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VEUEELELEEELEIZ ILI? ‘No. Date AMANOA DHEA Cghky sa RL Hi. Lam Amanda Dhipa, [am going to tell you abour my activity in Ramadhan. ( wil) Stare now. Lwoke uf at 3°20 am this morning fo do Sahur and \ @dting Sahur with family. lets at $ am, lam fraying ar’dawn. Apter praying Lam watching my favorite Tv program Arter watching | am Ss ing And {_woke up at tlam to taking a borh “At 12. fim Lam praying Agier Praying, 1am Cleaning the hovse With grand mother while telling Ctories about my late mother’s child hood Gnd Lam crying because | Catt missing my late mother... GFter everything is done. Lam Sieeping again f At this time (S00. tam doing prepare praying ashar after praying ashor | am going 40 “pasar lama Serang With grandma.\_am buy 4 lot of fakyii to break the fost later _arter buying Halyil. Lam ard grandma back to home. at 5-30 pm lam preparing to break the fost while waiting Por thecall to prayer to_break Ehe past. lam playing games on my Cellphone, at 6 pm tam break the past with may Family. mal evening prayers. white Waiting for tsha | am folking +9 the father: at 19.20 pm | em prog Aeraweh artery terqweh Lam going to Corre Shop with boyFriensd. ar this moment UR are talking Fardom thing. at AA.30 ym me and boytriend back to home _a\_00.00_pm_\ amt joing to_bed begore steeping 1 Am Listening to the emusic, because | Canhor Sleep without Listening 40 the music.

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