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Beef oxtail & cornbread toasty, manchego cheese, ranch dressing, pickled chayote

Oxtail Marmalade
3kg oxtail
350g onion
90g garlic
12g thyme
3 pcs bay leaf
10g black peppercorn
2000g dashi stock (see base recipe)
500g red wine
15g sea salt
1000L water
50g seledri
35g pomace oil
-sauté rough chopped onion and garlic, add oxtail pieces and color and sauté, keep stirring, add
spices and thyme
-deglaze with red wine, now add liquids, bring to boil and simmer for 3 and half hours
-take from heat and allow to cool, covered on bench
-strain oxtail pieces and keep in chiller, strain stock and keep in chiller
-next day remove fat from stock and rough chop oxtail meat into pieces for next step

600g oxtail cooking stock (strained)
1000g cooked, chopped, oxtail pieces
40g beef fat (from stock)
40g plain flour
50g dark chocolate 80%
40g butter
7g sea salt
2g ground black pepper
80g raisins
70g wild honey
90g red wine vinegar (gln)
-start with beef fat in hot saucepan, add flour and process roux, cooking out roux now add the oxtail
stock, whisking until smooth, add the chocolate, rough chopped raisins, honey, red wine vinegar, sea
salt and pepper, bring to heat now reduce heat to very low and add the chopped oxtail pieces, and
the butter
-cook out, simmering gently for 2 hours, until reduced and sticky.
Dashi pickled chayote
100g local rice wine vinegar
60g rice wine (mirin)
46g white sugar
170g dashi stock
3g sea salt
-process pickle liquid
-slice chayote on meat slicer at 2mm thick
-using ring cutter to process round circles and vacuum press with pickle

Ranch dressing
80ml fresh milk
4g rice vinegar
-Rest first for 10 minutes at room temp then blend with the following:

60g sour cream

4g chopped spring onion
2g garlic powder
1g chili flake
3g garlic clove
3g dill leaf
2g parsley leaf
8g lemon juice
120g Japanese mayo

250g polenta
9g baking powder
6g sea salt
8g secret salt (see base recipe)
2 eggs
420g milk
30g honey
55g butter
-melt the butter
-combine and mix all dry ingredients
-whisk eggs and combine with milk and butter
-mix wet into dry and let stand for 7 minutes on bench top
-at the same time heat oiled baking tin in oven for 7 minutes
-pour in corn bread mix into hot tin and bake at 210c for 21 minutes
-let cool on bench before slicing at 1cm portions

Assemble / a la minute
1 slice of cornbread
30g oxtail marmalade
7g slice of Manchego
Melt in oven for 4 minutes @ 190c
Pickled chayote
Leek ash dust

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