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Recognition task 1

Nixon Arley Tibaquira soler

Business Administration, UCompensar University Foundation

English 1

Teacher: Yonny Alexander Fernández Rodríguez

August 31 2023


By doing this work we understand how to introduce ourselves to another person, the

proper use of another language, its understanding and reading, the correct use of words and

their intonation, in addition, the proper use of the translator for words that we do not know

their pronunciation and writing.



You will write a mail to a friend introducing yourself, you are going to describe

your daily life, your likes, dislikes and passions, some personal preferences about hobbies

or food. Submit the activity in the final activity section accordingly. Individual Work. This

task will allow you to use the content practiced during the stage of Recognition. As an

individual task you will have to do:

1. A mail to a friend introducing yourself, also, you are going to describe your daily

life, your likes and dislikes, some personal preferences about hobbies or food. The activity

must include the following information:

1. It must be a 200-word mail.

2. Linking words to connect your ideas.

3. Your name.

4. Your age.

5. Your studies and where you study.

6. Your profession and where you work.

7. Describe one day of your life.

8. Your preferences about music.

9. Your preferences about food.

10. Your hobbies.

11. If you do not have a job or any of the key points does not match your reality,

please use your imagination to complete the activity.



Good morning, Amanda.

I hope you are fine.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Nixon Tibaquira, I am 38 years old, I am your

new study partner, I am 38 years old, currently in the third semester of my business

administration degree.

I currently work for the Dhl express company developing myself as a plant

assistant, my functions within the company are the inspection of parcels such as postal

mail. My main function is the inspection of dangerous goods, this means the detection of

substances prohibited for air transport. such as lotions, flammable liquids, war materials.

I like rock music, but I have no problem listening to other musical genres, I respect

the musical tastes of each person, I think that this type of musical taste is not an

impediment to establishing a friendly relationship with someone.

My favorite food is spaghetti, I hope you like it too and one day we can go out to

dinner with our families and maybe share something else, like going out to the movies or

something like that.


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