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Computer Portion

Chapter 8 to Chapter 13.


Q1. Fill in the blanks. (5 Marks)

Q2. True or False (4 Marks)

Q3. Match the following (4 Marks)

Q4. Write the Functions of the following Shortcut Keys (4 Marks)

Q5. Draw and Label the Components of MS Word (4 Marks)

Q6. Answer the following questions (4 Marks)


• Students have to study only the given Revision for the

Semester II Exam.

Q1. Fill in the blanks: -

1. The default name of a new word file is Document 1.

2. The small vertical blinking line is called the Cursor.
3. The default font for new document in MS Word is Calibri.
4. X2 is the icon for Superscript.
5. Cut is used to move text to another place in the same document.
6. Ctrl + X is used ‘cut’ text.
7. The default alignment in new word document is Align left.
8. A red wavy line below a word indicates Spelling error.
9. A green wavy line below a word indicates grammatical error.
10.MS Word is a text processing program created by Microsoft.
11.The font formatting tools like Font, Font size, etc. are in the Home ribbon
of the toolbar.

Q2. True or False: -

1. MS Word has more features than Notepad but less than WordPad- False.
2. It is not possible to exit MS Word without saving our work- False.
3. Clear all formatting deletes the selected text- False.
4. The spell check shows spelling errors and grammatical errors in the
documents- True.
5. Copy creates a copy of the text and leaves the original text as it is – True.
6. Text removed using ‘Cut’ can be pasted back in the same document only –
7. Bullets are used to highlight text. False.
8. Words offers seven styles of bullets to make lists. True.
9. Word offers only two alignment options- left and right – False.
10.By pressing Ctrl + A from keyboard, we can select the whole document –
11.Spell check helps you find and fix spelling errors- True.
12.Clicking ‘Ignore’ in the Spell check dialog will close the dialog-False.
Q3. Match the following: -

a) Decrease the font size
b) Strike through
c) Cut
abc d) Increase the font size
e) Bold
f) Numbering

g) Bullets

h) Paste

i) Align Left


a) Increase the font size.
b) Decrease the font size.
c) Bold.
abc d) Strike through
e) Cut
f) Align Left

g) Paste

h) Bullets

i) Numbering
Q4. Write the Functions of the following Shortcut Keys: -

1) Ctrl + B – Make the text Bold.

2) Ctrl + I – Make the text Italic.
3) Ctrl +U - Make the text Underline.
4) Ctrl + X – Cut: This shortcut cuts text from the document.
5) Ctrl + V – Paste: This shortcut pastes text from the document.
6)Ctrl + L – Align left.
7) Ctrl + E – Align center.
8) Ctrl + R – Align right.
9) Ctrl + J – Justify.
10) Ctrl + F - Find a text in MS Word document.
11) Ctrl + H - Replace a text with new text in a Word document.

Q5. Draw and Label the Components of MS Word: -

Title Bar
Quick Access Toolbar
Font Style / Toolbar Control Buttons



Status Bar Zoom

Q6. Answer the following questions (4 Marks)

Q1. Define Subscript.

Ans. Subscript allows you to add letters below words. For example: H2O, here
‘2’ is Subscript.

Q2. Define Superscript.

Ans. Superscript allows you to add letters above the word. For example: a2, here
‘2’ is Superscript.

Q3. Name the different types ‘Change case’ in MS Word.

Ans. There are five different ‘Change case’ in MS Word i.e.
i. Sentence case
ii. lower case
iv. Capitalize Each Word

Q4. Define the Term Justify.

Ans. Justify alignment is used to give a neat, Symmetric look to a paragraph.

Q5. Name the five groups of tools in ‘Home’ ribbon of the toolbar.
Ans. The five groups of tools in ‘Home’ ribbon of the toolbar are Clipboard,
Font, Paragraph, Style and Editing.

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