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Name: Cao Ngọc Vân Anh

Class: Viết văn anh sáng thứ 7.

Group: 7.

How does social media affect daily life?

Social networks have become an indispensable part of people's lives today. Today, social
media has gradually had both positive and negative effects on our lives.
Social media helps people connect with each other. We can find old friends we haven't
seen for a long time. You can play with your friends anywhere at any time.
Besides, Social Media is slowly becoming toxic. People have focused too much time on
social networks. Gradually, people are caught up in the life on social networks where
people only pay attention to comments, likes and shares.
In addition, cyber violence, fake news and invasion of privacy have also become more
common. Social media is gradually becoming a standard of living, where people can
judge or attack any individual you don't like.
It is clear that we cannot oppose the changes that social media are triggering in our lives,
but we can develop a conscious approach to how we use them.

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