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AKU’S English Medium School, Kupwad

Date:- Sub:-Life Skill Std :- 9th


(note- 2 answer keys are allowed for few of the questions)

1.What's a healthy way to take a break when studying gets too intense or overwhelming?
A) Watching TV for hours B) Going for a short walk
C) Eating a lot of junk food D) Ignoring the stress and continuing to study

2.What does it mean to be mindful when you're stressed?

A) Thinking about everything except what's happening B) Worrying about the future
C) Paying attention to what's happening right now D) Ignoring your feelings

3. What can you do to relax when you're feeling stressed?

A) Drink water or your faviourte juice B) Take deep breaths
C) All of the above D) share your views and emotions with reliable person

4.How can mindfulness help in managing stress?

A) By increasing distractions B) By focusing on the past
C) By promoting awareness of the present moment D) By encouraging worrying about the future

5.Which of the following is an effective study technique?

A) Reading the material once B) setting specific and achievable study goal
C) Summarizing key concepts in your words D) drawing pictures or diagrams to help you understand

6.What is an essential step in goal planning?

A) Setting unrealistic goals B) Ignoring deadlines
C) Breaking down goals into smaller tasks D) delaying

7.Which of the following can help improve focus during study sessions?
A) Multitasking B) Studying in a noisy environment
C) Taking regular breaks D) Avoiding breaks altogether

8.What does a study road map primarily consist of?

A) Random study sessions B) Specific goals and timelines
C) Long periods of study without breaks D) Ignoring subjects you find difficult

9.Understanding your learning style is important because:

A) It's not important for academic success B) It helps you identify areas of improvement
C) Everyone learns the same way D) It doesn't affect your study habits

10.How can one effectively deal with peer pressure?

A) Giving in to peer demands to avoid conflict B) Setting personal boundaries and assertively saying no
C) Ignoring one's own values and beliefs D) Always conforming to peer expectations

11.What is a goal?
A) Something you don't care about B) A dream you have
C) An aim or objective you want to achieve D) An impossible task
12.What should you do if your friends want you to do something you don't want to do?
A) Say yes to make them happy B) Tell them you'll do it next time
C) Stand up for yourself and say no D) Ignore your feelings and do it anyway

13What should you do if you're having trouble focusing on your studies?

A) Give up and do something else
B) Keep studying even if you're not concentrating
C) Take a short break and come back to it
D) Blame yourself for not being able to focus

14.What might help you feel better when you're stressed about a test?
A) Studying more hours B) Getting enough sleep
C) Avoiding studying together D) Eating a lot of sugary snacks

15.Why is it important to be true to yourself, even if your friends want you to do something else?
A) Because your friends won't like you anymore
B) Because you should always do what others want
C) Because it's important to stay true to your values
D) Because it's okay to change who you are for your friends

16.Why is it important to understand your strengths?

A) To compare yourself with others B) To feel superior to others
C) To use them to achieve your goals D) To hide them from others

17.What can understanding your weaknesses help you do?

A) Feel insecure about yourself B) Ignore your areas of improvement
C) Work on improving yourself D) Hide your flaws from others

18. How can knowing yourself help you make better decisions?
A) By ignoring your own thoughts B) By blindly following others
C) By understanding your values and beliefs D) By never taking risks

19.Why is it important to set goals?

A) Because everyone else is doing it B) To give you a sense of direction and purpose
C) To make you feel stressed D) To make others happy

20.How can you make your goals achievable?

A) By making them unrealistic B) By not putting in any effort
C) By breaking them down into smaller steps D) By keeping them secret

21. which topic do you like most in life skill subject and why ?

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