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Mentorrd Edutech: Charting New Territories Through Social Media Marketing

Key Decision Maker: Mr Srinivas Rao, co-founder and director of Mentorrd EduTech.
Date: April 2021


 Google ads PPC increased from INR 12 to INR 54.

 Highly competitive market with established players like,,
 Reliance on Google Ads as the primary source of lead generation.
 Lack of focus on leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and
 Mixing of MBA consulting services with other offerings, leading to confusion among
customers and dilution of brand identity.
 Limited resources & Budget allocation.

Problem Statement:
What social media platform should we target for our marketing (Facebook/LinkedIn/
YouTube) considering our budget to get maximum return on investments?

Criteria :

 Audience targeting
 Cost-effectiveness
 Engagement potential
 Professionalism
 Reach
 Conversion rate

 Maintain a database of people who took our services and showcase what they are
doing now and how our platform has helped them in their careers.
 Invest in AI-driven tools or software solutions to automate the quality checking
process for resume/CV writing and interview preparation services, reducing manual
efforts and increasing scalability.
 Implement targeted email marketing campaigns to reach potential customers directly
and nurture leads. Email info can be gathered from competitive exams database and
other MBA preparation or information websites.
 Develop a comprehensive social media strategy focusing on LinkedIn, leveraging its
professional user base and targeting decision-makers.
 Collaborate with industry influencers to create guest posts or webinars, increasing
credibility and attracting a wider audience.

\\Discussing Metrics of different social media marketing platforms:

Let's compare the data across the three social media advertising platforms (Facebook,
LinkedIn, and YouTube) based on the provided metrics:
Click Through Rate (CTR):
Facebook: Average CTR for the education industry is 0.73%.
LinkedIn: Average CTR for sponsored content ranges from 0.44% to 0.65% globally, with
regional variations.
YouTube: Average view CTR for ads is 0.51%.
Cost Per Click (CPC):
Facebook: Average CPC for the education industry is INR 80.56.
LinkedIn: Average CPC for junior employees ranges from INR 334 to INR 600, while for
senior decision-makers it is INR 486.
Cost Per Mile (CPM):
Facebook: Average CPM for the education industry is less than INR 38, and overall CPM is
INR 51.
LinkedIn: Average CPM is INR 2,570 per 1,000 impressions.
Cost Per View (CPV):
YouTube: Average CPV for ads is INR 1.98, while for the education industry it is INR 1.06.
Cost Per Action (CPA):
Facebook: Average CPA for the education industry is INR 597.
LinkedIn: Average CPL ranges from INR 1,140 to INR 2,660.
Conversion Rate:
Conversion rate data is provided for Facebook and LinkedIn but not for YouTube.
Facebook: Average Conversion Rate for the education industry is 13.58%.
LinkedIn: Conversion rate varies from 5% to 15%.
Based on these metrics, each platform has its strengths and weaknesses. Facebook generally
has a higher CTR and Conversion Rate, while LinkedIn may have a higher CPC but offers
better targeting for B2B audiences. YouTube offers a lower CPV, making it potentially cost-
effective for video ads.


 Facebook:

Has a relatively high Click Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate.
Offers options for paying based on impressions (CPM), clicks (CPC), or actions (CPA).
Average Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Action (CPA) are moderate.
Suitable for engaging with a large audience and promoting deals or offers.
Integration with Instagram expands reach further.

 LinkedIn:

Shows a lower CTR compared to Facebook but is focused on professional networking.

Better suited for business-to-business (B2B) content.
Offers targeting options based on seniority, job function, and industry.
Average CPC is relatively higher, but it targets decision-makers effectively.
Offers options for paying based on clicks (CPC), impressions (CPM), or leads captured

 YouTube:

Offers a lower Cost Per View (CPV) for video ads.

Has a moderate Click Through Rate (CTR) for ads.
Provides an opportunity to reach a vast audience through video content.
Cost for content creation may be significant but can yield good results with high-quality


Facebook Largest user base Requires active Utilize Facebook
with over 2 billion engagement with advertising to target a
users. the audience. wide audience base.
Easy-to-use More suited for Focus on engagement
platform for smartphone users. through interactive
businesses. content and
CREATE fb groups
and communities

LinkedIn Professional Best for B2B Target professionals

networking content. and decision-makers
platform with over with specialized
610 million users Limited reach and services for MBA
interaction consulting.
Sponsored content and
message ads to reach
specific audience

Youtube Over 2 billion Requires high- Invest in cost effective

monthly users and a quality video and media rich content
vast audience reach. content creation. for videos.
Opportunity to
reach qualified Target users watching
audiences through relevant videos on
informative videos. youtube such as MBA
info, upskill pages, etc.
Facebook appears suitable for broad audience engagement and promotion of deals or offers
due to its high CTR and Conversion Rate.
LinkedIn is ideal for targeting decision-makers in a professional setting, albeit with a higher
YouTube is advantageous for video content, offering a lower CPV, making it cost-effective
for reaching a vast audience with engaging videos.
For Mentorrd, a combination of these platforms could be considered based on their target
audience, advertising goals, and available budget.

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