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Initial Quests


the very beginning of Chapter I, you'll meet Jan who'll provide you with insight into the
island and its factions. The following quests are the ones that cover that.

 Alone and Abandoned

 Get Yourself a Decent Weapon
 Follow Jan to the Novices' Farm in the East
 Follow Jan to the West
 Follow Jan Further to the West
 Rescue Sara from the Wilderness

Alone and Abandoned

Right after finishing the prologue, you'll be further uphill to find any inhabitants. On your
way towards the main objective (#4), you'll meet grave moths and some more hungry sea
vultures. You'll also notice a temple (#2) on your right.

You can visit the temple and you'll find another grave moth waiting for you below the floor
trap. Deal with him and loot the heavy chests nearby for a mana potion and some other
minor loot. As you get out of the cellar, you'll acquire another achievement called
Adventurer. Besides the temple, there's a healing scroll over at #3, along with some more
Once ready, head up to the house at #4. As soon as you're inside, you'll get interrupted
by a bandit called Jan. He'll ask you what's your business around here. At this point, the
quest is completed and you gain 50 experience. Finishing the conversation triggers
another quest: Get Yourself a Decent Weapon.

Get Yourself a Decent Weapon

Once you receive the quest, check the ground floor (#4) for a a cupboard which has a key
and a healing potion on a nearby shelf. Then head upstairs where you'll find a chest
opened by the key you looted from the cupboard. Inside the chest, besides the sword and
50 experience, you'll also find your first map and complete the achievement Map Reader.
It covers the western área of the island, and it will help you navigate and keep in track
with the walkthrough map.

Return to Jan, who'll fill you on the details of what's happening on the island (you'll also
get 25 experience). Apparently, there's an Inquisition order consisting of warriors and
mages who have taken over the land to ensure peace, justice and security. On the other
hand, Don Esteban leads freedom fighters who found themselves way too strained by the
inquisition laws. They've set up a camp in the swamps, while the Inquisition holds the
monastery keep and the harbor city.

Follow Jan to the Novices' Farm in the East

After obtaining the weapon from the previous quest, you can ask Jan to show you the way
to Tristan's farm. Once you reach #5, he'll stop and tell you that the novices who wish to
enter the monastery tend to the farms. You'll also get 50 experience. In addition, if you
ever get caught by the inquisition patrols you'll be automatically taken to the monastery,
which locks your guild choice to Warrior of the Order. Therefore, don't get caught.

Follow Jan to the West

Besides showing you the way to Tristan's farm, Jan will be rather content to show you the
entrance to the bandit camp in the swamp. Before reaching the camp, he'll stop by the
ruins (#6) and warn you not to get too close to it because Inquisition has set up a camp
there, and if you get caught you'll be taken to the monastery. This small quest is then
concluded with 25 experience points and a new quest is immediately opened up Follow
Jan Further to the West.

Follow Jan Further to the West

This quest is direct follow-up to Follow Jan to the West. Right after telling you about the
ruins and the Inquisition that made a camp there, Jan (#6) will turn left and show you the
path to the bandit camp.

Just follow him for a bit and he'll show lead you down to the swamp (#7) and advise you
that the others there tend to be lazy and throw their work to the newcomers. Another 25
experience and the quest is over.

Rescue Sara from the Wilderness

This quest can be solved in two ways, depending on where you want to take Sara. If you
wish to find her shelter with the bandits, tell Jan about it and he'll gladly take her to the

On the other hand, you can take her to the novices on the farm. Once you've talked to
Tristan about it while doing the quests on his farm, you can ask him to take in Sara.

Either way, you'll get Philanthropist achievement and talking to Sara again (#1) will
reward you with a strong healing potion. She'll also change her location in the next
chapter. If you took her to the freedom fighters, she'll be near Rhobart in the camp
whereas in the other options she'll stay on Severin's farm.

1 - Starting location, Sara

2 - Temple ruin

3 - Grave moths & loot

4 - Jan

5 - Road to Tristan's farm

6 - Road to Inquisition camp at the ruins

7 - Road to the bandit camp

Tristan's Farm


Tristan's farm, even though it's working for the mages, won't attack you on sight or
violently take you to the monastery. Instead, there are several quests to be done here
early in the game:

 Help Thomas in the Fields

 Grain Harvest
 Kill the Hungry Wolves
 Help the Novice's Farm
 Follow Tellur
 Follow Tellur across the Dangerous Lake
 Keep Following Tellur
 Follow Tellur One More Time

Help Thomas in the Fields

Thomas (#1) can be found working in the fields on Tristan's farm. He'll comment on your
bravery, as not a lot of non-Inquisition people travel around freely, due to fear of being
caught. During your conversation, he'll tell you useful information about the farm, and that
the other farmer, Tellur, always seems to do better at harvesting than him. This starts this
quest, along with Grain Harvest.

Recognizing the plants isn't as hard as he makes it to be. Just look around his farm field
(#1) and you'll find 10 stacks of grain. Once you're done with it, go back to Thomas and
you'll receive additional 50 experience and a healing potion that he promised. You can also
ask him about the frequency of Inquisition patrols around the land. He'll tell you that they
come every few days here, collecting the harvest and keeping things in order.

Grain Harvest

This mini-quest is received alongside Help Thomas in the Fields. There are ten grain
plants to be picked around. Search for them in the left farm field (#1) and once you're
done with it, you'll receive 50 experience and Field Hand achievement.

Kill the Hungry Wolves

Henson (#3) will be able to provide some extra info about the Inquisition and the current
situation. However, he'll be quick to put up that the wolves are increasingly aggressive
and tasks you with killing them. They are all found in the cave nearby (#4).

There are five hungry wolves in total. Once you defeat all of them, you'll receive additional
50 experience and the quest is complete. Report back to Henson. As you get out of the
cave, Henson will be waiting for you. He came to warn you about a warrior of the Order,
who chanced to come on the farm while you were killing the wolves. To avoid the guard,
he'll tell you to sneak into the barn (#3) and sleep over. Inside the chest in the barn you'll
find pearl necklace. It's very expensive, but keep it for a quest in Harbor Town.

Once you've woken up, tell Henson about the wolves. You'll get 25 experience and his

Help the Novice's Farm

Tristan (#2), the novice, will provide you with a lot of details on the factions that you can
join in the game. He'll mention warriors of the Order, mages and bandits. You can choose
either of them depending on your role-play style as they do not deviate from the main
quest too much.

Anyway, once you exhaust all the conversation options, you'll receive this quest. In order
to get help with finding the way to the city, you'll need to help the other novices first,
Thomas (#1) and Henson (#3). Both of them are working in their fields, just go and talk
to them to do their quests.

Reporting that the wolves are dead (Kill the Hungry Wolves) gives you 25 gold and 50
experience, while completing the harvest (Help Thomas in the Fields) grants 25 gold
and 50 experience. Talking to Tellur reveals that he has no job for you, so you'll get 50
experience once you mention this to Tristan. Once you've reported from all three novices,
tell him that you've done everything there's to do on the farm and you'll receive 75
experience and the quest is finished. You can now talk to Tellur about your journey to the

Follow Tellur

After completing all the other quests on the farm, Tellur (#3) will agree to take you to the
back entrance of the city (as the main one is held by Inquisition).

As soon as you head out of the fields and reach the bridge (#5), he'll warn you about the
dangers of the island. This quest ends then and a new one starts which continues the
journey with Tellur.

Follow Tellur across the Dangerous Lake

Once you reach the bridge (#4), Tellur will advise you to stay on the paths and not to
stray into the wilderness too much.

A few paces away (#6), he'll point out that the way that goes down the path is the one
that leads to the main gate, but it's taken by Inquisition. At this point, you can continue
your journey with him or tell him that you can make it on your own. You'll get 50
experience and in case of the first option, you'll get another quest to follow Tellur.

Keep Following Tellur

If you chose to go on with Tellur in the previous quest, this one will open up and Tellur
(#6) will continue to show you the paths around the island.

As he reaches the way to the monastery (#7), he'll point out that that way leads to the
mages' and Inquisition's headquarters. Once again, you can choose to go on with him or
manage alone. You'll receive 50 experience points as well.

Follow Tellur One More Time

This is the last one in series of following Tellur. He'll (#7) will continue to lead you to the
back gate, which is still in control by the harbor native guards.

As he enters the small ravine (#8), he'll stop and give you further directives. Guards are
easy to bribe as he says, so getting in shouldn't be too hard. Anyway, the quest's done
and you receive another 50 experience.
1 - Thomas

2 - Tristan

3 - Tellur, Henson

4 - Wolves' cave

5 - Bridge

6 - Crossroads

7 - Way to the monastery

8 - Ravine to the back city entrance

Severin's Farm


of the
quests available on Severin's farm can be completed only if you're friend of the Order.
They are best done while on your way to the monastery. Note that some of the quests can
be done even if you do not plan to join the Inquisition. These aren't marked by "(I)".

 Thieving Gnomes (I)

 Overdue Situation Report (I)
 Lost Cause (I)
 Fluttering Grave Moths
 A Beer for Bryn
 Bryn's Dangerous Monsters

Thieving Gnomes

When you talk to Severin (#1) for the first time, you'll need to show him your official
letter from Carlos as a proof that you're not a bandit. He'll fill you in on the details around
and tell eventually tell you about the gnomes that have been troubling him because they
are taking the supplies and artifacts that are stored on the farm. As such, he tasks you to
deal with them.

The gnomes he mentioned are located on the overlooking cliff at #2. Beware because they
are tightly grouped and you might have to fight five at a time. Run to the farm if you
require help, as the NPCs will engage them as well. There are six gnomes in total and as
soon as they are dead you'll receive 300 experience. The final reward comes from Severin,
when you report that you're done, earning you 200 gold coins from Rufus (he's near
Severin) as well as 50 experience.

Overdue Situation Report

This is the second quest from Severin (#1) and requires of you to find out how's the
second group of warriors of the Order doing in their excavation site to the west. Talk to
Severin to find out more details and once you're ready to set out, head west.

The place you need to reach is located at #3. It's another Inquisition encampment, led by
Rudolf. Talk to him and you'll get 300 experience. If he's dead (you killed him
during Conquest of the Artifact Camp, then report back to Severin that he's dead.

Lost Cause

This is the follow-up quest from Rudolf (#3) and requires of you to report back to Severin
about the situation of the excavation camp.

Once you arrive back at Severin's farm, tell him of the current status of the Inquisition's
camp and you'll get a reward of 50 experience as well as two healing potions and a Tell
Joke scroll.

Fluttering Grave Moths

Derry (#4), the caretaker of pigs on farm, has a problem with the moths nearby. They
tend to attack the animals and reduce the income. He wants you to deal with the

There are seven moths in total a bit to the west on the cliff (#5). Once you defeat all of
them you'll get 250 experience and then return to Derry for a reward of 25 coins and 50

A Beer for Bryn

Talking to Bryn (#6) reveals a bit more about the Inquisition and about the dangers of the
área around the monastery. Besides that, he's in need of some alcohol as everything that's
"interesting" is locked up in monastery's winery.
There's beer all over the island, so you should have no problem acquiring it, and you
should already have some on yourself anyway. Simply hand him over one bottle and you'll
get measly 50 experience. But then again, the quest wasn't that hard at all.

Bryn's Dangerous Monsters

The other quest from Bryn (#6) involves dealing with some dangerous monsters that
roam a nearby área. Ask him about the details and he'll describe some smart and vicious
creatures lurking in the dark.

Head over to #7. As you can see, it's just another band of gnomes causing headaches to
the Inquisition. In this case they are called "Sly Gnomes" and there's three total. Defeat
them and you'll receive 200 experience. Now report back to Bryn and you'll get your
reward of 25 coins and 50 experience.

1 - Severin

2 - Thieving gnomes

3 - Rudolf

4 - Derry

5 - Fluttering grave moths

6 - Bryn

7 - Sly gnomes
The Cursed Lords & Reforging Legendary Swords


quests listed here are fairly challenging to do, especially in chapter I. If you feel like you
can't defeat all the monsters and creatures on the paths to the locations, feel free to leave
them for latter chapters as they won't disappear.

 The Cursed Lords

 Kill Lord Patroscon
 The Sword Stormwind
 Reforging Stormwind
 The Sword Souldrinker
 Reforging Souldrinker
The Cursed Lords

Talk to Leon (#1) about the life on the island and he'll act as if he was a hunter.

Since he looks like he's lying, ask him again about what he's doing in the wilderness and
this time he'll say that he's a treasure hunter. After a while, he'll submit and say that he's
a poacher who took a ring from one of the temples. Ever since, the ghosts of the fallen
vassals are haunting him. Agree to help out the poor man and prepare for a very tough

Throughout the island, there are several ruins which are full of skeletons and their vassal
lords. In order to lift the curse from Leon, you'll need to defeat all of them and take their
vassal rings. The ring that Leon gave you is Lord Patroscon's. He's located at #3, in a
tunnel and then a corridor leading to the left. The other vassal undead lords are located in
the ruins and dungeons at #2, #4, #5, #6 and #7. These can be done in any order.

One of the rings is located on an undead lord at the east of the city in a tower (#2).
Approach it carefully, clearing the skeletons in small groups. The most useful item in here
(apart from the vassal ring from the undead lord for the quest) is the potion that
permanently increases your maximum mana.

The lord hiding at #3 is Lord Patroscon himself, the one who haunts Leon. After entering
the tunnel, you'll see a crypt-like path to the left after a while. Follow it and defeat the
skeletons on the way. Patroscon waits at the end. There are a few useful items on him,
like the rune shield and Conjure Skeleton rune for the mages.

The dungeon at #4 probably contains the most loot. There's really a lot of fairly useful and
expensive items to be found in there. The undead lord himself wears a really nice sword
called Traitor's blade (it deals 55 damage). There are also several scrolls, a lot of gold, a
bookstand and some more items.

In the tower at #5, you'll find your first helmet class item if you're doing this in chapter 1.
Otherwise, apart from the undead lord, there's an ice protection amulet as well, though its
usefulness is questionable.

The vassal lord at #6 has a bit more skeletons and once you descend down there, you'll
also find a recipe for the permanent strength increase potions. There's also an odd ghoul
in the same área, so be careful. Clear the rest of the área for some additional loot and

As you continue the northern road (#7), you'll reach another set of ruins with an undead
lord in them. Besides the undead lord, the top of the tower has a level 3 lock chest which
contains a Magic Protection spell rune and an amulet that protects against physical
damage. If you continue down the road to the beach, you'll find a potion that increases
your maximum health in one of the ship wreckages.

Once you have all the rings, you'll get the achievement Ghost Hunter and 500 experience.
Return to Leon (#1) who's eagerly expecting you. You'll receive 500 experience and three
different scrolls as a reward (Ashbeast transformation, Tell joke and Open lock).
Kill Lord Patroscon

This mini-quest is auto-completed once you find Lord Patroscon in the ruins at #3. Upon
slaying him you'll receive 300 experience and a nice shield near his corpse.

Tell Leon that Patroscon is dead and you'll receive 50 additional experience.

The Sword Stormwind

The bastard sword Stormwind is broken into two pieces. Its base is located on a small
island east of the harbour city (#8a). On the surface itself, you'll face a scorpion and
several sea vultures. To descend into the crack, find a pond at the southern side of the
lake and enter through the hole clad in ivies. You'll face a few skeletons and in a level 3
lock chest, you'll find the base of the bastard sword.

The tip of the sword is located in undead lord's lair (#4). Go the same way that you did to
reach him. Explore all the corridors and chests carefully until you find the tip of the sword
(#8b). Finding both parts earns you 100 experience.

Reforging Stormwind

In order to reforge Stormwind, you'll need a smithing skill of at least level 1. Just approach
any forge and pour the stormwind blank into it. Now it's time to use the anvil and shape
the glowing sword. After doing that, put it in the water trough and finally to the

The end product is the bastardsword Stormwind, which deals 60 damage and requires 55
strength to wield. You'll receive 200 experience for reforging the sword.

The Sword Souldrinker

The two-handed sword Souldrinker is split in two pieces. The base of the sword is located
in the north-eastern part of the island (#9a). While trying to reach it, you'll encounter an
ashbeast, black wolves, talon moths and two ogres. You have been warned. After this
perilous journey and finally getting to the level 2 lock chest, you'll find the base of the
two-handed sword, along with a nice amulet.

The tip of the sword is located on the opposite side, the north-western part. After crossing
the ruins filled with skeletons, you'll come to a place where you can head for the beach.
On the northern side of the beach (#9b) you'll find the tip of the sword in a level 2 lock
chest. Finding both parts earns you 200 experience.

Reforging Souldrinker
Reforging Souldrinker is the same process as reforging Stormwind. After going through the
forge, anvil, water trough and whetstone, you'll receive an excellent two-handed sword
Souldrinker, which deals 75 damage and requires 72 strength. You'll receive 300
experience for reforging the sword.

1 - Leon

2 - Undead vassal lord

3 - Lord Patroscon

4 - Undead vassal lord

5 - Undead vassal lord

6 - Undead vassal lord

7 - Undead vassal lord

8 - Pieces of Stormwind

9 - Pieces of Souldrinker
Bandit Camp Quests Part 1


page contains the first part of the quests you can do in the bandit camp while still staying
guildless and not taking sides. These are mostly basic quests to get you started with the
camp and getting to know the place and the people in it.

 Go Hunting with Doug

 A Bottle of Beer for the Drunkard
 Disgusting Insects
 Meat for the Gang
 Rhobart Needs Weed
 Beer for the Gang
 Brogar's Lackey
 Lazy Dog
Go Hunting with Doug

Doug (#1) is most likely the first person you'll meet in the camp, and before you even
offer to help him, he'll give you a map, to help you navigate around. He'll also introduce
you to the bandit's camp and provide additional info on the situation in there. Doug also
has something to say about the strange erected temples and about his hunt. Once you
agree to help him, the quest starts.

The rotworm he's talking about will provide enough meet for the boys and it's found just
to the west (#2) of him. Stay clear of its poisonous attack and keep the shield up to avoid
the hits. Follow Doug and he'll lead you to it. Once the best is dead, you'll receive 150
experience. Talking to Doug about it gives additional 200 experience. He'll also give you
30 gold pieces along with 5 raw meat, which you are to take to the Don's wife in the
camp, Rachel. This quest is then concluded.

If you wish to visit Luis to train some hunting skills, he's over at #3. Be careful on the
way, as there are various animals (mostly moths and stingrats, but you may meet bog
bodies too which can prove to be difficult if you didn't get used to the combat system).

A Bottle of Beer for the Drunkard

This quest is received once you mention beer to Luis (#3), and point out that he's drunk.
He's kind of got a dry throat and requests a bottle of beer if he's to teach you anything.
He'll also mumble something about the White Robes, the Inquisition and that the current
leader in the camp is Brogar, while Don's busy.

There's beer to be found all over the camp. Search the houses, benches, crates. You might
even have beer already in the inventory, so just offer him some and the quest is done with
100 experience. Luis is also a teacher for basic hunting skills, so you might wish to learn
those as they might make a lot of money in the long run. You'll also need tools to
effectively take off animal skin, claws and other trophies. You can get these from Doug
(#1), they are 100 gold each. Note that he'll only be your teacher if you've already
finished Go Hunting with Doug quest.

You can mention what Luis (#3) told you about Brogar (that he wants to replace the Don)
to Rachel (#6), which nets you 25 experience.

Disgusting Insects

As you move to the área behind Doug, you'll come across a wooden path which leads you
to Ricardo, who guards the entrance to the camp. Once you meet Ricardo (#4), he won't
say much except that the insects at the excavation site (#5) nearby are troubling him as
they are disgusting. He's offering a small reward of 30 gold coins for anyone who wishes
to take them out.

There are four "disgusting" insects in total. They are actually grave moths. Once you've
killed them all, the quest will update and you'll earn 250 experience. There's a digsite on
the very same island. Grab a shovel nearby and dig out a chest which contains a +1 to axe
ring, along with gold necklace and a few other minor items. Get back to Ricardo for your
small reward: 30 gold and 50 experience.

Meat for the Gang

This quest is received from Rachel (#6), even though Doug (#1) mentions it earlier. you'll
need to bring her 10 haunches of raw meat to help her out with feeding the camp.

Meat is found on the animals like wolves and stringrats. They are all over the island and
you probably already have the required meat. Just hand it over to her and you'll receive
200 experience and another 30 gold.

Rhobart Needs Weed

Rhobart (#7) is making beer out of the local plant called Bruggleweed. Common folk often
mistake it for just "weed". There's plenty of that herb to be found around, especially on
the plateau he's on. After turning in 10 herbs, the quest is over with 50 experience and 70

Note that you can then turn every weed herb you find again for more gold and experience
(7 gold, 5 experience each). Since they aren't really used to make anything useful, just
visit him every now and then to dump all the Bruggleweed and receive gold and

Beer for the Gang

This quest is received from Rhobart (#7) once you agree to help him with his beer
distribution. He'll also want 50 gold pieces for the beer once you return. Take the beer to
Rachel (#6), and you've got three options: give the beer without taking payment,
convince her for a hundred or just take the standard 50. You'll get 200 experience at this

Return to Rhobart and either give him 50 gold coins or say that Rachel didn't pay you. If
you give him the gold, he'll have a favour to do for you, though it won't really come into
play. Another 100 experience and the quest is done.

Brogar's Lackey

This quest is received when talking to Brogar (#8) for the first time. He'll treat you as
your superior and constantly insult you. After mentioning that he's hungry, he'll order you
to bring him some meat from Rachel (#6).
Make sure not to give him your own fried meat as he'll get pissed and attack you. That
way the quest will fail. Therefore, just visit Rachel and get a haunch of meat. Return to
Brogar and you'll get 50 experience.

Lazy Dog

The next quest from Brogar (#8) requires of you to knock some sense into a bandit guard
by the name of Clay. You can also start this quest from Phil (#9). Phil, the guard over at
the farm on the plateau, is tired of standing around and fulfilling the shift of Clay as well.
Therefore, he asks you to convince him to return to his post, instead of laying about lazily.

Phil can also teach you basic thieving skills: pickpockets and lockpicking. Lockpicking is
fairly useful throughout the game, but pickpocketing not so much, as the rewards are
minimal and there are very few quests where it is actually useful.

Clay is found at the campfire (#10), sleeping and doing nothing. Wake him up and nicely
ask him to return to his post. He'll refuse to do so, but you can either beat him or convince
him with 20 gold (10 + 10). It's a better option to beat him as you'll get extra experience.
Either way, you'll get standard 200 experience from the quest and the only thing's left to
do is to tell Phil the news. You'll get additional 25 gold and 25 experience.

1 - Doug

2 - Rotworm

3 - Luis

4 - Ricardo

5 - Disgusting insects

6 - Rachel

7 - Rhobart

8 - Brogar

9 - Phil

10 - Clay
Bandit Camp Quests Part 2


next part of the bandit camp quests covers the arena series. After completing this section,
you should be able to defeat any human opponent in a fight without problems, even with
your basic stats.

 The Best Fighter in the Bandit Camp

 Defeat Ricardo in the Arena
 Defeat Lorenzo in the Arena
 Defeat Craig in the Arena
 Defeat Domingo in the Arena
 Defeat Brogar in the Arena
 Take the Golden Fragment from Brogar
 Forbidden Games
 To the Temple Ruins with Lorenzo

The Best Fighter in the Bandit Camp

This quest is started during your conversation with Craig (#1). He'll say that there are
arena fights going on in the camp and he's the one organizing them. To complete this
quest, you'll have to defeat all the other fighters. Simply go to Craig and tell him that you
wish to fight. In terms of difficulty, you should fight Ricardo, Lorenzo, Craig and Domingo
last, respectively. Mini-quests related to this one are further discussed on their page
(Defeat "fighter" quests).

Once you defeat the four fighters in the arena, you'll earn additional 100 experience and
the quest is complete.

Defeat Ricardo in the Arena

Ricardo is the easiest fighter to defeat. You can bet upwards of 10 gold pieces on yourself
when fighting against him to win double. First go talk to Craig (#1) about arena fights,
place a bet and then talk to Ricardo (#2). Follow him to the arena ring (#3).

Fighting human enemies isn't hard. Just make sure to block their attacks with the shield
and strike whenever you see an opening. He'll go down fast and you'll receive 100
experience for completing the quest. Return to Craig for your reward of 20 coins.

Defeat Lorenzo in the Arena

Talk to Craig (#1) about your next opponent and you can choose to fight Lorenzo, with a
bet of 20 gold. Lorenzo is the grumpy bandit somewhere around Craig, possible by the
campfire or sitting on one of the chairs (#1). Talk to him and challenge him to a fight and
you'll receive this quest. Follow him to the arena (#3).

Lorenzo is a bit tougher than the previous fighter so take caution when fighting him. He
has slightly longer range due to fighting with a two-handed axe. Once he's down, you'll
earn 100 experience and the quest is done. Visit Craig for your reward of 40 gold.

Defeat Craig in the Arena

Craig (#1) is the third hardest opponent in the arena. Once you think you can smack him,
visit him and place a bet on yourself with 50 gold. Then follow him to the arena platform
(#3) and defeat him.

Once Craig goes down make sure to loot him. He has an important quest item on him, a
fragment of a sword. It's needed in the quest Golden Fragments for Oscar. Afterwards he'll
moan that you took all his stuff and he'll consider that your payment. The quest also nets
you 150 experience.

Defeat Domingo in the Arena

Domingo should be your fourth opponent. You can bet upwards of 100 gold on that fight at
Craig's (#1). Afterwards visit Domingo who's around the campfire near Sam (#4) To get
him to fight, you'll need to give him a beer.

Domingo is a better fighter than the previous ones, but still nothing special as you can
beat him with your starting skills and items. Once he's down, you'll get 200 extra
experience. You can take his stuff as well and report to Craig (#1) for your reward of 200

Defeat Brogar in the Arena

Brogar (#6) is the last fighter in the arena. Even though Craig (#1) tells you that Brogar
wouldn't waste time with you, you can still convince Brogar to a fight and earn yourself the
title of the ultimate fighter.

If you wish to make the fight slightly easier, talk to Sam (#4) first. He'll send you over to
Rhobart (#5), who can sell you an armor protection scroll, which bolsters your defenses.
Now you can challenge Brogar to a fight, who can be found right in front of his hut (#6).

Once he takes you to the arena (#3), be careful when fighting him. He's much tougher
than the previous opponents. Once he's knocked down, loot him to find a fragment of a
sword. Looting it completes a quest. This quest is done as well, which earns you 300
experience. Don't forget to pick up the reward from Craig.

Take the Golden Fragment from Brogar

This quest can be done once you're fighting Brogar in the arena. Once he's down, relieve
him of his items and you'll complete the quest. You'll also gain 100 experience. Getting
this sword fragment is important for the quest Golden Fragments for Oscar.

Forbidden Games

This quest is related to the arena fights. It is initially started from Craig (#1). After
defeating all the fighters, you can report the situation to Rachel (#7) about illegal
organized fights. Once you tell Craig what you did, he'll tell you how delicate the situation
is, as the Don forbids gambling and requests that you straighten things out with Rachel.

Get back to her and tell her that Craig won't be hosting any more arena fights. This earns
you 50 experienca and 30 gold pieces. Now you can return to Craig again and ask him
whether there's anyone else you can fight. He'll say that there's no one left as you've
defeated everyone and that concludes this quest with 100 experience.

To the Temple Ruins with Lorenzo

You'll meet Lorenzo over at #1. He'll act as a tough guy and tell you about the hard work
of paving your way to the heaps of gold. Apparently, before even seeing the shiny stuff,
there are a lot of monsters to be killed and dealt with first. Therefore, he agrees to team
up with you and clear a part of the temple to get some riches.

Once you agree to his deal, follow him up to a plateau (#8) and he'll reveal that he's just
pulling your leg and got you into a trap. You'll earn 150 experience points once the dialog
starts. You can choose to give him 50 gold pieces or fight him. Since giving the gold is
rather silly, just tan his hide and the quest is over.

1 - Craig, Lorenzo

2 - Ricardo

3 - Arena platform

4 - Sam, Domingo

5 - Rhobart

6 - Brogar

7 - Rachel

8 - Lorenzo's plateau
Bandit Camp Quests Part 3


section covers the quests related to the workers and the excavation sites throughout the
swamp where the bandit camp is situated.

 The Workers Are to Work Again

 Get Branon to Go Back to Digging
 Branon Needs Help
 Protection Against the Ghost of the Ancestors
 Dwight Is to Get Back to Work
 Artefact Delivery
 Scurrying Rats
 Gone with the Gold
 Dorgan's List

The Workers Are to Work Again

This quest starts by talking to Hawkins who's sitting in front of the hut at #1. He'll explain
the miserable situation that he and his workers are in. Apparently, Brogar doesn't provide
protection for him and his boys and they are constantly ravaged by wild beasts and
rotworms while trying to ferry the crates around the digsites. Therefore, you can offer to
help him and get his workers back to job.

The workers you're looking for are Branon (#2), Enrico (#3) and Dwight (#4). Each of
them have their own mini-quest related to this one - Get Branon to Go Back to
Digging, Protection Against the Ghost of the Ancestor and Dwight Is to Get Back
to Work, respectively.

Once those quests are done, you'll receive 25 experience and 5 gold for every report. The
last report (that they are all back) will give extra 200 experience and the quest is
completed. You can also buy some worker clothes from Hawkins for 500 gold, though they
aren't really useful (the overalls give 10 protection to blade, blunt and piercing damage).
You can tell Rachel (#5) that workers are back to work and you'll receive 20 gold and 25
experience extra.

Get Branon to Go Back to Digging

This quest is interlaced with the quest Branon Needs Help. You'll need to defeat the
grave moths/disgusting insects that inhabit the small island nearby (#6) and then report
back to Branon (#2). They are most likely dead already as they are objective of an
another quest quest called Disgusting Insects. He'll then return to digging, which earns
you 125 experience points.

Branon Needs Help

While doing the quest The Workers Are to Work Again, you'll have to find Branon and
get him back to work. To reach him on his ledge (#2), go towards the arena and continue
on the path leading upwards. Follow that path all the way and you'll find Branon and
sitting around the campfire.
Talking to him reveals that he'd like to work, but he's scared of all the beasts that roam
the área. You'll learn that Ricardo (#6) is the one responsible for this mess. Talk to him
and you'll have to defeat the insects over at #7. These are the same for the
quest Disgusting Insects. Then tell Ricardo that he should protect Branon. Weirdly enough,
Ricardo tells you that he's not gonna do anything about it and you'll receive 150
experience for hearing that.

Return to Branon and you'll receive 25 experience from telling him that he's unprotected.
You can also tell Brogar (#8) that Ricardo isn't at his post, which will give you extra 25

Protection Against the Ghost of the Ancestors

Enrico (#3) will express his fear for the ghosts that are haunting the excavation sites and
requires your help. You're to bring him a supposedly magical item that will protect him if
you want him to work again for Hawkins. After a lengthy conversation, go to the chest
located at #6 and loot the amulet. You might have already done this on your previous
visits of that particular site.

Even though amulet is utterly useless, you can still give it to Enrico and sell him a
convincing story. He'll get back to work and the quest is completed with 100 experience.

Dwight Is to Get Back to Work

You'll find Dwight over at #4. He's stopped working and refuses to shift crates for Beppo
anymore. You'll need to convince him to get back to work foThe Workers Are to Work
Again. Once you order him to get back to work, he'll question your authority and ignore
you afterwards.

Get back to Hawkins (#1) and discuss the situation with him. He'll suggest teaching
Dwight a lesson, which sounds like a fine idea. Once you tell that to Dwight, he'll go back
to work and the quest is concluded with 200 experience.

Artefact Delivery

To start this quest, visit Beppo who's managing the crates traffic at #9. He requires more
manpower to move the crates and asks you to force Dwight back to work. Dealing with
Dwight (#4) is explained in the previous quest, Dwight Is to Get Back to Work. Getting
him back to work will prod the other workers to work as well.

Get back to Beppo and tell him that the problem is resolved. This nets you 150 experience,
20 gold and the quest is complete. You can report your success to Rachel (#5) as well
which earns you 20 gold and 25 extra experience.
Scurrying Rats

This quest is received while you're trying to convince Luis (#10) to go hunt again for the
quest The Hunters are to Hunt Again, which you have probably already got by speaking to
Sam near Ricardo (#7). After a bit of nagging, he'll agree to go back to hunting if you kill
the stringrats nearby. He even has a reward of 30 gold coins.

Rats are found nearby, to the south (#11). As you defeat them all, you'll earn 200
experience. Talk to Luis to get your final reward of 25 gold (he miscalculated in his drunk
state) and 50 experience. Also, he's back hunting again.

Gone with the Gold

After completing Lazy Dog, you can start this quest from Brogar (#8). You'll learn that one
of his boys, Dorgan is missing somewhere in the swamp. If you wish, you can visit Luis
at #10 and ask him about Dorgan for a bottle of beer.

Dorgan is dead in the cave whose entrance is located at #12. Defeat several moths and
you'll stumble upon his body. Loot it to find a list with a lot of names on it. It's the list of
people that Brogar needs to collect protection money from. Another quest deals with that,
called Dorgan's List.

Before telling Brogar what you found, visit Rachel (#4) first and show her the list for 50
experience. You can report to Brogar that you found Dorgan and the quest ends with 50
more experience.

Dorgan's List

This mini-quest is automatically completed once you give the list you found on Dorgan's
corpse to Brogar (#8). The list itself contains names of the people who still didn't pay
Brogar protection money. Before giving it to him though, show it to Rachel (#5) first for
50 extra experience. Rachel will also say that you should work undercover for her and
expose Brogar for his dirty deeds. The quest ends with 100 experience.

1 - Hawkins

2 - Branon

3 - Enrico

4 - Dwight

5 - Rachel
6 - Disgusting insects, Useless amulet

7 - Ricardo, Sam

8 - Brogar

9 - Beppo

10 - Luis

11 - Scyrring rats

12 - Cave entrance

Bandit Camp Quests Part 4


on this page are the last ones you can do for the bandits without taking sides or
potentially becoming one of the Don's men. Further quests will open up after you've
chosen your side in the harbor city.
 Protection Money in the Bandit Camp
 Rhobart's Bog Bodies
 Power Struggle
 The Hunters Are to Hunt Again
 Gold Fever
 An Audience with Don Esteban
 Golden Fragments for Oscar
 Take the Golden Sword to Esteban

Protection Money in the Bandit Camp

This is one of the last quests related to Brogar (#1). After finding out that Brogar is
collecting protection money, confront him about it and he'll tell you that you can continue
the job which Dorgan failed to do. It can be started after doing Gone with the Gold.

If you wish to expose Brogar for his treachery later on, tell Rachel (#2) of his secret
money collection. Talk to Sam (#3) as well about Brogar and you'll earn extra 50

Basically you need to talk to all of the people which aren't his men and that includes:
Oscar (#4), Hawkins (#5), Branon (either of the #6 marks), Enrico (either of
the #7 locations), Dwight (on the road around #8), Luis (#9), Doug (#10), Rhobart
(#11) and his apprentice Otel nearby. You should get 25 experience and 20-30 gold for
every person that you collect from.

The only one who won't give you the money straight away is Rhobart. You'll need to deal
with the bog bodies behind his farm first which is further explained in the quest Rhobart's
Bog Bodies. Once that's done, head back to Brogar (#1) and you'll get 250 experience
and you can choose whether you wish to give him the gold or not. The quest is complete.

Rhobart's Bog Bodies

While doing the quest Protection Money in the Bandit Camp, Rhobart (#11) will
require that you defeat three monsters first before actually giving you the money. They
are found by the waterfall, at #12. The best way to deal with them is to lure them back to
the guards and Rhobart and they'll help you out.

Once they are dead, report to Rhobart and the quest ends with 250 experience + 50
experience and 50 gold. Now Rhobart will hand out his protection money as well (30 gold,
25 experience).

Power Struggle

This quest is initiated once you talk to Sam (#3) about Brogar (you'll have to talk at least
once to Brogar (#1) first). You'll learn from Sam that Brogar is a very dangerous man to
tangle with and that he doesn't want to bear the consequences of what Brogar might do to

After you've completed the quest Protection Money in the Bandit Camp, you can move
on with this one. Visit Rachel (#2) and update her on the situation with Brogar. This earns
you additional 25 experience. Talk to Brogar now and threaten him. He'll be reluctant at
first, but will back off quickly and decide to make himself quiet. The quest is then
complete and you earn 350 experience and the achievement called Sidelined. Return to
Rachel and you'll earn 150 gold, 50 experience and Brogar's hut.

The Hunters Are to Hunt Again

This quest is received from Sam (#3), after talking to Brogar(#1) first. Tell Sam that you
could help him and his hunters to get back to some proper work.

He'll respond that it won't be that easy while Brogar's in charge, but until then you can at
least talk to Doug (#10) and Luis (#9).You can tell Rachel (#2) about why Sam isn't
hunting. He's cutting wood for Brogar. This earns you another 25 experience.

These two hunters are found outside the camp. Before they agree to hunt properly again,
you'll need to complete two quests - Go Hunting with Doug and Scurrying Rats. You've
probably already done those quests much earlier. Once that's done, the only hunter left to
get back to work is Sam, but that's not happening until later. You can report to Sam about
the two hunters that you helped, and you'll receive 25 experience for each report. You can
tell him about Jan as well, the bandit you met at the beginning of the chapter for some
more experience.

After you complete Power Struggle, tell Brogar (#1) that he should relieve Sam of all
the woodcutting, to which he'll agree. Now talk to Sam and the quest is over with 200
experience and 50 gold. You can tell Rachel (#2) about this for additional experience.

Gold Fever

This quest is received when talking to Rachel (#2) for the first time. Apparently someone
in the camp is trying to make the profit while Don is absent in his leadership, and Rachel
would like to find out who would that be. To get everything back into normal state, you'll
need to assign workers and hunters back to their tasks (The Workers Are to Work
Again and The Hunters Are to Hunt Again).

Once those two quests are done, tell Rachel about your success. You'll earn additional 200
experience and 100 gold, and in case you didn't do the Golden Fragments for
Oscar yet, she'll direct you to the smith if you wish to move on with the quests, as the
Don is obsessed with rare artifacts.

An Audience with Don Esteban

This quest is initially received from Rachel (#2). Before reaching the Don, you'll need to
bring him a formidable gift. You'll find such an item during the quest Golden Fragments
for Oscar.

Once you got the sword in your inventory, talk to Rachel first and you'll earn 400
experience and a pass to Esteban. The guard at #13 will stop you and act tough, but just
tell him about your gift and Rachel's word and he'll change his mind. You'll also get 25
experience. The quest is complete.

Golden Fragments for Oscar

After a lengthy conversation with Oscar (#4), you'll receive this quest, which will be your
entry ticket for seeing the Don. Apparently, there's a rare sword broken into fragments in
the swamp. Your job is to find the five fragments so that Oscar can reforge the sword.
With the sword, you can enter the temple and visit the Don.

The five fragments are scattered around the swamp. Talk to Luis (#9) first, to find out
who has the fragments:

 You'll have to give him two more beers to get the fragment that he has.
 The second fragment is in the chest on the small island at #6.
 The third and fourth fragment are in possessions of Craig (#14) and Brogar (#1),
which you'll defeat during the arena fights and loot them then.
 The fifth one is on Dorgan's corpse, in the cave at #15 (Gone with the Gold).

After collecting them all, you'll receive 400 experience points. Return to Oscar and have
him reforge the sword. After inspecting it, you can either keep it or pay 200 gold for it if
you return it to Oscar. You'll receive additional 200 experience for the quest and 50 gold
from Oscar.

Take the Golden Sword to Esteban

Once you're inside the temple, talk to Esteban and hand him over the sword. You'll get
1150 experience and 150 gold for your efforts and the quest is automatically completed.

1 - Brogar

2 - Rachel

3 - Sam

4 - Oscar

5 - Hawkins

6 - Branon
7 - Enrico

8 - Dwight

9 - Luis

10 - Doug

11 - Rhobart, Otel

12 - Bog bodies

13 - Temple guard

14 - Craig

15 - Cave entrance
Bandit Camp Additional Quests


These quests are the ones you get either when having chosen bandits or directly having
negative repercussions on the forces of the Order. Note that the quests that aren't marked
by "(D)" (bandit-exclusive) can only be completed by the other side if you didn't already
the Order in the harbour town.

You should also know that Fincher is the only person in the game that can raise your
swords skill to 10 (other trainers can raise it only to 8). So in order to get 10 in swords as
a member of the Order, you'll need not to side with the Order until you learn that. Earn
that extra experience by roaming around the island and killing as many animals and
creatures as your fighting skills permit.

 Situation Report for the Don (D)

 Conquest of the Artifact Camp
 Tell the Don about the Success in the Artifact Camp
 Salvage Work
 Tell Fincher about the Strange Temple Entrance in the East
 Treasure Hunter Wanted
 A Job for the Triplets
 Talk to Master Illumar (D)
 Negotiating with the Volcano Keep (D)

Situation Report for the Don

This quest will be given by the Don Esteban himself (#1). He wants to know what's the
situation in the city and how are his boys holding up.

To successfully complete the quest, you'll eventually need to follow the bandit path and
talk to Scordo in the city (check this page on how to do that). You'll receive 300
experience once you talk to Scordo and then just report back to Esteban again.

Conquest of the Artifact Camp

This quest is started by Fincher (#1). He'll want to attack a nearby Inquisition camp to
capture the artifacts that they are digging. The attack can be led either by you or him.
There are other people who can assist you though, so talk to Craig (#2), Lorenzo (#2),
Domingo (#3), Phil (#4) and Ricardo (#5). They'll join your raiding party.

Your target will be the camp situated at #6. Once you arrive at the scene, start killing all
of the warriors and novices. You should have no problem doing that with all the help. Once
you're done go back to Fincher and report your success. You should receive 500

Tell the Don about the Success in the Artifact Camp

There's another person interested in your success against the Order. Tell the Don (#1)
that the camp has been retaken and that his men can start with the excavation again. He'll
be happily surprised and you'll get additional experience and gold.

Salvage Work

To start moving the crates, you'll need to hire the workers in the camp. Fincher (#1) will
tell you to talk to the four workers in the camp and get them going to work. These are
Hawkins (#7), Enrico (#8), Branon (#9) and Dwight (#10). They'll require a bit of
persuasion, but nothing too serious. Report back to Fincher and you'll receive 200
experience, completing the quest.

Tell Fincher about the Strange Temple Entrance in the East

Next quest with Fincher (#1) involves checking out the uncovered temple entrance in the
east. He'll give you a full island map and tell you to locate the temple.

The temple is to the far east (#11) and contains a lot of animals on the way, so be well
prepared. Once you see an obscured road into the wilderness, follow it and you'll reach the
sealed temple. Get back to Fincher and earn 100 experience.

Treasure Hunter Wanted

The next quest involves finding a suitable person to get into the temple. Fincher (#1) will
send you on a trip to the city to find the appropriate treasure hunters.

The ones you're looking for are triplets Olf, Dytar and Dirk. If you've freed them, they
should be at #12 on the beach. If not, then check A Gathering of Triplets. Tell them about
a possible job opportunity and Olf will agree to it.

A Job for the Triplets

After freeing the triplets, talk to Olf at #12 again to send them over to the eastern temple
(this can only be done if you've completed the quests with Fincher before). If you've
already chosen the Order and didn't do the quests above, then they will be there anyway
as they will play an important role in the next chapter.

Talk to Master Illumar

If you decide to join the bandits, talk to Cormac (#1). He's the mage mixing potions and
stuff in the camp. He'll give you a quest to talk to Master Illumar in the monastery.

If you're a bandit, you'll eventually complete this quest while on your diplomatic mission to
the monastery (#13). You'll get 50 experience.

If you're a member of the Order, you'll be stuck with this quest forever, so you might as
well not speak to Cormac at all if you like to keep your quest log clean.

Negotiating with the Volcano Keep

Once you're ready to advance the main story, talk to the Don (#1) who will give you a
diplomatic letter to be able to see Inquisitor Mendoza. Head to the monastery (#13) and
follow the path inside it until you reach Mendoza himself. His guards will stop you at first,
but once you show them the letter, they'll back off and you can continue to speak with

There you'll discuss the findings of both parties as well as what shall be done next. After
your long conversation, the second chapter starts for the bandit side.

1 - Don Esteban, Fincher, Cormac

2 - Craig, Lorenzo

3 - Domingo

4 - Phil

5 - Ricardo

6 - Order artifact camp

7 - Hawkins

8 - Enrico

9 - Branon

10 - Dwight

11 - Temple in the east

12 - Olf, Dytar, Dirk

13 - Volcano Keep
Harbor City Introduction


Essentially, the main goal in harbor town is to choose your side, whether you're going to
work for the Don or be with the Inquisition. Neutral quests in this walkthrough section
represent the quests that are not interferring with either side and can be safely done first,
without consequences or relations to the main quests. The quests which decide your guild
choice are described on their separate pages, along with the marks "(D)" and "(I)", which
represent that the quest's completion is towards the Don's men or the Inquisition,

there are seven conflicts/quests in total between the bandits and warriors of the Order in
the city. Doing at least four quests for the either side will be considered that you chose
that side. That way, you can delay the final quests until you get the most experience by
doing three quests for one side and three for the other. Or you can just pick one side and
stick with it due to role-playing reasons.

Getting in and out of harbor city

Technically, once you get in from the eastern gate by bribing Leto, there's no going out
until you finish the main quests and choose your side. However, there's a way to exit the
town by jumping over the walls. Check the picture below. The place marked by #1 is the
wall from where you need to jump on the nearby rocks. Check the second picture.
Getting inside again is a little harder. Make sure to face the palm tree and jump from the
ledge (#2) onto the nearby rocks. From there, jump towards the hollow between the rocks
and the city wall. Once you get "stuck" in between them, face the wall and repeatedly
press jump. You'll then climb the wall and therefore be able to get back into the city.
Harbour City Neutral Quests Part 1


This is
the first half of the neutral quests inside the harbour town. The way they are listed is the
order in which they are encountered starting from the eastern gate.

 In Harbour Town
 Philus Wants to Sell His Fish Shop
 Medicine for Everyone
 The Farmer's Sick Wife
 Skins for Meat
 Mental Arithmetic
 Cole's Hunting Bow Returned
 Talk to the Commandant of Harbour Town
In Harbour Town

This quest just pops up after you've entered the city through its eastern (back) gate by
bribing one of the city guards, Leto. In addition to taking your bribe, Leto gave you a map
to navigate around the city. The quest itself appears as completed around the #1 mark
and you'll receive 100 experience.

Philus Wants to Sell His Fish Shop

As you continue further down the road, you'll meet Philus (#2), the fishmonger. He'll
explain his situation about his fish stall and that the business isn't going really well. In
fact, a woman made him buy the fish stall, but it turned out to be a bad investition. After
asking him about the price, he'll say that he requires 300 gold pieces and that you should
look for the buyer somewhere in the tavern perhaps. If you're going to be mage in your
playthrough, you can buy plaice from Philus while he still has the shop, which give +2
permanent mana when cooked with a proper recipe.

Philus was right about the place. Head to the tavern (#3) by going further down the road.
Inside the tavern, look for a man named Nico. You'll need a bottle of rum to get him to
talk, as he seems to be very grudgy. There's rum to be found around the tavern, or you
can buy it from Patty, the bartender. Hand the rum to Nico, which will loosen his tongue
and give 25 experience. He'll tell you of his fisherman days and then you can suggest him
to buy the stall. He'll agree, but he has no money. He'll offer you a magical ring instead (it
gives +3 strength) in exchange for 300 gold pieces. Agree to his proposition and get back
to Philus (#2). You'll get 2 pearls from him in addition to 200 experience.

Medicine for Everyone

This quest is received from Master Belschwur, the mage who stirs the soup in the square
at #4. Offer to help him and he'll give you a list along with small healing potions. You're
supposed to hand these out to the people who do not have enough for medication
themselves. Besides giving you this quest, Belschwur can tell you about spells and mages
in general.

The people you need to visit are Cole (#5, in the chapel), Elias (#6), Arno (around #1),
Josh (#7) and Finn (#8). Once you give the potion to Arno for Martha, he'll mention that
it won't be enough, as she needs a proper bed to survive the fever (quest The Farmer's
Sick Wife). Each handout gives 50 experience. In the end, you'll have two potions left for
yourself as a reward along with 100 experience once you report to him. Doing this quest
also completes Samaritan achievement.

You'll have to complete the next quest as well. After doing The Farmer's Sick Wife,
you'll receive 25 experience and two large healing potions from Belshwur. He'll also give
his recommendation for you to the city commander, Carlos (which opens another quest
later on (Talk to the Commandant in Harbour Town).
The Farmer's Sick Wife

This quest is received during the Medicine for Everyone. Arno will say that Martha won't
survive for long unless they get off the street. There are two solutions to this problem. You
can either ask Costa (#9) to rent them a room for 30 coins. You'll receive 25 experience
this way.

The other way is to do Skins for Meat for Flavio (#10). Afterwards, ask him to house
Martha for you and he'll do so for free, and you'll receive 50 experience bonus. Tell the
good news to Arno (#1) and his wife to earn 250 experience and the achievement The
Merciful One.

Skins for Meat

Flavio (#10), the merchant near Belschwur, wants to supply the mage with meat for the
soup, but unfortunately ran out of resources to trade with Baxter, the butcher from the
town. As such, he requires 5 wolf skins and 5 boar skins to get the meet that Belschwur
needs. Even though he doesn't have any himself, he encourages you to look around and
ask Pavel and Cole, his apprentices on some traces to find them. Pavel is somewhere
around Flavio, while Cole might be in a house (#12) next to him or in the chapel (#5).
You should also check with Mo, who'll give you two boar skins and one wolf skin. He roams
the área around Baxter's (#11).

Skins are found around the town. Check the rooftops, chests, cupboards and cabinets in
houses (make sure not to get seen, Sneaking is a useful talent to have here). Once you
have the skins, head over to Baxter (#11). Since you've just interrupted his accounting
and calculations, he'll give you a quick test (quest Mental Arithmetic). Hand him over
the ten skins and you'll get a delivery of meat. Now head back to Flavio (#10), who'll give
you two healing potions and 50 experience in return. You can also ask him to have Martha
sleep in his warehouse for the quest The Farmer's Sick Wife.

Mental Arithmetic

This mini-quest is started at Baxter's (#11). He'll ask you what equals fourteen times
seventeen (14x17). The answer is 238, and after solving the problem, you'll receive 100
experience points.

Cole's Hunting Bow Returned

Cole, the hunter that you talked to earlier, has probably told you that his bow is missing,
as he had to sell it to Costa to survive. Visit him at his home (#12) to get some details on
the quest. Costa, the ruthless merchant who prospers on the fates of others, is located
at #9. You'll have to fork over 350 gold pieces for the bow, and once you return it to Cole,
you'll receive 200 experience.
Talk to the Commandant of Harbour Town

Immediately upon finishing Medicine for Everyone, you can talk to any unnamed
Warrior of the Order patrolling the city. They'll direct you towards the city commandant,
Carlos (#13), who's found in his fortress. There are a few ways you can react to his
proposal, mainly being that you wish to work for the Don and reinstitute freedom or that
you wish to keep the peace and carry out assignments for the Order. You'll receive 100
experience either way, and the quest Peace and Order if you leaned towards the Order.

Note that this is not a final conclusion but merely a small choice. You can still work for the
Don even though you accepted the quest Peace and Order. That quest is just the meta-
quest for the small ones which decide which side you choose later on.

1 - Arno, Martha

2 - Philus

3 - Nico

4 - Belschwur

5 - Cole (in the chapel)

6 - Elias

7 - Josh

8 - Finn

9 - Costa

10 - Flavio

11 - Baxter

12 - Cole (in his house)

13 - Carlos
Harbour City Neutral Quests Part 2


This is
the second half of the neutral side quests in Harbour City. Doing these will not affect your
choice to become a Warrior of the Order or a Bandit in any way.

 Walter Needs a Break

 Send the Servants Home
 Jack Is in Need of Rum
 Jack's Chest
 A Night with Olga
 Woman Beater
 Defeat Erikson
 Anything That Heals
 Everything That Isn't Nailed Down
Walter Needs a Break

This quest starts with Walter who's working in the smithy at #1. Once you ask him to get
you a weapon, he says that he's unavailable because Alvaro is making him work too hard
to keep the supplies for his shop. Offer to help him by talking to Alvaro to reduce his work

Alvaro is the shopkeeper right inside the building (#2). He'll say that Walter is strong
enough to endure all the hard work, but after a while agrees that he does work too hard.
Another quest is then received, called Send the Servants Home. Alvaro gives you 120
gold to hire two more blacksmiths to reduce the strain on Walter.

After that's done, visit Walter again and you'll receive 100 experience points and a favour
from him. He can teach you the art of blacksmithing and strength and also tell you a few
things about that Marcelo's blade.

Send the Servants Home

This quest is received during the quest Walter Needs a Break from Alvaro (#2). You're
supposed to hire two blacksmith apprentices who'll help out Walter with the sword
comission. They are located at #3 (there are two of these locations on the map, one per
blacksmith). Give each of them 50 gold pieces.

After you hire both servants, you'll receive 50 experience points and be left with 20 gold
pieces. Drop back to Alvaro and you'll receive 50 additional experience and his permission
to keep the money.

Jack Is in Need of Rum

Jack, over at #4, will tell you about his fate near the sea. Having worked on boats and
lighthouses, he had to settle down because the traffic of the harbour city has fallen to
zero. He wants a bottle of rum to drown his thoughts into. You probably already have one,
so just hand him over for 50 experience and this easy quest is completed.

Jack's Chest

This quest is related to the chest found on the upper floor of the lighthouse where Jack is
staying (#4). The key to the chest is on the ground level, behind the barrels in the corner,
and behind the plank that holds the platform from that corner. Take the key from there
and loot the chest for some goodies (a +10 piercing protection ring) and 100 experience.

A Night with Olga

Spending a night with a prostitute is done in the house at #5. Talk to Madam Sonya who
runs the brothel. She'll recommend you Olga, the girl that dances just to the right. Tell her
that you've already paid 50 gold coins to Sonya and you can have some fun. After a fine
black screen, you'll be back into the game. Olga will give you a tell joke scroll as a final
goodbye. The quest ends with 100 experience.

Woman Beater

The other girl in the brothel (#5), Gwen, will tell you about Erikson, a customer who beats
her because she didn't want to go with him. Apparently he paid for her, but came across
as way too drunk and aggressive. After agreeing to help her out, talk to Erikson who's
sitting on a nearby bench.

As you approach him and interrupt him in his deep thoughts, he'll tell you to bugger off
before he gets pissed. That's exactly what you'd want though, so try to talk to him one
more time. He'll get pissed and you'll get a quest called Defeat Erikson. Reporting back
to Gwen that you beat him will net you 100 experience and the achievement Ladies' Man.
You can also tell that to Sonya and you'll earn 50 gold pieces and 25 experience.

Defeat Erikson

This quest is received during the Woman Beater quest. You'll need to defeat Erikson
(#5) to remove him from the brothel and therefore help the ladies in there.

Erikson isn't a tough fighter, but he tends to hit a lot if he gets an attack off with his
sledgehammer. Make sure to block constantly and strike a full combo once he finishes a
swing. He'll go down soon and you'll receive 50 experience for completing the quest and
80 for beating him.

Anything That Heals

Leonardo, the alchemist who makes healing potions in his lab at #6, needs a resupply of
healing herbs. Besides offering his potions and alchemy training, he asks you to get him
the herbs needed. You've probably acquired all those herbs before even reaching the
harbour town. Those are ten healing herbs, five healing plants and two healing roots.

Give the herbs to Leonardo and you'll receive a potion that increases your maximum hit
points by 10. You'll also receive 300 experience and the quest is completed.

Everything That Isn't Nailed Down

This quest is received from Walter (#1) during your first conversation with him. He'll tell
you that he needs some scrap metal to work with and that's usually found on abandoned
farms and the likes. Sadly enough, the gnomes that infested the island raided all the
abandoned locations and got the scrap metal themselves. You'll need to get 15 tool bags
from the gnomes throughout the island.

The problematic thing about this is that the drop chance isn't very stable and is in fact
random. Sometimes you'd get all the tools you want from 2-3 gnome settlements and
sometimes you'd need to clear most of the island. In the end, the reward is good. You'll
receive 500 experience and 300 gold pieces along with 3 sword steel blanks.

1 - Walter

2 - Alvaro

3 - Smith's servants

4 - Jack

5 - Brothel

6 - Leonardo
Harbor City Quests: Delgado (D) & Sebastian (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to
Delgado, the Don's man, and Sebastian, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D)
can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 430
experience and 250 gold, while going with the Order gives you 830 experience and 250

 Protection Money from Costa (D)

 Protection Money from Josh (D)
 Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning
 Pretending to Work for Delgado (I)
 Get Rid of Delgado (I)

Protection Money from Costa

As you approach Delgado (#1), he'll tell you that you broke the law by entering the city
and therefore should be more careful to whom you tell stuff like that. You'll learn about
the situation in the town and the struggling position of the Don's men within it. They are
being chased away by Inquisiton constantly, disabling them to do business.

As a result, Delgado offers you a job, to pick up protection money from Costa, the
merchant nearby (#3).

As you make your steps towards Costa, you'll get stopped by Sebastian (#2), the Warrior
of the Order. He'll make a proposal and if you listen to what he has to say, you'll get the
quest Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning. Then continue to Costa,
but before threatening him, talk to Fuller first. Challenge him to a combat practice and
then beat him down. This way you won't have to deal with him once you start a fight with

Go back to Delgado and tell him the good news. Give him Costa's pouch and you'll receive
100 experience and 150 gold coins, as well as opening the next quest, Protection Money
from Josh. You'll also cancel the quest Pretending to Work for Delgado.

Protection Money from Josh

This quest is a follow-up from the previous one, Protection Money from Costa. Ask
Delgado for some more work (#1) and he'll mention that you could visit Josh (#4) to
collect some more money.

Josh, on the other hand, wants to buy you with free beer and some tips on where to rob
stuff. Since this is practically worthless as you can rob the whole city with sneaking and
lockpicking skill, you're better off with taking his 100 gold coins. You'll also get 100
experience and the quest is over. If you really wish to hear Josh's tale, he'll tell you
about Jack's chest, which you can of course do without hearing about it from Josh at all.

Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning

This short quest is received from Sebastian (#2) right after Protection Money from
Costa. Speak to Sebastian and tell him about Delgado's plan to extort the money from
Costa by using you. This nets you 100 experience itself and finishes the quest and doesn't
affect the choice.

Pretending to Work for Delgado

You'll obtain this quest from Sebastian (#2) once you finish the previous one, Sebastian
Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning. Proceed to take the money from Costa
(#3), but make sure to disable his bodyguard Fuller first, by challenging him to a practice
fight. That way, Fuller will say that you're a better fighter and won't interrupt your fight
with Costa.

On the other hand, Costa is a weaker fighter than Fuller, so he shouldn't be hard to beat.
Deprive him of all his items once he hits the floor and take them to Sebastian instead.
You'll receive 150 experience for your efforts and cancel the quest Protection Money
from Costa.

Get Rid of Delgado

This is a follow-up to the previous quest, Pretending to Work for Delgado. Sebastian
(#2) takes advantage of the situation and wants to remove as many of the Don's men as
possible from the town, including Delgado. Approach Delgado (#1) and tell him that the
Order has the gold from Costa. He'll quickly deduce that you gave it to them and
threatened you to get a body guard. This also nets you 350 experience.

Return to Sebastian and tell him the good news. You'll receive 100 gold and 50
experience. Carlos, the commandant (#5), also rewards you with 50 experience and 150
gold coins.

1 - Delgado

2 - Sebastian

3 - Costa

4 - Josh

5 - Carlos
Harbor City Quests: Cid (D) & Rodriguez (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to Cid,
the Don's man, and Rodriguez, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 1255
experience and 200 gold, while going with the Order gives you 1050 experience and 300

 What is Rodriguez Planning

 Find the Burglar's Spy
 Nelson's Ring
 Pearls for a Lady
 Doyle Must Disappear (D)
 Fleece the Butcher (D)
 Dances with Butchers (D)
 Clean Out Dargel's Chest (D)
 Get Rid of Cid (I)

What is Rodriguez Planning

To start this chain, talk to Cid (#1), right in front of his house. He'll say that Inquisition
tends to brainwash people they abduct. He'll pick Rodriguez for example, stating that he
was a decent thief until they caught him. Having returned from the monastery, he's
completely changed. Therefore, Cid would like to know what has happened to Rodriguez
and asks you to find that information out from him.

Rodriguez (#2), now a Warrior of the Order, tells you a story about Cid. Apparently, Cid is
behind the recent robberies that occured in the town. Rodriguez wants to stop him, but
needs more evidence and hires you to investigate the victims of the robberies: Flavio (#3)
the merchant, Nelson (#4) the cartographer and Baxter (#5) the book keeper. This
information opens up the new quest, Find the Burglar's Spy.

To complete the quest, just report back to Cid. This earns you 125 experience and Cid
suggests that you should report to him if you ever find the spy who provided intel for the
thief who committed the robberies.

Find the Burglar's Spy

The follow-up quest from Rodriguez (#2) deals with the robberies and finding the robber's
spy. The people you should talk to are Flavio (#3), Baxter (#5) and Nelson (#4). Flavio
won't have a lot to say, except that Pavel, Vasili and Doyle were the people that were
around his place on the day of the break-in. Baxter will mention Mo, along with Vasili and
Doyle again. Your last stop is Nelson, where you'll learn that his ring was stolen (Nelson's
Ring quest). You'll also learn that his house was visited by Mo, Pavel and Doyle.

There's only one name that appears in all the cases, and it seems to be Doyle. He's hiding
out in Costa's motel (#6). Talk to him and after a few menacing words, he'll submit and
you'll get 200 experience for confirming your suspicion. Now, the path branches into two
ways. If you wish to choose the Order, tell him to turn himself to the guards. He'll also rat
out Cid and you should report to Rodriguez (#2) next (this continues in the quest Get Rid
of Cid). If you, on the other hand, choose Cid, just tell him to disappear for good
(quest Doyle Must Disappear.

Nelson's Ring

Nelson (#4) says that he's missing his ring and would like to get it back. His ring however,
adorns Cid's wife, Kayleigh (#1). To resolve this issue without conflict or pickpocketing,
you'll need to bring her a pearl necklace. This is explained in the quest Pearls for a Lady.

Having attained the ring from Kayleigh (either through pickpocketing, fight or the optional
quest, return to Nelson and give him back his item. He'll be so delighted that you're being
honest and therefore will just let you have the ring, which also nets you 150 experience.
The ring itself will prove to be useful while traveling around, as it gives acrobatics skill. It
reduces and removes (if the height isn't very big) fall damage, making it excellent to cut
ways through the city by climbing and jumping off the rooftops.

Pearls for a Lady

To get the ring from Kayleigh (#1) without being aggressive, you'll need to bring her a
pearl necklace. These are somewhat rare, but you should have one in your inventory if you
didn't sell it. There's one in the barn on Tristan's farm from much earlier in the game. If
you sold it, then you might have to skip this quest as another one is found within a level 3
lock chest in harbour city, but you probably do not have the needed magic scrolls or pick
lock skills (you can learn as much as level 2 in the first chapter).

Anyway, if you do have the pearl necklace, just give it to her and you'll receive the ring,
along with 50 experience.

Doyle Must Disappear

If you choose to cover up for Cid in Find the Burglar's Spy, tell Doyle (#6) to disappear
from the town. This way his secret stays with him. This earns you 200 experience. Report
this to Cid (#1) to get additional 150 experience for your efforts.

You can also tell Rodriguez (#2) for 25 experience that his suspect is clean of all charges
due to no evidence. Check up on Cid for a new job.

Fleece the Butcher

If you chose to save Cid (#1)in the previous quests, ask him for some more job. He'll
send you over to Dargel, the butcher to pick up some protection money. Dargel resides in
the house (#7) behind Rodriguez. Once you mention the protection money, he'll get
aggressive, which starts the next quest, Dances with Butchers.

Fairly enough, even when you beat him, he'll be so pissed off and this quest will cancel.
Return to Cid for more information. You'll receive 25 experience and Cid will open up a
new quest, Clean Out Dargel's Chest.

Dances With Butchers

In an attempt to defent himself, Dargel (#7) attacks you once you try to extort some
money for him. Simply beat him down and you'll receive 130 (50 + 80) experience for
that. The previous quest will still cancel as he won't pay even after getting beaten.
Clean Out Dargel's Chest

This quest is received after the quest Fleece the Butcher from Cid (#1). Since Dargel
won't pay you'll have to break into his upper quarters (#7) and pick lock the chest.

There are two ways this can be done. Pick locking skills are pretty much a mandatory, but
sneaking isn't exactly necessary. Run up to the chest on the upper floor and save the
game, then reload. This glitches the game and the people that were chasing you up
(Dargel and Mo) will return to their daily routines and you'll effectively be at the chest,
ready to pick it. The other option which doesn't include bugging is to simply sneak in
either during the day or night.

The right combination for the pick locking is right-right-left-left. There are several goodies
inside, including a silver candlestick, a plate, a lump of ore and 200 gold coins. You'll also
receive 150 experience points. Reporting back to Cid gives you additional 50 experience.

Get Rid of Cid

This quest is received once you tell Doyle (#6) to turn himself up. Next step would be to
talk to Rodriguez (#2) and tell him what you know about Doyle and Cid. This earns you 75
experience. Having ratted out Cid, tell him (#1) that the Order found out about Doyle,
giving you 350 additional experience. This makes him disappear and earns you 350
experience. Now just report back to Rodriguez and he'll give you 150 gold and 50
experience for your troubles. Carlos (#8) will also provide 50 experience and 150 gold
coins for getting rid of Cid.

1 - Cid

2 - Rodriguez

3 - Flavio

4 - Nelson

5 - Baxter

6 - Doyle

7 - Dargel

8 - Carlos
Harbor City Quests: Weasel (D) & Marcelo (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to
Weasel, the Don's man, and Marcelo, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D)
can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 1260
experience and 450 gold, while going with the Order gives you 1105 experience and 300

 Bring the Packages Back to Weasel (D)

 Follow Garth Inconspicuously!
 A Lovely Time with Lilly
 Find Garth!
 Get Your Hands on Cutter
 Collect from Alvaro (D)
 Collect from Konrad (D)
 Evidence for Marcelo (I)
 Weasel Hunt (I)

Bring the Packages Back to Weasel

To initiate this main quest chain, talk to Weasel (#1), who's sitting on a bench in front of
Leonardo's alchemy shop. You'll learn a bit more about the shady business of the Don's
men and that a recent shipment of herbs didn't make it to the right place. Therefore,
Weasel asks you to follow Garth (#3), the alchemist's apprentice to the place where he's
taking the weed packages.

On the other hand, Marcelo (#2) the warrior of the Order isn't very happy about Weasel
regaining control over weed business and asks you to give the packages to him instead, as
an evidence against Weasel. This is covered in the quest Evidence for Marcelo.

Once you're ready, tell Weasel that you can start following Garth. This conversation option
triggers the quest Follow Garth Inconspicuously!, along with Garth starting to move
from his daily routine.

Once you have acquired the packages, return to Weasel if you choose to work your
reputation towards the Don. You'll get 300 experience and 100 gold for your troubles and
you'll open up two new quests, Collect from Alvaro and Collect from Konrad.

Follow Garth Inconspicuously!

Once you receive this quest from Weasel (#1), make sure to keep your distance from
Garth (#3) and follow him throughout the city.

Note that during your espionage, you'll be stopped by Lilly at #4. This opens up another
quest, A Lovely Time with Lilly, if you choose to be with her. This will cancel this quest.
If you reject Lilly and continue with the mission though, you'll receive 200 experience once
you finally get to the meeting place (#5). You'll receive slightly more experience if you
choose to go with Lilly.

Once you've found Garth, be ready for a fight in the next quest Get Your Hands on

A Lovely Time with Lilly

If you paid Lilly (#4) 100 gold coins and therefore accepted her offer, you'll cancel the
previous quest and she'll lead you to the brothel. Simply follow her and spend time with
her. You'll receive 100 experience for your efforts. Also report to Sonya in the brothel that
Lilly is working outside the brothel for 25 experience.

Since you've lost Garth now, your best bet is to ask Weasel (#1) where could he be.
Weasel, although slightly infuriated, will say that the business isn't lost and that Garth is
somewhere in the Gutters. This opens up a new quest, Find Garth!.

Find Garth!

Having lost Garth during your first stalking session and spend time with Lilly, Weasel (#1)
sends you on a new track, somewhere in the Gutters. The área you're looking for is at #5.
Garth is talking to a man named Cutter. Interrupting their discussion gives you 100
experience points and advances to the next quest, Get Your Hands on Cutter.

Get Your Hands on Cutter

This quest starts immediately after you interrupt the deal that Cutter and Garth were
making in the Gutters district (#5). Cutter will come across as very aggressive and attack
you. Garth will join him soon and you'll be fighting two people at once. Don't fret though,
as Garth won't even attack you, so focus your attention to Cutter.

Once they are down, make sure to get the shield from Cutter, as it's an excellent one.
You'll get 230 experience total for knocking them down (100 for the quest, 80 + 50 for
knockdowns) and then confront Cutter about the packages. He'll hand them over to you
and you'll receive 25 additional experience. Talk to Garth as well at #3 for some additional
25 experience. Now you're presented with a choice: help the Don's people and return
them to Weasel (#1, the quest Bring the Packages Back to Weasel) or go with the
Order and give them to Marcelo (#2, the quest Evidence for Marcelo).

Collect from Alvaro

This quest becomes available after you give the weed packages to Weasel (#1). Ask him
for some more work and how to fleece the merchants. He'll recommend Alvaro as one of
the wealthy targets. To find out about Alvaro's weakness, you'll need to complete Walter
Needs a Break. If you're following the walkthrough correctly, you'll have already done that
by now.

Tell Weasel about the secret blade in Alvaro's cellar. Weasel will then suggest breaking in,
stealing it and selling the blade back to Alvaro. Get into Alvaro's cellar (#6) by breaking in
through a door with a lock level 1. Once you're down in the cellar, there will be a chest
with a level 2 lock. The right combination is right-left-right-left-left-right. Now talk with
Alvaro and sell him the blade back. Make sure not to take any gold above the initial 100 or
the quest will be cancelled. You'll receive 175 experience total and the quest is complete.

Collect from Konrad

In comparison to Alvaro, collecting from Konrad is slightly more complicated. Go to his
shop/house at #7 and ask him for a job. He'll refuse, but then ask him about protection
and he'll understand that as a threatment and force you out of his shop. On your way out
however, Tilda will stop you and tell you a story about Konrad and his cows as sources of
his income. The cows are located to the far east of the city.

Go the the cows and farmers (#8) during night time. Make sure that there are no guards
around. Your primary target is a cow named Bertha. The farmer will attack you as well,
you can dispose of him and loot him as well, but make sure to loot the cow for the skull.
Now head back to Konrad's bed chamber (upper floor at #7). The best way to enter the
chamber is to climb the roof using the walls and stairs nearby and then dropping through
the balcony into his bedroom. Make sure to click on his bed to leave the cow's head on it.

Report to Weasel and find a place where you can sleep until the next day. Once that's
done make sure to get a Tell Joke scroll and cast it on Konrad. This will make him friendly
again and you can ask him about the events from the last night. This will make him pay up
250 gold, along with 150 experience. Report to Weasel that he paid the dough will net you
additional 50 experience. This concludes the bandit path from Weasel.

Evidence for Marcelo

This quest is the counterpart to Bring the Packages Back to Weasel. Marcelo (#2) asks
you to return the weed packages to him instead, so that he'll use them as evidence
against Weasel and banish him from the city.

If you decide to give the weed to Marcelo, you'll get 200 experience and a new quest
called Weasel Hunt, which will seal Weasel's fate once and for all.

Weasel Hunt

Having given the packages to Marcelo (#2), it's time to tell Weasel the bad news.
Approach him (#1) and tell him that the Inquisiton found out about the packages and that
they are in their possession. This earns you 350 experience and prods Weasel to

Reporting back to Marcelo will give you additional 50 experience and 150 gold pieces as a
reward for your efforts against the Don's men. You can also notify Carlos (#9) about
Weasel disappearing for 50 experience and 150 gold pieces.

1 - Weasel

2 - Marcelo

3 - Garth

4 - Lilly
5 - Cutter

6 - Alvaro

7 - Konrad

8 - Bertha

9 - Carlos
Harbor City Quests: Toni (D) & Hernandez (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to Toni,
the Don's man, and Hernandez, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 150
experience and 150 gold, while going with the Order gives you 600 experience and 350

 The Family Heirloom (D)

 Take the Don's Amulet to Hernandez (I)
 Get Rid of Toni (I)

The Family Heirloom

Talk to Toni over on the bench at #1. You'll learn that the Inquisiton took control over the
Don's old house. He was sent here from the swamp to monitor it, but the Order realized it
and sent even more guards. This prevents him from recovering one of Don's family
heirlooms, an amulet.

In order to proceed with the quest, approach Hernandez (#2) at the entrance to the
house. Tell him that there could be hidden valuables inside. He'll be reluctant at first
because they didn't find anything, but will then give you a chance to try. In addition to
that, you'll also receive the quest Get Rid of Toni, if you offer to chase Toni away.

Inside the house there's a picture at #3, the right room. Face it and press it to open a
secret chamber. Inside the cupboard there you'll find the Don's amulet. On the top floor
you'll find some more goodies and Olf. He's a treasure hunter, but since this section
doesn't contain any quests related to him, you can leave him alone for now, as he'll be
important later. In case you want to learn prospecting (taking ore and gems from veins
inside the caves and on the rocks) talk to him now and learn the skill for 5 learning points.

Anyway, you're given another choice now, to give the amulet to Toni or Hernandez. Since
this quest is related to helping the Don, giving it to Toni rewards you with 150 experience
and 150 gold.

Take the Don's Amulet to Hernandez

If you wish to help the cause of the Order instead, Hernandez (#2) will gladly take the
amulet you found in the Don's house. This will reward you with 150 experience and
additional 100 gold for your expenses.

Get Rid of Toni

This quest is received from Hernandez once you first talk to him in front of the Don's
house (#2). You'll learn that Toni has been lurking around the house for quite a while and
Hernandez would like to see him dispatched.

Just approach Toni (#1) and tell him that the amulet is now in the possession of the
Order. This gives you 350 experience and Toni will run away scared of the consequences
of the whole event. Return to Hernandez to get 50 experience and a reward of 100 gold
pieces. Also, Carlos (#4) in the keep has a reward of 50 experience and 150 gold coins.

1 - Toni
2 - Hernandez

3 - Picture switch

4 - Carlos

Harbor City Quests: Scordo (D) & Carasco (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to
the Don's man, and Carasco, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 350
experience and 600 gold, while going with the Order gives you 450 experience and 350

 Find the Three Golden Bowls

 Three Golden Bowls for Scordo (D)
 Good Things Come in Threes (I)

Find the Three Golden Bowls

Note that this quest won't be logged until you find all three bowls.

You'll only get updates as you acquire the bowls (e. g. 1/3 Large Golden Bowls). All the
bowls are in possession of a tresure hunting brother triplet: Dirk, Dytar and Olf.

Dirk can be found in Josh's tavern (#1). To get his bowl, you'll have to pay 150 gold
pieces or pickpocket him. The next brother, Dytar, is found inside Patty's tavern at #2.
He'll also want 150 gold coins for his golden bowl. The alternative is to pickpocket him.
The last bowl is located in Jack's lighthouse (#3). You learn this information from Olf, but
meeting with him is not necessary at all. Just head to the upper floor of the lighthouse and
jump on the crates. Then turn around and climb the plank above you. You'll be able to
reach the bowl now. This completes the quest for 100 experience.

Since both sides are interested in the bowls, it's your choice to whom you wish to give
them, Scordo or Carasco.

Three Golden Bowls for Scordo

To get to Scordo, you'll need to slightly glitch the game. You get information about his
whereabouts after doing 4/4 quests for the bandits. However you can still get to him
without having quests done for the Don's men by pressing the picture switch at #4, inside
the brothel in the left room. A tunnel will then appear. Follow it and you'll reach a dusty
room with Scordo.

Make sure to be precise with your questions. Ask him about artifacts/bowls and then hand
them over for 250 experience and 600 gold pieces. This hasn't been tested enough but it
shouldn't cause any gamebreaking bugs to encounter him earlier than expected. Tell
Carasco as well for 25 experience.

Good Things Come in Threes

Carasco is guarding the warehouse at #5. Once you have the bowls just get to him and
hand them over. In addition to 300 experience, you'll be able to choose 200 gold pieces, 5
medium healing potions, 5 medium mana potions or a Tell Joke scroll. You can also report
this to Carlos (#6) for 50 experience and 150 gold.

1 - Dirk

2 - Dytar

3 - Golden Bowl

4 - Picture Switch, Scordo

5 - Carasco

6 - Carlos
Harbor City Quests: Lukor (D) & Carasco (I)


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to
Don's man, and Carasco, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 830
experience and 400 gold, while going with the Order gives you 1180 experience and 350

 Lukor Wants the Five Armour Plates (D)

 Vasili's Armour Plates
 Ingvar's Armour Plate
 Duel with Ingvar
 Duram's Armour Plates
 Meat for Ukkos
 Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates (I)
 Get Rid of Lukor (I)

Lukor Wants the Five Armour Plates

To get on with this quest chain, talk to Lukor who can be found at #1 (or on the road to
Carasco (#2)). You'll learn about certain armour plates that he wants and in return he
offers 250 gold pieces. However you can nag him for up to 400, to which he'll accept.
Once you tell him that you're ready to retrieve them, the quest will start.

Lukor mentioned people by the name of Vasili, Duram and Ingvar. A good idea is to start
with Vasili, who can be found right in front of or insidePatty's tavern (#3, check both
floors, the quest Vasili's Armour Plates). The next person to get relieved of his armour
plates is Ingvar, also in Patty's tavern (the quest Ingvar's Armour Plate). The last
person with the plates is Duram who's somewhere around #4 (the quest Duram's
Armour Plates).

Once you've acquired all the plates, choose to whom you wish to give them: Lukor or
Carasco (done in the quest Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates). Giving them to
Lukor gives 300 experience and 400 gold pieces, which ends this quest.

Vasili's Armour Plates

When talking to Vasili (#3), he'll say that he worked for Patty, but soon went broke when
he had to quit the job. He'll mention Lukor and once you tell him that Lukor sent you, he'll
want 200 gold pieces for his armour plates.

Since this is outrageous, just challenge him to a fight and beat him down. Afterwards loot
the armour plates and you'll receive 50 experience and the quest done.

Ingvar's Armour Plate

Ingvar (#3) is drowning his depression in booze. Just approach him and ask him for his
armour plate. He'll want 100 gold at first, but once you tell him that you have Vasili's
plates he'll lower it to 50. You can also tell him that you can just get it from him in a fight.
He'll feel challenged, which starts a new quest, Duel with Ingvar.

Once you have the armour plate, you'll get 50 experience points, and the quest is done.

Duel with Ingvar

After challenging Ingvar to a fight, he'll lead you outside at the back of the tavern. Just
follow him and obliterate him in combat. You'll receive 150 experience (100 + 50). Make
sure to loot him for the armour plate.

Duram's Armour Plates

You'll find Duram walking the pier around #4. Approach him and mention the armour
plates and such. He'll get defensive and you won't be able to get a lot of information from
him, except that Ukkos will protect him in trouble and that he doesn't carry the plates

Go to Ukkos (#5) and ask about Duram. He's indebted to him, but he'll say that he
doesn't want gold, but fried meat. In case you don't have any on yourself, you can get
some from Baxter (#6). Duram's house is located at #7. The chest's combination is a
level 2 lock: left-left-right-left-right-right. You'll receive 50 experience upon looting the
chest, and another 50 when you tell Duram that you got ahold of his plates.

Meat for Ukkos

This mini-quest is received during Duram's Armour Plates. You'll need to get some meat
for Ukkos (#5) to have him reveal Duram's stash location. Meat can be bought from
Baxter or you might already have some on yourself. Just give a piece to Ukkos and he
won't be alarmed once you enter Duram's house. The quest completes with 100

Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates

The alternative customer for the armour plates is a warrior of the Order, Carasco (#2).
After obtaining all the plates, approach him and offer them to him. Your reward is 250
experience and either 200 gold, 5 medium healing potions, 5 medium mana potions or a
Tell Joke scroll.

In addition to denying the plates to Lukor, Carasco would like to see him removed from
the city, and gives you additional quest Get Rid of Lukor.
Get Rid of Lukor

This quest is the follow-up from Carasco's (#2) quest about the armour plates. Just go to
Lukor (#1) and tell him that the plates are in the Order's possession. He'll hint that you're
with the Inquisition and that it would be the best if he disappeared. This nets you 350

Return to Carasco for additional reward of the remaining three items that he has (you've
already chosen one of the rewards in the previous quest). Healing potions might be the
most useful out of the lot. You can also report Lukor to Carlos (#8) for 50 experience and
150 gold.

1 - Lukor

2 - Carasco

3 - Vasili, Ingvar

4 - Duram

5 - Ukkos

6 - Baxter

7 - Duram's hideout

8 - Carlos
Harbor City Quests: Romanov (D) & Sergio (I)

This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to
Romanov, the pirate, and Sergio, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be
completed only if you choose the Don's man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for
the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a
side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit's path here rewards you with 600
experience and 300 gold, while going with the Order gives you 625 experience and 250

 Get Marek's Cell Key

 Distraction for the Prison Guard
 Romanov's Seaman's Chest
 Sergio Wants Romanov's Gold

Get Marek's Cell Key

Marek is the guard of pirate Romanov's prison at #1.

You'll learn that his prisoner is Captain Romanov, the terror of the seas. Since there's no
way you can get in without compensating, you can offer him 100 gold coins, to bring him a
girl or to beat him up. Bringing him a girl should pay off the most experience-wise, so you
might as well do that (quest Distraction for the Prison Guard).

Once you've acquired the key, you'll get 150 experience and you'll be able to talk to
Romanov now, which starts another quest Romanov's Seaman's Chest.

Distraction for the Prison Guard

If you wish to get Marek's key in a different way, compared to bribery or a fight, you'll
have to bring him a girl. There's a girl available on a bench nearby (#2) called Anika. You
can talk to her, but you'll still have to visit Sonya in the brothel (#3) to make the
arrangement and pay the gold. It costs 50 gold pieces and rewards you with 25

Now return to Anika. She won't exactly be delighted with her customer, but will still agree
that gold is gold. Get back to Marek (#1) to finish the deal. You'll get 200 experience from
this quest.

Romanov's Seaman's Chest

While talking to Romanov, make sure to talk with reverence and eventually you'll get the
quest after mentioning the rumours of his gold. He'll give you a key to a warehouse chest
(#4) where he hid his casket.

The chest is on the highest floor. You can reach it by sneaking behind Carasco then taking
the wooden stairs to the first floor. Once there, walk around and follow the planks and
you'll see a place where you can lift yourself up to the second floor. There are several
goodies there, including a lot of gold and a few magical scrolls.

If you chose the Don, give the casket to Romanov (#1). You'll get 250 experience and 300
gold as a reward.

Sergio Wants Romanov's Gold

There's another person interested in Romanov's gold, and that's the warrior of the Order,
Sergio (#5), who patrols the long pier that leads to Romanov's prison. You'll learn who's
being guarded in the prison (if you didn't before) and that Inquisition is guarding the
crates and the goods from the ships that came recently.

After a while Sergio will say that he's interested in Romanov's gold, as the Order has been
looking for it for a long time. Since you've found it during the quest Romanov's
Seaman's Chest, you can give him the casket instead and improve your standing with
the Order. As a reward you'll get 100 gold and 200 experience. You can also tell Romanov
(#1) that you gave it to the Inquisition for 25 experience. Also, you can report to Carlos
(#6) for 50 experience and 150 gold.

1 - Marek, Romanov

2 - Anika

3 - Sonya

4 - Romanov's chest

5 - Sergio

6 - Carlos
Choosing the Order


quests are the ones you need to do in order to join the Order's forces. There are seven in
total and only four are required to successfully be on Inquisition's side. They are mutually
exclusive with equivalent bandit quests.

 Get Rid of Delgado

 Get Rid of Cid
 Weasel Hunt
 Get Rid of Toni
 Good Things Come in Threes
 Get Rid of Lukor
 Sergio Wants Romanov's Gold

Once you've completed at least four of those seven, you'll have advanced Peace and
Order as well, which basically means that you've decided to follow the Order's cause
(either as a warrior of the Order or a mage). The remaining quests to be done in the
harbor city that are Order-specific are Where Are the Artifacts Disappearing to? and Get
Rid of Scordo.

Peace and Order

This quest is received from Carlos (#1) the first time you speak to him during Talk to the
Commandant of Harbour Town. You just have to agree to help him, but you don't really
have to mean it.

Anyway, once you choose the Order, a random Warrior of the Order will approach you and
send you to Carlos.

After a long dialog, you'll receive 1000 experience for completing this quest, along with
the achievement Peacekeeper. You'll learn that artifact smuggling throughout the city is
still popular and Carlos would like to find who's in the focus of all the circulation.
Therefore, you'll receive a new quest called Where Are the Artifacts Disappearing to?.
Carlos gave you pointers at the brothel, particularly Madam Sonya (#2).

Note that after completing this quest, the Don's men in town will be dead. You can loot
their stuff as there might be a few goodies.

Where Are the Artifacts Disappearing to?

As you head out on your search for the artifact smuggler, you'll first stop at Madam
Sonya's (#2) for extra information. You'll need to ask her about artifact smuggling, the
abundance of gold artifacts and then who calls the shots about it. She'll reveal the secret
about Scordo, the chief Esteban's man in town. He's behind the painting switch in the left
room (#3). You'll need to traverse a narrow tunnel to reach him.

Scordo will attack you after a long conversation. Be prepared, as he's one of the harder
opponents so far. Once you've knocked him down and obtained a key, continue on the way
and turn right. You'll find yourself outdoors, on the beach (this completes another quest
called Find the Secret Access to Harbour Town!).

Return to Carlos (#1). You'll receive 500 experience points for solving this quest, and 100
in addition to killing Scordo, and another 100 for having Belschwur's blessing (Medicine for
Everyone) and once again 100 experience for choosing the Order path, as well as receiving
the official letter that will allow you to receive training you wish at the monastery.

Knock Out Scordo

This mini-quest is triggered after you defeat Scordo. You'll receive 100 experience for the
quest after the fight, along with 160 for actually knocking him down.

Scordo's Key

After looting Scordo's body, you'll come across a key. A small quest also completes itself
and gives you 100 experience.
Get Rid of Scordo

This quest is hinted at by Carlos (#1) during your conversation with him. You'll need to
find Scordo and kill him. Once you do find him behind the tunnel at #3, make sure to stab
him after knocking him down. Simply attack him while he's still on the ground. You'll
receive 500 experience bonus and the quest is completed.

1 - Carlos

2 - Madam Sonya

3 - Painting switch
Choosing the Don


quests are the ones you need to do in order to join the Don's forces. There are seven in
total and only four are required to successfully be on Esteban's side. They are mutually
exclusive with equivalent Order quests.

 Protection Money From Costa

 Doyle Must Disappear
 Bring the Packages Back to Weasel
 The Family Heirloom
 Three Golden Bowls for Scordo
 Lukor Wants the Five Armour Plates
 Romanov's Seaman's Chest

Once you've completed at least four of those seven, you'll have advanced All Power to the
Don as well, which basically means that you've decided to follow the Don's cause as a
bandit fighter. The remaining quests to be done in the harbor city that are bandit-specific
are Talk to the Bandit Chief in Town (if you didn't already) and A Package for the Don.

All Power to the Don

Finding Scordo is easy. Just talk to any of his men in the town and they'll send you to
Sonya in the brothel (#1). There, just buy information and she'll direct you to the secret

This meta-quest will get completed once you talk to Scordo (#1) after crossing the secret
tunnel in the brothel. He'll say that you're someone who can be trusted and this rewards
you with 500 experience. Soon afterwards, Scordo gives you his key, which opens the
door at the end of the tunnel behind him. You'll also receive a package, which opens a new
quest A Package for the Don.

Talk to the Bandit Chief in Town

This quest completes the first time you meet Scordo and rewards you with 100
experience. Note that even if you want to follow the Order you can complete this quest by
visiting Scordo before taking sides.

Scordo's Key

This mini-quest is received and completed when Scordo hands you the key to the rear
entrance to the town. It leads to the beach and the door that is opened by the key is
behind Scordo, in another tunnel. You'll get 100 experience as well.

A Package for the Don

After obtaining the package from Scordo, head to the Don in the swamp encampment, and
if you've finished all the quests there (or at least the ones that permit you to see Esteban)
hand over the package to the Don. You'll get 400 experience.

From this moment onward you've joined the bandits and you can by the basic armor from
the Don himself for 1000 coins. Note that there are other quests to be done inside the
town still, so you might wish to hold on a bit in there still and check additional quests.

1 - Scordo

2 - Don Esteban
Harbour City Additional Quests


page contains the quests that aren't completely solved until you progress enough with the
main quests in harbour town. Some of them can be technically completed a bit earlier than
some of the main quests, but for simplicity they are bundled up here.

 Find the Secret Access to Harbour Town

 The Imprisoned Treasure Hunter
 A Gathering of Triplets
 The Lost Father
 Patty Wants to Leave Town
 The Map of the Island
 The Sons of Tilda
Find the Secret Access to Harbour Town

This is the quest that automatically completes itself once you dealing with or teaming up
with Scordo (#1). Therefore, this quest should already be done by the time you start
doing these quests.

Finding that secret door behind Scordo earns you 400 experience.

Once you find Scordo after crossing the secret tunnel with the picture switch in brothel,
continue all the way to the back with his key and you'll reveal the secret entrance.

The Imprisoned Treasure Hunter

This quest pertains to one of the treasure hunter brothers, Olf (#2), who is trapped inside
the former Don's house. He's on the upper floor. Talk to him and learn that he got caught
while moving around the place. The warrior of the Order, Hernandez, arrested him
because of the three golden bowls that circulated around the town and by Inquisitor's law,
artifact smuggling is prohibited.

You can talk to Hernandez just below (#2) to learn some more details, but ultimately you
won't be able to free him unless you complete Find the Three Golden Bowls. Once that's
done, talk to Hernandez and tell him that the bowls are out of circulation. This way Olf will
get freed and you'll get 150 experience. Ask him about his brothers as well and you'll
receive the next quest, A Gathering of Triplets.

A Gathering of Triplets

This quest can be started by Olf (#2) and be done once he's free. He'll inform you that
there's no work without his brothers and they'll need to get back together at the usual
meeting place (at Jack's lighthouse, #5). You'll find Dytar in Patty's tavern (#3) and Dirk
in Josh's pub (#4).

The final reward for sending all three brothers to the meeting point is 300 experience.
Since you've also found a way out of the town, inform the brother's about the secret
tunnel behind Sonya's brothel. This earns you additional 50 experience. They'll be waiting
for you exactly where Scordo was (behind #1). Just meet up with them again and tell
them that the path is clear. Next time you require something from them, you know where
to find them, on the western beach of the town.

The Lost Father

When you talk to Patty (#3) for the first time, you'll learn that she was also bottlenecked
into the town by Inquisition and she'd much rather do something else than run a tavern.
There is however, one thing that she's still looking for, and that's her father. Gregorius
Steelbeard, a sailor, has gone missing with all the storms, but she's pretty positive that
he's somewhere on the island, but just doesn't know where. The only other notable
seaman around is Captain Romanov, who's locked up in a prison at #6 and he might be
able to help out with the case.

To visit Romanov, you'll need to have access to the prison (Get Marek's Cell Key. Talking
to Romanov reveals new details about his crew and Gregorius. After a thorough
conversation, you'll learn that the key you received during Woman Beater from Erikson is
the key to Steelbeard's shack in this town. You'll also receive 25 experience during the

You can report back to Patty what you found out about Gregorius and Romanov so far.
You'll receive 25 experience per update, which should total to 125 experience. Next thing
to visit is Steelbeard's shack at #7. Loot the chest for the old document. At this point you
can tell Romanov what you know for 50 experience (he won't take the document don't
worry) or go straight to Patty. Give her the document and you'll earn 100 experience.
Patty will also want to give you 200 gold and leave without questions. Alternative is to
refuse the gold and ask her about about her and her father's past.

Patty Wants to Leave Town

Second quest for Patty (#3) involves getting her out of town to enable her to search for
her father. Tell her about the tunnel at Sonya's (#1). She'll appear surprised at first, but
will reluctantly continue to the brothel. You'll get 400 experience for letting her know
about the exit.

Meet her in the brothel and lead her to the coast. She'll say that she really appreciates
your help, and that she doesn't do so very often. Anyway, Patty will stay on the beach
until the second chapter, where her role will become more important. In case you want
some bonus experience, tell Romanov (#6) where Patty headed. You'll get 50 experience
and 300 gold pieces.

The Map of the Island

Since at this point you probably do not have full map of the island if you're not a bandit
(you'd have got one from Fincher), head over to Nelson (#8) in his workshop. Ask him to
make you a map of the island. He'll say that it takes long to make a proper map. In game,
this takes long enough until you finish Find the Secret Access to Harbour Town, which
you've done a while ago.

The map itself costs 250 gold pieces, but it will be vital to your journeys so you'd better
get yourself one. You'll also receive 100 experience.

The Sons of Tilda

This quest starts with Tilda (#9) who works at Konrad's. She wants a confirmation that
her sons Beppo, Leon and William are doing okay. Talking to each of the sons will give you
150 experience. Since they are all scattered around the island, check this map out.

Beppo is found in the Don's camp, Leon is managing in the wilderness, while William is in
the monastery. To be able to enter the monastery as a bandit, you'll need to be on a
quest Negotiating with the Volcano Keep/Talk to Master Illumar.

After getting news from all the sons, report back to Tilda and receive 300 experience,
along with the achievement The Family Man. You'll get additional 150 experience once
shes blesses you.

1 - Secret tunnel

2 - Olf

3 - Patty's tavern, Dytar

4 - Dirk

5 - Meeting place

6 - Romanov

7 - Steelbeard's shack

8 - Nelson

9 - Tilda
Monastery Initial Quests Part 1


Quests in the monastery (volcano keep) are available only to those that pursue the path of
the Order. If you get here by recommendation, you'll be able to choose whether you wish
to become a Warrior of the Order or a mage. If you came here as arrested, you can only
become a Warrior of the Order.
Once you come to Monastery voluntariliy, tell Santiago about it and he'll send you to
Master Pallas. There, just tell him that you volunteered.

 Follow Kalib
 Follow Taylor
 Get Yourself a Fighting Staff
 Sweep out the Chambers
 Basic Training
 Fight Against Tucker
 Fight Against William
 Fight Against Kato
 Kato's Lesson

Follow Kalib

If you chose to become a warrior of the Order while talking to Pallas (#1), you'll
eventually be sent to Kalib so that he may take you through the monastery and show you
your room. Before going with Kalim (#2), make sure to exhaust all conversation options
from Pallas, and if you come here voluntarily, he won't even have a test for you (you'll
also start a big meta-quest called The Tests of the Masters).

Once you talk to Kalib, he'll give you your novice robes, along with the map of the
monastery. You'll stop at the training área, where Master Aric (#4) is. He'll give you a
basic rundown on training and advise you to Get Yourself a Fighting Staff.

As you reach your new room (#5) Inquisitor Mendoza himself will be waiting for you. One
of the novices has been murdered and he'd like you to investigate it, as you couldn't have
got yourself involved having just arrived at the place. This starts a long quest chain
called Find Hemlar's Murderer. Talk to Kalib again and you'll receive 50 experience points.

Follow Taylor

If you chose to become a mage while talking to Pallas (#1), you'll eventually be sent to
Taylor so that he may take you through the monastery and show you your room. Before
going with Taylor (#3), make sure to exhaust all conversation options from Pallas, and if
you come here voluntarily, he won't even have a test for you (you'll also start a big meta-
quest called The Tests of the Masters).

Once you talk to Taylor, he'll give you your novice robes, along with the map of the
monastery. You'll stop at the training área, where Master Aric (#4) is. He'll give you a
basic rundown on training and advise you to Get Yourself a Fighting Staff.
As you reach your new room (#5) Inquisitor Mendoza himself will be waiting for you. One
of the novices has been murdered and he'd like you to investigate it, as you couldn't have
got yourself involved having just arrived at the place. This starts a long quest chain
called Find Hemlar's Murderer. Talk to Taylor again and you'll receive 50 experience

Get Yourself a Fighting Staff

During your first conversation with Aric (#4), you'll learn that you need a combat staff to
start your training. To get the staff, talk to the blacksmith Karlsen (#6). He'll give you a
novice's staff.

Now talk to Aric again. If you're being disrespectful to him, you'll get another small quest
called Sweep out the Chambers. Reporting to Aric that you got the staff gives you 50

Sweep out the Chambers

Having been disrespectful to Aric (#4), he'll tell you to find yourself a broom first and
sweep up the chambers.

The chambers that need to be swept are marked with #7. Each one of the rooms contains
1-2 piles of dust that need to be removed with the broom. Make sure to check the upper
level too, located behind Master Vitus.

Once you've swept them all, report back to Aric and you'll get yourself 50 experience.

Basic Training

Another quest started by Aric (#4) involves training with the other novices. You're
supposed to go up against Tucker (#8), William (#9) and Kato (#10). You should start
with Tucker first. You can find him sweeping towards the battle arena.

After defeating those fighters in the arena, go back to Aric. Since Kato is a friend of Aric's,
he told him what you did to him and made Aric fight you instead to finish your not-so-
basic training. Aric is a fairly demanding fighter. There's a way to trick him and make the
fight easier. Check the quests out here (Fight against Aric, Trick Aric).
Once all of them have been defeated report to Master Vitus (#12) to finish this quest. This
earns you a beefy 500 experience, as well as free passage into the upper parts of the

Fight Against Tucker

Tucker (#8), who clearly isn't impressed by the novice's life, is sweeping the floor at the
archway to battle-arena (#11), waiting for another opponent.

He's a fairly easy opponent and you should have no trouble flattening him. Once he's down
you'll get 100 experience and Tucker can train you to raise your strength.

Fight Against William

Your next opponent should be William (#9). He'll only fight you if you've already beaten
Tucker. William is also one of Tilda's sons so you could tell him that his mother's worried
(The Sons of Tilda).

Anyway, as an opponent he isn't very strong either. Once he's lying on the arena floor
(#11), relieve him of his items and you'll receive another 100 experience for completing
the quest.

Fight Against Kato

The last novice that you can fight is the arrogant Kato (#10). At first, he'll mock you for
being the starter around and then he'll attack you on spot (quest Kato's Lesson). Once
you fight in the arena (#11), beat him one more time and you'll receive 100 experience
for completing the quest.

Kato's Lesson

This mini-quest is received from Kato (#10) once you tell him that you've defeated
William and Tucker. He'll attack you right where you stand so draw your weapon and
obliterate him. After he's down you'll receive 50 experience for the trouble.
1 - Master Pallas

2 - Kalib

3 - Taylor

4 - Master Aric

5 - Inquisitor Mendoza, your room

6 - Karlsen

7 - Dusty novices' chambers

8 - Tucker

9 - William

10 - Kato

11 - Arena

12 - Master Vitus
Monastery Initial Quests Part 2


This is the second part of the quests you can do in Volcano Keep without starting a bigger
chain of main quests.

 Fight Against Aric

 Trick Aric
 Dalman Trusts You
 Assist the Warriors of the Order in Harbour Town
 Find Writing Materials (D)
 Bone and Wings (D)

Fight Against Aric

After defeating all three novices during your basic training, Aric (#1) himself will challenge
you to the arena (#2). As he's somewhat difficult, there are non-standard ways to beat
him. However, if you've properly understood the combat system by know, he can die even
with your most basic stats from when you started the game. All you really need is a
weapon and a shield. In case you do have problems, check the quest Trick Aric.

After defeating him, you'll receive 200 experience. Aric will commend your talent with the
staff and walk away.

Trick Aric

If you lost the fight against Aric, this is another way to beat him. Ask William (#3) first
about any tips which could help you against Aric. He'll however send you to Caspar (who
wanders and sweep around #4), who hints that you should get Aric drunk instead with
some strong alcohol.

Strong alcohol can be found with Dalman (#5), the dude tending to the pigs. Talking to
him reveals that he's the keeper of the wine cellars and he found some really strong stuff
in there, called Fireflush. After conversing with him, he should give you one bottle of it and
a quest Dalman Trusts You. Anyway, you should also make sure you have two bottles of
regular wine (you can get them from Dalman for 20 gold each if you don't have any, but
you should have loads).

Next thing is to talk to Karlsen (#6) the blacksmith. You'll have to ask him to give you
"the worst sword in the world". It deals 5 damage. Head back to Aric now (#1). Give him
the wine first to get him drunk and then trade swords, giving him the worst one in the
world. Since he deals very low damage now, challenge him to a fight and beat him.
Completing this gives you 250 experience.
Dalman Trusts You

Dalman (#5), the caretaker of pigs, wants someone to relieve him. Taylor (#7) is the
right guy for that, but he'll want Harlok's stew at first. Since that's outrageous, just tell
him that there's no way he can get that for the work he's supposed to do anyway. Then
you'll agree on ten apples.

Apples are found all over the island and the monastery. Chances are you already have
more than ten. Just give him the apples and he'll go to work. This earns you 100
experience. Head towards #5 to meet Dalman on the way and tell him the good news.
This earns additional 50 experience.

Assist the Warriors of the Order in Harbour Town

This quest is only available to you if you were taken by force into the monastery. Master
Pallas (#8) will require of you to go to harbour city and help the members of the Order.
Check the harbour city subsection, particularly (how to help the order.

If you came voluntarilly, Pallas won't have any tests for you.

Find Writing Materials

These quests are only available to the bandits. In order to get a quill, you'll need to either
pay 250 gold to Enzo (#9) or have one made by Caspar (#4). First of all, you'll have to
read the bookstands at #10, and then talk with Illumar and Erlan.

You'll be sent to Caspar who'll require 6 moth wings and a bone (quest Bone and Wings).
Once that's done, return to Illumar (#10 and have him be available to teach you the scroll

Bone and Wings

If you're a member of the Don's gang and wish to create scrolls, Caspar (#4) will help you
make a quill by bringing him 6 moth wings and a bone.

These can be found around the monastery, just make sure not to get caught while stealing
and sacking the chests. Alternatively, moth wings are a regular loot from Grave/Talon
moths and a bone drops from skeletons. Once you have the required items, go back to
Caspar to receive a quill.

1 - Aric

2 - Arena

3 - William

4 - Caspar

5 - Dalman

6 - Karlsen

7 - Taylor

8 - Master Pallas

9 - Enzo

10 - Master Illumar
Find Hemlar's Murderer

This quest chain puts you in the feet of a detective on behalf of Inquisitor Mendoza.

 Find Hemlar's Murderer

 Investigate the Crime Scene
 What Does Harlok Know?
 Who is Hemlar's Partner?
 The Circle of Suspects
 Access to the Cemetery
 The Path to Truth
 Distribute the Weed Reefers in the Keep
 A New Post for William

Find Hemlar's Murderer

Finding Hemlar's murderer is started right as you enter the monastery and visit your room
(#1). Mendoza will be waiting, clearly bothered by the death of the novice. After your first
dialog with him, you'll receive the quest and the first thing you should do is Investigate
the Crime Scene.

Having identified the evidences, head to the kitchen (#2) and talk with Harlok. Harlok
won't say a thing, denying that he even recognizes the blade. Talk to Vitus next (#3).
He'll help you outline your investigation by pointing out what's the important stuff.
Moreover, he'll mention Caspar (#4) as a source of information as he regularly sweeps
around the chambers.

Talking to Caspar reveals a few more details. Tell him about your findings to receive next
quests. Telling him about the knife starts What Does Harlok Know?, the brugleweed
information reveals that Hemlar must've had a partner (Who is Hemlar's Partner?). In
addition to that, he must be able to leave the monastery, so Master Pallas might shed
some light onto the topic as he controls the gate (The Circle of Suspects).

You could start out by talking to Master Pallas (#5). He'll give you a list which contains the
names of the people who are allowed to leave the monastery. This narrows down your list
of suspects. You can talk to everyone on the list, but the most information is revealed by
Ash (#6) who's sweeping in the upper part of the monastery, Karlsen the blacksmith (#7)
and Tucker (#8).

Talking to Harlok again (#2) will finally have some results this time. He'll give you a stew
that you can give to Yoki, the guard at the cemetery. Check the quest Access to the
Cemetery if you wish to eat the stew yourself instead and still enter the cemetery. While
in the cemetery, look for the dusty área to dig out Hemlar's chest with 250 gold inside.
Once you've identified Ash as Hemlar's partner, you'll get to distribute the reefers around
the camp (quest Distribute the Weed Reefers in the Keep) to attract the killer onto
yourself. As soon as you sell all the reefers, talk to Caspar (#4) again. He'll suggest
waiting for the killer in the bathroom. This earns you 25 experience.

Head into the bathroom (#13) and use one of the tubs. Now wait for the killer. To your
great surprise, it's Aric, the "master" himself. Talk with him to learn find out his reasons.
He wanted a share of the profits to be able to go to the mainland once the whole situation
on the island calms down. Without brugleweed, there was no way for him to earn enough
money. After that, a fight ensues. Defeat Aric and report to Master Vitus (#3).

Depending on whether you killed him or not, the Inquisition will imprison him, but you
won't ever see him again anyway. Your final reward is 500 experience points and either a
potion that gives permanent +5 strength or permanent +5 mana.

You'll also receive the achievement Master Detective once the quest is complete.

The last thing to do is to name a new staff training master. Check the quest A New Post
for William at the bottom of this page.

Investigate the Crime Scene

While searching your room (#1) for possible clues to solving the case, you should come
across Hemlar's purse (below one of the beds), small packet of weed (on the right side of
the bookshelf) and last but not the least, a kitchen knife on Hemlar's corpse.

After investigating the room carefully, you'll receive 100 experience and proceed with the
clue given by the kitchen knife.

What Does Harlok Know?

After questioning people on the list from Master Pallas, you'll conclude that Harlok is a
pirate from Steelbeard's crew, that he used to spend a lot of time with Hemlar and that
the kitchen knife must have been his.

This allows you to accuse him severely, to which he'll start to tell the truth. This alone
earns you 200 experience and moves the investigation forward.

Who is Hemlar's Partner?

During the investigation, you'll learn that Hemlar must've had a partner in his shady
brugleweed business. As you complete other quests, the puzzle will begin to show the
whole picture, and the only one with all the authorities will be Ash: he can leave the
monastery, enter the cemetery and stay in the upper quarters.

This makes him a prime suspect for this role, which ultimately is true once you get the
confession out of him (The Path to Truth).

The Circle of Suspects

During the investigation of Hemlar's death, you'll need a list which contains people who
have rights to go out of the monastery. Master Pallas (#5) can assist you with that, as
he's also the gate keeper.

Once you've completed basic training (and if you're following this walkthrough, you
already should have), you'll receive the list and 100 experience points.

Access to the Cemetery

This quest is given by Yoki (#9), once you attempt to enter the área behind him. You can
give him the stew that you received from Harlok earlier to be able to pass through.

If you wish to hold onto the stew that gives +2 strength permanently, simply eat it and
talk to Yoki. Exhaust all dialog options until he rules out Enzo as Hemlar's partner. Next
thing to do is to go to Caspar (#4), who'll remove Harlok, Karlsen and Tucker as possible
partners as well. This leaves Ash (#6) or Taylor (#10).

Talking to Taylor reveals that it was an "upper-quarter" friend, therefore it leaves only
Ash. Ash will require a bit persuasion to tell the whole truth but eventually, he will. You'll
get to distribute the reefers and then you can sell one to Yoki. This will provide you the
entrance to the cemetery.

If you wish to enter this área as a bandit, you'll need to offer him two brugleweed reefers.
Either of the way gives you 100 experience.

The Path to Truth

While trying to identify Hemlar's partner, Ash (#6) will attack you if you try to get the
truth out of him. Simply beat him and you'll receive 100 experience for your efforts, along
with the whole truth from Ash about him being Hemlar's partner.
Distribute the Weed Reefers in the Keep

Once you learn the truth from Ashe (#6), you'll also receive all his reefers to sell around
the keep. This way the killer will probably appear before you and you'll have a chance to
confront him.

The people to whom you should sell the stuff are Taylor (#10), Harlok and Dalman (#2),
Casper (#4), Tucker (#8), Kato (#11), Kalib (#12), Karlsen (#7) and Yoki (#9). Selling
it to Yoki also grants you the passage to the cemetery.

After selling all the weed, you'll get 400 experience. Talk to Caspar again to proceed with
the investigation.

A New Post for William

After Aric is removed from his post, someone else has to take over the training of the
novices. You'll find William at #14 in the courtyard. He'll be excited about the latest
rumours of Aric and Hemlar. Then he'll ask you who's going to train the novices. You can
suggest that he do it.

Now talk to Vitus (#3). Suggest William for the post of the staff trainer and Vitus will
eventually agree, along with William's promotion into a warrior of the Order. Talk to
William again and let him hear the happy news. The quest ends with 100 experience.

1 - Hemlar's room

2 - Harlok, Dalman

3 - Master Vitus

4 - Caspar

5 - Master Pallas

6 - Ash

7 - Karlsen
8 - Tucker

9 - Yoki

10 - Taylor

11 - Kato

12 - Kalib

13 - Bathroom

14 - William

The Test of Master Vitus


This quest page covers the test of Master Vitus, along with another quest connected to it.

 The Test of Master Vitus

 Wisdom in Combat Found
 Rufus is Seeking Wisdom in Combat

The Test of Master Vitus

Talking to Master Vitus (#1) starts his test. All that he says is to find wisdom and trust in
combat. This doesn't mean a whole lot, but afterwards he tells you that unveiling the
meaning is also part of the test.

The part about trust is done once you get Dalman (#2) to trust you with the quest Dalman
Trusts You. You'll get 25 experience for reporting that to Vitus. Note that Dalman doesn't
have to be in the pigsty as after the quest he moves into Harlok's kitchen.

The other objective is about finding a special book in the crypt behind the cemetery. To be
able to access that part of the monastery, you'll need to complete Access to the Cemetery.
Now head to the crypt entrance at #3.

Once down there, be sure to grab any stone plates and read all the books. This is
especially significant if you're planning to be a mage, as wisdom determines what seal
level you can learn. There's also loot to be found and the most important thing to get is
Berengir's key from his skeleton at #4. Now go and unlock the chest at #5. You'll get a
book called Wisdom in Combat.

With the book you found, head back to Vitus (#1). He'll be delighted that you've found the
right answer and the quest ends with 225 experience. Also, Vitus can increase your staff
combat and mana capacity.

Wisdom in Combat Found

This mini-quest auto-completes itself once you loot the book Wisdom in Combat, found in
Berengir's chest at #5. It grants you 50 experience.

Rufus is Seeking Wisdom in Combat

Rufus (#6), the warrior of the Order, is seeking the book Wisdom in Combat. Since you've
found it and read it, you can give it to someone else, as Master Pallas suggested.

Tell Rufus about the book and he'll say that a lot of things can be solved just with the
books. After he takes your copy, you'll earn 50 experience and the quest is over.

1 - Vitus

2 - Dalman

3 - Crypt entrance

4 - Berengir's skeleton

5 - Berengir's chest

6 - Rufus
The Test of Master Ignatius

During this test of Master Ignatius you'll gain your first magic crystal, the crystal of fire.

 The Test of Master Ignatius

 The Crystal of Fire
 The Gate to the Keep

The Test of Master Ignatius

As you approach Master Ignatius (#1), he'll commend you for your work and exposure of
Aric. As a result, he'll want to show you something so that you can begin with his test.
Once you arrive in the library (#2), he'll suggest that you read the books around.

There are several books that you can read, three in total. Make sure to tell Rufus to move
away so that you can read the book he's been reading as well. After you're done, tell
Ignatius about it. However you aren't really done yet, and you'll have to search for more
books. In the library (#2) you'll notice two iron rings on the northern wall. Pull one of
them to have a secret door open.

As you descend down the path, you'll reach a secret part of the library. You should have
lockpicking skills and open the door at #3. There will be a bookstand, a key and a healing
scroll in that room. Now head back out and continue to the main chamber at #4. There's a
bookstand in there, so read that one as well, pick the book "On Rune Magic" on the right
bookshelf and then head into the room #5.

That room contains a chest with a few helpful scrolls, along with a crystal orb which allows
you to cast spell telekinesis. Use the spell to push the button on the wall above the door
that leads to the room #3 (facing from the room #5). Note that to get into room #6, you
actually need a ranged weapon because the crystal in the room prevents you from using
magic. As such, just use your bow/crossbow (any will do) and point at the button to open
it. It only contains two chests which can be looted.

Next thing to do is head into room #7. On the way to it, there's another bookstand so
read that one too. The next room has a crystal orb of levitation, a bookstand and a chest
with some minor loot. Also, there's a hole on the floor. Fall through it and you'll find
yourself in room #7, but lower floor. Examine the bookstand and the chest, and then
move onto the room #8 lower floor as well. You'll find a crystal orb of opening. It's used to
open any lock in the game apart from those that are opened by specific keys. Anyway, you
can use that spell to open anything for which you do not have enough lockpicking skills.
You should also find the book "On Magic Crystals".
After exiting from room #8 lower floor, explore the large hallroom (#9) to find seven
bookstands and read them all. Next thing to do would be to get to room #10. From
room #7 upper floor, use levitation and fly over the gap from #8 upper floor
to #10 upper floor. There's a crystal orb of polymorph there and it will come in hand to go
through that hole that leads to room #5. There are also some bookstands and chests, feel
free to examine those.

The room #11 can be opened by pulling one of the iron rings found in the adjecent room.
You'll have to fight a skeleton and there are two more bookstands and a chest that
contains a magic crystal. Keep this item as it's very valuable in chapter 2. You can't
explore the room #10 lower floor (the one with the red flame gate) because it's protected
by powerful magic which you can destroy in later chapters. There's also a nautilus
transformation rune on one of the shelves in the hall (#9). Use the telekinesis from
room #5 to reach it.

Having explored everything, take the open lock spell (room #8, lower floor) to open the
door at #12. Then take the nautilus transformation spell (by levitating from room #7,
upper floor, to room #10, upper floor) to cross the hole. In the room after #12, there's
another bookstand. Soon enough you'll also meet Master Abrax (#13). You can take a test
from him now (The Test of Master Abrax), or you can do it later on, it doesn't matter. Use
the lever and you'll be back onto surface again.

Ignatius will be waiting somewhere around #1, on the bench. Talk to him and tell him that
you've read all the books. He'll be pleased to see truth in your eyes and this quest ends
with 250 experience and the achievement Wise Man. In addition, you'll need to work
crystal magic and as such you'll get a new quest to find a novice, Nathan, who has
disappeared into the wilderness with the crystal of fire. You can also ask him to open the
main gate for you, to which he'll agree, giving you 25 experience as well in the process.

The Crystal of Fire

The next quest started by Ignatius (near #1, on the bench) has you searching for a novice
Nathan who disappeared into the wilderness with a powerful crystal of fire. Head to Pallas
first (#14) and tell him about the gate.

The área that you need to reach is located at #15. Beware because you'll have to fight a
war cricket. It can block your melee attacks and hits for a good amount of damage. The
temple itself has only two gnomes. You should head to the room to your right and use
telekinesis on a lever on the otherside. The door will be open and the trap will subside.
There will be another gnome on the other side. Pick up the rune from Nathan's corpse, loot
the chest and go back to Ignatius.
Ignatius will be impressed and you'll earn 300 experience for your efforts. This test is

The Gate to the Keep

This mini-quest is auto-completed once you talk to Pallas (#14) about the gate. Since
Ignatius told you that you're free to leave, Pallas won't object and will open the gate for
you, giving you 100 experience in the process.

1 - Master Ignatius

2 - Library

3 - Room with anti-magic crystal

4 - Room

5 - Room with telekinesis crystal ball

6 - Treasury room

7 - Room with levitation crystal ball

8 - Room with open locks crystal ball

9 - Large hall

10 - Room with transformation crystal ball

11 - Room with magic crystal

12 - Room

13 - Master Abrax

14 - Master Pallas

15 - Nathan's corpse in the ruins

The Test of Master Abrax

This section covers the test of Master Abrax and some other quests that can be done
alongside that one.

 The Test of Master Abrax

 Crates for the Volcano Keep
 Severin's Artifacts

The Test of Master Abrax

Once you've found Abrax in the depths of the library during the test of Master Ignatius,
ask him for a test. After an interesting, long conversation he'll tell you to find him some
herbs and see what's going on with the two novices he sent to gather them. Before you
head outside, visit Cyrus and get his quests as well, Crates for the Volcano
Keep and Severin's Artifacts.

You'll find the novices on Severin's farm (#3), in the field below. Sirius will be all scared,
as he lost his friend Krayban. Eventually he'll give you his plants and set you on search for
Krayban, who's somewhere in the forest.

Krayban's body is located at #5. He was killed on his mission by a few gnomes and
wolves. Loot him and head back to the monastery to tell Abrax what had happened. Give
him his plants and you'll receive 500 experience as well as completing this test. Once you
tell him the fates of the novices you'll receive 300 experience and four healing potions.

Crates for the Volcano Keep

Once you talk to Cyrus (#2) for the first time, you'll receive this quest,
alongside Severin's Artifacts. This one is about the shipment that should come from
excavation sites and its being situated on the farm south of the monastery.

Anyway, Severin's found at #4. Tell him that you come from Cyrus and he'll send the
crates as the monastery is ready to retrieve them once they arrive. This nets you 50
experience and the quest is over. You'll get 50 experience once you tell this to Cyrus.

Severin's Artifacts
When talking to Cyrus (#2), he'll say he has a job for you, and that is to bring Severin's
artifacts from the camp on the farm due south. However, Severin doesn't have to trust
you one bit without the password. Cyrus will then tell you the password and it sounds like
something along the lines of "...bring me the artifacts or I'll rip your head off!".

Once you reach Severin #4, tell him about the special artifacts delivery and then mention
the password. Severin will then agree to give you the items, old disk and a ring of the staff
fighter. Give these back to Cyrus and you'll earn 200 experience and a reward: ruby,
berserker scroll or ring of the staff fighter. Either way, the quest is complete.

1 - Master Abrax

2 - Cyrus

3 - Sirius

4 - Severin

5 - Krayban

The Test of Master Illumar


This section covers the lengthy test of Master Illumar.

 The Test of Master Illumar

 The Basics of Scroll Creation
 Get Yourself a Quill
 The Theory of Scroll Creation
 Mutual Aid
 Erlan Doesn't Know What to Do
 Erlan and Enzo's Turkey
 Enzo is Looking for the Ingredients for an Illusion Scroll

The Test of Master Illumar

The quest starts with Master Illumar who teaches scroll creation in his building at #1.
Once you talk to him, he'll have you reading the books inside the class room. After that,
return to Illumar and he'll task you with learning the ingredients of all the spells in the first
rune seal. Additionally, you'll have to obtain a quill to be able to scribe the scrolls. This is
covered in the quests The Theory of Scroll Creation and Get Yourself a Quill.

Once you've done those two quests, you're finally ready for the real test. In order to
complete it, you'll need the knowledge (5 learning points to learn how to create the scroll),
an empty parchment (can be bought from Caspar (#3)), the quill and an empty writing
desk. Approach it and scribe your Light scroll.

Talk to Illumar and he'll congratulate you on your first scroll. This finishes his test with 100

The Basics of Scroll Creation

After talking to Master Illumar (#1) take a look around the building and read all the
bookstands. Those books are primarily on the runes, but nevertheless, you'll receive 100
experience once you report to Illumar that you did the job.

Get Yourself a Quill

Getting a quill isn't really hard. Once Master Illumar (#1) tasks you to do so, there are
really only two options.

Enzo (#2) can sell you a quill for 250 coins, which is just outrageous. Instead, go to
Caspar (#3) who'll give it to you for free. This earns you a quill, 100 experience and the
quest is done.

The Theory of Scroll Creation

To learn the ingredients for all the spells of the first runic seal, you'll need to talk to
several people or read the books throughout the monastery and library:

 Light Healing - Healing Herb - Rufus in the library (#4)

 Create Illusion - Boar Tusk - Master Abrax in the secret library (#5)
 Light - Gold Coins - Jervis at #7
 Telekinesis - Moth Dust - Erlan at #6 (once you've done Erlan Doesn't Know
What to Do)
 Tell Joke - Pearl - Erlan at #6 (once you've done Erlan Doesn't Know What to
 Trasformation - Nautilus Shell - Enzo at #2 (after Enzo's Turkey)

Once you have all the knowledge needed, it's time to report to Master Illumar (#1). After
telling him that you know all the ingredients, you'll receive 100 experience and this quest
is done.

Mutual Aid

Jervis (#7), one of the novices who's studying scroll creation isn't too happy about his
treatment in the monastery. No one wants to make use of his hunting skills.

To help him out with his lessons, he'll want two blank parchments and a create illusion
scroll. You'll likely already have the scroll and the parchments can be bought from Caspar
(#3). Return to Jervis with the items and he'll teach you the hunting skills. The quest ends
with 100 experience.

Erlan Doesn't Know What to Do

While learning about the spells of the first runic circle, you'll come across Erlan (#6) who's
trying to find out what's the ingredient for nautilus transformation. To solve the quest,
you'll need to find a turkey for him, as he lost Enzo's a while ago. Enzo however, has the
required knowledge but is unwilling to share it with him.

Once you've obtained the information from Enzo (#2) during the quest Enzo is Looking
for the Ingredients for an Illusion Scroll, tell that to Erlan. You can trade your
knowledge for his and he'll tell you the materials needed for the tell joke spell.

Erlan and Enzo's Turkey

Once you receive this quest from Erlan (#6), talk to Harlok #8. He can help you out with
turkeys. As they are exclusively for mages however, you'll need to pay 200 gold coins.

Once you have the turkey, go back to Erlan and give him the turkey. He'll use it to
reconcile with Enzo and you'll receive 150 experience and a Tell Joke scroll as a reward.

Enzo is Looking for the Ingredients for an Illusion Scroll

To get the knowledge of nautilus transformation, you'll need to tell Enzo (#2) what are the
ingredients for an Illusion scroll. Abrax (#5) can help you out with that.

Once you have the information, tell Enzo that he needs a tusk of a boar. This ends the
quest with 100 experience and Enzo will tell you about transformation: you'll need a
nautilus shell.

1 - Master Illumar

2 - Enzo

3 - Caspar

4 - Rufus

5 - Abrax

6 - Erlan

7 - Jervis

8 - Harlok

Monastery: The Final Steps


These are the lasts quests that you as a member of the Order have to go through to
initiate yourself with the Order and begin the second chapter of the game.

 The Tests of the Masters

 A Worthy Weapon
 The Initiation
 Follow the Inquisitor

The Tests of the Masters

This is the meta-quests for all the tests of the masters that you have to undertake in order
to become a warrior or a mage. It's first received from Master Pallas (#1) at the gate as
soon as you enter the monastery, and then once you gradually progress with the tests,
you'll have to talk to Master Ignatius (#2). Once you've done all the tests and reported to
Ignatius, you'll receive 600 experience, along with the message from him that the
initiation process can begin. This ends the quest. You'll also receive the quest A Worth
Weapon, as part of the preparation.

A Worthy Weapon

Having spoken to Ignatius (#1), head to Karlsen (#3) to receive your weapon. Karlsen
will congratulate you on your fast progression and then give you a fighting staff. This ends
the quest with 50 experience. You should go and see Master Ignatius again.

The Initiation

This is the decisive quest that will make you a true mage or a warrior of the Order. Once
ready, talk to Ignatius (#1), who'll take you through the Hall of Flame.

At the end of the Hall, you'll notice all the Masters standing alongside Inquisitor Mendoza
(#4). During your conversation you'll have options to permanently increase either your
maximum strength, mana or life. Mouse-over the conversation options to see which one
gives what bonus.

After the oath, you'll receive appropriate armor, knowledge of the magic crystals and 50
experience for completing the quests.

Follow the Inquisitor

As Mendoza (#4) explains it, the main threat to the people of the island aren't the wild
creatures and beasts. There is something far more terrible lurking in the deep. The Titans
have come after Gods abandoned the humans. As such, he's in search of a proper weapon
against them, but still struggles. To show you what he's talking about, he asks you to
follow him.

During your journey with the Inquisitor, you'll learn of the Titans, their magic, the Ocular
he wears and other things to fill up the background details. Once you arrive at the massive
door (#5) the quest ends with 50 experience.

You'll start the second chapter of the game soon, after Mendoza gives you a teleport stone
and tells you about the crystal disks. Congratulations on beating the chapter!

1 - Master Pallas

2 - Master Ignatius

3 - Karlsen

4 - Mendoza

5 - Massive door

Chapter 2 (Faranga island)

Meta Quests


section contains the quests that span the whole second chapter in a way that other main
quests are all related to them. In this case, you'll need to find five crystal disks for the
Inquisitor if you're a member of the order, or for the Don, if you belong to the bandits.

 Find the Golden Crystal Disks

 Crystal Disks for the Inquisitor
 Assisting the Mages (M)
 Crystal Disks for the Don (D)
 Esteban's Return to Harbour Town (D)

Find the Golden Crystal Disks

Once you've acquired all five crystal disks in any order, this quest auto-completes itself for
250 experience.
Crystal Disks for the Inquisitor

As you start the second chapter, talk to Inquisitor Mendoza in front of that massive door
behind the monastery (#1). You'll learn about the crystal disks that may be the key to
opening the door.

You'll also learn that some of the disks may be in possession of Don Esteban (#2) and he
therefore sends you on a task to negotiate and agree to give him all the gold from his
temple excavations in return for the disks. There are more disks to be found throughout
the island.

After acquiring all the disks, talk to Inquisitor again. Tell him about Saurians (the
lizardmen race) and then give him the disks for 1000 experience. Before opening the door,
he'll want you to persuade the mages to help him as well since they are too worried about
protecting the holy flame.

Once that's taken care of, talk to Inquisitor and he'll open the gate. A dozen lizardmen will
appear and a large fight will ensue. Afterwards, the chapter 3 begins once you talk to
Mendoza once more.

Assisting the Mages

This mini-quest is received from Inquisitor Mendoza after you give him all the crystal disks
only if you're a mage. Find Ignatius in front of the main hall (where he usually stands) and
tell him about the situation. He'll give you a powerful protective amulet and bless you as
you go back to Inquisitor. The quest ends with 50 experience.

Crystal Disks for the Don

In case you're a member of the bandits, once you come back to Don (#2) for the first
time after talking to Inquisitor (#1), he'll suggest bringing all the disks to him instead.
Doing this will allow Don to take over the city again (the quest Esteban's Return to
Harbour Town). You'll also receive 300 experience. You'll also be able to acquire new
armor for 2000 coins.

Esteban's Return to Harbour Town

After giving all the disks to the Don (#2) (or the other four which aren't in his possession
to the Inquisitor), he'll trade the disks (or only the last one) only if the Inquisitor gives him
control over the city.

Since the Inquisitor (#1) doesn't really have a choice as he needs the disks, he'll agree to
it. Talk to Carlos (#3) in Chapter 3 in town as well and tell him to leave the city. The next
time you want to talk to Don Esteban, he'll be in his old house in harbour town. This quest
gives you 500 experience. You can also buy a new armor for 5000 coins.

1 - Inquisitor Mendoza

2 - Don Esteban

3 - Commandant Carlos
Other Quests


This page lists the quests that can be completed in chapter 2 and latter chapters. They are
mostly class quests for the Order and Mages, except for the first quest on the page.

 Lizard Swords
 The Magic Bullet (O)
 The Frost Crystal (O)
 The First Seal of Rune Magic (M)
 The Second Seal of Rune Magic (M)
 The Third Seal of Rune Magic (M)
 The Fourth Seal of Rune Magic (M)

Lizard Swords

Since this is the first chapter that you'll encounter lizardmen, you're bound to find the
lizard swords on them. In order to identify their material and origin, talk to Walter (#4) in
the harbour city.

He'll inspect the item and notice that besides the obsidian which is just too brittle, there's
a gold lining in between.
That alloy of obsidian and gold can be used to make useful sword blanks. These are some
of the most powerful crafted swords in the game. You'll also gain 100 experience as you
complete the quest.

The Magic Bullet

Once you talk to Master Vitus (#1), he'll be able to instruct you in bullet magic if you've
already found a magic crystal. Magic crystal can be found in two places: either during The
Test of Master Ignatius or during one of the quests for the crystal disks involving Cyrus
and Eldric.

After show it to Vitus, he'll be able to teach you the bullet magic and you'll receive 50
experience, concluding this quest.

The Frost Crystal

The frost crystal is obtained from Master Pallas (#2). Talking to him will reveal that he
wants 1000 gold coins for the crystal. However, you can chip it in for 500 gold coins, by
giving him a bog body heart (bog bodies are those creatures coming from the swamp and
can be found all over the island) and a small sapphire (one of those can be found during
the quest Thieving Gnomes.

Each one of those items reduces the price by 250 gold coins. Therefore in the end, you'll
only have to pay 500 gold coins and Pallas will give you the crystal and instruct you in
frost magic. You'll also receive 100 experience.

The First Seal of Rune Magic

The seals' quests are received from Ignatius, as he's the mage who teaches you the seals.
Talk to him (#3) and he'll teach you the first seal if you have 50 wisdom. Learning seals
will allow you to use spells inscribed on runes. You'll earn 100 experience for completing
the quest.

There are several spells for the first seal of rune magic and those are Light Magic Healing,
Light, Create Illusion, Telekinesis, Nautilus Transformation and Tell Joke. Destroy Magic
Barrier is also a spell of the first seal but its rune is found later in the game.
The Second Seal of Rune Magic

The second seal is learnt from Master Ignatius once you reach 100 wisdom. During the
process you'll also learn 200 experience. Learning the second seal of rune magic allows
the use of more complex spells.

The spells of the second seal are Levitation, Berserker, Magic Protection and Medium Magic
Healing. Destroy Magic Force Field is also part of the second seal but it's unlocked much
later in the game.

The Third Seal of Rune Magic

Once you've achieved 150 wisdom, talk to Ignatius again to learn the third seal of rune
magic. While also gaining 300 experience, you'll gain power to wield the runes of the third

Among the most useful is Open Locks, which enables you to open any locked chest or door
which isn't unlocked by a very specific key (obtained from the main story line). The other
spells are Strong Magic Healing and Speed, which greatly increases your movement speed.

The Fourth Seal of Rune Magic

After getting 200 wisdom (which is the maximum you can acquire), the fourth seal
becomes available from Ignatius. There are only two spells in this seal, and those are
Transform into an Ashbeast (which is found at a secret spot much later in the game) and
Inferno which can be bought from Cyrus in Chapter 4.

1 - Master Vitus

2 - Master Pallas

3 - Master Ignatius

4 - Walter
Teleport Stones


Throughout this and future chapters you'll find teleport stones which are going to reduce
the travel time spent. Note that that you can get the ones in chapter 2 in latter chapters
as well. There are fourteen teleport stones in total. This quest isn't really started by
anyone, but it appears in your quest log as soon as Mendoza (#1) give you the first stone.
Obtaining them all gives 300 experience and the achievement The Traveler. The stones
are located all around the island:

 #1 - Volcano Keep - Given by Inquisitor Mendoza at the very beginning of Chapter

 #2 - Harbour City - Given by Belshwur in Chapter 2
 #3 - Northeastern Temple - Looted from a (lizard) priest in Chapter 2
 #4 - Bandit's Camp - Given by Fincher in Chapter 2
 #5 - Southern Ruins - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #6 - Southeastern Coast - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #7 - Eastern Temple - Looted from a lizard priest in Chapter 2
 #8 - Western Ruins - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #9 - Northern Temple - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #10 - East Coast - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #11 - Southwestern Ruins - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #12 - Plains Temple - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2
 #13 - Eastern Volcano Caves - Looted from a lizardman in Chapter 2 (inside the
cave system)
 #14 - Western Volcano Caves - Looted from a lizard priest in Chapter 4 (inside the
lower temple)
The Crystal Disks: Cyrus is Late


One of the quests for the crystal disks has you following Cyrus in order to find the druid
who can heal the broken disk from the first chapter.

 Cyrus is Late
 Searching the Druid's Hut
 No Sign of Eldric
 Get the Damaged Disk from Cyrus
 Follow Eldric to His Hut
 The Broken Disk
 Eldric Needs a Magic Crystal
Cyrus is Late

This quest is received from Inquisitor Mendoza (#1) once you talk to him about the crystal
disks. He'll say that the broken disk they recovered earlier from the excavation sites
(during chapter I) needed to be repaired by the druids. Cyrus was the one to handle the
issue, but he's been missing.

Your task is therefore to find Cyrus. He's located over at the druid's hut at #2. To reach
him, you'll need to cross a tunnel a bit to the south. Talk to him and you'll finish the quest
with 250 experience. Cyrus was hoping that Eldric would show up anytime soon, but he
had no luck so far. He'll suggesting searching the hut for clues.

Searching the Druid's Hut

Having talked to Cyrus (#2) about the druid Eldric, search the hut to find a sleeve. Pick up
the green patch of cloth and you'll receive 150 experience.

Talking to Cyrus gives you 50 additional experience, along with information that he's seen
another hut a bit to the south. Since he plans to stay at the hut in case the druid shows
up, he sends you to that direction.

No Sign of Eldric

Since Eldric isn't really planning on returning soon, your only option is to check out the hut
to the south that Cyrus (#2) told you about. Head over to #3 where you'll meet Jasmin
and her pet Rufo. Tell her about Eldric who's missing and she'll offer to help you if you buy
a pack of her skins. You'll have to pay 200 gold for that and then she'll lend you Rufo who
can track down the druid for you.

To get Rufo to trust you, you'll need to give him a piece of raw meat. In case you don't
have one, Jasmin can sell you some. Afterwards, just show him the sleeve and follow him.
While you're following Rufo, you'll come across Cyrus again. Talk to him and ask him to
join you. He'll come in handy once you have to fight.

Every once in a while, you'll have to hold out sleeve to Rufo, and at the end you'll reach
the temple entrance (#4). In order to pass that red barrier, consult Cyrus. He'll give you
some scrolls which you can use to remove the obstacle. Upon entering you'll encounter a
few lizardmen. After dispatching them, head to the right to find a region map of the place
(#5) as it's going to be useful.

After you're done exploring the corridors, move to the main área of the temple. There's an
Inferno scroll at #6, guarded by a lizard priest. He shoots rather powerful fireballs, so try
not to get hit. To cross the chasm, use Levitation spell. The room at #7 contains a
watchman - a warden who has the key to the cells in the same room. Defeat him, loot the
key and then explore the cells. The ones on the lower floor aren't particularly interesting,
but one on the upper floor has a crystal used in smithing and an ogre captive named Grok

Once you free him, ask him about the whereabouts of Eldric and he'll talk about a ring
which you can pull to reach him. You'll also gain the Ogre Friend achievement. Next thing
would be to move to the place Grok described, which is the room behind #9. First thing
though, will be to use the winch located near #9 to open that door. Afterwards, look for
the metal ring at #10 to open up a secret passage.

Eldric is located at #11. Before reaching him, you'll fight a priest who drops a teleport
stone, along with a nice amulet and a few scrolls. As soon as you talk to Eldric, you'll
receive 500 experience, which ends this quest.

Get the Damaged Disk from Cyrus

After talking to Eldric (#11) and mentioning the disc, talk to Cyrus who should be near
you (as your companion) and ask him about the disc. He'll be unpleasantly surprised that
Eldric doesn't want him during the ritual, so he hands over the disc to you because he
knows that the Inquisitor would be angry if he didn't get it repaired in any way.

Anyway, you'll receive 200 experience for this. Next step is to talk to Eldric again.

Follow Eldric to His Hut

After obtaining the disc for Cyrus, Eldric (#11) will suggest moving over to his hut in order
to prepare for the cleansing ritual. Just follow Eldric until you reach his hut again
(#2). Once you arrive at the hut, you'll get 100 experience. Talk to Eldric again to prepare
the ritual.

The Broken Disk

After saving Eldric from the lizardmens' temple, talk to him about the damaged disk. He'll
say that he can attempt to heal it, but he needs an active magic crystal for that. At first
he'll hint that the monastery has those, but he'll also say that there's one in his chest.

Once you give him the crystal, he'll warn you to inform him about the mysteries of the
volcano temple that you and Inquisitor are trying to open. There could be many secrets
inside which should be carefully handled. This gives another quest Report to the Druid
about the Temple, which can be completed in chapter 3.

Once ready, talk to him about charging the crystal again. Eldric will lead you to a small
shrine located at #12. Talk to him again to initiate and complete the ritual. The quest then
completes with 250 experience and a disk in your hands. Before leaving, Eldric warns you
one more time about the Inquisitor and the whole plan of his.

Eldric Needs a Magic Crystal

To continue with the ritual, you'll need a magic crystal which you can find in Eldric's hut
(#2). Once he gives you the key, just loot it from the chest and get back to him. This
mini-quest ends with 200 experience.

You might also wish to take that recipe for permanent mana increase potions right below
the broken table to the right of the chest.

1 - Inquisitor Mendoza

2 - Cyrus, Eldric

3 - Jasmin, Rufo

4 - Northeastern temple entrance

5 - Map of the temple

6 - Inferno scroll

7 - Watchman

8 - Grok

9 - Winch and the gate

10 - Metal ring
11 - Eldric

12 - Druidic Shrine

The Crystal Disks: Where is the Golden Delivery?


Another crystal disk is found in possession of an Ogre proclaimed to be the king of

gnomes, Gyrger.

 Where is the Golden Delivery?

 Uprising of the Gnomes
 The Stolen Crystal Disk
 The Legend of the Gyrger

Where is the Golden Delivery?

Another quest initiated by Mendoza (#1) sends you to Severin in order to obtain one of
the disks. Due to the amounts of artifacts they've dug out, there's a high chance one of
the disks is among them.

Severin (#2) on the other hand isn't too happy to die at the hands of gnomes. The
moment you speak to him, the farm will get attacked by a bunch of gnomes, which starts
the quest Uprising of the Gnomes. After killing them, you'll get 200 gold and 100
experience from Severin.

Once you mention the crystal disk, Severin will get upset, as he didn't have enough people
to defend it. The quest ends with 250 experience, starting a new one called The Stolen
Crystal Disk.

Uprising of the Gnomes

While speaking to Severin about the situation on the farm (#2), he'll say that the gnomes
are becoming a major nuisance. At that moment a pack of 10 gnomes are going to attack.

Fend off the attackers and once they're all down, you'll receive 400 experience. With all
the help from the farmers and recruits it shouldn't be too difficult.

The Stolen Crystal Disk

Once Severin (#2) tells you that the crystal disk is stolen, you'll have to recover it from
the gnome king known as Gyrger. The Mythical creature is located at #4 in the depths of
the dungeon. To reach that place, you'll have to cross the tunnel and then the wooden
rope bridge. You could also hire Henrik (#3) to help you out. This also starts the
quest, The Legend of the Gyrger.

Enlist him to go with you and then continue over the bridge. Be prepared as there will be a
lot of various tough creatures and even more gnomes to fight. On your right up the ramp
there's an ashbeast. That's arguably the toughest creature in the game without counting in
lizardmen. On the way to the Gyrger's lair (#4), you'll see a lot of black wolves as well.

Once you arrive at the ruins, search for a big gothic opening (with a sharp arc at the top)
and not the stairway that goes underground (that's for another quest, The Cursed Lords).
Eventually, you'll reach a room with a lot of pillars as you explore the dungeon. The
Gyrger will be there. It's a green-skined ogre and a king of gnomes.

Loot him for the disk to complete the quest and earn 400 experience. You may wish to
explore the área bit more as there are a few useful items to be found (an open lock scroll
for example on one of the shelves). Talk to Severin (#2) in the end to receive 150
experience and 500 gold pieces.

The Legend of the Gyrger

Talking to Henrik (#3) initiates this quest. He'll talk about the myth behind the gnome
leader, Gyrger. All the leads that he's gathered point at the dungeon located on the
otherside of the rope bridge.

Once you find the Gyrger (#4), you'll get 1000 experience for slaying him and this quest
is completed. Talk to Henrik and he'll give you his horn bow, thirty arrows and 150

1 - Inquisitor Mendoza

2 - Severin

3 - Henrik

4 - Gyrger's lair
The Crystal Disks: Don Esteban


After speaking to Mendoza (#1) about the crystal disks right after chapter 2 begins, he'll
mention that Don Esteban's men have most likely found one of the disks already, with the
amount of temples they're plundering.

In order to obtain his disk, Mendoza offers Don all the gold he and his men can dig out in
return. Visit Esteban in his residence (#2) and propose this to him. He'll reluctantly agree,
but will still be curious as to why does Mendoza need the disks. You can tell him about the
massive temple under a volcano in the middle of the island.

If you're a member of the Don's gang, you'll need to collect the disks for him instead, so
once it's time to hand over all the disks to the Inquisitor, Don will do so only if the Order
hands over the whole city to him.

1 - Inquisitor Mendoza

2 - Don Esteban
The Crystal Disks: The Mystery of the Eastern Temple


After hiring the treasure seeking triplet for the eastern temple, their plan is finally set in
motion. At the end of this adventure, another crystal disk will be in your hands.

 The Mystery of the Eastern Temple

 Find Danilo the Fighter
 Find an Exit to the Eastern Temple
 Lost in the Eastern Temple
 Tell Fincher about Debacle at the Eastern Temple

The Mystery of the Eastern Temple

During your visit to the bandit camp (#1), talk to Fincher about the eastern temple and
the crystal disks. He'll send you to the place and mark it on your map. You're supposed to
find Danilo, the man in charge of the excavations there, put manually by Fincher.

The temple is located at #2. To reach it, head to towards the large swamp and then turn
right. You'll see a faint pathway obscured by large amount of flora. Just go through that
grove and a campfire will be in front of the entrance. Right after entering the place, you'll
meet Maliko (#3).

He'll say that the whole operation is a disaster. Even though the temple might be rich with
treasures, the dangerous environment is just not worth it. After learning that there are six
fighters and three treasure hunters in total, you'll get a quest to search for Danilo and find
out what's happened. Maliko will just stay at the entrance, doing nothing (or guarding as
he says).

Explore the place freely. There's an obisidan deposit nearby. Also, there's a trapdoor right
in the middle of the room, and as Maliko said, Dirk (#4) has fallen right into it. You can do
the same and talk to Dirk (#4) to receive the quest Find an Exit to the Eastern

After leading Dirk out of the área, head right this time, avoiding the trapdoor. You'll meet
Adan and Dytar (#6). Adam won't have a lot to say, except that he thinks the mission is a
disaster as well and that Danilo is most likely dead somewhere. Dytar has a bit more to
say, particularly about the strange architecture of the place and that Olf's disappeared
with the rest of the fighters. This starts the quest Lost in the Eastern Temple, which
covers the search for Olf.

After finding Olf at #9, get back to the main room at #6. Place the busts you've collected
onto the altars (#10). After using up all three busts, make sure not to run straight into
the deadly trap. Instead, using the nautilus scroll you've found in the previous room to
cross the small opening at #11.

Explore the sarcophagi and then continue through the passage at #12 further
underground. The next áreas of the temple are totally uncharted, so just follow the only
way possible, because they are fairly linear. At #13 you'll find the while which leads to the
lizardmen temple complex. Just proceed, looting everything in the process.

You'll finally meet a lizardmen priest at #14, after wading through a lot of skeletons. Loot
him to receive a teleport stone, crystal disk and the ending of the quest for 500
experience. Make sure to explore the rest of the ruins, and once you're ready head out the
way you came from.

At the entrance, Maliko (#3) will tell you to tell Fincher about the disaster expedition. This
is the last quest on this page. The other boys will be outside by the campfire. Talk to them
and you'll receive a pearl necklace, around 350 gold and 50 experience. There's only one
thing left, to talk to Fincher.
Find Danilo the Fighter

This quest is received from Maliko (#3) who's standing at the temple entrance. He'll say
that the whole operation is a disaster and that Danilo is probably dead.

During your exploration of the temple, you'll eventually find Danilo at #7. He's lying dead,
having most likely died to the ghouls. Loot him for the region map of the temple and
another 350 experience. Talk to Maliko (#3) and Adan (#6) to receive 50 experience from
each one of them.

Find an Exit to the Eastern Temple

After speaking to Dirk (#4), he''ll be anxious to leave the place he's in. Apparently, some
noises he's hearing nearby are unsettling for him. Head over to the end of the corridor and
climb up to reach the lonely ghoul. Once he's down, explore the new área. There's a chest
with a nautilus scroll, and a stone plate (it gives wisdom when read). Head to the área
with a torch to find a lever which opens the nearby door.

Follow that path and you'll reach a winch and a massive gate (#5). Use the winch and the
gate will be opened. This way the quest is over with 300 experience, and you can go back
and tell Dirk about the entrance. You'll receive and old bust and 100 experience. Keep the
bust for the other quest. Head back through the main temple entrance (#2) to continue
with the other quests.

Lost in the Eastern Temple

After speaking to Dytar (#6), head through the cave to the left. Explore the sarcophagi for
a nice two-handed sword called Demon blade. Sadly enough, after defeating two ghouls in
the next room, you'll stumble upon Danilo's corpse. Loot him to find the map of the place,
which will make navigation a bit easier. Also check the sarcophagus at #8 for another old
bust. After defeating another ghoul, you'll finally find Olf at #9. There's a lever nearby
that you'll have to use to open the gate. Upon talking to Olf, you'll be granted 300
experience, completing the quest. After a bit of persuasion, Olf will give you his old bust as
well. Talk to Dytar and you'll receive 100 experience.

Tell Fincher about Debacle at the Eastern Temple

After fully exploring the eastern temple, you'll receive the quest from Maliko (#3). Since
someone has to tell Fincher what had happened, he doesn't want to do it as it would be his
ticket out of the bandit's camp. Therefore, the burden has fallen onto you.

Talk to Fincher (#1) and you'll earn 400 experience. Once you tell him what had happened
to Danilo, you'll earn additional 300 gold and 150 experience. The quest ends here.

1 - Fincher

2 - Temple entrance

3 - Maliko

4 - Dirk

5 - Back entrance

6 - Adan & Dytar

7 - Danilo

8 - Old bust

9 - Olf

10 - Pedestals

11 - Nautilus hole

12 - Passage to the underground

13 - Hole to the lizardmen complex

14 - Lizard priest
The Crystal Disks: Off to the West Coast


shown Patty the way out of the city in the first chapter, she'll be off to find her father's
treasure. While on her adventure though, Romanov will get in between and you'll have to
help her. In the end, you'll find another crystal disk.

 Off to the West Coast

 Patty in Trouble
 Steelbeard's Next Clue
 The Legacy of the Great Pirate
 Nameless Graves
 Follow Eronga to Romanov
 Find Steelbeard's Big Treasure
 Steelbeard's Nautical Map

Patty in Trouble

This quest is started from Balturo (#1). Once you talk to him, you'll learn that he's a
member of Romanov's crew and that they require of you to help Patty. This way they plan
to grab ahold of something important that she might know.

Just go to Patty at #2 on the beach, and ask her about Balturo. This will end the quest for
250 experience. Talk to her again to continue with the chain (the quest Off to the West

Off to the West Coast

Getting to Patty can be done in several ways. You either need to hear about it from
Balturo (#1) in the bandit camp near Fincher (which will also start the quest Patty in
Trouble) or you can just go and visit her yourself on the beach at #2. Either way, Patty
will tell you about the real treasure that Steelbeard left on the island. Once you're ready
talk to her and she'll lead you to the clue she's been given by the letter.

After a long walk, you'll reach the spot at #3. After talking to Patty, you'll earn 300
experience. You'll receive a key from Patty, which you should keep safe as she says and
check out the graves.

Steelbeard's Next Clue

Looking at the graves around the spot at #3, you'll find one named "nameless scoundrel".
Dig the soil in front of it with a shovel, and you'll uncover a chest which can be opened
with the key Patty gave you. Inside you'll find Steelbeard's casket.

Give the casket to Patty and she'll bless you and your shovel. Apparently, it contains the
next clue for the great Steelbeard's treasure. You're also awarded 200 experience.

The Legacy of the Great Pirate

After finding the clue at the grave (#3), Patty will tell you about the buried treasures of
her father. Talk to her some more to get the needed information about the nameless
graves which hide further clues.
After getting all the letters from nameless graves, get back to where Patty was. Saddly
enough, she's been kidnapped, and all you'll find there is a man named Eronga.

He'll make threatening remarks and force you into following him to the west coast
(quest Follow Eronga to Romanov).

After following him to the western ruins (#5). You'll still have to walk a bit more, up to the
northern ruins at #6. Once you meet Romanov, there are technically three ways the case
can be solved. Either forget about Patty and split it fifty-fifty, do what he says in exchange
for Patty, or just kill him, loot him and his men and get both the treasure and Patty. The
last option is definitely recommended.

Either way you choose, you'll have to go to that cave near Romanov. To save yourself
some reloading time, don't touch the chest as it will kill you like that Pigan dude. Instead,
take a turn right and clear the monsters on the way. There will be several named graves
this time. If you've read the letters found in the nameless graves, you'll notice that
Dillinger is the only one not mentioned in those. Dig that one up as others are lethal.

Inside that one you'll find over 1000 gold worth of items and gold, the crystal disk and
Steelbeard's nautical map. Onec you get out, depending on how you dealt with the
situation, you can either give up the map for Patty's cell key, just head straight to Patty
because you killed all the pirates or split it fifty-fifty with Romanov.

Once you've handled the situation, get his cell key and look for Patty at #5. She's locked
up in a cellar near one of the undead lords (who might already be dead if you did that
quest already, The Cursed Lords for Leon). However, don't go into that dungeon, head
towards the tower and then turn left. You'll see a wooden door. Talk to Patty and you'll get
400 experience for saving her and another 500 for bringing her the map. If you didn't
bring her the map, you'll get the quest Steelbeard's Nautical Map.

Nameless Graves

This quest deals with the nameless graves and chests that you couldn't open in the first
chapter. Since you have Patty's key now, they can be opened. All of the graves for the
quest are marked by #4 and can be done in any order.

As you head towards #4a, you'll meet Vasili, who'll try to follow you, but you can confront
him about it. If you're in cahoots with Romanov, you might even enlist his help, though it's
not necessary. Inside that dug out chest you'll find 400 gold coins and one of Steelbeard's

Getting to #4b is a little tricky. Approach it from the north-eastern side by the lake and
then either have acrobatics skill (learned or with the help of magic items) or levitation to
drop down onto the plateau. You'll find a nameless grave there, along with the hero's
crown herb and a crystal ball of levitation.

The nameless grave at #4c contains a permanent dexterity increase potion, 150 coins and
another letter. It's located right behind Leon's house.

Next grave is located at the southern end of the island at #4d. On your way there, you'll
meet Erikson, the guy from the brothel in harbour town. He'll say something along the
lines of making sure you do the business as proceeded as Romanov is overseeing
everything. There's nothing much you can do about it.

After looting the last one at #4e, you'll get 1000 experience. Head back to #3 for a nasty

Follow Eronga to Romanov

This mini-quest starts after you meet Eronga (#3) where Patty was after you collect all
the information from nameless graves.

He'll drop you off at the western ruins and you'll get 200 experience once the quest ends.
His last warning is that Romanov is not the man to tangle with easily.

Find Steelbeard's Big Treasure

This mini-quest is triggered once you dig out Dillinger's chest (#6) and loot it with the
master key Patty gave you. You'll get 1000 experience, along with 900 gold, a pearl
necklace, a bottle of rum, the crystal disk and Steelbeard's nautical map.

Steelbeard's Nautical Map

This quest either auto-completes itself once you hand over the map to Patty or, if you
gave it to Romanov, you'll have to get it back.

Romanov and his crew are found at the western entrance to the city (#2) near the
campfire. Just talk to him and after a short conversation they'll attack. Once you've dealt
with them and returned the map to Patty, the quest is over with 250 experience.
1 - Balturo

2 - Patty

3 - Patty's clue

4 - Nameless graves

5 - Western ruins, Patty

6 - Romanov & the treasure cave

Chapter 3 (Faranga island)

Chapter 3 Volcano Keep Quests


After you tell Inquisitor that the mages won't cooperate, he'll open the gate himself and
find out what's going on inside the volcano temple by himself with a handful of warriors of
the Order. Talking to him again initiates Chapter 3, but before doing that, head to the
monastery to see it being overrun with the lizardmen.

 Secure the Volcano Keep

 Orders for the Mages
 The Lizard Warrior
 Drive Out the Intruders
 The Supplies from the Library
 Sirius has Problems with Abrax

Secure the Volcano Keep

Head towards Master Ignatius (#1) as you clear out any hostilities. He'll tell you that
Mendoza's plan to open the gate worked, but in doing so he endangered the whole
monastery and the holy flame. You'll receive another quest, Orders for the Mages.

After completing all the other quests on this page, you'll receive 1000 experience from
Ignatius, with the quest complete. Also, the achievement Defender will be awarded.

Orders for the Mages

After speaking to Ignatius at #1, he'll want you to gather all the mages to the Hall of
Flames in order to protect themselves easier. Head out towards the other áreas of the
monastery and search for them.

Cyrus is found in his usual residence at #2. If you took the key from the bookstand you
can also search the treasury below to find a lizardman called Slasher. Just kill him he isn't
tougher than the other scouts and ordinary ones.

Illumar is in his hall of scribes at #3. He'll point out the ongoing lizardmen raid, but will
agree to go to the Hall of Flames.

Master Vitus (#4) will be busy fighting along with Karlsen and William. Talk to him and
you'll receive a quest called The Lizard Warrior. He'll then head to the Hall with the

Unfortunately, Pallas will be lying dead at his post at #6. Loot him for his items which
you'll later return to Ignatius.

Abrax is near the back entrance of the library at #7. After speaking you him, you'll get
two next quests, Drive Out the Intruders and The Supplies from the Library. Tell him
to go to the Hall of Flame, to which he'll agree if you promise him to save the knowledge
from the library.

After rallying all the mages, talk to Ignatius again. You'll receive 750 experience.
Additionally, you should give him Pallas' book so that he can train you in Frost magic.
There's another 50 experience.
The Lizard Warrior

This one is received from Master Vitus (#4) during the lizardmen siege. Vitus has told you
that there's a very powerful lizardman issuing orders to others from the cemetery.

Inside the crypt at #5 you'll meet a steadfast lizard warrior. Bash his skull and the quest
will be over with 400 experience. Report that to Vitus (who's around Ignatius at #1) to
gain 100 more experience.

Drive Out the Intruders

The quest is received from Master Abrax (#7). You're to go to the library from its secret
entrance (#8) and clear it out from the lizardmen.

All the lizardmen intruders are marked by #9. Some of them are alone, while there are a
few groups as well. In total, there's ten of them. Once you've killed them all, you'll receive
500 experience. Report to Abrax in the Hall of Flames (#11) gives 50 additional

The Supplies from the Library

Once you've talked to Master Abrax (#7), he'll send you on a mission to save the
knowledge from the library. To enter the library, clear your way to the broken door at #8.

While killing the lizardmen for the other quest, you'll gradually find all the supplies. In the
end, after searching all the lizardmen bodies, you should have Abrax' notes and three
packages of alchemical supplies.

If you continue to #10, you'll meet Sirius (for some reason if you're playing as a bandit,
you won't see him here). After finding out that Abrax is totally ignoring him as his student,
you can give the notes and supplies you found to him so that he can finally get Abrax'
attention. After they aren't in your possession anymore, you'll get 500 experience. Telling
Abrax the good news gives 50 additional experience.
Sirius has Problems with Abrax

After talking to Sirius at #10, you'll learn that his master has been ignoring him. To try
and grab his attention, he needs to do something that will impress Abrax.

You can opt to give him the notes and alchemy supplies you found earlier from the
lizardmen. Either charge him for 200 coins or just give them away. You'll receive 500
experience after completing the quest.

1 - Master Ignatius

2 - Master Cyrus

3 - Master Illumar

4 - Master Vitus

5 - Steadfast Lizard Warrior

6 - Master Pallas

7 - Master Abrax

8 - Secret library entrance

9 - Lizard intruders

10 - Sirius

11 - The Hall of Flames

Chapter 3 Harbour Town Quests


Quests on this page can only be completed if you're a member of the Order, because only
then will the city still be in control by Carlos, as the quests are received from him. Note
that mages and bandits can defeat the lizard leaders as well and get the completion
experience, but they won't be able to report it to Carlos.

 The Lizard Leader Outside Harbour Town

 The Lizard Leader Behind Harbour Town
 Spying Scouts
 Leader of the Lizard Warriors
The Lizard Leader Outside Harbour Town

This lizard Leader is located at #4. If you're a member of the Order, talk to Carlos (#1)
and then Magnus (#2) about the impending lizard attacks.

Once ready, start heading towards the área, while dealing with the other lizards on the
way. Cautiously defeat the elite warriors and the leader himself and you'll receive 500
experience upon quest's completion.

The Lizard Leader Behind Harbour Town

After taking the quest from Carlos (#1), visit Leto on the eastern side of city (#3). Talk to
him about the lizards outside the town.

There are several groups of these around. Carefully engage each one of them because
they hit quite hard. The leader himself is located at #5. He's a bit tougher than the rest,
but once he goes down the quest will be completed for 500 experience.

Spying Scouts

This mini-quest is received from Magnus (#2). Apparently, the lizardmen sent a scouting
unit somewhere near the town walls, but they haven't been spotted yet.

Head to the área where the secret entrance is from the beach (#6). Upon defeating all
three of them, you'll receive 300 experience. Report that to Magnus.

Leader of the Lizard Warriors

While killing the other lizard leaders, you may have noticed a counter that said 1/4 or 2/4
lizard leaders killed. That means that there are two more lizardmen leaders on the island.

The third lizardmen leader is found above Severin's farm, at the Plains Temple (#7). He
has two elite warriors with him. The fourth leader is over on the west coast at #8 with the
same entourage as the previous one.
After defeating them, you'll gain 500 experience. Report this to Carlos (#1) for additional
150 experience and 100 gold.

1 - Carlos

2 - Magnus

3 - Leto

4 - Lizardmen Leader

5 - Lizardmen Leader

6 - Spying lizard scouts

7 - Lizardmen Leader

8 - Lizardmen Leader
Volcano Temple Quests


Once you've given the crystal disks to the Inquisitor, he'll open the massive gate leading
the volcano. Another conversation with him marks the beginning of Chapter 3. Note that
before continuing to here, you'll need to get some levitation, telekinesis and nautilus
transformation spell runes or spell scrolls. Also, the volcano área is uncharted, but it's
fairly straightfoward so you shouldn't have trouble navigating around.

 The Gate to the Volcano

 Open the Great Gate
 The Tunnel
 Open the Large Drawbridge
 The Search for the Map
 Lizard Invasion
 The Opening to the Crypt
 The Crypt has been reached
 Free the Ghost of Ursegor
 The Titan Trap
 Report the Druid about the Temple

The Gate to the Volcano

This mini-quest will auto-complete itself once the gate's opened. You'll receive 500
experience and a dozen of lizardmen warriors will pour out from the door. With the help of
all the Warriors of the Order and the Inquisitor, they won't really be hard to defeat.

Once ready, talk to the Inquisitor and follow him into the opened passage. After fighting a
group of lizardmen and a beast named brontok, you'll be stuck in front of another big,
albeit different gate. Talk to the Inquisitor to receive a quest called Open the Great Gate.

Open the Great Gate

Having taken the quest from the Inquisitor, there are two ways you can go, either left
(south) or right (north). For now, do as Mendoza said and take a turn right, past Rufus
and Kato.

After defeating a pair of war crickets, you'll come across some rocks you can jump onto.
The appearance of nautili will hint at using the transformation nearby at a mouse hole. Do
so and continue exploring until you find an área with a broken wall and two ghouls.

As soon as those two are dead, head left through the door and defeat another pair of
ghouls. At the end, you'll see a mud hill and broken ceiling. Climb on top of those to reach
the floor above.

Be careful not to fall into the trapdoor to the floor below. Just jump over it and prepare to
fight two lizardmen. There will be another trap ahead (this time the spikey one) which
you'll have to jump through. In the next room, there's a floor trap and two brontoks will
be waiting below.

The only way to go seems to be up the stairs. Two more lizardmen warriors await there.
You'll also find a stone plate on the sarcophagus and a winch in the same room. Use it and
then jump into the cave below to return back to the Inquisitor. Tell him about the winch.
This time he'll send you south (left) where he sent Rufus. Simply continue that way and
you'll fight a few ghouls.

After killing a scorpion, search for a passage that leads upwards on the left. There will be a
few more ghouls and you'll soon find yourself on a level equal to the temple opposite of
your side which has three lizards on it. Defeat them with magic/ranged weapons and use
levitation to cross the gap. Sadly, enough Rufus is dead. You can loot the corpse for some
minor items.

There are two doors in that room. The one closer on the right has a Watchman lizardman
in it who has an old bust in his inventory. Keep this item for later and use the lever in the
same room. The lever disables a fire trap encountered later on. Now head through the
other door.

After crossing the initial (disabled) trap, there will be a few more up ahead. Turn right and
break down the thin stone wall with your pickaxe (just left-click the wall). Another
lizardman is there with a lever that disables the next trap.

There's another lizard warrior and a watchman in the next room. Loot the bust from the
latter and continue forward. Place the two busts you found onto the altars. The grate will
be opened and finally, you'll reach another winch. This time the great gate will be opened.

Return to the Inquisitor by jumping through the openings. Tell him about Rufus (50
experience) and that the gate is opened. This ends the quest and give you 1000

Inquisitor will also tell you to look at the inscribed column he's been inspecting. You'll need
to read five of those to complete another quest - Report to the Druid about the
Temple (received in chapter 2 from Eldric once he repaired a crystal disk for you).

After reading the first column, talk to the Inquisitor to receive the next quest, The

The Tunnel

After opening the grand gate and talking to the Inquisitor about it, continue further inside.
Since it's suspected by you and Mendoza that there might be a trap ahead, carefully
continue until the walls with while stripes on them. Then use the telekinesis spell on the
lever in the distance.

This completes the quest with 500 experience. Mendoza will then continue with his
warriors onward. After you pass the trap, there's another inscribed column on your left.
After defeating the lizardmen, you may wish to explore the rooms around. There's only
one stone plate (+4 wisdom) to be found around and another inscribed column will be by
the drawbridge. Talk to Mendoza to receive the next quest.

Open the Large Drawbridge

After disabling the big trap, you'll soon come across a drawbridge. Talk to the Inquisitor
and he'll suggest that it can only be opened from the inside. Head to the right a bit, until
you reach another smaller drawbridge. Use telekinesis to pull the winch.

As you cross that one, to your great surprise, you'll find another human being there,
Brent. If you ask him about the temple, Jorgensen and a map of the place, you'll receive
the quest The Search for the Map. It is highly recommended that you do this quest now,
as you'll get a map of the place, which makes navigating a bit easier.

If you feel like exploring a bit further, immediately behind Brent (past the torches) is a
large passage that leads into a complex filled with Saurians and their buildings. Explore all
of them and you'll find large amount of scrolls, a permanent life increase potion and
several other goodies including a few hundreds of gold as well.

After finally entering the insides of the temple (by doing the quests below) and
reaching #15, you'll be able to pull down the drawbridge. This ends the quest with 1000

The Search for the Map

After talking to Brent about going deeper into the temple, he'll suggest getting a map first
off a lizardman hunting party that is roaming somewhere outside. Follow the purple-blue
mushrooms and you'll reach a swampy área. Immediately to your left you'll hear a ghoul
who guards a powerful blade called Runesword.

A bit further down you'll get to meet Jorgensen. He won't be able to tell you a whole lot
though. Simply continue past Jorgensen up the ramp. Once you reach a fork, the way to
the left has a brontok and a stone plate.

The way to the right (after going past the purple crystals) has a few lizardmen and a
watchman. Loot him for the cell key and free an ogre nearby, who'll be glad to help you
out against the lizardmen. That's the same ogre you saved earlier in chapter 2, Drok. He'll
join your party this time and he can be great help against the Saurians.

Finally, outdoors again (#1). Head towards Jasmin's hut at #3. You'll meet several groups
of Saurians on the way, but with Grok they should pose no threat. You'll also meet Eldric
at #2. He'll tell you that the lizardmen are attacking Jasmin's hut. After killing the
Saurians there, loot the leader and you'll find the map. Obtaining it nets you 750
experience. Grok will also leave your party for 100 experience and wish you luck with the

Return to the Inquisitor (#4) with the map. The best way would be to use the teleport
stone to Volcano Keep and then run through the caves. After consulting with him, you'll go
to a room at #5, defeating lizards on the way. There's another inscribed column here,
make sure to read it. It should be your fourth.

Follow the Inquisitor until you reach room at #6. He'll point out that the wall is the
thinnest in here and that you should bring Ethan (#5) to break it down.

Lizard Invasion

This mini-quest completes itself once you defeat all the lizardmen in the área around
Jasmin's hut (#3) while doing the previous quest. You'll receive 200 experience in the

The Opening to the Crypt

Once the Inquisitor identifies the weakest defense in the architecture of the temple (#6),
he'll want Ethan to break it down.

Visit Ethan who's in the room at #5 and send him to chop down the wall with the pickaxe.
The quest ends with 100 experience. Once Ethan is on his job, report to the Inquisitor to
earn 100 experience. Afterwards, he'll take you to another place. Be sure to follow him.

Once you reach #7, he'll give you a bust to place on the altar nearby, which opens the
door. Expect several lizardmen and brontoks. Another inscribed column is located in the
priest's chambers (#8). This should be your last one. After reading it, you should receive
300 experience for completing the quest at the bottom of the page, Report to the Druid
about the Temple.

The Crypt Has Been Reached

After inspecting the last inscribed column, Inquisitor (#8) will want to check up on Ethan,
to see how he's doing with the wall (#6). Head over there and you'll see that he's
managed to make an opening big enough for nautilus.

Talk to Inquisitor and he'll suggest using the transformation spell to enter the other área
and access the drawbridge winch. After crossing through the tiny hole, you'll receive 1000
experience for completing this quest.

After getting out of that initial room which has an emerald and a stone plate (#9) you'll
found yourself in a broad place with a lot of rooms. Be careful when exploring them as
you'll be attacked by lizardmen and there's a lot of them around. The
rooms #10, #11 and #12 will be blocked by grates which can be opened by placing the
correct items on the altars.

This is done a bit later, so head upstairs at #13 first. The room at #14 has a few Saurians
defending a nice amulet. The objective for the quest Open the Large Drawbridge is
located at #15. Defeat the gatekeeper and get the key that is going to be used a bit later.
Use the winch to let Mendoza and his warriors enter the inner temple.

Talking to Mendoza suggests that you reach Ursegor by going through the door at #16.

Free the Ghost of Ursegor

Using the key from the gatekeeper, open the grate at #16. You'll meet Ursegor at #17.
He'll be relieved to see a human after all the years. He's the current Titan Lord and he'll
tell you a long story about his history with the titans, gods and humanity. After a while,
he'll agree to help you reach the titan entrapped behind the golden gate if you free his
spirit. Take the lizard bust from the altar nearby. Your mission is to defeat three beings
that hold him imprisoned: Zul Utur, Zel Zerat and Zal Zaran.

They are located somewhere behind the doors at #10, #11 and #12. You can talk to
Inquisitor as well for 100 experience. He'll also head to Ursegor and talk with him himself.

Behind #10 you'll find Zul Utur at #18. He's a spellcaster, but goes down fairly easily. Be
sure to loot him for a soul-splinter, Inferno spell rune and a few other goodies. Take the
lizard bust from the altar on the way out.

The door at #11 hides the lair of Zel Zerat, an ashbeast (#19). Loot him for his soul-
splinter and head onto the last warden. Don't forget the bust.

The last one at #12 contains Zal Zaran, an undead lizard elite warrior (#20). Dispatch
him and head back to Ursegor (#17). This ends the quest with 1000 experience.

Mendoza will tell you about how he can control the titan. This starts the quest The Titan
Trap. Be sure to loot his skull from the sarcophagus nearby.

The Titan Trap

The last quest in chapter 3 starts at #17 once the ghost of Ursegor has been freed and
Mendoza learnt that he can control the titan instead of destroying it.

Head to the main room (#21). You'll need to place the skulls on the altars from the priest,
beast and the warrior you found in the previous quest. From left to right (facing the door),
correct order is skull of an undead beast, skull of an undead priest, skull of an undead
guardian and finally, Ursegor's skull.

The door will open and after a long speech, Inquisitor will enter it, closing it behind him.
He wants to take control of the Titan and sacrifice the whole island. Since that's not an
option for you, you decided to stand up against him. In return, his warriors will attack you.

Speaking to Ursegor starts Chapter 4.

Report to the Druid about the Temple

This quest is initially received in chapter 2, however it's done in chapter 3. Once you start
exploring the volcano caves and the temple, you'll come across inscribed columns which
you can read. They are about Saurians and Ursegor.

After reading all five columns (their locations are described in the previous quests), you'll
receive 300 experience. Be sure to report to Eldric (#2), who's eagerly awaiting your
news. Tell him about Inquisitor's mad plans and the titan lord legend and you'll receive
two Speed scrolls and two Ashbeast transformation scrolls.

1 - Back entrance

2 - Eldric

3 - Jasmin

4 - Inquisitor Mendoza

5 - Room with inscribed column, Ethan

6 - Ethan, nautilus hole

7 - Altar and stone door

8 - Room with inscribed column

9 - Room with emerald and stone plate

10 - Altar and grate

11 - Altar and grate

12 - Altar and grate

13 - Stairway

14 - Treasury

15 - Winch, Gatekeeper

16 - Ursegor's lock

17 - Ursegor

18 - Zul Utur

19 - Zel Zeret

20 - Zal Zaran

21 - Titan's archchamber, altars

Chapter 4 (The Titan itens)

Chapter 4 Initial Quests


After Inquisitor vanished behind the massive door in front of you and you've defeated his
guards, talk to Ursegor's ghost right behind you to prepare for the imminent end.

 Get the Rune from Ursegor's Sarcophagus

 Talk to Ignatius about the Volcano Temple
 Talk to Esteban about the Volcano Temple
 Talk to Carlos about the Volcano Temple
 Master of Magic (M)
 Becoming Inquisitor (O)
 Find a Mage Who Can Help You (D)

Get the Rune from Ursegor's Sarcophagus

As soon as you talk to Ursegor, visit his sarcophagus again and take the rune lying inside.
If you're a mage, this rune, Destroy Magic Barrier, will enable you to remove any blue
magic obstacle in your way.

After looting it, you'll receive 100 experience. Then head to Ignatius (#1) in the

Talk to Ignatius about the Volcano Temple

This unlogged quest is completed once you speak to Ignatius (#1) in the monastery. Once
you tell him about the plans that Mendoza has, about the titans and destroying
(sacrificing) the island, he'll suggest talking to Carlos (#3) and Don Esteban (#2) and see
if they can help the matter as well.

You'll get 200 experience for the initial dialog. You can report to Ignatius after you've
talked to the two, but there won't be any reward.

If you're a mage, you'll also receive a quest called Master of Magic. The mages have
decided that it's time to promote you into the ranks of the masters.

Talk to Esteban about the Volcano Temple

After talking to Ignatius (#1) about the Inquisitor's mad plan, it's time to talk to Esteban
(#2) as well.

Esteban will say that he has no knowledge of the enemies you're facing and that he
doesn't have any men to spare either. Instead, he'll just give you a potion which
permanently increases your strength by 5. You'll also receive 500 experience.

Talk to Carlos about the Volcano Temple

Talking to Carlos (#3) about Mendoza will question his loyalty to the cause. He'll admit
that the Inquisitor has changed gradually the longer he had the ocular.

With that mindset, he decides to help your cause about stopping him and gives you three
Berserker scrolls and 500 experience. If you're a warrior of the Order, he'll even promote
you to be the new Inquisitor.

Master of Magic

After talking to Ignatius (#1) about Mendoza's plans, he'll suggest promoting you if you're
a mage. Head into the Hall of Flames with him and the ritual will begin.

Upon swearing an oath, you'll receive Heavy Mage's robes and 1000 experience. The other
masters will congratulate you and each one of them will give you a small gift (a few
potions, or a few hundred coins).

Becoming Inquisitor

After talking to Carlos (#3) about Mendoza's plans, he'll suggest promoting you to the
new Inquisitor. He'll give you the adequate robes for the role and another 1000

Find a Mage Who Can Help You

If you're a bandit, having a rune to break down the barriers won't mean anything to you.
Therefore head to Master Illumar in the Hall of Flames (#1) and let him help you.

Talk to him about making the scrolls with the same qualities and you choose whether you
want him to make them for you or you can do so yourself. Since the first option is easier
and gold is not a problem, let him make the scrolls (he'll create five of them, that's more
than enough if you don't waste them into nothing).
1 - Ignatius, Illumar

2 - Don Esteban

3 - Carlos

The Titan Armour


titan armour (the chestplate) is located at the Plains Temple above Severin's farm. Upon
talking to Severin though, you'll be attacked by a lizardmen squad (Lizard
Invasion quest). Defeat them and continue talking with Severin.
Lizard Invasion

Upon speaking to Severin (#1) about the possible temples of the priests nearby, you'll get
attacked by five angry lizardmen. Defeat them all and you'll receive 500 experience.

Talk to Severin again and he'll tell you where the temple is and that you should do
anything to stop the attacks. This earns you 100 more experience.

The Titan Armour

After speaking to Severin (#1) and getting the information, head to the temple's entrance
at #2. It goes without saying to eliminate any hostilities that you may encounter.

After the first room with two scorpions head left, but make sure to disable the trap by
pulling the distant lever with telekinesis. Eventually, you'll enter a room with a blue barrier
on your right and a passage on the left.

Check the passage on the left first. Behind the ashbeast there's a chasm which you can
pass by jumping over to the other side. You'll then have to climb several rocks to reach a
high priest who guards a passage with a red barrier. This one can be destroyed with the
scrolls you received back in Chapter 2 from Cyrus. You'll find a potion that increases
maximum hit points by 10 and a traveler's potion which gives 100 experience when
consumed, along with a few scrolls. Head back to the blue barrier.

As you head down the stairs, you'll reach a stone wall which can be brought down with
your pickaxe. Approach the candles at the top of the debris and turn around. Use the
telekinesis spell to obtain the bust located up on the shelf. Place the priest's bust you
acquired onto the altar and the stone door to your right will open.

In the illuminated área at the end, you'll find a sarcophagus with the Titan's armour and a
Titan staff. The Staff isn't part of the quest, but it's still a useful item if you're a staff
fighter. Looting it completes the quest A Piece of the Titan Armour and gives you 1000

1 - Severin
2 - Entrance to the Plain's Temple

The Titan Boots


titan boots are located at the hidden western Temple behind a waterfall. During your
adventure to there, you'll also meet Patty, who'll help you out (you'll only find here there if
you saved her in the second chapter).

To the Big Waterfall with Patty

You'll meet Patty at #1. She'll want to help you out for helping her earlier, but since she
had no idea where to find you, she just waited where you had an adventure last time.
She'll also say that the west coast is filled with lizardmen and that they aren't particularly
As you make your way to #3, clear out all the Saurians on the way. At the encampment
on the way (#2), you'll meet a group of lizardmen with a high priest. Their level 3 lock
chest doesn't contain anything specific (112 coins, a bone and a golden candlestick).

When you reach the waterfall, Patty will leave the party and guard the entrance to make
sure nothing comes behind your back. You'll also receive 400 experience.

The Titan Boots

Enter the waterfall at #3. After clearing the initial ghouls, start climbing the rocks and
you'll reach an área where an ashbeast is (follow the purple glowing crystals). Kill it and
continue through the passage on the right. The passage further right leads you back to the
waterfall, while climbing up to the ruined floor (where the ghouls are) takes you into the
hidden temple.

For navigation purposes, take the blue barrier as a point of reference. Near the pillar to
the right on the opposite side, there's a berserker sword (a nice two-handed sword that
deals 80 damage). Explore the other corners of the room, though there's not much to be
found. Blow the magic barrier and continue further inside.

After passing the barrier, jump over the ruined stairset and then jump once more over the
trap. The next room has two undead warriors, a trapdoor, a grate to the left and a door
that periodically elevates at the other side. There are several things to do here, but the
first one is to check out the área below trapdoor.

Once down there, you'll see a fiery chasm on one side, a few undead warriors on the
opposite side and a closed grate. Clear the undeads first and head that way. After two
sarcophagi, continue to the room with four brontoks and read the map column there. This
will grant you the region map of the place. You're located at #4.

Go through the only open door at #5. To cross the spike trap, you'll have to use levitation
and to pick up the items on that floor, you can disable it with the lever on the other side.
Your goal is to use the winch which rises one grate of the three-layered gate.

Next, go through the door at #7, by breaking it down with a pickaxe. The switch inside
opens the door at #8 (push the switch twice; pushing it once opens the door at #13).

Anyway, head through the door at #8 and defeat any hostilities. Your goal is to reach the
winch at #9 to reduce another layer of the grate gate. Just continue upstairs as you'll
return to the door on the left later. Use the winch and then return to the passage that you
ignored earlier.

In the end, you'll come to a crumbled área with a nautilus hole (#10) nearby. The best
way to initiate the fight in the next room is to go behind the sarcophagus and return to
human form in there. You'll get some time so that you can kill the lizard priest without him
two-shotting you. There's a titan bow in the locked heavy chest and a few undead warriors
in the next room. Pull the lever at (#11) to get back to the área where you were before
crossing with nautilus.

Take a look through the crack at #12 and use a ranged weapon to pull the winch in the
distance. This pulls down the drawbridge at #14 which will enable you to reach the third
winch at #16. Cross the door at #13 by using the switch at #7 twice. The metal ring on
the wall at #15 can be pulled to open a nearby grate. It contains minor loot.

The large gate at #17 is finally opened. The chest at the end of the room at #18 contains
the Titan boots and for crossbow users, a titan crossbow. You'll get 1000 experience upon
looting. Exit through #19 with a pickaxe.

The rest of the temple is just a way out. If you wish to explore the chest and the room
where the grate is closed at #20, you'll have to go through the door at #21 by using a
lever nearby. To reach it, you'll need to disable traps with levers. The periodically dropping
wall can be just ran through. Once there, jump in the direction of that platform.

As far as getting out goes, continue on the way back (you'll notice that the room you're in
at #21 is the room from the beginning). Head to #22 and from there it should be easy to
get back to the surface. Have a nice talk with Patty outside and you'll earn 200

1 - Patty

2 - Lizard priest

3 - Entrance to the waterfall temple

4 - Map column

5 - Opened door

6 - Winch

7 - Thin wall, switch

8 - Right barred door

9 - Winch
10 - Nautilus hole

11 - Lever

12 - Crack

13 - Left barred door

14 - Drawbridge

15 - Metal ring

16 - Winch

17 - Three-layered door

18 - Chest with the Titan boots

19 - Thin wall

20 - Chest with Ashbeast transformation scroll

21 - Lever, grate

22 - Exit
The Titan Hammer


The titan hammer is located at the Don's Temple, in the unexplored parts of it. You can
talk to
Fincher and Cormac (#1) to find out a bit more about the place. Cormac will give you a
Magic Protection scroll, while Fincher will tell you that the way's blocked with a blue
barrier. This área is uncharted, but navigation shouldn't be too hard with all the passages
and paths explained.

The Titan Hammer

After speaking to Cormac and Fincher (#1) head into the back parts of the temple by
climbing a nearby wall. It's the one located near the campfire and a girl that dances
around, past the smoking pipe. Follow the only path available and then break down the
blue barrier that blocks further passage.

Your main opponents in this section will be undead warriors and skeletons, lots of them.
The door directly opposite of the way you entered is blocked with two altars next to it.
There are two passages which can be climbed on the right and left.

Take the right one first, with the pillars. You'll have to jump onto the large stone block
nearby and then levitate to reach the upper área. After defeating two skeletons, you'll see
two doors that can be destroyed with a pickaxe and one that's completely sealed. Inside
the left one you'll find a skeleton.
The middle door contains the switch that opens the otherwise impenetrable door to the
right. You'll find five sarcophagi in the room. Loot them all to find a nice Titan axe (120
damage). There will also be skeleton warriors spawning from three of the sarcophagi. You
should also have found a lizard mage bust, which is needed for one of the two altars in the
first room.

Get back to that first room and climb the other place, on the left. After combating two
skeletons, loot the amulet and a stone plate from one of the stone tables. Then break
down the two doors (on the left and right) with your pickaxe. The middle door is opened
by a switch found behind the left door.

In the room you've just entered, you'll see a spike trap floor with 12 (3x4) tiles. If you
don't want to use levitation to cross it (which is just easy way), you can walk over the
traps as indicated in the diagram. Once the spikes are down on the first one (A) walk over
to the next tile and wait until the spikes on that one are down and so on. It isn't hard, and
in any case, levitation solves the problem anyway. You'll fight a skeleton and the end (he
comes out of the sarcophagus and loot him for a lizard mage bust. There's also a lever
that disable the whole trap altogether.

Now return to the initial room and place the busts on the altar. You'll see two undead
beasts and a shadow lord. Defeat the beasts by drawing them to the previous room. The
shadow lord is invincible. You'll need to kill him by making him run over the fire trap that's
in the middle of the room. You can activate it by pressing any of the three switches.
Beware, he hits hard. The best way to do this is to activate a fire trap and then use
levitation rune and fly up as high as possible above the fire. He'll follow you and die.

Loot him to receive a titan hammer. This completes the quest with 1000 experience. You
can talk to Cormac and Fincher about it. This nets you additional 300 experience and a
conjure skeleton scroll from Cormac.

1 - Don Esteban's temple

The Titan Helmet


The titan helmet is located at the Volcano Caves whose entrance (#1) is to the far north-
east or
north-west (#4) of the island. To get the map of the volcano caves, you'll have to loot the
skeleton that's found at #2 or the miner's body at #5. It can be reached after battling
some ogres and scorpions. Note that you'll need a few levitation scrolls to navigate around

The Titan Helmet

Make your way to the eastern entrance (#1) of the Volcano caves by battling ogres. After
getting inside, you'll encounter scorpions as well. Look around the pillars to find a skeleton
corpse (#2) which has a map of the place. Proceed to explore the place and you'll find a
lizardman who drops an Eastern Volcano Cave teleport stone at #3 (that is, if you didn't
already take it in previous chapters).
Since this isn't the only entrance, you could've done the same by entering from the
western entrance at #4 and looting the map off a miner at #5. As you reach #6, you'll
meet a very peculiar person. If you didn't kill him back in the first chapter, Brogar will be
waiting for you there.
Deal with him to your liking and proceed to #7 where you'll need to levitate to the other
side (or use a ranged weapon) to pull the winch on the other side (#8). The chet has
another levitation scroll which may come in handy (if you're not a mage, because you'd
have the rune otherwise). Now jump onto the platform below. You can also use levitate to
simply hover down to there.

Continue behind the blue barrier, defeating the lizard warriors as they come (three in
total). Watch out for the spike trap nearby. You'll see another pair of altars and a blocked
door. The grate on the left is open, while the one on the right is closed. In that left room,
one of the busts is located, however, if you take it the grate is closed and you won't be
able to get out. There's also a stone plate inside. When you've finished exploring the
room, take the bust from the outside by using telekinesis.

Now look for a thin wall which can be brought down with a pickaxe (at the end of the
passage to the right). After two scorpions, continue further down the cave and defeat a
pair of ashbeasts. There's a level 3 lock chest which contains an ashbeast transformation
scroll. Now get back to the room where scorpions were and use the nautilus
transformation to pass a tiny hole.

You should enter a room with a Saurian named Mortares. Defeat him and then loot the
chest which has two gems, a sapphire and ruby. Place the bust you found on Mortares
onto the altar nearby and exit the room. Use telekinesis to take the bust from afar so the
grate doesn't trap you inside.

Place the busts of the kings you found on the altars in that initial room. The large stone
block will rise and you'll have to fight two lizard priests. Be careful as their double fireballs
will wear you down in no time. One of them has a Western Volcano Cave teleport stone on
their corpse. You'll find the Titan helmet floating in the illuminated spot. Another 1000
experience are earned once you loot it.

If you wish to explore the place a bit more, climb the broken walls near the green crystal
nearby. Once up there, jump over the gap to reach a set of stairs that lead to a closed
grate. You'll have to levitate to the other side and enter through the thin wall (using a
pickaxe). Defeat a few undead warriors and skeletons. Inside the locked chest you'll find a
titan scepter. There's another thin wall to be broken. After the undead warriors and an
undead beast, loot the chest for a diamond and a few scrolls. You can either avoid the
trapdoor in the middle and exit the through the door at the end of the tunnel. This brings
you out at #8.
Take Care of Brogar for Good

While searching for the Titan Lord's armour pieces, you'll encounter Brogar at #6 if you
didn't execute him in the first chapter. He'll mention the little fish cliche of his once more
and then you can kill him as you wish.

After he's dead, you'll get 500 experience and he'll be gone for good.

1 - Eastern entrance

2 - Skeleton with the region map

3 - Lizardman with the teleport stone

4 - Western entrance

5 - Miner's corpse with the region map

6 - Brogar

7 - Levitation spot, drawbridge

8 - Winch
The Titan Shield


The titan shield is located at the Eastern Volcano Caves whose entrance (#1) is to the far
north-east of the island. To get the map of the volcano caves, you'll have to loot the
skeleton that's found at #2. It can be reached after battling some ogres and scorpions.
Note that you'll need a few levitation scrolls to navigate around comfortably.

The Titan Shield

Make your way to the eastern entrance (#1) of the Volcano caves by battling ogres. After
getting inside, you'll encounter scorpions as well. Look around the pillars to find a skeleton
corpse (#2) which has a map of the place. Proceed to explore the place and you'll find a
lizardman who drops an Eastern Volcano Cave teleport stone at #3 (that is, if you didn't
already take it in previous chapters).

Now head to the blue barrier at #4 after defeating the ashbeast that guards it. Proceed
into the big room and kill the attackers. Read the map column at #5 to receive the region
map of this temple.
The goal is to open the door at #6 by placing the correct busts on the nearby altars.

Go through the door at #7 first. Use the lever to pass the grate. Jump over the trapdoor
(#8) and loot the bust (#9). Before heading to the lower level through the trapdoor, you
might wish to explore the other parts past the spike trap at #10. The ring on the wall
beside it will disable it.

Be careful around #11. To pass the fire trap, pull the lever with telekinesis. That will
however, lock the grate behind the corner, so use it again. Once you explore that room,
use it once more upon leaving to avoid getting killed by the fire. Once you've explored all
the nooks, return to the trapdoor at #8.

You'll find a particularly wealthy Saurian at #12. He has a nice ring (+5 dexterity) and
some other minor loots. There's a treasure to dig out at the same spot as well. You'll find a
Titanwing sword inside (120 damage) and a few hundred gold coins. Continue through the
passage at #13 afterwards.

You'll encounter another thin wall at #14. There's a sarcophagus on the other side with a
skeleton in it. Explore the corners of the room for some minor loot. You can do the same
at #16, however, you'll have to pass the trap at #15 by using telekinesis on the lever.

You'll have to levitate to the área at #17. There's an ashbeast on that platform so be
careful. Use nautilus then to cross the small hole. The bust is in the room at #18. There's
a lone undead warrior in there. The sarcophagus has a few items and after you take the
bust, use the lever to raise the grate.

Head back to the altars at #6 by going through the door at #19 (there's a lever nearby).
The shield is floating at #20. You'll need to defeat a few more lizardmen to reach it.
Another 1000 experience are yours. The lever at #21 guarded by a high priest raises the
door again.

1 - Eastern entrance

2 - Skeleton with the region map

3 - Saurian with the teleport stone

4 - Blue barrier, Temple entrance

5 - Map column

6 - Door with the altars

7 - Grate with a lever

8 - Trapdoor

9 - Bust

10 - Spike trap

11 - Fire trap

12 - Titanwing

13 - Narrow passage

14 - Sarcophagus

15 - Wall trap

16 - Sarcophagus

17 - Ashbeast, nautilus hole

18 - Bust

19 - Door (opened from the inside)

20 - Titan shield

21 - Lever
End Game

The Final Quests


page lists the endgame quests. If you have anything else to do on the island, it would be
advisable to do so before going back into the volcano to confront the titan and the

 Find all the Pieces of the Titan Armour

 Eldric Must Reforge the Titan Lord Armour
 The Inquisitor is Dead
 The Ocular

Find all the Pieces of the Titan Armour

Immediately upon looting the last piece of the Titan armour, you'll receive 5000 bonus
experience. The next step is to go to Eldric who can reforge the armor.
Eldric Must Reforge the Titan Lord Armour

Talk to Eldric at #1 about restoring the magic within the armour. He'll gladly help out and
you'll receive 200 experience. Follow him to his shrine at #2.

After a short ritual, you'll receive the armour and 500 experience. Now's the time to go
back to Volcano temple. Equip all your titan pieces and head to the Volcano Keep at #3 if
you're sure you do not have anything else to do on the island.

The Inquisitor is Dead

Talk to Ursegor at #4. After he tells you that you're the Titan lord, destined to defeat it,
approach #5 to see Mendoza. After an enlightening conversation, you'll be forced to take
his ocular since that's the only way you can see the titan.

Duel with the Inquisitor isn't that hard, but he still has very powerful attacks. After he
drops down, you'll get 1000 experience for completing this quest. On this corpse, you'll
find an ocular, some scrolls, a ring, potions and ursegor's skull which you'll need to place
back onto the altar. You'll also earn Showdown achievement.

The Ocular

Looting the ocular from the Inquisitor (#5) will complete this quest. The ocular will enable
you to see the titan, so you may as well equip it right now.

1 - Eldric

2 - Druidic shrine

3 - Volcano temple entrance

4 - Ursegor

5 - Inquisitor Mendoza
Fight with the Titan


putting Ursegor's skull back on the altar and equipping the Ocular, head into the large oval
room. Essentially, the fight with the titan involves avoiding its abilities and hitting him in
the right time. Read on to see what sort of abilities he has.

 Scintillating Beams
 Melting Floor Tiles
 Conflagrating Waves
 Fiery Magic Missiles
 Defeating the Titan
Scintillating Beams

During the fight, the titan will occasionally make a step forward, and start channeling an
energy beam for about five seconds. It moves roughly the same speed as the player
character. It means that you have the time to outrun it in either direction, as long as you
do not run at the farthest outer circle.
Melting Floor Tiles

Throughout the whole fight, you'll have to deal with the floors that will occasionally
disappear. The área is roughly divided into three circles with each having around 12 tiles.
You'll notice that some of the tiles have runes on them. If it's a brightly glowing white
rune, it means that the tile will disappear after five seconds. If it's a faint rune, it means
that after the current wave of brightly glowing tiles have disappeared, that one will be the
next one to start glowing. Tiles also reappear during the combat, so do not worry about
losing the ground.
Conflagrating Waves

During the fight, Titan will also randomly use an ability which sends out a circular wave,
covering the whole room. What indicates the ability is the moment when he raises his
arms and a foot. Once it slams the ground, a blastwave will emerge. Jump over it to avoid
taking damage.
Fiery Magic Missiles

This is the ability that is most often used by the Titan. It comes in two forms. He'll either
shoot them in a cone, sending out five missiles or shoot them one after another directly at
you. This is the time when you raise your shield to prevent taking damage.
Defeating the Titan

During his magic missile attack, use the shield to cover yourself. Once the attack is over,
the titan will get stunned for about four seconds. Use this time to get into melee range and
hit him with the hammer. You'll need to do seven hits like this. There's no other way to
deal damage to him.

Therefore, the whole fight consists of properly timing your defensive abilities and jumping
around. Once he goes down, you'll get a nice cinematic where the Titan gets imprisoned
once again.

Name Purpose Value Available

Fish Soup You can make Fish 10 Found in a locked chest in Rachel's hous
Recipe Soup from Herring, Onions, the Bandit Camp; posted on the wall above
and Water at a cauldron if you have stove in Josh's tavern in Harbour Town.
a Scoop.
Healing Create a Healing Potion at an Alchemy 200 Sold by Cormac in the Don's Temple
Potion table from 2 Healing Plants, a Vial, and the Bandit Camp and by Leonardo in
Recipe some Wine if you have Alchemy 2. Merchant district of Harbour Town; found
Treasure Chest in a hidden room in the lib
of Volcano Keep.
Hearty Meat You can make a Hearty Meat Stew from 10 Found in a chest east of Harbour Town
Stew Recipe 5 Raw Meat, Onions, and Potatoes at a south of Leon's hut guarded by an Ashbeas
cauldron if you have a Scoop.
Hotpot Allows you to create a Hotpot at a 10 In a chest in the ruins on the peninsula
Recipe cauldron from 10 Raw Meat, Onion, the northeast part of the island.
and Potatoes.
Hunter's Allows you to create a Hunter's Fry- 10 In a locked chest behind the bar in Pa
Fry-up up at a caldron from 3 Raw Meat, a Bag tavern in Harbour Town.
of Spices, Onions, and Potatoes.
Life Potion Create a Life Potion at an Alchemy 400 Sold by Leonardo in the Merchant dis
Recipe table from a , 10 Mushrooms, a Vial, of Harbour Town in chapter 2 and by Cor
and some Wine if you have Alchemy 3. in the Don's Temple in the Bandit Cam
chapter 2.
Mana Potion Create a Mana Potion at an Alchemy 200 Sold by Leonardo in the Merchant dis
Recipe table from 2 Mana Plants, a Vial, and of Harbour Town and by Abrax in
some Wine if you have Alchemy 2. laboratory in Volcano Keep.
Meat Stew You can make a Meat Stew from 2 Raw 10 Found in a chest by Leon's house northeas
Recipe Meat, Onions, and Potatoes at a Harbour Town.
cauldron if you have a Scoop.
Meat-stuffed You can make Meat-stuffed Bread with 10 Found in a locked chest in Rachel's hous
Bread a Frying Pan over a fire or a stove from the Bandit Camp.
Recipe a Bag of Spices, Bread, Onions, and
3 Raw Meat.
Novice's Allows you to make Novice's Stew at a 10 Found in a locked chest near the North
Stew Recipe Cauldron from Potatoes, 2 Raw Meat, Ruins.
and some Wine.
Plaice Melt Allows you to make Plaice Melt at a 10 Found in a locked chest in Baxter's hous
Recipe Cauldron from Potatoes, a Bag of the Harbour district of Harbour Town.
Spices, Cheese, and 10 Raw Plaice.
Potion of Create a Potion of Dexterity at an 500 Found in a locked chest in one of the north
Dexterity Alchemy Table from a Hero's Crown, rooms of Volcano Keep; sold by Leonard
Recipe a Pixie Hat, a Vial, and some Wine if the Merchant district of Harbour Tow
you have Alchemy 3. chapter 2.
Potion of Allows you to make a Potion of 400 Found in Eldric's Hut in the northeast par
Magic Magic at an Alchemy table from the island.
a Hero's Crown, 10 Berries, some Wine,
and a Vial if you have Alchemy 3.
Small Create a Small Healing Potion at an 100 Found in a locked chest in Rhobart's house
Healing Alchemy table from 3 Healing Herbs, the Swamp Farm by the Bandit Camp and
Potion a Vial, and some Wine if you locked chest in a cellar in the southwest co
Recipe have Alchemy 1. of Harbour Town; Sold by Cormac in
Don's Temple in the Bandit Camp,
Leonardo in the Merchant district of Harb
Town, and by Abrax in his labora
in Volcano Keep.
Small Mana Create a Small Mana Potion at an 100 Sold by Cormac in the Don's Temple
Potion Alchemy table from 3 Mana the Bandit Camp, by Leonardo in
Recipe Mushrooms, a Vial, and some Wine if Merchant district of Harbour Town, and
you have Alchemy 1. Abrax in his laboratory in Volcano Keep.
Strength Create a Strength Potion at an Alchemy 500 Sold by Cormac in the Don's Temple
Potion Table from a , an Ogreroot, a Vial, and the Bandit Camp in chapter 2; found in
Recipe some Wine if you have Alchemy 3. ruins on the west side of the island
Strong Create a Strong Healing Potion at an 300 Sold by Cormac in the Don's Temple
Healing Alchemy table from a Healing Root, the Bandit Camp and by Leonardo in
Potion a Vial, and some Wine if you Merchant district of Harbour Town in cha
Recipe have Alchemy 3. 2; found in a cave just northeast of the
gate of Harbour Town guarded by Ghouls
Strong Mana Create a Strong Mana Potion at an 300 by Abrax in his laboratory in Volcano Kee
Potion Alchemy table from a Mana Root, Leonardo in the Merchant district of Harb
Recipe a Vial, and some Wine if you Town in chapter 2
have Alchemy 3.
Traveller's Create a Traveller's Potion at an 500 Found in a chest in a room behind a m
Potion Alchemy table from 5 Wanderlust, force field in the hidden library in Volc
Recipe a Vial, and some Water if you Keep.
have Alchemy 2.


LPs Cost Description

1 : 1 Next strength High strength allows you to use better weapons. In addition, you do
level more damage in close combat.


 Cutter in the Gutters district of Harbour Town

 Ukkos in the Harbour district of Harbour Town

 Edgar between the Harbour and Merchant districts of Harbour Town

 Walter the smith in the Merchant district of Harbour Town after you complete
the Walter Needs a Break quest

 Felipe in the guardhouse in Harbour Town

 Craig in the Bandit Camp

 Oscar in the Bandit Camp after completing the Golden Fragments for Oscar quest

 Domingo in the Bandit Camp after you complete Defeat Domingo in the Arena quest

 Karakos in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp

 Fincher in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp

 Rufus in the library of Volcano Keep

 Tucker in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order

 Mendoza in chapter 2 if you are a member of the Order


LPs Cost Description

1 : 1 Next dexterity High dexterity allows you to use better bows. In addition, you do
level more damage in ranged combat.


 Delgado in the Gutters district of Harbour Town after you complete the Protection
Money from Costa quest

 Cole in the Shrine in the Gutters district of Harbour Town

 Cid between the Harbour and Gutters district in Harbour Town after you complete
the Doyle Must Disappear quest

 Sam in the Bandit Camp

 Luis in the Bandit Camp (need to give him a beer before he'll train you)

 Henrik on the east coast just before the large rope bridge


LPs Cost Description

1 : 1 10 per Mana point Increasing your mana will allow you to cast more spells.


 Cormac in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp

 Abrax in his laboratory in the library of Volcano Keep

 Vitus in Volcano Keep after you complete The Test of Master Vitus
Sword Fighting

Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - You can use weapons in the category "sword". You can attack, parry,
and combine up to 3 attack blows.

2 10 200 You can carry out counter parries to interupt your oppenent's

3 10 300 You can perform "lateral blows".

4 10 400 Counter parries can injure your opponents.

5 10 500 You can combine more blows in your attacks.

6 10 600 You can wield weapons in the category "bastard sword" with one

7 10 700 You can charge your attacks in order to cause more damage, or to
break through your opponent's parry.

8 10 800 You can interrupt a counter parry by your opponent.

9 10 900 You can use weapon in the category "two handed" with just one

10 10 1000 You can combine any amount of attack blows.


 Cutter in the Gutters district of Harbour Town (up to level 4)

 Craig in the Bandit Camp (up to level 7)

 Edgar between the Harbour and Merchant districts of Harbour Town (up to level 7)

 Fincher in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp in you aren't a member of the Order (up
to level 10)

Axe Fighting

Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - You can use weapons in the category "axe". You can attack, parry,
and combine up to 3 attack blows.

2 10 200 You can charge your attacks in order to cause more damage or to
break through your oppenent's parry.

3 10 300 You can perform "lateral blows".

4 10 400 You can carry out counter parries to interrupt your opponent's

5 10 500 You can combine more blows in your attacks.

6 10 600 You can wield weapons in the category "axe" with one hand.

7 10 700 Counter parries can injure your opponents.

8 10 800 Blows with weapons in the category "axe" are faster.

9 10 900 You can interrupt a counter parry by your opponent.

10 10 1000 You can combine any amount of attack blows.


 Ukkos in the Harbour district of Harbour Town (up to level 7)

 Domingo in the Bandit Camp after you complete Defeat Domingo in the Arena quest (up
to level 7)

 Karakos in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp if you aren't a member of the Order (up
to level 10)
Staff Fighting

Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - You can use weapons in the category "staff". You can attack, parry,
and combine up to 3 attack blows.

2 10 200 You can carry out counter parries to interrupt your opponent's

3 10 300 You can perform "lateral blows".

4 10 400 Counter parries can injure your opponents.

5 10 500 You can combine more blows in your attacks.

6 10 600 You can interrupt a counter parry by your opponent.

7 10 700 All attack blows do more damage.

8 10 800 You can charge your attacks in order to cause more damage or to
break through your opponent's parry.

9 10 900 Your counter parries do more damage.

10 10 1000 You can combine any amount of attack blows.


 Felipe in the guardhouse in Harbour Town if you aren't one of the Don's men (up to level

 William in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order (up to level 4)

 Vitus in Volcano Keep after you complete The Test of Master Vitus (up to level 7)

 Mendoza in chapter 2 if you are a member of the Order (up to level 10)

 Carlos in Harbour Town in chapter 4 if you are a member of the Order (up to level 10)

Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - Reloading and drawing is 10% faster.

2 10 200 Reloading and drawing is 20% faster.

3 10 300 Reloading and drawing is 30% faster.

4 10 400 Reloading and drawing is 40% faster.

5 10 500 Reloading and drawing is 50% faster.

6 10 600 Reloading and drawing is 60% faster.

7 10 700 Reloading and drawing is 70% faster.

8 10 800 Reloading and drawing is 80% faster.

9 10 900 Reloading and drawing is 90% faster.

10 10 1000 Reloading and drawing is 100% faster.


 Jervis in Volcano Keep after you complete the Mutual Aid quest (up to level 4)

 Luis in the Bandit Camp (need to give him a beer before he'll train you) (up to level 7)

 Cole in the Shrine in the Gutters district of Harbour Town (up to level 7)

 Henrik on the east coast just before the large rope bridge (up to level 7)

 Sam in the Bandit Camp (up to level 10)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - Reloading and drawing is 10% faster.

2 10 200 Reloading and drawing is 20% faster.

3 10 300 Reloading and drawing is 30% faster.

4 10 400 Reloading and drawing is 40% faster.

5 10 500 Reloading and drawing is 50% faster.

6 10 600 Reloading and drawing is 60% faster.

7 10 700 Reloading and drawing is 70% faster.

8 10 800 Reloading and drawing is 80% faster.

9 10 900 Reloading and drawing is 90% faster.

10 10 1000 Reloading and drawing is 100% faster.


 Ricardo in the Bandit Camp (up to level 4)

 Fincher in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp (up to level 7)

 Rufus in the library of Volcano Keep (up to level 7)

 Edgar between the Harbour and Merchant districts of Harbour Town (up to level 10)

Magic Bullet

Level LPs Cost Description

1 You can use a magic crystal.

2 10 200 Speed and damage are increased by 20%.

3 10 300 Speed and damage are increased by 30%.

4 10 400 Speed and damage are increased by 40%.

5 10 500 Speed and damage are increased by 50%.

6 10 600 Speed and damage are increased by 60%.

7 10 700 Speed and damage are increased by 70%.

8 10 800 Speed and damage are increased by 80%.

9 10 900 Speed and damage are increased by 90%.

10 10 1000 Speed and damage are increased by 100%.


 Master Vitus in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order and have completed
the The Magic Bullet quest (up to level 10)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 - - You can use a fire crystal.

2 10 200 Speed and damage are increased by 20%.

3 10 300 Speed and damage are increased by 30%.

4 10 400 Speed and damage are increased by 40%.

5 10 500 Speed and damage are increased by 50%. Explosion radius and área
damage are increased.

6 10 600 Speed and damage are increased by 60%.

7 10 700 Speed and damage are increased by 70%.

8 10 800 Speed and damage are increased by 80%.

9 10 900 Speed and damage are increased by 90%.

10 10 1000 Speed and damage are increased by 100%. Explosion radius and
área damage are increased.


 Master Ignatius in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order after you have
completed The Crystal of Fire (up to level 10)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 You can use a frost crystal.

2 10 200 Speed and damage are increased by 20%.

3 10 300 Speed and damage are increased by 30%.

4 10 400 Speed and damage are increased by 40%.

5 10 500 Speed and damage are increased by 50%.

Your opponents are frozen longer.

6 10 600 Speed and damage are increased by 60%.

7 10 700 Speed and damage are increased by 70%.

8 10 800 Speed and damage are increased by 80%.

9 10 900 Speed and damage are increased by 90%.

10 10 1000 Speed and damage are increased by 100%. Your opponents are
frozen longer.


 Master Pallas in Volcano Keep after you complete the The Frost Crystal quest (up to level

 Master Ignatius in Volcano Keep in chapters 3 and 4 after you give him Power of Ice from
Pallas' body (up to level 10)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can create weak potions.

2 5 250 You can create standard potions.

3 5 500 You can create strong potions.


 Garth in the Merchant district of Harbour Town (up to level 1)

 Rhobart on the Swamp Farm by the Bandit Camp (up to level 1)

 Leonardo in the Merchant district of Harbour Town (level 2 only)

 Cormac in the Don's temple in the Bandit Camp (up to level 3)

 Abrax in his laboratory in the library of Volcano Keep (up to level 3)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can create one-handed swords and simple pieces of jewelry.
2 5 250 You can create bastard swords and magic rings.

3 5 500 You can create two-handed swords and magic amulets.


 Walter the smith in the Merchant district of Harbour Town after you complete
the Walter Needs a Break quest (up to level 3)

 Oscar in the Bandit Camp after completing the Golden Fragments for Oscar quest (up to
level 3)

 Karlsen in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order (up to level 3)

Prospect Ore

Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can prospect gold and iron ore.


 Olf in the Don's old manor in the Merchant district of Harbour Town

Gut Animals

Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can skin animals. With the necessary instructions, you can also
take other trophies from animals.


 Cole in the Shrine in the Gutters district of Harbour Town

 Sam in the Bandit Camp

 Luis in the Bandit Camp (need to give him a beer before he'll train you)
 Jervis in Volcano Keep after you complete the Mutual Aid quest.

 Henrik on the east coast just before the large rope bridge


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 0 You can use runes of the 1st seal.

2 5 0 You can use runes of the 2nd seal.

3 5 0 You can use runes of the 3rd seal.

4 5 0 You can use runes of the 4th seal.


 Master Ignatius in Volcano Keep if you are a Mage and have enough Widsom (50 for level
1, 100 for level 2, 150 for level 3, 200 for level 4)

Create Scrolls

Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 0 You can create magic scrolls.


 Master Illumar in Volcano Keep after you complete the Find Writing Materials or the The
Test of Master Illumar quests

Open Locks
Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can pick easy locks.

2 5 250 You can pick difficult locks.

3 5 500 You can pick impossible locks.


 Cid between the Harbour and Gutters district in Harbour Town after you complete
the Doyle Must Disappear quest (up to level 2) (up to level 3 in chapter 2)

 Phil by the swamp Farm in the Bandit Camp if you aren't a member of the Order (up to
level 2)

 Oscar in the Bandit Camp after completing the Golden Fragments for Oscar quest (up to
level 2)

 Karlsen in Volcano Keep if you are a member of the Order (up to level 2)

 Patty by the beach just outside town in chapter 2 (up to level 3)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can risk easy pickpockets.

2 5 250 You can risk difficult pickpockets.

3 5 500 You can risk impossible pickpockets.


 Phil by the swamp Farm in the Bandit Camp (up to level 2)

 Delgado in the Gutters district of Harbour Town after you complete the Protection
Money from Costa quest (up to level 2) (up to level 3 in chapter 2)


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You suffer only half the damage from falling.


 Patty by the beach just outside town in chapter 2


Level LPs Cost Description

1 5 100 You can sneak up silently on your opponents.


 Cole in the Shrine in the Gutters district of Harbour Town

 Cid between the Harbour and Gutters district in Harbour Town after you complete
the Doyle Must Disappear quest

 Sam in the Bandit Camp

 Luis in the Bandit Camp (need to give him a beer before he'll train you)
 Phil by the Swamp Farm in the Bandit Camp if you aren't a member of the Order

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