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chuck /tʃʌk/ verb THROW

1. [ T often + adverb or preposition ] INFORMAL to throw something carelessly

Chuck it over there/into the corner.
[ + two objects ] Chuck me the keys.
yank /jæŋk/ verb
1. [ T usually + adverb or preposition ] INFORMAL to pull something forcefully with a
quick movement
He tripped over the wire and yanked the plug out .
She yanked open the cupboard and everything fell out.
2. [ T often passive ] MAINLY US INFORMAL to suddenly remove someone or something
I was yanked out of school and forced to seek work.

Fun-filled celebration
Has its roots in
Lavishly decorated
Most anticipated public holiday
Baking and sharing of holiday treats
Newly sprouted wheat

consternation /ˌkɒn t .stəˈneɪ.ʃ ə n/ /ˌkɑːn t .stɚ-/ noun [ U ]

a feeling of worry, shock or confusion
The prospect of so much work filled him with consternation.
To his consternation, when he got to the airport he found he'd forgotten his passport.

bulge /bʌldʒ/ verb [ I ]

to stick out in a round shape
Her bags were bulging with shopping.

scupper /ˈskʌp.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb [ T ] SINK

1. to sink your own ship on purpose
scupper /ˈskʌp.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb [ T ] SPOIL
2. to cause something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail
Arriving late for the interview scuppered my chances of getting the job.

belie /bɪˈlaɪ/ verb [ T ] belying , belied , belied

to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion
Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling.
billing /ˈbɪl.ɪŋ/ noun [ U ] SHOW INFORMATION
2. information, especially about a performance
Unfortunately, the show never lived up to (= was not as good as) its billing.
3. star/top billing
in a show or film, etc. when someone is advertised as the most important actor
vilify /ˈvɪl.ɪ.faɪ/ verb [ T ] FORMAL
to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other
people to have a bad opinion of them
He was vilified by the press as a monster of perversity.

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