Annex 6.2. BRS-19 Bis - Operations Summary Report (Open Wells)

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1 General

1.1 Customer Information

Company GBRS
Representative OiLSERV Oilfield Services (BVI) Ltd – Algeria PE

1.2 Well Information

Well BRS-19bis
Project GBRS Site BRS-19
Rig Name/No. T212/T212 Event ORIG DRILLING
Start date 7/20/2019 End date
Spud date 7/20/2019 UWI
Active datum RT @140.10m (above Ground Level)
Afe No./Description /

2 Summary

2.1 Operation Summary

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
7/20/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 36 1.3 P Spud well BRS-19 bis 20-July-2019 00:00:00 hrs , Meeting w/ Rig
crew & GBRS drilling Department Head. P/U & M/U 36” BHA .
2:00 20:00 18.00 36 1.1 1 P 0.00 Drill 36" hole section to 50m with spud mud 1.05sg 100%
circulation returned.
** Start drilling with reduced parameters then increased same
** Q=100-1400 lpm, P= 70-90 psi, Rpm= 20-80, WOB= 0-7T.
** While Reaming the drilled stand found bit balled @ 39m, Clean
same and resume drililing
** Ream each joint drilled twice.
** Pump 5m3 of Hi-vis pill
** No drilling progress @ 50m
20:00 23:45 3.75 36 1.3 P 50.00 POOH to surface.
** Found the bit balled 100% with clays. Cleaned out the bit, RIH
back to bottom (circulated last simple)
23:45 0:00 0.25 36 1.1 1 P 50.00 Resume drilling from 50m to 52m
** Q=1400 lpm, P=70 Psi, RPM=80-85 , WOB=3-4 T
7/21/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 36 1.1 1 P 52.00 Drilling from 52 to 64m ** Q=-1400 lpm, P= 85 psi, Rpm= 86,
WOB= 3-7T.
2:00 4:15 2.25 36 1.5 P Pumped 5 m3 Hi Vis pill and circulate Hole clean, Spot 20m3 hi-vis
pill on bottom, Dropped Totco.
4:15 6:00 1.75 36 1.3 P POOH from bottom to surface.
** No tight hole ** Found bit 100% balled up.
6:00 6:45 0.75 36 1.3 P Bit & bit sub service.
** Recovered Totco; Hole incl.: 0 deg.
** Bit dull grade 1-2- WT-A- 2- I- BU- TD.
** Clean Bit & Rig floor.
6:45 7:00 0.25 36 3.1 P Prepare csg running surface equipment.
7:00 11:00 4.00 36 3.1 P HPJSM. Pick up and run 30``conductor pipe csg from surface to
** Surface test the float shoe with mud ok.
** Used cutting torch to cut the pad eyes on rig floor
** Filling up every joint with Mud.
11:00 15:00 4.00 36 3.1 P HPJSM, Empty cellar, centralize 30” CP. In Rotary table, Cut 42”
20 cm from the bottom of cellar & weld brace between 42” x 30”.
15:00 17:00 2.00 36 3.2 P Pick up & RIH stinger on two stds 5" HWDP.
** Spaced out.
17:00 18:15 1.25 36 3.2 P Pick & make up one 5" pup joint 4.5m, circulating sub, Safety
valve & 5" pup joint 1.5m.
18:15 19:15 1.00 36 3.2 P Connect & pressure test cemetnt line @ 500/2000 psi during

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 1 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
19:15 19:45 0.50 36 3.2 P Sting in, fill up annulus 5" x 30" & test stinger sealing ok.
19:45 20:15 0.50 36 3.2 P Cirulate prior cement job. 800 lpm, 90psi.
20:15 21:15 1.00 36 3.2 P HJPSM. 30' csg cementing
** Preflush with 6m3 water, mix & pump 11.3 m3 slurry 1.90,
displaced with 450 l Water.
** Got cement return on surface
21:15 21:30 0.25 36 3.2 P Sting out, checked float shoe holding ok.
21:30 22:15 0.75 36 3.2 P Disconnect line, POOH stinger to surface
** lay down stinger , two 5" pup joint, circulating sub & safety valve.
22:15 0:00 1.75 36 3.1 P Empty & Clean cellar, preparing to cut 30" C.P
7/22/2019 0:00 3:00 3.00 36 3.1 P Empty landing joint from mud & cut 30" Conductor below landing
joint connection,
3:00 3:30 0.50 36 3.1 P Lay down landing joint & clean cellar.
3:30 6:30 3.00 36 3.1 P Install riser & weld same on 30” conductor pipe.
6:30 11:00 4.50 36 1.3 P RIH 22” BHA to 58m with Picked up: New 22” TCI bit ES14V,
#1623696, bit sub, Shock sub, Stabilizer.
** Tag cement at this depth
11:00 14:00 3.00 36 1.1 P Pattern the bit & drilling out cement & shoe from 58m to 63m.
** Fr= 200 - 1000lpm, Pr=60 - 100, RPM= 20 – 60, WOB= 0 –
** Returned hard cement on shale shakers
14:00 23:15 9.25 22 1.1 1 P 64.00 Drill 22" hole section from 64 to 110m
** Start Drilling with reduced parameters (40-50 RPM, 1-2 T,
300-1000 lpm, 90-100 Psi)
** Gradually increased drilling parametersfrom (40-50 RPM, 2-5 T,
1000 lpm, 120 Psi) to (40-50 RPM, 2-5 T, 1500 lpm, 260 Psi)
** Noticed partial mud losses from 90m, 2-12 m3
23:15 0:00 0.75 22 1.5 P 110.00 Spotted 10m3 LCM (800 lpm), POOH to shoe
7/23/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 22 1.5 P Circulated above shoe, Fr=1000 lpm, P=90 Psi, No losses while
1:00 1:30 0.50 22 1.3 4 P Run back to bottom (110m)
1:30 6:00 4.50 22 1.1 P 110.00 Resume drilling 22” hole section (0-3 T, 40-65 RPM, 1350-1450
lpm, 220-255 Psi) from 110m to 136m.
** Partial losses rate decreased from 12 m3 to 4 - 6 m3.
6:00 7:00 1.00 22 1.5 P Spot 10m3 LCM pill 200kg/m on bottom (400lpm, 40 psi).
7:00 7:30 0.50 22 1.3 4 P 136.00 Pooh to 83m and circulate meanwhile LCM soak, Fr=1000 lpm,
P=90 Psi.
7:30 9:00 1.50 22 1.3 P 83.00 Make up 03 jts 8-1/4” DC & one stand of 5” HWDP.
9:00 0:00 15.00 22 1.1 P 136.00 Resume drilling from 136m to 222m.
** Fr=1500 lpm, Pr=280 Psi, Rpm= 65, WOB=0-3 T, losses 2.5
** Partial losses rate increased to 20 m3/hour while increasing flow
rate to 1800 lpm.
** Reduced Flow rate to 1600lpm & continue drilling.
** Fr=1600 lpm, Pr= 320-350 Psi, Rpm=65-75, WOB= 0-5 T,
Losses=5-6 m3/h
** Pumped 3m3 Hi Vis pill at the end of each stand drilled.
** Mio-Pliocene 100% sand.
7/24/2019 0:00 3:15 3.25 22 1.1 P 222.00 Continue drilling from 222m to 250m.
** Fr=1600 lpm, Pr=350 Psi, Rpm= 70, WOB=0-10 T,
** Partial losses 5-6 m3/hr.
3:15 4:45 1.50 22 1.5 P Pump 5m3 Hi Vis pill and circulate hole clean prior entering
Eocene Carbonate
** Fr=1600 lpm, Pr=330 Psi.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 2 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
4:45 0:00 19.25 22 1.1 P 250.00 Drilling 22” Hole section with partial losses with 1.05sg spud mud
from 250m to 357m.
** Fr=1600 - 2000 lpm, Pr=350 - 500 Psi, Rpm= 70, WOB=0-15 :
Partial losses decreased from 5-6 to 0m3/hour
** Lost return @ 328m; Reduced flow rate to 1000 lpm, got back
partial return.
** Increased gradually flowrate to 1700 lpm & continue drillling with
partial losses 0-2.5 m3/h.
** Pumped a 3 m3/h Hi Vis pill @ each std drilled.
** Formation: Eocene Carbonate @ 257m; Senonien Carbonate
@ 302m. (Dolomite 80-100% , Claystone 0-20%).
7/25/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 22 1.1 P 357.00 Continue drilling 22" hole section with 1.05 spud mud from 357m
to 471m.
** Fr=1700 -1800 lpm, Pr=350 - 500 Psi, Rpm= 80 - 100,
WOB=5-15 T,
** Load active tank with LCM
** Partial losses rate decreased from 2.5 to 0 m3/hr.
** Pump 03 m3 Hi-Vis sweep pills before connection @ 366m @
** Last Sample: Senonien Carbonate: Dolomite, Limestone,
Claystone, Anhydrite.
7/26/2019 0:00 17:30 17.50 22 1.1 1 P 471.00 Drilling 22 hole section from 471 m to csg point @ 518 m
** 1800-1900 lpm, 500-590 Psi, 5-20 T, 90-110 RPM
** Partial losses rate not sable 0–0.8 m3/hr.
** Ream each stand drilled.
17:30 20:45 3.25 22 1.5 P Pumped a 6m3 Hi Vis pill and circulate hole clean. Spot 10 m3 Hi
Vis pill. Drop Totco.
** 1900 lpm, 550 Psi.
20:45 0:00 3.25 22 1.3 3 P 518.00 POOH 22" BHA to 107m
** Tight hole noticed : @ 470-370m, worked intervals and @
366-362m, 17T overpull, backreamed (1800 lpm, 80-500 Psi, 60
RPM) .
7/27/2019 0:00 2:45 2.75 22 1.3 3 P 107.00 Continue POOH 22" BHA from 107m to surface. ** Bit and
Stabilizer 100% balled up ** Cleaned out Bit and Stabilizer and
recover Totco
** Bit dull grading 1-1-WT-A-2-I-BU-TD
** Inclination 1.5 deg.
2:45 6:45 4.00 22 1.3 4 P Run back 22" BHA for Wiper Trip to bottom.
** Tag obstruction at 380m (set 7T), Connect TD & work ingiterval
to 395m.
** Wash down last joint.
6:45 8:45 2.00 22 1.5 P Pump 6m3 Hi Vis pill & circulate hole clean. ** Fr= 1850lpm Pr=
** Partial Losses 2.5 m3/hour.
8:45 14:00 5.25 22 1.3 3 P POOH from bottom to Surface
** Pulled up 1st std with circulation.
14:00 15:30 1.50 22 1.3 3 P Lay down stabilizer, 22" Bit, Bit sub and shock sub
** Meanwhile cut 30" conductor pipe @ 1.73 m from top of cellar
15:30 16:15 0.75 22 3.1 P P/U 30" Riser running tool, Pull up and L/D Riser
16:15 17:45 1.50 22 3.1 P Rig up WFD 18-5/8" power tong & handling tools.
17:45 18:15 0.50 22 HPJSM
18:15 21:45 3.50 22 3.1 P 0.00 Pick up and RIH 18 5/8"-87.5#-P110-BTC csg to 75m (7th joint)
** Make up torque csg shoe on first csg joint
** Test Float shoe @ surface, ok ** Tag obstruction @ 75m.
21:45 0:00 2.25 22 2.1 P 76.00 Rig up circulating head and run csg with circulate from 76m to 79
(7th joint). ongoing.
** 1200 lpm, 200 Psi.
7/28/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 22 3.1 P 77.00 Run csg with circulation from 77 to 87m (1500 lpm, 280 Psi).
** Couldn't pass. ** The dicsision has been made to pull out
4:00 7:00 3.00 22 3.1 L 87.00 L/D circulating head and POOH CSG from 87 to surface. ** Lost in
hole one centralizer, stop collar & one blade.
7:00 8:15 1.25 22 3.1 L Rig down WFD 18-5/8" power tong & handling tools.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 3 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
8:15 11:00 2.75 22 1.3 L 0.00 Pick up & run with 9-1/2 fishing magnet two passes To 61m &
** No metal recovered.
11:00 13:00 2.00 22 1.3 L Pick & make up 9-1/2” Shock sub, 21-7/8” IBS, Bit sub & RR 22”
MT bit; L115J #233165.
13:00 15:45 2.75 22 1.3 L 0.00 Rih 22” wiper trip to 333m. set 7T at this point
15:45 16:15 0.50 22 1.4 L 333.00 Connect top drive & work interval 333 to 363m.** Fr=1500lpm,
Pr=300Psi, Rpm= 60, WOB=5 T.
16:15 19:00 2.75 22 1.3 L 365.00 Continue Rih from 363m to bottom.
** Tag centralizer @ 516.2m,
** Push down to 518m using rotation & circulation
19:00 20:00 1.00 22 1.5 L Circulate hole clean. ** Fr=1850lpm, Pr=510Psi,
20:00 23:00 3.00 22 1.3 L 518.00 HPJSM, Pull out wiper trip string from bottom to surface.
** Hole in good shape.
23:00 0:00 1.00 22 1.3 L 0.00 Lay down 21-7/8" stabilizer, Bit sub, 22" MT Bit and shock sub,
** Stabilizer 2/3 balled up. Bit dull gade; 2-2-WT-A-E-I-NO-TD.
7/29/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 22 1.3 L Bit service. ** Bit dull grading 2-2-WT-A-E-I-NO-TD
0:30 1:30 1.00 22 3.1 L Rig up WFD power tong and surface csg running equipment.
1:30 10:15 8.75 22 3.1 L 0.00 Run 18 5/8” csg to 257m (joint 23).
** M/U Circulating head and break circulation (joint 19).
** Couldn’t make up joint 22, changed it.
** Tag obstruction @ this depth (257m, Top of Eocene Carbonate)
10:15 13:45 3.50 22 3.1 L M/U Circulating head and try to run csg with circulation,
** Working column up and down and rotate column ¼ turn to
change its position, no success.
** Weight on M/D: 70 T (TD 25T + column 45T) ** Max slack-off
weight 45T
13:45 14:15 0.50 22 3.1 L Disconnect circulation house & lay down Circulating head.
14:15 19:00 4.75 22 3.1 L 257.00 Pull out 18-5/8" CSG from 257m to surface.
** Lost in hole one centralizer & one stop collar.
19:00 19:45 0.75 22 Rig down WFD 18-5/8" power tong.
19:45 22:45 3.00 22 1.3 L Pick & make up 9-1/2” Shock sub, 21-7/8” IBS, Bit sub & RR 22”
MT bit; L115J #233165.
** L/D 1 x 9 1/2" DC
22:45 0:00 1.25 22 1.3 L 0.00 Rih 22” wiper trip to 243m ongoing.
7/30/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 22 1.3 3 L 243.00 Continue wiper trip with reaming down from 243 to 305m.
** Worked interval 245 to 272m twice,
** Worked interval 272 to 305m one time.
1:30 2:30 1.00 22 1.3 4 L 305.00 Continue Run 22” wiper trip string from 305 to 503m
** Hole in good shape
2:30 3:15 0.75 22 1.4 L 503.00 Connect top drive & wash down the last joint from 503 to 513m
** Tag Centralizer at 511m.
3:15 5:15 2.00 22 1.4 L 513.00 Reaming & Push down the lost centralizer from 513 to 517.70m.
** Fr= 1700lpm Pr= 140psi, Rpm= 30, Wob=2T.
5:15 7:15 2.00 22 1.5 L 517.70 Circulate to clean hole.
** Fr= 1800lpm Pr= 470psi
7:15 10:15 3.00 22 1.3 L 517.70 POOH from bottom to surface
** Hole in good conditions
10:15 12:15 2.00 22 1.3 L Lay down, 22" MT Bit, Bit sub, 21-15/16" stabilizer, shock sub &
01 9-1/2” DC
** Bit dull grade; 2-2-WT-A-E-I-NO-TD.
12:15 13:15 1.00 22 3.1 L Pick up the GBRS 18-5/8” shoe joint & test the stinger Ok.
** Change Master bushings
13:15 14:15 1.00 22 3.1 L Rig up WFD 18-5/8" power tong & handling tools.
14:15 20:00 5.75 22 3.1 L 0.00 Run 18 5/8"-87.5#-J55-BTC csg to 268m
** Filling up : The first 10 joints: @ every joint; joints 11-20: every
2 joints.
** Tagged obstruction @ 268m,

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 4 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
20:00 22:30 2.50 22 3.1 L Run 18-5/8" CSG with sluck off all column weight from 268 to
** Make up circulating head on Jt 25 to fill up column & break
circulation (20min).
** M/up joint 26 & try to run casing without success, try to pull out
no success.
** Casing stuck at 285m,
22:30 0:00 1.50 22 9.6 L L/D joint 26, M/U circulating Head & Try unstuck csg using
circulation with working up/down, no success.
** Fr=500 - 1200 lpm, Pr=90 - 200 Psi
** Max P/Up weight reached 180T.
** Increasing over pull by steps on going.
7/31/2019 0:00 16:00 16.00 22 9.6 L Continue work column Up & down with increasing Over pull using
circulation to unstuck same, no success.
** Kept column under tension (50T) & Pump 5m3 Hi PH pill &
displace same in annulus by steps, with working up & down.
** Max pick up weight reached 220T
** Max slack off weight 25t.
** Column weight 40T.
** Top drive & travelling block weight 25T.
** Fr= 1500lpm, P= 210psi.
16:00 16:30 0.50 22 9.6 L L/D circulating head
16:30 20:30 4.00 22 1.3 4 L M/U and Run 5" stinger, space out
20:30 21:30 1.00 22 9.6 L M/U circulating head. Connect Pumping line.
21:30 22:00 0.50 22 9.6 L Sting in, test stinger sealing , ok.
22:00 22:30 0.50 22 9.6 L HPJSM. Test line @ 500/1800 Psi, ok
22:30 0:00 1.50 22 9.6 L HPJSM. 1st Acid job;
** Pump 1 m3 water, pump 3m3 Acid 15% HCl, displace with water
by Steps:
Step1: 0.5m3 (surface line volume), Step 2: after 20min cont
disp by 1m3 (noticed static losses), Step 3: after 20min displace
the last step 1.5m3.
** Column @ 130 T on M/D (TD 25 + Column 35 + Overpull 65)
** Wait on acid to soak and react Meanwhile work string up/down.
8/1/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 22 9.6 L Circulate and dump acid; got back mud returns after pumping
0:30 1:45 1.25 22 9.6 L Pump 1st LCM pill:
** Pump 6 m3 LCM, displace with 4.8 m3
** Wait on soaking (15mn).
** Got returns after pumping 6.3 m3. Circulate 09 m3 (800 lpm, 35
Psi), no loss.
1:45 2:00 0.25 22 9.6 L 2nd ACID JOB:
** Pump 1m3 water, 4 m3 Acid. Displace with 3 m3 water
(500-600 lpm, 150-200 Psi), no loss.
2:00 3:00 1.00 22 9.6 L Wait to soak; Worked column Up/Down during the last 15 mn, no
3:00 3:30 0.50 22 Circulate to dump Acid (800 lpm, 35 Psi), got back mud returns
after pumping 5.5 m3.
3:30 5:15 1.75 22 9.6 L Pump 2nd LCM pill:
** Pump 6 m3 LCM, displace with 4.8 m3 mud. ** Wait To soak
(15mn). Got return after pumping 1.5 m3. Circulate 09 m3 (800
lpm, 35 Psi), no loss.
5:15 5:30 0.25 22 9.6 L 3rd ACID JOB:
** Pump 1m3 water, 4 m3 Acid. Displace with 3 m3 water
(500-600 lpm, 150-200 Psi), no loss.
5:30 7:15 1.75 22 9.69.6 L Wait to soak; Worked column Up/Down during the last 15 min, no
7:15 8:15 1.00 22 9.6 L Circulate to dump Acid (800 lpm, 40 Psi), got back mud returns
after pumping 1.5 m3.
8:15 8:45 0.50 22 9.6 L 4th ACID JOB:
** Pump 1m3 water, 6 m3 Acid. Displace with 3 m3 water (500
lpm, 120-160 Psi),
8:45 11:00 2.25 22 9.6 L Wait to soak; Worked column Up/Down.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 5 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
11:00 12:00 1.00 22 9.6 L Circulate to eject Acid, Fr= 850lpm, Pr= 120psi
12:00 14:00 2.00 22 9.6 L Work to free stucked casing
14:00 15:00 1.00 22 9.6 L Disconnect pumping line & L/D circulating head. ** Sting out
15:00 17:30 2.50 22 9.6 L POOH stinger to surface & L/D same.
17:30 18:45 1.25 22 9.6 L Work string Up/ Down; no progress.
18:45 0:00 5.25 22 9.6 L 0.00 Pick up & Rih with 18-5/8 internal casing cutter to 182m ongoing.
** P/U Taper mill, Hydr. Internal csg cutter, XO, IBS, XO, Fishing
** Csg cutter surface test, OK
** Before start running the cutter, filled the annulus with 3.7 m3
mud to regain the static level
8/2/2019 0:00 1:45 1.75 22 9.6 L 182.00 Continue Rih with 18-5/8 internal casing cutter from 182 to 251m.
** Fill up the anulus with 2 m3 to regain the static level before start
cut job.
1:45 6:00 4.25 22 9.6 L First attempt to cut 18-5/8” csg @ 249 m.
** Cutting parameters: Fr= 375-450 lpm, Pr= 340-860 Psi, Rpm=
50, Trq= 900-3500 lbs.ft.
6:00 7:15 1.25 22 9.6 L Stop Cut operation rack back one stand 5” DP & try to pick up
18-5/8” CSG to check if cut was done. No success. Max P/U.W
7:15 9:45 2.50 22 9.6 L Second attempt to cut 18-5/8” csg @ 249 m.
** Fr= 375-450 lpm, Pr= 340-860 Psi, Rpm= 50, Trq= 2500-3500
9:45 12:30 2.75 22 9.6 L 251.00 Pooh 18-5/8 internal casing cutter to surface.
** Rack back Casing cutter BHA on mast.
12:30 13:00 0.50 22 9.6 L Try to pull out 18-5/8” casing increasing over pull gradually from 50
to 160T (225T Hook load) were casing start move slowly
13:00 18:00 5.00 22 9.6 L 249.00 Pull out the recovered 18-5/8” casing to surface.
18:00 18:30 0.50 22 9.6 L R/D WFD power tong
18:30 21:15 2.75 22 9.6 L R/D Csg cutter BHA (Taper mill, Csg cutter, XO, IBS, XO, Fishing
21:15 0:00 2.75 22 9.6 L 0.00 R/U Releasing spear & Bumper sub and Run BHA to 176m In
8/3/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 22 9.6 L 172.00 Continue run Releasing spear BHA from 172 to 240m, wash down
to 247 m, Circulate (top of fish @ 249m).
1:00 1:30 0.50 22 9.6 L 247.00 Engage and catch the fish and work string up to 295 T (25/TD +
27/string + 243/overpull), Free the fish.
1:30 4:45 3.25 22 250.00 POOH to surface, 20 T drag on the 10 first meters then free.
** Found top fish covered (balled up) with cutting (formation)
** While cleaning the joint, found a small piece of centralizer metal
(10 cm x 04 cm)
4:45 5:30 0.75 22 9.6 L Rig up WFD 18-5/8” power tong
5:30 6:45 1.25 22 9.6 L Weld pad eyes on 18 5/8” csg
6:45 8:30 1.75 22 9.6 L Try to release fish from releasing spear without success.
8:30 10:45 2.25 22 9.6 L Pull up Top of fish 2m above rotary table & welded other pad eyes
then cut the joint stuck with releasing spear.
** L/D fishing BHA with one single 5” HWDP
** Found 18-5/5" Stop collar hanged between spear grapple &
10:45 12:00 1.25 22 9.6 L Pooh with L/D three csg jts 18-5/8”.
12:00 13:00 1.00 22 9.6 L L/D WFD 18-5/8” Csg power tong & handling tools.
13:00 14:00 1.00 22 9.6 L P/U the ensemble releasing spear / BHA with one joint HWDP &
dismantle same.
14:00 15:45 1.75 22 9.6 L Pick & M/U 2 jts 9-1/2” DC, 9-1/2” Shock sub, 21-15/16” IBS, Bit
sub & RR 22” MT bit; L115J #23316
15:45 0:00 8.25 22 9.6 L 0.00 Rih 22” Wiper trip to 518m.
** Worked interval 250m - 305m
** Tagged obstruction (slack-off 5-7 T) several times, from 376m to
bottom (518m), worked each interval till running free.
8/4/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 22 9.6 L Pumped 6m3 Hi Vis pill and circulated hole clean at different
flowrates (estimated losses: 4 to 5 m3/h), too much cuttings on the

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 6 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
1:15 2:15 1.00 22 9.6 L 518.00 L/D one joint DP and POOH from bottom (518m) to 330m.
2:15 3:00 0.75 22 9.6 L Spot 20 m3 LCM pill to cover interval 330m to 250m.
3:00 3:30 0.50 22 9.6 L 330.00 POOH to 240m.
3:30 4:15 0.75 22 9.6 L Circulate, No loss.
** Fr= 1600-1800-1900Lpm, Pr= 300-400psi
4:15 6:15 2.00 22 9.6 L 240.00 Continue Pooh to surface
6:15 8:15 2.00 22 9.6 L Lay down 21-15/16” IBS & replace same with 23-14/16” IBS, L/D
22” Bit & bit sub. No wear on IBS
8:15 10:15 2.00 22 9.6 L Pick up riser & weld same on 30” conductor.
10:15 13:15 3.00 22 9.6 L Pick up & Rih 24” BHA with 24” RR bit T41A #D240742.
** Pick up one joint 9-1/2” DC,
** Lay down one joint 8-1/4” DC to space out.
** Tag at 59m.
13:15 13:30 0.25 22 9.6 L Drill out cement inside 30" from 59 to 61m
13:30 0:00 10.50 24 9.6 L 61.00 22” to 24” Hole section enlargenment from 61m to 146 m.
** Fr= 800-1200lpm, Pr= 200psi, Rpm= 40-80 WOB= 0-5T
** Applied slow parameters until IBS out of 30" shoe
** Partial losses rates not stable, 2 to 4 m3/h.
8/5/2019 0:00 11:30 11.50 24 9.6 L 146.00 Continue 22” to 24” Hole section enlargenment from 146 to 260 m
(1200 lpm, 0 – 3 T, 60 – 80 rpm, 200 Psi). Partial losses noticed :
0.6 to 1 m3/h.
11:30 13:30 2.00 24 9.6 L Pump 6 m3 Hi-Vis & Circulate Hole Cleaning (1200 lpm, 200 psi,
No losses).
13:30 17:15 3.75 24 9.6 L 260.00 Drop Totco & POOH to surface with L/D 2 DC 9-1/2".
* IBS gage : 23-15/16".
* Totco reading : misrun.
* Bit grading : 2-1-WT-A-E-I-NO-BHA.
17:15 21:30 4.25 24 9.6 L 0.00 Changed bit from TCI to MT; P/U & RIH with new 24” BHA to
** with 24” RR bit T11 #D242025
** with Picking up second 23-15/16" IBS (WFD) + 9-1/2" SDC
** Washed down last 10 m
21:30 0:00 2.50 24 9.6 L 260.00 Resume hole enlargement from 22" to 24", from 260 to 270m.
** 1400 lpm, 230 Psi, 40-70 RPM, 0-3 T, No loss
8/6/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 24 9.6 L 270.00 Hole enlargement from 22" to 24", from 270 to 477m.
** 1400-1750 lpm, 230-520 Psi, 40-90 RPM, 0-9 T, No loss
8/7/2019 0:00 8:15 8.25 24 9.6 L 477.00 Continue Hole enlargement from 22" to 24", from 477 to 518 m.
** 1750 lpm, 450-520 Psi, 75-90 RPM, 3-9 T, Partial losses +/-
1.5 m*/h
8:15 10:00 1.75 24 9.6 L Pump 6 m3 Hi-vis & CHC. No loss.
10:00 15:00 5.00 24 9.6 L 518.00 Short trip to 250 m (top of Eocene Carbonate).
** Observed Overpull 6 t at 364 m, work interval (364 to 347 m) till
** RIH back to Bottom hole 518 m, freely-
15:00 17:00 2.00 24 9.6 L Pump 6 m3 Hi-vis & CHC.
** 1700 lpm, 450 Psi, No loss.
17:00 17:30 0.50 24 9.6 L Spot 15 m3 Hi Vis pill on bottom & drop Totco.
17:30 21:45 4.25 24 9.6 L 250.00 POOH to surface.
** Upper stabilizer 1/3 balled up; lower stabilizer 100% balled up.
No wear.
** Bit: 100% balled up. Dull grading : 2-1-BU-A-E-I-NO-TD
(noticed as RIH).
** Totco reading : 1.7 degree
21:45 0:00 2.25 24 9.6 L 24.00 L/D two stabilizers, 9 1/2" S.DC, 9 1/2" DC, shock sub and bit:
8/8/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 24 9.6 L Continue L/D 24” BHA.
1:00 2:15 1.25 24 9.6 L P/U Riser running tool, Cut riser @ 1.73m bellow ground level,
P/U & L/D riser.
2:15 3:30 1.25 24 9.6 L P/U WFD power tong & handling tool
3:30 3:45 0.25 24 9.6 L HPJSM with all personnel.
3:45 10:30 6.75 24 9.6 L 0.00 P/U 1st csg joint with shoe, Test float shoe ok, Run 18 5/8” csg to
280 m (23 jts). Fill up every joint.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 7 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
10:30 17:00 6.50 24 3.1 P 280.00 Continue Run 18 5/8” csg to bottom (tagged bottom, 518m, 42
joints total) & confirmed several times.
* Observed 5 m stick up above rotary table, theoritical stick up
0.90 m @ 516 m.
17:00 19:15 2.25 24 13.1 L Investigate : found mistake was made during running last 4 joints.
POOH & L/D 4 jts and run back last 4 joints as per tally.
19:15 19:45 0.50 24 2.1 P Break circulation
19:45 20:15 0.50 24 3.1 P R/D WFD/TRS Casing Power tong and accessories.
20:15 21:00 0.75 24 3.1 P Centralize column and weld braces 18-5/8" x 30".
21:00 23:30 2.50 24 3.1 P 0.00 P/U & Run stinger to 516 m.
23:30 0:00 0.50 24 3.1 P Space out.
8/9/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 24 3.2 P M/U cementing line and cementing head. Sting in.
0:30 0:45 0.25 24 3.2 P PJSM
0:45 1:00 0.25 24 3.2 P Pressure test cementing line @ 500/2000 Psi, ok
1:00 2:45 1.75 24 3.2 P Circulate, 1300-1550 lpm, 450 Psi, no loss.
2:45 5:30 2.75 24 3.2 P CEMENT JOB:
** Pump 6 m3 water ahead, mix and pump 69.17 m3 lead slurry
1.58 sg (return on surface) then 18.04 m3 tail slurry 1.90 sg.
Displaced by 3.6 m3 water. Max pressure 640 Psi during the job.
No loss.
** Bleed off pressure, check, no return -float holding-.
5:30 5:45 0.25 24 3.2 P L/D cementing head and cement line.
5:45 6:00 0.25 24 3.2 P Sting out, P/U 10 m and circulate 6 m3 (1.5 inner stinger string
volume), 1200 lpm.
6:00 10:00 4.00 24 3.2 P POOH Stinger To surface.
10:00 12:00 2.00 24 3.3 1 P M/U & install base plate, Cut (1.27m BLG) & L/D landing joint,
beveled 18/5/8” csg.
12:00 15:00 3.00 24 3.3 1 P M/U & Install 20 ¾ ”3K psi x 18 5/8” slip lock CHH & test @ 500
psi ok.
15:00 0:00 9.00 24 3.3 1 P N/U BOP stack (Mud cross 20 ¾” 3K + 20 ¾ (3Kx2K) DSA + 21
¼” 2K Annular) & M/U kill & choke lines.
** Meanwhile cement top job (1m3 slurry, 1.90 sg)
8/10/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 24 3.3 2 P P/U Tester cup, flush circuit, HPJSM. Pressure test Annular BOP,
kill & choke lines, Master valves @ 250 / 1000 Psi, OK. L/D Tester
5:00 7:00 2.00 24 3.3 2 P P/U & install Wear Bushing, L/D wear bushing running tool.
7:00 0:00 17.00 24 1.3 4 P P/U 5" DPs & rack back on derrick.
** Picked up: 186 jts (62 stds). Total on derrick: 228 jts (76 stds).
8/11/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 24 1.3 4 P P/U 2 DC 9 1/2", bit sub, P/U 16" Varel MT Bit (ES1V) .
1:30 5:15 3.75 24 1.3 4 P 0.00 RIH with drill out BHA, wash down last stand, tagged cement @
* L/D one 8 ¼” DC & P/U 8” D. Jar
5:15 6:00 0.75 24 1.5 P Displace to OBM 1.18 sg. (2500 lpm 400 psi).
6:00 14:30 8.50 24 3.4 P 514.00 Drill out Cement + Shoe + Cement from 514 to 518 m. Hard
cement (2-7 T, 40 RPM, 2500 lpm, 1800 psi).
14:30 16:45 2.25 16 1.1 1 P 518.00 Drilling formation 16” hole section f/518 to 520 m (10-12 T, 80-100
RPM, 2500 lpm, 1850 psi).
16:45 18:00 1.25 16 1.5 P Pump 5m3 Hi-Vis & CHC
18:00 21:00 3.00 16 1.3 4 U 520.00 Pooh 16” drill out string to surface.
21:00 0:00 3.00 16 1.3 4 U 0.00 P/U two junk baskets and RIH back to 230m.
8/12/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 16 1.3 4 U 230.00 RIH with junk baskets from 230 to 520m; washed down last
2:00 3:15 1.25 16 2.1 U Pump 5m3 Hi Vis pill and CHC, work basket.
3:15 4:45 1.50 16 1.3 4 U 520.00 Pull out Junk baskets to surface.
4:45 5:30 0.75 16 1.3 4 U Baskets service.
** Recovered 1.920 gr of junk .
5:30 7:30 2.00 16 1.3 4 U 0.00 RIH junk baskets with same BHA to bottom, 520m. Washed down
last meters
7:30 8:30 1.00 16 2.1 U Pumped 5m3 Hi Vis pill, worked basket.
8:30 11:00 2.50 16 1.3 4 U 520.00 POOH to surface.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 8 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
11:00 13:45 2.75 16 1.3 4 U Baskets service.
** Recovered 1 kg of junk .
13:45 19:00 5.25 16 1.3 4 U 0.00 P/U & RIH 16” Varel TCI Bit (ES14V) to bottom (520m).
** @ bottom, P/U & M/U one DP joint to adjust depth (in order to
drill a complete stand without interruption).
** Took slow circulating rates.
19:00 0:00 5.00 16 1.1 1 P 520.00 Drill 16” hole section from 520 to 524 m.
** Pump 5m3 Hi Vis pill, then 5m3 heavy pill prior start drilling.
** Start drilling with reduced parameters (6-7 T, 50-60 RPM)
** Drilling with OBM 1.18 sg.
** Recovered 340 gr of ditch magnet on the shakers @ 00:00.
** Formation : Anhydrite (40-95%), Dolomitic limestone (60-5%).
8/13/2019 0:00 14:45 14.75 16 1.1 1 P 524.00 Drilling 16” Hole section with 1.18 sg OBM from 524 to 548 m.
** Recovered 640 gr of ditch magnet @ 05:00 (drilling f/ 524 to
529 m).
** Pump 3 m3 Hi-Vis Pill @ 535 m.
** Recovered 1300 gr of dich magnet @ 10:30 (drilling f/529 to
537 m).
14:45 16:00 1.25 16 1.5 U Pump 5 m3 Hi-vis pill & displace with 15 m3 Mud at 3000 lpm,
Pump the 2nd 5 m3 Hi-vis pill & CHC till get Hi-vis at surface. **
Recovered 1023 gr of dich magnet @ 16:00 (drilling f/537 to 548
16:00 19:00 3.00 16 1.3 1 U 548.00 Pooh 16” Drill string to surface & L/D 16” TCI Bit.
** Dull bit grading: 1-1-WT-A-E-I-NO-BHA
** Upper & lower stabilizers pulled up 15 15/16" 9wear: 1/16")
** NV400 Near bit: pulledup ingage
19:00 22:30 3.50 16 1.3 2 U 0.00 P/U 16” NOV New PDC TFH916S SN:E245489 & RIH, Wash
down last meters
22:30 23:00 0.50 16 1.5 U Pump 5m3 Hi Vis pill then 5 m3 heavy pill, CHC
23:00 0:00 1.00 16 1.1 1 P 548.00 Drilled 16" hole section from 548 to 552m *** High torque with
small drilling parameters (3-5 T, 40-80 RPM, 3000 lpm,
2000-18000 lbs.ft)
8/14/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 16 1.1 1 P 552.00 Continue drilling from 552 to 553 m with low parameters and high
erratic torque (4-7 T, 40-80 RPM, 3000 lpm, 2000-18 000 ft.lbs).
1:00 1:45 0.75 16 1.5 U CHC and pumped a Hi Vis pill till getting it on surface.
** Recovered 110 gr of junk on ditch magnet
1:45 11:45 10.00 16 1.1 1 P 553.00 Resume drilling to 685 m.
** Drilling Parameters: 4-14 T, 60-130 RPM, 9000-18000 lbs.ft,
3000 lpm, 1700 Psi.
** Recovered 500 gr on ditch magnet @ 13:00 when drilled to 697
** Recovered 100 gr on ditch magnet @ 22:00 when drilled to 758
11:45 12:00 0.25 16 1.5 P Pumped a Hi Vis pill & took SCR.
12:00 0:00 12.00 16 1.1 1 P 685.00 Resume drilling to 767 m.
** Drilling parameters : 5-15 T, 40-140 RPM, 8000-18000 lbs.ft,
3000 lpm, 1700-1950 Psi
** Recovered 100 gr on ditch magnet @ 22:00 when drilled to 758
** Last lithology sample @ 760 m : 95 % Anhydrites + 5 %
8/15/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 1 P 767.00 Continue drilling from 767 to 937 m (5-8 T, 110-130 RPM, 2800
lpm, 1850 psi, 10 000-18 000 ft.lbs).
** Pump Hi-Vis pill every 4 stands drilled.
** Reamed every stand drilled.
** Tight spots while reaming up drilled stand : 831 – 827 m & 872 –
856 m, worked till get free.
** Recovered 125 grs Junk on magnet ditch @ 13:30 (drilling f/800
to 865 m.) & 80 gr @ 00:00 (drill @937m).
** Turonien: Top @ 808 m ; drilled with 2800 lpm.
** Cenomanien, top @ 910 m. Last simple @ 930 m: 40 %
Anhydrite, 40 % Claystone, 20 % Dolomite.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 9 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 15:00 15.00 16 1.1 1 P 937.00 Drill 16" Hole section from 937 m to 1042 m
** 7-14 T, 150-160 RPM, 12000-15000 Ft.Lbs, 3000 lpm, 2400
** Pump Hi-Vis pill every 4 stands drilled.
** Reamed every stand drilled.
** Formation : Cenomanien, top @910 m. Lithology: Last sample
1030m, 40% clay, 50% limestone, 10% anhydrite.
** Suspect Drill string twist off while drilling: Pressure suddenly
dropped from 2400 to 1400 Psi & string weight dropped from 80 to
56 T (-24 T).
15:00 15:30 0.50 16 9.9 L Try to screw on fish, no success.
15:30 16:15 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Circulate bottom's up.
16:15 18:15 2.00 16 9.9 3 L 923.00 POOH to surface.
** Observed Drilling Jar parted at the lower section of mandrel
(only 2.43m of Jar recovered).
** Length of fish: 119m (fish: BHA below jar + 7.25m of jar)
** Top Of Fish @ 923m
18:15 19:15 1.00 16 9.9 3 L L/D 2 DC 8 1/4" and the jar recovered part.
19:15 20:30 1.25 16 9.9 3 L 0.00 RIH with Safety string 5’’DP stands to 300 m.
20:30 21:30 1.00 16 9.9 3 L Wait on WFD fishing equipment
21:30 22:15 0.75 16 9.9 3 L 300.00 POOH safety string to surface
22:15 0:00 1.75 16 9.9 3 L P/U an rack back 9 DC 8 1/4"
8/17/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 16 9.9 L Continue P/U 8-1/4" DCs (7 jts) & Rack back on derrick.
1:00 4:30 3.50 16 9.9 L R/U & M/U fishing BHA w/ 11 3/4” Overshot (w/ all components &
accessories), Bumper sub & Fishing Jar. (BHA #1)
4:30 8:15 3.75 16 9.9 L 0.00 RIH w/fishing BHA to 815 m.
** P/U Intensifier
** Tag obstruction (6 T).
8:15 9:00 0.75 16 9.9 L Try to pass several times (w/circulation), no success.
9:00 11:15 2.25 16 9.9 L 815.00 Pull out to surface.
11:15 12:30 1.25 16 9.9 L Change Overshot oversize guide 15” to guide 11-3/4”. (BHA #2)
12:30 15:45 3.25 16 9.9 L 0.00 RIH back; Washed down last stand, Tagged fish @ 923 m.
** Theoritical T.O.F. @ 923.3 m; Tagged @ 923.6 m
15:45 16:30 0.75 16 9.9 L Attempt to catch fish, no success.
** Tagged with 5T, got pressure increased from 80 to 680 Psi (540
lpm); slacked off from 923.6 to 926.4 m with 20 T on fish. Shut off
pumps, pressure stable @ 680 Psi. Pull up, no overpull (no
success). Repeated several times, same.
16:30 19:00 2.50 16 9.9 L 923.00 Pull out to surface.
** Found the basket dies slightly used and the packer (MCP)
19:00 21:30 2.50 16 9.9 L Changed overshot basket grapple from 8" to 7-7/8".
** The MC (Mill Control) is kept as the previous run, an 8'.
** Run without packer (MCP). (BHA #3)
21:30 0:00 2.50 16 9.9 L 0.00 RIH back to 530 m.
8/18/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 16 9.9 3 L 530.00 Continue RIH with overshot, washed down last stand (820 lpm,
170 Psi), tagged fish (confirmed with 5T) @ 923m, caught fish
(confirmed catch with increase of pressure from 170 to 230 Psi @
820 lpm).
2:00 5:00 3.00 16 9.9 L 1,042.00 POOH with overpull (got till 60 T overpull, 1042 - 1038 m), worked
string and POOH with circulate (400-1200 lpm, 150-550 Psi), max
drag 5-10 T. POOH to 875 m
** Overpull (15 to 65 T) f/ 948 to 875 m.
** Stuck @ 875 m.
** Fishing string (923 m) + Fish (119 m) = 1042 m.
5:00 7:00 2.00 16 9.9 L Overpull gradually up to 112 T (200 T on MD, String weight 88 T),
Work string up and down, jarring up, No success.
7:00 12:15 5.25 16 9.9 L 875.00 Alternatively circulate (3000 lpm, 1900 Psi), Jarring up and work
string up & down f/ 875 to 858 m.
12:15 21:00 8.75 16 9.9 L Alternatively circulate (3000 lpm, 1900 Psi), Jarring up and work
string up & down @ 858 m, unsuccessful.
21:00 21:30 0.50 16 9.9 L HPJSM for acid job, with all personnel.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 10 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
21:30 0:00 2.50 16 9.9 L L/D one 5" DPs, M/U Circulating head, connect cement line. Test
cementing line @ 300/5000 Psi.
8/19/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 16 9.9 L 1st ACID JOB:
** Pump 1 m3 diesel, 3 m3 acid 15% HCL, 1 m3 Diesel. Displaced
with 3.2 m3 Mud 1.25 sg.
Wait on soak, string in tension (160 T). Jarring up. Drawworks
down (at the end of jarring, and the string remains in tension).
1:30 3:00 1.50 16 10.1 L Repair on Drawwoks meanwhile : displaced 2nd m3 of Hcl acid to
annulus, wait on soak.
* string still in tension (150T) when displacing.
3:00 4:00 1.00 16 9.9 L Displaced 3rd m3 of Hcl acid to annulus, wait on soak, jarred up
(165 T). Worked bumber-sub down.
4:00 5:30 1.50 16 9.9 L Circulate the acid pill out. ( 2500 lpm, 1500 Psi.)
5:30 7:45 2.25 16 9.9 L 2nd ACID JOB:
** Pump 1 m3 diesel, 3 m3 acid 15% HCL, 1 m3 Diesel. Displaced
with 3.2 m3 Mud 1.25 sg.
Wait on soak, string in tension (150 T).
Displaced the 2nd m3 of Hcl acid to annulus, wait on soak, Jarred
only once then drawwork down.
7:45 8:30 0.75 16 10.1 L Reapir on Drawworks (String still in tension).
8:30 9:15 0.75 16 9.9 L Displace the 3rd m3 of Hcl Acid to annulus, wait to soak & jarred
up (150 T).
9:15 10:15 1.00 16 9.9 L Circulated the acid pill out.
* 3000 lpm, 1890 Psi
10:15 16:30 6.25 16 9.9 L Try to Release overshot from the fish several times - No success -
* String weight 67 T, Bump down from 80 to 30T, Rotate to
maximum Torq (15000 to 20000 ft/lbs), with circulation (1000 lpm/
250 psi - 3000 lpm/1800 psi) & with out circulation.
16:30 20:30 4.00 16 9.9 L 3rd ACID JOB:
* Pump 1m3 diesel, 3m3 acid 15% HCL, 1m3 Diesel. Displaced
with 3.2 m3 Mud 1.25 sg.
Wait on soak (1 hr), string in tension (150 T).
Jarring up & work string.
Displaced the 2nd & 3rd m3 of Hcl acid,Wait on soak (1 hr), string
in tension (150 T).
Jarring up & work string.
20:30 21:45 1.25 16 9.9 L Circulated Hcl acid out ( 3000 lpm, 1700 psi)
21:45 0:00 2.25 16 9.9 L Work string & jarring up - No success -.
8/20/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 9.9 L Try to Release overshot from the fish several times - No success -
* String weight 67 T, Bump down from 80 to 30T, Rotate to
maximum Torq (19000 ft/lbs), with circulation (1500 lpm / 500 psi).
* Work string & Jarring up (70T Over string weight) – No success.
8/21/2019 0:00 14:00 14.00 16 9.9 L Try to Release overshot from the fish several times - No success
* String weight 67 T, Bump down from 80 to 30T, Rotate to
maximum Torq (19000 ft/lbs), with circulation (1500 lpm / 500 psi)
* Work string & Jarring up (70T Over string weight) – No success.
* Got the joint connected to TDS bent during moving string
up/down, L/D same, investigation on going.
14:00 21:00 7.00 16 9.9 L Oilserv CT crew on location.
Held PJSM.
Spot coil tunbing unit and related equipment.
RU CT unit:
- Function test BOP Rams and CT equipment .
- Install CT connector.
- R/U pumping lines to reel manifold & pressure test (low test
300psi, 10min OK; High test 5000psi, 15 min Ok).
- M/U MHA, Knockle joint, and nozzle.
- M/U injector head onto BOP.
* Prior to start RIH, found CT Data cable out of service (request a
new cable from HMD base)
21:00 0:00 3.00 16 9.9 L Waiting on CT Data cable meanwhile circulting hole @ 400lpm.
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 11 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 8:00 8.00 16 9.9 3 L Wait for CT Data cable (Got the CT data cable damaged while rig
up) from HMD base, meanwhile circulate hole . (Lost time for
8:00 9:00 1.00 16 9.9 3 L R/U, Connect & check CT data cable.
9:00 9:45 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Fill up CT with 24 bbl of OBM.
9:45 10:00 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Correlate CT depth Electronic & Mechanical depth counter to Zero
depth, Set up injector head.
10:00 11:15 1.25 16 9.9 3 L RIH with CT as per OS CT operating procedures to 845 m.
11:15 11:45 0.50 16 9.9 3 L Circulate & check return (0.7 bpm, 3800 psi) -ok-.
11:45 12:30 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Spot Hcl acid: pump 0.5 m3 diesel + 3 m3 of 15% Hcl Acid + 0.5
m3 diesel.
12:30 12:45 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Displace Acid with 22 bbl of Mud (1 bpm, 3750 to 4300 psi).
12:45 13:45 1.00 16 9.9 3 L POOH CT to surface.
13:45 14:15 0.50 16 9.9 3 L Flush CT w/ water.
14:15 15:45 1.50 16 9.9 3 L R/D CT BOP & injector head.
15:45 17:30 1.75 16 9.9 3 L Work string with slack off down several times – No success, jarring
up with fishing jar, no success.
17:30 19:00 1.50 16 9.9 3 L Circulate acid out of Hole (2000 lpm, 850 psi)
19:00 0:00 5.00 16 9.9 3 L Work string with slack off down several times – No success, jarring
up with fishing jar, no success.
8/23/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 16 9.9 3 L L/D 1 joint & M/U 4-1/2" IF pin x 5-3/4" ACME XO on Top of
0:30 2:00 1.50 16 9.9 3 L M/U Injector head on BOP + 5-3/4" ACME x 6-1/2" OTIS X-Over
2:00 3:15 1.25 16 9.9 3 L R/U CT injection Head on top of string.
3:15 4:00 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Fill up CT with 24 bbl of OBM.
4:00 4:15 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Correlate CT depth Electronic & Mechanical depth counter to Zero
depth, Set up injector head.
4:15 5:30 1.25 16 9.9 3 L RIH with CT as per OS CT operating procedures to 845 m.
5:30 6:00 0.50 16 9.9 3 L Circulate & check return (0.7 bpm, 3800 psi) -ok-.
6:00 6:45 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Spot Hcl acid: pump 0.5 m3 diesel + 4 m3 of 15% Hcl Acid + 0.5
m3 diesel.
6:45 7:00 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Displace 2m3 of Acid with 12 bbl of Mud (1 bpm, 3750 to 4300
psi). (keep 2m3 HCL acid inside CT)
7:00 8:00 1.00 16 9.9 3 L wait for HCL acid to soak.
8:00 8:15 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Displace 2nd 2m3 Acid to formation with Mud (1 bpm, 3750 to
4300 psi).
8:15 8:45 0.50 16 9.9 3 L wait for HCL acid to soak.
8:45 10:00 1.25 16 9.9 3 L POOH CT to surface.
10:00 10:15 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Flush CT w/water.
10:15 11:15 1.00 16 9.9 3 L R/D CT BOP & injector head.
11:15 13:15 2.00 16 9.9 3 L Work string with slack off down several times – Nosuccess-.
13:15 14:00 0.75 16 9.9 3 L Circulate Hcl Acid out (3000 lpm, 1700 Psi)
14:00 0:00 10.00 16 9.9 3 L Hand over Rig to KCA for drawworks maintenance (2 hrs) & repair
(8 hrs).
8/24/2019 0:00 2:30 2.50 16 9.9 3 L KCA Continue drawworks repair (2.5 hrs).
2:30 7:00 4.50 16 9.9 3 L Displace hole MW from 1.25 sg to 1.40 sg progressively - No
losses -.
7:00 10:00 3.00 16 9.9 3 L Circulate to homogenise mud : MW in = MW out = 1.40 sg.
10:00 12:00 2.00 16 9.9 3 L M/U one single DP, Work string with slack off down several times
& Jarring up – No success -.
12:00 14:45 2.75 16 9.9 3 L Circulate (3000 lpm, 1850 psi).
14:45 15:00 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Jarring up – No success -.
15:00 15:30 0.50 16 9.9 3 L Circulate (3000 lpm, 1800 psi).
15:30 15:45 0.25 16 9.9 3 L Work string – No success -.
15:45 17:00 1.25 16 9.9 3 L Circulate (1500 lpm, 530 psi).
17:00 18:30 1.50 16 9.9 3 L Displace hole MW to 1.25 sg .
18:30 20:00 1.50 16 9.9 3 L Circulate to homogenise mud : MW in = MW out = 1.25 sg.
20:00 0:00 4.00 16 9.9 3 L Work string, Try to release Overshot – No success -
8/25/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 11.5 L Cont Work string &Try to release Overshot – No success,
Meanwhile wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical Back off.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 12 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
8/26/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 11.5 L Cont Work string &Try to release Overshot – No success.
Meanwhile wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical Back off.
8/27/2019 0:00 10:00 10.00 16 11.5 L Cont Work string &Try to release Overshot –No success-,
Meanwhile wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical Back off.
10:00 10:30 0.50 16 9.9 L Pump 6 m3 of Avatensio pill & displace to annulus (spot) by 7 m3
of 1.25 sg OBM.
10:30 12:30 2.00 16 9.9 L Wait on Avatensio pill to soak (displace in annulus w/ 0.5 bbl of
OBM every 30 min / total 2 bbl of displacement in annulus).
12:30 13:30 1.00 16 9.9 L Work string & Try to release Overshot – No success -.
13:30 14:15 0.75 16 9.9 L Circulate & displace out Avatensio pill.
14:15 0:00 9.75 16 11.5 L Work string &Try to release Overshot – No success -. Meanwhile
wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical Back off.
8/28/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 11.5 L Cont Work string &Try to release Overshot -No success-
Meanwhile wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical
Back off.
8/29/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 16 11.5 L Cont Work string & Try to release Overshot -No success-,
Meanwhile wait on Explosives Escort for Eletrical Back off.
5:00 7:15 2.25 16 9.9 L HPJSM, Rig up SLB Wire line equipment.
7:15 9:15 2.00 16 9.9 L Dummy run with 1-11/16" drift and CCL to 853 m ok , POOH &
L/D drift tool.
9:15 12:00 2.75 16 9.3 L Rig up & Calibrate FPIT. (Lost time due to SLB FPIT failure)
12:00 17:00 5.00 16 9.3 L RIH FPIT, Stations: 100 m (free), 600 m (stuck), 459 m (no
reading), back to 600 m (stuck), repeat at 100 m (free), 150 m
(stuck), 200 m (stuck), 250 m (stuck).
* As the result was not satisfying, decision made to POOH and
RIH with FPIT back up tool
* POOH & L/D.
* Military escort left location at 17:00.
* Lost time due to SLB FPIT failure: 5 hrs.Total lost time (SLB):
7.75 hrs.
17:00 18:45 1.75 16 9.9 L M/U FPIT back up, surface check & calibrate.
18:45 0:00 5.25 16 9.9 L RIH Back up FPIT tool and record at the following stations:
* 100 m (free), 150 m (free), 600 m (free), 723 m (free), 759 m
(free), 804 m (free), 840 m (Stuck) - just on the 9-1/2" DC bellow
the upper stabilizer in the drilling BHA
* Logging in progress.
* NB: (stuck point located between 840 & 820 m, just on the upper
STB on the drilling BHA).
8/30/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 16 9.9 L Cont FPIT logging at the last station @ 820 m (free).
NB: (stuck located between 840 & 820 m, just on the upper STB
on the drilling BHA)
1:00 3:00 2.00 16 9.9 L POOH FPIT tool to surface & R/D SLB Wire line equipment.
3:00 19:30 16.50 16 9.9 L Cont Work string &Try to release Overshot – No success.
19:30 20:00 0.50 16 9.9 L Held PJSM with all crew for mechanical back off & discuss the
hazards, secure TDS & elevator.
20:00 21:00 1.00 16 9.9 L Proceed with Mechanical back off:
* M/U string Torq to 26000 ft.lbs.
* P/U string weight to 110 T & apply left hand torq 10000 ft.lbs
* Slack off weight by gradualy while inreasing LH torq by increment
of 5000 Ft.lbs.
* At 95 T& 21000 Ft.lbs, start increasing LH torq by increment of
1000 Ft.lbs to 23000 Ft.lbs (Observe string rotating 7 turns to the
* Cont inreasing torq by increment & work string U/D 85-95 T.
* At 28000 Ft.lbs, string rotate free to the left 10 turns, 65 T of the
string recovered free.
21:00 0:00 3.00 16 9.9 L L/D 1 jt 5" DP, POOH w/ recovered string & rack back while
checking every single connection: break connection, clean, visual
check, apply dope and tight back. In pgrogress @ 100 m.
NB: Recovered all fishing String except 11-3/4" Over Shot +
extension & initial fish. Total recovered : 54 DP 5" + 12 HWDP 5"
+ 7-3/4" Accelerator + 9 DC 8-1/4" + 8" Fishing Jar &
Bumper-Sub. TOF @ 735 m.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 13 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
8/31/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 16 9.9 L POOH w/ recovered string & rack back while checking every
single connection: break connection, clean, visual check, apply
dope and tight back. (recovered 54 DP 5" + 12 HWDP 5" + 7-3/4"
Accelerator (L/D) + 9 x DC 8-1/4" (1 DC 8-1/4" L/D, thread on Box
side was excentred) + 8" Fishing Jar & Bumper sub).
2:00 2:30 0.50 16 9.9 L L/D WDF 8" Fishing Jar & Bumper sub.
2:30 6:00 3.50 16 9.9 4 L P/U & M/U 16” Varel milled tooth Bit (SN: 1549290) + BS + XO +
6 DC 8-1/4" + 8" D.Jar + 2 DC 8-1/4" + XO + 12 HWDP 5" & RIH
to TOF @ (735 m).
* L/D one DC 8-1/4", P/U & M/U 8" Drilling Jar.
6:00 8:45 2.75 16 9.9 4 L Circulate to recondition & homogenise mud.
8:45 10:00 1.25 16 9.9 4 L Pull out to 18-5/8" Csg shoe (516 m).
10:00 11:00 1.00 16 9.9 4 L Top Drive service & inspection.
11:00 17:00 6.00 16 9.9 4 L Cont POOH (connections overtight) with L/D: 12 jts of 5" HWDP +
3 DC 8-1/4". For inspection.
* L/D 6 Joints of 5" HWDP racked back on Derrick.
* L/D: bit sub + bit.
17:00 17:30 0.50 16 9.9 4 L P/U & RIH wear bushing running tool. Retreive wear bushing.
17:30 20:30 3.00 16 9.9 4 L P/U Tester cup, flush circuit, HPJSM. Pressure test Annular BOP,
kill & choke lines, Master valves @ 250 / 1000 Psi, OK. L/D Tester
20:30 21:00 0.50 16 9.9 4 L RIH & set wear bushing.
21:00 23:30 2.50 16 9.9 4 L P/U RIH 3-1/2 cmt stinger + 16 DP 3-1/2 to 154 m.
23:30 0:00 0.50 16 9.9 4 L Cont RIH w/ 5" DP to 380 m -in progress-
9/1/2019 0:00 0:45 0.75 16 9.9 4 L Cont RIH w/ 5" DP to 733 m
0:45 2:15 1.50 16 9.9 4 L Circulate Hole Clean @ 3000 lpm.
2:15 2:30 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Spot 2 m3 Hi-Vis Pill.
2:30 2:45 0.25 16 9.9 4 L POOH 10 m (to 723 m @ Top of Hi-Vis) & space out.
2:45 3:30 0.75 16 9.9 4 L R/U surface line & pressure test to 5000 psi -10 min- Ok.
3:30 5:30 2.00 16 9.9 4 L Cont circulate meanwhile Batch mix 17.89 m3 of slurry 2.10 SG.
5:30 6:30 1.00 16 9.9 4 L Perform Cmt job as follows:
• 05 m3 Spacer.
• 17.9 m3 cmt 2.10 SG.
• Displace w/ 0.320 m3 spacer + 4.7 m3 mud 1.25 SG.
Bleed off pressure, check for return, -No return-
6:30 7:45 1.25 16 9.9 4 L L/D cement head & cement line + pup joint . POOH slowly 8 STDs
to 500 m (03 STDs above TOC).
7:45 9:15 1.50 16 9.9 4 L Circulate (2 bottom up) @ 2800 lpm , 1350 psi.
9:15 10:15 1.00 16 9.9 4 L Cont pull out with 5" DP to 154 m.
10:15 12:15 2.00 16 9.9 4 L Cont pull out to surface with L/D 3-1/2" DP (16 jts + stinger).
* Change handling equipments & jaws tongs from 5" to 3-1/2".
12:15 14:30 2.25 16 9.9 4 L Picked up 12 jts of 5" HWDP & Racked back on derrick.
* Change handling equipments & jaws tongs from 3-1/2" to 5".
14:30 20:30 6.00 16 9.9 4 L Picked up 16" Clean out assembly: 16" MT bit + bit sub + 2 DC
9-1/2" + 15-15/16" STB + DC 9-1/2" + 15-15/16" STB + 3 DC
8-1/4" & RIH to 516 m (18-5/8" csg shoe)
20:30 21:00 0.50 16 9.9 4 L Circulate & wash down from 516 to 550 m (Get Hold: 5 T @ this
21:00 21:30 0.50 16 9.9 4 L Clean out from 550 to 582 m.
21:30 23:15 1.75 16 9.9 4 L Drill out Cement from 582 to 596 m @ WOB: 5 T, RPM: 50, FR:
2700 lpm, P: 2500 follow:
* From: 584 to 589 m: average ROP: 15 m/h.
* From: 589 to 596 m: average ROP: 4 m/h (15min/m). Good cmt,
(WFD required 4 min/m)
23:15 23:30 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Perform Hardness test @ WOB: 15T , FR: 2700 lpm, 15 min -OK-
(WDF DS witness)
23:30 0:00 0.50 16 9.9 4 L Sweep hole with 4m3 H-Vis and Circulate hole clean
9/2/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 16 9.9 4 L Cont CHC @ 3000 lpm.
* Once HI-Vis at surface: 80% cement + 20 % clay stone.
1:30 5:00 3.50 16 9.9 4 L POOH 16" Dress off cement BHA.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 14 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
5:00 8:15 3.25 16 9.9 4 L Prepare, Check & Make up (P/U) WDF 16" SideTrack BHA #1
(HyperLine 250 Drilling Motor (Low Speed, 6/5 lobes, 5 stages,
0.032 rev/ltr, bent 1.83 deg) + Mule shoe + xo + MWD tool carrier)
8:15 8:30 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Test Motor (shallow test): 1500 lpm / 250 psi , 1750 lpm / 300 psi.
8:30 10:45 2.25 16 9.9 4 L M/U MWD & Test MWD Signal -negative-. Tried several times:
(NPT on WFD DS : 2,25 hrs).
* Tried with differents flow : 1000 / 1400 / 1500 / 1700 lpm -
Negative -.
* Switch to pump 2, then to pump 3 - Negative -.
10:45 11:00 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Change the Orifice of flow in MWD, test with 1500 lpm / 215 psi,
got signal.
11:00 11:30 0.50 16 9.9 4 L Bit service, RR TCI ES14V SN: 1563652. Scribe Line.
11:30 15:15 3.75 16 9.9 4 L RIH with P/U: N.M DC + Circualting sub + 10 DC 8-1/4" + 8" Hyd
Drlg Jar + 2 DC 8-1/4" + XO + 6 HWDP 5" + DP 5" to 520 m.
15:15 17:30 2.25 16 9.9 4 L Cont Running in open hole with survey every 20 m (520, 540, 560
& 580 m) to 596 m (TOC).
17:30 0:00 6.50 16 9.9 4 L Time drill (1 cm/min) @ 2400 lpm / 1550 psi, from 596 to 597.69
m.(60% Cement, 40 % Claystone)
9/3/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 9.9 4 L Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 597.69 To 606.62m.:
Time drill ROP: 0.3 m/h (f/ 596 to 599 m), 0.5 m/h (f/599 to 603
m), 0.3 m/h (f/603 to 606 m).
WOB: 1 - 2 T, Flow rate: 2400 lpm, Pr: 1500 psi., TF: 90 deg
At 606m, 80% cement, 20% Formation.
PDM: Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032 rev/ltr
with sleeve stabilizer 15-3/4".
Bit to survey sensor : 14.9 m.
Daily // Cumul Circulation time = 24 // 31.3 Hrs.
9/4/2019 0:00 14:30 14.50 16 9.9 4 L Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 606.62 To 610.20 m:
Time drill ROP : 0.3 m/h. WOB: 1 - 2 T, Flow rate: 2300 lpm, Pr:
1350 psi., TF: 90 deg Right. At 610m, 90% cement, 10%
14:30 17:30 3.00 16 9.9 4 L Pull out sidetrack drill string to surface.
* Take survey before POOH (sensor depth = 595 m, incl = 1 deg,
Az = 67.94 deg)
* Drop ball, circulate & open circulating sub @ 18-5/8" Csg shoe.
* Bit dual grading = 1-1-WT-A-E-I-NO-BHA.
17:30 19:45 2.25 16 9.9 4 L D.D equipment service (Motor & MWD). Adjust Bent Housing to
2.38 deg & Scribe line.
* Motor Bearing clerance = 2 mm.
19:45 21:15 1.50 16 9.9 4 L Test Motor (2000 lpm / 230 Psi) & MWD (1500 lpm / 250 Psi) -ok
21:15 21:30 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Bit service. RR TCI ES14V SN: 1563652
21:30 0:00 2.50 16 9.9 4 L Run Sidetrack drill string in hole to 580 m.
* PDM : Low Speed, BH 2.38 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032
rev/ltr with sleeve stabilizer 15-3/4".
* Bit to survey sensor: 14.9 m.
* Bit revolution Daily // Total : 67 185 // 286 112.
* Daily // Cumul Circulation time = 14.44 // 45.74 Hrs.
9/5/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Cont RIH Sidetrack drill string to BTM (610 m).
0:15 1:15 1.00 16 9.9 4 L Depth calibration.
Took survey (549 m, incl = 1.20 deg, Az = 66.81 deg).
Oriented tool face.
1:15 0:00 22.75 16 9.9 4 L Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 610.10 To 617 m:
Time drill ROP : 0.3 m/h.
WOB: 1 - 2 T, Flow rate: 2020 lpm, Pr: 1100 psi., TF: 90 deg
* PDM : Low Speed, BH 2.38 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032
rev/ltr with sleeve stabilizer 15-3/4".
* Bit to survey sensor: 14.9 m.
* Bit revolution Daily // Total : 92554 // 378666.
* Daily // Cumul Circulation time = 23.20 // 68.94 Hrs.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 15 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 0:00 24.00 16 9.9 4 L Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 617 To 624.7 m:
Time drill ROP : 0.3 m/h till 622 m, then 0.7 m/h.
WOB: 1 - 5 T, Flow rate: 2020 lpm, Pr: 1100 psi., TF: 90 deg
* PDM : Low Speed, BH 2.38 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032
rev/ltr with sleeve stabilizer 15-3/4"
* Bit to survey sensor : 14.9 m.
* Bit revolution Daily // Total : 94 826 // 473 492.
* Circulation time Daily // Cumul : 24 // 92.94 Hrs.
9/7/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 16 9.9 4 L 624.70 Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 624.7 To 626 m.
** Time drill ROP : 0.7 m/h .
** WOB : 2 T, Flow rate : 2020 lpm, Pr : 1100 psi., TF : 90 deg
** @ 625 m; 05 % Cement; 95 % Formation.
@ 626 m; 100 % Formation
** KOP: 596 m
** PDM : Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032
rev/ltr with sleeve stabilizer 15-3/4"
** Bit to survey sensor : 14.9 m.
** Bit revolution Daily // Total : 7828 // 481320.
** Circulation time Daily // Cumul : 2 // 94.94 Hrs.
2:00 6:30 4.50 16 9.9 L 626.00 Sidetrack time drill with WFD Motor from 626 To 630 m ( 100%
Formation )
** Got 100% formation @ 626 m
** Time drill ROP : 1 m/h.
** WOB : 1-5 T, Flow rate : 2000 lpm, Pr : 1100 psi., TF : 90 deg
6:30 7:00 0.50 16 9.9 L Take survey
** Survey : Sensor depth = 614.10 m, incl = 2.69 deg, Az = 76.24
deg, Vs = 6.08 m
** Circulate : 2000 lpm, 1100 psi.
7:00 11:00 4.00 16 9.9 L 630.00 Pull out sidetrack drill string to surface.
** Drop ball, circulate & open circulating sub @ 18-5/8" Csg shoe.
** Varel ES14V bit dull grading = 1-1-WT-A-E-I-NO-BHA.
11:00 14:30 3.50 16 9.9 4 L D.D equipment service (Motor & MWD).
** L/D PDM (BH 2.38 deg); bearing clearance : 6 mm.
** P/U new PDM (BH 1.83 deg)
** Scribe line.
14:30 15:00 0.50 16 9.9 L Test Motor (2000 lpm / 300 Psi) & MWD (1500 lpm / 250 Psi) -ok
15:00 15:15 0.25 16 9.9 L Bit service.
** 16" New NOV TCI bit, Type : T 41A, SN# D160895, IADC :
415, TFA : 0.942 in2.
15:15 20:30 5.25 16 9.9 L 0.00 Run Sidetrack drill string in hole to 630 m.
** Adjust TF @ 580 m.
20:30 0:00 3.50 16 9.9 L 630.00 Sidetrack drill with WFD Motor from 630 To 637.5 m.
** Sliding 630-632.5 m : ROP: 2.08 m/h; TF: 90 deg Right.
** Rotary: 632.5-637.5 m; ROP: 3.05 m/h
** WOB : 4-10 T, 2450-2500 lpm, 1550-1650 Psi, Surface RPM:
30, Total RPM: 111.
** Survey: Sensor MD: 621.5 m, incl.: 3.71 deg, Az.: 80.32 deg,
VS: 6.48 m.
KOP = 596 m.
PDM: Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5 stages, 0.032 rev/ltr
with sleeve stabilizer 15 3/4"
Bit to survey sensor : 14.9 m.
9/8/2019 0:00 17:30 17.50 16 9.9 4 L 637.50 Motor drilling with WFD PDM from 637.58 To 690 m.
** (7-15 T, 2500 – 2900 lpm, 1750 – 2100 psi ).
** Sliding mode, 8.6% : 642 to 645 m & 686.6 to 688.6 m, Average
ROP: 1.20 m/h.
** Rotary mode (30 RPM), 81% : 638-642 m, 645-686.6m,
688.6-690 m, average ROP : 3.52 m/h
** Last survey : MD 671.30 m, incl = 5.33, Az = 88.04, TVD =
671.06, Vs = 10.51 m
17:30 18:45 1.25 16 9.9 4 L Pump 4 m3 Hi Vis pill & CHC.
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 16 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
18:45 23:00 4.25 16 9.9 4 L 690.00 POOH to surfqce
** Drop ball at 18 5/8" shoe and circulate to open circulating sub.
23:00 23:15 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Bit service
** TCI T41A bit dull grading: 1-1-WT-A-E-I-LT-PR
** L/D bit
23:15 0:00 0.75 16 9.9 4 L D.D. equipment service (PDM & MWD)
** PDM bearing clearance : 1 mm
9/9/2019 0:00 3:45 3.75 16 9.9 4 L D.D equipment service (Motor & MWD).
** R/D one 9 1/2 ' DC.
** R/D PDM Stabilizer & replaced by sleeve.
** M/U 3 XO + 15-15/16" IBS Stabilizer.
** M/U one 9 1/2 ' DC.
3:45 4:30 0.75 16 9.9 4 L SHallow Test :
Mud Motor (2000 lpm / 300 Psi) & MWD (1500 lpm / 250 Psi) -ok
4:30 4:45 0.25 16 9.9 4 L Bit service.
** 16" Bit Baker PDC Rerun HC609Z, 9x13, TFA: 1.167, SN:
4:45 7:15 2.50 16 9.9 4 L 0.00 Run Sidetrack BHA to 51 m.
7:15 8:00 0.75 16 9.9 4 L 51.00 POOH Sidetrack BHA to 26 m & adjust Azimut reference (MWD)
& RIH Back to 51 m (45min NPT on WDF DD)
8:00 10:15 2.25 16 9.9 4 L 51.00 Run Sidetrack BHA to 615m (get hold).
10:15 11:00 0.75 16 9.9 4 L 615.00 Set 5T try to pass -no success- Work interval till free.
11:00 13:00 2.00 16 9.9 4 L 615.00 Reaming f/ 615 to 690 m.
13:00 0:00 11.00 16 9.9 4 L 690.00 Sidetrack drill with WFD Motor from 690 To 750 m.
** Rotary: 690-738.8 m; ROP: 9.21 m/h
** Sliding: 738.8 -742.17 m : ROP: 1.98 m/h; TF: 160 deg Left.
** Rotary: 742.17-750 m; ROP: 4.89 m/h
** WOB : 4-8 T, 3200-3480 lpm, 2500-2700 Psi, Surface RPM:
** Survey: Sensor MD: 728.44 m, incl.: 4.52 deg, Az.: 87.54 deg,
VS: 15.52 m.
** KOP = 596 m. PDM: Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5
stages, 0.032 rev/ltr .
*" Bit to survey sensor : 20.66m.
9/10/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 9.9 4 L 750.00 Sidetrack drill with WFD Motor from 750 To 805 m.
• Sliding f/750 to 753.58 m : ROP = 1.59 m/h.
• Rotary f/ 753.58 to 760.13 m : ROP = 2.18 m/h.
• Sliding f/760.13 to 763.29 m : ROP = 1.4 m/h.
• Rotary f/763.29 to 770.15 m.: ROP = 4.01 m/h.
• Sliding f 770.15 to 777.85 m : ROP = 4.4 m/h.
• Rotary f/777.85 to 779.85 m.: ROP = 1.6 m/h.
• Sliding f/ 779.85 to 787.31 m : ROP = 2.98 m/h.
• Rotary f/787.31 to 795.22 m.: ROP = 3.51 m/h.
• Sliding f/ 795.22 to 800.11 m : ROP = 1.22 m/h.
• Rotary f/800.11 to 803.75 m.: ROP = 2.91 m/h.
• Sliding f/ 803.75 to 805 m : ROP = 1.25 m/h.

** WOB : 4-14 T, 2600 - 3500 lpm, 1800-3000 Psi, Surface

RPM: 30.
** Survey: Sensor MD: 782.10 m, incl.: 2.25 deg, Az.: 89.73 deg,
VS: 18.89 m.
** KOP = 596 m. PDM: Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5
stages, 0.032 rev/ltr .
*" Bit to survey sensor : 20.66 m.
9/11/2019 0:00 9:00 9.00 16 9.9 4 L 805.00 Sidetrack drill with WFD Motor from 805 To 840 m.
• Sliding f/ 805 to 807.58 m : ROP = 3.87 m/h.
• Rotary f/ 807.58 to 840 m : ROP = 3.93 m/h.
** WOB : 4 -14 T, 2600 - 3500 lpm, 1800-3000 Psi, Surface
RPM: 30.
9:00 10:00 1.00 16 10.1 L 840.00 Change bleed off valve of pump two ( SPP decreased due to wash
out on bleed off valve of mud pump two) / Lost time (NPT) 1 hr for

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 17 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
10:00 20:00 10.00 16 9.9 4 L 840.00 Cont Sidetrack drill with WFD Motor (Rotary mode ) from 840 To
874 m.
• Pump 4 m3 Hi-vis pill every stand drilled.
** ROP = 3.4 m/h.
** WOB : 4-15 T, 3000 - 3150 lpm, 2700 - 3050 Psi, Surface
RPM: 30.
** Survey: Sensor MD: 844 m, incl.: 1.53 deg, Az.: 84.17 deg, VS:
9.3 m.
** KOP = 596 m. PDM: Low Speed, BH 1.83 deg, 6/7 lobes, 5
stages, 0.032 rev/ltr .
*" Bit to survey sensor : 20.66 m.
20:00 21:30 1.50 16 9.9 4 L 874.00 Pum 4 m3 Hi-Vis Pill & CHC.
21:30 21:45 0.25 16 9.9 4 L 874.00 POOH to 16" Side track BHA to 831m - get un overpull 10 T-
21:45 23:00 1.25 16 9.9 4 L 831.00 Connect TDS and back Reaming from 831 to 816 m (hard back
reaming from 828.5 to 827.5 m).
23:00 0:00 1.00 16 9.9 4 L 816.00 Cont POOH to 16" Side track BHA from 816 to 645 m.
9/12/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 16 9.9 4 L 645.00 Cont POOH to 16" Side track BHA from 645m to surface.
** Drop boll & circulate to open circulating sub @ 18-5/8" shoe.
** Bit grading : 2-4-BT-A-X-I-PN-BHA (04 Nozles plugged).
4:00 8:00 4.00 16 9.9 4 L 0.00 DD equipment service
** L/D Motor Bearing clearance5mm.
** L/D MWD, Mule shoe N.M DC & crossover.
** R/U new Motor with slick sleeve.
** Adjust bent housing to 0 deg.
** Test motor at surface Ok: 1500/2000 Lpm 250/300 Psi.
8:00 14:45 6.75 16 9.9 4 L 0.00 Rih 16” Motor BHA with RR NOV PDC Bit; TK76 # E244960 to
** Tight hole at 674m, connect top drive & wash down the stand.
** At bottom Pump 4m3 hi vis pill & circulate to clear same.
14:45 0:00 9.25 16 9.9 4 L 874.00 Pattern the bit & drill 16” hole section with motor from 874m to 936
** Drilling Parameters: 4-12 T, 50 RPM, 2-15 T, 3000 lpm,
2400-2800 Psi.
** Pump 4m3 Hi-Vis Pill each two stands drilled.
9/13/2019 0:00 18:45 18.75 16 9.9 4 L 936.00 Cont drill 16” hole section with motor from 936 m to 1042 m
** Drilling Parameters: 4-17 T, 50-80 RPM, 2800 - 3000 lpm,
2400-2700 Psi.
** Pump 4m3 Hi-Vis Pill each two stands drilled.
** Ream each stand drilled.
18:45 0:00 5.25 16 1.1 2 P 1,042.00 Cont drill 16” hole section with motor from 1042 m to 1074 m
** Drilling Parameters: 75 RPM, 2-15 T, 2800 lpm, 2100-2400
** Pump 4m3 Hi-Vis Pill each two stands drilled.
** Ream each stand drilled.
9/14/2019 0:00 8:00 8.00 16 1.1 2 P 1,074.00 Cont drill 16” hole section with motor from 1074 m to 1113 m
** Drilling Parameters: 75 RPM, 2-15 T, 2800 lpm, 2100-2400
** Pump 4m3 Hi-Vis Pill each two stands drilled.
** Ream each stand drilled.
8:00 10:00 2.00 16 10.1 L 1,113.00 While traying to disconnect TD Found the sever sub over torqued
with string & unscrew the connection above I BOP.
** Try to use the drilling tongs to disconnect without success .
** Remove sever sub clamp & use Iron rough neck _OK_ .
10:00 0:00 14.00 16 1.1 2 P 1,113.00 Cont drill 16” hole section with motor from 1113 m to 1314 m
** Drilling Parameters: 75 RPM, 2-15 T, 2800 lpm, 2100-2450
** Pump 2m3 Hi-Vis Pill each stands drilled.
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Pump 5m3 Hi-Vis pill @ 1118m prior before entering the Albian
** Pump 5m3 Hi-Vis pill @ 1313m before entering the Aptian
formation & reduce drilling parameters ( FR : 2700 lpm, RPM : 50)
to optimize bit life.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 18 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 2 P 1,314.00 Cont drill 16” hole section with motor from 1314 m to 1432 m
** Drilling Parameters: 50 RPM, 5-10 T, 2500 lpm, 2000-2300
Psi, 2K -15K Tq.
** Every time trying to increase WOB torque reached the limit &
the rotation stopped
** Got partial losses of 4m3/hr at the top of Aptian. (Losses rate
decreased gradually to 0.)
** Pump 2m3 Hight vis pill each stand drilled.
** Increased Parameters gradually in Baremian to 75 RPM, 2-15
T, 3000 lpm, 2600-3000 Psi, 2K -15K Tq.
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Top aptian @ 1313 m.
** Top Baremian @ 1346 m.
9/16/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 16 1.1 2 L 1,432.00 Continue Drilling no progress.
** MOTOR stalled; pressure increased to 3600 PSI
** Circulate with 2400 LPM, had pressure build up to 3000 psi,
observed pressure fluctuating by 800 psi and had pieces of rubber
on shale shakers, decided to pooh to run rotary assy.
** Total drilling hours for motor run 63 HRs, and total circulating
HRs, 76 HRs.
0:15 13:00 12.75 16 1.3 1 L 1,432.00 Flow check-OK, Pooh 16” Drill string to surface free & L/D 16”
PDC Bit & PDM.
** Dull grading : 2-7-RO-S-X-I-PN-PP.
** 05 Nozzles plugged & lost 10 teeth.
** IBS Stabilizer : pulled ingage.
** found string over torqued.
** Found motor sleeve thread protector unscrewed & slide down &
held by bit.
13:00 14:30 1.50 16 3.3 P 0.00 P/U & RIH wear bushing running tool. Retreive wear bushing.
** Get diffeculty to retrieve wear bushing, found some piece of
rubber probably comming from failed DPM.
14:30 16:00 1.50 16 3.3 P 0.00 P/U Tester plug, flush circuit, HPJSM. Pressure test Annular BOP,
kill & choke lines, Master valves @ 250 / 1000 Psi, OK. L/D Tester
16:00 16:30 0.50 16 3.3 P 0.00 RIH & set wear bushing.
16:30 22:30 6.00 16 1.3 2 U 0.00 P/U 16” Smith New PDC Bit MSI916 SN:JF7851 + one 15-7/8"
NBS + two 15-7/8" IBS & RIH to 661m - get hold-
** Lay down one 15-15/16" IBS & two joints DC.
** Picked up Drilling jar SN: 293877.
22:30 0:00 1.50 16 1.4 P 616.00 Hard Reaming from 616 to 661m in progress.
** Ream STD Down/Up then RIH free.
9/17/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.4 P 661.00 Reaming from 661 to 1343m in progress.
** RPM=75 - 60, WOB= 0-2T, Fr= 2500 - 2000lpm, Pr=
1700-1200 Psi, Tq= 2000 – 15000.
** Ream STD Down/Up then RIH free.
** Try to RIH without circulation & rotation siviral times No
9/18/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 16 1.4 P 1,343.00 Reaming from 1343 to 1430m.
** 75 – 60 RPM, 0-2T, 2500 - 2000lpm, 1700-1200 Psi, 2000 –
15000 torq.
** Ream STD Down/Up then RIH free.
2:00 3:30 1.50 16 1.5 P Pump 4 m3 Hi-Vis & Circulate same to surface (nothing special on
the S. Shakers).
** FR= 3200 lpm Pr= 3200psi.
3:30 5:00 1.50 16 1.1 1 P 1,432.00 Drill two meters from 1432 to 1434m with reduced parameters.
FR= 2800lpm, RPM= 30RPM, WOB=0.5 -1 T, Tq= 1800 - 5000,
Pump another 4 m3 Hi-Vis & Tag bottom smoothly @ 1432m, P/U
from bottom & circulate.
5:00 8:00 3.00 16 1.1 P 1,434.00 Rotary drilling to 1454 with moderate parameters WOB= 2-5T,
RPM= 65-70 Tq= 1800 - 10000.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 19 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
8:00 0:00 16.00 16 1.1 P 1,454.00 Rotary drilling from 1454 to 1594m; RPM= 65 - 150, WOB= 2- 8T,
Fr= 2500 - 3000lpm, Pr= 2100 - 3000 Psi, Tq= 6000 – 14000.
** Ream each stand drilled one time. ** Pumped 4m3 Hi-Vis @
** Try to set more WOB to improve ROP without success Due to
Hight torque.
** Change parameters at siviral times no success to increase
9/19/2019 0:00 11:30 11.50 16 1.1 1 P 1,594.00 Continue drilling 16” hole section from 1594 to 1657 m.
** RPM= 90-110, WOB= 3 -15 T, Fr= 2500 lpm, P= 2200 Psi,
TQ= 3 000-19 000 Lbs-ft.
** Pump 4m3 Hi- Vis pill @ 1624m.
** Ream each stand drilled.
** Very slow ROP. ** Hight torque not allowed to increase WOB.
11:30 13:15 1.75 16 1.5 U Circulate hole clean. ** Fr= 2800 lpm, P=2780 Psi.
13:15 13:30 0.25 16 1.3 4 U Flow check,ok.
13:30 20:30 7.00 16 1.3 4 U 1,657.00 POOH dril string from bottom (1657m) to 766 m.
** Overpull 8 T @ 766 m (get back & set 12 T, Torque 18 000
lbs-ft to turn)
20:30 22:00 1.50 16 1.3 4 U 766.00 Connect Top Drive & Work interval.
** Tight points: 766, 755, 751 m; backreamed & worked interval
770-741 m till free.
22:00 0:00 2.00 16 1.3 4 U 741.00 POOH to 501 m.
9/20/2019 0:00 3:45 3.75 16 1.3 4 U 501.00 Continue POOH to surface from 501 m to surface.
** No wear on String Stabilizers & Near Bit stabilizer; 15 7/8” (as
run). Upper IBS 30% balled up.
** Bit dull grading: 1-1-WT-A-X-I-NO-PR.
3:45 8:00 4.25 16 1.3 4 U Lay down pulled out stabilizers & NBS & replace them by new
stabilizers 15-15/16”, & NBS 15- 7/8”.
8:00 11:30 3.50 16 1.3 4 U 0.00 Run 16” BHA in cased hole to 520m.
11:30 19:30 8.00 16 1.3 4 U 520.00 Run 16” rotary BHA in open hole from 520 to 1646m.
** Tight spot @ 789 m, worked interval.
** Set @ 1646 m.
** Filling up every 10 stands.
19:30 20:45 1.25 16 1.4 U 1,646.00 Ream & work interval from 1641 to 1657 m
** RPM= 60, WOB=0 -2 T, Fr= 2200 lpm, Pr= 1800 Psi, Torque
up to 18 000 lbs.ft stopped rotation.
20:45 0:00 3.25 16 1.1 1 P 1,657.00 Resume drilling with reduced parameters to 1670 m
** 5-10 T WOB, 80-90 RPM then 100 RPM, 2200 lpm, 1800 Psi,
TQ: 6000-12 000 Lbs-ft.
9/21/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 1 P 1,670.00 Continue drilling 16” hole section from 1670 to 1822 m .
** Fr= 2200-2800 lpm, Pr =1800 – 2900Psi, WOB= 3-15T, RPM=
100 - 160, Tq=8000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 15 to 20T, RPM:
110 to 170) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time
the torque is very high.
** Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
9/22/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 1 P 1,822.00 Continue drilling 16” hole section from 1822 to 1942 m .
** Fr= 2200-2800 lpm, Pr =1800–2900Psi, WOB= 3-15T, RPM=
100-160, Tq=8000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 15 to 18T, RPM:
110 to 170) due to high torque,
** Have to get off bottom each time the torque limit is reached.
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Apply many combenations on drilling parameters to inprove Rop.
9/23/2019 0:00 22:15 22.25 16 1.1 1 P 1,942.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 1942 to 2055m with limitation on drilling
parameters due to high torque.
** WOB= 5-13 T, RPM= 125 & 160, Fr= 2200-2800 lpm, Pr=
2000-2800 Psi, Tq= 8000-19000 Lbs.
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Observed cavings on shale shakers.
22:15 23:00 0.75 16 10.1 L Top Drive overtorqued, work to unscrew it.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 20 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
23:00 0:00 1.00 16 1.1 1 P 2,055.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 2055 to 2059m with limitation on drilling
parameters due to high torque.
** WOB= 5-10 T, RPM= 160, Fr= 2600 lpm, Pr= 2800 Psi, Tq=
8000-17000 Lbs.
9/24/2019 0:00 16:00 16.00 16 1.1 1 P 2,059.00 Rotary drilling 16" Hole section from 2059 to 2127m with limitation
on drilling parameters due to high torque.
** WOB= 5-13 T, RPM= 125 & 160, Fr= 2300-2700 lpm,
Pr=2200-2900 Psi, Tq= 10000-17000 Lbs.ft).
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Reduce Rotation & Pick up string 1m above bottom, Torque off
bottom: 2500 Lbs.ft
** Stop rotation & Reduce Flow rate,
** Switch off top drive & Disable torque ENCODER from SCR,
** Rotate string less than one turn, torque increase to 43000
** Try to release Torque At several attempts no success, string turn
reverse & torque didn't decrease.
** Switch off Top drive from SCR & release torque _ok_
** Unable torque ENCODER & continue drilling operation.
16:30 0:00 7.50 16 1.1 1 P 2,126.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 2127 to 2152m with limitation on drilling
parameters due to high torque.
9/25/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 1 P 2,152.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 2152 to 2256 m with limitation on drilling
parameters due to high torque.
** WOB= 5-15 T, RPM= 125 & 160, Fr= 2300-2700 lpm, Pr=
2200-2950 Psi, Tq= 10000-17000 Lbs.ft.
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
** Pumped a 4 m3 Hi Vis pill @ 2237 m.
9/26/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 16 1.1 1 P 2,256.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 2256 to 2329m with limitation on drilling
parameters due to high torque.
** WOB= 5-15 T, RPM= 110 & 160, Fr= 2300-2700 lpm, Pr=
2350-2950 Psi, Tq= 11000-19000 Lbs).
** Ream each stand drilled one time.
9/27/2019 0:00 14:00 14.00 16 1.1 1 P 2,329.00 Rotary drilling 16" from 2329 to 2365 m .
* WOB= 5-15 T, RPM= 110 & 160, Fr= 2300-2700 lpm, Pr= 2350
-3000 Psi, Tq= 11000-17000 Lbs.
* Ream each stand drilled one time.
* Last sample @ 2355m: Claystone 5%, Limestone 5%, Anhydrite
14:00 18:15 4.25 16 1.5 P Pump 4 m3 Hi Vis pill, CHC and spot 5 m3 Hi Vis pill.
* Measured MPs efficiency.
* Drop Totco.
18:15 18:30 0.25 16 1.5 P Flow check _OK_
18:30 23:45 5.25 16 1.3 L 2,365.00 Pull out of Open Hole to 1565 m
* String full of mud. * Found string over torqued.
* Overpull 10 T @ this depth.
* Excessive time to pull out of open hole.
23:45 0:00 0.25 16 1.4 U Connect Top Drive & work interval (Ream up & down 1557-1572
9/28/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 16 1.4 U Continue work interval (Ream up & down 1557-1572 m).
0:30 6:00 5.50 16 1.3 3 P 1,572.00 Pull out 16” BHA out of open hole from 1572 to 516 m (top BHA).
** Pump 1.5 m3 heavy pill AT 1326m
** Found string Over torqued since 1326m.
** Flow check at 18-5/8” shoe.
6:00 9:00 3.00 16 13.1 L Excessive Time to pull string out of hole.
9:00 10:00 1.00 16 1.3 3 P 516.00 Pull out 16” BHA out of cased hole from 516 to 243m.
10:00 12:45 2.75 16 1.3 P 243.00 POOH BHA from 243 m to surface
** No wear on stabilizers.
** Rack back BHA on mast.
** Recovered Totco, Hole Inc 2 deg.
** Bit dual grading: 1-1-WT-A-X-I-PN-TD ()one Nozzel Pluged).
12:45 13:00 0.25 16 7.5 P Clean Rig floor & arrange tools for logging job.
13:00 14:00 1.00 16 7.5 P R/U SLB logging surface equipment & logging tools.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 21 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
14:00 20:00 6.00 16 7.5 P LOGGING GR / BMS (Sonic) / EMS (Caliper).
** Logging Hole vol: 257.7 m3; Cmt vol.: 90.32 m3.
** Theoritical Hole vol.: 239.8 m3; Cmt vol.: 72.2 m3.
** Temperature: 90.67 C deg, taken 22 hrs after last circulation.
** Electric depth: 2365 m.
20:00 21:00 1.00 16 7.5 P R/D SLB logging surface equipment & logging tools.
21:00 0:00 3.00 16 1.3 4 P 0.00 Run in hole 16" WIPER TRIP string to 530 m, ongoing .
9/29/2019 0:00 7:30 7.50 16 1.3 P 530.00 Run wiper trip from 530 m to bottom, 2365 m.
* Washed down last stand.
7:30 10:45 3.25 16 1.5 P Pumped 4m3 Hi Vis pill, CHC, Spotted 5 m3 Hi Vis pill.
* 2600 lpm, 3000 Psi.
10:45 15:30 4.75 16 1.3 P 2,365.00 POOH 16” BHA to csg shoe, 516 m.
* Open hole in good shape.
15:30 15:45 0.25 16 1.3 P Flow check, ok.
15:45 16:15 0.50 16 1.3 P 516.00 POOH 16" BHA to top BHA, 243m.
16:15 20:15 4.00 16 1.3 P 243.00 POOH to surface.
* Stabilizers overtorqued, no wear on stabilizers.
* L/D NB.Stabilizer, 2 IBS, D.Jar, S.DC
* Bit service. Dull grading: 1-1-WT-A-X-I-NO-TD
20:15 21:30 1.25 16 3.1 P Clean rig floor and change Top Drive bails from short to long ones.
21:30 23:00 1.50 16 3.1 P R/U WFD csg power tong & csg surface equipment.
23:00 0:00 1.00 16 3.1 P R/U a DP jt & a DP pup-jt, wear bushing running tool. Retrieve
wear bushing
9/30/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 16 3.1 P Lay down one 5” DP & one pup joint
* Used to retrieve wear Bushing
0:15 1:00 0.75 16 3.1 P M/U Lafleur fill up tool
1:00 3:00 2.00 16 3.1 P 0.00 HPJSM, make up & run shoe truck (BTC) to 32m with baker-lock
& make up torque 34 000 & 30 000 lbs.ft.
* 1st: Float shoe & 01 joint 13-3/8” BTC.
* 2nd: One joint 13-3/8” BTC
* 3rd: Float Collar with one crossover 13-3/8” BTC
* Test float equipment -ok-
3:00 10:00 7.00 16 3.1 P 32.00 Run 13 3/8" csg in cased hole from 32m to 509m (41 joints run).
* Csg: 13 3/8 - 72# - P110 - Tennaris Blue.
* Make up torque 33000 lb.ft
* Fill up every joint using LaFleur with 900 l & confirm full filling up
every 05 joints.
10:00 10:15 0.25 16 3.1 P Break circulation.
* 630 lpm, 60 Psi
10:15 10:45 0.50 16 3.1 P Change side door elevator slips by spider elevator & spider slips.
10:45 20:30 9.75 16 3.1 P 509.00 Run 13-3/8” Csg in open hole from 509 to 1136 m (92 joints).
* Fill up every joint using LaFleur by 900 l & confirm full fill up
every 05 joints.
* At 734m, changed WFD TRS power tong dies.
* Difficulty to run centralizers through spider slips on jts 81 & 87
20:30 22:00 1.50 16 9.6 L Repairs on WFD spider slips.
* Safety locking device broken (continue without it).
22:00 0:00 2.00 16 3.1 P 1,136.00 Run 13-3/8” Csg in open hole from 1136 to 1300 m (104 joints).
* Fill up every jt & confirm every 5 jts
* Difficulty to run centralizers through spder slips on jts 99.
10/1/2019 0:00 16:00 16.00 16 3.1 P 1,300.00 Continue run 13 3/8” Csg in open hole from 1300 m to 2364.5m
(189 joints).
* Fill up every jt & confirm every 5 jts.
* Wash down the last joint
* Tag & confirm bottom with 10T.
16:00 18:00 2.00 16 1.5 P Circulate Bottoms up with Lafleur & landing joint.
** Q= 1300lpm, P= 350psi.
18:00 18:45 0.75 16 3.1 P 2,364.50 L/D landing joint, P/U BTC x Tenaris Blue crossover joint & run 13
3/8” column to 2363.5m.
18:45 19:45 1.00 16 3.1 P R/D WFD 13-3/8" Power tong, spider slips, Disconnect & L/D
19:45 21:00 1.25 16 3.2 P M/U Cmt head & connect lines, Pressure test cementing line to
500/5000 psi _ok_

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 22 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
21:00 21:45 0.75 16 3.2 P Measured Rig MPs efficiency; MP1:98%, MP2 & MP3: 96%
21:45 0:00 2.25 16 1.5 P Circulate two bottoms up prior cementing job ongoing.
** Q= 1200 lpm, P= 500 Psi.
10/2/2019 0:00 1:45 1.75 16 3.1 P Continue circulating prior cementing job.
** Q= 1200 lpm, P= 500 Psi.
1:45 7:00 5.25 16 3.1 P HPJSM, 13 3/8” CEMENTING JOB:
** Pump 10 m3 spacer ahead, 1.30 sg.
** Drop Cement Bottom plug.
** Mix & pump 62.77 m3 lead slurry 1.35 sg.
** Mix & pump 54.32 m3 tail slurry 1.90 sg.
** Stopped mixing twice due to plugged on powder cement hoses
due to presence of rocks in cement.
** Drop top cement plug & displaced by 2 m3 water by cement unit.
7:00 10:30 3.50 16 3.1 P Switch to rig Pump & continue displacement by 170.5 m3 OBM
1.25 sg.
** Dumped 09 m3 of spacer & 3 m3 contaminated mud.
** Switch to cement unit & continue displacement with 8m3 water
Max P= 1500psi_No bump pressure_.
** Add half shoe track volume 1m3 _No bump_
** Bleed off pressure No return, Float equipment hold.
10:30 11:00 0.50 16 3.1 P Disconnect lines & rig down cementing head.
11:00 12:00 1.00 16 3.1 P Lift up the 21 1/4 x 2K BOPs
12:00 12:30 0.50 16 P Set column on csg hanger 180 T
12:30 14:00 1.50 16 3.1 P Rough cut landing joint, L/D same & nipple down BOPs.
** Empty 13-3/8" last joint from water before cut.
14:00 15:30 1.50 16 3.1 P Final cut & beveled 13 3/8" Csg @12 cm.
15:30 17:15 1.75 16 3.3 2 P Nipple up 20 ¾ ” 3K x 13 5/8” 5K C.H.S & 13 5/8" 5K x 13 5/8"
10K DSA, test C.H.S @ 500 / 2300 Psi.
17:15 23:00 5.75 16 3.3 1 P Nipple up 13 5/8” x 10 000 BOP stack. Nipple up choke & kill
lines, connect to choke manifold. N/U Bell nipple.
** R/D Top Drive long bails & P/U short bails.
23:00 0:00 1.00 16 3.3 1 P P/U tester plug & M/U testing assy.
** Plug tester, 5" DP joint, Pup joint 5", SES, Safety valve, Pup
Joint 5".
10/3/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 16 3.3 P Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 5000 Psi.
** Annular BOP: 300 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves : 500 / 5000 Psi
** Safety valve : 500 / 5000 Psi.
4:00 5:45 1.75 16 3.3 P POOH tester plug. Install wear bushing.
** L/D tester plug and assy.
5:45 12:30 6.75 16 1.3 1 P L/D Tubular for inspection.
** 2 DC 9 1/2",14 DC 8 1/4", 12 HW 5" & two crossovers.
12:30 20:30 8.00 16 1.3 1 P 0.00 P/U & RIH 12 1/4" drilling BHA (270 m).
** Varel new PDC Bit S616, #6021090
20:30 0:00 3.50 16 1.3 1 P 270.00 RIH 12 1/4" drilling BHA with P/U 38 joints 5"DP to 634m.
10/4/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 16 1.3 P 634.00 Continue RIH 12 1/4" drilling BHA with P/U 5"DP to 844m.
1:30 3:30 2.00 16 P Cut & slip 30m Drilling line.
3:30 6:30 3.00 16 1.3 P 844.00 Resume run 12 1/4" drilling BHA with P/U & RIH 5" DPs to
** Total P/U: 120 joints.
6:30 9:00 2.50 16 L Excessive time to pick up 5” DP.
9:00 12:15 3.25 16 1.3 P 1,422.00 Continue RIH 12 1/4" drilling BHA from 1422 to 2305 m.
** Washed down last two STDs.
** Tag cement plugs @ 2305 m with 5T.
12:15 20:15 8.00 16 1.4 P 2,305.00 Drill out Plugs, Flot collar & cement to 2357 m, 3m above the
** Q= 2780lpm, P= 3000psi, RPM= 60, WOB 2- 5, Tq=
3000-9000 lb.ft.
20:15 21:45 1.50 16 1.5 P Circulate hole Clean ** 2700 lpm, 3000 Psi.
21:45 22:15 0.50 16 3.1 P HPJSM. Test cementing line to 500/5000 Psi.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 23 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
22:15 23:45 1.50 16 3.1 P Pressure test csg to 2900 Psi; test interrupted.
** Suspected a leak on the cellar; emptied cellar & checked;
everything Ok.
23:45 0:00 0.25 16 3.1 P Resumed pressure test csg to 4000 Psi, ongoing.
10/5/2019 0:00 0:45 0.75 16 3.4 P Continue pressure test 13 3/8” Csg to 4000 Psi , OK.
0:45 2:15 1.50 16 3.4 P 2,357.00 Resume Drilling float collar, cement and shoe from 2357 to 2365
** Returned pieces of rubber of the cement plugs on shakers.
** WOB=3-4T, Flow=2700 lpm, SPP= 3000 psi, RPM= 35-50
2:15 3:00 0.75 12 1/4 1.1 P 2,365.00 Drill 12 1/4" hole section from 2365 to 2367 m .
** WOB=10-15 T, Flow=2700 lpm, SPP=3000 psi, RPM=35-70
3:00 4:45 1.75 12 1/4 1.5 P Pump 4m3 Hi-Vis pill & circulation hole clean.
** Q= 2700 lpm, Pr= 3000 psi.
** MWin = MWout =1.25 sg.
4:45 6:00 1.25 12 1/4 3.4 P Perform SBT @ EMW= 2.35 sg.
** Max Pr= 3790psi, Pr stabilized =3690psi.
** Vpump= 17.7 bbls, Vreturn after bleed off 100%.
6:00 9:00 3.00 12 1/4 1.5 P Displace mud 1.25 sg by 1.90 sg.
9:00 16:45 7.75 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,367.00 Drill 12 1/4" hole section from 2367 m to 2390 m.
** From 2367 to 2380 m: WOB=08-12 T, Flow=2400 lpm,
SPP=3500 psi, RPM=60-100, Tq= 6000–18000 lbs.ft.
** From 2380 to 2390 m: WOB=08-14 T, Flow=2400 lpm,
SPP=3400 psi, RPM=150, Tq= 6000–18000 lbs.ft.
** High torque & stalled rotation when try to increase the WOB
over 14 T.
16:45 18:45 2.00 12 1/4 3.3 2 U POOH to csg shoe & circulated to check mud pumps & surface
lines, Run back to bottom.
** Surface lines without drill string:
- 62 SPM: Pr= 270 Psi for all pumps.
** Through drill string, bit @ 2340 m:
- 40 SPM: MP1: 290 Psi; MP2: 300 Psi; MP3: 310 Psi.
- 60 SPM: MP1: 610 Psi; MP2: 615 Psi; MP3: 600 Psi.
- 80 SPM: MP1: 1050 Psi; MP2: 1040 Psi; MP3: 1050 Psi.
18:45 0:00 5.25 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,390.00 Resume drilling to 2413 m.
** Rotation stopped several times due to high torque, couldn't apply
more than 14 T WOB.
** WOB=12-14 T, Flow=2600 lpm, SPP=3600 psi, RPM=150
10/6/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,413.00 Drill 12 1/4" hole section Ffrom 2413 to 2530 m, couldn't apply
optimum drilling parameters due to high torque limitation.
** Q= 2450-2700 lpm, Pr= 3550-3850 Psi, WOB= 10-16 T, RPM=
150, Tq= 14 000-17 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Gradually increaesed MW since 2462 m from 1.90 to 2.01sg.
** Reamed each stand drilled once.
** Rotation stopped too many times due to high torque (reached
the limit 18 000 Lbs.ft).
10/7/2019 0:00 20:30 20.50 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,530.00 Drill 12 1/4" hole section from 2530 to 2613 m, rotation stopped
many times due to high torque (reached the limit of 18 000 Lbs.ft).
** Q= 2200 lpm, Pr= 3950 Psi, WOB= 14-18 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
15 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Ream each stand drilled.
** Gradually increased MW in circuit from 1.90 to 2.08.
** Changed MP1 liners from 6" to 5 1/2".
20:30 21:00 0.50 12 1/4 10.1 U Change piston on MP1 & change liners from 6" to 5 1/2" on MP3.
21:00 0:00 3.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,613.00 Drill 12 1/4" hole section to 2626 m, rotation stopped too many
times due to high torque (reached the limit of 18 000 Lbs.f).
** Q= 2200 lpm, Pr= 3950 Psi, WOB= 14-16 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
15 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Ream each stand drilled.
** Changed MP3 liners from 6" to 5 1/2".

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 24 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 2:00 2.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,626.00 Drill 12 1/4" section from 2626m to 2632m.
** Q= 2200 lpm, Pr= 4100 Psi, WOB= 14-16 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
15 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Rotation stopped too many times due to high torque (reached
the limit 18 000 Lbs.ft).
2:00 2:30 0.50 12 1/4 1.5 U Measured MP1 & MP3 efficiency & took SCR.
2:30 19:30 17.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,632.00 Drill 12 1/4" section from 2632m to 2687m.
** Q= 2200 lpm, Pr= 4100 Psi, WOB= 14-16 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
15 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Progressively increased circuit MW from 2.08 to 2.15.
** Reamed each stand drilled once.
** Rotation stopped too many times due to high torque (reached
the limit 18 000 Lbs.ft).
19:30 20:00 0.50 12 1/4 10.1 U Changed valve and seat on MP3 Meanwhile changing liners on
MP2 from 6" to 5 1/2".
20:00 0:00 4.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,687.00 Drill 12 1/4" section from 2687m to 2717m.
** Q= 2200 lpm, Pr= 4100 Psi, WOB= 10-15 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
14 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** Reamed each stand drilled once.
** Rotation stopped many times due to high torque (reached the
limit 18 000 Lbs.ft).
10/9/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,717.00 Drill 12 1/4" section from 2717m to 2744m.
** Q= 2100 lpm, Pr= 4100 Psi, WOB= 10-15 T, RPM= 150, Tq=
14 000-18 000 Lbs.Ft.
** increased flow rate to 2200 lpm, pressure increased up to 4200
** Rotation stopped many times due to high torque (reached the
limit 18 000 Lbs.ft).
5:00 7:15 2.25 12 1/4 1.5 U Circulate to clean hole
** Q= 2000 lpm, Pr= 3650 Psi.
** Measured MP2 efficiency.
** Take Slow pump rates for the three pumps.
7:15 7:30 0.25 12 1/4 1.3 U Flow Check
7:30 8:30 1.00 12 1/4 1.3 4 U 2,744.00 Pull 12-1/4” drill string out of open hole from bottom to 13-3/8”
casing shoe.
8:30 8:45 0.25 12 1/4 1.3 1 U Flow check
8:45 12:45 4.00 12 1/4 1.3 4 U Pull out 12-1/4” drill string out of cased hole to top BHA.
12:45 13:00 0.25 12 1/4 1.3 U Flow check
13:00 17:30 4.50 12 1/4 1.3 4 U 270.00 Pull out 12-1/4” BHA to surface.
** No wear on stabilizers (all stabilizers are 12-3/16").
** Bit: 1-1-WT-A-X-I-BT-PP.
** L/D NB Stabilizer & Bit.
17:30 19:00 1.50 12 1/4 1.5 U Mud Pumps circulating pressures test.
** At differents rates (2000, 2200, 2500 lpm) & all three
combinations MP1&2, MP1&3, MP2&3.
** Reading pressures on 4 gauges.
19:00 23:15 4.25 12 1/4 1.3 4 U 0.00 RIH 12 1/4" BHA with drifting all string, to 300 m (top of BHA).
** P/U & M/U New N.B.Stabilizer 12-3/16".
** Removed 2 nozzles from the bit & run same bit (PDC S616 with
23:15 23:30 0.25 12 1/4 1.5 U Mud Pumps circulating pressures test @ top of BHA.
** MP1 & MP2 @ differents rates (2000, 2200 lpm).
** Reading pressures on 4 gauges.
23:30 0:00 0.50 12 1/4 1.3 U 300.00 Resume RIH with drifting the string to 386m.
10/10/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.3 4 U 386.00 Continue run 12 ¼” BHA from 386 to 730 m, with drift all string.
** Driller forgot to remove the DP screen.
1:15 3:30 2.25 12 1/4 1.3 4 L 730.00 POOH to top of BHA & recover the DP screen. Run Back to 730
3:30 9:45 6.25 12 1/4 1.3 4 P 730.00 Run with drifting 12 ¼” drill string to 2570 m
** Break circulation @ 760, 1200, 1700, 2200 m.
** At 2540m, circulate at 2100lpm Pressure 4200 psi

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 25 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
9:45 11:15 1.50 12 1/4 1.3 4 U 2,740.00 POOH to 2354 m & Circulate;
** Q= 2000lpm, Pr= 3650psi.
** Q= 2200lpm, Pr= 4260psi.
11:15 13:00 1.75 12 1/4 1.3 4 P 2,354.00 Resume RIH to Bottom, 2744 m.
** Wash down last stand.
13:00 13:45 0.75 12 1/4 1.5 U Circulate to check pressure before start drilling
** Q= 2000lpm, Pr= 4060psi
** Q= 2150lpm, Pr= 4450psi.
13:45 0:00 10.25 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,744.00 Resume drilling from 2744m to 2822m.
** 3-14 T WOB, 150-160 RPM, 2100 lpm, 4100 Psi, 12 000-18
000 Lbs.Ft.
** Reamed twice every stand drilled.
** Rotation stopped several times due to high torque.

** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 10.00//10.00.

** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 7.61//7.61.

** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90

to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
** Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
10/11/2019 0:00 12:30 12.50 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,822.00 Continue Rotary drilling 12 ¼” section from 2822m to 2863m.
** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 3950-4030psi, RPM: 150, WOB: 5-15T
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90
to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
* Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
12:30 14:00 1.50 12 1/4 10.1 L 2,863.00 Changed leaking wash pipe.
14:00 17:30 3.50 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,863.00 Drilling from 2863 to 2877 m.
** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 3950-4050-psi, RPM: 150, WOB: 5-15T
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90
to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
* Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
17:30 18:30 1.00 12 1/4 10.1 L 2,877.00 Generator shut down.
18:30 0:00 5.50 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,877.00 Drilling from 2877 to 2904 m.
** 2100 lpm, 4000-4050 Psi, 150 RPM, WOB : 12-15 t, TQ: 15
000-18 000 Lbs.ft

** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 4.93//5.64.

** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 3.81/7.61.

** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90

to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
** Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
10/12/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 2,904.00 Continue Rotary drilling 12 ¼” section from 2904m to 3003m.
** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 3880-3930psi, RPM: 150, WOB: 5-15T, TQ:
12 000-18 000 Lbs.ft.

** ROP WOC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 4.95 / 5.60.

** ROP WC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 4.13 / 4.38.

** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90

to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
** Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 26 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 3:30 3.50 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,003.00 Continue Rotary drilling 12 ¼” section from 3003 to 3013 m.
** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 3980psi, RPM: 150, WOB: 8-15T
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90
to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
3:30 4:00 0.50 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,013.00 Rig repairs.
** Replacing Piston & valve on MP2 & MP3.
** While circulating with MP1, 1100 lpm / 1400 Psi.
4:00 0:00 20.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,013.00 Resume drilling from 3013 to 3095 m
** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 3980-4050psi, RPM: 150-160, WOB: 8-15T.

** ROP WOC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 5.32 / 5.56.

** ROP WC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 3.92 / 4.32

** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90

to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
** Repair rate is applicable during drilling with low parameters. Zero
rate applicable whenever we get off bottom to release torque.
10/14/2019 0:00 10:45 10.75 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,095.00 Cont drilling 12-1/4" section from 3095 to 3242 m.
** FR: 2100-2200 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 150-160, WOB:
** Reamed twice every stand drilled.
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90
to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high
10:45 14:00 3.25 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,242.00 RIG REPAIRS.
** Change piston & valve & seat on MP 1 & 3.
** While circulating with MP 2, 1100 lpm, 1500 Psi.
14:00 20:00 6.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,242.00 Resume drilling 12-1/4" section from 3242 to 3335 m.
** FR: 2100-2200 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 150-160, WOB:
** Reamed twice every stand drilled.
** Unable to apply the right parameters (WOB: 5 to 20T, RPM: 90
to 180) due to high torque, have to get off bottom each time the
torque is very high.
20:00 20:45 0.75 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,335.00 RIG REPAIRS.
** Change piston & valve & seat on MP 2 & 3.
** While circulating with MP 1, 1100 lpm, 1700 Ps
20:45 0:00 3.25 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,335.00 Resume drilling 12-1/4" section from 3335 to 3365 m.

** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 160, WOB: 5-15 T, TQ:
12 000-21 000 Lbs.ft.
** Reamed twice every stand drilled.

** ROP WOC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 26.21 / 7.06.

** ROP WC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 13.5 / 5.29
10/15/2019 0:00 3:45 3.75 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,365.00 Cont drilling 12-1/4" section from 3365 to 3410 m.

** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 150-160, WOB: 5-10T.

** Reamed twice every stand drilled.
3:45 5:30 1.75 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,410.00 RIG REPAIRS.
** Change piston & valve & seat on MP 1 & 3.
** While circulating with MP 2, 1100 lpm, 1500 Psi.
5:30 7:15 1.75 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,410.00 Circulate to clean hole.
** FR: 2000 lpm, Pr: 3950psi.
7:15 10:15 3.00 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,410.00 Resume drilling 12-1/4" section from 3410 to 3460 m.

** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 150-160, WOB: 5-10T.

** Reamed twice every stand drilled.
10:15 11:30 1.25 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,460.00 RIG REPAIRS.
** Change piston & valve & seat on MP 2 & 3.
** While circulating with MP 1, 1100 lpm, 1700 Ps

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 27 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
11:30 21:15 9.75 12 1/4 1.1 1 P 3,460.00 Resume drilling 12-1/4" section from 3460 to 3516 m. called TD

* Drill last 20m with controled ROP to determine Casing depth.

Last sample @ 3516: 100% clay

** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 4050-4200psi, RPM: 160, WOB: 5-15 T, TQ:
12 000-21 000 Lbs.ft.
** Reamed twice every stand drilled.

** ROP WOC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 13.73 / 7.54

** ROP WC Daily / Cum (m/hr): 7.44 / 5.5
21:15 0:00 2.75 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,516.00 Circulate to clean hole.

**Casing Seat confirmed by wellsite geologist.

** FR: 2100 lpm, Pr: 4200psi.
10/16/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.3 P 3,516.00 POOH from 3516 to 3419m
1:15 13:00 11.75 12 1/4 1.4 P 3,419.00 Cont POOH w/ hard reaming from 3419m to 3080m, in progress

** Rpm: 75-80, Fr: 2000lpm, Pr: 3800-4000psi, Tq: 5000-21000

** Lost rotation between 3117-3132m, at several times, working
string with Jar down, get string free.
13:00 13:45 0.75 12 1/4 1.3 P 3,080.00 Cont POOH free from 3080 to 2805m.
**from 3024m to 2805m free with out pumping, observed overpull,
tried to go down, get stucked. tried to rotate without success.
** At 2805m get hard stuck with uper stabilizer in Lias salifer,
discussed with town & decided to spot water pill arroud stucked
13:45 16:00 2.25 12 1/4 9.9 1 U 2,805.00 Work string & try to free string by jaring down with no success,
meanwhile keep circulation w/ Fr: 2000lpm, Pr 3400psi.
16:00 18:00 2.00 12 1/4 1.5 U 2,805.00 Spot 8m3 of water and displace with 15.8m3 mud 2.15 SG
** pumped 8 m3 of water and displaced inside string, displace 500l
of water into annulus each 5 min meanwhile working string down.
** Got string free after displacing 5.3m3 of water in annulus.
18:00 20:00 2.00 12 1/4 1.5 U 2,805.00 Circulate hoel clean to evacuate water pill to surface & isolated
20:00 21:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.4 P 2,805.00 Resumed POOH 12 1/4 drill string with Back reaming from 2805m
to 2748m.
21:15 0:00 2.75 12 1/4 1.3 P 2,748.00 POOH 12 1/4" drill string from 2735m to 2435m on elevators (
good condition hole ).
10/17/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 12 1/4 1.3 P 2,435.00 Cont POOH free from 2435 to 2360m.
1:00 2:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.5 P 2,360.00 Circulate prior FIT (D in = D out =2.15).
* Fr= 2000lpm, Pr= 3060psi.
2:15 3:00 0.75 12 1/4 3.4 P 2,360.00 Perform FIT @ EMW= 2.28 sg.
** Pump at low rate FR: 0.3bpm to 650psi, Observe well for 15min.
** bleed off pressure.
** Pr stabilized =630psi.
** Vpump= 3bbls, Vreturn after bleed off 100%.
3:00 13:00 10.00 12 1/4 1.3 2 P 2,360.00 Cont POOH inside 13 3/8" csg from 2360 to Surface.
• Change 8” Drilling Jar and inspect STB and Bit.
• STB OD: Upper: 12 5/32” (UG), Lower 12 5/32” (UG), NB: 12
• Bit: 1-1-CT-S-X-I-WT-BHA.
13:00 14:30 1.50 12 1/4 1.3 P 0.00 RIH with 12 1/4" PDC bit 3 x 9 1/2" DC, 10x 8" DC, New 8" DJ, 2
x 8" DC, 12 x 5" HWDP to 270m.
14:30 18:00 3.50 12 1/4 1.3 P 270.00 Cont RIH 12 1/4" wiper trip BHA from 270m to 2100m.
** Break circulation every 500m.
18:00 18:30 0.50 12 1/4 1.7 P 2,100.00 Perfom Kick drill with day shift crew, Good response from rig team.
18:30 0:00 5.50 12 1/4 1.3 P 2,100.00 RIH 12 1/4" wiper trip BHA on 5" DP from 2100m to 2976m.
10/18/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.3 P 2,976.00 RIH 12 1/4" wiper trip BHA on 5" DP from 2976m. to 3118m - get
1:15 9:30 8.25 12 1/4 1.3 P 3,118.00 Reaming from 3118m to 3516 m (starting from Lias S3
** FR=1700lpm, SPP=3000psi, 80rpm, Tq= 2-5 KNm.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 28 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
9:30 13:30 4.00 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,516.00 Circulate Hole clean meanwhile increasing MW from 2.15 to 2.17
** Fr=2000lpm, Pr= 4250si.
** MW in = MW out = 2.17.
13:30 14:00 0.50 12 1/4 2.1 P 3,516.00 Take SCR & Flow check -Ok-
14:00 14:30 0.50 12 1/4 1.3 3 P 3,516.00 POOH 12-1/4" BHA - from 3516 m to 3482m -get over pull-
14:30 0:00 9.50 12 1/4 1.3 P 3,482.00 Cont POOH w/ Back Reaming from 3482m to 3018m :
** FR=2000lpm, SPP=4000/3650psi, 80rpm, TQ 2-6.
* Observed hard back reaming & variation on TQ : 3240m ( Lias
S3, 100% Salt )
3234m ( Lias
S3, 100% Salt )
3177m ( Lias
S3, 100% Salt )
10/19/2019 0:00 7:30 7.50 12 1/4 1.3 3 P 3,018.00 POOH 12-1/4" BHA in open hole from 3018 m to csg shoe 2360m
** Back Reaming from 2950m to 2947m
7:30 8:00 0.50 12 1/4 2.1 P 2,360.00 Pump 3m3 slug pill MW: 2.40sg & Flow check -OK-
8:00 12:30 4.50 12 1/4 1.3 3 P 2,360.00 Cont POOH in cased hole from 2360 m to 270m
12:30 16:30 4.00 12 1/4 1.3 3 P 270.00 Cont POOH BHA to surface.
** Take excessif time due to overtorqed connections
** L/D 3 x 9 1/2" DC, L/D 1 x 8" D-Jar, 3 x STB 12 3/16" and 12
1/4" PDC Bit.
** Bit Dull Grading : 1-1-CT-S-X-I-WT-TD
16:30 17:00 0.50 12 1/4 7.5 P Clean Rig floor & arrange tools for logging job.
17:00 19:15 2.25 12 1/4 7.5 P R/U SLB logging surface equipment & logging tools.
Perform PJSM prior to logging operation.
* Start M/U & calibration Tools.
19:15 20:45 1.50 12 1/4 7.5 L SLB NPT: Lost communication with PPC-EMM-SGT: basic
troubleshooting performed without succes witness and PSD were
timely notified SLS and PPC swapped same issue. DSLC
swapped and link up for all toolstring.
20:45 0:00 3.25 12 1/4 7.5 P LOGGING GR / BMS (Sonic) / EMS (Caliper-6 arms) / CBL / CCL
/ VDL.
** Logging Hole vol: 88.27 m3; Cmt vol.: 33.9 m3. ( Theorical
volumes: HV=87.93m3, CV=33.49 m3)
** Max record temperature: 106 C deg,
** Electric depth: 3521 m.
** Repeat section from 2330m to 2230m. Main Pass from 2363m
to 20m. GR from bottom to 20m.
10/20/2019 0:00 4:30 4.50 12 1/4 7.5 P Cont LOGGING GR / BMS (Sonic) / EMS (Caliper-6 arms) / CBL /
** Main Pass from 2363m to 20m. GR from bottom to 20m.
4:30 5:30 1.00 12 1/4 7.5 P R/D SLB wire line equipement
5:30 6:30 1.00 12 1/4 3.1 P Run with wear bushing running tool, Retrieve wear bushing & L/D
6:30 9:00 2.50 12 1/4 3.1 P R/U WFD csg power tong & csg surface equipment.
9:00 11:30 2.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 0.00 HPJSM, make up & run shoe truck (BTC) to 32m with baker-lock
& make up torque 15900 lbs.ft.
* 1st: Float shoe & 01 joint 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 HSC.
* 2nd: One joint 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 HSC.
* 3rd: Float Collar with one crossover HSC X BTC + XO BTC X
* Test float equipment -ok-
11:30 12:00 0.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 32.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in cased hole from 32m to
122m (10 joints run).
* Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft
* Fill up every joint for the 1st 5 jts.
12:00 17:45 5.75 12 1/4 3.1 L 122.00 WFD TRS NPT: Weatherford latch system on the side door
elevator failed, could not close properly. Try to fix the problem
meanwhile waiting for new Side door elevator from Weatherford.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 29 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
17:45 20:00 2.25 12 1/4 3.1 P 122.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in cased hole from 122m
to 350m (28 joints run).
* Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft
* Fill up every 10jts
20:00 22:00 2.00 12 1/4 3.1 L 350.00 WFD TRS NPT: got a problem with lower jaw of power tong, tried
to fixed it, no success.
* L/D the power tong & P/U the single power tong & use the rig
Manual tong as lower jaw.
22:00 0:00 2.00 12 1/4 3.1 P 350.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in cased hole from 350m
to 628m (Total 50 joints run).
* Fill up every 10jts
10/21/2019 0:00 13:30 13.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 628.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in cased hole from 628 m
to 2181m ( Max capacity load of SD Elevator 150 T ) (Total joints
run 170).
** Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft
** Fill up every 10jts
13:30 16:00 2.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 2,181.00 Changing WFD lifting equipments:
* R/D side door elevator,
* Change short bails by Long bails.
* R/U Spider elevato & spider Slip
*M/U fill up tool (La fleur) & test same.
16:00 18:00 2.00 12 1/4 3.1 P 2,181.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in cased hole from
2181m to 2357m (Total joints run 184 ).
** Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft.
** Fill up every 10jts
18:00 18:30 0.50 12 1/4 1.5 P 2,357.00 Circulate @ 13 3/8" csg shoe:
* Fr=1000 lpm. Pr= 350 psi
* Record string weight: UP= 156t , Down= 151t
18:30 0:00 5.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 2,357.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in Open hole from 2357m
to 2963m (Total joints run 231).
** Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft
** Fill up every 10jts
10/22/2019 0:00 5:30 5.50 12 1/4 3.1 P 2,963.00 Cont Run 9-5/8" 53.5# P110 T.Blue csg in Open hole from 2963m
to 3516m (Total joints run 276).
** Optimum Make up torque 26610 lb.ft
** Wash down the last 2 joints
** Tag & confirm bottom @ 3516m.
5:30 7:00 1.50 12 1/4 3.1 P L/D landing joint, P/U BTC x Tenaris Blue crossover joint & run 9
5/8" column to 3515.5m.
7:00 8:00 1.00 12 1/4 3.1 P R/D WFD 9 5/8" csg Power tong, spider slips, Disconnect & L/D
8:00 9:30 1.50 12 1/4 3.2 P HPJSM, M/U OS Cmt head & connect lines, Pressure test
cementing line to 500/6000 psi for 5/10min _ok_
9:30 15:45 6.25 12 1/4 1.5 P Circulate two bottoms up prior cementing job as per cmt program
meanwhile prepare heavy slury in batch mixer.
** Q= 350/600 lpm, P= 600 Psi. (limited by FIT pressure 650psi).
** Treat mud w/ thiner to lower the mud rheology.
** Measured Rig MPs efficiency; MP1 = MP3 =93%, MP2 =95%
* Pick up weight before Cmt = 236t, SOW = 221t
15:45 18:45 3.00 12 1/4 3.2 P 9 5/8” CEMENTING JOB:
** OS Pump 10 m3 spacer ahead, 1.19 sg. Drop Cement Bottom
plug, pump 50.76 m3 Heavy slurry 2.21 sg. Drop top cement plug
& displaced with 2 m3 water.
18:45 0:00 5.25 12 1/4 3.2 P Rig Pump continue displacement with 122.82 m3 (9390 Strks)
OBM 2.17 sg using 450lpm, 650 psi, switch to cement unit &
continue displacement with 3m3 water Max P= 700psi, No
10/23/2019 0:00 0:45 0.75 12 1/4 3.2 P Cont displacement w/ cement unit with 1m3 water @ Max P=
700psi, Final bump pressure, Raise pressure to 5000 psi & Hold
for 10 min, OK, Bleed off pressure. Well stable, Float equipment
0:45 1:30 0.75 12 1/4 3.1 P Disconnect lines & rig down cementing head.
1:30 3:00 1.50 12 1/4 3.1 P Lift up 13 5/8" 10k BOP.
3:00 3:30 0.50 12 1/4 Install & set casing Slips as cemented. SOW 236t.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 30 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
3:30 5:00 1.50 12 1/4 3.1 P Rough cut landing joint, L/D same & nipple down Bell Nipple.
** R/D Top Drive long bails & P/U short bails.
** R/D WDF spider slips.
5:00 7:00 2.00 12 1/4 3.1 P Final cut & beveled 9 5/8” Csg @ 34 cm From B section top
7:00 11:30 4.50 12 1/4 3.3 2 P Nipple up 13 5/8” 5K X 10K DSA, & 13 5/8" 10K x 11” 10K Tubing
Head Spool.
** P/T 13 5/8” 5K X 10K DSA @ 500 / 5000 Psi -Ok-
** Energize THS seal by injecting Plastic Packing & P/test @ 500 /
5000 Psi. as per Cameron engineer-Ok-
11:30 14:30 3.00 12 1/4 3.3 P Nipple up 11” x 10K X 13 5/8” x 10 K Adapter, 13 5/8” x 10 K BOP
stack. N/U Bell nipple.
14:30 15:30 1.00 12 1/4 3.3 1 P P/U tester plug & M/U testing assy.
** Plug tester, 5" DP joint, Pup joint 5", Safety valve, Pup Joint 5".
15:30 18:30 3.00 12 1/4 3.3 P Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 7500 Psi.
** Annular BOP: 350 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves : 500 / 7500 Psi
** Safety valve : 500 / 7500 Psi.
18:30 20:00 1.50 12 1/4 3.3 P POOH tester plug. Install wear bushing.
** L/D tester plug and assy.
20:00 0:00 4.00 12 1/4 1.3 P L/D 12 x DC 8-1/2" & 4 x HWPD 5" for inspection.
10/24/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 12 1/4 1.3 P L/D 8 x HWPD 5" for inspection.
1:30 6:00 4.50 12 1/4 1.3 P 0.00 P/U, M/U and RIH 8 1/2" PDC Baker bit T408FX (SN: 5272072) +
Bit Sub + 3 x 6 3/4' DC + 24 x 5" HWDP + 6 1/2" DJ + 5 x HWDP
to 311m.
6:00 7:00 1.00 12 1/4 1.3 P 311.00 P/U and RIH 5" DP from 311m to 377m.
7:00 8:30 1.50 12 1/4 1.3 L 377.00 POOH 8 ½” BHA to surface.
8:30 9:45 1.25 12 1/4 1.3 L 0.00 Install Totco ring & RIH 8 ½” BHA to 377m.
9:45 13:00 3.25 12 1/4 1.3 P 377.00 Cont P/U and RIH 5" DP from 377 m to 714m.
* Fill up every 10 stands.
13:00 16:00 3.00 12 1/4 1.3 P 714.00 Cont RIH 8 ½” Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 714 m to 1800 m.
* Fill up every 10 stands.
16:00 17:15 1.25 12 1/4 1.5 P 1,800.00 Fisrt stage displace 2.17 SG OBM by 1.50 SG OBM
* Fr= 1500 lpm, Max Pr= 3150 psi.
17:15 19:30 2.25 12 1/4 1.3 P 1,800.00 Cont RIH 8 ½” Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 1800 m to 2670m.
* Fill up every 10 stands.
19:30 22:00 2.50 12 1/4 6.1 P 2,670.00 Slip and cut 30m of drilling line.
- Calibrited ACS system.
- TOP Drive service.
22:00 0:00 2.00 12 1/4 1.3 P 2,670.00 Cont RIH 8 ½” Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 2670m to 3274m
* Fill up every 10 stands.
10/25/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 12 1/4 1.3 P 3,274.00 Cont RIH 8 ½” Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 3274m to 3418m
* Fill up every 10 stands
1:00 1:45 0.75 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,418.00 Wash down from 3418m to tag Float Collar at 3492m with: :
*Fr= 1100lpm, Pr= 3800psi, RPM= 30rpm.
1:45 3:30 1.75 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,492.00 Second stage displacement 2.17 SG OBM by 1.50 SG OBM and
homogenized mud.
* Fr= 1200 lpm, Max Pr= 3000 psi.
3:30 6:00 2.50 12 1/4 3.4 P 3,492.00 Drill out Shoe Track from 3492m to 3506m with reduce
parameters: *WOB= 3-6T, Fr= 1800lpm, Pr= 2800psi, RPM=
40-70rpm. * Get sudden drop in pressure.
6:00 7:00 1.00 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,506.00 Work on Mud Pumps.
7:00 8:30 1.50 12 1/4 3.4 P 3,506.00 Resume drilling Shoe track from 3506 to 3508m. Observed Drop
on pressure.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 31 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
8:30 14:00 5.50 12 1/4 10.1 L 3,508.00 Trouble shouting on mud Pumps & Mud System.
Found small pieces of soft rubber (not cement plug rubbers)
inside the 1mud pum and mud system, we desided the following
* Check all shale shakers (found ok).
* Transfer all the mud from the active tank using mixing pump.
* Clean the active tank.
* Put a screen on the mud ditch to prevent the entry of any piececs
inside the active tank.
* Open all three pumps and clean them.
14:00 15:00 1.00 12 1/4 3.4 P 3,508.00 Resume drilling Shoe track with reduce parameters from 3508 to
15:00 16:00 1.00 12 1/4 1.5 P 3,516.00 Circulate one bottom up
* Flow checked, well static.
16:00 21:00 5.00 8 1/2 1.1 1 P 3,516.00 Start Drilling 8 1/2" section in Triassic Shale formation from 3516m
to 3519m *WOB= 5-8T, Fr= 1800-2000lpm, Pr= 2800-3200psi,
RPM= 120-150rpm.
*Decision made from town to stop drilling at this depth due to very
low ROP.
21:00 21:45 0.75 8 1/2 1.5 P 3,519.00 Circulate and condition mud 1,50sg in/out.
* Flow checked, well static.
21:45 23:00 1.25 8 1/2 2.1 P 3,519.00 Drop Gyro as per Gyro Data engineer instructions.
* Flow checked, well static.
23:00 0:00 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 2 P 3,519.00 Start POOH 8 1/2" Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 3519m to 2959m.
* Turn the string 90 deg every 300m (As per GyroData engineer
* Monitor the Well on trip tank
10/26/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 8 1/2 1.3 P 2,959.00 Cont POOH 8 1/2" Drill out BHA on 5" DP from 2959m to 32m.
* Turn the string 90 deg every 300m (As per GyroData engineer
* Monitor the Well on trip tank
5:00 6:30 1.50 8 1/2 1.3 2 P 32.00 Recovered Gyro, L/D 3 x 6 3/3” DC with 8 ½” PDC bit.
* Bit Grading: 1-1-CT-S-X-I-WT-PR.
6:30 11:30 5.00 8 1/2 1.3 2 P 0.00 P/U & M/U Baker BHA.
• Flush Mud circuit.
•Plug to the tool for test & communication.
• P/U & M/U New 8 ½” Baker PDC Bit: DD407TX, SN: 5302124,
TFA 0.8495.
• Flow test @ 1800lpm, 1100psi.
• Diagnostic survey w/ flow & check for rotating data.
• Depth calibration.
11:30 16:30 5.00 8 1/2 1.3 P 24.00 RIH 8 ½” RSS BHA on 5” DP from 24m to 1514m, Noticed the DP
screen was left inside DP at last fill up.
* Fill string every 15 Std.
16:30 17:00 0.50 8 1/2 13.1 L 1,514.00 POOH 8 ½” RSS BHA on 5” DP From 1514 m to 1122m, Remove
DP screen from the string.
17:00 17:45 0.75 8 1/2 13.1 L 1,122.00 Resume RIH 8 ½” RSS BHA on 5” DP from 1122m to 1514m,
17:45 23:30 5.75 8 1/2 1.3 P 1,514.00 RIH 8 ½” RSS BHA on 5” DP from 1514 to 3499m.
* Fill up string every 15 Std.
23:30 0:00 0.50 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,499.00 Wash down from 3499m to 3519m with:
* FR= 1400 lpm, SPP= 2900 psi ,RPM= 34 tr/min
* Took SCR at Depth 3519m:
10/27/2019 0:00 0:45 0.75 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,519.00 Drilling one meter with Ribs off on Triassic Shale Formation from
3519m to 3520m.
* 2 T WOB, 80 RPM, 1600 lpm, 2900 Psi, 2-3 KLbs.Ft.
* Send Downlink @ 3520
* with Magnitic Tool Face, Steering Force=100%, Steering
Directinnel=265,5 Deg.
0:45 13:00 12.25 8 1/2 1.2 P 3,520.00 8 ½" Drilling on Magnitic Steer Mode (Steer vector :270 deg) with
slow parameters From 3520m to 3527,5m.
* Kick off point @ 3520m MD
* Fr= 1600 lpm, RPM= 80. WOB= 8-9 T
* Top “Triassic T2”: 3527m MD

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 32 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
13:00 0:00 11.00 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,527.50 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Sreer Mode on Triassic T2
Formation From 3527,5m to 3554m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 100, WOB= 9-11 T , SPP= 3400psi
* Send Downlink @ 3531.49, 3543m, 3551m.
* Last Survey at 3531.49m MD: Inc=4,23 deg , Az= 269,24
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1.58 // 1,58
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1,46 // 1,46
10/28/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,554.00 Drilling 8 1/2" with Gravity Steer Mode on Triassic T2 Formation
from 3554m to 3556m.
* 6-12 T WOB, 120 RPM, 1700 lpm, 3100 Psi, 4-11 KLbs.Ft.
* with Steering Force=80%, DLS= 0 deg.
2:00 3:00 1.00 8 1/2 1.4 P 3,556.00 Wash up and Ream Down from 3556m to 3546m.
* Took Survey @ 3556m.
3:00 7:15 4.25 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,556.00 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Steer Mode on Triassic T2
Formation From 3556m to 3565m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 120, WOB= 12 T , SPP= 3100psi
* Send Downlink @ 3559m Steering Force=70%, Steering
Directinnel=358.5 Deg
7:15 7:45 0.50 8 1/2 10.1 L 3,565.00 Power Shttdown on BAKER cabin stop drilling.
Changed the plug on the VFD, get the power back.
7:45 0:00 16.25 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,565.00 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Steer Mode on Triassic T1
Formation From 3565m to 3608m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110, WOB= 12-15 T , SPP= 300ps
* Steering Force=50-70%.
* Send Downlink @ 3595m, 3604m, 3608m.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 2.57// 2.37
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 2.25 // 2.19
* Triassic T1 Top formation @ 3582m
10/29/2019 0:00 10:15 10.25 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,608.00 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Steer Mode on Triassic T1
Formation From 3608m to 3623m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110, WOB= 11-12 T , SPP= 3400ps.
* Took SCR @ 3614m.
* Steering Force= 55%. Streering Directional 340deg
* Send Downlink @ 3613m, 3620m, 3621m.
* SERIES Inferior top formation @ 3623m
10:15 10:45 0.50 8 1/2 10.1 L 3,623.00 Work on Rig Pupms. Piston leaking on MP2 & MP1 sucking air.
10:45 21:15 10.50 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,623.00 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Steer Mode on SERIES Inferior
Formation From 3623m to 3651m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110, WOB= 12-15 T , SPP= 3400ps.
* Steering Force= 61%. SD=35 left.
* Send Downlink @ 3640m, 3641m.
21:15 21:45 0.50 8 1/2 10.1 L 3,651.00 Changed seal on MP3 unable to work with MP2 ( MP2 was
opened for changing Piston ).
21:45 0:00 2.25 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,651.00 Cont 8 ½" Drilling with Gravity Steer Mode on SERIES Inferior
Formation From 3651m to 3658m with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110, WOB= 12-15 T , SPP= 3200ps.
* Steering Force= 61%. SD=35 left.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 2.87 // 2.50
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 2.19 // 2.19
10/30/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,658.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3658 m to 3741m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters
* Fr= 1750-1870 lpm, RPM= 105-130 tr/min, WOB= 8-15T,
PR=3200-3340psi, TQ= 9-12 klbs.ft. Reaming every stand.
* Send Downlink: 3670m, 3675m, 3710m, 3727m,
* Steering Force= 60-80%; Steering Directional= -5/-35 deg.
* Last survey : MD: 3716.27m; Inc=43.50deg; Az= 267.49deg;
* Actual Position: 10.18m Above; 4.88m Right.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 4.30 // 2.91
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 3.66 // 2.53

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 33 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 0:00 24.00 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,741.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3741 m to 3799 m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110-130 tr/min, WOB= 5-15T,
PR=3200-3470psi, TQ= 9-13 klbs.ft.
* Pumped 3m3 Hi-Vis every stand.
* Send Downlink: 3749m, 3760m, 3769m,
* Steering Force= 50-90%; Steering Directional= 0 -15deg.
* Last survey : MD: 3773.89m; Inc=53.09deg; Az= 263.58deg;
TVD=3733.11m; DLS= 3.77
* Actual Position: 7.08m Above; 2.43m Right.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 3.07 // 2.93
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 2.65 // 2.55
11/1/2019 0:00 23:00 23.00 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,799.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3799 m to 3835 m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 110-120 tr/min, WOB= 8-15T,
PR=3300-3500psi, TQ= 6-12 klbs.ft.
* Pumped 3m3 Hi-Vis @ 3815m.
* Send Downlink: 3801m, 3820m, 3829m,
* Steering Force= 58-70%; Steering Directional= 20deg.
* Last survey : MD: 3802.79m; Inc=62.23deg; Az= 265.42deg;
TVD= 3748.55m; DLS= 9.62deg
* Actual Position from plan: 4.58m Above; 0.87m Right.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1.57// 2.39
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1.90 // 2.78
23:00 0:00 1.00 8 1/2 10.1 L 3,835.00 Change wear plate on MP2 Meanwhile work string up & down.
11/2/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 8 1/2 10.1 L 3,835.00 Change wear plate on MP2 Meanwhile work string up & down
using MP1.
1:30 15:00 13.50 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 33,835.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3835m to 3844m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 100-130, WOB= 10-14T,
PR=3200-3400psi, TQ=8-13 klbs.ft
* Last survey: MD= 3831.66m; Inc= 69.56 deg; Az= 267.79 deg;
TVD = 3760.48m; DLS= 7.94m.
* Position to plan: 2.7m above; 0.25m Right.
* Reaming from 3844 m to 3814m (get very tight spot @3831m &
3823m, reamed Up/Down several times)
* Notice in the cutting shape an indication of caving (20-30%),
Inform Office, Decided to increase MW from 1.50 SG to 1.52 SG.
15:00 23:30 8.50 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,844.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3844 m to 3862 m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters while increasing MW
progressively from 1.50 SG to 1.52 GS:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 120-140 tr/min, WOB= 9-15T,
PR=3300-3500psi, TQ= 6-13 klbs.ft.
* Pumped 3m3 Low-vis / 3m3 Hi-vis @ 3843m. (20-30% cavings
get on Shale shakers)
* Send Downlink: 3836m, 3844m, 3850m, 3859m, 3861m,
* Steering Force= 52-100%; Steering Directional= 20-100deg.
* Last survey : MD= 3831.66m; Inc= 69.56 deg; Az= 267.79 deg;
TVD = 3760.48m; DLS= 7.94m.
* Actual Position from plan: 2.7m Above; 0.25m Right.
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1.65 // 2.64
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 1.17 // 2.22
23:30 0:00 0.50 8 1/2 8.2 P 3,862.00 Geological circulation with FR=1800lpm, SPP= 3380psi.
11/3/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 8 1/2 8.2 P 3,862.00 Geological circulation @ 3862m (3769m TVD) top of Ouargla
sandstone as well site geologies with FR=1800lpm, SPP=

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 34 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
1:15 5:00 3.75 8 1/2 1.1 3 P 3,862.00 Drilling with 8 ½” Autotrack from 3862m to 3873.5m in Series
Inferior formation with following parameters:
* Fr= 1800 lpm, RPM= 120-140, WOB= 10-14T,
PR=3300-3500psi, TQ=8-13 klbs.ft.
* Pumped 3m3 Low-vis / 3m3 Hi-vis @ 3872m.
* Last survey: MD= 3860m; Inc= 81.55deg; Az= 268.83deg; TVD
= 3768.29m; DLS= 8.81m.
* Position to plan: m 1.30 above; 0.4m Right
** ROP WOC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 4.40 // 2.68
** ROP WC Daily//Cum (m/hr): 0.71 // 2.09
5:00 6:30 1.50 8 1/2 8.2 P 3,873.50 Geological circulation (confirm TD @ 3873.5m MD, 3770.71m
TVD, Inc: 81.55deg; ).
6:30 10:45 4.25 8 1/2 1.5 P 3,873.50 Remove one Stand & Pump 3m3 Low-Vis + 3m3 Hi-Density pill
(1.8 SG) + 10 m3 Mud + 3m3 Low-Vis + 3m3 Hi-Density pill (1.8
SG) and circulate till shaker clean @ 1800lpm; RPM=120 while
reciprocating string UP/Down.
* Got at shale shakers trace of caving.
* Flow checked, well stable.
10:45 14:00 3.25 8 1/2 1.4 P 3,873.50 Wiper Trip w/ Pumping out @ 1200lpm from 3873m to csg shoe
@ 3514m.
*Get a tight spot @ 3852m to 3850m, worked Up/Down till free.
14:00 15:30 1.50 8 1/2 1.5 P 3,514.00 Pump 5m3 Hi-Vis & Circulate till shaker clean
*Get cutting from caving as shaker.
15:30 17:00 1.50 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,514.00 RIH Back to bottom @ 3873m free.
17:00 19:30 2.50 8 1/2 1.5 P 3,873.00 Pump 3m3 Low-Vis + 5m3 Hi-Density pill (1.8 SG) and circulate till
shaker clean @ 1800lpm; RPM=120 while reciprocating string
UP/Down. Untill no much cuttings on shale shakers.
* Took SCR @ 3873m. with MP1 & MP3.
* Flow checked, well stable.
19:30 20:30 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,873.00 POOH with 8 1/2" Autotrack on elevators freely from 3873m to
20:30 20:45 0.25 8 1/2 1.4 P 3,791.00 POOH w/ Pumping out from 3791m to 3788m with 1700lpm,
3400psi worked Up/Down till free.
20:45 22:15 1.50 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,788.00 Continue POOH with 5" DP inside 8 1/2" open hole freely from
3788m to inside 9 5/8" Csg depth 3514m.
* Flow checked, well stable.
22:15 0:00 1.75 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,514.00 POOH 8 1/2" Autotrack BHA from 3514m to 3240m in progress.
11/4/2019 0:00 9:15 9.25 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,240.00 Cont POOH 8-1/2" Autotrack BHA in cased hole from 3240 to 32
9:15 11:00 1.75 8 1/2 1.3 P 3,240.00 L/D Baker RSS BHA.
* Bit grading 1-1-FC-S-X-I-WT-TD.
* String STB in-gage: 7-3/4".
* Modular STB on RSS : in : 8-3/8" , Out: 8-3/16" jsut on the lower
11:00 14:30 3.50 8 1/2 7.6 P HPJSM, P/U, M/U & RIH Baker wire line tools.
* Check tools and calibration -OK-
14:30 0:00 9.50 8 1/2 7.6 P Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on 5" DP from 34 To 1639 m..
* Drifting all DP.
* RIH speed 4 min / SDT.
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs.
11/5/2019 0:00 7:30 7.50 8 1/2 7.6 P Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on 5" DP from 1639 To 3450 m.
* Drifting all DP.
* RIH speed 4 min / SDT.
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs.
7:30 9:30 2.00 8 1/2 7.6 P Circulate Prior to Latch BH Wire line Cable, Meanwhile R/U BH
surface equipment.
9:30 14:30 5.00 8 1/2 7.6 P HPJM, RIH BHI wire line Latch to top of wire line tools, Latch
* Get communication w/ tool, all tools good & working fine.
* Calibration of tools.
14:30 15:30 1.00 8 1/2 7.6 P Start logging from 3470 to 3538 m , Lost signal .
* Trouble shooting: try to recover signal no success.
15:30 16:00 0.50 8 1/2 9.1 L Pull out logging string to 3453 m.
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 35 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
16:00 17:00 1.00 8 1/2 9.1 L Unlatch cable & pooh wire line latching tool to surface.
17:00 19:00 2.00 8 1/2 9.1 L Trouble shooting : suspected a short in the female latching sub,
replaced it with the backup one.
19:00 20:15 1.25 8 1/2 9.1 L RIH wire line cable for latching.
20:15 20:30 0.25 8 1/2 9.1 L Latch wire line cable successfuly.
20:30 21:30 1.00 8 1/2 9.1 L Test signal several times : same problem was noticed (No
communication with the tools), we suspect the downhole tools
* Decision made by Baker (BH) to POOH & check then change
the logging tools string by back up one.
21:30 22:15 0.75 8 1/2 9.1 L Unlatch cable & pooh wire line latching tool to surface.
22:15 0:00 1.75 8 1/2 9.1 L POOH Baker PCL Tools from 3453 to 3165 m.
11/6/2019 0:00 10:15 10.25 8 1/2 9.2 L POOH Baker PCL Tools from 3165 to 32 m.
10:15 11:45 1.50 8 1/2 9.2 L Remove Source. Trouble shouting.
* Found power adapter which had its top block wet with mud.
* Decision made to start CBL/VDL
11:45 13:30 1.75 8 1/2 9.2 L L/D Baker PCL tools & related equipment
13:30 15:30 2.00 8 1/2 7.6 P Change cable head for wire line tools and test connection
* Connect Tools : GR/CCL/CBL/VDL, & calibrate.
15:30 23:00 7.50 8 1/2 7.6 P LOGGING : 1st RUN (GR/CCL/CBL/VDL)
* Logging up from 3517m to 2000m.
23:00 0:00 1.00 8 1/2 7.6 P LOGGING : 2 nd RUN (XMAC/GR/CAL/ZDL/ORIT)
* Pick up, Make up & connect logging tools & calibration.
11/7/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 8 1/2 7.6 P LOGGING: 2nd RUN: (XMAC/GR/CAL/ZDL/ORIT)
*HPJSM, Pickup, Makeup & connect logging tools, Install source
& calibration.
1:30 6:30 5.00 8 1/2 7.6 P Logging (XMAC/GR/CAL/ZDL/ORIT)
* Main & repeat logging from 3660 to 3521 m
* Get overpull @ 3648m @ 3657m.
* Cement volume from 2625 - 3521m (104 m) : 2.226 m3 (average
caliper reading OH: 8.52 in).
6:30 8:30 2.00 8 1/2 7.6 P Remove source, L/D logging tools & R/D surface equipment.
8:30 10:30 2.00 8 1/2 1.3 P P/U, M/U and RIH 8 1/2" PDC Baker bit DD407TX, SN: 5302124
+ Bit Sub (w/ float valve) + 7-3/4 string-stab +2 x 5" HWDP +
7-3/4 string-stab + 21 x 5” DP+ 24 x 5” HWDP+ 6 1/2" DJ + 5 x
HWDP to 505m.
10:30 20:45 10.25 8 1/2 1.3 P Cont RIH 8-1/2” Wiper trip BHA to 3815 m
* Fill up every 15 Stds.
20:45 21:15 0.50 8 1/2 1.3 P Wash down last 2 stands : f/ 3815 to 3871 m
21:15 0:00 2.75 8 1/2 1.5 P Pump 3 m3 Low-Vis + 3 m3 Hi-Density pill (1.80 sg) + 10 m3 Mud
+ 3 m3 Low-Vis + 3 m3 Hi-Density pill (1.80 sg).
Circulate @ 1800 lpm & 120 RPM while reciprocating string Up /
down till shakers clean.
* Got traces of claystone and sandstone on shale shakers
11/8/2019 0:00 10:30 10.50 8 1/2 1.3 3 P Pull out 8-1/2" Wiper trip BHA tfrom 3873 m to surface.
* Flow check on BTM & at 9-5/8" Csg shoe.
* L/D 6-1/2” DJ + 2 x 7-3/4 string stab + 2 x 5” HWDP + 8-1/2
PDC bit.
* Bit Grading: 1-1-FC-S-X-I-WT-TD.
10:30 11:00 0.50 8 1/2 3.1 P Retrieve Wear bushing.
11:00 12:00 1.00 8 1/2 3.1 P R/U Weatherford power tong and related equipment.
12:00 14:00 2.00 8 1/2 3.1 P HPJSM, make up & run 7” shoe truck (N.Vam) to 50m with
baker-lock & make up torque 10850 lbs.ft.
* 1st: Float shoe & 01 joint 7” N.Vam.
* 2nd: Float Collar & Two joints 7” N.vam
* 3rd: Landing Collar & 7” N.Vam.
* Test float equipment -ok-.
14:00 0:00 10.00 8 1/2 3.1 P Cont Run 7” 29#, 13 Cr, P110 N.Vam csg in cased hole from 55
to 677 m (Total joints run 55 ).
** Optimum Make up torque 10850 lb.ft
** Fill up every 10 jts

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 36 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 6:00 6.00 8 1/2 3.1 P Cont Run 7” 29#, 13 Cr, P110 N.Vam csg in cased hole from 677
to 1170 m (Total joints run 96 ).
** Optimum Make up torque 10850 lb.ft
** Fill up every 10 jts
6:00 7:45 1.75 8 1/2 3.1 P P/U & M/U 9-5/8” Hydraulic set Liner Hanger assembly.
** Check Packer assembly condition -OK-
** Fill up PBR with Polymer.
** Circulate 120 % Liner volume @ 900 lpm, 520 psi.
** Liner weight : 39 T.
7:45 16:30 8.75 8 1/2 3.1 P Cont RIH 7" Liner on 5” DP to 3515 m (9-5/8" Csg shoe)
** Fill up every 10 STDs.
16:30 17:00 0.50 8 1/2 3.1 P Break circulation @ 9-5/8" csg (700 lpm ; 720 psi).
17:00 19:00 2.00 8 1/2 3.1 P Cont RIH 7" Liner on 5” DP in open hole to 3857 m
19:00 19:30 0.50 8 1/2 3.1 P Wash down Last stand, Tag (7 T) & confirm Bottom twice @ 3873
* Total weight = 145 T,
19:30 21:30 2.00 8 1/2 3.1 P Circulate bottom's up (800 lpm , 900 psi).
21:30 21:45 0.25 8 1/2 3.1 P R/U Cement head & adjust on rig floor (Pick up 1.5 m from
21:45 22:15 0.50 8 1/2 3.1 P Drop ball & Set the Hanger with 2100 psi & Slack off (Liner weight
(39 T) + 20 T)
** 7" Liner shoe at 3872 m, TOL @ 2693 m
22:15 22:30 0.25 8 1/2 3.1 P Shear the ball seat w/ 3200 psi & check return -ok-.
22:30 22:45 0.25 8 1/2 3.1 P Rotate 20 right turns at the neutral point to release setting tool
** Pick up 60 cm to confirm releasing S/Tool - lost liner weight -.
22:45 0:00 1.25 8 1/2 3.1 P Circulate prior cement job on going (750 lpm,900 psi).
11/10/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 8.5 3.1 P Continue circulate prior cement job (900 lpm, 1200 psi),
** Mixed slurry.
** Meanwhile HPJSM, & test line to 6000psi.
4:00 8:15 4.25 8.5 3.2 P Perform 7” liner cementing job as followed:
** Pump & displace 8 m3 diesel with rig pump then switch pumping
to cementing unit.
** Pump 6 m3 CW, 6 m3 Spacer & 19.26 m3 Cement slurry 1.90
** Drop dart plug & displace slurry by: 1m3 spacer & 45.39 m3
** No losses observed during the job.
** Bump the plug & test the liner to 5000 Psi _ok_
** No return after bleeding off, float eqpt hold.
8:15 8:30 0.25 8.5 3.1 P Set liner top packer.
8:30 10:00 1.50 8.5 3.2 P Pooh to 2670 m & circulate to clean.
** Dump 6 m3 CW, 6 m3 spacer, 1 m3 cement & 2 m3
contaminated Mud.
10:00 10:45 0.75 8.5 3.2 P Disconnect pumping line & lay down 2 jts 5” DP & cementing head
with 5” pup joint.
** Have back flow.
10:45 12:00 1.25 8.5 3.2 P Connect Top drive & circulate to homogenize mud.
12:00 12:30 0.50 8.5 3.1 P Test packer with rig pump to 500/1000 psi -ok-.
12:30 23:30 11.00 8.5 1.3 4 P Pull out 7” Setting tool to surface with lay down exess of 5" DP
(108 jts).
23:30 0:00 0.50 8.5 1.3 4 P Lay down 7" BOTIL Setting tool.
11/11/2019 0:00 1:00 1.00 8 1/2 3.3 P P/U & RIH Cameron jetting tool. • Flush & clean BOP stack from
cement. • POOH & L/D jetting tool.
1:00 5:00 4.00 8 1/2 3.3 P BOPs Pressure test :
• P/U tester plug & M/U testing assy.
• Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 7500 Psi :
** Annular BOP : 350 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves : 500 / 7500 Psi
** Safety valve : 500 / 7500 Psi.
5:00 5:15 0.25 8 1/2 3.3 P POOH tester plug.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 37 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
5:15 6:00 0.75 8 1/2 3.3 P Install wear bushing.
6:00 6:45 0.75 8 1/2 3.3 P L/D tester plug assy.
6:45 10:15 3.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 P RIH with 5” OEDP to 1665 m.
10:15 12:45 2.50 8 1/2 6.1 P Cut & slip 30 m of Drilling line.
12:45 17:45 5.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 P Pull out 5" OEDP back to surface.
17:45 0:00 6.25 8 1/2 1.3 P P/U, M/U 6" Clean out Cement Assembly & RIH to 522 m :
* 6" SR42DRD617W TCI SDBS RR bit (SN: 12995700) + bit sub
+ picking up : 18 jts of 3-1/2" DP + 36 jts 3-1/2" HWDP + 2 jts
3-1/2" DP.
11/12/2019 0:00 8:15 8.25 8 1/2 1.3 P Continue Rih 6” clean out BHA from 522 m with picked up 79 jts
3-1/2” DP to 1267m.
8:15 20:00 11.75 8 1/2 1.3 P Rih with 5” DP from 1267 to 3771 m .
20:00 21:00 1.00 8 1/2 3.4 P Wash down from 3771 to 3835 m, tag @ this depth ( Landing
collar real depth).
21:00 0:00 3.00 8 1/2 3.4 P Drill out Landing collar - in progress -.
11/13/2019 0:00 12:15 12.25 8 1/2 1.1 P Continue Drill out Landing collar, cement Float collar & cement to
3871m (1m above 7” shoe).
** Q = 900lpm, P = 2270 psi, WOB = 2-7 T, Rpm = 60-80, Tq =
2500 – 4500.
** Returned pieces of rubber & metal junk of float eqpt on shale
** Returned medium to hard cement.
** Drill out landing collar & float collar for many passes.
12:15 15:00 2.75 8 1/2 1.5 P Pump 3 m3 Hi-Vis pill & circulate hole clean. ** Q = 900 lpm, P =
2220 psi.
** Take slow pumpe rates.
15:00 0:00 9.00 8 1/2 1.3 2 P Pull out 6" clean out assembly from 3871 to 706 m
11/14/2019 0:00 2:45 2.75 8 1/2 1.3 P Continue Pull out 6" clean out assembly from 706 to surface.
** Bit Dull grading: 2 - 2 - WT - A - 4 - I - BT - BHA.
2:45 10:30 7.75 8 1/2 1.3 U RIH with 5" OEDP to 2685 m.
** Space out with one single 5” DP.
10:30 11:00 0.50 8 1/2 1.3 U Make up FOSV, side entry sub & 5” pup joint
** Fill up Trip tank & test sensor.
11:00 12:45 1.75 8 1/2 1.5 U Circulate to homogenize Mud before inflow test
** Q = 1800 lpm, P = 1820 psi.
12:45 13:00 0.25 8 1/2 1.5 U Flow check _ok_
13:00 13:30 0.50 8 1/2 1.5 U Pump 20.1 m3 of diesel & displace same by 1.3 m3 of diesel (Tot =
21.4 m3) for inflow test.
** Q = 890 lpm, P = increased to 2300 psi.
** Try to close FOSV without success due to high pressure.
13:30 15:45 2.25 8 1/2 1.5 U Perform Inflow test as follow :
** Close I BOP, close upper pipe rams & open the low torque valve
to shale shakers
** After returned 11 m3 of diesel the pressure decreases to 0 psi
switched the return to the trip tank.
** Monitoring the well through TT for two hours No return.
** Open upper Pipe rams and check for diesel return, no return,
couldn’t see the mud level in annulus
** Line up the circuit to reverse circulate diesel without success
due to plugged line.
15:45 17:00 1.25 8 1/2 1.5 U Connect back up line & reverse circulation Q = 580 lpm, P =
increased to 560 psi.
** Get return after pumping around 3 m3.
** Recovered 10.4 m3 of diesel.
** After transmiting the results to town, the decision has been
made to re-test after displace hole to 1.23 sg Mud
17:00 17:45 0.75 8 1/2 1.3 U Disconnect line & lay down 5” pup joint, Side entry sub, FOSV &
one joint 5” DP.
17:45 23:30 5.75 8 1/2 1.3 U POOH 5" OEDP to surface.
23:30 0:00 0.50 8 1/2 1.3 P 6" SR42DRD617W TCI SDBS RR (SN: 12995700) Bit service.
11/15/2019 0:00 10:15 10.25 8 1/2 1.3 P RIH with 6" slick BHA to bottom (3871 m).
** wash down the last stand.
10:15 13:15 3.00 8 1/2 1.5 P Break circulation for 15mn & displace hole with 1.23sg OBM.
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 38 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
13:15 17:00 3.75 8 1/2 1.3 P Pull out to 2683 m.
17:00 18:15 1.25 8 1/2 1.5 P Make up FOSV, side entry sub & 5” pup joint
** Adjust string with one 5” pup joint.
** break circulation for 15 min.
18:15 18:30 0.25 8 1/2 1.5 P Flow check _ok_
18:30 21:30 3.00 8 1/2 1.5 P Performed inflow test @ 500 psi under balance _OK_
** Pump 14.7 m3 of diesel & displace same by 1.3 m3 of diesel
(Tot = 16 m3) for inflow test.
** Q= 780 lpm, P = increased to 1800 psi.
** Stop pumping Pressure dropeed to 1200 psi.
** Close BOP & open the return throght DP; returned 8 m3.
** Monitoring the well for two hours - No return -.
** Effective underbalance for test = 350 psi
21:30 22:00 0.50 8 1/2 1.5 P Reverse circulation (600 lpm, 750 psi). Recovered 8 m3 of diesel.
22:00 22:15 0.25 8 1/2 1.5 P Flow check - ok -.
22:15 23:00 0.75 8 1/2 1.3 P Disconnect line & lay down 5” pup joint, Side entry sub & FOSV
23:00 0:00 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 P Pull out 6" slick BHA from 2683 to 2215 m Ongoing.
11/16/2019 0:00 8:00 8.00 8 1/2 1.3 P Continue pull out 6" slick BHA from 2215 m to surface.
8:00 13:00 5.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 P Run safety string in hole to 500 m with pick up 400m of 3-1/2" DP.
13:00 0:00 11.00 8 1/2 12.1 P Preparing for MPD job.
** Safety string at 500 m.
** Clean Mud tanks , Check & flush surface line from pumps to
poor boy..
** Prepare & Mix Mud for next section.
** Training crews for the job.
11/17/2019 0:00 18:00 18.00 8 1/2 12.1 P Continue Preparing for MPD job
** Safety string at 500 m.
** Test Koomey,
** Mixing 1.12 sg OBM
** continue Cleaning mud tanks.
** Clean Trip tank & mud/gas separator.
** Performed man down drill, good reaction.
18:00 0:00 6.00 8 1/2 12.1 P Spot WFD MPD equipmentts in place & start rig up.
11/18/2019 0:00 4:45 4.75 8 1/2 12.1 P Spot WFD MPD equipment in place & start rig up.
4:45 6:15 1.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 P Pooh safety string to surface.
6:15 8:30 2.25 8 1/2 12.1 P Nipple down bell nipple & mouse hole.
8:30 0:00 15.50 8 1/2 12.1 P HPJSM, Rig up MPD equipment ongoing :
** Nipple up RCD bowl on Annular BOP.
** Connect MPD primary flow line from RCD to MPD chocke
** Connect MPD chocke manifold with Coriolis flow meter .
11/19/2019 0:00 18:00 18.00 8 1/2 12.1 P Cont Rig up & install MPD equipment:
* R/U 4" line from primary flow line to trip tank & shale shaker for
tripping only.
* R/U 4" Line down stream of coriolis flow meter to shale shaker
and trip tank for drilling only.
* Connect rig choke manifold with 4" down stream line of coriolis
flow meter to rig MGS.
* R/U 2" secondary flow line from rig manifold into MPD primary
flow line.
* R/U 2" line from RCD for hole fill up from trip tank and RCD
bleed off pressure into cellar.
* Install RCD consol panel, hydraulic hoses & functionned the
RCD clamps -ok-.

** Meanwhile install Halliburton MWD cabin, connect sensors &

prepare BHA.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 39 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
18:00 0:00 6.00 8 1/2 12.1 L Cont Rig up & install MPD equipment:
* R/U 2" line from rig pump #1 to MPD primary flow line for making
connections in MPD mode.
* Spotted MPD choke house, MPD command center, RCD
container, MPD auxiliary pump and fluid transfer pump.
* Excessive time rigging up MPD equipment.
11/20/2019 0:00 10:15 10.25 8 1/2 12.1 L Rig up MPD eqpt (install cabins).
** Retrieve wear bushing & install tester plug.
10:15 10:45 0.50 8 1/2 12.1 L Run & Set WFD plug on the top of RCD.
10:45 11:45 1.00 8 1/2 12.1 L HPJSM, fill up & flush circuit with water
** leaking on connections.
11:45 16:45 5.00 8 1/2 12.1 L Working to fix the leaks.
16:45 19:15 2.50 8 1/2 12.1 L MPD up stream line pressure tests @ 500/1800psi OK
19:15 19:45 0.50 8 1/2 12.1 L Retreive & L/D WFD plug from the top of RCD
19:45 20:00 0.25 8 1/2 12.1 P Retreive & L/D Tester plug.
20:00 20:30 0.50 8 1/2 12.1 P Run & Set Wear bushing.
20:30 22:00 1.50 8 1/2 12.1 P N/U bell nipple on RCD bowl, Install mouse hole, Connect fill up
22:00 0:00 2.00 8 1/2 1.3 P HPJSM, P/U & M/U : Hyd Motor (4-3/4" Sperry drill , Lobe 2/3, 8
stg, 0.55 R/L) + MWD + NM Pony Flex Collar.
11/21/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 8 1/2 1.3 P Continue M/U HALL DD BHA (NMDC, Float sub & PBL) length
35.63 m.
** Connect top drive using one cross over.
** Survey sensor to bit distance : 14.60 m
** GR sensor to bit distance : 13.50 m
** Sperry Drill motor SN 10475112; 2/3 lob, 8 stages, 0.55 Rev/l,
Bent 1.5 deg.
** Gap : 2 mm
1:15 2:15 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 P Perform shallow test :
** Fl = 500 lpm; P = 400 psi
** Fl = 600 lpm; P = 500 psi
** Fl = 700 lpm; P = 700 psi
** Fl = 800 lpm; P = 900 psi
2:15 3:45 1.50 8 1/2 1.3 P Pull out BHA to surface & Make up new Baker 6” Impregnated Bit
(IR212E, SN: 5282579)
3:45 21:30 17.75 8 1/2 1.3 P Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from surface to 3571 m.
** Fill up every 10 stds.
** Calibrate MWD depth at 1841 m.
** Circulate & check MWD @ 2705 m.
** Flow check @ 3192 m.
** While last filling up, observed that the actual volume of the filling
is less than the theoretical volume, suspected fluid communication
from annulus to inside string, checked with reverse circulation : got
a return from string (DP) : communication confirmed.
** Discuss the situation with town. Decide to pull out.
21:30 0:00 2.50 8 1/2 1.3 L POOH 6" directional BHA to 2734 m in order to check the BHA
components @ surface.
11/22/2019 0:00 2:30 2.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Continue POOH 6" directional BHA from 2734 to 1800 m.
2:30 5:30 3.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Continue POOH 6" directional BHA from 1800 to 36 m.
5:30 8:30 3.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Excessive time (KCA NPT) to trips 6" directional BHA from 1800 m
to top BHA 36 m.
8:30 11:00 2.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Pooh Directional BHA to surface with lay down Hall float valve &
** Make up two WFD float valves (F & G).
** Test Motor with bit at surface then remove Bit.
11:00 12:00 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Perform MWD shallow test.
12:00 13:00 1.00 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Pull back to surface & Make up 6” Impregnated Bit (IR212E, SN:
** Make up 4-3/4” NMDC.
13:00 23:30 10.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 L Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from 38 to 3571 m.
* Fill up every 15 stds.
23:30 0:00 0.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 P Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from 3571 to 3685 m. * Fill up
every 15 stds.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 40 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
11/23/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 8 1/2 1.3 4 P Continue RIH to 3851m, try to pass with rotation -no success-.
0:30 1:45 1.25 8 1/2 1.4 P Connect Top drive, Wash down with rotate & work interval to 3853
** Q= 700 lpm, P = 1700 psi, RPM = 10, WOB = 2 T.
1:45 3:30 1.75 8 1/2 10.1 L Repair on Drawwork.
3:30 7:00 3.50 8 1/2 1.4 P Cont wash down with rotate string & work interval to 3871 m.
** Q= 700 lpm, P = 1700 psi, RPM = 10, WOB = 2 T.
7:00 8:15 1.25 8 1/2 1.5 P Drop ball & Circulate to open PBL (circulating sub) -ok-.
8:15 10:45 2.50 8 1/2 1.5 P Displace hole with 1.12 sg OBM.
10:45 11:15 0.50 8 1/2 1.5 P Drop two balls & Circulate to close PBL -ok-.
11:15 12:00 0.75 8 1/2 12.1 P Nipple down bell nipple.
12:00 14:00 2.00 8 1/2 12.1 P Install WFD MPD bearing & alignment.
14:00 15:30 1.50 8 1/2 1.5 P Held a meeting with all crew & Companies representatives
15:30 22:00 6.50 8 1/2 1.5 P MPD Finger printing trails :
* MPD sensor testing.
* Pump efficiency.
* Slow Circulaion rate .
* Flow behavior after the connection.
* Perform the pump shut-down (Step-down) procedure (before
* Perform the pump start-up (Step-up) procedure (after
* Dynamic flow check.
* Perform the RCD bearing assembly change under-pressure.
* Mud compressibility.
22:00 23:00 1.00 8 1/2 3.4 P Drill out 7" Liner shoe & Cement F/ 3871 to 3873 m.
** WOB = 1 - 3 T, Flow rate = 800 lpm, Surface RPM = 18, Total
RPM = 458, Pressure off/on btm = 2300 / 2500 psi.
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 1.1 4 P 3,873.00 Directional drilling 6" hole section in MPD mode from 3873 to 3875
m (rotary mode).
* * Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 2300 / 2500 psi,
Surface RPM = 18, Total RPM = 458, WOB = 0 - 2 T, Tq Off/on
btm=1600/ 3000.
** Dailly circulating Hrs = 11.91 .
** Dailly Motor Circ.Hrs = 8.58 .
11/24/2019 0:00 0:00 24.00 6 1.1 4 P 3,875.00 Directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3875 to 3904
m (sliding + rotary mode). .
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 2300 / 2500 psi,
Surface RPM = 18, Total RPM = 458, WOB = 0 -7 T, Tq Off/on
btm = 1600 / 3000, Max Tg = 1.95 %.
** Back pressure 420 psi.
** Ream each 3 m drilled.

** Last survey @ 3886.5 m : Az = 269.55 , Incl = 82.95 deg, TVD

= 3772.71 m.
** Dailly // Cum Motor Circ.Hrs = 23.25 // 31.83.
11/25/2019 0:00 8:15 8.25 6 1.1 4 P 3,904.00 Directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3904 to 3913
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 2300 / 2500 psi,
Surface RPM = 18, Total RPM = 458, WOB = 3-6 T, Tq Off/on
btm=1600/ 3000, Max Tg= 1.33 %.
** Back pressure 420 psi.
** Ream each 3 m drilled.
** Last sample @ 3913m: 100% sandstone.
8:15 10:45 2.50 6 1.5 P Pump 2m3 low vis pill followed by 2 m3 hi vis pill & circulate hole
** Detected & confirmed partial losses at 5 m3/hour.
** Reduced back pressure to 370 psi & continue circulation to
clean hole.
10:45 11:45 1.00 6 1.3 4 P Pooh with circulation to 3809 m

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 41 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
11:45 16:45 5.00 6 1.5 P Stop drilling pump & start trip tank pump (back Pressure 620 psi)
and perform Pore pressure test by decreasing back pressure by
steps of 50 psi & observing return in trip tank.
** At Ecd 1.20 sg (520psi) still Have losses.
** At Ecd 1.19 sg (470 psi) still have losses (extend monitoring
time to 30min).
** At Ecd 1.18 sg (420 psi) still have losses (extend monitoring
time to 30 min).
** At Ecd 1.17 sg (370 psi) still have losses till one hour of
monitoring got full return.
** continue Monitoring through Trip Tank -No losses-.
16:45 19:00 2.25 6 1.5 P Circulate at ECD = 1.17 sg through string to estimate if losses &
evacuate probable influx, No losses noticed.
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure = 2000 psi, Back Pr = 150 psi ,
Max Trip gas : 6 %.
19:00 21:30 2.50 6 1.3 4 P RIH & Wash down F/3809 to BTM (3913 m).
* take SCR.
21:30 0:00 2.50 6 1.1 4 P 3,913.00 Directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3913 to 3915
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 2100 / 2200 psi,
Surface RPM = 18, Total RPM = 458, WOB = 1-3 T, Tq Off/on
btm = 1500 / 2000, Max Tg = 0.95 %.
** Back pressure = 200 psi (1.18 sg ECD).
** Ream each 3 m drilled.
** Detected Partial losses +/- 1.5 m3/h.
** Last sample @ 3913 m : 100 % sandstone.
** Dailly // Cum Motor Circ.Hrs = 18.5 // 50.33.
11/26/2019 0:00 11:45 11.75 6 1.1 4 P 3,915.00 Directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3915 to 3933
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 2100 / 2300 psi,
Surface RPM = 20, Total RPM = 460, WOB = 3 - 6 T, Tq Off/on
btm = 1500 / 3000, Max Tg = 2.09 %.
** Back pressure = 160 psi (1.17 sg ECD).
** Partial losses rate +/- 2.5 m3/h.
** Load the active tank with LCM to cure losses

** Last sample @ 3933 m: 100 % sandstone.

** Average Rop =1.53 m/h
11:45 14:15 2.50 6 9.7 L Pump 2 m3 low vis pill followed by 2 m3 hi vis pill & circulate hole
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure = 2000 psi, Max Tg % = 3.25.
** Partial losses rate : 2.5 m3/hour.
** Back pressure : 370 psi .
14:15 15:15 1.00 6 9.7 L POOH with pump out to 3875 m.
15:15 16:15 1.00 6 9.7 L Pump 3 m3 of LCM (114 kg/m3) & displace same with inside string
16:15 17:15 1.00 6 9.7 L Pull out string to 3717 m.
** Back pressure 370 psi.
** Lost +/- 7 m3 of Mud
17:15 18:00 0.75 6 9.7 L Wait for LCM to soak.
** Lost more than 3.5 m3
18:00 18:45 0.75 6 9.7 L Circulate to estimate losses rate at 1.18 sg ECD.
** Partial losses rate : +/- 3.2 m3/hour.
18:45 20:00 1.25 6 9.7 L RIH back to 7” liner shoe.
20:00 21:30 1.50 6 9.7 L Circulate and drop ball to open circulating sub -ok-.
** Dailly // Cum Motor Circ.Hrs = 15.25 // 65.58.
21:30 22:15 0.75 6 9.7 L Pump 3 m3 of LCM (200 kg/m3) & displace same with inside
string volume.
22:15 23:00 0.75 6 9.7 L Bleed off std pipe pressure to POOH to top LCM pill, PBL not
closed still have 300 psi, tried several times with pumping then
stop & bleed-off -no success-
** Partial losses rate : +/- 4 m3/hour.
** Back pressure 370 psi.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 42 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Monitoring hole losses meanwhile mixing 3 m3 of LCM pill (400
kg/m3) .
** Partial losses rate : +/- 4 m3/hour.
** Back pressure 370 psi.
11/27/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 6 9.7 L Continue mix then pump 3m3 of LCM pill (400 kg/m3).
** Partial losses rate 2.2 m3/hr. ** Back pressure 160 psi.
1:15 2:15 1.00 6 9.7 L Wait on LCM pill to soak.
** Partial losses rate 3 m3/h, ** Back pressure 370 psi.
2:15 6:15 4.00 6 1.5 P HPJSM, Displace hole to 1.17sg OBM & Circulate to homogenize
6:15 7:30 1.25 6 1.3 P Monitoring well through trip Tank - Steady level -
** Meanwhile HPJSM before remove WFD MPD bearing.
7:30 8:30 1.00 6 12.1 P Remove WFD MPD Bearing & rack back same on Mast.
8:30 9:30 1.00 6 12.1 P Nipple up bell nipple.
** Took Slow pump rates
9:30 9:45 0.25 6 1.3 P Flow check -Well sable-
9:45 12:00 2.25 6 1.3 2 P POOH from 3857 to 2690 m (7” liner top).
** The string pulled Dray (PBL not worked correctly).
12:00 12:15 0.25 6 1.3 P Flow check -well stable-.
12:15 14:45 2.50 6 1.3 2 P Continue POOH from 7” liner Top to 1670 m (top of 3-1/3 DP.)
14:45 15:00 0.25 6 1.3 P Flow check -ok-.
15:00 19:15 4.25 6 1.3 2 P Continue Pooh to top BHA 37m.
19:15 22:45 3.50 6 1.3 P POOH Directional BHA to surface with:
* L/D : Hall Circ sub (PBL) + 2 WFD F.Valves.
* M/U : New PBL + 2 New WFD F.Valves (F & G).
* L/D : MWD + Sperry Drill Motor (1.5 deg Bend).
* M/U : Sperry Drill motor SN 11683278; 2/3 lob, 8 stages, 0.55
Rev/l, Bend 1.15 deg, Gap : 2 mm + MWD.
** Survey sensor to bit distance : 15.10 m,
** GR sensor to bit distance : 14.00 m
** Adjust scribe Line.
22:45 0:00 1.25 6 1.3 P Perform MWD shallow test - in progress -.
11/28/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 6 1.5 P Continue testing HAL Motor & MWD signal, Q = 800lpm, P =
0:15 1:00 0.75 6 1.3 2 P Pooh to surface & Make up New HDBS Impregnated 6” Bit :
IQ610D (SN: 13182655).
1:00 6:45 5.75 6 1.3 2 P RIH 6” directional BHA to 2450 m.
** Grease Brush fell inside string while greasing connection.
6:45 9:15 2.50 6 13.1 L POOH from 2450 to 1902 m then Run back to 2450 m.
** Check every stand pulled out, Found & recovered the brush.
9:15 10:15 1.00 6 1.3 2 P Continue Run 6” directional BHA to 2707 m.
10:15 11:45 1.50 6 10.2 P Cut & slip drilling line,
11:45 15:30 3.75 6 1.3 2 P Resume RIH to 3847 m (set @ this depth : 10T)
15:30 16:45 1.25 6 1.4 P Wash down from 2847 to 3858 m.
16:45 17:15 0.50 6 12.1 P Nipple down bell nipple.
17:15 18:30 1.25 6 12.1 P L/D the used RCD Bearing from rig flor to prepare same as back
18:30 20:30 2.00 6 12.1 P Install the new RCD bearing.
** The string cannot pass the depth 3858m while try to install the
bearing on RCD.
** Rack back the stand with bearing & pooh to 3827m, then run
the bearing stand.
20:30 21:00 0.50 6 12.1 P P/U, the back up RCD Bearing & install same on one stand 5" DP.
** Rack back same on mast
21:00 21:45 0.75 6 1.4 P Wash down form 3827 to 3872 m
21:45 22:00 0.25 6 1.5 P HPJSM with all personnel.
22:00 0:00 2.00 6 1.5 P Drop ball to open PBL (Hall Circulating sub) & displace hole (1.17
sg) to 1.12 sg OBM .... in progress .... .
* Flow rate : 800 lpm, Max trip gas = 10.26 %.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 43 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
0:00 2:00 2.00 6 1.5 P Continue displace hole to 1.12 sg OBM & continue circulation till
din = dout.
** Stop circulating pump, start connection pump & apply 370 psi
back pressure.
** Noticed 300 psi SPP, try to bleed off SPP without success due
to communication between anulus & inside string.
** Discuss the event with town, where decide to displace again
back to 1.17 sg OBM.
2:00 6:00 4.00 6 1.5 L PBL Sub not working. Displace hole to 1.17 sg OBM & continue
circulation till d in = d out.
6:00 6:15 0.25 6 1.5 L Flow check -well sable-.
6:15 6:45 0.50 6 1.5 L Drop two balls & circulate to close PBL .
6:45 7:00 0.25 6 1.3 L Install WFD float sub on 5” DP.
7:00 11:00 4.00 6 1.5 L Displace hole to 1.12 sg OBM & continue circulation till d in = d
** Record SCR for both drilling Pumps.
11:00 23:30 12.50 6 1.4 P RIH 6” directional BHA in open hole with washing down from 3872
to Bottom (3933 m)
** Q = 800lpm, SPP = 1850, Max TG % = 8.30
** ECD = 1.17 sg, Back pressure = 155 psi.
** Motor stalled at several times (Picks of pressure 2100 – 2850
23:30 0:00 0.50 6 1.1 4 P 3,933.00 Resume directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3933
to 3934 m, 100% Cir Ret.
** Flow rate = 800 lpm, Pressure off/on btm = 1900 / 2000 psi,
Surface RPM = 20, Total RPM = 460, WOB = 1 - 3 T, Tq Off/on
btm = 2000 / 3000, Max Tg = 0.7 %.
** Back pressure = 160 psi (1.17 sg ECD).
** Dailly // Cum Motor Circ.Hrs = 16.16 // 17.28.
11/30/2019 0:00 16:45 16.75 6 1.1 4 P 3,934.00 Resume directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from 3934
to 3949m,
** Flow rate = 800 - 850 lpm, Pr= 2200 - 2300 psi, Surface RPM =
40, Total RPM = 507, WOB = 2 - 6 T, Tq Off/on btm = 2800 /
3500, Max Tg = 9.00 %.
** Back pressure =165 - 120 psi (1.17 sg ECD).
** Very slow ROP.
** Pump 2m3 low vis followed by 2m3 hi vis pill @ 3948m
** Pu/w = 135T, Soff/w =125T, Rot/w = 132T
** Pr on/off Bottom = 2300 / 2100psi, Tq on /off bottom = 3000 /
** Last Survey: MD 3932.10, Inc 87.69°, Azimuth 270.09°, TVD
3,776.91, Bit position: 0.20 m Right & 0.31 m below Plan
** Projection to bit: MD 3948.00, Inc 86.60°, Azimuth 270.00°,
TVD 3,777.70.
16:45 18:15 1.50 6 1.3 P Wash up to 3931m, for short trip & run back to Bottom, hole in
good shap
** Rack back one stand.
** Pump 2m3 low vis followed by 2m3 hi vis pill @ 3932m
18:15 22:30 4.25 6 1.1 4 P 3,949.00 Continue directional drilling 6"hole section in MPD mode from
3949 to 3950m,
** Pu/w = 135T, Soff/w =125T, Rot/w = 132T, Pr on/off Bottom =
2200 / 2000psi, Tq on /off bottom = 3000 / 2500
** Incresed flow rate from 850 to 930 lpm with decrease in back
pressure from 120 to 105psi to improve ROP no success.
** Try with 700 lpm & 145psi back pressure same Rop.
** Dicesion taken to POOH
** Record SCR for both pumps.
22:30 23:30 1.00 6 1.3 L POOH with wash up to 7" liner 3869m
23:30 0:00 0.50 6 1.5 L Drope ball & circulate to open PBL_OK_
12/1/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 6 1.5 L Displace 1.17sg OBM in hole,
4:00 4:15 0.25 6 1.5 L .Flow check: well stable
4:15 5:15 1.00 6 1.3 2 L Remove MPD bearing & rack back same on mast.
5:15 6:00 0.75 6 1.3 2 L Nipple up bell nipple.
6:00 9:00 3.00 6 1.3 2 L POOH to 2640m (TOL).
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 44 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
9:00 9:15 0.25 6 1.5 L Flow check: well stable.
9:15 12:00 2.75 6 1.3 2 L POOH with 5” DP to top of 3 ½” DP.
12:00 13:30 1.50 6 1.3 2 L Continue POOH with 3-1/2” DP to 947m D/Jar Depth.
13:30 14:00 0.50 6 1.5 L Break circulation to check drilling jar if any leak.
** Found some pieces of Aluminum around the D/Jar mandrel
(liner equipment).
14:00 17:15 3.25 6 1.3 2 L POOH to Top of BHA 36m.
** Found PBL in position close.
** Establish circulation with low flow rate, the return of mud coming
from PBL pores
17:15 19:30 2.25 6 1.3 2 L POOH BHA to surface with lay down PBL, Motor & bit.
** Bit grading: 2-4-WT-A-X-I-BT-PR.
** Two motor sleeves protector were unscrewed.
19:30 20:00 0.50 6 3.3 P P/Up & M/Up tester plug assy.
20:00 20:15 0.25 6 3.3 P Retreve wearbushing
20:15 0:00 3.75 6 3.3 P BOPs Pressure test :
** Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 7500 Psi :
** Annular BOP : 350 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves : 500 / 7500 Psi
** Safety valve : 500 / 7500 Psi.
12/2/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 6 3.3 P POOH tester plug,
0:15 1:00 0.75 6 3.3 P Install wear bushing & L/D tester plug assembly.
1:00 3:45 2.75 6 1.3 L M/U 6” directional BHA with:
** P/U 4-3/4" Sperry Drill motor SN: 10475112; 2/3 lob, 8 stages,
0.55 Rev/l, Bend 1.15 deg, Gap: 2 mm & change MWD.
** P/U PBL
** Change: 2 WFD F. Valves by new ones).
** Survey sensor to bit distance: 14.60 m
** GR sensor to bit distance: 13.50 m
** Adjust scribe Line.
3:45 4:15 0.50 6 1.3 L Perform shallow test & MWD signal check:
** Fr = 850 lpm; P = 700 psi.
4:15 4:30 0.25 6 1.3 L Pull out BHA to surface & Make up RR Baker 6” Impregnated Bit
(IR212E, SN: 5282579).
4:30 8:30 4.00 6 1.3 L Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from surface to 717 m.
** Fill up every 15 stds.
8:30 10:00 1.50 6 10.1 L Repair on Droworks.
10:00 19:45 9.75 6 1.3 L Continue Rih from 717m to 3856m ongoing.
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** M/U float sub at 3656m.
** Set at 3836m (landing collar).
19:45 20:15 0.50 6 12.1 L Nipple down Bell nipple
20:15 21:00 0.75 6 12.1 L Install WFD Bearing assembly
21:00 0:00 3.00 6 1.5 L HPJSM, displace 1.12sg OBM in hole in progress.
12/3/2019 0:00 0:30 0.50 6 1.5 L Continue displace hole to 1.12 sg OBM, ** Fr= 800lpm, Spp=
1900psi. Max TG %=3.9%
0:30 3:00 2.50 6 1.3 L RIH 6” directional BHA in open hole with washing down from 3872
to Bottom (3950 m), ** Fr= 800lpm, Spp= 1950psi, Bak Pr= 170
3:00 5:45 2.75 6 1.5 L Pump HVP & CHC, ** Record SCR for both pumps MP2, MP3 **
Fr= 800lpm, Spp= 1900psi, Bak Pr= 150 psi
5:45 6:45 1.00 6 1.3 L POOH for short trip to 7" shoe.
6:45 7:45 1.00 6 1.5 L Pump HVP & CHC, ** Fr= 800lpm, Spp= 1900psi, Bak Pr= 150
psi . No junk at surface
7:45 10:45 3.00 6 1.3 L Run back to Bottom with wash down. ** Take survey @ 3949m.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 45 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
10:45 14:30 3.75 6 1.1 4 L 6” Directional drilling _no progress. try to change parameters and
alternate between rotary and sliding mode. Noticed high vibration
on MWD
** Stand pipe pressure increased suddenly to more than 5000psi
with 0.5T WOB.
** Try to circulate, string plugged.
** Bleed off pressure above sub surface WFD float valve. Decide
to POOH.
14:30 15:45 1.25 6 1.3 L POH free to shoe with wet string. kept 150psi choke pressure.
15:45 19:45 4.00 6 11.5 L Suspected trapped pressure below sub surface float valve. wait on
base decision .
19:45 20:15 0.50 6 9.1 L OS spt on site. HPJSM and established procedure to bleed off
pressure and to open circulating sub.
20:15 20:45 0.50 6 1.3 4 L POH to 3656m. wet string.
20:45 21:30 0.75 6 9.1 L Connected WFD bleedoff tool to WFD float valve. pushed the
flapper with bleed off rod. noticed very weak blow -no bleed off
L/D WFD float valve. tried to circulate -no success- string still
21:30 22:45 1.25 6 1.3 L POH to 3540m in order to get the PBL at vertical position
(condition to activate the PBL with emergency brass dart in case
string plugged).
22:45 23:30 0.75 6 1.5 L Dropped emergency brass dart and confirmed PBL ports open.
23:30 0:00 0.50 6 1.5 L Established circulation and RIH to 3568m.
12/4/2019 0:00 3:30 3.50 6 1.5 L HPJSM, Displace 1.17sg OBM in hole,
3:30 4:15 0.75 6 1.5 L Flow check _Well stable_
4:15 5:00 0.75 6 12.1 L Remove WFD bearing assy,
5:00 5:45 0.75 6 12.1 L Instal bell nipple,
5:45 14:15 8.50 6 1.3 L Continue pull out 6" directional BHA to 36m.
14:15 17:30 3.25 6 1.3 L Pull out to surface with lay down 6" Directional BHA.
** Use WFD bleeding off tool to open the float valves before break
out same.
** Found motor bend hossing sleeve unscewed.
** Bit grading: 3 - 4 - WT - A - X - I - BT - DTF.
** Clean Rig floor .
17:30 0:00 6.50 6 1.3 L P/U Weatherford 5-1/4" RJCB and RIH fishing BHA to 2670m
12/5/2019 0:00 0:45 0.75 6 1.3 L Continue RIH fishing BHA F/2670m T/3051m
0:45 1:45 1.00 6 10.1 L Repairs on draworks
1:45 4:30 2.75 6 1.3 L Continue RIH fishing BHA F/3051m T/3708m (With connecting
top drive)
4:30 4:45 0.25 6 12.1 L Install float sub at this depth 3708m
4:45 5:15 0.50 6 1.3 L Continue RIH fishing BHA F/3708m to 3870m
5:15 6:00 0.75 6 12.1 L N/D bell nipple.
6:00 6:45 0.75 6 12.1 L Install WFD bearing.
6:45 9:45 3.00 6 1.5 L Displace 1.12sg Mud in hole
9:45 11:45 2.00 6 1.3 L Rih in open hole to 3949m
11:45 12:00 0.25 6 1.5 L Drop Ball & circulate to activate reverse circulation through RCJB.
12:00 12:30 0.50 6 9.9 3 L Work with RCJB.
12:30 14:15 1.75 6 1.3 L Pooh to 3750m.
14:15 14:45 0.50 6 1.5 L Drop ball & wait half hour to open circulating sub.
14:45 17:30 2.75 6 1.5 L Displace 1.17sg OBM in hole
17:30 17:45 0.25 6 1.5 L Flow check.
17:45 18:30 0.75 6 1.3 L Pooh to 3696m ** L/D WFD float sub. ** Got Back flow.
18:30 19:30 1.00 6 1.5 L Connect top drive & circulate to homogenize mud.
19:30 19:45 0.25 6 1.5 L Flow check
19:45 20:30 0.75 6 12.1 L Remove & lay down WFD MPD bearing
20:30 21:00 0.50 6 12.1 L Nipple Up Bell nipple.
21:00 0:00 3.00 6 1.3 L Pull out 5-1/4” RCJB from 3688m to 1952m
12/6/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 6 1.3 L Continue Pull out 5-1/4” RCJB from 1952m to surface
5:00 6:45 1.75 6 12.1 L Service RJCB (recover 03 Aluminum pieces )
January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 46 OpenWells

2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
6:45 8:00 1.25 6 11.1 L Clean & arrange Rig floor ** Meanwhile discuss the next plan.
8:00 17:15 9.25 6 1.3 L Pick up & Rih with Milling Bha to 3871m.
** Fill Up String Every 10 Stds.
** 5-7/8” Concave junk mill, Bit sub, one stand 31/2” DP, 4-3/4”
circulating sub.
17:15 18:15 1.00 6 1.4 L Wash down F/3871 T/3951bottom
** Q=400lpm, SPP=450psi, RPM=20, mud weight =1.17sg.
18:15 20:00 1.75 6 1.6 L Milling junk (10cm progress).
** WOB= 1- 2, RPM=80, Torq= 2.7 - 2.9, Q=800lpm,
Pump H.vis pill
20:00 20:45 0.75 6 1.5 L Decrease flow rate to 400lpm circulation through poor-boy for Gas
bottom plug.
20:45 21:30 0.75 6 1.5 L Open well and continue circulation,
** Couldn't reach the Milling flow rate 800lpm, Suspected plugged
on WFD surface return lines
21:30 22:00 0.50 6 1.3 L POOH To liner shoe 3871m
22:00 23:00 1.00 6 12.1 L Flushed MPD WDF surface return lines with water. Checked
circulation -OK-
23:00 23:30 0.50 6 1.3 L Run back to bottom _Open hole in good shape_
23:30 0:00 0.50 6 1.6 3 L Continue milling junk (10cm progress).
** WOB= 2 - 3, RPM=80, Torq= 2.7- 3 , Q=800lpm,
Pump H.vis pill
12/7/2019 0:00 4:00 4.00 6 1.6 3 L Continue milling 15 cm (Total milled 35cm), ** WOB=2-3,
RPM=80, Torq=2.7-3, Q=800lpm, SPP=1610psi),
4:00 6:30 2.50 6 1.5 L Pump 2m3 HVP & CHC
6:30 7:15 0.75 6 1.3 L POOH to 3850m
7:15 11:15 4.00 6 1.5 L Pump 3m3 HI-Vis Pill and circulate hole clean
** No visible return of junk on shale shakers.
11:15 11:30 0.25 6 1.5 L Flow check
11:30 19:00 7.50 6 1.3 L POOH from 3850m to Surface
** Pump 3m3 Heavy pill on the top of DP before start Pooh
19:00 21:30 2.50 6 11.1 L Clean & arrange Rig floor ** Meanwhile discuss the next plan.
21:30 0:00 2.50 6 1.3 L M/U & Rih with rotary Bha to 1046m.
** Fill Up String Every 10 Stds.
** BIT 6" MX-D555DX,, Bit sub, two WFD float valves, 3 x 3 1/2”
DP, 4-3/4” circulating sub, 66x31/2"DP, 27x3 1/2"HWDP, 1x4
3/4" H Jar,
5x3 1/2"HWDP, 31/2"DP.
12/8/2019 0:00 7:30 7.50 6 1.3 L Continue Rih with rotary Bha F/ 1046m T/3825m
7:30 8:30 1.00 6 12.1 L N/D bell nipple
8:30 9:30 1.00 6 12.1 L Install WFD bearing
9:30 10:00 0.50 6 1.3 1 L Cont RIH to 3870m.
10:00 13:00 3.00 6 1.5 L Displace well from 1.17SG to 1.12 sg mud.
13:00 13:45 0.75 6 1.3 1 L Cont RIH in open hole from 3870m to 3928m.
13:45 14:30 0.75 6 1.4 L Wash down from 3928mto 3951.5m.
14:30 16:15 1.75 6 1.1 1 P 3,951.50 Drilling formation with low parameters from 3951.5m to 3952.5m
** RPM=70; WOB= 2-3T; FR= 800lpm; Pr= 1890psi.
** POOH every 25cm & Tag at the same point.
** Pump 2m3 Low-Vis + 3m3 Hi-Vis.
16:15 0:00 7.75 6 1.1 1 P 3,952.50 Continue Drilling formation with Normal parameters from 3952.5m
to 3961.50 m.
** RPM=90; WOB= 4-5T; FR=850- 1000lpm; Pr= 2050-2600psi ;
TRQ=3-3.7 Klb*ft; ROP=1.37m/hr.
12/9/2019 0:00 5:45 5.75 6 1.1 1 P 3,961.50 Continue Drilling formation with Normal parameters from 3961.5m
to 3968 m ** RPM=90; WOB= 4-5T; FR= 800lpm; Pr=
5:45 8:30 2.75 6 1.5 P Pump 2m3 Low-Vis + 3m3 Hi-Vis & CHC
8:30 9:15 0.75 6 1.5 P Take SCR, & Flow check. Well stable
9:15 9:45 0.50 6 1.3 P POOH 6” BHA free to 7” scg Shoe @ 3865m

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 47 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
9:45 10:45 1.00 6 7.9 P Perform Pore pressure test @ ECD of 1.16 SG then @ 1.15 SG
for 15min and monitor return on trip tank -well stable-
10:45 11:30 0.75 6 1.3 P RIH Back smoothly to TD @ 3968m w/ ECD of 1.17 SG
11:30 13:30 2.00 6 1.5 P Circulate bottom/Up & check return -No trace of hydrocarbon-
13:30 14:00 0.50 6 1.3 P POOH 6” BHA free to 7” scg Shoe @ 3865m
14:00 15:30 1.50 6 7.9 P Perform Pore pressure test @ ECD of 1.14 SG then @ 1.13 SG
for 30min and monitor return on trip tank -well stable-
15:30 16:00 0.50 6 1.3 P RIH Back smoothly to TD @ 3968m w/ ECD of 1.15 SG
16:00 18:15 2.25 6 1.5 P Circulate bottom/Up & check return -No trace of hydrocarbon-
18:15 19:00 0.75 6 1.3 P POOH 6” BHA free to 7” scg Shoe @ 3865m
19:00 22:15 3.25 6 1.5 P PJSM, Displace 1.15sg OBM in hole,
22:15 22:45 0.50 6 1.5 P Flow check (dynamic & static)-well stable-
22:45 23:15 0.50 6 12.1 P Remove & lay down WFD MPD bearing
23:15 23:45 0.50 6 12.1 P Nipple Up Bell nipple.
23:45 0:00 0.25 6 1.3 P POOH 6” BHA F/ 3865m T/3739m ongoing
12/10/2019 0:00 8:30 8.50 6 1.3 P Continue POOH 6” Tricone bit to surface.
8:30 11:00 2.50 6 12.1 P M/U 6” directional BHA with:
** P/U 4-3/4" Sperry Drill motor SN: 11307193; 2/3 lob, 8 stages,
0.55 Rev/l, Bend 1.15 deg, Gap: 2 mm & MWD.
** P/U PBL
** Change: 2 WFD F. Valves by new ones).
11:00 11:30 0.50 6 1.5 P Perform shallow test & MWD signal check:
** Fr = 850 lpm; P = 700 psi.
** Adjust scribe Line.
11:30 12:00 0.50 6 1.3 P Pull out BHA to surface & Make up RR Baker 6” Impregnated Bit
(IR212E, SN: 5281093)
12:00 22:30 10.50 6 1.3 P Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from surface to 3870 m. Csg
** Fill up every 15 stds.
22:30 23:15 0.75 6 12.1 P N/D Bell nippel
23:15 23:45 0.50 6 12.1 P Install WFD bearing
23:45 0:00 0.25 6 1.5 P PJSM,
12/11/2019 0:00 3:00 3.00 6 1.5 P Displace well from 1.15 SG to 1.12 sg mud
3:00 3:45 0.75 6 1.3 P Continue RIH in open hole from 3870m to 3945m.
3:45 5:30 1.75 6 1.3 P Relog from 3945m to bottom 3968m
**Rate=800 lpm, Pp=1750 psi RPM=10 total=452 Torq= 2.2 - 2.5
** Take survey @ 3947m (MD); Inc: 85.53deg; Az: 270.52deg,
TVD: 3777.8m.
5:30 6:30 1.00 6 1.5 P Pump 2m3 Hi-Vis & Circulate.
6:30 0:00 17.50 6 1.1 4 P Start drilling 6” section from 3968m to 3998m with fully open choke
at surface (surface back pressure=0psi)
** Drill 1st from meter with low parameters.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 800-850lpm, Pr: 1850-2050psi, WOB:
** Last survey: MD:3975m(MD), Inc:83.99deg, Az:272.78deg ,
12/12/2019 0:00 14:30 14.50 6 1.1 4 P Directional drilling 6” section from 3998m to 4028m.
** Rate=800-850 lpm, Pp=1850-2100 psi RPM=30, Torq= 2.2 -
** Last survey: MD:4005m, TVD: 3782.93m, Inc: 87.38deg, Az:
14:30 15:15 0.75 6 9.7 L Detected parcial losses, break circulation (lost=9m3/hr )
15:15 16:00 0.75 6 1.3 L POOH to 3875m
16:00 17:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Spot 04m3 of LCM (fine & medium) @ 110kg/m3 through motor,
Fr=300lpm,Pp=290 psi
17:00 18:30 1.50 6 9.7 L Wait for LCM to soak while monitoring well through trip tank
pumping @ 350lpm with choke fully open (partial losses @
18:30 20:00 1.50 6 1.3 L POOH 03 stand & instal Float sub & RIH back to 3870m
20:00 21:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Drop ball & pump out to open PBL ok

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 48 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
21:00 22:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Spot 04m3 of LCM (400kg/m3) through PBL, Fr400lpm,Pp=290
22:00 23:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Wait for LCM to soak while monitoring well through trip tank,
applying 200psi on the choke
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Flow check ( well stable).
12/13/2019 0:00 2:45 2.75 6 9.7 L Flow check
** Static well stable,
** Dynamic at Fr= 417lpm, Pp=265psi well stable
** Dynamic at Fr= 600lpm, Pp=645psi well stable
** Dynamic at Fr= 820lpm, Pp=1225psi well losses 3m3/hr
**meanwhile prepare 04m3 of LCM (450kg/m3)
**after dynamic circulation Well losses 0.8m3/hr in static position
2:45 4:00 1.25 6 9.7 L Spot 03m3 of LCM (450kg/m3) through PBL, Fr400 lpm, Pp=250
4:00 5:00 1.00 6 9.7 L Wait for soaking time & Squeeze LCM
5:00 8:30 3.50 6 9.7 L Monitor well through the trip tank
** 1.8m3/hr losses in static well
** Mean while prepare 5m3 LCM @ 500kg/m3 (200kg/m3 fine,
150kg/m3 medium, 150kg/m3 corse).
8:30 10:00 1.50 6 9.7 L Spot 05m3 of LCM (500kg/m3) through PBL, Fr400 lpm, Pp=150
10:00 13:00 3.00 6 9.7 L Monitor well through the trip tank
** losses stabilized at 1300m3/hr
** Meanwhile prepare 5m3 LCM @ 500kg/m3 (200kg/m3 fine,
150kg/m3 medium, 150kg/m3 course)
13:00 14:30 1.50 6 9.7 L start Spotting 05m3 of LCM (500kg/m3) through PBL in progress.
Get the PBL plugged after pumping 2m3 LCM
** try to unplug string by pumping reverse – no success.
14:30 15:30 1.00 6 1.3 L POOH string wet to 3515m while monitoring well with trip tank.
15:30 16:00 0.50 6 7.11 L Try to recover circulation by increasing pressure down string
gradually to 2000psi and applying 40RPM – without success-
16:00 17:45 1.75 6 12.1 L N/D WDF Bearing assembly & N/U Bell Nipple.
17:45 18:15 0.50 6 1.3 L POOH string wet to 3338m while monitoring well with trip tank.
** Flow check -well stable-
18:15 18:45 0.50 6 1.3 L Continue POOH string wet to 3282m
** Notice an increase in trip tank volume.
18:45 20:00 1.25 6 7.11 L Performed flow check. Observed 500 litre Gain on trip tank in
** Shut in the well, annular pressure stabilized @ 40 psi.
20:00 22:00 2.00 6 12.1 L N/D Bell Nipple & N/U WDF Bearing assembly.
22:00 23:15 1.25 6 7.11 L Line up rig pump #2 to kill line and started pumping 1.15 sg mud
** Found the kill line plugged, Switched line up from Rig pump # 1
to MPD system . MPD Choke closed, annular pressure stable 40
23:15 0:00 0.75 6 1.3 L Started POOH Using lubricating well control methode from 3282m
to 3111m (6 STDs) pumping 400l of 1.15sg mud in the annulus
and POOH one stand 5" DP wet, then repeat operation for each
** Annular prerssure dreased gradualy to 10psi.
12/14/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 6 1.3 L Continue POOH from 3111m to 2683m to top liner 7" Using
Lubricating well control method
2:00 3:00 1.00 6 7.11 L Flow check (well stable).
3:00 3:30 0.50 6 1.3 L Continue POOH from 2683m to 2595m, while pumping 1.12sg
mud weight through trip tank
**volume increase in trip tank
3:30 6:00 2.50 6 7.11 L Close the well & record pressure.
** Annular pressure stabilized @25 psi
** Continue POOH from 2595m to 2420m Using Lubricating well
control method using 1.15 SG mud.
6:00 7:00 1.00 6 7.11 L Flow check - well not flowing.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 49 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
7:00 8:00 1.00 6 1.3 L Continue POOH from 2420m to 2277m monitoring well level
through the trip tank with 1.15 sg mud.
** well taking more than close ended DP volume ( losses
1.8m3/hr). decided to fill well with 1.12sg mud).
8:00 8:30 0.50 6 7.11 L Empty T-Tank from 1.12 sg Mud and Fill up with 1.15 sg mud
8:30 9:30 1.00 6 7.11 L NPT on KCA: Notice a little continues dropping in T-Tank level
without starting the pump.
** Troubleshooting: found a leak on suction line to the mud tank.
** Decided to isolate the suction line & divert to WDF MPD line
using WDF pump.
9:30 12:15 2.75 6 1.3 L Continue POOH from 2277m to 1720m monitoring well level
through the trip tank with 1.12 sg mud.
** losses decreased gradually from 2000l/h to 1200l/h
12:15 12:30 0.25 6 7.11 L Flow check – monitoring well through T-Tank- losses @ 1200l/hr.
12:30 13:45 1.25 6 12.1 L N/D WDF Bearing assembly & N/U Bell Nipple.
13:45 19:30 5.75 6 1.3 L Continue POOH from 1720m to surface 3-1/2” DP monitoring well
level through the trip tank with 1.12 sg mud.
** Found 05 last Stds plugged with LCM
** Bit grading: 1-1-WT-A-2-1-NO-HP.
19:30 0:00 4.50 6 1.3 L M/U & RIH BIT 6" MX-D555DX, Bit sub, 01 WFD float Sub,
69x31/2"DP, 27x3 1/2"HWDP, 1x4 3/4" H Jar 5x3 1/2"HWDP,
31/2DP to 1288m.
** Fill Up String Every 15 Stds.
** Break circulation every 500m.
** Losses @ 1200l/hr.
12/15/2019 0:00 3:45 3.75 6 1.3 L Continue Rih with rotary Bha from1288 to 2671m (losses @
** Fill up every 15 STDs.
** Break circulation every 500m
3:45 4:45 1.00 6 12.1 L L/D motor, MWD, NM pony, NMDC,02float sub
4:45 9:30 4.75 6 1.3 L Continue Rih with rotary Bha from 2671m to 3850m (losses @
** Fill up every 15 STDs.
** Break circulation every 500m.
9:30 10:45 1.25 6 12.1 L N/D Bell Nipple & N/U WDF Bearing assembly.
10:45 12:15 1.50 6 7.11 L Assess losses at different flow rate:
At 200 lpm  0 l/hr
At 400 lpm  0 l/hr
At 600 lpm  600 l/hr
At 800 lpm  1200 l/hr
12:15 13:15 1.00 6 1.4 L Wash down from 3850m @ 400lpm to tag @ 3870m.
13:15 15:45 2.50 6 1.4 L Clean out from 3870m to 4028m
* Parameters : 35 RPM, 800lpm & WOB: 1T, Pr: 1300psi
* Circulate out excess LCM settled in OH.
15:45 18:30 2.75 6 1.5 L CHC while monitoring losses. Fr: 800lpm , Pr
* Circulate out Gas Trip (max 6%)= 1300 psi.
* well losses while circulation 0.8 m3/hr
18:30 0:00 5.50 6 1.1 1 P 4,028.00 Rotary drilling 6" formation from 4028 m to 4035m
* Fr=800lpm, Pp=1250 psi , Wob=4-5T, Torq=3.6
* well losses whlle drilling 6" formation 1.2 m3/hr
12/16/2019 0:00 7:30 7.50 6 1.1 1 P 4,035.00 Cont drilling 6" formation from 4035 m to 4043 m
Fr=800lpm, Pp=1250 psi, Wob=4-5T, Torq=3-4(lost 07m3 mud 0
* well losses while drilling 6" formation 1.2 m3/hr
7:30 9:30 2.00 6 1.5 L CHC While reciprocating string: Fr= 800lpm; Pr: 1300psi (lost
9:30 11:15 1.75 6 1.3 L POOH 6" bit inside csg with circulation @ 3851m.
11:15 12:45 1.50 6 7.11 L Flow check while monitoring well through Trip Tank.
** Notice gain of 500l on the trip tank.
** immediately close the well and record shut in well pressure:
** SICP: 24psi.
** Inform office & decided to strip down the bottom through WDF
bearing assembly.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 50 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
12:45 14:45 2.00 6 1.3 L Strip down from 3851m to 4023m . (start observing flow in the trip
** immediately close the well and record shut in well pressure:
** SICP : 150psi - stabilized @ 300 psi.
** pump through string to record SIDPP = 40psi (String equipped
w/ float valve).
** gain increased to 3000l on the trip tank.
** Observ well pressure and record every 1 min.
14:45 18:30 3.75 6 1.5 L Starts Kill procedure w/ 1.12 SG mud (Driller Method), circulating
throught poorboy degaser with 474 lpm (35 SPM) keeping 540 psi
(SCR) SPP constant at MPD choke manifold.
** Trip Gas: @ 5200 stroks: 12%, @ 5300 stroks: 18%, @ 5600
stroks: 36%, @ 5900 stroks: 45.4% and crude observe on
** Continue circulations after the bottoms up to homogenize the
mud weight to 1.12 sg
** isolated 03m3 crud oil (d=0.85 to 0.87 sg) &13m3 contaminated
mud with oil crud (d=0.89 to1.10 sg)
18:30 19:15 0.75 6 7.11 L Stop circulation and close the well on MPD choke Manifold. CSIP
: 40psi @ MPD choke, SIDPP = 40psi .
* Choke pressure decresed gradually to 22 psi.
19:15 20:30 1.25 6 1.5 L Spot 04m3 of LCM (400kg/m3) , Fr=460lpm, Pp=500psi, MPD PP
=90psi (lost 02m3).
20:30 22:00 1.50 6 1.3 L Started POOH Using lubricating well control methode from 4023 m
to 3765 m (9 STDs) pumping 400l of 1.12sg mud in the annulus
and POOH one stand 5" DP wet, then repeat operation for each
** Annular prerssure 40psi.
22:00 23:00 1.00 6 1.5 L Break circulation and estimated losses with flow rate 370-600 lpm,
no losses or gain on MPD coriolis flow meter.
** Get while circulation 17.78 % max gas, Decreased flow rate to
550lpm, line up to poor-boy and circulate gas out
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 1.5 L Displaced well from 1.12sg to 1.15 kill mud weight ongoing , flow
rate 450-600 lpm , no losses or gain on MPD coriolis flow meter.
12/17/2019 0:00 3:00 3.00 6 1.5 L Continue Displace well from 1.12 sg to 1.15 sg kill mud weight,
flow rate 450 lpm, no losses or gain on MPD Coriolis flow meter
3:00 3:30 0.50 6 1.5 P Circulate to homogenize mud.
3:30 4:45 1.25 6 7.11 P Flow check while monitoring well through Trip tank
** Dump line trip tank
** Dynamic flow check (formation lost= 0.9 m3/hr).
4:45 6:00 1.25 6 12.1 P Lay down WFD MPD bearing & Nipple Up Bell nipple.
6:00 13:00 7.00 6 1.3 P Pull out 6” rotary drilling BHA from 3765m to surface Dull grading
** Losses rate 0.9 m3/h
13:00 15:00 2.00 6 12.1 P M/U 6” directional BHA with
** P/U 4-3/4" Sperry Drill motor SN: 10474839; 2/3 lob, 8 stages,
0.55 Rev/l, Bend 1.15 deg, Gap: 2 mm & MWD.
** P/U PBL. & Change: 2 WFD F. Valves by new ones
15:00 15:30 0.50 6 1.5 P Perform shallow test & MWD signal check:
** Fr = 870 lpm; P = 680 psi.
** Adjust scribe Line.
15:30 16:30 1.00 6 1.3 P Make up RR Baker 6” Impregnated Bit (IR212E, SN: 5281093)
** M/U 1 NMDC.
16:30 22:30 6.00 6 1.3 P Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from surface to 2563m. While
monitoring well through T-tank.
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Losses rate 0.66m3/h
22:30 0:00 1.50 6 10.2 P Slip & Cut drilling line 30m. (meanwhile flow check well stable)
12/18/2019 0:00 4:30 4.50 6 1.3 P Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from 2563m to 3875m. While
monitoring well through T-tank.
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Losses 1.2m3/h.
4:30 6:00 1.50 6 12.1 P N/D Bell nipple & Install WFD bearing

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 51 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
6:00 10:00 4.00 6 1.5 P PJSM, Displace hole to 1.10 sg OBM.
Starting Fr= 300lpm to 800lpm to keep.
** No losses recorded during displacement.
10:00 14:15 4.25 6 1.4 P Take SCR and wash down from 3875m to 4027m @ 800lpm,
2000 psi. (SBP= 50 psi, ECD = 1.15 sg).
** Smooth trip & no held up
** Got some LCM traces on shale shakers.
14:15 16:15 2.00 6 1.5 P Take Survey & Relog from 4015m to bottom 4028m sensor depth
(GR sensor 13.28m above the bit).
** Flow Rate=800 lpm, P=1850 psi RPM=25 Torq= 2.8 - 3.5 kNm
** Take survey @ 3947m (MD); Inc: 85.53deg; Az: 270.52deg,
TVD: 3777.8m.
16:15 0:00 7.75 6 1.1 4 P 4,043.00 Start drilling 6” section from 4043 m to 4064m In MPD mode @
1.15 sg ECD
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 800 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
1750-1900psi, WOB: 2-5T. RPM: 30, Tq: 2.5- 3.5 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 0.6 m3/hr.
** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC 3.96m/hr/3.96m/hr, WC :2.71m3/hr.
** Max Total Gaz: 4.13% (trip Gas=4.13%, Background Gas
0.95-1.25%, FG=1.75%)
** Last survey: MD: 4035m(MD), Inc:87.38deg, Az:267.73deg ,
12/19/2019 0:00 5:30 5.50 6 1.1 4 P 4,064.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4064 m to 4081 m In MPD mode
@ 1.151 sg ECD.
5:30 6:00 0.50 6 9.1O L Failed survey. (NPT on Halliburton)
6:00 0:00 18.00 6 1.1 4 P 4,081.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4064 m to 4144 m In MPD mode
@ 1.151 sg ECD.
** MW : 1.10sg; ECD: 1.15 sg, SBP : while drilling : 50-60 psi;
during connection : 285psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 800 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
2050-2150psi, WOB: 4-6T. RPM:20- 30, Tq: 3.3- 4.2 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 0.6 m3/hr. ** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC
4.08m/hr/4.05m/hr, WC :3.33/3.18.m/hr.
** Max Total Gaz: 2.16% ( Background Gas 0.9-1.2%,
** Sweep hole with Lo-vis/Hi-Vis pill 02m3/02m3 each 02 drilled
** Last survey: MD: 4101.6m(MD), Inc:85.59deg, Az:268.19deg ,
TVD:3788.71m. Vs=388.62m
12/20/2019 0:00 5:00 5.00 6 1.1 4 P 4,114.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4144 m to 4160m In MPD mode
@ 1.15 sg ECD
SCR at 4145m
Pp2 spm 25=450psi 35 spm=680psi
Pp3 spm 25 =440, spm 35= 690ps
5:00 6:30 1.50 6 1.5 P Got Halliburton mud motor stalled, notice an increase in losses by
2 m3, immediately reduce the flow rate gradually and monitor
losses (losses stabilized @ FR= 400lpm to 1.5 m3/h).
6:30 8:30 2.00 6 1.1 4 P 4,160.00 Resume drilling from 4160m to 4163.5m w/ Fr= 700l/m (losses
** pump 2m3 LCM (100kg/m3) through the bit while drilling (No
improvement in losses).
** Decided to POOH to Csg shoe and spot LMC @ 400kg/m3
8:30 10:00 1.50 6 1.3 L POOH to 3850m @ 1.15sg ECD, Install Float valve & RIH back to
10:00 10:30 0.50 6 1.5 L Drop 1.5” venil ball and displace to open PBL @ 400lpm, Pr:
700psi, pressure drop to 500psi, indicating PBL open.
** Confirm PBL open by increasing flow rate to 800lpm by MWD
signal -OK-
10:30 11:30 1.00 6 1.5 L Spot (through PBL) 4m3 LCM pill @ 400kg/m3 (150kg/m3 fine,
150kg/m3 medium, 100kg/m3 Corse). 400lpm Pr: 542psi, SBP:
11:30 12:30 1.00 6 1.5 L Squeeze LCM pill through annulus @ 1.15 sg ECD.
** Losses 6.5 m3/h.
** Meanwhile circulate prepare 4m3 LCM pill @ 500kg/m3.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 52 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
12:30 14:00 1.50 6 1.5 L Spotting (through PBL) 4m3 LCM pill @ 500kg/m3 (150kg/m3
fine, 200kg/m3 medium, 150kg/m3 Corse).
14:00 14:30 0.50 6 1.5 L Squeeze LCM pill through annulus @ 1.15 sg ECD.
** Losses 4.5 m3 while squeeze.
14:30 15:45 1.25 6 1.5 L Direct circulation to evaluate losses @ 710lpm SBP: 80psi ECD
1.15 sg.
** Losses 2.5m3/h
** Drop 2 metal closing balls and displace, @ 710lpm, Pr: 920psi.
** pressure increase to 1400psi then drop & stabilize @ 1700psi.
** increase Fr to 750lpm to confirm PBL close by MWD signal –
15:45 16:30 0.75 6 1.3 L POOH one STDs, Bleed pressure & remove Float valve
16:30 17:15 0.75 6 1.4 L Wash down from 3859m to 3915m @ 400lpm, Pr: 680psi, SBP:
80psi, ECD = 1.15 (Losses 4.5 m3/h.)
17:15 19:45 2.50 6 1.4 L RIH From 3915m to 4145m , Wash down to BTM 4163m (Losses
3 m3/h.)
Fr; 400lpm, Pr: 640psi, SBP: 80psi, ECD = 1.15
19:45 22:00 2.25 6 1.1 4 P 4,163.50 Take survey & resume drill from 4163.5m to 4169m
** MW : 1.10sg; ECD: 1.15 sg, SBP : while drilling : 50 psi; during
connection : 285psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 800 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
2050-2150psi, WOB: 4-6T. RPM:20- 30, Tq: 3.3- 4.2 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 2.5 m3/hr. ** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC
3.62m/h,/3.8 m/hr, Wc 2.70m /2.86.m/hr.
** Last survey: MD: 4148.6m(MD), Inc:87.47deg, Az:267.15deg ,
TVD:3791.53m. Vs=435.09m
** Slide F/4164.3m, T/4167.9m, L=3.6m, ROP=2.5m/hr
** Notice gain of 150l on the coriolis.
22:00 0:00 2.00 6 7.11 L Shut in the well and record stabilizesed well pressure at Rig choke
pannel. ( Close Anular BOP & Open HCR ) on going.
** Recored :SICP: 95 psi, SIDPP 100 psi.
** Start Kill procedure using drillers method.
** Start circulation using SCR rate 35 spm, 450 lpm, 730 psi ICP,
throught poorboy degaser.
12/21/2019 0:00 2:30 2.50 6 7.11 L Cont Shut in the well and record stabilizesed well pressure at Rig
choke pannel. ( Close Anular BOP & Open HCR ) on going.
** Recored :SICP: 95 psi, SIDPP 100 psi.
** use Kill procedure using drillers method.
** Cont circulation using SCR rate 35 spm, 450 lpm, 730 psi ICP,
throught poorboy degaser till bottom up circulated ( density
decreased to1.07 sg, than come back to 1.10 sg ), stop circulation
& shut in well and observe well pressure, SICP: 100 psi, SIDPP
120 psi. switch to WFD MPD mode & circulate with 320 lpm, SBP
320 psi ( ECD 1.16 sg ).
2:30 9:00 6.50 6 1.1 4 P 4,169.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4169m m to 4192 m In MPD
** MW: 1.10sg; ECD: 1.16 sg, SBP: while drilling : 09-95 psi;
during connection : 335psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 750 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
2050-2150psi, WOB: 4-6T. RPM:20- 30, Tq: 3.3- 4.2 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 2.5 m3/hr.
** Max Total Gaz: 18% Then stabilized @ +/- 1%.
** Last survey: MD: 4168.0m(MD), Inc:85.37deg, Az:266.79eg,
TVD: 3792.77m. Vs= 454.82m.
9:00 12:00 3.00 6 1.5 P Pump 2m3 Lo-Vis/3m3 Hi-Vis & CHC.
** Fr: 750lpm; Pr: 1960Psi, SBP=80Psi, EDC: 1.16sg
** Losses 2.5m3/hr.
12:00 14:00 2.00 6 9.7 L Pump 4m3 LCM @ 100kg/m3 through Mud motor & Circulate
Meanwhile waiting for GBRS Plan.

** Fr: 750lpm; Pr: 1960Psi, SBP=80Psi, EDC: 1.16sg

** Losses 2.5m3/hr.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 53 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
14:00 0:00 10.00 6 1.1 4 U 4,192.00 Continue extention drilling 6” section ( as per GBRS requirement)
from 4192m to 4219 m In MPD mode.
** MW: 1.10sg; ECD: 1.16 sg, SBP: while drilling : 90-95 psi;
during connection : 335psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 750 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
1900-2050psi, WOB: 3-7T. RPM: 30, Tq: 3.4- 4.6 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 1.8 m3/hr.
** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC 3.70m/hr/3.84m/hr, WC
** Max Total Gaz: 1.3%.
** Last survey: MD: 4184.0m(MD), Inc:85.40deg, Az:266.33eg,
TVD: 3794.119m. Vs= 470.843m.
12/22/2019 0:00 1:30 1.50 6 1.1 4 P 4,219.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4219m m to 4222 m In MPD
** MW: 1.10sg; ECD: 1.16 sg, SBP: while drilling :90 psi; during
connection: 330psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 750 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
1930-1970psi, WOB: 3-6T. RPM: 30, Tq: 3.9- 4.6 kNm
** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC 2.31m/hr/3.53m/hr, WC
** Max Total Gaz: 1.05%.
** Dynamic Losses 1.8 m3/hr.
** Last survey: MD: 4206m(MD), Inc:86.50deg, Az:266.55eg,
TVD: 3795.851m. Vs= 4930.032m.
1:30 4:45 3.25 6 1.5 P Circulation hole clean
**Take survey & SCR at 4221m
MP2 spm 25=410psi 35 spm=680psi
MP3 spm 25 =430, spm 35= 700ps
**Pump 03m3 Low- vis/03m3 HI vis.
4:45 7:15 2.50 6 1.3 P POOH F/4222m T/3850m.
@ 1.16sg ECD, Install Float valve & RIH back to 3876m
7:15 7:45 0.50 6 1.5 P Drop 1.5” venil ball and displace to open PBL @ 400lpm, Pr:
700psi, pressure drop to 500psi, indicating PBL open.
** confirm PBL open by increasing flow rate to 750lpm by MWD
signal -OK-
7:45 8:45 1.00 6 1.5 L Spot (through PBL) 5m3 LCM pill @ 400kg/m3 (150kg/m3 fine,
150kg/m3 medium, 100kg/m3 Corse).
8:45 9:45 1.00 6 1.5 L Squeeze LCM pill through annulus @ 1.16 sg ECD.
** ECD: 1.16sg, SBP: 330psi.
9:45 10:15 0.50 6 1.3 P L/D 1 STD, release trapped pressure below F/V & L/D
10:15 13:45 3.50 6 1.5 P Displaced well from 1.10sg to 1.16 kill mud & Homogenize mud
(IN/Out: 1.16 sg).
** Flow rate 450-700 lpm monitoring losses on MPD coriolis flow
** Average losses: 2.2m3/h.
13:45 14:30 0.75 6 1.5 P Dynamic Flow check, losses @ 2.5m3/hr.
14:30 15:30 1.00 6 1.3 P Install 5” Float valve & RIH F/3850m to 4091m while monitoring
losses through Tank @ 2.5m3/hr
15:30 16:45 1.25 6 1.5 L Spot (through PBL) 4m3 LCM pill @ 400kg/m3 (100kg/m3 fine,
150kg/m3 medium, 150kg/m3 Corse).
16:45 17:45 1.00 6 1.3 P POOH F/4091m T/3860m, (Losses 3m3/hr)
17:45 18:15 0.50 6 12.1 P Release trapped pressure below F/V & L/D
** Flow check while monitoring return to Trip tank. (losses:
18:15 19:45 1.50 6 12.1 P PJSM, : N/D WDF Bearing, N/U Bell Nipple.
19:45 0:00 4.25 6 1.3 P Try to pump heavy pill Through PBL, (No success). POOH string
wet from 3860m to 2739m monitoring well level through the trip
tank with 1.16 sg mud.
** Average losses: 1.8m3/h
12/23/2019 0:00 0:15 0.25 6 1.3 4 U POOH string wet from 2739m to 2654 m meanwhile monitoring
well level through the trip tank with 1.16 sg mud.
** Average losses while POOH: 1.2m3/h
0:15 1:15 1.00 6 12.1 L NPT on WDF MPD: Try to Unstabbed WFD bearing assembly
-negative- rack back it on derrick

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 54 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
1:15 9:00 7.75 6 1.3 4 U POOH string wet from 2656m to 37 m meanwhile monitoring well
level through the trip tank with 1.16 sg mud.
** L/D PBL & 1 NMDC and Rack back motor & MWD.
** Motor gap 2mm
** Bit dull grading: 2-2-WT-A-1-I-NO-RIG.
** Average losses while POOH: 1.0m3/h (**Lost 08 m3 while
9:00 9:45 0.75 6 3.3 P P/Up & M/Up Wear bushing retrieving tool assy.
** Meanwhile R/U pumping line from T-Tank to Tbg Head SOV &
return from back side SOV to WDF MPD line back to T-Tank to
ensure monitoring well level during the BOP test.
9:45 10:30 0.75 6 3.3 P Retrieve wear bushing & install tester plug
10:30 13:30 3.00 6 3.3 P BOPs Pressure test : Meanwhile monitoring well level through
TBG head SOV below the tester plug to the T-Tank (losses 1.7m3)
** Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 7500 Psi :
** Annular BOP : 350 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves : 500 / 7500 Psi
** Safety valve : 500 / 7500 Psi.
** Average losses while Test: 1.7m3/h (** Lost 13 m3 while test
BOP and fill up the well )
13:30 14:00 0.50 6 3.3 P POOH tester plug, Install wear bushing & L/D tester plug
14:00 15:00 1.00 6 1.3 U M/U 6” directional BHA with:
** P/U same 4-3/4" Sperry Drill motor; 2/3 lob, 8 stages, 0.55
Rev/l, Bend 1.15 deg, Gap: 2 mm & same MWD.
** P/U 1 NMDC & 2 WFD F.Valves.
** Survey sensor to bit distance: 14.60 m
** GR sensor to bit distance: 13.50 m.
** Cont test Manifold valves off line @ 500/7500 psi
15:00 15:30 0.50 6 1.3 U Perform shallow test & MWD signal check: ** Fr = 850 lpm; P =
700 psi. -OK-
15:30 16:30 1.00 6 1.3 L NPT on Halliburton DD: excessive time to perform shalow test.
16:30 18:45 2.25 6 1.3 U M/U same PBL + 1 STD DP & perform Flow test -OK- .
** Drop 2 metal balls and Pump out ( pressure increase to 3500
** Confirm PBL closed by increasing flow to 750 lpm and check
MWD signal -OK-
18:45 19:15 0.50 6 1.3 U Pull out BHA to surface & Make up RR Baker 6” Impregnated Bit
(IR212E, SN: 5282579).
19:15 22:15 3.00 6 1.3 U Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from surface to 1814 m.
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Average losses while RIH: 1.0m3/h
22:15 23:00 0.75 6 12.1 U Unstabbed WFD bearing assembly
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 Cont Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from 1814 m. to 2333 m
on going
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Average losses while RIH: 1.0m3/h (** Lost 04 m3 while run in
hole )
12/24/2019 0:00 5:15 5.25 6 U Cont Run in hole with 6” directional BHA from 2333 m. to 3855 m
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Average losses while RIH: 1.0m3/h (** Lost 04 m3 while run in
hole )
5:15 5:45 0.50 6 12.1 U N/D Bell nipple.
5:45 6:30 0.75 6 12.1 U Install WFD bearing
6:30 7:00 0.50 6 12.1 L NPT on WDF MPD : excess time to Install bearing
7:00 10:45 3.75 6 1.5 U PJSM, RIH at 3875m, Displace hole to 1.10 sg OBM. Starting Fr=
300lpm to 600lpm.
** Circulate to homogenize mud (Din = Dout =1.10).
** Average losses while displacement 3.0m3/hr.

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 55 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
10:45 17:00 6.25 6 1.4 U Take SCR and wash down from 3875m to 4222m @ 750lpm,
1650psi. (SBP= 90 psi, ECD = 1.16 sg).
** Smooth trip & no held up.
** Got some LCM traces on shale shakers.
** Get a Trip gas at surface: Max TG: 32% , Divert flow to POOR
** Max Trip Gas= 32%, Background Gaz=1-1.3, FG=5.8%)
** Average losses while drilling: 1.0m3/hr.
17:00 0:00 7.00 6 1.1 4 U 42,200.00 Start drilling 6” section from 4222m to 4238m In MPD mode @
1.16 sg ECD
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 760 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm:1870
2100psi, WOB: 3-7T. RPM: 30, Tq: 3.7- 4.4 kNm
** Dynamic Lossess 2.2 m3/hr.
** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC 3.08 m/h, WC :2.29m3/hr.
** Max Total Gaz:10%
** Last survey: MD=4224m(MD), In:85.41deg, Az:266.41deg ,
TVD:3797.16m. Vs=510.55m
12/25/2019 0:00 6:00 6.00 6 1.1 4 U 4,238.00 Continue drilling 6” section from 4238m m to 4258 m In MPD

** MW: 1.10sg; ECD: 1.16 sg, SBP: while drilling :80 psi; during
connection: 320psi.
** Drilling parameters: Fr: 760 lpm, Pr: off btm/ on btm :
2040-2100psi, WOB: 3-7T. RPM: 30, Tq: 4- 4.4 kNm
** Daily/Cumul ROP: WOC 3.45 m/h/ 3.265m/hr, WC :2.42m3/hr/
** Dynamic Losses 1.6 m3/hr.
6:00 8:15 2.25 6 1.4 U ** Reamed last stand & take final survey.
** Last survey: MD: 4242m(MD), Inc:84.11deg, Az:265.28eg,
TVD: 3798.806m. Vs= 528.427m
** Projection to bit: MD: 4258m(MD), Inc:84.10deg,
Az:265.300eg, TVD: 3800.489m. Vs= 544.289m
8:15 11:15 3.00 6 1.5 U Pump 2m3 Lo-Vis/3m3 Hi-Vis & Circulation hole clean ( Average
losses 1.3m3/hr)
11:15 13:00 1.75 6 1.3 U Flow check & POOH free F/4258m T/3880m. @ 1.16sg ECD, (
Average losses 1.7m3/hr)
13:00 16:30 3.50 6 1.5 U Flow check & Displace hole to 1.16 sg OBM. Starting Fr= 800lpm
to 300lpm to keep constant ECD= 1.16 sg.
** Average losses while displacin 0.65m3/h.
16:30 17:30 1.00 6 1.5 U Circulate to homoginize mud (Din=Dout= 1.16sg).
** Fill up T-Tank with 1.16sg & Flow check through T-Tank 15min:
losses @ 0.6 m3/hr.
17:30 18:30 1.00 6 12.1 U POOH to 3844m, PJSM, : N/D WDF Bearing, N/U Bell Nipple
18:30 0:00 5.50 6 1.3 U Continue pull out 6" directional BHA from 3844m to 1934m
** Average losses while POOH 0.7m3/hr
12/26/2019 0:00 4:30 4.50 6 1.3 3 P Continue pull out 6" directional BHA from 1934m to 37m
** Average losses while POOH 0.7m3/hr
4:30 6:30 2.00 6 1.3 P L/D 6" directional BHA.
** Motor gap 2mm
** Bit dull grading: 2-2-WT-A-1-I-NO-TD.
6:30 9:30 3.00 6 8.3 P HPJSM, P/U, M/U & RIH Baker wire line tools.
** Total length 32.88m
9:30 11:00 1.50 6 8.3 P Check tools, install source and calibration -OK-
11:00 0:00 13.00 6 8.3 P Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 33 To 2585 m..
* Drifting all string.
* RIH speed 2 min / SDT for first 500m, then 1min/STD
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min.
** Total lost in (24hr)16m3 (average lost =0.7m3/hr)
12/27/2019 0:00 4:45 4.75 6 8.3 P Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 2585To 3767 m.
* Drifting all string.
* RIH speed 2 min / SDT for first 500m, then 1min/STD
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min.
** Average lost =0.7m3/hr

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 56 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
4:45 6:45 2.00 6 1.5 P Circulation meanwhile R/U WL surface equipment.
** fr=320lpm, spp=300psi
** Well stable.
6:45 9:30 2.75 6 8.3 P HPJM; M/U SES & start RIH w/ Latch tool w/ WL cable to top of
latching pt, try to latch three times without success
9:30 10:30 1.00 6 1.5 L Circulation to latching point to clean latching point male head @
650lpm, 800psi
10:30 10:45 0.25 6 8.3 L Try again to latch w/ Circulation @ 650lpm, 900psi several times
without success. (decide to POOH wire line latching tool).
10:45 12:15 1.50 6 8.3 L POOH wire line latching tool to surface, N/D SES (electrical check
Ok, visually check : found one o-ring damage Ok), decide to
change the tool meanwhile POOH the logging BHA above KOP
12:15 13:00 0.75 6 8.3 L POOH wire line PCL Tools to 3538m (latch pt @ 3505m).
meanwhile change wire latching tool
13:00 14:00 1.00 6 8.3 L Circulation w/ 580lpm; 630psi @ 3505m to clean latching point
head prior latching.
14:00 15:15 1.25 6 8.3 L M/U SES, connect DTS & start RIH Latch tool w/ WL cable with
circulation w/ 500lpm, 500psi to top of latching pt.,
15:15 15:45 0.50 6 8.3 L Latch on Tool with success.
** Test signal -OK-
** Mechanical test -Ok-
15:45 17:00 1.25 6 8.3 L Install sealing rubber on SES & clamp the cable (take time due to
the back flow).
17:00 18:30 1.50 6 8.3 L Start RIH down record from 3537m to 3667m.
18:30 21:30 3.00 6 8.3 P Cont RIH down record from 3667m to 3852 m.
** tag at this depht;3852m, 3858.7m,3861m, 3865.7m,3872m
21:30 22:30 1.00 6 8.3 L Try to passe @ 3872m (csg shoe) WIth circulation no succes
22:30 0:00 1.50 6 8.3 L Discuss with managment, decide to POOH baker PCL from
3872m to 3776m
** Total lost in (24hr)17m3 (average lost =0.7m3/hr)
12/28/2019 0:00 1:15 1.25 6 7.6 L Cont POOH baker PCL from 3776m to 3537 m
1:15 2:30 1.25 6 7.6 L Unlatch successfully, Pooh wireline to surface, L/D side entry sub.
2:30 16:00 13.50 6 7.5 L Cont POOH baker PCL from 3537 m to surface
16:00 18:15 2.25 6 7.5 L PJSM, L/D source,Test PCL tools ok, L/D PCL
** Found some LCM and pipe coating parts on Top connection of
PCL tool.
18:15 0:00 5.75 6 1.3 L P//U, M/U 6" TCI Bit MX-DS55DX, SN: 5283159, 2 WFD Float
Sub & RIH Slick BHA to 1895m
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Total lost in (24hr)7m3, 5m3 while POOH PCL, 2m3 while RIH
slick BHA (average lost =0.3m3/hr)
12/29/2019 0:00 5:30 5.50 6 1.3 L Cont RIH wiper trip BHA from 1895m to 3826m
** Fill up every 15 stds
5:30 6:15 0.75 6 12.1 L N/D Bell nipple.
6:15 7:00 0.75 6 12.1 L Install WFD bearing.
7:00 10:15 3.25 6 1.5 L Displace hole to 1.10 sg OBM. Starting Fr= 300lpm to 700lpm.
** Circulate to homogenize mud (Din = Dout =1.10).
** Average losses while displacement 6.0m3/hr.
10:15 17:30 7.25 6 1.4 L Wash down from 3826m to 4258m @Fr= 700lpm-760lpm,SPP=
900-1360psi, RPM: 30. (SBP= 90 psi, ECD = 1.16 sg).
** Got held up every time we stop rotation
** Got big quatity of fine LCM on shaker (some of them pass
through the shacker, settle in the mud dishes).
** Found quantity of LCM inside MP#2 during service.
** Max TG: 2.3%.
** Average losses while washing: 1m3/hr.
17:30 21:00 3.50 6 1.5 L Pump 3m3 Lo-Vis/3m3 Hi-Vis, pump 10m3 mud, Pump 3m3
Lo-Vis/3m3 Hi-Vis CHC @ 850lpm; 1560psi, RPM: 80

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 57 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
21:00 0:00 3.00 6 1.4 L POOH by wash up from 4258m to 4031m (Fr=850lpm
-Spp=1420psi, RPM: 30)
** Total lost in (24hr)31m3 (average lost =1.3m3/hr)
** 6m3 while RIHfor wiper trip( average lost=0.7m3/hr )
** 22m3 while displacement (average lost =6.9m3/hr)
** 5m3 while CHC & back reming( average lost=0.4m3/hr )
12/30/2019 0:00 2:00 2.00 6 1.3 L Continue POOH by wash up from 4031m to3880m
** Fr=850lpm -Spp=1420psi
2:00 5:00 3.00 6 1.5 L Pump 3m3 Hi-Vis CHC
** Fr=850lpm -Spp=1300psi
5:00 5:30 0.50 6 1.3 L RIH from 3880m to 3940m
5:30 8:30 3.00 6 1.5 L Displace hole to 1.16 sg OBM (Fr=650lpm, SPP=870psi)
8:30 9:30 1.00 6 1.3 L POOH wiper trip BHA from 3940m to 3860m.
** Pump a high density pill due to High backflow.
9:30 10:15 0.75 6 12.1 L N/D WFD Bearing, N/U BELL Nipple.
10:15 17:00 6.75 6 1.3 L POOH wiper trip BHA from 3860m to surface while monitoring well
level through the T-Tank.
** WFD MPD released
** Meanwhile POOH, WFD MPD R/D surface equipment.
Average losses: 0.4m3/h.
17:00 17:30 0.50 6 12.1 L Bit service ** Bit dull grading: 1-1-WT-A-E-1-NO-LOG.
17:30 19:00 1.50 6 12.1 P R/D WDF RCD on going
19:00 21:15 2.25 6 10.1 L Rig repair (black out) KCA NPT: (driller by mistake activate the
emergency shut down ). Troubleshooting and fix the problem.
21:15 23:30 2.25 6 12.1 P Cont R/D WDF RCD & related lines.
23:30 0:00 0.50 6 12.1 P N/U KCA BELL Nipple on going
** Total lost in (24hr)7m3 (average lost =0.3m3/hr)
12/31/2019 0:00 2:30 2.50 6 12.1 P Cont N/U BELL Nipple.
2:30 4:00 1.50 6 8.3 L HPJSM, P/U, M/U & RIH Baker wire line tools: (1-
** Total length:22.58m
4:00 4:45 0.75 6 8.3 L Check tools & calibration -OK
4:45 15:30 10.75 6 8.3 L Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 22m to 2230 m.
* Drifting every std.
* RIH speed 2 min / SDT for first 500m, then 1min/STD
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min.
* Got high back Flow.
15:30 17:00 1.50 6 1.5 L Circulate for back flow: Fr:650lpm; Spp= 750psi.
17:00 23:00 6.00 6 8.3 L Cont RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 2230m to 3527 m
* Drifting every std.
* RIH speed 1 min / SDT.
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min
23:00 0:00 1.00 6 1.5 L Circulation prior to latch, meanwhile R/U WL surface equipment.
** fr=430lpm, spp=470psi
** Total lost in (24hr)7m3 (average lost =0.3m3/hr)
1/1/2020 0:00 1:15 1.25 6 1.5 L Continue Circulate Fr:450lpm; Spp= 500psi.
1:15 1:45 0.50 6 8.3 L M/U SES, connect DTS & start RIH Latch tool w/ WL cable
1:45 3:00 1.25 6 8.3 L Latch on Tool with circulation w/ 450lpm, 500psi to top of latching
pt., with success.
** Test signal -OK-
** Mechanical test -Ok-
3:00 4:00 1.00 6 8.3 L Install sealing rubber on SES & clamp the cable
4:00 4:30 0.50 6 8.3 L Start RIH down record from 3527m to 3612m.
4:30 5:00 0.50 6 8.3 L Repair generator logging unit Baker NPT
5:00 6:45 1.75 6 8.3 L RIH down record from 3612m to 3849m. Got held.
6:45 12:45 6.00 6 8.3 L Cont RIH BH PCL tool from 3849m to 3864m pushing down to
maximum allowed compression of 5000lbs while keeping
circulation @ 300lpm, 250psi (as per BH engineer
** Got very small progress, discuss w/ town and decide to POOH.
12:45 14:30 1.75 6 8.3 L POOH BHA PCL tool from 3864m to 3530m

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 58 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
14:30 15:45 1.25 6 8.3 L Unlatch successfully, Pooh wireline latch to surface, L/D side entry
15:45 16:15 0.50 6 1.5 L Pump a high density pill due to High backflow
16:15 18:15 2.00 6 10.2 L Slip & Cut drilling line 30m.
18:15 20:45 2.50 6 10.1 L Adjusting ACS NPT KCA
20:45 0:00 3.25 6 8.3 L Cont POOH BHA PCL tool from 3530m to 2174m
** Total lost in (24hr)3m3 (average lost =0.13m3/hr)
1/2/2020 0:00 5:15 5.25 6 8.3 L Continue POOH BHA PCL tool from 2174m to surface
5:15 6:45 1.50 6 8.3 L PJSM, Test PCL tools ok, L/D (MREX-GR-ORIT).
** Found 1 rubber inside Mrex tool damaged.
** Test tool -Good-
6:45 7:15 0.50 6 8.3 P P/U, M/U Baker PCL#3: (GR –CCL-- DAL (CBL)
** Total length 17.01 m
7:15 8:00 0.75 6 8.3 P Check tools & calibration -OK
8:00 11:30 3.50 6 8.3 P Continue RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 17 m to 918 m.
* Drifting every std.
* RIH speed 2 min / SDT for first 500m, then 1min/STD
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min
11:30 12:30 1.00 6 1.5 P Circulate for Back flow @ 750lpm, 700psi.
12:30 18:30 6.00 6 8.3 P Continue RIH Baker PCL Tools on DP from 918 m to 2601 m.
* Drifting every std.
* RIH speed 1min/STD .
* Break circulation every 10 SDTs for 10min
18:30 20:15 1.75 6 1.5 P Circulate prior to latch: Fr:450lpm; Spp= 500psi.
20:15 20:45 0.50 6 8.3 P M/U SES, connect DTS & start RIH Latch tool w/ WL cable
20:45 21:30 0.75 6 8.3 P Latch on Tool with circulation w/ 600lpm, 800psi to top of latching
pt., with success.
** Test signal -OK-
** Mechanical test -Ok-
21:30 22:00 0.50 6 8.3 P Install sealing rubber on SES & clamp the cable
22:00 0:00 2.00 6 8.3 P Start logging DAL (CBL) from 2601m to2978 m
** Lost 01 m3 while run CBL logging with drill pipe
1/3/2020 0:00 3:00 3.00 6 8.3 P Continue logging DAL (CBL) from 2978 m to 3693 m
3:00 3:30 0.50 6 8.3 P Circulate for back flow @ 450lpm, 550psi.
3:30 5:00 1.50 6 8.3 P Continue logging DAL (CBL) from 3693 m to 3838 m
5:00 7:30 2.50 6 8.3 P Try to push down BH PCL#3 with maximum allowed compression
of 3000lbs while keeping circulation @ 300lpm, 250psi (as per BH
engineer recommendation). No success.
** Decision made to POOH(record Up).
7:30 8:00 0.50 6 1.5 P Pump a high density pill due to High backflow
8:00 12:30 4.50 6 8.3 P Logging up from 3838m to TOL @ 2693m
12:30 13:00 0.50 6 8.3 P POOH PCL tool from 2693m to 2600m.
13:00 14:00 1.00 6 8.3 P Unlatch WL tool & Pooh to surface, L/D side entry sub.
NB: at surface found cable parted from weak point on top of latch
tool (latch tool left on top of logging tool).
14:00 21:15 7.25 6 8.3 P Cont POOH BHA PCL tool on DP from 2600m to surface
21:15 22:30 1.25 6 8.3 P PJSM, Test PCL tools ok, LD Baker logging equipment
** Test tool -Good-
22:30 0:00 1.50 6 1.3 P P//U, M/U 6" TCI Bit MX-DS55DX, SN: 5283159, Float Sub &
RIH Slick BHA to536 m
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** well stable
1/4/2020 0:00 9:00 9.00 6 1.3 P RIH Slick BHA from 536 m to 3822m (get held at this depth)
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** well stable
9:00 10:30 1.50 6 1.4 P Wash down last two STDs from 3822m to 3876m Fr: 800lpm,
1350psi. Rpm: 40. (No losses)
10:30 12:45 2.25 6 1.5 P Circulate for hole cleaning
800lpm, 1350psi. Rpm: 40 meanwhile reciprocating string (No
12:45 13:30 0.75 6 1.5 P Start POOH, get high back flow. Pump high pill slug.
13:30 15:00 1.50 6 1.3 P POOH 6” Slick BHA from 3876m to 3131m

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 59 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
15:00 18:00 3.00 6 10.1 L Rig repair : Drawwork electrical equipment troubleshooting, Found
failure on Ground earth Leaking Detector, change the device & fixe
the problem.
18:00 21:00 3.00 6 1.3 P POOH 6” Slick BHA from 3131m to 1494m
21:00 0:00 3.00 6 1.3 P POOH & L/D excess 3 1/2" DP (Total jts 42) from 1494m to
** well stable (No losses)
1/5/2020 0:00 2:00 2.00 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 6” Slick BHA from 1097m to909m
** L/D 3 1/2" DP 15jts+02 x3 1/2"HWDP +4 3/4" D jar
** Total jts 57+02 x3 1/2"HWDP +4 3/4" D jar.
2:00 3:45 1.75 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 6” Slick BHA from 909m to surface.
3:45 4:15 0.50 6 1.3 P Bit service.
4:15 14:15 10.00 6 1.3 P P//U, M/U 6" TCI Bit MX-DS55DX, SN: 5283159, 7” scraper,
Float Sub & RIH 7” Scraper string to 3700 m
** Fill up every 15 stds.
** Scraper the interval 3500m to 3600m three times.
14:15 16:15 2.00 6 1.5 P Pump 3m Hi-Vis & CHC @ 3700 m : Fr: 800lpm; Pr: 950psi.
16:15 17:45 1.50 6 1.5 P Spot 2m3 Hi-Vis @ 3700 m : Fr: 800lpm; Pr: 950psi.
17:45 18:15 0.50 6 1.3 P POOH 7" scraper string from 3700m to 3600m.
18:15 20:45 2.50 6 1.5 P Displace well with completion brine 1.16sg (Fr=800lpm,
20:45 21:45 1.00 6 1.5 P Flow check "well stable" meanwhile Flush line & clean trip tank,
poor boy, all surface equipments.
21:45 0:00 2.25 6 1.3 P Start POOH 7' scraper string & L/D 5" DP (Total jts 25) from
3600m to 3362m.
1/6/2020 0:00 20:45 20.75 6 1.3 P POOH 7' scraper string & L/D 5" DP 236jts (Total jts 261) from
3362m to 1081m.
20:45 21:45 1.00 6 1.3 P RIH with racked 5" DP & 5" HWDP from 1081m to 1543m (6 Std
5" DP +10 Std 5" HWDP)
21:45 0:00 2.25 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 7' scraper string & L/D 5" DP 18jts+12 HWDP (Total
jts 279 x 5" DP+12 x 5" HWDP) from 1543m to 1266m.
1/7/2020 0:00 5:45 5.75 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 7' scraper string & L/D DP (Total jts 279x5"DP
+30x5"HWDP +33x 31/2" HWDP+) from 1266m to 650 m.
5:45 6:45 1.00 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 7' scraper string
& racked 12 stand (total in mat 18Stds)
from 645m to 309m
6:45 9:00 2.25 6 1.3 P Cont POOH 7' scraper string & L/D 3 1/2" DP (Total jts 279x
5"DP+30x 5"HWDP+33x 31/2" HWDP+33x 31/2” DP) from 309m
to surface
9:00 9:15 0.25 6 12.1 P P/Up & M/Up Wear bushing retrieving tool assy. Retrieve wear
9:15 9:45 0.50 6 12.1 P L/D Wear bushing, P/Up & M/Up Jetting Tool.
9:45 10:15 0.50 6 1.4 P Wash Up/Down BOP stack & TBG Head assembly at high flow
rate (750lpm).
10:15 10:45 0.50 6 12.1 P P/U & L/D Jetting Tool. P/U, M/U & install tester plug.
10:45 15:00 4.25 6 3.3 2 P BOPs Pressure test:
** Functional & full Pressure test BOPs @ 500 / 7500 Psi:
** Annular BOP: 350 / 3500 Psi.
** Upper (variable) pipe-rams, Blind / shear rams, Lower (5") rams,
Kill & choke (manual & HCR, NRV) lines, choke manifold master
valves: 500 / 7500 Psi
** Safety valve: 500 / 7500 Psi
15:00 15:30 0.50 6 12.1 P P/U & L/D tester plug.
15:30 17:30 2.00 COMP 3.5 P Perform a Dummy Run.
17:30 19:30 2.00 COMP 1.3 P RIH 3-1/2” DP Safety string to 500m.
**M/U 3 1/2" safety valve in open position.
**Monitor well on trip tank.
19:30 0:00 4.50 COMP 11.5 L Waiting on running equipment Company to run 3 1/2" Tbg
completion string N.vam 13CrS.
1/8/2020 0:00 12:30 12.50 COMP 11.5 L Waiting on completion running equipment.
** 3-1/2” DP safety string @ 500m
12:30 15:15 2.75 COMP 1.3 P Cont POOH & L/D 3-1/2” DP safety string from 120m to surface

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 60 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
15:15 19:45 4.50 COMP 12.1 P R/U 3 1/2" WFD running equipment for completion Crs
19:45 0:00 4.25 COMP 7.4 P HPjSM,Start RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13%CR
110ksi,NEW VAM tubing to 78m ( 04 joints ).
** WEG half mule shoe,2 7/8"X-nipple, 3 1/2" x7" HPS packer,2
7/8" X-nipple, 3 1/2" CHM injection sub,SPM #1 3 1/2", 3
1/2"Tbgs S-13cr
**Make-up torque =4270m
** Number of Clamps 03.
1/9/2020 0:00 0:00 24.00 COMP 7.4 P Cont RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13% CRS 110ksi, NEW
VAM tubing w/ 1/4" chemical injection line, From 78m to 1488m.
** 3 1/2" WEG half mule shoe,2 7/8"X-nipple, 3 1/2" x7" HPS
packer,2 7/8" X-nipple, 3 1/2" CHM injection sub,SPM #1,
SPM#2, SPM#3
** Installing a control line clamp on every Tbg collar (total
Daily/Cumul: 123/126)
** Total joints : Daily/cumul : 121/126
** Make-up torque = 4270ft-Lbs
1/10/2020 0:00 8:00 8.00 COMP 7.4 P Continue RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13% CRS 110ksi,
NEW VAM tubing w/ 1/4" chemical injection line, from 1488m to
2008 m
** Installing control line clamp on every Tbg collar (total
Daily/Cumul: 46/172)
** Total joints: Daily/cumul :45/171
** Make-up torque = 4270ft-Lbs
8:00 9:00 1.00 COMP 3.3 2 U HPJSM, R/U Circulation head & Cmt unit surface line.
9:00 10:00 1.00 COMP 3.3 2 U R/U AIFG slickline BOP and Riser.
** Get AIFG SL cable stucked inside the stuffing box.
10:00 12:00 2.00 COMP 9.2 L Free SL cable from Stuffing box after several attempt, cut 30m
cable, make new connection to the Rope socket and install Riser
on Top SL BOP
12:00 12:15 0.25 COMP 3.3 2 L OS Cmt unit flush line & pressure test surface line -Negative-
(Leak from AIFG Riser connection).
12:15 12:45 0.50 COMP 9.2 L Change rubber seal on AIFG Riser & P.T surface line against
AIFG Riser & GBRS Circulating head valve at 5000psi-15min -ok-
12:45 16:30 3.75 COMP 3.3 2 U AIFG SL operation
** RIH 2.7” Gauge cutter free to 2007m.BRT
** RIH 2.75 Plug to 1961m (upper X-Nipple) and set.
** RIH 2” Equalizing Prong to 1961m and Set.
16:30 17:15 0.75 COMP 3.3 2 L Pressure test 3-1/2” completion -Negative- (Leak on AIFG Rizer
** Disconnect AIFG Riser & BOP and install plug on top of
circulating head
17:15 17:45 0.50 COMP 3.3 2 U Pressure test 3-1/2” completion to 500psi -5min- OK-, 2000 psi
-15min- Ok.
17:45 18:30 0.75 COMP 3.3 2 U AIFG SL operation
** RIH 2" SB Running tool attached with 2.75" EQ prong retreiving
tool to 1961m BRT, retrieve Prong from Plug & POOH to surface.
18:30 19:45 1.25 COMP 3.3 2 L AIFG SL operation:
** RIH 3" GS pooling tool to 1961m BRT, try to latch plug from
upper X-Nipple no sucsses, POOH to surface
19:45 21:15 1.50 COMP 3.3 2 U AIFG SL operation:
** RIH (2nd run) 3" GS pooling tool to 1961m BRT, latch plug
from upper X-Nipple with sucsses, POOH to surface
21:15 23:00 1.75 COMP 3.3 2 U R/D AIFG SL equipment & Circulating head.
23:00 0:00 1.00 COMP 7.4 P "Continue RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13% CRS 110ksi,
NEW VAM tubing w/ 1/4" chemical injection line, from 2008 m to
** 3 1/2" WEG half mule shoe, 3 1/2"X-nipple, 3 1/2" x7" HPS
packer, 3 1/2" X-nipple, 3 1/2" CHM injection sub,SPM #1,
SPM#2, SPM#3,SPM#4
** Installing control line clamp on every Tbg collar (total
Daily/Cumul: 52/178)
** Total joints: Daily/cumul :51/177
** Make-up torque = 4270ft-Lbs

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 61 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
1/11/2020 0:00 23:15 23.25 COMP 7.4 P Continue RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13% CRS 110ksi,
NEW VAM tubing w/ 1/4" chemical injection line, from 2077m to
** 3 1/2" WEG half mule shoe, 3 1/2"X-nipple, 3 1/2" x7" HPS
packer, 3 1/2" X-nipple, 3 1/2" CHM injection sub,SPM #1,
SPM#2, SPM#3,SPM#4,SPM#5
** Installing a control line clamp on every Tbg collar (total
Daily/Cumul: 128/306)
** Total joints: Daily/cumul :126/303
** Make-up torque = 4270ft-Lbs

** Tag on TOL @ 2697m (Tbg #: 231), turn Tbg right by ¼ turn,

23:15 0:00 0.75 COMP 7.4 P P/U & M/U TRSCSSV subassembly, install control line to
** Pressure test control line @ 7.500 psi Obs 10mn ok
** Pressure up 5000psi to open TRSCSSV 3 time record hydraulic
oil volume return (1- 59ml, 2-57ml, 3-64ml )
1/12/2020 0:00 2:00 2.00 COMP 7.4 P Continue RIH 3 1/2" completion 9.2ppf Super 13% CRS 110ksi,
NEW VAM tubing w/ 1/4" chemical injection line, from 3523m to
** 3 1/2" WEG half mule shoe, 3 1/2"X-nipple, 3 1/2" x7" HPS
packer, 3 1/2" X-nipple, 3 1/2" CHM injection sub,SPM #1,
SPM#2, SPM#3,SPM#4,SPM#5, TRSCSSV,Tubing hanger
** Installing a control line clamp on every Tbg collar (total
Daily/Cumul: 7/313)
** Total joints: Daily/cumul : 5/303.
** Make-up torque = 4270ft-Lbs.

** Pickup WT=67 T.
** Slack off WT=68 T.
** Top drive WT=25 T.
2:00 3:30 1.50 COMP 7.4 P Bleed off both control lines, Reel-off control lines 3 meters for
each, Cut them off, feed control & injection lines through port at tbg
3:30 4:30 1.00 COMP 7.4 P Connect TRSCSSV to manifold & test @ 7500psi for 10mn Cavity
(2) test port on the OD Tbg hanger @7500psi.
4:30 6:30 2.00 COMP 7.4 P M/U & connect running tool to Tbg hanger, L/D spider, RIH Tbg
hanger 0.8m above the mandrel pack off body.
6:30 7:15 0.75 COMP 7.4 P R/U circulating line
7:15 13:30 6.25 COMP 7.4 P Displace well to inhibitor brine completion fluid d=1.16sg, NTU 18,
with max Fr 300lpm, 130 psi (as per Halliburton engineer
requirement), Meanwhile WFD R/D surface equipment.
** Total volume displaced: 120m3.
13:30 14:00 0.50 COMP 7.5 P R/U Flow Head, S/L BOP & Riser and OS surface line
14:00 14:30 0.50 COMP 7.5 P OS Cmt unit P.T surface line against AIFG Riser & GBRS
Circulating head valve at 5000psi-15min -ok-
14:30 20:00 5.50 COMP 7.5 P AIFG SL operation
** RIH 2.7” Gauge cutter free to 3600m.BRT
** RIH 2.75 Plug to 3560m (upper X-Nipple) and set.
** RIH 2” Equalizing Prong to 3560m and Set.
20:00 20:30 0.50 COMP 7.5 L Pressure test 3-1/2” completion string to 500psi no sucsses
(suspect oring betwen Tbg hanger & running tool leak).
20:30 0:00 3.50 COMP 7.4 L R/D AIFG SL equipment & Circulating head, POOH Tbg hanger to
surface, Found oring betwen Tbg hanger & running tool ldamaged,
change oring back up, RIH Tbg hanger 0.8m above the mandrel
pack off body, R/U circulating line ongoing.
1/13/2020 0:00 0:15 0.25 COMP 7.4 L Continue R/U circulating line
0:15 0:45 0.50 COMP 7.4 L Pressure test 3-1/2” completion string to 500psi no successes
observe return (suspect prong & plug)
0:45 1:45 1.00 COMP 7.4 L R/U Flow Head, S/L BOP & Riser and OS surface line
1:45 2:15 0.50 COMP 7.4 L OS Cmt unit P.T surface line against AIFG Riser & GBRS
Circulating head valve at 5000psi-15min -ok-

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 62 OpenWells


2.1 Operation Summary (Continued)

Date Time Duration Phase Code Sub Class MD from Operation

Start-End (hr) (m)
2:15 10:45 8.50 COMP 7.5 L AIFG SL operation:
** RIH 2" SB Running tool attached with 2.75" EQ prong retrieving
tool to 3560m BRT, try to retrieve Prong from Plug No success,
POOH to surface.
** RIH 2" RB Running tool attached with 2.75" EQ prong retrieving
tool to 3560m BRT, retrieve Prong from Plug with success, POOH
to surface.
** RIH GS pooling tool to 3560m BRT, latch plug from upper
X-Nipple with successes, POOH to surface.
** RIH 2.75 Plug to 3560m (upper X-Nipple) and set.
** RIH 2” Equalizing Prong to 3560m and Set.
10:45 11:30 0.75 COMP 7.4 P TBG integrity test: P.T tbg to 500psi -15min- OK, increase
pressure to 5000 – 15min- Ok.
11:30 20:00 8.50 COMP 7.5 P AIFG SL operation:
** Retrieve Prong from Plug & POOH to surface.
** RIH GS pooling tool to 3560m BRT, latch plug from upper
X-Nipple with success, POOH to surface.
** RIH 2.75 Plug to 3582m (Lower X-Nipple (Bellow PKR) and set.
** RIH 2” Equalizing Prong to 3582m and Set.
20:00 21:15 1.25 COMP 7.5 P R/D AIFG SL equipment & Circulating head.
21:15 22:00 0.75 COMP 7.4 P HPJSM, R/U test line & Cmt unit surface line.
22:00 22:30 0.50 COMP 7.4 P Pressure test surface line @ 6000psi obs 15 mn ok
22:30 0:00 1.50 COMP 7.4 P Set packer @ 5500psi obs 15 mn ok, closed TRSCSSV, bleed off
tbg pressure to 3000psi inflow test TRSCSSV ok no leak,
performe equalising test increase the pressure to4500 psi then
open TRSCSSV obs pressur up to 4800psi (all test recorded on
pressure chart), pull test completion @ 5t over pull ok
1/14/2020 0:00 1:00 1.00 COMP 7.4 P Fully land tbg hanger, engage the lock-ring, overpull @ 10T ok,
perform tbg hanger back off test @ 5000psi for 15mn ok,
(meanwhile connected pupping line to annulus A)
1:00 1:45 0.75 COMP 7.4 P R/U Flow Head, S/L BOP & Riser and OS surface line
1:45 5:15 3.50 COMP 7.4 P AIFG SL operation:
** Retrieve Prong from Plug at 3582m BRT (Bellow PKR) &
POOH to surface.
** RIH GS pooling tool to 3582m BRT, latch plug from Lower
X-Nipple with success, POOH to surface.
5:15 6:00 0.75 COMP 7.4 P R/D slick line equipment meanwhile fill annulus 3 ½” x 9 5/8” by
inhibited brine & test line surface @ 5000psi ok
6:00 7:00 1.00 COMP 7.4 P P.T annulus 3 ½” x 9 5/8” @
Low pressure 500psi- 5min Ok, Hight pressure 3000psi -15min-
** Bleed off csg pressure & close TRSSV
7:00 8:00 1.00 COMP 7.4 P Disconnect Hanger Running tool, L/D Landing joint & install 3”
Cameron BPV in Tbg hanger H profile.
8:00 11:00 3.00 COMP 7.4 P N/D BOP.
11:00 16:00 5.00 COMP 7.4 P N/U 11” x 3-1/16” X 10K Adapter + 1st Master valve
** Perform Cavity test & pressure up in step to 1000, 3000,
6000psi obs 10mn ok
** Install exit block on control line & chemical Injection line (put
mark on each one0)
** Pressure up TRSCSSV @ 7000psi obs 15mn ok, bleed off to 0
16:00 19:00 3.00 COMP 7.4 P N/U X-mas tree
** Retrieve BPV & install TWCV
** Test Xmas tree body in step: 1500, 3500, 5500, 7500psi hold
** Retrieve TWCV & install BPV
** close all x mast tree valve
**Rig released on14/01/2020 @19:00 hrs. Well Handover to

January 23, 2020 at 9:12 pm 63 OpenWells

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