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The Federal Police (Policía Federal) in Mexico, overseen by the Ministry of Security
and Citizen Protection, serves as the national law enforcement agency tasked with
enforcing federal laws, tackling organized crime, and ensuring security in regions
where local police presence is inadequate or compromised.

*Federal Police in Mexico and the Philippine National Police share common
objectives of maintaining law and order. However, there are notable differences
between the two like their organizational structure, Mexico’s Federal Police was a
centralized law under the Secretariat while PNP is a decentralized composed of
national, regional, provincial, and local units.

2. State Police in Mexico, represented by the State Preventive Police (Policía Estatal
Preventiva), are individual law enforcement agencies within each of the country's 32
states, tasked with upholding public order, crime prevention and investigation, and
general law enforcement duties specific to their respective regions.

*Mexico's state police operate at the state level, focusing on maintaining public
security within specific regions, while the Philippine police operates nationally,
responsible for law enforcement and maintaining public order across the entire

3. Municipal police forces are local-level law enforcement agencies responsible for
ensuring public safety, enforcing local laws, and engaging in community policing
within individual cities or municipalities.

*The main difference between Mexico's municipal police and the Philippine police lies
in their jurisdiction: municipal police primarily operate at the local level within specific
municipalities, whereas the Philippine police, known as the Philippine National Police
(PNP), operates at the national level and is responsible for maintaining law and order
across the entire country.

4. While both Mexico and the Philippines have law enforcement agencies responsible
for maintaining public order, Mexico's investigative agencies, including the Criminal
Investigation Agency and the Attorney General's Office, specialize in conducting
criminal investigations, gathering evidence, and prosecuting criminal cases.

* Mexico's investigative agencies, such as the Federal Investigative Agency (Agencia

Federal de Investigación), operate at the federal level and are tasked with
investigating and combating organized crime and federal offenses, whereas in the
Philippines, agencies like the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) serve a similar
purpose but operate under the Department of Justice and investigate a wide range of
criminal cases at both the federal and local levels.

5. The National Guard in Mexico, established in 2019, amalgamates personnel from the
federal police, military, and naval forces to combat organized crime, ensure public
security, and support law enforcement efforts.

* Mexico's National Guard combines elements of military and civilian forces with a
broad mandate for public security, while the Philippines' National Guard is primarily a
reserve military force tasked with disaster response and national defense.

6. Community policing in Mexico involves implementing initiatives to enhance

cooperation and trust between police and local communities through community
engagement, problem-solving, and collaboration to address specific security
challenges, complementing the broader law enforcement efforts.

* Mexico's community policing emphasizes collaboration and trust-building between

police officers and local communities, while in the Philippines, community policing
often involves grassroots initiatives driven by citizens and local government units
with limited police involvement.

7. The police system in Mexico grapples with corruption, training deficiencies, and
resource limitations, prompting ongoing reforms aimed at enhancing professionalism
through improved recruitment, training, oversight, and a focus on strengthening the
rule of law and accountability while addressing human rights violations.

* Mexico's challenges and reforms in law enforcement and security have focused on
combating organized crime and enhancing institutional capacity, while the
Philippines' efforts have centered on addressing widespread corruption and
extrajudicial killings in the context of President Rodrigo Duterte's controversial anti-
drug campaign.

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