Ahmed Faisal Report Sherry

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Arab Academy for Science & Technology & Maritime

Transport College of Engineering & Technology

Electronics and Communications Department (Cairo)

Student Laboratory Report

1. Course information

a. Course Title: Electronic measurements

b. Course Code: EC434
c. T.A Name: Eng. Sherry Heshmat
d. Experimental Title: SAW-tooth generation

2. Student Information

a. Student Name: Ahmed Faisal Farag Hawas

i. Registration ID: 20105059
b. Class Number: 1
c. Group : Even

Laboratory Experiment Report Page 1

• Theory & Introduction
The purpose of this experiment is to produce a sawtooth wave from an input square wave using a
simple RC circuit. This experiment works by exploiting a simple RC circuit. Considering that
this circuit acts as an integrator, the output would be a two-sided triangle. One fix for this is
adjusting the Duty cycle to a very large number such that the positive attitude almost covers the
entire pulse. It can be given by 𝑃 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ where the function generator in lab’s off would be
presented by -A.
We also desire to choose a suitable time constant such that the capacitor charges fast enough in
the positive half cycle and discharges smoothly in the negative half cycle before it hands. This
greatly depends on the frequency of the input wave. You need to also consider the cutoff
frequency of the filter 𝑓𝑐 = 2𝜋𝑅𝐶 as follows. Other considerations like output amplitude can be
studied in the frequency domain ( before and after fc). Any issues can be fixed with
amplification stages.

Figure 1. Duty cycle

Laboratory Experiment Report Page 2

• Simulation

Figure 2. Circuit and Results

The following circuit shows a successful example. An input with 2v Amp, 10kHz frequency and
a time constant of 100𝜇𝑠 which is a sufficient requirement against the theory described above

• Conclusion
Ultimately, it is very easy to produce a sawtooth signal from an input square wave
with very good results.

Laboratory Experiment Report Page 3

Laboratory Experiment Report Page 4
Laboratory Experiment Report Page 5

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