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GROUP # 2 (405) PROJECT Case Cinnamic aldehyde

EVALUATOR Usama javed
Student Names
NAME Abdulrahman Ismail
Sebastian Cortez
Instructions on use of the Rubric
 Insert your name, group number and student names in highlighted boxes
 Evaluate 2 groups using the rubric below.
 Rate each of the following areas as Excellent (3), Good (2), or Needs Work (1).
 Each element is out of 3.
 Groups have 5 minutes allocated for their presentation.
 Add Comments to explain your rating and answer the questions below.

Area Rating Comments

(3, 2, 1)
Content (e.g. interest, appropriateness for audience and assignment, 3 The content of the
clear focus, good support and details, identified sources adequately) presentation is excellent. It
demonstrates a high level
of interest, and the material
is highly appropriate for the
target audience and the
assignment. The focus is
clear, and there is strong
support with relevant
details. Additionally, the
sources are adequately
identified, contributing to
the overall credibility of the
Organization (e.g. easy to follow, clear sections [introduction, body, and 3 The organization of the
conclusion], transitions, coherent) presentation is
commendable. It is easy to
follow, with clear sections
including a well-structured
introduction, body, and
conclusion. Transitions
between sections are
smooth, contributing to the
overall coherence of the
presentation. The logical
flow enhances the
audience's understanding
and engagement.
Delivery and Overall Communication (e.g. eye contact, appropriate 2 While the delivery and
volume and rate of speech, clarity of voice, comprehensibility, posture overall communication are
and body language, use of media and visual aids, all members well-
good, there is room for
improvement. Eye contact
is generally maintained,
and the volume and rate of
speech are appropriate. The
clarity of the speaker's
CHME 405/406 Chemical Process Industries (CPI) © Dr. Fadwa Eljack
Fall 2023
voice enhances
However, there is a slight
inconsistency in posture
and body language, which
could be refined for a more
polished presentation. The
use of media and visual
aids is effective, but some
members appear more
prepared than others,
impacting the overall
cohesion of the delivery.
Rubric rating: Excellent (3), Good (2), or Needs Work (1).

1. What is the one thing that you learned from this presentation?
I learned about Cinnamic aldehyde natural occurrence in cinnamon bark and essential
oils, as well as its synthetic production methods. The presentation provided valuable
insights into the diverse uses of Cinnamic aldehyde, ranging from its aromatic properties
to its potential applications in different industries.

2. What is the one thing the group did well?

The group excelled in presenting a well-organized and thoroughly researched overview of

Cinnamic aldehyde. The clarity in the structure of the presentation, including a concise
introduction, informative body, and a conclusive summary, was particularly commendable.
Their ability to seamlessly transition between key points contributed to the overall coherence
and understanding of the topic. Additionally, the group effectively utilized visual aids and
media to enhance the audience's comprehension, making the presentation engaging and

3. What changes do you think the presenters could have made to make their presentation more effective?
The presentation on Cinnamic aldehyde was generally effective, showcasing strong
organization, thorough research, and the use of engaging visual aids. However, there are
areas for improvement, including ensuring equal individual preparation among group
members, refining body language for a more polished delivery, incorporating interactive
elements for audience engagement, clarifying technical terms, and maintaining visual
consistency throughout the presentation. Addressing these aspects would further enhance
the overall impact and effectiveness of the presentation.

4. Additional comments

CHME 405/406 Chemical Process Industries (CPI) © Dr. Fadwa Eljack

Fall 2023
For future presentations, it is recommended to ensure equal participation among group
members, refine body language for a confident delivery, incorporate interactive elements
for audience engagement, clarify technical terms, maintain visual consistency in slides,
prioritize practice and rehearsal, establish a feedback loop for constructive criticism within
the group, manage time effectively, and remain aware of audience engagement levels.
Implementing these recommendations will contribute to collaborative, engaging, and
polished presentations, enhancing overall impact.

CHME 405/406 Chemical Process Industries (CPI) © Dr. Fadwa Eljack

Fall 2023

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