Cognitive Domain

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Cognitive domain

1. Remembering: Identifying physical activities and their benefits

2. Understanding: Explaining the purpose and principles of physical fitness
3. Applying: Demonstrating correct form and technique for various physical activities
4. Analyzing: Breaking down physical activities into components and analyzing them
5. Evaluating: Assessing the effectiveness of physical activities and adjusting them accordingly
6. Creating: Designing a physical fitness program tailored to individual needs

assessment / activity

1. Identify: Have students create a list of different physical activities they can do in their free time.

2. Describe: Have students explain the benefits of various physical activities.

3. Analyze: Have students compare and contrast the different physical activities and identify which ones are
most beneficial for their fitness goals.

4. Evaluate: Have students assess the effectiveness of different physical activities for their fitness goals and
make recommendations on how to improve them.

5. Create: Have students create a personalized fitness plan that includes various physical activities to meet their
fitness goals.

Cognitive domain

1. Remember: Recall facts and terminology elated to physical fitness and physical activity.

2. Understand: Explain the importance of physical fitness and physical activity.

3. Apply: Demonstrate specific physical activities.

4. Analyze: Compare and contrast different physical activities.

5. Evaluate: Assess the impact of physical activities on physical fitness.

6. Create: Design a physical activity program.

assessment / activity


-Remembering: Create a multiple-choice quiz that assesses knowledge on the benefits of physical activity.
-Understanding: Have students explain the differences between aerobic and anaerobic activities.
-Applying: Ask students to design a personalized exercise program based on their individual goals.
-Analyzing: Have students compare and contrast the different types of physical activities and how they benefit
the body.
-Evaluating: Have students evaluate the effectiveness of their own exercise program by tracking progress over


-Remembering: Have students participate in a game of tag that requires them to remember the rules of the
-Understanding: Have students create a video that explains the benefits of physical activity.
-Applying: Have students put together a fitness routine that incorporates a mix of aerobic and anaerobic
-Analyzing: Have students break down the components of a good warm-up routine and explain why each
component is important.
-Evaluating: Have students assess their own performance during a physical activity and identify ways to

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