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Syllabus_Introduction to Molecular Biology


DNA and RNA as genetic material, chemical structure, base composition and types of
nucleic acids, supercoiling of DNA, DNA reassociation kinetics (cot curve analysis), DNA
organization into chromatin, bacterial and eukaryotic genomic organization.

DNA replication, prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication mechanism, replication in phages

and retroviruses,DNA damage and repair mechanisms

Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Mechanism of transcription, enzymes and

transcription factors. Post-transcriptional modifications in mRNA, rRNA and tRNA.

Genetic code - properties of the genetic code, deciphering of the genetic code.Translation
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Translational mechanism in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
post translational modification and transport of proteins.

Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes - The operon concept, lac &tryp operons.
Transcriptional control. Post translational control. Regulation in eukaryotes - Control by
promoter, enhancer and silencers. Cis-trans elements. DNA methylation & gene

Applications of molecular biology techniques


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