Lesson Plan KLPK 8

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CLASS/LEVEL 5 th/beginner
TOPIC Transportation
OBJECTIVES Students are able to know and mention transportation
in english
Students are able to write kind of transportation
VOCABULARIES Bus, car, ship, airplane, motorcycle, etc
MATERIALS Marker, white board, worksheet, speaker and flashcard
TIME 30 Minutes
POTENSIAL PROBLEM Boring content, distracted behaviour, lack of
motivation, lack of vocab,

Present: Get SS ready to discuss topic (activate background knowledge). Review language,
if needed, teach new language.
Present Activities Interaction Time
- Greetings
 T : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
 S : Waalaikumsalam
 T : How are you today ?
 S : Ahamdulillah
- Praying

T-S 1 minute
- Attention Grab
 T : Hokus Focus
 S : Everybody Focus

1 minute

- Lead in
 Show the picture of the transportation. And let them 3 minutes
say it loud what is it (in indonesia).
- Presenting the materials
 Show the transportation picture also with the name
of it in English. T-S 5 minutes
 After that, teacher explain about some of

Practice: Create a few practice activities using the new language. Try to increases STT and
decrease TTT. Remember S-S interaction is very important.
Practice Activities Interaction Time
 Divide the students into two groups.
 Student will guess the transportation name based on sound
from speaker.
 The first group that raise their hand and answer correctly 15 minutes
will get a star.
 The group that answer the most question correctly will be
the winner.
Produce: Production activities give student opportunity to use new vocabulary on their own
to construct new dialogues and conversation.
Production Activities Interaction Time
 The teacher will distribute worksheet to students.
 Students must work on the worksheet in accordance with
the instruction given by the teacher. S-S 5 minutes
 After students finish working on the worksheet the teacher
and student will check the answer together.

 S : Student, T : Teacher

 STT : Student talking time

 TTT : Teacher talking time

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