures used for foot races in ancient Greece.


streets that are oriented North-South, more numerous and narrower than plateiai and closer
Stenopoi (North-South)

Stereobates the lower levels of a crepidoma upon which temples were placed.

History of Arch - Greek Glossary

an ancient Greek covered and colonnaded walkway for
public use - usually surrounded the agora of a city.

the top step of the crepidoma upon which temples were


as told by Aristotle, the random/spontaneous process during which different Greek villages
combined into larger poleis.

architectural support sculpted in the form of a man.


round structure built upon a podium with a ring of

columns supporting a domed roof.

a convex semi-circular molding, larger than an astragal,

often at the base of a column.

a triple projecting, grooved pattern of a Doric frieze that

alternates with metopes.

semi-circular or triangular decorative wall surface that

fills the space between the lintel and arch over a

a spiral, scroll-like form characteristic of the Ionic and

Composite architectural orders.

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