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Issues and Challenges Encountered by Araling Panlipunan Teachers in

teaching Araling Panlipunan.

The table “number” presents the teacher issues and challenges by Araling

Panlipunan teachers encountered in teahing Araling Panlipunan.

Table 1

Issues and Challenges Encountered by Araling Panlipunan Teachers in teaching Araling


Indicators WM SD VI Rank

1. History teachers struggle with a shortage of

instructional materials, textbooks, and updated 3.58 0.52 1.1

2. History teachers often have a heavy teaching load Strongly

3.58 0.50 1.1
due to the number of topics they need to cover. Agree

3. Frequent changes in the curriculum and instructional

guidelines can create challenges for AP teachers who Strongly

3.51 0.52 4
must adapt their teaching methods and materials Agree


4. Incorporating technology in teaching history can be Agree

challenging, especially for teachers who may not 3.46 0.52 6.6

have access to the necessary equipment or training.

5. Keeping students engaged and interested in the

subject matter, especially when dealing with historical 3.57 0.52 3
events, can be difficult.
6. Access to professional development opportunities Agree

and training in effective teaching strategies may be 3.46 0.58 6.6

limited for some AP teachers.

7. Managing the expectations of parents and the Agree

community, especially when it comes to controversial 3.45 0.54 8

topics or academic performance, can be a challenge.

8. Some AP topics, such as human rights abuse or Agree

political issues, can be controversial. Teachers may

3.49 0.52 5
need to navigate sensitive subjects while maintaining

an objective and balanced approach

Composite Mean 3.51 0.29 Strongly


Legend: WM-Weighted Mean; SD-Standard Deviation; VI-Verbal Interpretation; R-Ran

Scale: 3.50-4.00 –Strongly Agree; 2.50-3.49 - Agree; 1.50-2.49 – Disagree; 1.00 – 1.49– Strongly


The highest mean ratings represent that history teachers struggle with a shortage

of instructional materials, textbooks, and updated references with weighted mean of

3.58 with standard deviation of 0.52 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree. And

history teachers often have a heavy teaching load due to the number of topics they

need to cover, with weighted mean of 3.58 with standard deviation of 0.50 with verbal

interpretation of strongly agree in issues and challenges tsncountered by Araling

Panlipunan Teachers in teaching Araling Panlipunan.

The table presents that the teachers’ issues and challenges they encountered in

teaching Araling Panlipunan. The history teachers struggle with a shortage of

instructional materials, textbooks, and updated references, they experienced lack of

resources in teaching. And the history teachers often have a heavy teaching load due to

the number of topics they need to cover, that makes them have difficulty in their time

management. With that, they strongly agree of those issues and challenge, also

because a lot of things to do and lack of resources that they needed in teaching Araling

Panlipunan. According to Santiago (2022), many high school Araling Panlipunan

teachers face resource constraints, including outdated textbooks, insufficient teach- ing

materials, and inadequate access to techno- logy. The lack of resources can hinder

lesson planning, limit instructional methods, and com- promise the quality of education

delivered to students. Also as stated in the study that in findings reveal that teacher

workload has a significant impact on student academic achievement, and teacher

efficiency and effectiveness. Heavy workloads can lead to stress, burnout, and

decreased engagement, which negatively impact student learning outcomes (Afzal,

Kanwal and Rafiq, 2023).




The lowest weighted mean of 3.46 with standard deviation of 0.52 that has verbal

interpretation of agree are incorporating technology in teaching history can be

challenging, especially for teachers who may not have access to the necessary

equipment or training in issues and challenges they encountered in teaching Araling

Panlipunan. Also, the lowest weighted mean of 3.46 with standard deviation of 0.56 with

verbal interpretation of agree in issues and challenges they encountered teaching

Araling Panlipunan is that the access to professional development opportunities and

training in effective teaching strategies may be limited for some AP teachers.

The table “number” shows that teachers agreed in incorporating technology in

teaching history can be challenging, especially for teachers who may not have access

to the necessary equipment or training are the least issues and challenges they

encountered in teaching Araling Panlipunan. Also, they agree that the access to

professional development opportunities and training in effective teaching strategies may

be limited for some AP teachers, that they encountered issues and challenges in

teaching Araling Panlipunan. It is not wide issued as the other challenges they

encountered in teaching Araling Panlipunan. According to the Go Guardian Team

(2024), while technology is being utilized more frequently in K-12 education, many

teachers are still struggling with integrating it in their classrooms and questioning if

doing so is the right move for them. There are a number of factors we must each

consider (cost, ease of use, and ongoing support for proper understanding and usage)

that will impact decisions of how, when, and if we should introduce new technology.

This study found out that most of the educators' challenges when engaging with
Continuing Professional Development revolves around their hardship dealing with time

management, connectivity issues and demotivated self (Pasique and Maguate, 2023).




In the overall weighted mean of 3.51 it indicates a strong indication that the

teachers encountered issues and challenges in teaching Araling Panlipunan. Based on

the table teachers strongly agree on issues they experience in teaching Araling

Panlipunan, they experience shortage in materials which make them encountered lack

of resources and experience difficulty in time management in heavy load due to many

topics need to cover. Also, they agree that they experience problems in incorporating

technology in teaching Araling Panlipunan and access to professional development

opportunities and training in effective teaching. According to Florida at Martinez (2023),

Most teachers explained the different levels of frustration with the administration and the

lack of resources they experienced.

Summary of Findings

4. Issues and Challenges Encountered by Araling Panlipunan Teachers in

teaching Araling Panlipunan.

Teachers encountered different challenges and the challenges they

encounereted they strongly agree that the teachers struggle with a shortage of

instructional materials, textbooks, and updated references and teachers often have a
heavy teaching load due to the number of topics they need to cover with weighted mean

of 3.58. And they agree they experience problems with weighted mean of 3.46 in

incorporating technology in teaching history can be challenging, especially for teachers

who may not have access to the necessary equipment or training and access to

professional development opportunities and training in effective teaching strategies may

be limited for some AP teachers.


The challenges that teachers of Araling Panlipinan encountered in teaching

Araling Panlipunan are lack of resources, heavy workloads, incorportating technology

and aceess to profesinal development opportunities.

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