Care Skills Level 5

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Care Skills level 5

Assignment 1.

Outline the profile of a client group in need of healthcare

The profile of a client group in need of health care can vary depending on various factors such as
age, demographics, health conditions and socio economic status. Here is an outline of some key
considerations when defining the profile client group in need of health care. 1. Health conditions
which are chronic like diabetes, hypertension or mental health disorders. Acute illnesses such as
infections, injuries or acute exacerbations of chronic conditions. 2. Demographics which we can look
at the age range being children adolescents, adults or elderly. Special needs these can be individuals
with disabilities such as mobility impairments, sensory impairments or cognitive impairments.

Understanding the profile of a client group in need of health care is essential for designing a tailored
interventions, providing appropriate resources and addressing disparities in health care access and
outcomes. It also allows health care providers to deliver patient- centred care that meets the unique
needs of the population they serve.

My name is Nomakhosi Dladla and I will be focusing in care support of an elderly. His name is Levi
and he is 82 years old. His mobility is limited and he spends most of his time sitting on a chair and
sometimes laying on the bed.

Levi is not able to do most of his things by himself. He need assistance with activities of daily living
such as bathing, dressing and sometimes feeding. Ageing adults living alone face challenges carrying
out these activities. He also take medication which as a care giver have to administrate and also
needs mobility support as he has difficulty in getting around the house on his own. Levi uses a
walking cane around the house and when going out the children managed to source a mobility
scooter for him. The home has been installed with grab bars in the bathroom, non slip mats and
handrails to prevent him from falling. Everyone has those days when they feel lazy or do not want to
get out of bed. Levi most of the times has those days when he just want to sit on his chair and not
move at all. It becomes a big concern as he is vulnerable to pressure sores. I always encourage him
to do regular pressure relief also called weight shifting, pressure redistribution and pressure

When sitting in a wheelchair he has to do pressure relief every fifteen to thirty minutes for a
duration of at least 30 to 90 seconds. With age most people their skin gets sensitive. As his carer I
always make sure that his skin is always clean and dry, well moisturised to prevent irritation and
breakdown. Levi has to bath daily with mild soap and warm water.

To make life easier for him most of his clothing has velcro fastners, elastic waistbands and large
buttons which has made dressing for him a lot easier since recently he has been showing signs of
arthritis. His hands are not steady any more so he has difficulty when trying to dress himself.
Adequate nutrition plays a key role in maintaining physical strength to an elderly like Levi. Nutrition
manages chronic conditions and prevents malnutrition. Older adults in many cases face challenges in
obtaining and preparing nutritious meals due to physical limitations, transportation barriers or
limited access to grocery stores. It is estimated at least half of older adults living at home need
nutritional intervention to improve their health, and 85%have one or more chronic diseases, which
could improve with correct nutrition.
As a care giver a menu has been set in place for Levi and have prioritised lean meats, fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seed, eggs, seafood and dairy. He needs to drink lots of water
to prevent dehydration .

Most of the time persons on his condition are prone to suffer from stress, depression as a carer I
need to provide emotional support and empathy to address those issues. Encouraging self
expression through music therapy has made a great impact to cope with emotional challenges. Being
surrounded by family has a great impact on his social life. Levis family has a big impact on his life.
Most weekends his children bring his grandchildren to visit and also on Thursdays he goes to the
local club where he meets with some of his mates. This is the day that he looks more forward to. He
also has managed to reach out to old friends and colleagues thanks to the technology as his
daughter gave him an ipad on his last birthday. This makes him have a sense of belonging. Surgeon
General Vivek Murthy an advisory from U.S reported loneliness is associated with a greater risk of
cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety and premature death. Murphy
wrote:”The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to
15 cigarettes a day.”

Maintaining social connections and participating in community activities can help combat feelings of
isolation and loneliness. By actively participating in social engagements opportunities, older adults
can experience improved mental well being, a sense of belonging and an enriched social life. At the
local club there are dance classes on Fridays so Levi is a member he goes there sometimes he
participates and sometimes he sits and watches while other people dance. He enjoys that company
at the same time it helps to be active.

Show an awareness of the safety and security procedures in terms of meeting the clients needs-

Safety is a basic need of every individual throughout each stage of the cycle of life. In meeting the
needs of a clients, especially elderly individuals, its crucial to prioritise safety and security
procedures to ensure their well-being and peace of mind. Confidentiality and privacy is an
important key when dealing with a client. A carer has to respect and uphold client confidentiality
and privacy right by implementing secure communication channels and maintaining confidential
records and obtaining consent for sharing personal information. This simple means that no personal
information of the client has to be discussed amongst cares or any individual.

Caring for Levi is more manageable as it is easier to manage the house and also its safety for him as
an elderly. As a carer home safety assessment was one of the most important things to be done. This
was done to identify potential hazards such as slippery floors, uneven surfaces or inadequate
lightning. In care homes they also do emergency preparedness. They develop and review emergency
plans with the client and caregivers, including procedures for natural disasters, medical emergencies
and fire evacuation.

Cleanliness at the house is very important as it helps to prevent infectious diseases, including hand
hygiene, proper sanitation. A carer has to follow strict infection control protocols to prevent the
spread of infectious diseases, including hand hygiene. Washing of hands is very important and this
can be done even if using gloves, before wearing and after taking them off. Organisms can sit under
watches, rings and nail polish. It is advisable that cares should remove watches or any rings with
stones and avoid wearing nail polish. Bacteria and dirt can sit under the end of long nails so it it is of
paramount importance to have short nail. Always was hands before and after caring for a person ,
after using the toilet , before and after food and after dealing with contaminated or dirty material. It
should be a 30 to 40 second wash. Aprons as well should be worn where necessary to protect the
carer from infectious diseases. This helps when disposing soiled clothes or bedding when taking
them to the laundry. By incorporating these safety and security procedures into client care plans and
practises, care givers can ensure a safe and supportive environment that meets the diverse needs of
elderly individuals and promotes their overall well being.

Discuss the importance of safe and hygienic work practices.

Safe and hygienic work practises are critically important in the field of care, whether its in healthcare
settings, elderly care facilities, home care, or childcare centres. Elderly people like Levi with
compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to infectious and illnesses. Adhering to
strict hygiene practices helps prevent the spread of pathogens and reduces the risk of cross
contamination, protecting them from harm.

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is essential for upholding the dignity and self esteem
of individuals receiving care A clean and well maintained environment contributes to a sense of
comfort, security and well being, fostering a positive care experience for both patients and residents.
Controlling the spread of infectious diseases is crucial in care settings to both staff and patients/
residents. Implementing measures such as proper hand hygiene, protective equipment (PPE) use,
isolation protocols helps contain infectious outbreaks and safeguard the health of everyone
involved. In health care facilities preventing infections and illnesses through hygienic practices can
lead a significant cost savings for health care providers. In most cases patients and their families
place their trust on us cares to deliver safe and effective care. By prioritizing hygiene and safety, care
providers can build trust and confidence among stakeholders, leading to greater satisfaction loyalty
and positive word of mouth referrals.

In summary safe and hygienic work practices are essential in care settings to protect vulnerable
populations, prevent infections, ensure regulatory compliance and promote a culture of safety and
trust. By prioritising hygiene and safety, care providers can uphold the highest standards of care and
enhance the well being of those they serve.

Identify the reporting procedures for changes in clients well-being.

Reporting procedures for changes in a clients well being are crucial for care givers to ensure prompt
identification and response to any signs and symptoms of deterioration . Documentation is very
important to caregivers. This where they record observations including changes in the clients
physical condition, mental status, behaviour and vital signs. Everything should be put on record even
a small bruise on a client. Elderly people like Levi are fragile sometimes they tend to bump
themselves by mistake and remain with a bruise. All that have to be recorded so that the next care
giver coming on shift be aware of any bruising and if need a doctor be called for consultation.

Communication as well is an important aspect. Care givers should communicate any observed
changes in the clients well being to appropriate personnel such as supervisors or nurses. This
communication should be done promptly and effectively to ensure timely assessment and
intervention. Most caregivers use forms to document changes in clients conditions. This is usually
placed next to the bedside of the client where its easier for care givers to find when they start their
shift which makes easier communicate with other members of the care team. After reporting any
changes in a clients well being, caregivers should follow up to ensure that appropriate action has
been taken.This may involve documenting the response to the report, following any care plans or
instructions provided, and providing on going monitoring and support for the client.
By following these reporting procedures caregivers can contribute to the early detection of changes
in a clients well being and facilitate timely intervention to address and emerging issues. Effective
reporting is essential for ensuring the safety, comfort and overall well being of clients under their

Identify relevant records that must be maintained on clients.

In care giving, maintaining accurate and comprehensive records is essential for providing high quality
care, ensuring continuity of care, and also complying with regulatory requirements.

1. Personal information, this includes basic demographic detailed such as a clients name, date of
birth, address, contact information and emergency contacts

2. Medical history: Documenting the client including medical history, past illnesses, surgeries,
medical conditions, allergies and immunisation records.This information provides crucial insights
into the clients health status and informs the care plan.

3. Medical records: A detailed record of all medications prescribed to the client, including dosage,
frequency, route of administration and any special instructions. Medication administration has to be
documented, times and any missed doses and any adverse reactions or side effects

4. Communication logs: these records have to be maintained of all communications related to the
client, including phone calls, emails, meetings and consultations with other healthcare professionals
or family members. These log help ensure effective coordination of care and continuity of

By maintaining these relevant records on clients, care givers can ensure comprehensive
documentation of care, promote effective communication and coordination among care team
members and facilitate informed decision making to meet the individual needs and preferences of
each client

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