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This chapter contains the analysis of data followed by a discussion of

research findings. The findings related to the research questions that guided the

study. Data were analyzing to identify, describe and explore the activities that the

teachers do to their students in Problem-Based Instruction to improve the

learners academic performance in Araling Panlipunan and what are the issues

and challenges that the teacher encountered in teaching Araling Panlipunan.

1. Utilize 2C2IR Approaches in Teaching History Subject. The

researchers determined the extent in utilizing the 2C2IR approaches in teaching

Araling panlipunan in facilitating the Problem-Based Instruction and it shown in

the table “number and number”.

1.1. Constructivist Approach. The table “number” presents how

teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in Problem-Based

Instruction in terms of constructivist approach.

Table 2
Constructivist Approach
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Prepares learners to be responsible individuals in 3.54 0.49 Always 2
a technologically advanced society. Projects and
activities given by the teachers shall reflect
students' current and future needs.
2. Students are evaluated on their problem-solving 3.59 0.54 Always 1
skills, their ability to work effectively in a team,
and their contributions to the group's overall
3. Provide guidance, support, and feedback to 0.48 Sometimes 6
student groups, helping them stay on track and 3.44
offering assistance when needed.
4. Use role-playing activities or simulations to 3.49 0.51 Sometimes 4.5
immerse students in real-world scenarios. These
activities often require teamwork, communication,
and problem-solving skills.
5. Encourage students to teach each other. This 3.43 0.54 Sometimes 7
can be done through peer tutoring, group
discussions, or presentations where students
explain concepts to their classmates.
6. Assign group projects or activities that require 3.49 0.52 Sometimes 4.5
students to work together to solve problems,
research topics, or create presentations.
7. Divide a complex topic into smaller subtopics or 3.5 0.26 Always 3
sections. Assign each group of students one of
these subtopics to become experts on.
Composite Mean 3.54 Always
Legend: WM-Weighted Mean; SD-Standard Deviation; VI-Verbal Interpretation; R-Ran
Scale: 3.50-4.00 –Always; 2.50-3.49 - Sometimes; 1.50-2.49 – Often; 1.00 – 1.49– Never

The highest weighted mean in the utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching

History Subject in terms of constructivist approach is engages learners in

individual or group learning opportunities such as purposeful conversation,

project planning, hands on inquiry, analysis and product creation, which it has

weighted mean of 3.64 and standard deviation of 0.48 with verbal interpretation
of always. It shows that engaging learners in individual or group learning

opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on

inquiry, analysis and product creation are being used and employed by the

teachers in teaching History Subject with the used of 2C2IR approaches in terms

of constructivist approach. In addition, it makes the learners construct o their own

ideas and concepts with their peers. The highest ranking also presents that the

teachers are applied this activity and being widely used in teaching. According to

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2024), Working in small groups

provides learners with opportunities to articulate ideas and understandings,

uncover assumptions and misconceptions, and negotiate with others to create

products or reach consensus. Group activities enable students to discover

deeper meaning in the content and improve thinking skills. The most effective

use of group work is that which engages students with higher-level content that is

thought-provoking, difficult to understand, or has multiple interpretations.

Meanwhile, the lowest weighted mean value of 3.38 with the standard

deviation of 0.51 with the verbal interpretation of sometimes, obtained by guides/

models the learning in quickest way. In the table presents that the teachers

Guides/ models the learning in quickest way their students in order for them to

understand and learn the certain idea or the discussion. The lowest weighted

mean presents that there are other activities are being used by the teachers in

teaching with the used of the 2C2IR approach in terms of constructivist approach
Base on the Move This World (2022), Teacher modeling for students can be an

interactive, engaging demonstration of the skills and techniques that we want

students to practice. Modeling not only taps into how our brain learns, but it

strengthens mirror neurons to help students become better learners over time.

With the overall mean of 3.54 is shows that the teachers are always utilize

the 2C2IR approaches in teaching History subject in terms of constructivist

approach. This indicates that teachers are always using activities in teaching in

History Subject in 2C2IR approach in terms of constructivist approach. In the

findings, it shows that the teachers are applying different activities in terms of

constructivist approach in order for the students to construct their own ideas and

concepts instead of just passively take in the information, with this the students

are being asked and make them being active in the classroom. In the study of

Rajeev Rajan (2024), implementing constructivist approaches can help foster

positive attitudes towards learning. Students become active participants in their

education, develop a sense of ownership, and experience the joy of discovery

and mastery. This can lead to increased confidence, self-esteem, and a lifelong

love of learning.

1.2. Collaborative Approach. The table “number” presents how

teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in Problem-Based

Instruction in terms of collaborative approach.

Table “numer”
Collaborative Approach
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Prepares learners to be responsible individuals in a
technologically advanced society. Projects and 3.54 0.52 Always 2
activities given by the teachers shall reflect
students' current and future needs.
2. Students are evaluated on their problem-solving
skills, their ability to work effectively in a team, and 3.59 0.51 Always 1
their contributions to the group's overall success.
3. Provide guidance, support, and feedback to
student groups, helping them stay on track and 0.54 Sometimes 6
offering assistance when needed. 3.44
4. Use role-playing activities or simulations to Sometimes
immerse students in real-world scenarios. These 3.49 0.56 4.5
activities often require teamwork, communication,
and problem-solving skills.
5. Encourage students to teach each other. This can
be done through peer tutoring, group discussions, 3.43 0.57 Sometimes 7
or presentations where students explain concepts
to their classmates.
6. Assign group projects or activities that require Sometimes
students to work together to solve problems, 3.49 0.52 4.5
research topics, or create presentations.
7. Divide a complex topic into smaller subtopics or Always
sections. Assign each group of students one of 3.5 0.54 3
these subtopics to become experts on.
Composite Mean 3.50 0.31 Always

The highest weighted mean attained with 3.59 with standard deviation of

0.51 which it has a verbal interpretation of always in utilize 2C2IR approaches in

teaching History Subject in terms of collaborative approach. Which it is attained

by Students are evaluated on their problem-solving skills, their ability to work

effectively in a team, and their contributions to the group's overall success. It

presents in the table that the teachers Students are evaluated on their problem-

solving skills, their ability to work effectively in a team, and their contributions to

the group's overall success, which it can be use after the discussion in order for

the students to monitor and to know what are the learning they got and how they

collaborate to their peers. The weighted mean rating is always which it indicates

that this activities in teaching History subject in 2C2IR in terms of constructivist

approach is widely used by the teachers. Which it helps the students solve on

their own, think different solutions and make them active inside of their

classroom, also make them an effort to succeed in their task that are being asked

for them to solve. According to the study of Indeed Editorial Team (2023) that

Problem-solving examples help students solve problems, which can build their

confidence and strengthen their personalities. It helps connect them with their

ideas and allows them to share them. Problem-solving activities can also develop

their self-esteem.

The lowest weighted mean is 3.43 with standard deviation of 0.57 that

have a verbal interpretation sometimes, utilizing 2C2IR approaches in teaching

History Subject in terms of collaborative approach. The lowest weighted mean

rating obtained by Encourage students to teach each other. This can be done

through peer tutoring, group discussions, or presentations where students

explain concepts to their classmates. The table “number” indicates that the

teachers utilize this practice of encouraging students to teach each other. This
can be done through peer tutoring, group discussions, or presentations where

students explain concepts to their classmate sometimes in teaching in terms of

collaborative approach, which it can be use after the discussion in order for the

students to learn by their own and to deepen the understanding of the other

students by sharing their knowledge to other students. The weighted mean rating

is always which it indicates that this practice in teaching History subject in 2C2IR

in terms of collaborative approach is widely used by the teachers. Which it helps

the students to learn by their own and think different ideas with use of learnings

they got from the other students. Based on the study of University of Washington

(2024) engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and

focus and moves them to more critical thinking. Instructors who adopt a student-

centered approach to instruction increase opportunities for student engagement,

which then helps everyone more successfully achieve the course’s learning


In the overall mean of 3.50 with verbal interpretation of always teachers

utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in terms of collaborative

approach. In the table it presents that the teacher used different practice or

activities in tier students in teaching using the 2C2IR approach in terms of

collaborative approach. Which it makes the teachers make their students not only

stand on their own but also can think and make a solution to solve problems, and

build the socialization part of the students by talking or communicating with their
classmates or peers, which build the students confidence to stand on their own.

On the study of Inclusive Schools Network (2016) stated that collaborative

teaching teams often encounter challenges, such as student behavior issues or

curriculum adjustments. Through teamwork and collective brainstorming, they

develop innovative solutions to tackle these challenges effectively, benefiting

both the students and the team members.

1.3. Integrative Approach. The table “number” presents how

teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in Problem-Based

Instruction in terms of collaborative approach.

Table 2
Integrative Approach
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Models scientific thinking, scaffolds students to
make their thinking visible, provides multiple 3.56 Always 3
2. Connect the problem-solving process to real-world
applications and potential career scenarios,
3.55 Always 4
helping students see the practical value of their
integrative learning.
3. Promotes autonomy and lifelong learning 3.54
Always 5.5
4. Promote literacy skills, such as reading, writing, Sometimes
and information literacy, as fundamental tools for 3.48 7
integrating knowledge across subjects.
5. Incorporate various teaching methods and
resources, including visual aids, technology,
hands-on activities, and discussions, to cater to 3.67 Always 1
different learning styles and engage students in
multiple ways.
6. Allow students to take ownership of their learning. 3.54 Always 5.5
7. Instruct students to research and gather Always
information from various sources, including 3.6 2
textbooks, articles, experts, and online resources.
Composite Mean 3.56 Always

The highest weighted mean ratings represents that the incorporate various

teaching methods and resources, including visual aids, technology, hands-on

activities, and discussions, to cater to different learning styles and engage

students in multiple ways with weighted mean of 3.67 and have standard

deviation of 0.53 which in terms of Integrative Approach teachers always utilize

the 2C2IR Approaches in teaching History Subject. The table shows that teacher

always used in their teaching in problem-based learning with the used of 2C2IR

incorporate various teaching methods and resources, including visual aids,

technology, hands-on activities, and discussions, to cater to different learning

styles and engage students in multiple ways. The highest rank indicates that this

practice is being used in problem-based learning method by the teaches in their

teaching 2C2IR approaches in terms of integrative approach. According to the

study of Structural Learning (2022), using technology in the classroom is a

valuable tool that prepares students to learn 21st-century skills. Use of

PowerPoint presentations, videos, virtual classrooms, robots and augmented

reality (AR) does not only add liveliness to the classroom but may also lead to a

more inclusive and effective learning environment that improves inquisitiveness

and collaboration between the students

The lowest weighted mean ratings shows that the Promote literacy skills,

such as reading, writing, and information literacy, as fundamental tools for

integrating knowledge across subjects with weighted mean of 3.8 and standard

deviation of 0.54 which the teacher always utilizes the 2C2IR Approaches in

teaching History Subject in terms of integrative approach. In the tables presents

that it is utilized in teaching sometimes, it is employed but not widely as the other

activities or practices that teacher used in their teaching promoting literacy skills,

such as reading, writing, and information literacy, as fundamental tools for

integrating knowledge across subjects. The sometimes means that there are

other practices or activates are being used and employed by the teacher in

teaching problem-based learning with the used of 2C2IR in terms of integrative

approach. As stated in the study of Robert F. Smith (2023), learning

environments that promote literacy not only help students become proficient in

reading and writing, it also helps them understand and gain other forms of

literacy, including digital, media, health and more. With new technological

advancements, educators with access to digital education tools can leverage

them to create engaging learning environments.

The overall mean of 3.56 is an indication that the 2C2IR Approaches utilize

by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of integrative approach is being

used always. This shows that the teachers apply those practices or activities in

their teaching in History subject in problem-based learning in terms of integrative

approach. While the composite mean value indicates that teachers always

employ those for their effective teaching and some are sometimes in the History
subject. The findings implies that teachers always used those practices and

some teachers used other practices in their teaching in terms of their integrative

approach. On the study of Candy Cuenca Dimalanta (2023), the integrated

approach helps pupils get a unified view of reality, and enhances their capability

to acquire real-life skills. It does this by linking learning content between and

among subject areas. There is integration when pupils are able to connect what

they are learning in one subject area to a related content in another subject area.

1.4. Inquiry-Based Approach. The table “number” presents how

teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in Problem-Based

Instruction in terms of collaborative approach.

Table 2
Inquiry-Based Approach
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Demonstrates an activity or a process of a given
3.63 0.56 Always 2
content/ topic.
2. Communicates through writing with markers,
asking questions and making comments to the 3.59 0.52 3.5
prompt and to each other’s post.
3. Collects/processes the results at the end to use as
data for later activities based on the community of 0.54 Always 5.5
learner's participation
4. Encourages learners interest to manipulate objects, Always
test hypothesis and work together to solve or prove
3.5 0.54 5.5
something exciting. In the process, learners are
able to see or relate concepts better.
5. Assess students' performance based on their
contributions to group work, the quality of their
3.59 0.53 Always 3.5
presentations, and their ability to apply critical
thinking skills to solve the problem.
6. Let learners share their discoveries reinforces Always
communication skills and allows them to showcase 3.66 0.56 1
their learning.
7. Ensure students have access to a variety of Sometimes
resources, such as books, articles, websites,
3.49 0.60 7
videos, and experts, to aid their research and
Composite Mean 3.57 0.30 Always

The highest weighted mean in 2C2IR Approaches utilize by teachers in

teaching History Subject in terms of inquiry-based approach is 3.66 with standard

deviation of 0.48 which the verbal interpretation is always. Which it is obtained by

letting learners share their discoveries reinforces communication skills and allows

them to showcase their learning. The data shows that let learners share their

discoveries reinforces communication skills and allows them to showcase their

learning highly employed by the teacher in their teaching problem-based

learning. The high mean ratings urge that letting the learners shave their

knowledge and discoveries are being widely used by the teachers in teaching

History subject. According to LibreText Social Science (2023), through open

sharing, students have a richer and more engaging learning experience — as

they have greater access to information, perspectives and materials to help them

to succeed. sharing of information and ideas upon which new knowledge, skills

and understanding can be built. Sharing information allows for greater retention

as it becomes part of a collective repository that many can access. It helps to

break down silos and allows for new ideas or thoughts to germinate.
Moreover, the lowest weighted mean of 3.49 and have standard deviation

of 0.54 which has a verbal interpretation of sometimes in the 2C2IR Approaches

utilize by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of inquiry-based

approach. In addition, it is obtained by the ensuring students have access to a

variety of resources, such as books, articles, websites, videos, and experts, to

aid their research and exploration. The data presents that ensuring students

have access to a variety of resources, such as books, articles, websites, videos,

and experts, to aid their research and exploration are also ide and employed by

the teachers but not as wide ilk other activities or practices. The sometimes

mean ratings indicate there is another practices or activities can be used and

employed by the teacher aside from ensuring their students to have an access in

different resources that can be used by the students. The findings implies that

there is another activity for students in terms of inquiry-based learning in teaching

in problem-based learning. Based on the study of HelpMe (2023), the role of

resources is to provide a source of learning experience for our learners, assisting

the process of interaction between students and teachers during the

teaching/learning process. At the same time, they help students to learn and

increase their experience, meeting different learning needs. Used effectively they

help learners to build knowledge for themselves, developing different learning

strategies as in values, attitudes and generic skills, laying the foundation for the

life learning process.

Generally, the general composite mean of 3.57 with the verbal

interpretation of always in the 2C2IR Approaches utilize by teachers in teaching

History Subject in terms of inquiry-based approach. Based on the tables teachers

uses the variant of practices or activities of the teachers in using problem-based

learning in teaching History subject in terms of inquiry-based learning. Which it

indicates that teachers ensure that the students have access in resources that

they needed to know and to learn. And letting them to learn to their peers and

share it to others. As stated in the study of Lee Crakett (2023), This method

allows students to work alone or as part of a small group. Content can be

presented in different forms, including text, video, audio, virtually or physically,

helping meet students in their space while adapting to individual needs and

preferences. This is an effective way to engage students in the learning process,

helping them learn from first-hand experiences.

1.5. Reflective Approach. The table “number” presents how

teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject in Problem-Based

Instruction in terms of reflective approach.

Table 2
Reflective Approach
Reflective Approach
The teacher…
1. Collects information about what goes 0.4
3.68 Always 1
on inside the classroom. 9
2. Analyze or evaluates the obtained
0.5 Always
information by the teacher and 3.59 2
3. Engenders improvement in teaching 3.55 0.5 Always 4.5
towards effective learning. 2
4. Provide students with journals or Always
learning logs where they can record
their thoughts, questions, and 3.56 3
insights about the content they are
5. Promote peer reflection by
encouraging students to discuss their 0.5
3.45 Sometimes 6
learning experiences with their 0
6. Emphasize that reflection involves Always
thinking about what was learned, 0.4
3.55 4.5
how it was learned, and what could 8
be done differently in the future.
7. Incorporate reflective activities into Sometimes
the curriculum in a way that aligns 3.43 7
with the course content.
Composite Mean 3.54 0.5 Always

The highest weighted mean attained with 3.68 with standard deviation of

0.47 witch it has a verbal interpretation of always in the 2C2IR Approaches utilize

by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of reflective approach. Which it

is attained by collects information about what goes on inside the classroom. It

presents in the table that the teachers collect information about what goes on

inside the classroom, it is being used by the teacher after to identify if there are

things that should be kwon that can be used in teaching to reflect their lesson.

The weighted mean rating is always which it indicates that this practice in

teaching History subject in problem-based learning in terms of reflective

approach is widely used by the teachers. Which it helps the students to have

deepen understanding regarding and can reflect and also apply the lesson to
their selves. In the study of Victoria (2022), data is helpful when monitoring the

progress of individual students across a range of learning areas, as well as

tracking their achievement throughout the year. The data can be used to identify

where a student is placed in relation to their personal learning goals, the other

students in the class, or other targeted benchmarks. It’s also valuable information

to share in your parent-teacher communication.

The lowest weighted mean is 3.43 with standard deviation of 0.54 that

have a verbal interpretation sometimes, in the 2C2IR Approaches utilize by

teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of reflective approach. The lowest

weighted mean rating obtained by Incorporate reflective activities into the

curriculum in a way that aligns with the course content. The table “number”

indicates that teachers sometimes used the practice of incorporate reflective

activities into the curriculum in a way that aligns with the course content, it is

used by the teachers. Which it helps the students to make their own based on

their understanding, based on what they learn from the discussion. The lower

mean indicates that there are other ways to measure the students’ knowledge or

the students learn to their teachers. Based on the study of Elena Taylor (2023),

reflection is a necessary component of learning. Through reflective assignments

and tasks, students are given opportunities to evaluate their learning and analyze

strategies they use while acquiring and applying course material. Reflections also
help students assess and think deeply about the information presented in class

and thus better retain it.

In the overall mean of 3.54 with verbal interpretation of always teachers utilize

the 2C2IR Approaches by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of

reflective approach. Based on the table teachers utilized the practices or

activities of the teachers in using problem-based learning in teaching History

subject in terms of reflective approach. Which it makes the teacher to identify the

growth and development if their students based on the reflections they have

made. Which it indicates that students make their own reflective based on what

they understand in the discussion, makes them stand on their own. On the study

of Cambridge Assessment International Education (2023), reflection is a basic

part of teaching and learning. It aims to make you more aware of your own

professional knowledge and action by challenging assumptions of everyday

practice and critically evaluating practitioners’ own responses to practice

situations. The reflective process encourages you to work with others as you can

share best practice and draw on others for support. Ultimately, reflection makes

sure all students learn more effectively as learning can be tailored to them.

2. Students' Level of Competencies as Assessed by Araling Panlipunan

teachers in the History. The researchers determined students' level of

competencies as assessed by Araling Panlipunan in facilitating the Problem-

Based Instruction and it shown in the table “number and number”.

2.1. Knowledge. The table “number” presents students' level of

competencies as assessed by Araling Panlipunan in facilitating the Problem-

Based Instruction in terms of knowledge

Table 1
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Assess students' ability to recall and
correctly identify historical facts, dates, 3.63 0.47 1
and events.
2. Assess their critical thinking skills by
asking them to analyze historical Strongly
3.59 0.51 4
sources, documents, or primary and Agree
secondary materials.
3. Measure their capacity to synthesize
information from multiple sources and
form their interpretations or narratives Strongly
3.57 0.54 5
of historical event that can be done Agree
through essay assignments or
research projects.
4. Assess their ability to compare and Strongly
contrast different historical events, 3.6 0.52 Agree 2.5
regions, or cultures.
5. Assess their ability to communicate
their historical knowledge effectively, 3.45 0.54 Agree 7
both in writing and verbally.
6. Consider their level of engagement Strongly
3.5 0.54 6
and interest in history. Agree
7. Encourage students to reflect on their Strongly
own learning and historical 3.60 0.55 Agree 2.5

The highest weighted mean ratings represents that the teachers Assess

students' ability to recall and correctly identify historical facts, dates, and events

with weighted mean of 3.63 and have standard deviation of “ “ which the Student
Level of Competencies to a strongly agree in terms of knowledge. It the table

shows that the teachers asses students' ability to recall and correctly identify

historical facts, dates, and events in their student level of competencies in terms

of knowledge, it is being applied by the teachers in order for the student to

remember the important information’s. The weighted mean rating is strongly

agreed, which it indicates that this practice is highly used by the teachers in

problem-based learning. Which it helps the students to recall their learnings and

identify information’s that are important. As stated in the study of Structural

Learning (2021), The concept of Retrieval Practice is a potent tool in the realm of

education, particularly recognized for its efficacy in enhancing long-term retention

of information. This cognitive strategy pivots on the principle of actively recalling

information, which strengthens memory and facilitates learning. It's not merely

about rote memorization, but a dynamic process that engages the learner in a

deeper, more meaningful interaction with the material.

The lowest weighted mean ratings shows that the teachers assess their

ability to communicate their historical knowledge effectively, both in writing and

verbally with weighted mean of 3.45 and standard deviation of “ “ which the

teacher agree in Student Level of Competencies in terms of knowledge. The

table “number” indicates that teachers agreed in assess their ability to

communicate their historical knowledge effectively, both in writing and verbally.in

order for them to remember. In that way, it makes them socialize base on what
learnings they have that they can show writing and verbally. The lower mean

indicates that there are teachers agree in utilizing the practices in tier students,

but some of them not and used other practices to their students. According to

Lancehgs (203), students with strong communication skills can express their

ideas clearly and concisely, making it easier for them to participate in class

discussions, ask questions, and seek help when needed. They can also present

their thoughts and arguments persuasively, leading to better grades on

presentations, papers, and exams.

The overall mean of 3.56 is an indication that teachers strongly agree in students’

level of competencies in terms of knowledge. Based on the table teachers’ asses

their student’s level of competencies in terms of knowledge in using problem-

based learning. Which it makes the teacher to assess the growth of their

students and what they have learn based on the practices that they used in

teaching. In the study of Arda Hevalcilar (2024), competency-based learning is a

student-centered strategy that offers many advantages to students, teachers,

and employers. It improves the learning sphere for students, promotes

personalization, increases engagement, and encourages collaboration.

2.2. Skills. The table “number” presents students' level of

competencies as assessed by Araling Panlipunan in facilitating the Problem-

Based Instruction in terms of skills.

Table 2
Indicators WM SD VI Rank
1. Students should also possess digital
literacy skills, which include the ability to
evaluate online sources, use digital 3.48 Agree
archives, and leverage technology for
historical research.
2. Students should be able to place
Strongly 3
historical events within their cultural, 3.54
social, political, and economic contexts.
3. Students should be able to organize
historical information chronologically 6
3.46 Agree
and understand the concept of historical
periods and timelines.
4. Students should have a foundational Strongly
understanding of historical events, Agree
periods, and key figures. This includes 3.57
knowledge of major events, dates, and
significant historical trends.
5. Students should be able to compare
and contrast different historical periods, 7
3.44 Agree
regions, or societies to identify patterns
and differences.
6. Teachers may evaluate a student's Strongly
ability to empathize with people from the Agree
past and understand their perspectives 3.51
and experiences within their historical
7. Students may be assessed on their Strongly
ability to formulate historical questions, Agree
develop hypotheses, and propose 3.67
solutions or interpretations based on
historical evidence.

The highest mean ratings show that students may be assessed on their

ability to formulate historical questions, develop hypotheses, and propose

solutions or interpretations based on historical evidence with weighted mean of

3.67 and standard deviation of “ “ with verbal interpretation of strongly agree. It

presents that the students may be assessed on their ability to formulate historical

questions, develop hypotheses, and propose solutions or interpretations based

on historical evidence in their level of competencies in terms of skills in using

problem-based learning. It is being utilized by the teachers to measure how the

students formulate solution to answer the questions. The weighted mean rating is

strongly agreed, which it shows that this practice is being widely used by the

teachers in their teaching. In problem-based learning in terms of skills. As stated

in the study of Michael Smith (2023), the findings of this classroom experiment

provide some indication that students perform better on testable material for

which they generated written questions, than on material that was covered in the

lecture and reading alone.

Meanwhile, the lowest mean value of 3.44 with standard deviation of “ “

implies that the students should be able to compare and contrast different

historical periods, regions, or societies to identify patterns and differences with

verbal interpretation of agree in student level competencies in terms of skills. The

table “number” indicates that teachers agreed in students should be able to

compare and contrast different historical periods, regions, or societies to identify

patterns and differences, in this way they can differentiated and compare the

learnings they know. The lower mean shows that there are other practices that

can be used in teaching in problem-based learning in terms of skills. According to

Hope Education (2023), when your students compare and contrast, they are

improving their comprehension of the text by drawing their attention to important

details. Students are clarifying their thinking and looking deeper at a text. This

improves their memory of the text as well.

Generally, the general mean of 3.52 is a strong indication that student level

competencies in terms of skills to a strongly agree. In the tale shows that

teachers’ asses their student’s level of competencies in terms of skills in using

problem-based learning. Which its indicate that the teachers assess their

students o measure how their students formulate answer to answer the

questions. It helps the students in terms of they can critically thin and process the

problem first before answering. In the study of People for Education (2023), there

is broad acknowledgement that students need competencies beyond literacy and

numeracy. Developing competencies in the domains of health, creativity,

citizenship, and social-emotional learning provides students with the skills they

need to live happy, healthy, economically secure, civically engaged lives.

2.2. Attitudes. The table “number” presents students' level of

competencies as assessed by Araling Panlipunan in facilitating the Problem-

Based Instruction in terms of attitudes

Table 3
Indicators WM SD Interpretatio Rank
1. Teachers can observe students'
enthusiasm for history during class 3.5 Strongly
discussions, activities, and 5 Agree
2. Active participation in class
discussions, debates, and group 3.5 Strongly
activities can indicate a positive 3 Agree
attitude towards history.
3. Encourage students to ask questions
about historical events, figures, and
themes. Teachers can assess their 3.5 Strongly
curiosity by evaluating the quality and 2 agree
quantity of questions raised during
4. Observing students' behavior in the Strongly
classroom, such as attentiveness, Agree
respect for peers, and cooperation in 1
group activities, can provide insights
into their attitudes toward history.
5. Engaging students in open
discussions about their opinions and 3.5 Strongly
feelings regarding history can provide 2 Agree
insights into their attitudes.
6. Connecting historical topics to current Agree
events or students' personal lives can 3.4
help them see the relevance of 8
7. Promoting inclusivity and diversity in Strongly
historical narratives and discussions 3.5 Agree
can help students connect with the 8

The highest mean ratings represent that Observing students' behavior in

the classroom, such as attentiveness, respect for peers, and cooperation in

group activities, can provide insights into their attitudes toward history with

weighted mean of 3.61 and standard deviation of “ “ with verbal interpretation of

strongly agree in terms of attitudes in students competencies. The table presents

that the teachers observing students' behavior in the classroom, such as

attentiveness, respect for peers, and cooperation in group activities, can provide

insights into their attitudes toward history, which makes them develop the student

behavior in teaching problem-based in student level of competencies in terms of

attitudes, it is being used by the teachers in order for the student to learn based

on their peer’s behavior. The weighted mean rating is strongly agreed, which it

indicates that this practice is highly used by the teachers in problem-based

learning. Which it helps the students to have a good attitude based on what their

peers have. Based on the study of Duncan Ritchie (2021), classroom observation

is an important part of teaching. It ensures that teachers are providing a

satisfactory learning experience for the student and identifies weaknesses which

can be shored up with adjustments and training. This is done by observing the

teacher to ensure that they are providing the best possible learning environment

and lessons that are appropriate to the level of the student. It should also check

that teaching is centered around each and every pupil and that nobody is being

left behind in the class.

The lowest weighted mean of 3.48 with standard deviation of “ “ that has

verbal interpretation of agree is connecting historical topics to current events or

students' personal lives can help them see the relevance of history. The table

“number” shows that teachers agreed in connecting historical topics to current

events or students' personal lives can help them see the relevance of history, in

order for them to apply to tier self and have a better understanding the topic. In

that way, it makes them deepen the learnings because they and integrate the

real-life scenarios in tier topics. The lower mean ratings shows that there are

other activities for the students to deepen their understanding and how they will

learn better the topic, it is not widely as like the other practices by the teachers in

teaching. According to the study of Eklavvya (2023), incorporating real-life

scenarios and practical challenges into assessments, educators can bridge the

gap between classroom learning and real-world application, enabling students to

see the relevance of their knowledge and develop essential skills that extend

beyond mere memorization.

In the overall weighted mean of 3.54 it indicates a strong implication that

the students level competencies in terms of attitudes to a strongly agree. Based

on the table teachers’ asses their student’s level of competencies in terms of

attitude in using problem-based learning that makes them have a deeper

understanding to the lesson. Which it indicates there are teachers utilized the

practices but there are some teachers are not, and there are other practices that

they can apply to their teaching in problem-based learning in terms of attitude.

On the study of Widodo Winarso (2018), the attitude is an internal or subjective

evaluation process that takes place within a person and cannot be directly

observed. Attitudes can be known through knowledge, beliefs, feelings and the

tendency of one's behavior towards the object of the attitude.

3. Difference Responses Between Private and Public Teachers and the

2C2IR Approaches in Teaching History Subject

Table presents the difference responses between private and public

teachers and the 2C2IR approaches in teaching History subject. It was observed

that there was a significant difference between the private and public teachers

and the 2C2IR approaches in teaching History subject in terms of reflective since

the obtained p-value of 0.040 was less than the alpha level of 0.05. Private

teachers have greater assessment on 2C2I1R approaches in teaching History

subject in terms of reflective.

Table ‘number”
Difference Responses Between Private and Public Teachers and the 2C2IR
Approaches in Teaching History Subject
Teacher(Public and F-value p-value Interpretation
Collaborative 0.323 0.571 Not Significant
Constructivist 0.580 0.448 Not Significant
Integrative 0.031 0.861 Not Significant
Inquiry-based 1.203 0.275 Not Significant
Reflective 4.353 0.040 Significant
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05
The difference between the response of the teachers and the students in

using differentiation instructional. Table “number” above presents if the public

and private teachers are not significant. The comparison between the private

and public teachers in terms of using 2C2IR approaches in terms of

collaborative, computed f-value of 1.323 and p-value 0.571 implies there is no

significant differences on the responses in terms of collaborative in using

2C2IR approaches in teaching History Subject.

In terms of using 2C2IR in teaching History subject in constructivist, the

table shows that the public and private teachers are not significant in using

2C2IR in teaching History Subject. The comparison between the public and

private teachers and in problem-based in 2C2IR in terms of constructivist,

computed f-value of 0.580 and with the p-value of 0.448.

The difference between the private and public teachers and the 2C2IR in

teaching History subject shows in the table “number” that there are not

significant. Which in terms of integrative in private and public teachers and

differentiated instruction in teaching History Subject the computed f-value of

0.031 and p-value of 0.861.

In terms of inquiry-based in private and public teachers in using 2C2IR in

teaching History subject, the table represents that there are not significant. The

comparison between the private and public teachers and in 2C2IR in teaching

History subject with computed of f-value 1.203 and p-value of 0.275.

The difference between the response of the teachers and the students in

using 2C2IR. Table “number” above presents if the public and private teachers

are significant. The comparison between the private and public teachers in

terms of using 2C2IR approaches in terms of reflective, computed f-value of

4.353 and p-value 0.040 implies there is significant differences on the

responses in terms of reflective in using 2C2IR approaches in teaching History

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations of the study based from the findings.

Summary of Findings

The present study focused with the Problem-Based Instruction in improving

learners performance that Araling Panlipunan secondary teachers in DepEd

Batangas City employed to improve their students’ performance.

In particular, this aimed to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent do teachers utilize 2C2IR approaches in teaching History


1.1 Collaborative

1.2 Constructivist

1.3 Integrative

1.4 Inquiry-Based and

1.5 Reflective?

2. To what extent is the students' level of competencies as assessed by

Araling Panlipunan teachers in the history?

3. Is there a difference between the public and private teachers in utilization

of problem-based instruction and the student’s performance?

4. What are the issues and challenges encountered by Araling Panlipunan

teachers in teaching History?

5. Based on the result of the study, what learning plan may be proposed in

teaching Junior High School in improving learner’s academic

A descriptive type of research was used due to the quantitative nature of

the study. A total of 100 secondary Araling Panlipunan teachers in DepEd in

Batangas City participated the study. To gather the needed data, a questionnaire

and interview was used in the study. Statistical analysis using weighted mean and

percentage were used to analyze the data.

The following are the findings of the study based on the data gathered:

1. Utilize 2C2IR Approaches in Teaching History Subject.

1.1 In terms of Constructivist Approach, the respondents in general

applied different activities in terms of constructivist approach which it has weighted

mean of 3.64 that show engages learners in individual or group learning

opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on inquiry,

analysis and product creation, which it shows it is used always. Moreover, the

lowest weighted mean value of 3.38 with the standard deviation of 0.51 the teachers

sometimes guides/ models the learning in quickest way.

1.2 In terms of Collaborative Approach. Students are evaluated on

their problem-solving skills, their ability to work effectively in a team, and their

contributions to the group's overall success, by the highest weighted mean of 3.59.

While the lowest mean of 3.43 students to teach each other. This can be done
through peer tutoring, group discussions, or presentations where students explain

concepts to their classmates. of 3.50 with always teachers utilize 2C2IR

approaches in teaching History Subject in terms of collaborative approach.

1.3 In terms of Integrative Approach, highest weighted mean with

weighted mean of 3.67 shows that the incorporate various teaching methods and

resources, including visual aids, technology, hands-on activities, and discussions,

to cater to different learning styles and engage students in multiple ways.

Meanwhile the lowest weighted mean of 3.8 got by promote literacy skills, such as

reading, writing, and information literacy, as fundamental tools for integrating

knowledge across subjects. With overall composite mean of 3.56 is an indication

that the 2C2IR Approaches utilize by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms

of integrative approach is being used always.

1.4 In terms of Inquiry-Based Approach, let learners share their

discoveries reinforces communication skills and allows them to showcase their

learning got the highest weighted mean of 3.66 is being used always. Moreover,

the lowest weighted mean of 0.49, obtained by somimes ensuring students

have access to a variety of resources, such as books, articles, websites,

videos, and experts, to aid their research and exploration. With overall

composite mean of .57 and utilize always in the 2C2IR Approaches utilize by

teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of inquiry-based approach.

1.5 In terms of Reflective Approach, the collects information

about what goes on inside the classroom obtained by the highest weighted mean
of 3.68, while the Incorporate reflective activities into the curriculum in a way that

aligns with the course content it is sometimes utilize and obtained of weigted mean

of 3.43. the general weighted mean of 3.54 which it is always teachers utilize the

2C2IR Approaches by teachers in teaching History Subject in terms of reflective


2. Students' Level of Competencies as Assessed by Araling

Panlipunan teachers in the History.

2.1 In terms of knowledge, the teachers assess students' ability to

recall and correctly identify historical facts, dates, and events with highest

weighted mean of 3.63 and strongly agree. On the other hand, the lowest weighted

mean value of 3.45, agree that the teachers assess their ability to communicate

their historical knowledge effectively, both in writing and verbally. In overall, the

composite mean value of 3.56 is an indication that teachers strongly agree in

students’ level of competencies in terms of knowledge.

2.2 In terms of skills, the teachers strongly agree that students

may be assessed on their ability to formulate historical questions, develop

hypotheses, and propose solutions or interpretations based on historical evidence

with weighted mean of 3.67. Meanwhile the lowest mean value of 3.44 the

teachers agree that implies that the students should be able to compare and

contrast different historical periods, regions, or societies to identify patterns and

differences. In general, weighted mean of 3.52 is a strong indication that student

level competencies in terms of skills to a strongly agree.

2.3 In terms of attitudes, observing students' behavior in the

classroom, such as attentiveness, respect for peers, and cooperation in group

activities, can provide insights into their attitudes toward history they stongly agree

with weighted mean of 3.61. The lowest weighted mean of 3.48 is agree in

connecting historical topics to current events or students' personal lives can help

them see the relevance of history. In the overall weighted mean of 3.54 it indicates

a strong implication that the students level competencies in terms of attitudes to a

strongly agree.

3. Difference Responses Between Private and Public Teachers

and the 2C2IR Approaches in Teaching History Subject.

The difference between the private and public teachers and the 2CCIR

approaches in teaching History Subject in terms of collaborative approach shows

there are not significant. In terms of difference response between private and

public teachers are not significant in 2C2CIR approaches in teaching History


The difference between the private and public teachers and the 2C2IR

approaches in teaching History subject in terms of integratve approaches shows

there are not significant. In terms of inquiry-based approach in using 2C2IR

approaches in teaching History subject there are not significant. While in terms of

reflective approach, in the difference respnses between pivate and public teachers

and the 2C2IR approaches in teaching History subject shows they are significant.

Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Utilize 2C2IR Approaches in Teaching History Subject.

1.1. Show engages learners in individual or group learning

opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on inquiry,

analysis and product creation, which it shows it is used always by the

respondents. Moreover, the teachers sometimes guides/ models the learning in

quickest way.

1.2 Respondents always are evaluated the students on their

problem-solving skills, their ability to work effectively in a team, and their

contributions to the group's overall success. While the students to teach each

other, this can be done through peer tutoring, group discussions, or presentations

where students explain concepts to their classmates that respondents always


1.3 incorporate various teaching methods and resources, including

visual aids, technology, hands-on activities, and discussions, to cater to different

learning styles and engage students in multiple ways respondents always utilize.

Same with promote literacy skills, such as reading, writing, and information

literacy, as fundamental tools for integrating knowledge across subjects is being

employed always.

1.4 let learners share their discoveries reinforces communication

skills and allows them to showcase their learning is beng utilized always. While

they sometimes ensuring students have access to a variety of resources,

such as books, articles, websites, videos, and experts, to aid their research

and exploration.

1.5 Respondnets always ollects information about what goes on

inside the classroom, while the teachers incorporate reflective activities into the

curriculum in a way that aligns with the course content it is sometimes utilize.

2. Students' Level of Competencies as Assessed by Araling

Panlipunan teachers in the History.

2.1 The respondents agree in assess students' ability to recall and

correctly identify historical facts, dates, and events. While the teachers sometimes

assess their ability to communicate their historical knowledge effectively, both in

writing and verbally.

2.2 The teachers strongly agree that students may be assessed on

their ability to formulate historical questions, develop hypotheses, and propose

solutions or interpretations based on historical evidence. Meanwhile, teachers

agree that implies that the students should be able to compare and contrast

different historical periods, regions, or societies to identify patterns and


2.3 Observing students' behavior in the classroom, such as

attentiveness, respect for peers, and cooperation in group activities, can provide

insights into their attitudes toward history they stongly agree. While the teacher

agrees in connecting historical topics to current events or students' personal lives

can help them see the relevance of history

3. The difference response between the private and public teachers of

2C2IR in terms of constructivist approach, collaborative approach, inquiry-based,

and integrative are not significant, but in terms of reflective is significant.

4. The challenges that teachers of Araling Panlipinan encountered in

facilitating learning are time constraint, students’ diversity, lack of resources and

have no interest in the subject itself.

5. Instructional Activities to motivate and engage students in learning.

To motivate the students in learning is to prepared different instructional activities

that can help them to involve and participate in learning by using learning

materials, that indicates activities that students will do by the guidance of their

teachers in order for them to be motivate and engage.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are

hereby offered.

1. The proposed learning activities that focuses on the improvement of

the performance if the students in teaching Araling Panlipunan in problem-based

instruction in 2C2IR.

2. Additional activities may provide for improving the learners’ academic

performances in learning Araling Panlipunan.

3. A similar study focusing on other aspect of student’s performance

may be develop to evaluate the findings of the study.

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