The College Going Student User Persona

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Today, you are a world-class copywriter performing market research to better understand your

audience. I want you to create the ideal buyer persona profile for [Electric Two Wheelers Rentals
Service in Tier 3 City]. The typical buyer is usually [a no income college student who cannot buy a
two wheeler but he needs to go to market for buying fruits and groceries. He prefer to go alone
and visit multiple shops or markets for better price. He has to wait for public transport for longer
time but most of the time couldn't find it in sharing with others and end up paying higher prices.
He also sometimes gets frustrated and burnout due to hectic academic schedule for which he
goes to nearby calm place dike or temple for which he has to book Auto exlusively for him at
higher price. He also goes for hair cutting monthly for which he needs conveyance. He is also
having girlfriend with whom he wants to spend quality time through two wheeler trip to fast food
street. a demanding job of Ecommerce orders delivery throughout city for long hours. He needs
to carry multiple orders at a time.He prefers to rent electric two wheeler and is willing to pay
economical rental price for quality service and availability. He needs EV rental and charging
station nearby his college. As an educated and responsible individual he wants to curb CO2
emissions and believes EV is a catalyst for energy conservation and we can save the planet
through switching to eco friendly mobility. He expects adjustable seat in EV because he is taller
but his girlfriend is short. He also expects EV is able to handle his 93 kg weight as well his
girlfriend 52kg weight and Shock Absorber in EV for smooth riding experience. He is having trust
issues on EV because of recent viral incidents in which EV caught fire so he need assurance of
quality testing of these EVs by concerned authority]. Include Demographics, Psychographics,
Main Challenges, Values, and Motivation of this buyer persona. Include key emotional drivers and
powerful language. Give the persona a real name so it’s easy for us to refer to it, going forward.

Buyer Persona Profile:

Name: Raj


 Age: 20-25
 Gender: Male
 Location: Tier 3 City
 Education: College student
 Socioeconomic Status: Low income


 Raj is a diligent college student with a demanding academic schedule.

 He values independence and autonomy, preferring to travel alone for errands
and leisure activities.
 He cares about the environment and actively seeks eco-friendly solutions to
reduce carbon emissions.
 Raj values quality service and is willing to pay for it, but within his limited
budget constraints.
 He is tech-savvy and appreciates the convenience of electric vehicles for his
daily commuting needs.
 Raj enjoys spending quality time with his girlfriend and seeks affordable ways
to do so.

Main Challenges:

 Limited income restricts his ability to afford personal transportation.

 Frustration with unreliable public transportation options and high costs of
exclusive auto rickshaw rides.
 Balancing academic responsibilities with part-time work as an ecommerce
delivery person.
 Concerns about safety and reliability of electric vehicles due to recent viral


 Independence and autonomy in his daily activities.

 Environmental sustainability and reducing carbon footprint.
 Quality service and affordability.
 Convenience and ease of transportation.
 Spending quality time with loved ones.


 Raj is motivated by the desire for efficient and economical transportation

solutions that align with his values of sustainability and affordability.
 He seeks reassurance and trust in electric vehicles, knowing that they offer a
safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional petrol-
powered vehicles.
 Convenience and ease of access to electric vehicle rental and charging stations
near his college are essential motivators for Raj.

Key Emotional Drivers:

 Frustration with current transportation options.

 Desire for independence and autonomy.
 Concern for the environment and future sustainability.
 Anxiety about safety and reliability.

Powerful Language:

 "Escape the frustration of waiting endlessly for unreliable public transport."

 "Empower yourself with the freedom to travel on your own terms."
 "Join the movement towards a greener, more sustainable future."
 "Experience the thrill of smooth and effortless rides."
 "Trust in our commitment to safety and quality assurance."

By understanding Raj's needs, values, and motivations, we can tailor our marketing
messages and services to effectively resonate with him and address his unique
challenges and preferences in the electric two-wheeler rental market.

Great Job. Now tell me 5 believable challenges and 5 deepest fears Raj has around finding the
perfect electric two wheelers rentals service for Conveyance. And what will happen if he doesn’t
address the problem? I don’t want boring surface-level answers. Give me the deepest fears that
Raj likely wouldn’t admit out loud unless nobody else was listening. What is he afraid of the
most? What causes him discomfort? What causes him pain and anxiety? What does he worry
about? What keeps him up at night?
Believable Challenges:

1. Safety Concerns: Raj fears the safety of electric two-wheelers, especially after recent viral
incidents of EVs catching fire. He worries about potential malfunctions or accidents while
riding, impacting his safety and that of his girlfriend.
2. Reliability Issues: He fears encountering technical glitches or breakdowns with electric
two-wheelers, leading to inconvenience and disruptions in his daily commute or leisure
3. Limited Availability: Raj worries about the availability of electric two-wheelers for rent,
especially during peak hours or when he urgently needs to spend quality time with his
4. Environmental Impact: He fears not finding an electric two-wheeler rental service that
aligns with his values of environmental sustainability. If the service does not offer eco-
friendly options, Raj may feel guilty about contributing to pollution and climate change.
5. Financial Constraints: Raj is concerned about the affordability of electric two-wheeler
rentals. If the rental prices are too high or if there are hidden fees, it may strain his
already limited budget, causing financial stress and anxiety.

Deepest Fears:
1. Fear of Being Trapped: Raj fears being stuck in a situation where he has no reliable
mode of transportation, leading to feelings of helplessness and confinement. The thought
of being unable to fulfill his commitments or spend time with loved ones due to
transportation issues causes him profound anxiety.
2. Fear of Missing Out: He worries about missing out on opportunities or experiences due
to unreliable transportation. This fear stems from the desire to explore new places, spend
quality time with his girlfriend. The fear of missing out on these experiences weighs
heavily on Raj's mind and causes him distress.
3. Fear of Failure: Raj fears failing to meet his academic or work-related responsibilities due
to transportation challenges. He worries about the consequences of late deliveries or
missed deadlines, which could impact his grades, job performance, and future
opportunities. The fear of failure drives him to seek reliable transportation solutions that
enable him to fulfill his obligations.
4. Fear of Judgment: He fears being judged or ridiculed by others if he cannot afford a
personal vehicle or if he encounters difficulties with electric two-wheeler rentals. Raj
worries about the perception of his socioeconomic status and the stigma associated with
relying on public transport or rental services. This fear of judgment contributes to his
reluctance to admit his transportation challenges openly.
5. Fear of Environmental Consequences: Deep down, Raj fears the irreversible damage
caused by environmental pollution and climate change. He worries about the impact of
his transportation choices on future generations and the planet's health. This fear of
environmental destruction and guilt for contributing to it haunts him, motivating him to
seek sustainable transportation alternatives like electric vehicles.

Consequences of Not Addressing the Problems:

 If Raj does not address his safety concerns, he may continue to feel anxious and
apprehensive while riding electric two-wheelers, potentially leading to accidents or
 Without reliable transportation options, Raj may miss out on important opportunities,
experiences, and connections, impacting his personal and professional growth.
 Ignoring his fears of failure and judgment could result in academic or job-related
setbacks, affecting his future prospects and self-esteem.
 Neglecting the environmental impact of his transportation choices may exacerbate
feelings of guilt and contribute to the worsening climate crisis, impacting not only Raj's
future but also that of future generations.
 Ultimately, if Raj fails to address these challenges and fears, he risks feeling trapped,
isolated, and overwhelmed by the daily struggles of navigating life without reliable
transportation solutions, leading to chronic stress and unhappiness.

Thank you. Keeping all of these challenges and fears in mind, write a 700-word journal entry from
the perspective of Raj and please correct he is not doing any ecommerce delivery job.
Journal Entry: A Journey of Uncertainty
Date: March 10, 2024

Dear Journal,

Today was one of those days where every challenge seemed to converge into a tangled mess of
frustration and anxiety. As I sit down to pour out my thoughts, I can't help but feel overwhelmed
by the weight of uncertainty that hangs heavy on my shoulders.

One of the recurring themes that plagued my mind today was the constant struggle with
transportation. As a college student in a Tier 3 city, I've become all too familiar with the unreliable
public transport system. Waiting endlessly for buses that never seem to arrive on time has
become a routine part of my daily life. And when they do arrive, they're often overcrowded,
uncomfortable, and far from reliable.

But it's not just about getting from point A to point B anymore. No, it's much more than that. It's
about the fear of the unknown that lurks in the back of my mind every time I step out of my
dormitory. The fear of safety concerns looms large, especially after hearing about those viral
incidents of electric vehicles catching fire. It's enough to send shivers down my spine every time I
consider renting one for my errands or leisure trips.

And then there's the reliability issue. Will the electric two-wheeler I rent break down halfway
through my journey, leaving me stranded on the side of the road? The mere thought sends a
wave of panic coursing through my veins. It's not just about inconvenience anymore; it's about
the uncertainty of whether I'll make it to my destination at all.

Financial constraints add another layer of complexity to the mix. As a college student with no
steady income, every penny counts. The prospect of shelling out exorbitant rental fees for an
electric two-wheeler that may or may not meet my needs is enough to keep me up at night. I
need a solution that is not only reliable and safe but also affordable. Is that too much to ask for?

But perhaps the most insidious fear of all is the fear of judgment. The fear of being seen as less-
than because I can't afford a personal vehicle or because I rely on rental services for my
transportation needs. It's a constant battle against the stigma and stereotypes that threaten to
engulf me every time I step out into the world.

And yet, despite these challenges and fears, life goes on. I still have to attend classes, run errands,
and spend time with my girlfriend. Speaking of which, the thought of not being able to take her
on those impromptu trips to the fast food street or the nearby temple fills me with a sense of
dread. Those moments of joy and connection are what keep me going amidst the chaos and
uncertainty of everyday life.

But what happens if I can't address these problems? What if I continue to let my fears and
anxieties dictate my actions? The thought alone sends a chill down my spine. I risk becoming
trapped in a cycle of isolation and despair, unable to break free from the shackles of uncertainty
that bind me.

But I refuse to let that happen. I refuse to let my fears hold me back from living my life to the
fullest. I may not have all the answers right now, but I'm determined to find a solution that works
for me. Whether it's through advocacy for safer electric vehicles, lobbying for better public
transportation options, or simply finding the courage to confront my fears head-on, I refuse to let
fear dictate my destiny.

So, here's to embracing the uncertainty, facing my fears, and finding the strength to navigate
life's challenges one step at a time. It won't be easy, but I know that with perseverance and
determination, I can overcome whatever obstacles stand in my way.

Until next time, Raj

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