Classroom Mangement Plan 23-24

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Classroom Management Plan

2023-2024 School Year

In this class, we are positive, respectful, and kind. Our

classroom rules are aligned with also what is always
expected of each student in the school. I have high
expectations for every student that walks through the door.
I have high expectations for each student because I know
each student is capable of amazing things. However, not
every student is to reach their potential like everyone else.
We are all wrapped differently, made differently, and learn

We will start the year off with training and learning proper
ways of conducting ourselves, following the rules and
procedures of our classroom. In addition, to what is
expected of us at school. We will all practice this multiple
times, so we understand what it sounds like, looks like,
and why we do it.

As a school and classroom community and family. We are

all leaders in showing respect, being role models for each
other and those younger than us and showing empathy for
everyone. We build each other up. We help each other,
and we will be kind to each other. We will learn classroom
hand signals to communicate without disrupting the class.
We will talk about social and emotions, words, and
techniques that are powerful tools for all of us. We will
practice these skills as we learn them and then implement
the tools that work for each of us. We will work together as
a team, and we will communicate by talking, raising our
hand to speak, and discussing classwork, friendships,
feelings, and as we are learning. Everyone’s voice and
input matter. Because you are all loved and cared for in
my classroom. I know you are all so bright, cheerful, and
amazing students.

Class Positive Reinforcement

★ Communication is key with each other

★ Specific praise for trying and doing a great job
★ Occasional incentives
★ Punch cards
★ Stickers
★ Earn pom poms for a class reward
★ Earn points
★ Treasure items
★ Consistency

Problem Solving and Consequences

★ Hold class meetings and discuss. Problem-solving
suggestions to resolve.
★ Assess behavior and set goals
★ Provide additional practice and procedures
★ Provide verbal and nonverbal cues and reminders
★ Ask the student to take a break or walk
★ Enforce consequences related to student behavior
★ Walking laps or taking recess time for a time-out
★ Contact parents

Recurring Behavior Issues

★ School and family partnership to work together

★ Develop a behavior plan with the family
★ Track and share the progress of the student
★ Adjust as needed
★ Seek additional support from administration,
counselors, specialist
★ Silent lunch
★ Lose the privilege to attend fun activities or events

Individual Rewards
★ Caught being good ticket (school-wide positive
★ Treasure chest prize
★ Praise for the specific act
★ Punch cards (after 10 punches, students pick a prize)
★ Stickers
★ Praise

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