Local Government and Rural Development: An Evaluation of The Contributions of Bida Local Government of Niger State To Rural Development, 2015-Date

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Sunday Ichima
Department of Political Science
I B B university Lapai, Niger state, Nigeria
Yahaya Ibrahim
Department of Public Administration,
Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger state, Nigeria

This study is an evaluation of the contributions of local governments to rural
development in Nigeria using Bida local government of Niger state as case study.
There are beliefs that proliferation of local governments would result in rural
development because the local governments will embark on development projects
that face-lift the rural areas . The statement of the problem therefore is whether or not
these local governments do contribute meaningfully to rural development. The study
used the instruments of interview and physical inspection (Observation) to gather its
data. It was discovered that the local government, within the period under study had
not embarked on reasonable development projects due largely to lack of funds. Part of
the recommendations was for improved funding of local governments and increased
community self-help development initiatives in the face of increased inability of the
government to meet the development expectations of the people.

Journal Of Politics

Introduction infrastructure that would have enhanced

Most of the developing countries such as living standard there.
Nigeria consist of a few pockets of partially
visible modernized towns on the one hand Official statistics such as that published in
and large areas of rural villages on the other 19 76 by the Food and Agriculture (FAO) of
hand. These rural areas in particular and the the United Nations had reported that in
semi-urban areas exhibit visible features of Nigeria, 38% of the rural dwellers were
abject poverty. About 95% of the people living in absolute poverty level which
living in Sub-Saharan Africa are said to live means that they lacked basic necessities of
in rural areas(Lele !975) life, the most obvious being good food,
good shelter, education and good modern
The rural areas have two noticeable medical attention. In compliance with the
features: increasing population of the rural international practices since the Second
areas where family planning is not a World War, Nigeria has begun to
priority, and a steady migration of the consciously plan for and encourage
youths to cities in search of better life. In the development of the rural areas.
rural areas, the population working on the
available land has rapidly increased above The general picture of rural poverty at
available resources that if not for the regular individual and community level however is
rural-urban drift the rural areas would have said to show very sympathetic and
worsened in socio-economic conditions. unbelievable data (Ichima: 2000). Nigeria is
said to have over 80 million people (64% of
In the relatively poor countries such as its population) living below poverty line
Nigeria there are political and socio- (UNO Report: 2016) According to the
economic conditions that constitute Report, 37% of the children under 5 years
obstacles to development and which cannot old are stunted in growth, 18% are wasted,
be easily erased because of many factors 29% underweight and only 10% of the
including lack of 'good governance' from children aged 6-23 months are fed
the Centre. Despite repeated national appropriately based on recommended infant
development plans therefore, there has been and children feeding practices.
the increasing need for specific focus on the
rural areas because the more the urban The report which was made public during
centers experience face-lifts in terms of consultative meeting on the formulation of
provision of social amenities the worse the the UN Development Assistance
situation of the rural areas relatively Framework iv (UNDAF iv) in Awka in
becomes due to continued neglect of the September 2016 stated that youth
rural areas in the provision of social unemployment which stands at 46% in 2016

Journal Of Politics

is considered very high, creating poverty, aim it has been the expectation that creation
helplessness, despair and easy target for of local governments in Nigeria would
crime and terrorism. Over 10 million transcend mere political exercise and be a
children of school age are said to be out of means to rural development.
school with no skills or special knowledge
to survive meaningfully. The report further This paper therefore examines the role of
stated that there are 3.3 million internally the local governments in rural development
displaced persons in Nigeria which is in Nigeria, using the Bida local Government
Africa's largest, ranking behind Syria and of Niger state as case study. The study used
C o l u m b i a o n a g l o b a l the interview and observation methods to
scale.(www.google.com.ng Poorest collect needed data. It was discovered that
countries) though some capital projects were executed
by the local government within the period
To complement the various development under study, such projects did not make
programmes from the state and federal meaningful impact. Also, that in the last four
governments and the efforts of the Non- years of the study there has been a
Governmental Organizations to help deteriorating performance by the local
develop the rural areas, there has been the government council as even salaries of
proliferation of local government areas as a workers were no longer regular due to
means of rapid improvement of the financial problems. The paper
development efforts of the grassroots. If recommended increased community self-
more local government councils are created, help projects amongst others as means of
it was hoped the rural areas would benefit stepping up rural development.
through infrastructural developments,
political development of the citizens Statement of the Research Problem
through citizen participation and resource The statement of the problem of this
harnessing that would lead to the research is what role has local government
development of the rural areas in particular councils been playing in the development of
and the nation in general. rural areas In Nigeria? Put differently, has
creation of local government council areas
Generally, creation of local governments is b e e n e ff e c t i v e i n e n s u r i n g r u r a l
aimed at decentralizing the central development in Nigeria?
government for effective governance,
increasing special development, bringing In pre-colonial administration in Nigeria it
developments closer to the grassroots and is known that rural areas engaged in
providing political training grounds for community self-development through
more citizen participation. In view of this community projects. The joint construction

Journal Of Politics

of pathways, village halls, bridges across Non-Governmental Organizations sprang

streams etc were communally carried out. up to address the problem of rural poverty.
The Better Life for Rural Women founded
During the colonial period the government by Mrs Maryam Babangida, the Family
used traditional rural institutions such as Support Programme founded by Mrs
age-grades, titled chiefs, traditional rulers etc Maryam Abacha, etc, were all directed at
to assist the colonial government in improving rural development. Again the
mobilizing and executing rural development rural areas have remained relatively the
projects. But this method has become same because according to Gwartnen and
obsolete because the government can no Caleb (1985) funds meant for poverty
longer force people to embark on community alleviation through these Non-
development as in colonial days. Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were
not used for the purpose intended, the
Since independence, Nigerian successive benefits of these programmes by these
governments have tried several agricultural NGOs sponsored from the government
programmes such as Operation Feed the houses were politically manipulated to
nation (OFN), Green Revolution etc to benefit those close to the corridors of power
improve rural development. But the results and their families.
have been regrettably slower than expected.
The low performance of these agricultural Since the 1970s there have been the creation
programmes have been attributed to reasons of local government areas as a means of
such as unproductive land tenure laws, tackling rural development problems. But
unwillingness and financial incapacity of there are still demands for creation of more
farmers to adjust to some more mechanized local governments because people feel the
farming systems, inability of government to aim of the local governments are yet to be
provide seedlings and fertilizers at prices achieved by the existing 774 local
affordable to farmers (Berko:2001) Over government councils. Alfa (2004) argued that
the years government agencies were set up the agitations for more local government
to encourage rural development. The Mass council areas, the inadequate funding of
Mobilization for Social and Economic existing local governments and the apparent
Recovery (MAMSER), the National stagnation of rural local government councils
Orientation Agency (NOA) etc, have all attest to the fact that the existing local
tried to enlighten the rural populace on governments have not been successful in
development. Not much results have been enhancing rural development. It is therefore
noticed except huge government becoming necessary to interrogate the idea of
expenditure that has not translated into local governments being effective means of
development of the rural dwellers. rural development in Nigeria.

Journal Of Politics

Objective of the Study is not yet an over-researched field of study.

The objective of this study is to assess the
impact of the Bida local government of Development is an on-going effort and
Niger state in rural development. studies that try to examine aspects of
Specifically, the study: development is relevant to developing
1. Investigated the quality and variety of countries. Other researchers and local
development projects executed by the Government Administrators will therefore
Bida local government, a relatively benefit from this study.
rural area of the state.
2. Assessed the relevance of these
executed projects to the needs of the LIMITATIONS AND SCOPE OF
rural areas STUDY
3. Found out the problems militating There was initial unwillingness of
against their performance respondents to grant interviews to the
4. Recommended ways of improving the Researcher for fear of undercover financial
present situation crime investigation personnel. The Researcher
had to use research assistants from the locality
Significance of the Study to create the atmosphere of trust.
Bida local government is one of the oldest
local governments in Niger state. It is the The scope of this research is restricted to
headquarters of the Nupe-speaking people Bida Local Government in Niger state. This
of Nigeria. A study of the activities of such a is to ensure adequate concentration to
local government is therefore significant obtain accurate data. The researcher
because the area is significant in the state. concentrated on the local government
activities from 2015 to date when the All
This study is significant because it will add Progressive Congress (APC) Party
to knowledge particularly as it will produce government took leadership of the local
findings to support or counter the stand that government area. This will enable the
local government plays significant role in researcher determine if change in political
rural development. party in government house has affected
performance of the local government
The topic of Local Government and rural council.
development particularly in less developed
countries is a current issue that is globally Conceptual Definitions
discussed and efforts made to address the The central theme of this study is local
issue. A study of this nature on such a government and rural development. The
current issue is therefore significant in that it main concepts that feature in this study are:

Journal Of Politics

1. Self-help-This is citizen participation administration by the British colonial

in decision making on what is to be administration. In the coastal areas of Lagos
done in their community and how it is and the Riverine areas the British instituted
to be done. It includes the people living the direct rule system after conquering the
within the same area contributing resistant African chiefs in the coastal areas.
resources to execute projects of Leaders such as King Jaja of Opobo and King
common interest to them(Oni and Awujale of Ijebu were said to have repelled
Bello, 1987) the British attack but were later defeated.
2. Rural-It is a term connoting human
settlements of relatively low At the coastal areas, the British influence
population density, low infrastructural was felt and so there was more of direct
facilities, high level of illiteracy and British rule. But going up north and Far East
poverty(Seroka,1986) of the Niger area, there were some
3. Development-Here, the concept of prevailing situations that made Britain to
development shall be used to refer to introduce what became known as the
sustained improvements in the lives of Indirect Rule. It was a system of local
the people or execution of projects that administration where the British used
bear direct advantage to the majority existing traditional rulers to rule their
of the people people on behalf of the British government.
4. Local Government-The U N office for Where there were no existing traditional
public Administration as quoted in rulers such as in most eastern part of the
Ichima (2017) defines local Niger area, the British colonial master
government as appointed Warrant Chiefs to rule the people.
A political subdivision of a nation or (in a The major aim of the indirect rule was to
federal system) state, which Is constituted ensure maximum peace within the
by law and has substantial control of local territories so that Britain could assume
affairs, including the powers to impose tax sovereignty over the territory's political and
or to exert Labour for prescribed purposes. economic activities.
The governing body of such an entity is
elected or otherwise locally selected. With constitutional development from the
1950s, the Native Authorities headed by the
Literature Review traditional rulers began to experience
Development of Local Government in Nigeria changes and reforms. It started with the
chief-in-council system when the
The development of modern local traditional or Warrant chiefs had veto
government started in Nigeria with the powers over Native authority decisions.
introduction of Native Authority

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Gradually, Nigeria moved to the Chief- and followed that of the Obasanjo regime did
-council system where the traditional rulers not take it as serious national policy.
were no more lords over Native authorities Also,the method of sending undergraduates
but had only influential contributions. By to work in public farms was believed to be a
the 1976 reforms of the Nigeria Local use of too much of temporary staff for major
Government system, there had been serious public programme. When the students
reforms on the uniformity and returned to their schools after the long
administrative conduct of the local vacations the farms became deserted. Even
governments. As at 2014, Nigeria has 774 when some farm products recorded
local government areas including the improved yields during the programme, it
municipal council areas of Abuja. was observed that arrangements for the
transportation and preservation of the farm
Rural/Community Development Efforts yields were not properly made. Not enough
Not much rural development efforts were silos were built. There were no processing
made by the colonial government except industries to consume the farm products and
that it tried to build roads into the hinterland so farm products particularly the perishable
with a view to evacuating cash crops from ones were lost.
the rural areas to the coast lands for
shipment to feed industries in the colonial Another major programme for rural
country, Britain. But with the coming of development has been the creation and
independence various rural development recreation of local government areas. There
projects began at regional and later state were a few Native Authority areas during
levels and at federal level the colonial rule but these have increased to
774 since 1999. Though the creation of local
Of special importance was the Operation government areas had political undertone,
Feed the Nation (OFN) programme its major aim has been to open up the rural
introduced by the Obasanjo military regime areas for development. It was expected that
in 1975. It had the aim of bringing pride to as local government headquarters are
farming as a profession, providing food for created new infrastructural facilities would
the expected increased Nigerian population be provided thereby allowing for speedy
and introduce income yielding activities in rural transformation and reduction in rural--
the rural areas that would keep the citizens urban drift.
in the villages rather than a continuous
rural-urban drift. Good as the programme of proliferation of
local government areas is, it has not
The programme was less successful than succeeded in the development of rural areas.
expected because the military regime that This is partly because most local

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government councils have become channels In the management model for rural
for siphoning public funds into personal development the public service
accounts of the politicians rather than (bureaucracy) of the country is the main
providing rural infrastructures that would instrument. In Nigeria, the bureaucracies of
have led to rural development. Similarly the three tiers of government are involved
scholars have argued that not enough .In this model it is expected that the various
revenue allocation is given to the local specialists in the arms of bureaucracy would
councils for development neither can most be mobilized to formulate and execute
of them be able to be economically viable as projects and programmes that would result
to embark on sustainable development in rural development
projects. To worsen the situation, the rural
areas have been turned into battle grounds In the mobilization model the drive is to
for political opponents trying to rig ensure active participation of the rural
elections and this has compounded the populace in the development efforts of the
problems of the rural areas. area. It aims at sensitizing and encouraging
the rural populace to participate in
The government has introduced local development of their area.
economic empowerment programmes
ranging from Directorate of Foods and The Transformation model is more of the
Rural Infrastructures (DFFRI) to Better socialist ideology which prescribes total
Life for rural women dwellers where rural socio-economic transformation to erase
women are given loans or financial economic inequalities among the people. It
assistance to set up small scale business relies on fair distribution of wealth, social
outfits so as to give them financial education and increased cooperative society
empowerment. Generally, the problem movements to improve the rural areas and
with these rural empowerment discourage rural-urban drift.
programmes has been that most times they
become politicized. The beneficiaries take Theoretical Framework
such gestures to be part of party largesse This study will use the Diffusion of
rather than meaningful rural development Innovation theory as the theoretical
project. framework for analysis. This theory
propounded by Rogers (1962) argues that
Models for Rural Development development comes through gradual
There are three major models for rural introduction of innovation in practice,
development: the Management model, the beliefs and habits as such new ways are
Mobilization model and the Transformation communicated to the people over time. The
model. theory holds that communication channels,

Journal Of Politics

innovation itself and the social system are a) Interviews: There is the need for
variables relevant in the development unstructured interviews with some of
process. This framework is ideal for this the workers .The researchers need to
study because the local government system personally interview some of the
brings in projects and policies (innovation), workers. The aim of the interview is to
communicates same to the people and have clarify areas the researcher cannot
the innovation change the social system. It personally confirm
relies on use of the local government as the b) O b s e r v a t i o n s / I n s p e c t i o n s : T h e
third tier of government for the development researcher visited project sites to
of the area. It is assumed that with the creation ascertain the claims of respondents.
of more employment opportunities,
infrastructural development arising from Sampling Method
siting local government headquarter in some The study uses judgmental sampling method to
area, and the general revenue drive that will interview only those known to have adequate
yield more funds, the rural areas will knowledge of the subject matter. The local
eventually become developed. government chairman, the secretary and the
Director of Administration were therefore
Sources Of Data Collection interviewed. Furthermore, fourteen of the
There are two sources of data for this study. Ward Heads were interviewed.
First is the secondary data which was
obtained from libraries, newspapers and Report of Personal Interviews
other acceptable documents like official Based on the interview with officials of the
circulars and publications of the Local Council and Ward Heads within the local
Government. The secondary data gives us government the following were recorded:
background history of the case study and 1. In the last four years the local
other relevant information needed by the government has not executed any
researcher to conduct the study. The second appreciable development project
source of data collection was the primary within the local government area
data which was collected by the researcher 2. The payment of salaries of workers has
from the field. Its main sources were the in the last four years been difficult. For
documentary evidence through direct most of the time, the workers were
inspection of completed or on-going being owed arrears of salaries.
projects and interviews with selected local 3. No one outside the Local Government
government officials. executive can categorically say if the
local government actually had
Instruments of Data Collection financial problems or it has been lack
The research instruments used in this study were: of good leadership.

Journal Of Politics

4. The executive members of the council 4. Donation of thirty sitting chairs and
said the earnings of the local tables to beny primary school in
government including the statutory Landzun ward
subventions are not able to fully pay 5. Donation of thirty sitting chairs and
the salaries of the local government tables to the Umaru Sanda primary
workers and so there was no thinking school in Nasarafu ward
of financing development projects 6. Donation and installation of three no
5. The local government has continued to (3) submersible pumps to existing
encourage government institutions boreholes in Umaru magaji ward B
and wards to embark on self-help 7. Fencing of an electrical transformer
projects or community development within Umaru Magaji ward A
6. Poor funding of the local governments Summary of Findings.
is responsible for their not developing It is obvious that local governments are
their rural areas. meant to develop their rural areas through
7. Most internal road networks in Bida provision of basic infrastructure, political
are no longer passable because of education and introduction of economic
potholes and poor drainages\ activities that will elevate the rural areas.
8. Many Culverts and drainages that have But most local government in Nigeria, and
been destroyed by use or rain have particularly the Bida local government has
remained unrepaired. been unable to meet this requirement
9. No efforts are made to check gullies because of financial challenges. The
and erosion sites that are threatening to expectations of the people therefore cannot
close some roads or endanger houses be met because the local government does
within Bida not have adequate financial capacity to
shoulder development projects in their rural
Inspected Projects Executed within the areas.
Period under study
1. In Barki ward the local government The payment of salaries of workers has in
provided ten no (10) sitting chairs and the last four years been difficult in Bida
tables to the Sabon Gida primary local government area. For most of the
school time, the workers were paid late.
2. Donation of five thousand naira each to
thirty (30) female traders in Dokoza No one outside the Local Government
Ward to aid them in their business executive can categorically say if the local
3. Repair of a damaged drainage in Kyari government actually had financial problems
wars or it has been lack of good leadership that

Journal Of Politics

slowed down development efforts. But their rural area.

because other local governments within the
state have similar complaints of financial The expectation that local governments
challenges, it is believed that it is more of would continue to have positive impact in
inadequate finances than leadership the development of the rural areas was
problems or corruption. proved wrong as the case study did not
justify the assertion.
Within the period under study, the presence
of the local government in terms of project Recommendations
execution has been felt only in seven (7) of Based on the study the following
the fourteen (14) wards of the local recommendations are made:
government area. 1. The financial capacity of local
governments must be improved if they
The executive members of the council said are to function as tools for rural
the revenue of the local government development. There are much sources
including the statutory subventions are not of internal revenue that the local
able to fully pay the salaries of the local government can tap for improved
government workers and so there was no funding but which have been under-
thinking of financing development projects assessed as a result of depending on
financial subventions from the higher
The local government has continued to two tiers of government.
encourage wards and corporate organizations 2. The federal government should
to embark on self-help projects or community reassess the distribution of
development projects. powers/functions along with financial
allocation from the federation account
Conclusions in favour of local governments. This is
This study has looked at one of the major because most grassroots developments
roles expected of the local government cannot be achieved without the local
institution in Nigeria, using Bida local governments. And if the local
government of Niger state as case study. The governments do not have the financial
study has established that there is a difference muscle to engage in development
between the expected and the reality as it efforts, the impact of the federal
relates to local governments being government in rural development will
instruments for rural transformation in be negligent
Nigeria. The financial position of the local 3. All people live within one local
governments has made them incapable of government or the other. Development
meeting people's expectations of developing must therefore begin from the local

Journal Of Politics

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