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Ways of encouraging young people to study Science

With all the technological development we have nowadays, Science has been improving a
lot, by several new discoveries, due to the fact we acquire more professional and precise
instruments to carry out research. However, one topic widely discussed amongst our current
society, specially by scientists, professors and students, is the lack of young people who
choose to work in the field of Science.
There are many reasons which can explain this situation. One of them refers to television
programs, in which young scientists are not shown, only pop stars and singers, in a way that
the youth will feel more encouraged to follow the two last careers mentioned than to pursue
their interests in Science.
Although it seems to be a difficult problem to solve, there are countless ways to do so, with,
for example, school programmes, since students are able to find out their abilities in the
subject and then get motivated to study it. The other solution refers to government grants.
These will provide to the young population, in its majority, students, a larger variety of
resources to explore Science, but to do so, the schools must be equipped with more
sophisticated instruments so more complex experiments can be done.
Eventually, putting in practice all the measures spoken briefly of, the amount of individuals of
an early age who work in Science will grow up, enabling more discoveries to improve our
society’s and generation’s way of life.

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