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Performance Task in Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship
Community Outreach

• Compose an essay to articulate your emotions and thoughts before, during, and after participating in the community outreach program.
• Your essay should consist of a minimum of three paragraphs, with each paragraph containing at least five sentences.
• Reflect on the following guide questions to structure your thoughts:
o What are your personal expectations and aspirations for the outreach project?
o What collective goals do you and your classmates hope to accomplish in this community outreach?
o What distinctive features can you explore and highlight that set this community outreach apart from your previous experiences?
o During the community outreach, what worked well that you can reflect on? Can you identify successful strategies, activities, or interactions?
o In analyzing the experience, what areas could have been improved? Can you provide insights into the challenges faced and suggest potential
o How do your experiences, both positive and challenging, contribute to personal and collective growth?
o In considering these experiences, how might they shape your perspective and approach in future community outreach endeavors?
• Scoring Rubrics:
Description Criteria
Excellent • Demonstrates an accurate and complete understanding of the question
50-45 • Answer displays clarity of thought, depth of reflection, and insight
• Incorporates pertinent details from lectures and assigned readings, providing evidence for key claims when needed
• Maintains focus, avoids being sidetracked
• Presents answer clearly and concisely, in an organized manner
• Does much more than merely restate the question and offer a brief response
• Uses elements of style and grammar well
Good Demonstrates an exceptionally accurate and complete understanding of the question.
44-36 Answers display a remarkable clarity of thought, profound reflection, and insightful analysis.
Incorporates a wealth of pertinent details from lectures and assigned readings, providing compelling evidence for key claims.
Maintains an unwavering focus throughout, skillfully avoiding being sidetracked.
Presents answers with exceptional clarity, conciseness, and a highly organized structure.
Goes beyond restating the question, offering comprehensive and nuanced responses.
Utilizes elements of style and grammar exceptionally well.
Fair Demonstrates a solid and mostly accurate understanding of the question.
35-30 Answers display a good clarity of thought, depth of reflection, and insight.
Incorporates relevant details from lectures and assigned readings, providing sufficient evidence for key claims.
Generally maintains focus, with occasional minor sidetracks.
Presents answers clearly and concisely, with an organized structure.
More than just restating the question, offering substantial responses.
Uses elements of style and grammar effectively.
Developing Demonstrates a partial understanding of the question, with some inaccuracies.
29-21 Answers lack consistent clarity of thought and depth of reflection.
Incorporates limited details from lectures and assigned readings, with occasional relevance to key claims.
Struggles to maintain focus, with noticeable sidetracks.
Presents answers with some clarity but lacks conciseness and organizational structure.
Tends to restate the question, offering basic responses.
Uses elements of style and grammar adequately.
Limited Demonstrates a significant misunderstanding or incomplete understanding of the question.
20 - 0 Answers lack clarity of thought, depth of reflection, and insight.
Fails to incorporate pertinent details from lectures and assigned readings, providing little to no evidence for key claims.
Consistently loses focus and is frequently sidetracked.
Presents answers with limited clarity, lacking conciseness and organizational structure.
Primarily restates the question, offering minimal or irrelevant responses.
Struggles with elements of style and grammar.
As an aspiring pioneer youth, engaging in the community outreach program in Sta. Lucia, Magalang, Pampanga, has
been an enriching experience that has profoundly influenced my thoughts and emotions. Before participating, my expectations
and aspirations were rooted in gaining knowledge about engaging with diverse communities and sharing insights on reducing
waste. I envisioned the outreach project as an opportunity to learn firsthand about the importance of unity and collaboration in
addressing societal issues.

Collectively, my classmates and I embrace the community outreach program with a resolute mission to advocate for
proper waste disposal practices and instill the principles of the "7Rs" – Refuse, Repurpose, Reduce, Reuse, Rot, Recycle, and
Rethink – among the residents of Sta. Lucia. Our vision extended beyond mere waste management; we aimed to cultivate a
culture of sustainability that would positively impact both the environment and the local community. Motivated by a shared
sense of responsibility and a passion for environmental stewardship, we were determined to effect tangible change and inspire
others to adopt eco-conscious behaviors.

What set this particular community outreach apart from our previous experiences was its comprehensive approach to
knowledge-sharing and technical preparedness. Unlike past initiatives, this program prioritized equipping us with the necessary
tools and expertise to effectively address waste management challenges. Through rigorous training sessions and workshops,
we gained a deep understanding of waste reduction strategies and sustainable practices. This emphasis on education not only
empowered us as agents of change but also laid a solid foundation for meaningful engagement with the community.

As we immersed ourselves in the outreach activities, we witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education and
collaboration. Armed with newfound knowledge and confidence, we engaged with residents of Sta. Lucia in constructive
dialogues about waste management and environmental conservation. Our interactions were characterized by mutual learning
and shared commitment, as we worked together to implement practical solutions and foster a collective sense of responsibility
towards our planet. Through this holistic approach, we not only achieved our primary objective of promoting sustainable habits
but also forged lasting connections within the community, leaving a positive imprint that would endure long after the outreach
program concluded.

During the outreach, one aspect that worked particularly well was our approachability. We made a conscious effort to
connect with everyone we encountered, fostering open dialogue and building trust within the community. This inclusive
approach facilitated meaningful interactions and allowed us to effectively convey our message on waste reduction. However,
upon reflection, areas for improvement become evident. While our interpersonal skills were strong, there were instances where
technical preparedness could have been enhanced. Addressing these challenges requires a focus on improving training
programs and providing students with practical experience in implementing waste management solutions.

The challenges encountered during the community outreach program served as valuable opportunities for personal and
collective growth. As pioneers in the initiative, we were tasked with overcoming obstacles that tested our resolve and
determination. These experiences instilled within us a profound sense of responsibility, as we recognized the impact of our
actions on the community. Moreover, navigating conflicts within our group highlighted the importance of effective
communication and teamwork in achieving our shared objectives. Through these trials, we emerged stronger and more
resilient, equipped with the skills and mindset needed to tackle future endeavors with confidence and unity.

As I reflect on the experiences gained through my participation in the community outreach program, I am acutely aware
of the profound impact it has had on shaping my outlook and approach toward future endeavors. As an aspiring student, I
understand that the journey of personal and collective growth is an ongoing process, one that requires a steadfast commitment
to continuous learning and adaptability. The challenges encountered during the outreach program have reinforced the
importance of remaining open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives, especially when confronting complex
societal issues.

Looking ahead, I am resolved to leverage the lessons learned from these experiences to refine my skills and deepen my
understanding of community engagement and social responsibility. I recognize that meaningful change requires more than
just good intentions; it demands active engagement and a collaborative spirit. Therefore, I am committed to actively seeking
out opportunities to contribute to positive change in my community and beyond, whether through volunteering, advocacy, or
grassroots initiatives.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that my role as a future leader and advocate for change extends beyond individual actions;
it necessitates a collective effort to effect systemic transformations. By harnessing the power of collaboration and mobilizing
resources effectively, I am confident that I can make a meaningful difference in addressing pressing societal challenges. As I
embark on this journey of personal and collective growth, I am inspired by the potential for positive impact and motivated by
the belief that together, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for future generations.

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