Look Up 5 Student Book y Workbook

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OXFORD Starter unit 4 =a 1 Look at the schedule. Complete the questions with going to. Write short answers. Are__ the students going to speak (speak) English on Tuesdays? Yes, they are, _ 1 the students ____ (do) art on Fridays? 2 the teacher ____ (teach) math on Mondays?. 3 they _______ (study) geography on Fridays? a 4 a a (be) in the lab on Thursdays? —___ (play) music on Tuesdays? —____ e's your his semester. into your es. 2 Write questions with going to. Write answers with the words below. ‘art -auditortam lunch gym lab Where are they going to listen to concerts? They're going to listen to ‘concerts in the auditorium. (where / they / listen / to concerts?) (where / they / study / science? ) 2 (what / they / practice / on Tuesday afternoons?) 3 (where / they / do / P.E.?) 4 (what / they / do / after math on Fridays?) Look at your schedule for this semester. Ask and answer, ‘A; What classes are we going to have on Monday? —B: We're going to have math, English, and science. 8 ® s e @ @ @ e & 3 Do the quiz. Then check the results in the key. Do you agree? 1 Where will you live? a inacalmneighborhood b inacave ¢_ inHollywood d_ inthe mountains 2 What will your home be like? a comfortable ‘b unusual ¢ very modem wooden 3 Where will you take your vacations? a inmuseums b inspace ‘¢ London, Paris, New York din national parks 4 What will your job be? -@ library assistant 'b astronaut or pilot ¢ moviestar d food scientist 5 What transportation will you use? ‘a walking and cyciing ba rocket © acoolcar da boatora fast motorcycle 6 Who will you be with? a just myself 'b Kak’ and Johnny Depp ¢ Zac Efron d= Mark Beaumont 7 What will be your favorite possession? amy computer > myisland © aminror d myguiter “NOK 404 1Daps9d 5} By) JOOPINO BY1 Buo.as ue Zuppom-pieY a4NOA jaMeL BAO] NO, SIBMSUE ..P,, ASO poomAjo} anoge weeup nok SHOU aya BHO} NOK PE BUPOM-PIEY B4Ch HOME 2, AAEOGL “001 uonay 251005 a no\24d00d ao} noK pue Bune ano BUREN aANOL sHOASUE A, ADSOWN “ayy seinb & sajaud noj-vosied auepuedepuy ue eynoy-nyieoip ang Ays a4noy saamsue ,.v,, ARSON hoy, Look atJuan and Victoria’s future predictions. Write four more predictions in your notebook. Juan won't take a vacation in the U.S. They'll 5 Complete the chart with future predictions about yourself. Write the predictions in your notebook. I'll take / | won't take a vacation in the U.S. 6 Look at the picture. Complete the text with was/wasn’t or were/weren’t. ‘There was a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. There (1) rain, but there (2) fog. There (3) a lot of people in the park and there (4) a bear. There (5) any other animals. There (6) grass in the park and there (7) some trees. There (8) any flowers 7 Look at the picture again. Whose was the bear? Tewas. sand 8 Write the simple past questions. What did Lauran do? (what / Lauren / do / ?) 1 a (what / Jess / drop / ?) 2 (where / Cody and Beth / hide / ?) ae (where / Oscar and Paige / hide / 2) 4 (what / Greg and Hannah / climb / ?) Look at the picture again. Answer the questions from exercise 8. Use the words below. behind /abin behind/atree -shewt” atree anumbrella MON itineraries hi 1 3 4 10 Complete the text. Use the past progressive form of the verbs. Yesterday afternoon at 2:30, the people in the park were enjoying __ (enjoy) themselves. Then Lauren shouted, “Be carefull” Some people looked, but Adam and Leah SSSVOOSCOSOLS OTOH SSOVESESEBHOBESCO DE o (1) ____ (not listen). Adam (2) —_________ (call) his mom and Leah | (3) ____ (text). Ethan and Wendy (4) ______—- (play) soccer. ‘While the baby bear(S) (run) across the park, it scared some of the people and they hid. While Mark and Nicole (6) (run), they fell next to the bicycle. Jess dropped her umbrella while she (7) (jump) over the river. In the end, Kyle and Lauren found their baby bear. It (8) (not gun). te (9) (sleep) under a tree. Look at the picture. Discuss what some of the people were doing. ‘A: What were Peter and Fiona doing? = B: They were looking at the bear. Did Mark and Nicole injure themselves? A: No, think they were OK. 1 ©) Readandlisten to the e-mails. To. johnny lee binks From julie metcalfe Subject School visit Hi Lee I spoke with your sister. Is it true? Are you going to visit Montana? Are you scared? Write me! I'm bored Love, Julie To julie metcalfe From johnny lee binks Subject School visit! Hi Julie Yes, it’s true. I'm going to visit a ranch in Montana. It’s for a school project, but I'm not excited ~ I'm disappointed. My sister is happy because she’s going to visit Chicago! I prefer cities, too. I’m a New Yorker! I love the people and the big buildings. I'm not going to go out on the ranch! I don’t like animals, mountains, forests, or lakes. I'm going to take a lot of CDs and a few magazines, and I'm going to stay in my room Love, Lee 2 Match the sentence halves. 1 Lee’s school visit a cities. 2 His saerSshoobae b there are animals and forests. 3 Lee loves € is toaranch in Montana. 4 Lee doesn’t like d there aren’t any mountains. 5 In New York City, € is to Chicago. 6 Onranches, f nature. # 2@86 SOSCSCEHSHVCOCSESSOSHEHOEe Al [He/She /it _|is/’ _goingto visit. He/She / lt | ienot/isn’t (We /You / They | are / re We /You / They |arenot / aren't 5 Look at the grammar chart. Review: be going to: future plans ffirmative Negative Subject be(+ not) goingto am not/’m goingto visit. | | © Look at the e-mails on page 8. Write about Lee’s and his sister’s plans in your notebooks. Use the affirmative or negative forms of be going to. Lee / visit /aranch Lee is going to visita ranch. 1 His sister / go / to Chicago 4 Lee / listen / to music 2 They / visit / Mexico 5 He/ meet / the animals on the ranch 3 His sister /see/ any mountains 6 He / stay / in his room : 5 GQ) complete the texts with the correct adjective. Listen and repeat. Mom doesn’t have a present for Dad and't’s his birthday! Dad's * disappointed —, and he’s 2___ because Mom doesn’t usually forget his birthday. Mom’s very 3 Lee's favorite soccer team is on TV right now. He’s very *___. His sister is waiting for a music show. She doesn’t like soccer. She’s S_. Their litele brother is crying. There’s a thunderstorm and he’s © What are you going todo this weekend? Ask and answer. 4: What are you going to do this weekend? B: We're going to go to the movies on Saturday evening. © Look at the grammar chart. afew [alittle | Use a few wit afew CDs Use alittle with | countable nouns uncountable nouns. [alotof Use a lot of with countable and alotofCDs g— | | uncountable nouns. | on \ ‘ See aad 7 Whats Lee going to take to Montana? Look at the picture and write sentences in your notebooks. Use quantifiers. CDs Heicgoing totake alot of Ds. | 1 books 3 juice 5 Tshirts 2. sunblock 4 pencils 6 water & (Dwhatis Lee's sister going to take to Chicago? Listen and check (V) six things. 1 jackecy 3 hats—_—§graypants—___ 7 books 9 money — 2 jerseys 4 boots 6 CDplayer—_ 8 camera—_10 souvenirs _ Imagine that you are going to visit another city. What are you going to take? Tell your partner. |'m going to take a few books and a few magazines. I'm going to take a ltl 10 »@ »e@ @@ TOECUCSOSVSSSSCSC SOU HZHSE® 9 10 1 12 Read the text quickly. What kind of texts it? Circle, b, c, ord. aablog banemail aletter daninterview Anchorage, Alaska 23 Dear Enrique ia Guess what? Youll be surprised! I'm going to visit Seattle! I's 4 large ciy in Washington State. We're going to do a lol of cool things. My mom is going to take us to a few famous museums She says there are a lot of wonderful sculptures at the Seattle Asian Art Museum, fs med because a fow of my favorite bands, Foo Fighters and ‘earl Jam, are from Seattle. My brother has a lot of Pearl Ta CDs, They're brilliant, * ag) nd Its very rainy and cloudy in Seattle but were going to enjoy ourselves. A little rain isn’t as bad as the snow in Alaska! Write soon, Adam Read the text again. Circle the correct answers. ‘Who wrote the letter? @ Adam —b Enrique ¢ Adam’s brother 1 Where is Seattle? a Alaska b Asia ¢ Washington State 2 Who likes the sculptures in the museum? a Enrique b Adam — ¢ Adam's mom 3 Who likes Pearl Jam? a Adam —b Enrique ¢ Adam’smom. 4 Whatis the weather like in Alaska? a rainy snowy cloudy Answer the questions with complete sentences. What is Seattle like? tie large city. pee 1 What can visitors do in Seattle? 2 Why is Adam excited? 3 Whatis the weather like in Seattle? © —___ Imagine you are going to visit a cool place. Write a letter to a friend. Use the text in exercise 9 as a model. Dear Isabel " 2 > You'll enjoy the ranch 1G) Read and listen to the letter. Wellington Ranch, 602 Calgary Highway, Glasgow, MT 59200 February 5 Dear Lee, Hi, I'm Sam Wellington. You'll enjoy the ranch, You won't be disappointed with your visit! On Saturday, we're going to go horseback riding with the best horses on the ranch. I'm going to take you to a river. We'll fish for fivé or six hours, You'll enjoy fishing. Fishing is my favorite outdoor activity. On Sunday, we're going to hike and climb in the mountains, Hiking is wonderful. We'll sce bears and peregrine falcons, Climbing is easy. You'll be surprised! You'll learn quickly. During the week, we're going to work on the ranch. We have 280 cows, so we'll be busy! | See you soon, Sam 2. Circle T (True) or F (False). Sam Wellington thinks Lee will be bored. T /@) 1 There are horses on the ranch. - TF 2 Lee is going to see a river. TF 3. Sam doesn’t enjoy fishing, T/F 4 They will see animals in the mountains. T/ F 5 Climbing is difficult. TIF 6 There are a lot of cows on the ranch. T/F Think about your country. Imagine a visit to the countryside. What animals can you see? Aakand answer ‘A: What animals can we see in the mountaine? B: There are bears and mountain lions. 12 COAST eee eeeOeteVoVee? 4 | 5 Look at the grammar chart. Leycle on Sundays Cycling is fun. ‘oeling = gerund (noun) - subject Hove eycling ‘geling = gerund (noun) - object To form the gerund For most verbs, add -ing: draw drawing, For verbs ending in consonant + ¢, drop the and add «ing: dance > dancing. For verbs ending in one consonant (but not -y and -w), double the consonant and add -ing sit > sitting 4 Look atthe underlined words. Write noun or verb. We'll fish for five hours, warb 1 You'll enjoy fishing. —_ Hiking is fun. We're going to hike. 2 = 2 Fishing is my favorite activity. __ 3. Heis fishing. While | was hiking, | fel. Nowe Do you like hiking? ‘We use the gerund after like, love, enjoy, and hate. Hove playing soccer. | don’t like washing the dishes. 5 Complete the sentences with the gerund forms of the verbs. Let’s go swimming (swim). 1 I don’t like (get up) early. 2 (write) e-mails is fun. 3 Ihate (sit) inside on a sunny day! 4 Lenjoy (surf) 5 ___ (recycle) bottles is a good idea. - 6 We love (go) to the movies. 7 _ (study) English is interesting, © Complete the text with the correct verb dt gerund forms of the verbs. I can’t wi (swim) very well, but Ian? (cycle), and | love 2 __ (run). Hike (cycle) by te Fer Hove + (watch) the birds there. They always §. (fly) in groups. | don’t like © (fish), but the birds 7 (fish) all day! 3 13 7) Label the outdoor acti Listen and repeat. —_— camp climb fish bike sail surf) |e © Look at the grammar chart. Cee ee | Subject | watt Main verb ‘Affirmative | | / You / He / She / It/ We / They | will / I enjoy | the ranch. (Negative __1/You/He/ She /\t/We/They | willnot/won’t be disappointed 9 Look at the chart. Write four more predictions with will or won't, cimbamountain _gotocollege be famous live 100 years Fiona v v x x ‘Shaun x v v x You (climb a mountain) Fiona willclimb a mountain. shaun won't climb a mountain 1. (goto college) They 2 (be famous) Fiona 3 (live 100 years) They Shaun 10. Complete the chart about you. Write five predictions with will or won’t in your notebooks. {will climb a mountain. or Iwon't climb a mountain. What outdoor activities do you like? Ask and answer. What outdoor activities do you like? love camping, but | don't like sailing. 14 e880 DG > @ © 11 12 13 14 q Read the text quickly. Circle the best ttle. a The world of surfing, b Surfing hero of tomorrow ¢ Winner ona surfboard Read the text again. Answer the questions. What city is Rusty from? Santa Barbara. Did Rusty start surfing or skateboarding first? Whats Rusty going to do this year? Will he win? ‘What is more important than winning competitions? weena Will Rusty be on a team next year? Why? Rewrite the textin your notebooks. Change the verbs and the pronouns from the first person (1/me) to the third person (he /him) forms. Use the correct verb or ‘gerund forms. He started skateboarding ten years ago, and he started surfing eight yeare ago. He loves ... Write predictions about your future. Think about yourjob, family, house, and other | predictions. Use the text in exercise 11 asa model. | T'ilbe a “pro-gamer”. I'l play games every day, and ... 1s > Review: Units 1-2 = 16 Grammar and vocabulary Complete the sentences with the adjectives below. bored disappointed embarrassed excited scared surprised I'm sorry, can’t remember your name. I'm very .eitbarrassad 1 Mom doesn’t know about the party. She'll be very 2 It’s 1am. and I'm by myself. Maybe there’s someone in the other room. Vm 3. We're going to travel to Brazil next month. Brazil is great. I'm! 4 The captain is very ____ because JefFisn’t playing well 5 I'm. Let’s go to the movies or the shopping mall. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with is or are and a few, alittle, or alot of. ‘There ic __allittla cheese. 3. There rice, 1 There potatoes. 4 There mangoes. 2 There eggs. S There salt. Complete the sentences with the will (prediction) or be going to (plan) forms « ofthe verbs. We ate going to play (play) basketball tomorrow afternoon. (plan) 1. Gary sings well. Maybe he ______(be) a singer in the future. (prediction) aa ' (not visit) my grandparents next week, so we can go to the movies. (plan) 3 My baby sister sleeps twelve hours. One day, she _________(sleep) only eight hours. (prediction) 4 In 2080, people (live) in cities. (prediction) 5 Kelly and Martin ____(write) some songs after school today. (plan) 6 We—___(not wait) for you in the shopping mall. Look for us at the bus stop. (plan) (not live) on ranches. Everyone “| Find four more outdoor activity verbs. Write the verbs. Cob MB) s_ slit Au OR; GD es ss hy in the puzzle? __ Je the correct answers. | Hike 's my favorite outdoor activity. | | don’t enjoy sail / sailing. I don’t swim well, | Hank and | fish / are going to fish in the river one day next week To fly / Flying is easy for the peregrine falcon. (On Friday, we are going to hike / hike in the mountains. Tina hates to get up / getting up early. wnona GG) Listen to the people. Match the pictures with the names. t @Oevee & ee ao Practicing English with friends Your English will improve more quickly if yot practice “title and often”. + Speak in English with your friends: — during the breaks between class; — while you are walking to school; —when you call on your cell phone + Speak in English for one minute without stopping, (Don’t worry about your mistakes.) The next time speak for two minutes, three minutes, etc. + Send one email every week to a friend in English. + Text your friends in English — it’s a lot of fun! ¢ 7 16 @ ¢ 18 Creer Using headings Headings organize the information in a text. They tell the reader about the different categories of information in a text. Read the Reading strategy. Complete the article on page 19 with i Use the headings to help you. ‘a Put sunblock on every time after swimming, b Don’t leave babies by themselves. Ice cream is good on hot days. a Water is better than juice on hot days. Black clothes can make you feel hotter. Circle the correct answers. ‘What makes a beautiful day? a Dangerous activities. b Cities near beaches. (©) Blue sky and hot weather, Nice boats 1 How do many people relax in hot weather? a Reading magazines. b Beingnearwater. _€ Visiting ranches. d Staying safe, 2 What activity is notin the article? a Hiking, b Surfing. © Camping, d_ Swimming. 3 How many cups of water will you need every hour in hot weather? a Two to four. b Twenty-four. © Six di Eight. 4 What clothes are the best in hot weather? a Black. b White. © Cotton: d Old. 5 What food is the best in hot weather? a Omelets b Pizzas. © French fries. d Mangoes. 6 Who is the sun more dangerous for? a Al6-yearold boy. b Aone-month-old girl. © A 20-year-old woman. * d/A34-year-old man. Answer the questions. Is coffee good for you in hot weather? ~ No, ition’ 1. Why do we need sunblock? 2 How can you protect your eyes? 3. Whatis some good food for hot weather? Give two examples. 4 Who can the sun injure easly? MERE RERAERAM AREER KE EUR an be da us. Remembt beautiful day to be safe For a lot of people, hot weather is the time for outdoor activities, Sailing, surfing, and swimming are the most popullar activities and climbing, the beach Ori health, Stay safe. ee in cities near beaches. For many people, jumping in the water or sit the most relaxing activity in hot weather. Of course, some people prefer the mountains, and other outdoor activities, for example hiking In the mountal \, remember to take care of yourself #00! Hot weather can be very dangerous to everyone's ting on a boat is orat S &@ Are you surfing, swimming, or sailing? You will Avoid hot or heavy need two to four cups of water every hour. fgod. Drink a lot of (1 Water is batter than juice on hot days. Don't water, and eat cold food. g drink tea, coffee, or drinks with a lot of sugar. SF csopimetpntestpate 5 Fruit is also very good J) Wear cotton T:shirts and shorts on hot days Long sleeves can protect your skin, Hats stop the The sun can injure children and older people FP sun,and they keep you cool, too. very easily. BS 2 a : = Be Take care of children and older grandparent | (The suncan make you very hot, anditcan bum _2t the beach, Bring large umbrellas for ¢ you. Always use sunblock. 3 Protect your eyes with sunglasses. o rd o and give them a lot of water. 19 1) Read and listen to the conversation. Lee: What was Wellington Ranch like 100 years ago? Grandpa wasn’t here 100 years ago! That's right, but I was here more than seventy years ago, and things were very different then. We didn’t use to have cars or tractors on the ranch in the 1930s. We used to use’ horses and carts. We didn’t use to have cell phones or computers .. Did you have milk and eggs? Billy: Yes, of course! We had a few dairy cows for milk, and the chickens produced eggs. Lee: What produces beef? Sheep? Billy: No! Cows produce beef and leather. Sheep produce lamb and wool Pigs produce pork and bacon. Sam: And dairy cows produce milk, but the cows on our ranch are for meat. Lee: Really? Do some cows give us meat, and other cows give us milk? | didn’t know! 2. Did they have these things on the ranch in the 1930s? Write Yes or No. cars and tractors No 3 computers 1 horses and carts 2 cell phones 4 dairy cows __ 5 chickens and eggs _ Read the conversation in exercise 1 again. Answer the questions. Where did Billy live seventy years ago? WellingtonRanch, What produces eggs? What produces meat? What do cows produce? z What cows does Wellington Ranch have? __ awn 3 Ask and answer about farm animals in your country. a ‘A: Are there pigs on farms in this country? B: No, there aren't. Are there... 20 Subject sed to Main verb fi 1/You/ He / She /It/We/They used to “use horses and carts. Negat 1/You/ He / She /it/We/They _ didn’tuseto _ have cars or tractors. 5 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or neg of used to and the verbs. People didn't use to have (have) computers in the 1920s. 1 People (listen) to the radio. They s | & 2 Afew people (have) cars, but most people — @ (go) into town on horseback or by cart. @ 3 People = (send) letters in the 1920s. They — = send) e-mails. @ : : 8 4 ) Complete the chart with the words below. Listen and repeat. > (Gacorr beef chicken eggs lamb Teather milk pork wool ) e Animal Food or drink * shoes or clothes @ chicken 1 2 Fa @ cow siaegtr guculeeg @ pig a & sheep ae = % _ . What is your favorite food? Where does it come from? Ask and answer. A: What is your favorite food? Where does it come from? B: | love bananas and cheese. Bananas come from plants, and cheese comes from cows. 21 “| Look at the grammar chart. Pees [Regular verbs [irregular verbs Affirmative The chickens produced eggs. The cows made | Negative “The cows didn’t produce eggs. | The chickens didn't make milk [er Reapetone | Did you have eggs? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't. [Information questions | Who / What did you see? | Where / When / Why did you go? | cote Who wrote this book? Look at the lst of irregular verbs on the inside front cover. &S Complete the text with the simple past forms of the verbs. Raymond and Hilary Weltingion Stated —— ‘Welton Rano in 2082, Tmey oy in tose day. 8.812. That cas tor ne sea Write simple pastinformation question’ or Yes / No questions in your notebooks. Read the text in exercise 8 again. Answer the questions. when / they / start the ranch When did they start the ranch? They started it in 1932. the cows / live / on the ranch Did the cows live on theranch? Yes, they did. 1 who / buy / the ranch S where / the sheep / live 2 what/they/pay/ forthe ranch 6 who/ go / horseback riding with Billy 3 they /have / any chickens 7 Billy / go / to school 4 they / have / any pigs 8 Billy / have / a teacher 22 anonenemneeeeameeneend 10) Read the text. What animal used to live in North America? r Traditional North Smerican food he Europeans arrived in North America in 1492. Before then, only Native Americans food, but they didn’ used to five there. Native Americans ate delicious (0 have ranches for animals. Most Native Americans didn't use to grow their food. They used to collect it. The most important Native American food was com, and they also used to eat rice, potatoes, and +r vegetables The Native Americans used to hunt buffalo, deer, and pigs, Buffalo are similar to cows, but they are larger, and they have long, brown hair. Deer are smaller than buffalo, and they can run fast. Ten thousand years ago, Native Americans also used to ‘hunt mammoths. The last mammoths die 8,000 years ago Mammoths were similar to elephants, but they had long hair. ® @ e e 12. Read the text in exercise 10 again. Answer the questions. 8 When did the Europeans arrive in North America? They arrived in 1442. 1 How did the Native Americans get their food? = eu did th get their food: e 2. What was the Native Americans’ favorite vegetable? 7 ® 3. When did Native Americans hunt mamroths? oe e 4 What did mammoths look like? pots = e 5. Did Native Americans hunt elephants? peateeertoteaerme tie . 13 s eet 4 Write about food in your country, past and present. Use the text in exercise 10 ® e asa model. In Japan, people started eating rice 2,00 years ago! Rice is very popular today, too. Many Japanese people didn't use to eat meat. 23 eave lta Necro Ltt 1) Read and listen to the conversation. Julie: | called you this morning, but you Julie: How far was it from you? were sleeping! Lee: About SO meters. Lee: | wasn’t sleeping! We were walking on the Julie: Was it dangerous? ranch, Guess what? We saw a puma! Lee: | don’t know. We were lucky. It ran into Julie: Really? the forest. Lee: Yeah! Sam and! were having lunch when Julie: Wow. So, what is Sam like? Is he old I saw it. and serious? Julie: What was it doing? Lee: No, she isn’t! Sam’s funny, but she’s Lee: It was walking through the forest. Then it sensible, too. She can climb, and fish, and stopped, and it looked at us! build a fire, and ... Julie: A wild puma! Wow! How big was it? Julie: “She”? : lewas enormous. Lee: Oh, yest I forgot to tell you. Sam’s a woman. 2 Circle the correct answers. Where was Lee this morning? a In his room b In the bathroom. © Outdoors. 1. Who saw the puma? a Lee. b Sam © Julie. 2 What did the puma do after they saw it? a Ithad lunch b Itwatched Sam. © Itran into the forest. 3. What was the puma like? [twas very serious. b Itwas very big © Itwas very lucky. 4 Whyis Julie surprised? a Sam is a woman. b Sam can climb. © Samis ser »@ % a + Look at the grammar chart. Affirmative and negative Subject be (+a Verb + -ing | I/He/She/It | was/ wasn’t running in che forest. We/You/They | were/ weren't walking on the ranch, Questions % Qt Subject U7 he/she /it 7 [we / you / they ) Ss 4 ‘ e . . Look at the pictures. What were they doing? Write past progressive affirmative and . negative sentences in your notebooks. S @ & e g e ® s 1 we / hike - we / climb 3 1/sail-1/ cycle 2 he / build / a fire - he / fish | Wewere hiking. We weren't climbing. 4 they / surf - they / camp (run) into the forest 4 While Sam and Lee (talk), the puma Pei Oise hit sangha pack wilh when: Use che pase pronieasne wah ite. ° ® | sam and | were having lunch when | saw a puma, | @ | OrWhile Sam and I were having lunch, | saw a puma. J rE 5 Complete the sentences with the simplepast or past progressive forms of the verbs. ® When Jenny allad (call) Lee, he wa.walking (walk) on the ranch 4 1 While Lee (have) lunch, he (see) a puma. ® 2 When they (see) the puma, it (walk) through the forest. » 3 The puma (watch) them while they. (have) lunch. S What were you doing at....? Ask and answer. A: What were you doing at 7:30 this morning? B: I was taking a shower. What were you doing at &:30 this morning? | 25 6G) Match the opposite adjectives. Listen and repeat. 1 dangerous 2 enormous 3. funny 4 lucky 5 silly sensible serious safe tiny unlucky 7 Complete the sentences with four more adjectives in exercise 6. Ha, ha! Luke is very fummy. 1 Sara loves Japanese food. Her family is going on vacation to Japan. She is___1! 2. Drinking a lot of water in hot weather is 3. Bears are very strong, but they aren’t very friendly! Iti ____to go near them. 4 More than 8,000,000 people live in Tokyo. It’s —__ © Look at the grammar chart. Pee How + adjective | Howlong is his visit? Howbigis the ranch? Howfast can he swim? How far did it run? 9G) complete the conversation with How and four more exercise 8, Listen and check. ites | Robert: Vd like to visit Guatemala this summer. How far js it? ‘Travel agent: From New York City to Guatemala City, it’s 3,300km. Robert: Wow! '___is the fight? Travel agent: It takes seven hours. Robert: What are the times of the flights? Travel agent: There’s a flight at 8:00 a.m, ?_______can you get up? Robert: The flight at 8:00 a.m. will be fine. What about hotels? ‘Travel agent: There's the Hotel Hawaiiana, the Hotel Londres. Robert: 3__is the Hotel Hawaiiana? ‘Travel agent: It’s great. You'll like it Robert: ove swimming. *_____is the swimming pool at the hotel” ‘Travel agent: It’s enormous! It's an Olympic-size swimming pool. 10.» Listen to the conversation. Check (/’) the correct answers. Wherearethey goingtovisit? aZ|Tokyo —_ bL]NewYork 1 How faris ie? (11,090km —bC]10,900km 2 How long does the flight take? a["] 14hours b(]40 hours 3 How late does theflightleave? a[]7:30 p.m. b[10:30 p.m 26 = CCCHCS CES OOE vee 11 Dear Susiz, a You saw a skunk! Some skunks are tiny, but some are as big as a cat. They're usually 40-70cm long, and they come out at night. We often smell skunks, but we don't often see them. You were lucky. The smell isn't dangerous! Skunks raise their tail, and they make a smell because they are scared. 12 13 Read the text quickly. What animal did Susie see? Emil... * We were walking in the street at about 7:30 p.m, wher as walking on the sidewalk. We were 10 meters from it, but it wasnt looking at us. It was eati had an enormous tail and a black and white body. We walked to it, but it climbed ree. I thought it was a cat, but it made a horrible smel What was it? Was dangerous? w=, Susie, 14, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Answer the questions. What was Susie doing at 7:30 p.m.? Susie was walking inthe stragt, How far was she from the skunk? pan ee 2 What was the skunk doing when Susie saw ic?) How old is Susie? seat = How long are skunks? = Sere eee Why was Susie lucky? ae auauwna ‘Are skunks dangerous? = Silop ethnedve Imagine you saw a wild animal. Answer questions 1-4. Write a description. Use the text in exercise 11 as a model. 1. When did you see the animal? 3. What was the animal like? 2 What were you doing? 4.4. What was the animal doing? [twas 2:30 p.m. We were driving in the cal Sitign I saw an enormous bird - =_ 27 Grammar and vocabulary Look at the A (chickens cows pigs sheep B (bacon beef eggs lamb leather milk pork wool ) the words from A and B below. rures, Complete the sentences 1A There are pigs __ and _________on the Barker Ranch. B The Barker Ranch produces —__, ___, ____, and 2 A There are and_____on the Morales Ranch B The Morales Ranch produces —___ — ————, and Complete the sentences with the correct forms of used to and the verbs. We .usadtoclean (clean) our house on Saturdays, but now we clean it on Sundays. My uncle______ (go) to Korea on vacation, but now he lives there! Wellington Ranch _______ (not have) any cows for meat. (visit) my grandparents twice a year, but now | visit them once a year. (not cycle) to school, but now he cycles every day. (not like) bacon, but now I love it! weene Read the answers. Write questions. When did she getup? =A aim. She got up at 6 a.m. Did he have beef for lunch? ___________ No, he didn’t. He had pork. The library. She went to the library. Yesterday. He saw his mother yesterday. Yes, they did. They ate the cake. Her coach. She talked to her coach. No, he didn’t. He didn’t drive to school. Anew printer. She bought a new printer. | »®@ 2© © Look at the picture. Circle T (True) or F (False). 1 Tom was walking, T® Tarn. | 2 Tom was going to the Q shopping mall vr Bi TTT a poh ———s an i wearing blue shirts TE 4 Pam and Tomwere talking. TF 5. Tom's friends weren't playing when he arrived. T/ F 6 Pam was walking. TF 7 Itwasn’e raining, THF 8 Toms friends were playing witha blueball. = T/F z 5. Rewrite the false sentences with true information in your notebooks. 1 Tom was running. ‘Complete the questions with the words below. Circle the correct answers. big early faF fast good D ®@ « a 3 “How fais the beach?” “It's near, but don’t walk there. The roads s 1 “How is that elephant?” “I don’t know, but it’s tiny / enormous!” ° y S 2 “Look! Hows that car going?” “Oh, no! That's silly / sensible! There are a going? s a lot of cars on the road.” 6 3 “How did you arrive?” “I was late! My bus didn’t come. e Iwas lucky / unlucky.” e 4 “How ——______is the new Brad Pitt movie?” “It’s awful! It’s very boring 6 and funny / serious.” ¥ Patera Read the sentences. Circle the face that i$ true for you. I can say what | am going to do this weekend. @ © © 2. I can talk about amounts using a few, alittle, and a lot of. @ © © 3. I can understand the difference between There is and There are. © © © 4 | can understand a reading and answer questions about hot weather. ® © © 5 | can talk about farm animals in my country. @ © © 6 Ican talk about my favorite food. @ © © 7 8 9 | can write about the past using used to and the simple past. © © © | can talk about what I was doing using the past progressive. @ © © | can understand a listening using How with adjectives and adverbs. ® © © 10 | can describe the skunk that Susie saw. @ © © D> Cross-curricular English page 80 29 e @ ° e e ® s @ e 6 e Reading eerie Using pictures to get information a ‘The pictures and photos with a reading text giveus alot ofimportant information. | Read the Reading strategy. Look at the photos on page 31. Do not read the article. What will the text say? Circle the correct answers. 1 What locations will be in the text? a thebeach b themountains ¢ acity d aforest. e aranch 2 What time periods will be in the text? a thepast —b the present € the future 3. What activities will be in the text? a dancing beating € playingmusic d cooking swimming f climbing g horsebackrriding h singing i taking photographs Read the article. Circle the correct answers. 1 What does cattle mean? a pigs b horses € sheep cows 2 What activity did people use to do at the ranch? a dancing b horseback riding ¢ camping d singing 3. What activity do people not do at the ranch today? a fishing b camping © cooking swimming 4 What animals does the text not mention? a chickens b cows © sheep d horses Match the sentence halves. 1 In 1912, guests used to wear a tobeacattle drive. 2. People at the ranch now wear b their food on expensive dishes. 3 There didn’t use € the cattle drive. : 4 People sing and 4 todance or sing at the ranch. 5. They used to have € their food outside. 6 People at the ranch like eating f their best clothes at the ranch. 7 They didn’t use = & dance with the other guests now. 8 Avery popular activity now is hh old clothes. Answer the questions. Where is Bar Lazy J? Colorado, U.S. 1. Does the ranch produce bacon and pork? 2. What animals are on the ranch? 3. Where do they drive the cattle? 4 Where do the horses walk? 5. Are the rooms small? 6 Where did the guests sleep in 1912? YOY ee 1¢ Bar Lazy J is a guest ranch in Golorado. People from different countries, and cities in the U.S., come to the Bar Lazy J on vacation. ‘There aren't any pigs or sheep on the Bar Lazy J ranch, but there are a lot of cows and horses. People come to the ranch for horseback riding and other activities, including fishing, swimming, and cooking outdoors near the river. ‘The “cattle drive” is also very popular. For this, people go horseback riding into the mountains. ‘They find a group of cows, or “cattle”, and they ride around them in a circle. Then they “drive” the cattle to the ranch. The horses walk behind or next to the cattle, and they move them towards the ranch. The cattle drive is sometimes very difficult, butit is always a lot of fun! ‘The Bar Lazy J ranch is also a relaxing place. Guests wear their old clothes, and they often cook and eat their meals outdoors. They talk excitedly, and they sing and dance with the other guests. After their meals, guests relax in their rooms. Each room is big, and ithas a bathroom. But things on the Bar Lazy J ranch were very different in the past! The ranch opened its doors to guests in 1912. There were a lot of guests, but it wasn't a relaxing place. Guests used to eat breakfast on expensive dishes, and they used to wear their best clothes for a lot of the activities. They didn’t use to dance or sing, and everyone used to speak calmly. There didn’t use to be a cattle drive. Also, the guests didn’t use to have rooms or bathrooms inside. They used in tents next to the river. 3 5 D> You’re on vacation, aren’t you? © Read and listen to the conversation. Tina: You're on vacation next week, aren’t you? Tina: That's a long way! Are you going to drive? Drew: Yes, | am! How did you know? | didn’t tell Drew: No way! It’s too far. We're going to fly. you, did 12 Tina: Wow! You look excited! How do you feel? Tina: No, you didn’t. Your mom told me atthe Drew: I'm very excited! This will be my first fight! mall. You're going to go to California. want to sit next to the window. | want to Drew: Yes, that’s right, San Francisco. look at the mountains and the cities. And Tina: That's a long way from Baltimore, isn’ it? San Francisco sounds amazing. Drew: Yes, itis. It's 4,500km from here. “Answer the questions. When is Drew’s family going to go on vacation? Nextweek, Where is Drew’s family going to go on vaeation? Where did Tina speak to Drew’s mother? as How far is it from Baltimore to San Francisco? Are Tina and Drew in San Francisco or Baltimore now? Is Drew's family going to go on vacation by car or by plane? What will she see from the plane’s window? Where do you usually go on vacation? How do you get there? Ask and answer, ‘A: Where do you usually go on vacation? —B: We sometimes go to Osaka. | ove it there. ‘A: How do you get there? —B: We always travel by train. What about you? ankuna 32 SSOHOKRSHOCSOHHP GOCE HBVEVO®R ~ Look at the grammar chart. [min cis grup, aren? be | You're on vacation, aren’t you? She's Peruvian, isn’t she? Other | [Pay well, don’e Soke [fe likes beef, doesn’t he? Theylive in LA., don’t they? I’m not in this group, am |? You aren’t on vacation, are you? She isn’t Peruvian, is she? | don’tplay badly, do I? He doesn’tlike beef, does he? They don'tlive in LA.,do they? —_) - Complete the tag questions and short answers. 5 It’s 11 o'clock, isn't __ it? They're Korean, they? have an aunt in Californis 1. You speak English, ______ you? 2 We aren't late, —___ we? 3. Lisa plays soccer, __ she? 4 You don’t like math, —____ you? 5 6 | Listen and repeat. Yes, it ia__. Yes, 1) we as No, you / we Yes, she Yes, 1/ we Yes, they No, you © Circle the correct answers. Complete the tag questions. Those eggs don't sound /@@eDnice, da they — Your new clothes look / taste great, You don't smell / feel cheerful today, This cheese tastes / feels delicious, wauna ‘These flowers sound / smell wonderful This new CD player feels / sounds great, ? No, they don’t! ? Really? Thank you! No, I’m not very happy today. ? Yes, it’s amazing! Yes, I love it! 2 Yes, they do. 33 Look at the grammar chart. Bert een Affirmative sentence + neg: ple past Negative sentence + affirmative tag was funny, wasn’t I? You were lucky, weren't you? i I wasn’t funny, was |? You weren’t lucky, were you? | played well, didn’t I? I didn’t play badly, did 1? She liked the CD, ‘She didn’t like the CD, did she? "Write the tag questions and answers in your notebooks. You were late, weren't you? you / be / late 1/ m0 win he / give / you $5 you / not see / his parents they / feel / fine Run Yes, we were. yes / we yes / you no / he no / we yes / they ; "Complete the tag questions. Write affirmative (V/) or negative (X) short answers. ‘They didn’t help you, idthey _> You were surprised, Itsmelled delicious, He wasn’t embarrassed, You didn’t hurt yourself, ‘She looked disappointed, We weren't late, auawna ect ‘We use want to + base form to talk about desires. I want to sit next to the window. (X) No. they didn’t, __ ? v) ? A) 2 (A) 2 (RK) ? Vv) ? v) “© Complete the sentences with want to or wants to and the phrases below. buya printer go to the sports center _haue-laneh-Tow ten to it study this evening ‘We're hungry. We wat to have lunch now, 1. They love volleyball. They 2 He 3. That's my CD, and | 4 She . He’s in the computer store. now. because the math homework is difficult What do you want todo next weekend? Ask and answer. ‘A: What do you want to do next weekend? B: [want to watch the new music show on TV, co I'm going to ctay at home on Saturday. 34 | a® @@0 POOOOGHOSCSOHSSCHCHOOHLESOHE 11 2 Complete the poem with lines a-c. Listen and check. Cook wild fish while we are hiking, b Mom's cooking smells delicious, doesn’t it? ¢ Do you want to see the city z00? Vacations are exciting, it’s true. You want to visit museums, don’t you? ‘An exhibition of cool paintings, too. Yes, 140.14, IDO! ‘Surfing the ocean looks exc iting. Smell the mountains — let's go climbing! cas gd ce ‘Are you tired from a day of cycling? Yes, [ am! No more. horseback riding! Dreaming of home now. Do you miss it? Buya postcard, write it, send it. Ht Home's where your heart is isn't it? sre ‘Yes! Home's the best place. isn't |. Read the poem. Whatis the best title? Why? a Arcand animals b Homeandaway My favorite cooking 15 answer the questions. What can we see in an exhibition? Cool paintings. —_ 1. Where can we see animals? eae 2 What does the ocean look like? 3. What can you do in the mountains? 4 What can you cook while you are outdoors? 5 What do you send when you are on vaciftion? ‘Write a poem about a place or a person you love. Use feel, look, smell, sound, and taste. Use the poem below as a model. Grandpa looks like a big old bear. When he speaks, it sounds like a motorcycle. His old hands fee! hard-working. Their apartment cmelle of Grandma's cooking. And Grandma's cooking tastes amazing! 35 + Oklahoma and Tex: ‘tornado is avery dangerous wind, Tornadoes can ft cars into the sky. meneame pee ai | Rocky Mountains, Colorado: avalanches ‘You shouldn't ski or climb when there isan avalanche | ( te & warning. + Florida and Alabama: hurricanes ‘Ahuricane isa strong wind witha lot of rain, You should listen tothe radio for advice + California: forest fires Fores fires move very quickly. You haveto leave before they ative. The fre department wil tell you when to go. Circle T (Tiwe) or F (False). During a tornads, itis best ro go outside T/® 1. There are earthquakes and forest fires in California. /F 2 There are hurricanes in Missouri TF 3 An avalanche warning means “No skiing”, TIF 4 Hurricanes and tornadoes are winds. TF 5 There are forest fires in Texas. TF What natural disasters are there in other parts ofthe world? Ask and answer. ‘A: What natural disasters are there in South America? B: There are a lot of earthquakes in Peru. 36 2000000080 060060002 Se@¢ € 5 Look at the grammar chart. WA ee eee ee) Affirmative (obligation) 1/ You / We / They have to stay inside. He / She / Ithas to stay inside. Negative (not necessary) 1/ You / We / They don't have to go. He / She / It doesn’t have to go. Use have to / has to when someone tells you something and you can’t choose Use don’t have to / doesn’t have to when there is no obligation Don’thave to / Doesn’t have to is not the negative of have to, | don’t have to do my homew ork now. lll do it tomorrow. ~ Look at the chart. Write sentences with have to in your notebooks. seeieuaatas be play sports ‘walkto ” : Bake Leta aes, elas aaa x v Alice v x v Matt v v x x You ice and Matt have to go to bed at 4:30 p.m. ice doesn't have to study on Saturdays, but Matt has to study on Saturdays. Complete the chart with information about you. Write five sentences in your notebooks. Use have to. | [don't have to go to bed at 4:30 p.m. | usually go to bed at 10: ©» Label the photos. Listen and repeat. ‘avalanche earthquake flood forest fire hurricane tomas v 38 ~ Look at the grammar chart. Find more advice in the magazine article on page 36. Pree Affirmative | | / You / He / She / It / We / They should stay in a safe plac eo TTT | Negative | 1/ You / He / She / It / We / They shouldn’t go outside. | Use should / shouldn't for advice. (shouldn't = should not) \ Should = This isa good idea. Shouldn’ ~ Thisis a bad idea ) "Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. You look tired. You should ___ go to bed. You shouldn't __ watch TV all night. 1 There is a flood. They ____ walk in the street, They —_____wait ina safe place. 2. My baby brother's sleeping. We talk, We ______ be quiet. 3. During a tornado or a hurricane, you go outside. You _____ stay at home and listen to the advice on the radio. r 4 Your math grade isn’t good. You____ study more. You _______ play computer games! 5. She isn’t healthy. She ____ eat chocolate. She ___ eat vegetables and fruit. 6 You _______ swim in the lake. It’s dirty. You __ swim in clean water. "Write sentences with should or shouldn’t. Use the ideas below. eatit feelsear€d hike in bad weather pick up your room _ practice every day hate fying! | don’t want to go! Yowshouldn't eelscared __ Flyingis safe. 1 Are the mountains dangerous? Yes, sometimes, 2 I can’t find my pencils. 3. They want to be soccer players. 4 Does this beef smell bad? Yes, it does. i 10) Listen to the conversation. Circle the correct answers. Mr. Phelps works at the National Food Center, /€God Contd 1 Flood water isn’t clean / dangerous. 2. There is advice about floods in a magazine / on a website. 3. You should stop flood water outside your house with old doors / cars. 4 During a flood, you should travel by boat / swim quickly. 9@ ee @ ®@ | Read the leaflet quickly. Circle the correct answer. The leaflet is about how to survive a anearthquake b ahurricane ¢ atornado DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! ‘+ Choose a safe place in every room: under asstrong table or desk, or next to a wall. + Practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold on! & 1 Drop to your knees. 2.Cover your face with your arm. 3 Hold on to the leg of the table or desk. * You should listen to the radio for advic ‘+ When it's safe to go outside, wear strong shoes. + You should look and listen for other people, but you shouldn't go into dangerous buildings. ‘The fire department have to do that. DURING * Are you inside a building? “Drop, Cover and Hold on!” Stay insi + Are you outside? You don't have to go side a building. Drop to your knees. Don't go near trees. ‘+ Are you in a car? Don't go near buildings or trees. Stay in the car. | Complete the sentences with information from the text. During an earthquake ... iis safe under a strong table or desk, or next to.awall, __ | 1. people inside should hold on to 2 people outside don’t have to 3. people outside shouldn't 4. people in cars should 13 Write some advice about a natural disaster. Use the leaflet in exercise 11 as a model. ‘There are a lot of forest fires in the summer. You shouldn't build a fire near trees. 39 GOOCCOOOOSOCHESOOHT HGOVHHSO OHHH > Review: Units 5-6 Grammar and vocabulary "Match the parts of the question tags and the answers. 1. Carlos is from Mexico, a didn’the? i) Yes, they do. 2 Olivia doesn’t like swimming, \ b_ were they? Yes, heis. 3. Eduardo lived in Colombia, © don't they? ) Yes, they are. 4 Alicia didn’t sing well yesterday, ““d_isn’the? iv) Yes, she does. 5 Your friends are popular, does she? ¥)_ No, they weren't. 6 They weren’t late, £ aren'tthey? vi). No, she didn't. 7 Ourteachers help us, & did she? vii) Yes, he did Complete the sentences with the verbs below. feel look smeif sound taste Do you have some flowers in the other room? | can smell ___ them. 1. I can’t sing very well. |______ awful! os 2 Please ____ this soup. Does it need a little salt? 3. Idon’t ___very well. ’m going home. 4 You ______ tired. Do you want to sit down? S Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with want to or wants to and the phrases below. have lunch sitdown take abus walk watchemovie The girls wanttowatchamovie, 1 Themen , 2 The dog 3. The boy. 4 The women ROR ER . 8 > e GSOSOBEO OSH Teeuvuvreevoeuvce ~~ Match the natural disasters below with the definitions. ‘avalanche earthquake forest fire hurricane tornado strong winds, can lift heavy things: tormada hot, orange and red, burns: moves buildings, things fall: 1 2 3. strong wind and rain, from the ocean: 4 cold, white, mountains, fast: w ‘Complete the paragraph with the correct forms of have to. Todd: Can you help me after school? | haveto ___give my project to Mr. Han on Friday. Kayla: Sorry, | can’t, 1" doesn’t see well, and she * S o'clock? Todd: The soccer team is going to practice at 5 o’clock, but OK, 2 go tomorrow. | can meet you. Kayla: We can meet at 4:30. 14 get the bus home at 5:30. | can get the later bus. .g0 with my grandmother to the doctor. She take a bus. How about tomorrow at Todd: OK, or we can meet on Thursday. The players °_____ practice on Thursday. Kayla: Tomorrow is better. My mother ® 7 work late on Thursday, and | help my brother with dinner. © © Listen to the sentences. Do the sentences you hear have the same meaning? Circle S (Same) or D (Different). 1 You shouldn't leave the party. @o 2 You shouldn't go in the ocean during a hurricane. S/D 3. You should walk to school today. s/D i 4 You should stay inside during a tornado, s/D 5 You should buy those shoes. s/D Using English to plana visit 1 Think of an English-speaking country you want to visit. 2 Look for a travel website about that country. 3. Write notes on the things you should do in that country. I wnt ta visit New Yee City in the United States, 1 I shad se the Statue of Liberty 2 Tshauld visit Times Square at night, SL should have bench in Chinatonn, 41 42 Reading feria Looking for explanations of vocabulary Good readers guess the meaning of words from their context. They look for other words they know in the text. They also think about the part of speech of the new word (for example noun, verb). ‘The snow from the avalanche crashed onto the road. 1. Think about the words you know, for example avalanche and road. Can they help you? Think about the part of speech. * Do you see any parts of verbs or adjectives? (for example -ed, ing) + Is the word a noun? (Does it come after the or a?) 2 "Read the Reading strategy. Read the interview on page 43. Circle the correct answers. al @Vanrsuna A warnings... @ advice b the opposite of cold ¢ flying d_ people To track is to a watch something moving b walkintherain ¢ talk about che weather make maps To predict is to protect someone d say when something will happen A ogclone and a typhoon are like a anearthquake b aforest fire © ahurricane dan avalanche Strength is how ... something is. b ask about something ¢ shout about something a dangerous b strong © heay d funny le T (True) or F (False). ‘There are hurricanes in the north and west of the U.S. Hurricanes are the most dangerous natural disaster in every country. ‘Typhoons are the most dangerous natural disaster in some parts of the US. Cyclones are the most dangerous natural disaster in Australia ‘Typhoons are more dangerous than earthquakes in Japan. Earthquakes are quick Scientists usually know how strong a hurricane will be, The natural disasters in Brazil are earthquakes and hurricanes, 5 Rewrite the false sentences with true information in your notebooks. There are hurricanes in the south and east of the U.S. T® T/F TF T/F TF TF TF TF pee, eeaeeeeoedeoeeeee een eee eee eee eee eeeeen een ns 7 PUM ull econo Me ciel le Ll 1 GO) Read and listen to the postcard. Dear Tina a vou should visit Sane Francisco Is great! We arrived. ab the airport yesterday, and we visited the Golden Gate Bridge Te'san amazing sight. Hes enormous! se 2737 long and 227 tall We visited with ies Cars must pay $5 for a ticket ver te bridge but don't have to Gdownnttyote Aes Eade we might at vist today because it's raining, 1 used to bea famous prison, Now it's a national park with old buildings; | thousands of seabirds and tourits, anal no prizoners! Visitors mustn't eat food there, or give food to the binds. he Sinking Rove tonight. 1050 garlic 1D ray make tt th fr th geet Love Pk VTE Match the words with the definitions. Listen and repeat. 1 national park a you need this to go to places 2 airport b aplace to visit and look at 3 sight ¢ planes arrive here, and leave from here 4 ticker 4d. avisitor on vacation : 5 tourist aplace with animals and trees Read the postcard in exercise 1 again. Correct the mistake in each sentence. Drew’s family arrived in San Francisco thftsmerming. yesterday 1 The Golden Gate Bridge is tiny. 2. The Golden Gate Bridge is 27km long. 3 Drew’s family paid U.S.$5 to go over the bridge. sian 4 They are going to visit Stinking Island 5. Birds used to live on Alcatraz Island 6 You have to eat potatoes at The Stinking Rose. Talk about the sights in your country. In Peru, tourists always want to see Machu Picchu ... @ - Look at the grammar chart. Affirmative | | / You / He / She / It / We / They must pay U.S.$5 for a ticket. Negative | 1/You/ He/She/It/ We / They mustn’t eat in the park | Use must mustn't for rules. (mustn't = must not) 5 Completa the sentences with mustor mustn't. @ @ e @ 2 6 ® ® e ® . ‘ . > Write sentences with You must or You mustn’t and the phrases below. @ buya ticket drop litter forget pick up your room sant @ You mustn'trun ________in the museum. e@ 1 in national parks or in the street: 2 once a week 3 fora flight 4 your passport for an international flight. What are the rules in your house? Ask and answer. Use must and mustn’t. ‘A: What are the rules in your house? —B: We mustn't put our feet on the sofa. We ... 45 “To

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