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By: Shel

Earth is a beautiful planet that we live on. It is where we can enjoy life with our family and friends.
Earth is a place where we can be ourselves freely without any distractions that can hurt us. Earth is
important in our lives, our future and many more. It is a beautiful place that we can travel to, enjoy,
and relax.
In the City of Largo, A mother and a son are going to buy some staff at the mall. They happily walk
and chat. On their way, they pass a mini park. The kid asked his mother “Mom, mom! Look! There
are so many dirty things in the garden!” The mother replied “Son that is called “trash”. The son asked
again “ What is trash?” The mother replied again, “Trash are waste that can destroy the nature and it
can cause climate change to our environment”. The kid understands it but he is wondering why there
are so many trash scattered at the garden. The mother explained, “Some people are not responsible
for their surroundings and they don’t care about the environment. My son, don’t be like them, we
need to take care of our planet Earth because this is where we live.” Oh, ok mom! I’ll put that in my
mind. I won’t ever throw my trash anywhere. I will take good care of the Earth so that future
generations can also enjoy the beauty of our mother Earth,” the kids replied.
Months passed by, and many natures are filled with trash and other things that can destroy the
earth. And of course, oceans and seas are filled with waste, acid smoke is spreading from town to
town, many animals are being killed by these poachers, and forests are on fire. People are creating
catastrophes day by day. “Say no to climate change!”, shouted by strangers. “Save the poor
animals!”, others shouted. “Say no to toxic gas!”, they shouted again. Those people are creating
commotion. “Save the Earth! Save the Earth!”, they continue shouting at the palace of a
The tired businessman is so irritated and annoyed. He wanted to take a rest but was disturbed by
loud voices outside his palace. “Guard, please get rid of those people outside! I need to rest” he
ordered. The guard tried to stop them but they don’t listen. He went back to his boss and tell him to
maybe he will be the one to talked and listened to them. “I don’t have time for those kinds of
nonsense!”, he replied. He went at the back of his palace to breath some air and not to hear them.
After sometime, he went back to the living room and to his disgrace he still hears loud voices coming
from outside his palace. The businessman looked so mad and outrageous. “Get them off out there!”,
he shouted and is now getting out of patience. He thinks that those people embarking his palace are
out of respect. He ordered again his guard to get rid of them. The guard thinks of calling police
officers to stopped those people. For the meantime, they listened to the police officers. There was a
silence overnight. The businessman thought of welcoming a beautiful morning with peace and
silence. He ate his breakfast. Does his every morning routine and thinking of skincare and massage
after. He is now ready to go to work but to his dismay, he saw same people with banners preparing
for something. Those people won’t stopped. They are determined for what they are shouting and
fighting for to be heard by the businessman. Upon seeing him, they continue they commotion. He
then doesn’t have a choice but to faced, listened and talked to them. He said, “ Good morning! What
do you all want?! Can’t you see, you are creating a noise barrage on my palace! I am a respected
businessman.! You all have no respect for me! For the past years, I’ve already given you all that you
want! Please show some respect, my villagers! What have I done, why are you doing this?!” “Sir, We
want you to stop the toxic gas coming from your hundreds of factories!”, answered by one. “Please
stop killing those innocent, poor, animals! Have respect for those creatures!”, others shouted. “You
have to clean the mess you made, sir!!”, one shouted. You can see from their face how are they
being dismayed and frustrated to what is happening to their surroundings. He then explained, that
those businesses he had gave them works for living and foods to live. They knew that, but through
abusive power and position, gradually their surroundings are being polluted, destroyed and not safe
to live in. “We want this place clean, beautiful and safe again to live in, for this is our home. Please
don’t destroy our mother Earth!” they pleaded. He replied, “Alright! Alright! Fine, I hear all your
concerns… Just give me time to fix all this, ok! Hoping soon, all requests will be granted. We will
make our mother earth clean and beautiful again.” People started to leave the palace of the
businessman, hoping and believing on the promise he gave them. He was then so happy they left.
And he goes inside his palace, saying, “Yes! Finally, I can rest, no more interruption! So calm
already. Since they left, never mind those useless requests, I only listen to myself! I don’t care about
those people, I just care about myself and my position! I’m free and my business is my living; why will
I stop it?”
Days and months passed, no sign of businessman’s action. People kept waiting for his actions to
come and clean the dirty town but sadly nothing happened. People are wondering what had
happened. They decided to have conversation again with the businessman, but this time they will do
it legally. They reported it to concerned government agencies and had blotter the businessman. He
was shocked and started to get angry, thinking ways to do. He received a summon from the
government agency and barangay. At this time, people and the businessman talked peacefully. All
concerns and requests were resolved amicably. The town was restored.
City of Largo became the model community in their country. It became the most progressive city in
town yet the most safe city to live in. People were so happy, they earned respect from each other.
They learned to dwell in good conversation in every aspects of their life. They shouted, “We love the

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