LEA Module 1

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UNIT I. The Evolution of

Early Policing Systems
Police Organization 1. Anglo Saxon Period of Policing
System (Ancient England)
A. Tun policing system
1.1 Fundamental Theories of Police During the Anglo-Saxon period,
Service all male residents were obligated to
1.2 Concept of Police Service guard the town (tun) in order to keep
1.3 Police Organization and the peace and safeguard the
Administration people's lives and property.
1.4 Historical Development of Policing
B. Hue and Cry
A village law started in Britain,
OUTCOMES which provided a method of
LO1. Analyze and highlight the historical apprehending a criminal by the act
development of policing in the of the complainant to shout to call all
Philippines, and demonstrate in-depth male residents that assemble and
knowledge about the concepts and arrest the suspect.
principles used in the police
C. Trial by Ordeal
A judicial practice wherein the
guilt or innocence of the accused is
OBJECTIVES determined by suspecting him of an
1. To elaborate on the Historical unpleasant experience. The word
Background of the Policing System. "ordeal" was derived from the
Medieval Latin word "Dei Indicum",
which means "a miraculous
2. To discuss the Evolution and the
Development of Philippine Policing
2. Norman Period of Policing
3. To describe the Different features of System
Police Organization including the factors
that affect the efficiency of the A. Shire-Rieve
Administration. In the Norman Period, England
was divided into fifty-five (55)
military areas, each headed by a
The Evolution of Policing System ruler called the Reeve (headman or
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

lieutenant of the army). The fifty-five A law enacted by King John of

(55) military divisions in England are England in response to the Knights of
called shire. The shire-reeve had the Round Table's request, requiring
absolute powers, and no one could the King to sign it and including the
question his or her actions. The following provisions:
Keeper of the Horse appointed each
village to aid the reeve. It is where 1. No freeman shall be taken,
the word constable derived. imprisoned, banished, or exiled
unless by the legal decision of
B. Travelling Judge his peers.
A judge was selected to hear 2. No person shall be tried for
cases that were formerly being murder unless there is proof of
judged by the Shire-Reeve and the body of the victim.
tasked with traveling through and
hearing criminal cases. This was the E. Frankpledge System
first time the police and judicial It is a system of policing
authorities were separated. whereby a group of ten (10)
neighboring male residents whose
C. Leges Henrici Primi / Laws of ages are over twelve (12) years old
Henry I were required to guard the town in
An act that was enacted during this order to preserve peace and protect
period has the following features: the lives and properties of the
1. Offenses were classified as
against the king or individual. 3. Westminster Period of Policing
2. A policeman becomes a public It was given this name because
servant. the legislation governing policing
originated in the capital of England at
3. The police and citizens have the time, Westminster. This period
broad powers to arrest. It has the following features:
introduced the system called
"citizen’s arrest." 1. Guards were appointed, and the
duties of the constables at night
4. A Grand Jury was created to (watch) and in the daytime (ward)
inquire into the facts of the law. were defined.
A system that made inquisition
on the facts of a crime and 2. The Statute of Westminster of
eliminated the "Anglo-Saxon 1285, a collection of regulations
Trial or Trial by Ordeal aimed at keeping the peace
Statute of 1295
D. Magna Carta / “The Great The law that established the curfew
Charter” hours, requiring the closing of

Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

London's gates at night, was 6. King Charles II of England

enacted. King Charles II passed
an act that established or promoted
C. Justice of the Peace the employment of watchmen or
Three or four men who were bellmen to be on duty from sunset to
learned in the law of the land were sunrise.
given authority to pursue, arrest,
chastise, and imprison violators of The Continental Theory
the law. They handled felonies, states that police officers are servants of
misdemeanors, and infractions of higher authorities.
the city or villages.
D. Star Chamber Court service is
A special court designed to try used in
offenders against the state. The Spain,
room set-up is formed in the shape France,
of a star, and judges were given and Italy.
extraordinary powers, such as the This
power to force testimony from a image depicts police officers ensuring
defendant, leading to a tremendous the kingdom's and royalty's safety.
abuse of power or brutality on the
part of the judges. The Home Rule Theory states that
police officers
4. Modern Period of Policing are considered
System servants of a
In 1829, Sir Robert Peel community
introduced the Metropolitan Police who defend
Act which was passed by the
Parliament of England. This period effectiveness
was the milestone of England's of their
police force. Sir Robert Peel functions upon the express wishes of
became famous and was considered the people. Police officers are civil
as the Father of the Modern employees whose primary duty is the
Policing System. preserving of public peace and
5. Keepers of the Peace The relationship between the
A proclamation issued by King police and the community is being
Richard of England sometime in enforced. This photo shows how
1195 required the appointment of the police are establishing positive
knights to keep the King’s peace by relationships with the community by
standing as guards on bridges and providing various services to the
gates while checking the people people. For example, seminars and
entering and leaving the cities and the distribution of relief goods.

Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

Concept of Police Service ● Officer De La Paix is a French

Under the Police Service, there are
term which was claimed to be
two concepts: the Old Concept and the
the origin of the term police
Modern Concept.

● Old Concept Punishment, which

is throwing more people in jail
rather than keeping them out of
jail, is the sole instrument of UNIT II.
crime control. The yardstick of
police competence is the
increasing number of arrests.
2.1 Evolution of the Philippines
● Modern Concept The yardstick Policing System
of police efficiency is measured 2.2 Spanish Period
by the decreasing number of 2.3 American Period
crimes or the absence of crime. 2.4 The Republic Acts After American
The goal of the police is to Occupation in The Philippines
enhance the well-being of both 2.5 Important Filipino Personalities in
individual citizens and society as the Evolution of the Philippine Policing
a whole.
LO1. Analyze and highlight the
Historical Development of Policing historical development of policing in
The term "police" derived from the Philippines, and demonstrate in-
the Roman word "politia,"—which depth knowledge about the concepts
means the condition of the state, and principles used in the police
government, and administration. organization.
Politia originated from the Greek
word "politeia," which means OBJECTIVES
government, citizenship, or the 1. To elaborate on the Historical
entire activity of a "polis," which is a Background of the Policing System.
Afterward, the French changed 2. To discuss the Evolution and
the word to "police" and used it to Development of the Philippine
refer to those authorized people who Policing System
enforce the law.
3. To describe the Different features of
● The Praetorian Guards were Police Organization, including the
military bodies that served as factors that affect the efficiency of the
guardians of peace in ancient Administration.
Rome, where the idea of
policing is said to have DISCUSSION
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

Evolution of the Philippines 1. Cuardilleros: a body of rural

Policing System police organized in each town
Before the Spanish came, and established by the Royal
there was already a policing system in Decree of January 8, 1836. It
place in the Philippines. That was mandates that 5% of the “able-
when there were few people and bodied” inhabitants of each
governing them was quite easy, unlike province be enlisted within this
nowadays when we have complex police organization in 3 years.
problems brought by globalization and
a diverse population. 2. Carabineros de Seguridad
Publica—Organized in 1712 to
Afterward, the institution of carry the regulations of the state.
police in the Philippines formally This was armed and considered
started during the Spanish period. The the mounted police.
establishment of the police force was
not entirely intended for crime
3. Gurdia Civil- On February 12,
prevention or peacekeeping. Instead,
1852, a Royal Decree was issued
it was created as an extension of the
to largely relieve the Spanish
colonial military establishment.
Peninsula troops of their police
In various regions of the duties.
country, the headman or whoever
leads the tribe has the responsibility of 2. American Period
making sure the community's norms
and regulations are upheld. He The first American occupation of
performs all the jobs of the the Philippines that came after the
offices of what we now call the Filipino- American War (1898 to 1901)
was followed by a period of political
chief of police, prosecutor, judge,
turmoil and social imbalance.
and jail warden.

1. Spanish Period The following are the highlights during

The police force was considered the American Period;
part of the military system by the
Spanish government. The locally a. Organic Act No 175 - Vice
organized police forces, although Government Luke E. Wright
performing civil duties and proposed the passage of Organic
seemingly created for the sole Act No. 175 which recommended
purpose of maintaining peace, were the creation of an Insular Force.
directly commanded by the colonial On July 18, 1901, the proposed
military government. ordinance was approved by the
Second Philippine Commission .
The following police forces were On August 8, 1901, the Insular
organized during the Spanish Regime: Constabulary was established
under the general supervision of
the Civil Governor for maintaining

Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

peace, law and order in all the Government (DILG) Act of 1990,
provinces of the Philippines. enacted on December 13,1990. It
reorganized the DILG and established
Philippine Commission Act No. of the Philippine National Police (PNP),
175- (July 18, 1901) an act providing Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
for the organization and government Bureau of Jail Management and
of an Insular Constabulary. Penology (BJMP) and the Philippine
Public Safety College (PPSC).
Sec.1, Act 255 of October 3, 1901-
The Insular Constabulary was RA 8551 – It is known as the "PNP
renamed the Philippine Reform and Reorganization Act of
Constabulary, a national police 1998” which was enacted on
institution for preserving peace, February 27,1998 amending certain
keeping order, and enforcing the provision of RA 6975 and allowing the
law. reorganization of the PNP to enable to
cope up and effectively perform its
Henry T. Allen – the first Chief of the mandate to enforce the low, prevent
Philippine Constabulary and control crimes, maintain peace
and order and ensure public safety
Rafael Crame – was the first Filipino and internal security with active the
Chief of the Philippine Constabulary. support of the community.

Captain George Curry – he was the Influential Filipino

first Chief of Police of the Manila Personalities in the Evolution
Police Department in 1901.
of the Philippine Policing
Act No. 70 (on January 9, 1901)—
The Metropolitan Police Force of
Manila was organized.
the first Filipino chief of the Philippine
Constabulary on December 17, 1917.
RA 4864 – It is other known as Police
Professionalization Act of 1966 which
was enacted on September 8, 1966.
Philippine National Police's first chief.
PD 765 – other known as the
Col. Antonio Torres - the first Filipino
Integration Act of 1975, enacted on
chief of police of the Manila Police
August 8, 1975.
Department, in 1935.
RA 157 – It created the National
Col. Lamberto Javalera - the first chief
Bureau of Investigation on June 19,
of police of the Manila Police
1947 and later reorganized by RA
Department after the Philippine
Independence from the United States of
America in 1946.
RA 6975 – It is other known as the
Department of the Interior and Local
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

UNIT III maintain order, or help solve

community problems. The objective
is particularly in a short-term
statement consistent with an
organization's goals.
3.1 Functions in Police Organizations
3.2 Organic Units in a Police
Good organization and
administration would eventually
3.3 Kinds of Organizational Structures
mean effective and efficient police
3.4 Organizational Units in the Police
work. Organizations can also be
distinguished by their degree of
3.5 Principles of Efficient
formality and structure. A formal
organization is defined as those
organizations that are formally
established for the explicit purpose
LO1. Analyze and highlight the
of achieving specific goals, for
historical development of policing in
instance, a stable social institution.
the Philippines, and demonstrate in-
Whereas informal organizations are
depth knowledge about the concepts
those sharing the essential
and principles used in police
characteristics of all organizations,
they arise through the social
interactions of individuals or family
groupings (Soriano, 2010).
1. To elaborate on the Historical
Background of the Policing System.

2. To discuss the Evolution and Police Organization and

Development of the Philippine Administration
Policing System An organization is a group of
people working together for a
3. To describe the Different features common goal or objective. It is a form
of Police Organization, including the of human association for the
factors that affect the efficiency of the attainment of a goal as it is the
Administration. process of identifying and grouping
the work to be performed, defining
and delegating responsibility and
Discussion: authority, and establishing
The organization under relationships to enable people to work
management and administration is effectively.
directed towards achieving goals
and objectives. Goals are broad Furthermore, a police
statements of general and long- organization is a group of trained
term organizational purposes, often personnel in the field of public safety
used to define the role of the police. administration engaged in achieving
For example, to prevent crime, of goals and objectives that promote
the maintenance of peace and order,
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

protection of life and property, 1. Operational Units are those

enforcement of laws, and the that perform primary line functions, for
prevention of crimes. example, patrol, traffic,
investigation, and vice control.
While police administration is
concerned with ensuring strict 2. Administrative Units are those
compliance, proper obedience of that perform the administrative
laws and related statutes is functions, for example,
concerned with the policing personnel, finance, planning, and
process, or how law enforcement training.
agencies are organized and
managed in order to achieve law 3. Service Units are those that
enforcement goals in the most perform auxiliary functions, for
effective, efficient, and productive example, communication, record
manner (Padduyao, 2016). management, and supplies.

Functions in Police Organizational Structure

Organizations: It is a systematic arrangement of
the relationships between the
1. Primary or line functions organization's members, roles,
carry out the major purposes of the departments, and functions or
organization, delivering the labor. It is made up of individuals'
services and dealing directly with functions, relationships, duties, and
the public, like patrolling, traffic authorities inside the organization.
duties, and crime investigation.
Kinds of Organizational Structures
2. Staff administrative
functions are designed to support 1. The military line is the oldest
the line functions and assist in the and simplest kind, also called
performance of the line functions. the military. It is defined by its
For example, the staff functions of clear chain of command, from
the police are planning, research, the highest to the lowest, and
budgeting, and legal advice. vice versa. It depicts the line
functions of the organization.
3. Auxiliary functions involved in The orders or commands must
the logistical operations of the come from the higher levels of
organization, for example authority before they can be
communication,maintenance, carried out.
records management, supplies,
and equipment management. 2. Functional is one of the
structures according to
Organic Units in a Police functions and specialized units.
Organization It shows the staff functions of
the organization. The
responsibilities are divided
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

among authorities who are Therefore, subordinates can then

accountable to the authorities make decisions on his behalf.
above. For example, police
personnel who have graduated 4. Hierarchy of Authority is the
from an investigation training relationship between superiors and
course will be assigned to the subordinates. It serves as the
criminal investigation unit. framework for the flow of authority
downward and obedience upward
3. Line and staff is a hybrid of through the department.
the line and functional types. 5. Specialization is the assignment
It combines the flow of of a particular person to particular
information from the line tasks.
structure with the staff
departments that service, 6. Chain of Command is the
advise, and support them. arrangement of officers from top to
bottom on the basis of rank or position
The Philippine National Police follows and authority.
the line-and-staff kind of
organizational structure. 7. Command Responsibility
dictates that immediate commanders
Elements of Police Organization shall be responsible for the effective
supervision and control of their
1.Unity of Command dictates that personnel and unit.
there should only be ONE MAN
commanding the unit to ensure Organizational Units in the Police
uniformity in the execution of orders. Organization

2.Span of Control means the 1. Functional Units

maximum number of subordinates a a. Bureau is the largest
superior can effectively supervise. functional unit within a large
There are factors affecting the span of department. It compromises of a
control: number of divisions.
a. Leadership qualities of the
supervisors; b. Division is a primary
b. Nature of the job and work subdivision of the bureau.
c. Complexity of task; c. Section is a functional
d. Education and skill of the unit within a division necessary for
employees. specialization.

3. Delegation of Authority is the d. Unit is a functional

conferring of an amount of authority group within a section or the smallest
by a superior position to a lower-level functional within the organization.
position. For example, the boss can
assign his work to his employees 2. Territorial Units
Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

a. Post is a fixed location instructions, and serving as the leader

to which an officer is assigned for of the enterprise.
duty, such as a designated desk or
office or an intersection or 3. Staffing as the whole personnel
crosswalk from traffic duty. It is a function of bringing in and training the
spot location for general guard staff and maintaining favorable
duty. working conditions. It is the filling and
b. Route is a length of keeping filled positions in the
streets designated for patrol organizational structures. This is done
purposes; also, it is called Line Beat. by identifying workforce requirements,
c. Beat is an area inventorying the people available,
assigned for patrol purposes, whether recruiting, placing personality,
foot or motorized. promoting, appraising, compensating,
d. Sector is an area and training personnel.
containing two or more beats, routes,
or post. 4. Directing is concerned with the
e. District is a continuous task of making decisions
geographical subdivision of a city for and embodying them in specific and
patrol purposes, usually within its own general orders and instructions and
station. serving as the organization’s leader. It
f. Area is a section or is the process of giving orders,
territorial division of a large city, commands, directives or instructions
comprising designated districts. to personnel to rule or guide them in
knowing or telling what to do and
Management or Administrative where to go in accordance with the
Functions goals and objectives of the

1. Planning is the process of 5. Coordinating concerned with all

devising a method or course of action, vital duties of interrelating the various
and arranging the means or steps parts of the work. It is the manner of
towards the attainment of integrating the different elements
organizational goals. In other words, it within or outside the organization into
is knowing what to do and how to do an efficient and harmonious
it. It is also a fundamental process of relationship, thus making them work
selecting goals and determining to together.
achieve them. It involves selecting
missions and objectives, the policies, 6. Reporting is concerned with
programs and procedures, and the keeping those to whom the executive
action to achieve them. is responsible informed as to what is
going on, which thus includes keeping
2. Organizing is the continuous task himself and his subordinates informed
of making decisions, embodying them through records, research and
in specific general orders and inspection.

Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

7. Budgeting goes with all in the 3. Discipline – it is necessary for an

form of fiscal planning, accounting organization to function effectively.
and control. It is the management of However, disciplinary process’s state
income and expenditures within the depends upon its leader’s quality.
organization. It also includes the
appropriation of funds to be 4. Unity command – an employee
distributed to function. should receive orders from a single
supervisor only.

5. Scalar chain – refers to the

Principles of Efficient Management organizations’ hierarchy from top to
bottom. The chain should be
unbroken besides, this vertical
Authority and communication defining authority
Responsibility relationships and lines of

Division of


Unity of Salary
Command Chain

1. Division of work – occupational

and functional differentiation
encourage specialization and the
development of expertise, producing
more and better work with the same

2. Authority and responsibility –

authority includes the right to
command and the power to require
obedience that one cannot have
authority without responsibility.

Vision: Burauen Community College shall emerge as the premier local public educational institution in Eastern Visayas which is responsible to the needs of the
community, and develops students to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges as active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Mission: Burauen Community College offers a holistic and outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the youth to be responsible individuals with integrity
and service as agents of equality. It will serve as a venue for the development of individuals in the areas of academics, research, community extension
and innovative technology.

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