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Dear All,
As the world becomes more interconnected, it is increasingly important
for students to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and
their influence on graphic design and applied art. By bringing together
students from different universities and countries, we aim to create a
unique learning experience that will not only broaden their horizons, but
also equip them with skills. and the knowledge needed to succeed in the
global marketplace.
Our collaborative experience will present a series of lectures,
workshops, and cultural activities that will provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of design and its mechanisms. Through a
cooperation contract that allows the student to study some of the
courses at the other university, students will have the opportunity to
learn from experts in the field, participate in discussions with their peers,
and gain practical insights. About the challenges and opportunities facing
graphic design.
We believe that this collaboration will not only benefit the participating
students but also the wider community. By fostering greater cultural
understanding and strengthening applied art and design practices, we
hope to make a positive contribution to the global community and
inspire future generations of students to become responsible and ethical
leaders in the field of graphic design.
This will be done by hosting University of California students to attend a
semester at the Higher Colleges of Technology or vice versa with our
students. They are allowed to register 5 courses and their tasks will be
completed completely together. These courses will be equalized so that
the student gets their grades normally.

Basma Fouda
Goals of the cooperation:

• Experience and knowledge: Through joint lectures, the two universities will share their experience and
knowledge in the field of design, exposing students to a wide range of ideas and approaches.

• Reinforcement: Joint lectures will help foster collaboration between the two universities, encouraging students to
work together on research projects, design challenges, and other initiatives.

• Expanding International Perspectives: Joint lectures will increase students' exposure to international perspectives
on design, helping them to understand the ways in which design practices and theories differ across different
regions and cultures.

• Professional Development: Joint lectures will provide opportunities for students to engage in professional
development activities, such as attending talks by leading practitioners, learning about emerging trends and
technologies in the field, and networking with other professionals.

• Enhancing Academic Programs: Joint lectures will help enhance the academic programs offered by the two
universities, providing students with access to a broader range of courses and subjects in the field of design.

Matching courses that can be equated

# CSUB Courses HCT Courses

1 Drawing for digital media CDG 4023 Design Illustration
2 Design fundamental COM 1143 Visual Communications
3 Typography CDG 3503 Typography I
4 Visual thinking CDG 4013 Design Thinking for Innovation
5 Internship COM 3616 Work Placement II
6 Communication design capstone CDG 4806 Final Project: Graphic Design
7 Graphic Identity CDG 2303 Introduction to Graphic Design

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