Lesson-Plan Janine Irish

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SCHOOL Agnipa National High School GRADE LEVEL Grade 8

TEACHER Janine Irish Medina LEARNING AREA English 8
DATE February 13 , 2024 QUARTER 2nd Quarter

A. Content Standards .
B. Performance
C. Learning Use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional response
Competencies/ or reaction to an issue to persuade
Objectives At the end of the 60-minute period, students can:
A. Identify the uses of past progressive, present progressive and future
progressive in the sentence;
B. constuct a sentence using past, present and future progressive Tense in
the sentence ; and
C. Perform cooperatively and attentively in the given different activities .
II. CONTENT Verb tenses ( past progressive, present progressive and future progressive)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Other Learning Candies, envelope, charts, letter cut-outs, laptop, television,PowerPoint
Materials presentation, speaker, pictures.
4. Integration Within – English 1st Quarter - Use modal verbs, nouns and adverbs
Across –
- MAPEH(Music) 1st Quarter - evaluates music and music
performances using guided rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements
and style. (MU8SE-Ic-h-8)
Strategies Discovery Teaching, Deductive Method, Cooperative Learning,
Differentiated Instruction
Values Integration

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer Before we start may I request Sean
to lead the prayer.
Sean pray.
b. Greetings Good morning!
Good morning ma'am
How are you today class?
Where doing great ma'am
That's good to know , before you sit ,
please check if there are any pieces of
paper around you and kindly pick them
up so we can keep our classroom clean
and we can start in today's lesson.
Okay you may now take your sit.
c. Energizer
d. Checking of Okay Shannen is there any absent
Attendance today? Ma'am no one absent today
IV. PROCEDURES Before we go on to our new lesson
this morning let's have first a short
A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting
the New Lesson Who among you still remember the
lesson that we discussed last time?
Ma'am our lesson last meeting is
all about adjective.
Alright! and what is adjective again?

Yes! shanna

An adjective is a word that

modifies or describes a noun or
Brilliant! Shanna.
B. Establishing a Class, before we start our lesson,
Purpose for the we will have first an activity.
Lesson I will divide you into 3 groups , but p
before I present our activity today what
is the standard in group activity?
 Cooperate with the group
 Lessen noise
 Respect others and their

Very good, so let's start , this activity is

called " zigzag puzzle" I have here
three envelopes inside the envelope
consist of a pictures that cut into
various shapes and you need to
combine those pictures inside the
Do you understand class? Yes ma'am

(Teacher distribute each envelope)

Expected Answer



C. Presenting Examples/
Instances of the New
Lesson From our activity how did you find our
activities ? The activities were interesting and
I'm glad to know that you have I really enjoyed it ma'am.
enjoyed the activities. Anyway I have
here sentences related to the activities.
I want you to read it loud.

1. John was baking a cake when

the storm started
2.She is listening to the radio
3.My family will be eating dinner
together this evening.

What have you observe from the

I observe that there are
underlined words
What are these underlined words?

This underlined words are verb

Exactly it seems that you already have tense
an idea about our new topic.

But this time we are going to discuss

the past, present and future
progressive Tense.

D. Discussing New So our lesson for today is all about

Concepts and verb tense the past, present and future
Practicing New progressive.
Skills #1

Who among of you have an idea

about past progressive Tense?

Yes Nikki
Ma'am past progressive Tense
can be used to describe an activity
in the past that was interrupted.

Alright very good Nikki

Can you read the meaning of past
progressive Isaac.
The past progressive Tense is a
verb form used to refer to an
action thaw was ongoing at a time
in a past.

Alright! thank you Isaac

And also past progressive Tense can

be used to describe an activity in the
past that was interrupted.

The past progressive Tense is formed

like this.

(Singular subject) + ( was) + ( present

participle verb - ing)
Here is an example from the past
progressive Tense

" He was painting the door when a Bird

struck the window"

So in this example he is the subject

which is singular followed by was plus
present participle painting.

Understand class?

And now let's proceed to the present Yes ma'am

progressive tense

Yes Aileen

Ma'am for me present

progressive Tense is used to talk
about actions or event that are
progress in the moment of
Here is the meaning of present speaking or temporary situations.
progressive tense
Who wants to read?

Present progressive tense is a

verb tense used to describe an
action that is happening at the
moment of speaking, or a
temporary action that is in
Alright thank you princess progress.

Present progressive tense is formed

by combining the present tense of the
verb " to be" (am, is , are) with the
present participle (ing form) of the main
The present progressive tense is
formed like this
"am" " is" "are" + present participle
(verb -ing)

I have here examples of present

progressive tense

" I'am studying for my exam right now

Understand class?

And next is future progressive Tense

But before that any idea about future

progressive Tense?
Yes ma'am
Alright! Very good Jared

So future progressive Tense is

indicates an action that will occurs over Ma'am future progressive Tense
a period of time at some point in the is a verb tense that indicates
future. continuing action.
To form the future progressive Tense
Subject + will be + present participle of
the verb

I have here an example of future

progressive Tense

I will be studying for my math test on


The ongoing action of studying will

happen in the future
I is the subject performs the action in
the sentence. Plus auxiliary verb
consist of Wii be this denotes that the
action will take place in the future, plus
the main verb studying present
participle (ing) form describe the
ongoing action.

Did you understand class?

Yes ma'am
E. Discussing New I have here sentence, and what are you
Concepts and going to do is to identify the sentence
Practicing New whether it is past progressive, present
Skills #2 progressive or future progressive. Is that
Yes ma'am
1. They were sleeping when the alarm
went off.
2. They were playing soccer in the
field when it started raining
3. She is listening to the radio
4. He will be completing his project by
Friday morning
5. She is taking a nap

1. Past
2. Past
3. Present
4. Future
5. Present
F. Developing Mastery So now I will group you into 3 count
(Leads to Formative from 1 to 3
I have here different activities and
what are going to do is to answer them
based on the instructions given in each

Group 1
Instructions: constuct a sentence
using past progressive Tense
Group 2
Instructions: identify each sentence
whether it is past, present or future
progressive Tense
Group 3
Instructions: pick the correct auxiliary
verb in the box and complete each
G. Finding Practical What is the uses of verb tense in
Applications of everyday conversation?
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living We use verb tense to talk about
our routine, our past experience
and talk about what we are doing
right now.
What is the importance of progressive
verb tense in daily life?

It allows English speakers to

express actions in relation to time
without reference to a specific
time. For example, we can use the
progressive to denote an action
that is occurring now or will occur
Alright! Very good in the near future.
H. Making And now that you already know the
Generalizations and past, present and future progressive is.
Abstractions About the
We will going to have a fun activity I
will give you a cabbage ( piece of
papers with questions) to the class play
some cool music , and have the
students pass the cabbage around the
classroom , when the music stop, the
students holding the cabbage must
take off a piece of paper and answer
the question.
Am I clear
Yes ma'am
1. Enumerate the 3 progressive tense
that we discussing today.

The 3 progressive Tense are

past, present and future
2.differentiate the 3 progressive tense

Present progressive used to

describe an action that is
happening right now, past
progressive indicates the past
action went on until another
accrued while future progressive
indicates that an action will
continue until a certain future time.
3. Give one example of past
progressive They were painting the fence.

Alright did you enjoy our activity?

Yes ma'am

I. Evaluating Learning Directions: choose the letter of the

correct answer and write it on your
1. It is refers to the different form of
verb that indicate the time of an
action or event.
A. Past progressive
B. present progressive
C. Verb tense
D. Future progressive

2. What tence is the verb in this

"He is typing an email"
A. present progressive
B. past progressive
C. progressive
D.future progressive

3."he was cooking dinner for us when

the power went out"
A. future
B. present
C. past
D verb tense

4. It is used to describe and ongoing

activity in the past
A. Present progressive
B. past progressive
C. Verb tense
D. future progressive

5. We will be staying in hotel for our

weekend away
A. Future
B. past
C. Present
D verb tense

1. Verb tense
2. Present progressive
3. Past progressive
4. Past progressive
5. Future progressive
J. Additional Activities For those students who got the score
for Application or
Remediation all of 4- 5
Enrichment: construct 3 sentence of
each tence
For those student who go on 0-3
Remediation: identify the sentence
whether it is past, present or future
progressive Tense

1. I am feeling tired today

2. You were reading a book when the
lights went of
3. he will completing his project by
Friday morning.
4. We are planning our vacation
5 John was baking a cake when the
storm started.
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
4. Present
5. Past

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Subject Teacher

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