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SOUNDS AND SOUND-RELATED ELEMENTS ------------ Compiled by Toni-engine*

1) The placement on emphasis on a syllable in a word during articulation is known as _______________

(a) Syllabication (b) accentuation (c) motivation (d) emaciation Ans: ACCENTUATION or STRESS
2) _________________ is Vowel No: 10 (a) /ᴣ:/ (b) /ə/ (c) /ɒ/ (d) /ʌ/ Ans: /ʌ/
3) In each of the word below insert the stress mark at the appropriate place
Inter Ans: /’intə(r) /
Success Ans: /sək’ses/
Madam Ans: / mi’steik/
Advice Ans: /əd’vais/
Advise Ans: /əd’vaiz/
4) The word debt, subtle, plumber and bomber have the /b/ sound silent TRUE or FALSE? Ans: TRUE
5) The English Language has 20 pure vowels TRUE or FALSE? Ans: FALSE; it has 12 Pure Vowels
(Monopthongs) and 8 diphthongs
6) The words accommodation, evidence, information and equipment take “an” TRUE or FALSE
7) Stress placement may be used to determine a) word class b) tone c) tense d) etymology
Ans: Tense
8) Which of this word is stressed on the first syllable a) Success b) Address c) Mistake d) Apron
Ans Apron/’eiprən/
N/B the following words are stressed on their second syllable Success/sək’ses/, address /ə’dres/,
mistake/mi’steik/, request /ri’kwest/, advice/əd’vais/ advise /əd’vaiz/
9) Dipthongs are also called_________ Ans: Gliding vowels
10) The fusion of two vowels results in________ Ans: Dipthongs
11) Which of these contains the /j/ sound? a) Joy b) oil c) ewe d) gem Ans: ewe /ju:/
12) Vowel sounds identified with numbers are called_____ Ans: Monopthongs
13) English sounds are represented by______ Ans: Phonetic Symbols
14) Stress placement may be used to determine a) tense b) word class c) etymology d) syntax
Ans: Tense
Tense: (Phonetics)(of a speech) Produced with muscles of speech organs stretched tight
Word class: One of the classes into which words are divided according to their grammar e.g
Noun, Verb, Pronoun etc SYN---Part of speech
Etymology: *the study and history of words * the origin and history of a particular word
Syntax: the way that words and phrases are put together to form sentences in a language
15) Breaking of words at line- ending can be guided by a)tense b) cues c) syntax d) syllabication
Ans: syllabication
16) Monopthongs are either short or long; but all dipthongs are _________ Ans: Long
17) The giving of prominence or emphasis to a part of a word in pronunciation is known
as__________ Ans: Stress or Accentuation
18) The rising and falling tones in English Language are referred to as_____ Ans: Intonation
19) The English language has 12 vowels sounds a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: FALSE * it has 20
vowel sounds of which 12 are pure vowel sounds(monopthongs) and 8 dipthong
20) The words advice, advise, mistake, address & request has the stress mark on the first syllable
a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: FALSE * Check the notes under question 8
21) The words information, accommodation, evidence & equipment take “an” for their singular
a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: TRUE
22) The words debt, subtle, plumber and bomb has the /b/ sound pronounced a) True b) False c) No
idea Ans: FALSE * the /b/ sound is silent on the above words hence it is not pronounced
23) The words at the top of a dictionary page are called ______Ans: Headwords
24) The section of the dictionary that precedes main word entries is called ________ Ans : Preface
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LISTENING-------------------- Compiled by Toni-engine*
Listening is essentially” an active and purposeful process in which the listener participates and makes a
positive contribution by bringing his powers of concentration to bear on what he hears”
It is a Psycho-cognitive activity.
1) Listening is a/an _______ activity (a) Indifferent (b) Passive (c) Active (d) Thorough Ans: Active
2) Signals which a listener watches out for during listening are called_____(a) acoustics (b) cues
(c) messages (d) tins Ans: Cues
3) There is essentially no difference between listening and hearing TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
4) Non- verbal cues are communicated through (a)dictionary (b) vocabulary development
(c) word class (d) gestures Ans: Gestures
5) Points inferred from the speaker’s statements and tone are obtained through______ cues
Ans: Verbal Cues
6) One of this is common to both listening and hearing (a) Concentration (b) Purpose (c) Interest
(d) Auditory Organ Ans: Auditory Organs
7) Listening is a voluntary activity while Hearing is ___________ Ans: Involuntary
8) Facial expression and gestures constitute ________ message cues Ans: Non-Verbal Cues
9) _______ refers to the ability merely to perceive sound Ans: Hearing
10) _______ involves exclusive attention to, as well as conscious processing, analysis, understanding
and evaluation of the text Ans: Listening
11) Two factors which enhance effective listening are____ &______ Ans: Concentration & Interest
12) Two Factors which hinders effective listening are _____&______
Ans: Hearing Impairment & Lack of Concentration
13) Two possible distractions in a speaker, which the listerner must contend with are ___&_____
Ans: Engaging in side talk & Looking away
14) Non-Verbal Cues which a listener may observe include ______&_______
Ans: Taking notes and Following the speaker’s line of argument
15) Identify the Verbal cues giving examples for each
a) Central Message Cues-- “the main point here is…”,” it is important to note that”…,
”I shall focus attention on…..”, “I intend to concentrate on…..”
b) Additional Message Cues—“In addition”, “Moreover”, “Also”
c) Enumeration Cues---- “First”, “Second”, “Third”, “Number one”, ”Number two” etc…
d) Concessional Position Cues—“However”, “None the less”, “In spite of”,
“Notwithstanding that”
e) Implicit Message Cues--- This cue signals major points or deductions implied by the speaker
from which the intelligent listener constructs the opinion or verdict of the speaker, “I have
told my side of the story, I leave you to decide who tells the truth”, “who am I to say that my
senior colleague is wrong”
f) Concluding Message Cues--- “All in all”, “on the whole”, “In conclusion”, “To conclude”, “In
16) Two ways of improving attention includes____&_____ Ans: Increasing the level of concentration
and developing keen interest
17) The main difference between listening and hearing is that____ Ans: Listening is an active activity
while hearing is a merely passive activity
18) The foundation of listening is ______ a) Hearing with concentration b) Concentration without
hearing c) Speaking d) Silence Ans: Hearing with concentration
19) The listener normally brings his/her powers of ears to bear on what is heard TRUE or FALSE
Ans: FALSE; (The listener brings his powers of concentration to what is heard and not his
powers of ears)

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20) Listening is mutually inseparable from the other two skills of language TRUE or FALSE
Ans: FALSE (N/B there are four skills of Language, and not two of which are LISTENING,
21) Listening and Hearing are similar on account of a person’s competence in the Language of
communication TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
22) The phrase “none-the-less” signals concession TRUE or FALSE Ans: TRUE Check question 15*
23) Unlike Listening, reading is a receptive activity TRUE or FALSE Ans FALSE Both reading and
listening are receptive activities
24) Signals which a listener watches out for during note taking are called_____ Ans: Cues
25) Which one of this is common to both listening and hearing a) concentration b) purpose c) interest
d) auditory organ Ans: Auditory organ
26) Listening is one of the four skills of language a) True b) False c) No idea d) None of the above
27) Exclusive attention otherwise called INTEREST is essential for effective listening a) True b) False c)
No idea Ans: False
28) Ladies and Gentlemen please “note the point” The message cue here is Implicit a) True b) False c)
No idea Ans: False Its is a Central message cue *Check No.15 for more emphasis

READING ----------------------- Compiled by Toni-engine*

1) Reading is a ____ process (a) Visual-cognitive (b) Graphic (c) Audio-Visual (d) Visual
Ans: Visual-cognitive
2) ______ is a poor reading habit which involves frequent repetition a) Head Movement
b) Regression c) Poor-Posture d) Vocalization Ans: Regression
3) The reading speed required to locate a date or a symbol on a page is ___
a)skimming b) fast c) normal d) scanning Ans: Scanning
4) Devices that helps the memory to retain information are called___
a) Aids b) assistance c) Mnemonics d) signs Ans: Mnemonics
5) Both reading and hearing are cognitive activities TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
6) Reading speed and effectiveness can be enhanced by the use of ____ devices
a) Sense b) mnemonics c) skilful e) none of the above Ans: Mnemonics
7) The poor reading habit that involves the words being read within the vocal cord is known as____
8) Which one of these language skills does not involve the auditory process a) Reading b) Listening
c) Hearing d) None of the above Ans: READING
9) Unlike listening, reading is a receptive activity which involves cognitive process TRUE or FALSE
Ans: FALSE N/B: both listening and reading are receptive activities which makes use of the
cognitive processes, listening makes use of the auditory organs while reading makes use the
11) SQ3R stands for______ Ans: SURVEY, QUESTION, READ RECITE & REVISE
14) PS3R stands for____ Ans: PREVIEW, SKIM, READ, RECITE & REVISE
15) Apart from widening the reader’s knowledge reading also widens the reader’s_______
a) experience b) vocabulary c) life d) profession Ans: Vocabulary
16) The Internet makes traditional reading a waste of time TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
17) Reading with the Vocal cords vibrating is called Vocalization TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
18) The poor reading habit that involves repetition is_______ Ans: Regression
19) Reading is an audio-visual activity TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE ( it is a visual- psycho-motive,
receptive and cognitive activity) N/B This material is not for sale
20) Wide reading depletes the reader’s vocabulary TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
21) ________is the reading speed required to note the main points in a text Ans: Skimming
22) The reading speed required to locate a date on a newspaper page is_____ Ans: Scanning
23) ______________ as a language based activity serves as a vehicle of thoughts Ans: Reading
24) ________ reading speed involves rapid eye movement and an exceptionally fast speed Ans:
25) Reading and making hissing sound is called sub-vocalization TRUE or FALSE Ans: TRUE
26) ________reading technique is adopted when one is reading for pleasure Ans: Fast Reading
27) Both reading and hearing are cognitive TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
28) The number of words expected from a good reader is _______ Ans: 600WPM

VOCABULARY --------------------Compiled by Toni-engine*

1) ____________ refers to all the words known to a user of a language Ans: Vocabulary
2) A/an _________ is a structure without clear sense Ans: Affix
3) ______ are words with the same pronunciation, but different spelling and meaning
Ans: Homophones
4) Words or utterances which have been over used are called Ans: Clichés
5) The words ‘aisle’ and ‘ isle’ are examples of _______ Ans: Homophones( same pronunciation but
different spelling and meaning)
6) Prefixes and suffixes are associated with a) dictionary b) vocabulary development c) word class d)
synonymy Ans: Vocabulary development
7) Words that are spelt and pronounced alike but differ in meaning are called Ans: Homonyms
8) _________ is a structure with a clear sense Ans: Root
9) Conventional use of language in relation to a specific context is a) Vocabulary b) lexis c) register
d) synonyms Ans: Register
10) Additional specialized information at the end of word entries in a dictionary is called
a) addendum b) extraneous c) appendix d) glossary Ans: Appendix
11) Words arranged alphabetically in the dictionary are called _______Ans: ENTRIES
12) Registers are otherwise called________________ Ans: Parlance
13) Lexis is synonymous to vocabulary TRUE or FALSE Ans: TRUE
LEXIS: All the words and phrases of a particular language- OALD
VOCABULARY: All the words in a particular language or all the words known to a user of a
particular language
14 Homographs means_______________________________________________________________
ORAL COMPOSITION ____ Toni engine
1) The expression “ Please sir, I want you to sign my course form for me” is ________ polite request
a) Truly b) sometimes c) never d) not/never Ans : Not/Never N/B often students go to their
lecturers with course registration forms and say “ I want you to sign my course form sir or
please sir, I want you to sign my course form or sir, I have been coming here many times
without seeing you; please sir I want my forms to be signed" etc…
All the versions of request are impolite. The expression” I WANT” is a command, the
number of please in which the speaker uses is not withstanding---
2) Speaker A: do you mind if I sleep in your office, sir? Speaker B: Not at all
speaker B’s response means a) you may sleep b)don’t sleep c) wake up d) leave my office Ans: (a)
3) How do you do? Ans: How do you do?
4) Will you travel tonight? Ans: Yes I will or No I won’t

N/B: This material is not for sale Compiled by Toni-engine*

TERM PAPER Compiled by Toni-engine*

The term paper is a mini research/ project/report which involve selection of topic, research for
facts and evidence, a logical presentation of the facts and a proper documentation of sources
of information tapped for the purpose of the report. The difference between the ordinary
essay and the term paper lies in the crucial fact that a term paper is a product of research
based on verifiable facts, it also lies in the unique documentation, not desirable in ordinary
essay. USE OF ENGLISH VOL II( Luke Eyoh)
1) One of these involves investigation_________ a) reading b) term paper c) minutes
d) bibliography Ans: Term Paper
2) Which of these is not associated with term paper a) reading b) Plagiarism c) bibliography
d) None Ans : None as all these stated above are associated with the Term Paper
3) The entire content of the term paper is summarized in the __________ Ans: Abstract
4) ____ is the documentation style in which the year of publication comes last a) APA b) MLA c)
5) The term paper may also be called periodic paper TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
6) Proper recording of sources of information in the term paper is called_____ Ans:
7) The three types of documentation are _____,_______&_______ Ans: End Notes, Foot Notes
& In-Text Citation.
8) The term paper like the ordinary essay, is a mini research TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE(N/B;
The ordinary essay is not a mini research it is a story, a report, an explanation of a process,
a protest etc.
9) The abbreviation “et al” means “and so on” TRUE or FALSE Ans: FALSE
“et al” means “and others”
10) One of these is a research aid a) Term paper b) dictionary c) references d) abstract
Ans: Dictionary
11) ____________is a précis of about 200 words that precedes the body of a research essay
a) documentation b)introduction c) abstract d) term paper Ans: Abstract
12) The term is not an essay a)True b)False c) none of the above Ans: TRUE
13) ______ is the first step in writing the term paper a) Bibliography b) choices of topic c)reading
d) writing the draft Ans: Choice of topics is the first step in writing a term paper
Below are the following steps towards writing an effective term paper
*The writer has to choose a topic for the paper
*He/she has to build up a working bibliography
*He/she has to read, take notes and formulate a thesis to serve as an organizing principle for
the paper
* The writer must make a realistic outline
*The writer must then do a first draft of the paper
*He /she must read through the draft to eliminate blemishes
*The writer must, finally write and proofread the final draft
14) Bibliography covers works cited and references TRUE or FALSE Ans: TRUE
15) _______refers to a list of works cited in a text where the MLA documentation style is used
a) Bibliography b)references c) work cited d) all of the above Ans: WORK CITED
16) _____ refers to only list of books and related materials cited in a text where APA style is used
a) Bibliography b) references c)work cited d) citation Ans: REFERENCES
17) MLA stands for___________ Ans: Modern Language Association of America
18) APA stands for___________Ans: American Psychology Association
19) _______________ denotes a full list of all books and related material consulted in the course
of research Ans: Bibliography
20) The two popular styles of writing the Bibliography are _____________&______________
Ans: MLA & APA___________ is the documentation style in which the year of publication
comes in brackets before the titles a) APP b) MLA c) APA d) PPA Ans: APA

21) Failure to acknowledge a source of information in research is called__________ Ans:

22) Plagiarism is often associated with a) note-taking b) research c) lectures d) language
Ans: Research
23) Bibliography is the same as________ a) references b) works cited c) front note d) none of the
above Ans: None of the above (as references and works cited are types of bibliography)
24) The term paper is an essay TRUE or FALSE Ans:
25) a précis of about 200 words that precedes the body of a research essay is called_______ Ans:
26) Arrangement of author’s name on the reference page of a term paper follows____ order
Ans: Alphabetical Order
27) ____________ is the documentation style in which the date comes immediately after the
author’s name Ans: APA
28) The abbreviation “et al” means eternal a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: FALSE
29) The term paper is a product of findings a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: TRUE
30) The brief information that presents a term paper in about 200 words is technically called
INTRODUCTION a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: FALSE * It is called the abstract
31) In the term paper “works cited” is related to a) APA b) MLA c) In-Text Citations Ans: MLA
32) __________ is a categorical proposition on the topic of research Ans: Thesis Statement


*Note-taking strives to record fast, the major points from a lecture or a text, omitting details and
illustration; it make a wide use of abbreviation, acrostics, symbols and cryptic sketches, avoiding
clear diagrams and tables
*Note making involves the expansion of information resulting from notes taking into detailed and
well illustrated text, accessible to any person literate in the language and familiar with the subject
in the text
N/B-----Unlike, Note taking, note making employs or involves details, illustrations, diagrams &
table to enhance clarity, it avoids uncommon abbreviation, vague symbols, acrostics and cryptic
structures of all which impedes clarity.
1) Minutes are normally written in_______ tense Ans: Past tense and also in reported speech
2) Recording of main points applies to _____ a)minutes b) note-taking c)note-making d)listening
Ans: Note-taking
3) Note –taking avoids _______________a)symbols b)details c) chart d) main points
Ans: details
4) Notes-taking and Note-making are different, though both are of same length a) True b) False
c) No idea Ans: False* They are not of same length as note making is more lengthy than
note taking which deals with recording fast the major points.
5) Note-making is an aspect of Note-taking a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: TRUE
6) ACROSTICS are developed by students & writers to enhance effective note-taking
a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: TRUE
7) Note-taking requires that everything a speaker say should be written down a) True b) False c)
No idea Ans: FALSE
8) The expansion of information into details and well illustrated text is known as Note-making
a) True b) False c) No idea Ans: TRUE
9) Personal symbols and abbreviation that aid notes taking are called_________ Ans: Acrostics
N/B: This material is not for sale Compiled by Toni-engine*

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