Role of Other Proponents

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In the TEACH-ICT program, the other proponent, who is a master teacher tasked with mentoring

and providing technical assistance, plays a crucial role in supporting the implementation and
success of the program.

1. Mentorship: The master teacher proponent serves as a mentor to fellow teachers

participating in the TEACH-ICT program. They offer guidance, support, and
encouragement to help teachers navigate challenges and effectively integrate ICT skills
into their teaching practices.
2. Technical Assistance: The master teacher proponent provides technical assistance to
teachers, offering expertise and troubleshooting support when they encounter difficulties
or technical issues while implementing ICT tools or technologies in the classroom.

The principal's role in providing technical assistance is also essential in ensuring the success of
the TEACH-ICT program. Here's how the principal may contribute in this aspect:

1. Technical Support: The principal offers technical assistance to teachers in leveraging

their knowledge of educational technology and access to resources to troubleshoot issues
or provide guidance on effectively utilizing ICT tools in the classroom.
2. Access to Resources: The principal ensures that teachers have access to necessary
resources, such as technology infrastructure, software applications, and instructional
materials, to support their implementation of ICT skills learned from the TEACH-ICT
3. Continuous Improvement: The principal promotes a culture of continuous improvement
by encouraging teachers to reflect on their use of technology in the classroom, providing
feedback and support for ongoing growth, and identifying opportunities for further
professional development in ICT integration.


In recent years, the rapid advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
has revolutionized various aspects of society, including education. As technology continues to
reshape the way we work, communicate, and access information, it has become increasingly
essential for educators to embrace ICT integration in teaching practices to prepare students for
success in the digital age (Knezek & Christensen, 2019). The TEACH-ICT program is designed
to address this critical need by providing educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and
support to effectively leverage technology in the classroom.

Numerous studies have highlighted the transformative potential of ICT integration in education.
For example, research by Voogt et al. (2019) suggests that when used appropriately, ICT tools
and applications can enhance student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. By
incorporating multimedia resources, interactive simulations, and collaborative online platforms
into lessons, teachers can create dynamic and personalized learning experiences that cater to
diverse student needs and preferences.

Furthermore, ICT integration has been shown to promote the development of essential 21st-
century skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy (Kong et al., 2017).
As students navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, proficiency in ICT
becomes indispensable for future academic and professional success. By integrating ICT into
teaching practices, educators can help students develop the skills and competencies they need to
thrive in a knowledge-based society.

However, despite the potential benefits of ICT integration, many teachers face significant
challenges in effectively leveraging technology in the classroom (Ottenbreit-Leftwich et al.,
2012). Research indicates that factors such as limited access to technology resources, inadequate
training and professional development opportunities, and a lack of confidence in using ICT tools
can hinder teachers' ability to integrate technology into their teaching practices.

The TEACH-ICT program aims to address these challenges by providing comprehensive

training, support, and resources to educators. By offering hands-on workshops, mentorship
programs, and collaborative learning communities, the program seeks to empower teachers with
the knowledge and confidence to effectively integrate ICT into their teaching practices. Through
targeted professional development opportunities and ongoing support, teachers can enhance their
ICT proficiency and create engaging and interactive learning environments that prepare students
for success in the digital age.

Overall, the TEACH-ICT program represents a strategic investment in the professional

development of educators and the advancement of teaching and learning practices. By equipping
teachers with the skills and support they need to harness the power of technology, the program
aims to drive positive change in education and ensure that all students have access to high-
quality and innovative learning experiences

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