Garbie The

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Garbie: The Sensor operated Segregation machine

Samantha Pauline A. Benosa

Jamecca N. Manzanilla
Bianca Benasa

Because of the growing urbanization, economic activity, and population

growth, waste management has become one of the major concerns around the

world. The globe is producing a rising amount of waste, and improper solid waste

disposal and inadequate collection that can lead to air, land, and water pollution

as well as hazards to human health and the environment. (Siddappaji, Sujatha &

Radha, 2016 ). The Philippines has squandered decades of resources, just like

any other emerging nation. Has grown into a significant issue in certain areas,

and the government’s responses to this issue have influenced how the waste

management issues in the nation have evolved. In order to determine the

underlying cause of the issue and, consequently, suggest a workable solution

based on the specific requirements and the resources at hand, it is critical to

understand what happened before the problem. (Atienza, 2011).

Introducing “Garbie” a revolutionary garbage sensor-operated machine.

Garbie incorporates innovative and efficient waste collection techniques by

utilising state-of-the-art sensor technology. Where it segregates paper and

plastic. Hence to classify the recyclable materials from garbage and wastes into

different categories would make the recycling process better and easier (Flores &

Tan, 2019). Garbie addresses the issue of manual sorting and provides an

answer. It has an advanced design and the most modern features, so it is well-

equipped to change our perception of waste segregation.

This innovative device has advanced electronics that precisely track waste

levels. Enabling data analysis and strategic decision-making in real-time. Waste

management organisations can use Garbie to streamline routes, lessen their

influence on the environment, and include local communities in the promotion of

a cleaner and more sustainable environment. With the help of its sensors, Garbie

can distinguish and sort various types of waste into groups: plastic waste and

paper waste Garbie keeps on learning through machine learning algorithms how

to sort better.

The main purpose of the study Is to help the schools lessen the improper

waste that surrounds its areas and to help on segregating them in a much more

easier and faster way. The target beneficary of this device will be the students of

Malabog National Highschool. This sensor operating waste segregation machine

will help the students to sort, distinguish, and segregate while being entertained

by the machine itself. Less effort will be conducted since Garbie: the sensor

operated waste segregation machine will automatically segregate the waste. This

machine is useful in places such as school were tons of students are doing some

activities that produces waste/rubbish etc.

With Garbie, waste management entities can optimize routes, reduce

environmental impact, and engage communities in fostering a cleaner and more

sustainable environment. Embrace the future of waste management with Garbie,

where technology meets responsibility for a greener tomorrow.


1. Develop a prototypes of Garbie, considering factors such as:

a. Cost-effectiveness
b. Ease of use
c. Space efficiency
2. To automate the process of waste seggregation and placement into proper

3. Test the effectiveness of Garbie’s segregation mechanisms.

Significance of the Study

The study is deemed beneficial to the following:

School- Garbie can be installed in schools to assist students and staff in

segregating waste more efficiently, reducing the burden of manual sorting and

promoting a cleaner environment on school premises.

Waste Management- With advanced sensor technology, Garbie can accurately

distinguish between various types of waste, ensuring precise segregation and

minimizing contamination.

Communities- encourages community involvement in waste management

efforts, fostering a sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining a clean and

sustainable environment.

Environment- Garbie helps minimize environmental pollution by promoting

proper waste segregation, reducing contamination of land, air, and water bodies.
Future Researchers- Future researchers may explore various aspects related to

Garbie and its impact on waste management and environmental sustainability.

Research Design

Experimental Research Design- Mixed method

-Allows to gather both quantitative data on performance metrics such as waste

segregation efficiency and qualitative data on user experiences, perceptions, and


Participants and Setting

Participants: Students, Community members and waste management personnel

involved in waste segregation activities.

Setting: Malabog National High School

Data collection

-Surveys, interviews, observations, and technical measurements.

-Surveys and interviews gather feedback on usability, user experience, and

satisfaction with Garbie prototypes.

-Observations capture real-time interactions and usage patterns in different


-Technical measurements to assess performance metrics such as waste

segregation speed, accuracy, and segregation efficiency.

Quantitative Data Analysis

-Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

-Compare waste segregation efficiency across different conditions or settings

(e.g., before and after Garbie implementation, between different school


Modal and Verbal Interpretation

-Comparison of waste segregation efficiency metrics before and after Garbie

implementation to assess improvements or changes over time.

-Discussion of key findings, their significance, and recommendations for

optimizing Garbie’s performance and user experience in school settings.


[1] Siddappaji., Sujatha, K., & Radha, R. (2016). Technologies for segregation and management
of solid waste: A review. 2016 International Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering, Technology and Science (ICETETS). Pp. 1-4, doi:

[2] Atienza, V. (2011). Review of the Waste Management System in the Philippines: Initiatives to
Promote Waste Segregation and Recycling through Good Governance: Chapter 5.

[3] Flores, M.G., & Tan J.B., Jr. (2019). Literature Review of Automated Waste Segregation
System using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Analysis. Technological Institute of
the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.

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