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The calling of the misty goddess

Once in the mystic island named ill bruimuse lived a family of 4. Flou was the youngest member of the family she
was 9 years old. She used to have 2 brothers, but unfortunately both of them died from a mysterious cause.
She had 1 grandmother who was nearly 80 years old and her parents were Bruine and Brume. Flou's
grandmother used to tell her stories about this island that they lived in. she would say, "This island was first
inhabited by French people who found this mysterious island. This island is known for being covered with mist
in the borders. It was said that this mist is here to protect the people of this island by an unknown goddess
whom they called sauveur brumeux. Which translates to misty savior. It is said when this island was in war, and
after the people were about to lose, the king of the people made a promise to this goddess in exchange for
protection of this island everyone in it will never leave this place and will pray every night to this goddess .
Then after the promise was made the mist appeared and the people in the war got caught up in the mist, those
people were never found. It is said that this mist still has the spirits of those people." Flou requested her
grandma eagerly, "grandma, please tell me more about the mist" her grandma replied "sure, this mist is said to
be the gift of sauveur brumeux, the goddess who protected the people of this island when they were in war.
This mist is very special to us, it keeps this island hidden from outsiders and protects us from waging into war.
This mist is so special to us and our people that all of our names are related to this mist." Flou asked eagerly
"really? What does my name mean?" grandma replied "Flou means vague. Which relates to how we can barely
see because of the mist in some places near the border. We named you this because you were born in a
hospital that was close to the mist in the borders." "Wow!" exclaimed Flou. "I never knew that my name had
such a meaning" "And its not just your name even your parents have a meaning to their names. Bruine means
mistiness and brume means haze. Everyone in this island is connected to this island, its mist and sauveur
brumeux. It is said whoever decides to rebel and not follow the promise that was given many years ago are
lured in and get swallowed by the mist. So never miss a prayer, ok Flou?" she happily replied "ok!"

Many years passed and with them passed Flou's grandma. After Flou's grandma passed away Flou changed
very drastically. She stopped smiling as much as she used to. She started to eat less food and started to talk
less in home and at school. Now she is 13 years old. Flou is just eating dinner with her parents, then her mother
asked her, "Flou, how was school?" Flou answered "it was fine." Then her mother asked her "Flou are you ok?
Why don’t you speak as much as you used to? Is it because of grandma?" Flou remained quiet. "Answer me
Flou please, just talk to me. Please just tell me what is bothering you" her mother told her. "If you want me to
answer that question then answer mine. What happened to my brothers?" Flou asked furiously. Her mother in
shock asked her, "is this what has been bothering you?" Flou said loudly, "just tell me!" her mother looked
down and said, "they were taken by sauveur brumeux" Flou cried ,"But why?" " sauveur brumeux must have
some reason that she doesn’t want to tell us" her mom said. Flou got up from her chair unsatisfied by the
answer and went to her room. After some hours it was time to sleep but before that everyone in Ill Bruimuse
had to pray to sauveur brumeux. They took this every strictly, they never missed a prayer. So Flou's mother
came to remind everyone. Flou as she was about to start praying she thought, "why should I have to pray to
someone who would take away someone important of mine without explanation? Why do I have to keep the
promise that was made by my ancestor?" with the last thought she got up and went to sleep without praying.
Little did she know she would come to regret this.

The next morning she woke up and thought to herself "I knew this goddess was just a rumor that people made
to never let people out of this island." Then she went to eat breakfast. At the table, she was just eating
breakfast with her family when she heard something. "Flou." She looked at her parents and asked them, "did
you call my name?" They replied, "No". "oh ok" said Flou. Then her mother told her "Flou did you pray
yesterday? I couldn’t hear you praying" "yes..i did." She lied. "very well then" replied Flou's mother. Then the
bus came and Flou went to school. During the class Flou again heard the same voice "Flou" "Flou!" "come to
mee" "in the mist" "come to meee" the teacher asked Flou, "Flou? Are you ok dear?" Flou replied "maam I'm
actually feeling a little sick" "ok then you can go to the infirmary" said the teacher. Flou replied "thank you
maam" then she went to the infirmary. After the bell rang she went home.

At home after eating dinner she went to her bedroom. Her mother again came to remind her and her family to
pray and yet again she didn’t listen to them. She went to sleep. In her dreams she heard the same voice again,
but this time more clear. "Flou!!! Come to me I am in the mist. Come to me! Come to me! Come to me!" Flou
shouted in her dream, "who are you and what do you want from me!??" "Flou" Flou gasped in shock as she
heard that voice. "Flou, come save me please im trapped here in the mist" Flou cried, "Nuage! Where were you
all these years? I've missed you why did you leave me" the voices was one of Flou's brothers who was lost.
"where's Fumée? Where are you?" Nuage answered " Fumée is with me here in the mist. Come here and take
me home please I've been stuck here." Flou cried, "don’t worry Nuage I'll be there by tomorrow morning" then
she woke up gasping for air. She thought," was that real? was that really Nuage?" she knew there was only one
way to find out. So she went to the closest border. Then she found herself in a place that was swarmed with
such a thick amount of mist and fog it was impossible to see through it. Then shouted "HELLO??? NUAGE???
Fumée?? Are you here?" then she heard a voice "YES WERE HERE COME HERE FLOU" she ran there to hug her
brother. But then as soon as she touched her brother he turned into mist. She was absolutely flabbergasted to
what she just saw. Then she heard a loud godly voice from the mist saying "YOU FOOL" she immediately
realized who it was, it was sauveur brumeux the goddess of the mist herself. "DID YOU ACTUALLY THINK YOUR
WAS WRONG" "NOW FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR DECISION" Flou screamed as she got absorbed by
the goddess into the mist.

Moral: always stay in discipline and don’t be rebellious. Try to think many
times before making a decision and always take the consequences in

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