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I Play Do not Do I play

tennis play tennis?

YOU Play Don’t Do you

tennis play play

tennis tennis?

HE –SHE-IT Plays tennis Doesn’t play tennis

Does he play

WE Play Don’t Do we

tennis play play

tennis tennis?

YOU THEY Play Don’t Do they

tennis play play


Adverbs of frequency

⚫ Always
⚫ Often
⚫ Generally *
⚫ Usually
⚫ Sometimes *
⚫ never

They are used between the subject and the verb.

Eg. He often meets his friends.

*They can be used at the begining of the sentence. Eg. Sometimes, I go

to the cinema.

We can also say:

● Everyday
● Once a week
● Twice a week
● Three times a week/month/year
● At weekends
● On Mondays at the end • In the morning
● In the afternoon
● At night
● On Sunday morning

Eg. I start work at 7 everyday.

Mary meets her friends for lunch on Tuesdays

I practice tennis twice a week


⚫ Wake up ⚫ Get up

⚫ Get dressed ⚫ Brush my teeth

⚫ Have breakfast ⚫ Go to work

⚫ Return home ⚫ Have lunch

⚫ Wash the dishes/do the washing up

⚫ Take a nap ⚫ Watch TV

⚫ Do my homework/study ⚫ Have tea

⚫ Have/take a shower ⚫ Go to gym/practice a sport

⚫ Read a book/the newspaper

⚫ Have dinner ⚫ Go to sleep

What do you usually do everyday?

First, I usually get up at 7:15 and I take a shower. After that, I get
dressed and I have breakfast, generally a cup of coffee with some
toasts. Then, I take the bus to go to work, I start work at 9 o’clock
everyday. I return home at 1:30 pm and prepare lunch. I always eat
with my family. Then, I take a short nap and when I get up I go to the
gym to do some exercise. Generally, I have dinner at 9 pm because I
am really tired and finally, I go to sleep after watching some TV at
● Write your routine
● Fill each space with one of the words in the box. Use the
correct form.
eat walk

swim not like

practice eat

have drink

be live

Betty _________ (1) twenty-two years old. She ________ (2) in a house

in the state of Vermont near the sea. In the morning, she always

________ (3) on the beach for half an hour, then she sometimes

_________(4) aerobics, but she usually swims.

"There is a swimming-pool in my house, so I can ________ (5) in the sea

or in the swimming-pool, but I _________ (6) swimming in the sea and I

never do it."

She never _________ (7) candy or chocolates. "I'm a model and I can't

________(8) things like that." She usually ________ (9) a really big

breakfast and then just a sandwich for lunch. She always _________ (10)

a lot of water.
On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads his newspaper in

the kitchen. He has breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother

in Scotland.

In the afternoon, at 1.00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that,

they eat dinner in a restaurant. At 6.00, Tom swims for one hour and

then he goes by bike to his brother's house. They talk and listen to music.

Tom watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of warm milk.

He goes to bed at 11.30.

1. Where does Tom have breakfast?

In the kitchen

In his bedroom

In the lounge

2. Who does he telephone in the morning?

His sister

His brother

His mother

3. Where does his mother live?

In England

In his brother's house

In Scotland

4. What time does he play tennis with his sister?




5. How long does Tom swim for?

One hour

Two hours

Six hours

6. How does Tom go to his brother's house?

By bike

By car

On foot

7. What does Tom drink in the evening?



8. What time does Tom go to bed?




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