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In the contemporary landscape of human resource management, the integration of technology and
innovation has become imperative for organizations striving to stay competitive and adaptive. This
abstract delves into the transformative impact of technology and innovation on HR practices,
exploring how these advancements revolutionize recruitment, talent management, employee
engagement, and performance evaluation.

Firstly, technology has reshaped the recruitment process, enabling HR professionals to utilize
sophisticated algorithms and data analytics for sourcing, screening, and selecting candidates.
Automated applicant tracking systems streamline administrative tasks, while AI-driven tools assess
candidates' skills and cultural fit, facilitating more efficient and unbiased hiring decisions.

Secondly, technology-driven innovations have redefined talent management strategies. Cloud-based

platforms and mobile applications provide employees with continuous learning opportunities,
personalized development plans, and feedback mechanisms, fostering a culture of growth and skill
enhancement. Moreover, predictive analytics empower HR leaders to anticipate workforce needs,
identify high-potential employees, and implement proactive retention strategies.

Furthermore, technology facilitates enhanced employee engagement through various digital

platforms and communication tools. Virtual collaboration spaces, social intranets, and instant
messaging applications enable seamless interaction and knowledge sharing among employees,
irrespective of geographical boundaries. Additionally, gamification techniques and wellness
applications promote employee well-being and productivity, contributing to a positive organizational

Lastly, technology-enabled performance evaluation systems offer real-time feedback mechanisms,

replacing traditional annual reviews with ongoing, data-driven assessments. AI-powered
performance analytics identify performance trends, recognize achievements, and pinpoint areas for
improvement, enabling managers to provide timely coaching and support to their teams.

In conclusion, the integration of technology and innovation in HR practices signifies a paradigm shift
in organizational dynamics. By embracing these advancements, organizations can enhance their
agility, efficiency, and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving business landscape, while
simultaneously fostering a culture of continuous improvement and employee empowerment.

Keywords: Technology, Innovation, Human Resource Management, Recruitment, Talent

Management, Employee Engagement, Performance Evaluation.
Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the
management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working in the organization,
who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the
business. An HR manager's role entails taking key decisions on Workforce planning,
Recruitment, Induction and Orientation, Skills management, Training and Development,
Personnel Administration, Compensation in wage or salary, Time Management, Payroll,
Employee Benefits Administration, Personnel Cost Planning and Performance Appraisal.
Organizations must provide the right number of competent staff to meet clients’ needs.

Human Resources function is presently undergoing a sea change. It has languished as an

unappreciated, often disconnected staff function in organizations for decades. With the
marketplace becoming intensely competitive on account of global impacts and trends, top
management is searching in all directions for opportunities to make the enterprise more
effective and profitable. Human Resources have also come under their spotlight. In some cases
the scrutiny has been principally to identify how to cut the size of the budget and staff. In other
cases the goal was to learn how this traditional expense centre can be turned into a value
adding operation.

In a recent survey of Indian CEOs, it was suggested that Indian managerial leaders were
less dependent on their personal charisma; rather, they emphasize logical and step-by-step
implementation processes. Indian leaders focus on empowerment and accountability in cases
of critical turnaround challenges, innovative challenges, innovative technology, product
planning and marketing, or when other similar challenges are encountered (Spencer, Rajah,
Narayan, and Mohan & Latiri, 2007).
One of the noteworthy features of the Indian workplace is its demographic
uniqueness. It is likely that India will have 986 million people of working age in 2030, which
will probably be about 300 million or more than in 2010. When India embraced liberalization
and then economic reforms in the early 1990s, dramatic changes were set in motion in terms of
corporate mindsets and HRM practices as a result of global imperatives and accompanying
changes in societal priorities. Indeed, the onset of a burgeoning competitive service sector
compelled a demographic shift in worker educational status and heightened the demand for job
relevant skills as well as regional diversity. Expectedly, there has been a marked shift towards
valuing human resources (HR) in Indian organizations as they become increasingly strategy
driven as opposed to the culture of the status quo. Accordingly, to gain competitive
advantage in industries like software services, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology (where
India is seeking to assert global dominance), the significance of HR is emphasized.

Recent developments in the US financial markets have had a direct impact on other
sectors and on countries across the world. Economies like India are slightly more insulated
than others owing to the tight regulatory environments; however, the globally integrated export
industries in the IT and BPO sectors have had some impact especially for the Indian
Information Technology Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector. It began to re-
engineer itself to face the challenges presented by a macro-economic environment which was
witnessing substantial volatility in commodity prices, inflation, and decline in GDP rates,
cross-currency movement, finally culminating in the economic downturn. While the current
mood is that of ‘cautious optimism’ the industry is expected to witness sustainable growth
over a two-year horizon, going past its USD 60 billion export target in financial year (FY)
2011. While on the one hand, the industry has significant headroom for growth and on the
other hand competition is increasing with a number of countries creating enabling business
environments aimed at replicating India’s success in the IT-BPO industry. Notwithstanding
this, India is expected to register growth, even though it may be at a slightly lower rate
compared with earlier years.
Adopting and sustaining progressive human resource management programs is a
critical issue faced by many organisations today. There is still much to be understood about
when innovations in human resource management practices successfully take hold and
when they do not. Although innovative personnel programs are frequently adopted to
improve the workplace, many organisations fail to systematically evaluate their
effectiveness after the implementation. Despite the fact that HRM innovations are
typically introduced to achieve outcomes such as favourable employee attitudes and
behaviour, they generally fall short of management expectations. This study views
adoption and sustenance of innovations in human resource management practices as part of
HR strategy and examines the relationship between the Innovative HR practices and
certain selected HR outcomes.
 To explain and establish the human resource outcomes in software firms
in Hyderabad as consequences of Innovative Human Resource Practices

 To study the perception regarding innovative HR practices among the

employees in software firms in Hyderabad.

 To bring out the human resource outcomes reflected by their levels of job
satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship

 To ascertain the relationship between innovative HR Practices and the human

resource (HR) outcomes among the employees in software firms in

 To develop and statistically validate a model linking innovative HR practices

and the HR outcomes.

Scope of the study

Unit of observation and analysis:

Software professionals who are employees of the software firms identified as those
with innovative HR Practices.

Place of study: Attic Infomatics, Hyderabad, Telangana


A project paradigm is a perspective about project held by a community of researchers which is based
on shared concepts, beliefs, assumptions, values and practices. A paradigm is a world view, a general
perspective, a way of breaking down the complexity of the world. In project, a paradigm has come to
mean a set of overarching and interconnected assumptions about the nature of reality. A project
paradigm is about the different world views held about knowledge and how researchers understand
that knowledge (Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2013). In this paper the selected four project
paradigms are explained and similarities and differences among these project paradigms are


Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations

are taken from a larger population. The methodology used to sample from a larger population
depends on the type of analysis being performed, but it may include simple random sampling or
systematic sampling. Types of sampling include random sampling, block sampling, judgment
sampling, and systematic sampling. Companies use sampling as a marketing tool to identify the
needs and wants of their target market. The sample size is 287 but to decrease the problem of data
inadequacy researcher has opted for the sample size of 310 samples and convenient sampling method had
been used in this study. Statistical methods involved in carrying out a study include planning,
designing, collecting data, analyzing, drawing meaningful interpretation and reporting of the project
findings. The statistical analysis gives meaning to the meaningless numbers, thereby breathing life
into a lifeless data. The results and inferences are precise only if proper statistical tests are used.

Describing data is an essential part of statistical analysis aiming to provide a complete picture of the
data before moving to advanced methods. The types of statistical methods used for this purpose are
called descriptive statistics. They include both numerical (e.g. mean, mode, variance…) and
graphical tools (e.g. histogram, boxplot…) which allow summarizing a set of data and extracting
important information such as central tendencies and dispersion. Moreover, we can use them to
describe the association between several variables.
Primary Data
1. Closed ended questionnaire
2. Five demographic variables
3. Fifteen items measured on rating scale.
Secondary Data
1. Books
2. Journals
3. Magazines
4. Internet.
Statistical Tools
1. Tables
2. Frequency Analysis
3. Descriptive Statistics
4. Graphs
5. Regression Test.
a) The study is not free from limitations; first the issue of common method variance
needs to be considered given the cross-sectional design of the study based on
self-reports. Meta-analytic studies of these constructs suggest that studies relying
only on self-report may either inflate correlations or, in a cross-sectional design,
might introduce problems of instability in correlations due to situational
moderators. Harman’s single-factor was conducted to address this concern and
the results of the test showed that common method bias was not present in study.

b) All employees of the same organisation need not become equally aware of the
innovative HR policies and practices adopted. Perceptual differences about these
practices among the employees could be attributed to their varied levels of
awareness about them though the policies and practices remain the same for the
organisation. This aspect was not taken into account in the study.

c) The life cycle of the organisation is also one of the important limitations because
different companies are in different time zone of development cycles like some are
there for decades and some are only for years. This difference can cause a bias on
the perception of importance, introduction and satisfaction of innovative HR
practices in the organisation.

d) Software firms that have been identified by experts as having adopted innovative
HR practices alone are covered in this project. Obviously, the study has not been
extended to attempt a comparison with firms that follow traditional ways of
managing personnel.

Sowmya Kusumanchi
Content Writer at SumoPayroll (2018-present)
2.What are the nature, objectives and scope of human resource
Human Resource Management: Nature
Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the
goals of each are met. The various features of HRM include
It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.
Its focus is on results rather than on rules.
It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.
It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.
It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.
It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.
It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-motivated
It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the
It is a multidisciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, economics,
Human Resource Management: Scope
Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement,
transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives,
productivity etc.
Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches, rest and
lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation
facilities, etc.
Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations, joint consultation, collective
bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc.
Human Resource Management: Objectives
To help the organization reach its goals.
To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources.
To ensure respect for human beings. To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals.To ensure
reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization.
To achieve and maintain high morale among employees.
To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.
To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization.
To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.
To develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect.
To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job.
To equip the employees with precision and clarity in transaction of business.
To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collaboration.

Sowmya Kusumanchi
Content Writer at SumoPayroll (2018-present)
3.What are the basic concepts of human resource management?
Originally Answered: What do you understand by human resource management?
Human resource management is a department in an organization that is used to do various crucial
functions such as finding, screening, and recruiting job applicants who can help in increasing
business productivity. The main role of the HR manager in an organization is to maximize the
productivity of employees and maintaining a safe working environment condition. The main purpose
of human resource management is to provide assistance to all other departments whether it is related
to any professional or personal matters. Human resource (HR) management is primarily concerned
with the management of employees from their hiring to retirement. Though HR management
performs a diverse range of functions that helps the organization in a number of ways:
Recruitment and Selection: It is the major function of an HR management that deals with the process
of screening and selecting competent candidates for a specific job profile. Recruitment and selection
of the employees highly depend on the short term and long term goals of a company. This process is
quite crucial for a company as it helps in attracting highly qualified applicants to apply for the job.
Orientation: It is another major function that must be followed by HR management as it helps the
employees to adjust themselves to the environment of the organization. This function also helps the
employees to know their job profile, and the duties assigned to them. Moreover, it also motivates the
employees to take part in other activities of the company.
Maintain good working conditions: The HR management must provide a good and hygienic working
environment to the employees so that the objectives of the company can be achieved in a more
efficient manner. Employees should be motivated from time to time so that they carry out their
respective tasks effectively.
Managing Employees Relation: Employee's relationship is another important function of HR
management that helps in influencing good behavior with each other. Several activities should be
organized by the HR manager that helps the company to know an employee at a personal and
professional level.
Training and Development: This function of HR management helps to improve the overall
performance level of the employees by educating and giving knowledge to them on a related
Role Of HR Management In An Organization
Collaboration: The HR management and managerial staff work together in order to build employee's
skills. The main role of HR management is to assign employees to several roles in the organization,
thus helps the company to grow business extensively. In the case of a flexible organization,
employees are moved to various business functions that depend on the preferences of employees and
business priorities. Commitment Building: Human resource professionals also advise approaches to
increase employee commitment in a company. The whole process starts with the selection of eligible
candidates with the right profile with respect to their qualifications. After they are hired, HR
management must motivate them so that they are committed to their jobs.
Building Capacity: The HR professionals help in building the capacity of an organization so that it
can provide better goods and services to the customers. It also helps in making the people stay
committed for the long term.

Elvin Toh
Marketing and Communication (2020-present)
4.What are the functions and objectives of human resource management?
There are four main objectives of human resource management
1. Define an organizational structure which drives productivity
Hiring the right talent for the task is only a small part of the challenge. Once an organization has
captured the talent it then needs organizational structures and practices in place to nurture staff skills
and maximize the return on investment in human capital.
2. Developing effective coordination and communication within the organization
The 16th-century poet John Donne is possibly best known today for the phrase ‘No Man is an
Island’. It alludes to the idea that people do pretty badly when isolated from others. They need to be
part of a community in order to survive. We are, after all, the most social of animals.
Thus, in isolation from fellow staff, it is fairly obvious that many people would struggle. It,
therefore, falls to Human Resources to ensure that staff hired for their skills to aid in achieving wider
corporate objectives, must be given a framework that helps them succeed. HR must foster a
hierarchy which achieves the best communication within and between the departments that make up
any business.
3. Dedicate time to finding the right staff and developing their skills base
We definitely live in some of the most fluid and dynamic times for employers and employees. People
increasingly expect to acquire new skills to remain relevant in the employment market, whilst
employers are constantly looking to staff as a key part of the business’s competitive advantage.
HR, then, must not only find the right staff to mesh with the strategic course the business is taking,
but then ensure that these employees are given the skills to remain valued and valuable to companies
seeking to compete in an ever-more competitive landscape.
4. Embracing wider societal and ethical developments HR, more so than at any time in the evolution
of employment practices, should not only be inwardlooking at the structure, communication, and
training of staff but also be conscious of the rapid cultural and societal changes affecting the work

Sowmya Kusumanchi
Content Writer at SumoPayroll (2018-present)
5.What is human resource in simple words?
Human resources are used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and
the department responsible for managing resources related to employees. The term human resources
were first coined in the 1960s when the value of labor relations began to garner attention and when
notions such as motivation, organizational behavior, and selection assessments began to take shape.
Human resource management is a contemporary, umbrella term used to describe the management
and development of employees in an organization. Also called personnel or talent management
(although these terms are a bit antiquated), human resource management involves overseeing all
things related to managing an organization’s human capital.
Human resource management is therefore focused on a number of major areas, including:
Recruiting and staffing Compensation and benefits
Training and learning
Labor and employee relations
Organization development
Due to the many areas of human resource management, it is typical for professionals in this field to
possess specific expertise in one or more areas. Just a few of the related career titles for HR
professionals include:
Training development specialist
HR manager
Benefits specialist
Human resource generalist
Employment services manager
Compensation and job analysis specialist
Training and development manager
Benefits counselor
Personnel analystHuman resource management involves developing and administering programs that
are designed to increase the effectiveness of an organization or business. It includes the entire
spectrum of creating, managing, and cultivating the employer-employee relationship.
For most organizations, agencies, and businesses, the human resources department is responsible for:
Managing job recruitment, selection, and promotion
Developing and overseeing employee benefits and wellness programs
Developing, promoting, and enforcing personnel policies
Promoting employee career development and job training
Providing orientation programs for new hires
Providing guidance regarding disciplinary actions
Serving as primary contact for work-site injuries or accidents.

Ahmed Salah
studied Management at University of London
6.What are the best practices in human resource management?
Well, its a very clever question because the surprise and the tricky thing is that there is no best
practice in HRM.
What is working for you, doesn't work for others. yes there are good techniques and very good
techniques but there is no right and wrong way to do things in HRM, it depends on so many factors,
that is the reason why the HR Professionals suffer from businesses managers, a lot of them thinks
that HR is something easy and everyone can practice it and its not complex to manage people, but
HR experts know well how things can be done in different situations and its impact on the org and
the employees.
To make it clear i will give you some examples and i will draw my answer in some HR core
Recruitment and selection, I guess every recruiter specialist knows the reliability and validity of each
R&S technique and if they don’t know they will figure it out by field experience and they should
consider cost and budget and fairness in the process. companies can recruit through many channels
but if you think the corporate website is the best place to add your vacancies adv. that is wrong only
60 % of companies using it, if you think of recruiting a professional manager would you really post
your ad in corporate website or newspaper or linkedin ? maybe the best practice here is the
specialist journals or head hunting. on the contrary if you want to attract juniors employees to apply,
a simple corporate ad. will be enough to attract hundred of job seekers if you build your branding
well. the same for selection you will not use assessment centers which is known to be the most
predictable of future behavior and very expensive to floor shop positions or constructions workers
but for video game developer for example it deserve it.
In effect they are saying that with all the possible R&S techniques available, the company must
decide which technique is going to be most effective for the specific post or posts it is trying to fill.
The approach adopted will depend a great deal on the type and level of vacancy and the company
level and the kind of competition it has.
In Pay & rewards system the professional HR knows that in so many cases pay raise will not be
enough to motivate the employees to act in a behavior that will benefit the org. what then is what
they need to do that. it depends on the culture, society , job specificity and performance. for sales
employees commission works well, piece work pay is good for shop floor manual employees,
individual performance or merit pay, team pay and profit sharing are all examples of ways to pay the
employee and motivate them. but there are organization circumstances that determine that ( not the
best practice ) taking for example national culture : Pay for (individual) performance, for example,
can work out well in the USA, the Netherlands and the UK. In more collectivist cultures like France,
Germany and large parts of Asia it may not be so successful. In Japan, for example, where the
national culture has been based upon strong collective values, team bonuses and seniority pay (rather
than individual performance-related pay) have until very recently been the norm. Type of workers
and the technology also has impact on what is the best pay and rewards system for the org. to use.In
designing the job ( search for the famous classic example of Volve and Nissan ) When it opened in
1989, Volvo’s Uddevalla factory was held up as an icon of humanistic work practices. produvtion
was based on no production line – each team build an entire car, they did very well workers were
very motivated and work teams were highly skilled. Where on the other hand in 1987, Nissan opened
its car factory in Sunderland in the north-east of England. production was based on moving assembly
line applying typical scientific management Taylor ideas related to unmotivated and unskilled
employees. Not surprisingly, the reactions of workers within Volvo and companies such as Nissan
vary considerably. But surprisingly, faced with overcapacity in the European car market, Volvo took
the decision to shut the Uddevalla factory in 1993. The company argued that the cost of transporting
car bodies, and management and administration costs were too high (Sandberg, 1994). So, did the
closure represent the pre-eminence of ‘inroduction’ teamworking arrangements (as adopted at
Nissan) over ‘quality of working life’ practices at Volvo. Applying the same in Performance
management, Employee relations, learning and Development.
The conclusion is that there is no best practice for HRM but there are some techniques that works
well in certain situations in some cultures and some org. and doesn't work in another.

Jennifer Sandoval
7.What are the human resource policies and procedures of an organization?
Originally Answered: What are the human resource policy and procedures of the organizations?
You have the following
Employee Handbook
All company and HR policies should be in the handbook
Employee HR Procedures
Interviewing & Hiring Procedures
New Hire Training & Orientation Procedures
Coaching Performance Procedures
Performance Evaluation Procedures
Progressive Counseling Procedures
Investigation & Grievance Procedures
Termination Procedures
Employee Programs
Employee Training Program
New Hire Training
Skills Training
Performance Management Training
Sexual Harassment Training
Safety Training
Preventative Maintenance Program.

Mamata Matta
Content Strategist at SumoPayroll (2019-present)
8.Why do we need human resource policies?
Operating a business without HR policies is essentially saying to employees that you aren't
interested in creating a framework that shows them how to be successful in their jobs. The
importance of HR policies cannot be overstated -- they are critical for sustaining a viable business
and for giving employees the guidelines they need to feel confident they are working for a
purposeful, principled organization.
Risk Mitigation
HR policies can protect your company from liabilities concerning claims of unfair employment
practices. They're important because many HR policies are related to company's obligations under
federal and local laws and regulations.
Employee Confidence
Providing your employees with written HR policies can improve their job satisfaction, confidence
and, ultimately, their morale and engagement. Without guidelines that inform employees of the
company's performance expectations, pay practices and code of ethics, your HR department could be
bombarded with such questions as "When will I get a paycheck?" "How do I get promoted?" or "To
whom do I report harassment?"
Strategic Direction
HR policies support the organization's strategic direction, and consequently, the company's growth
and ability to sustain operations

Jim Burgess
SHRM-SCP Human Resource Management, SHRMSCP (1970)
9.What is the nature of human resource policies?
HR POLICIES = Designed to “Protect the COMPANY from LIABILITY” and going BANKRUPT
(Sinking the
*****It is not designed to protect the Employee except for the following:
A. Compliance with the LAW,
C. Any action that could cost the Company $$$$!
Kapil Vijayvergiya
former Human Resource at Ventrum Technologies (2018-2020)
10.Why should one go for a human resource management course?
Originally Answered: Why study human resource management?
Good people skills and the ability to communicate well are no longer enough to be successful in
human resources. Postgraduate study and professional accreditation are also essential… Most
successful organisations claim that people are their most important asset, and that the effective
management of human resources is central to their business strategy. This has led to an increase in
human resource management (HRM) jobs both in the UK and abroad.
Why study human resources management?
'Successful organisations often seek applicants with a PG degree in hrm because of the cutting-edge
strategic knowledge and skills that they have developed,' says Dr Etlyn Kenny, lecturer in HRM at
the University of Birmingham. 'They may also be professionally qualified if their programme is
accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).'
Joining the CIPD as a student gives you access to all of its online resources, such as podcasts,
research factsheets and employment law information. There is also a community forum with nearly
40,000 HR professionals. You can use this to discuss your research and studies with experienced
You will study topics such as organisationalbehaviour, employment relations systems and processes,
human resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance management, training and
development, occupational health and safety, work organisation, negotiation and conflict resolution.

Amrinder Arora
Co-founder and CEO at BizMerlin
11.What is human resource planning?
Human Resource Planning is the one of the most strategic functions of HR. In a nutshell it begins
with an analysis of people (capabilities/supply) and work (demand). You need to match the supply to
demand, and plan for how the demand is evolving. For example, begin with this overly simplistic
scenario: you are getting 2 new projects a month, and each project needs 2 people. Then you need 4
people just to fulfill new demand. Various complications in this process are that you can also have
some churn (people leaving), growth/contraction in older projects, and most importantly that not all
people are the same. Further, people change over time, for example, some salespeople will become
sales managers at some point in time, and some sales managers will become regional managers, etc,
etc. Then, add on the complications related to skill evolutions and training and you have a significant
(and a very critical and interesting) problem on your hands.
Human Resource Planning is the ultimate function to perform all of these planning activities. To do a
good resource planning exercise, your software tools need to have at a minimum: centralized people
database, people profiles, project resource allocations and resource plans, prospective projects
pipeline, training and skill database and performance history of various people. Then, begin with
gauging the current allocations, and allocations 6 months to a year out. Then, based on your own
projections, you can start forming the details of the HRP for your organization.
And not to forget, a significant part of human resource planning involves interaction with financial
department for cashflow and budgeting.

Nandini Khullar
12.What is a skilled human resource?
Skilled human resource refers to the people who are trained, well-educated, energetic, experienced,
devoted to their field and is capable of doing any specific work in a balanced way and efficiently.
Teachers, doctors, engineers etc. are some of the example. Skilled manpower is essential to carry out
several development activities. To carry out several development works may be difficult in the
absence of skilled manpower. They also play vital way for the systematic utilization of the natural
resources and help to conserve them as well. There is various importance of skilled manpower.

Sarah Pickering knows German

14.What should be the best topic for research on HR?
Human resources are considered the most crucial asset in today’s business world. That is why it’s a
hot academic topic that most students are interested in studying. If you’re a business student or
studying behavioral sciences, then you probably need to find exciting human resources topics to
write about in your upcoming assignment from services 99Papers, EssayPro and EssayBox..
Due to the expansion of several industries, organizations realize the importance of HR. Experienced
employees who understand everything about human resources are considered valuable assets. That is
why students should work hard to find relevant human resources research topics to qualify them for
competition in the job market if they want to work in this field.
List of Current Human Resources Management Research Topics for 2020
Studying human resources is a crucial part of management studies. Whether you are a college or
university student, you can buy a research paper online to save time and effort. There are lots of
reputable services that can provide excellent assignments to boost your academic performance.
The best thing about studying HR is that it’s a universal science. Most rules and terminologies are
applied everywhere, which is good news for you if you’re a college student. HR management
science is connected to sociology, psychology, and economics, so it’s a hot academic discipline that
lots of students find interesting. Since the business world is always changing, you need to find new
and interesting human resource hot topics to include in your upcoming task.
Here is our list of topics for your paper:
What are the main factors that can increase employee loyalty?
Resolving conflicts in the workplace: How can employers and human resource managers manage
cultural differences in an international company?
Recruiting from universities: Pros and cons.
Should a company pay for its employees’ education?
Outsourcing and freelancers: Is it wise to put your company’s future in freelancers’ hands?
Risks and opportunities for recruiting new team members.
HR managers: Rules for selection, recruitment, hiring, and educating.
Overqualified employees: What should an HR manager do with an overqualified employee?
Talent management and talent hunting: What’s the human resource manager’s responsibility?
Character types: How do they affect team building in a company?
Having relevant data for research paper is easy if you know where to look. There are lots of online
sources and books in libraries to use in your task. Make sure you spend enough time on planning
before writing your task.Need help with writing a human resources research
Interesting Human Resources Research Paper Topics
Human resources management is a changing and evolving science. Big data and the influence of the
internet have changed the game in the international business world. Human resource managers
should be fully aware of these changes and their impact on their employees in addition to the assets
they use to run the company’s operations.
Our society has changed drastically in the past few years. E-commerce, online transactions, and
freelancing are new trends that affect managing skilled employees in the work environment. That is
why an excellent student should pay attention to these current trends and global changes to find the
most critical topics to write about in an upcoming task.
Here is a list of some interesting HR research paper topics to write about in your task:
Workplace bullying and harassment: How can a successful HR manager deal with these challenges?
How can a company encourage diversity? What’s its impact on workplace dynamics?
Effective communication and its effect on a company’s success.
Do wages affect employee productivity? How can they be used to increase motivation?
What’s the best way to judge employee performance? Tools and criteria used for successful
New labor laws: What are the most important critical issues?
Protecting company data in the age of technology.
Are all staff members paid equally? How can managers address this issue?
Health problems in the workplace: How can it affect company productivity?
What motivates people to work more?
What are 21st-century challenges facing human resource managers?
HR planning in mergers and acquisitions.
How do HR specialists deal with job satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment?
Which factors affect employee retention?
Laws against sexual and religious discrimination.
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Lenna Reichman
15.What are the hot research topics in human resource management?
I would say the hottest research topics in human resource management these days are the
Is outsourcing or hiring freelancers a wise decision for your company?
Outsourcing or hiring freelancers has been a huge trend in many companies in the past few years. It
continues to grow that countries like India and the Philippines even have actual companies for
outsourced employees.
The freelancing industry has also grown tremendously over the years. It's interesting to investigate
how much this employment method benefits companies.
Does it make operations more efficient? What are the risks of outsourcing? Are the risks too little
compared to the advantages?
Should HR start integrating artificial intelligence in recruitment processes?
Artificial intelligence is starting to enter the HR industry as well. Its data-driven nature is being
integrated into this field, supposedly making recruitment processes simpler and faster.
However, it's still underrated compared to how outsourcing is making an impact on HR. So the main
question is whether HR professionals or departments need to have AI knowledge or not.
With the competition in hiring these days, this research topic is worth looking into.
How to protect company data in this digital age?
HR professionals and departments collect a ton of data per hire. That's how much information is
stored in this business branch.
In this age of technology, it's easy to have access to this data as much as it's easy to store them.

Aniket Pandey
Master of commerce from University of Allahabad (2019)
16.What are some new research topics in human resource management?
There are many new and modern research topics in human resource management which are as
Compensation management
Conflict management
Talent management
Performance management
Organisational development
Industrial relations
Industrial disputes
Trade union
Human resource planning and development
Human resource policies
Global HR
International human resource
Rural human resource
Quality management
Work-life balance
Employee engagement
Employee development
Workforce diversity
Retrenchment and layoff
Human resource audit
Human resource accounting
Human resource information system (HRIS)
Career and succession planningLeadership and motivation
Recruitment and selection
Training and development
Performance appraisal
Job analysis
Industrial discipline
HR analytics .
Richard Cowley
A growing global HR thought-leader, I am passionate about Helping People Achieve
I am pursuing a PhD in HR. What could be a good topic for research in the human resource
Congrats - how exciting. A couple of thoughts:
17.What is the impact of the HR function on the global economy - collectively
how can we shift the company focus to country economic growth?
New world performance management process - people believe the bell-curve has limited value and
believe they will stop using it. So what is the reality of what could replace it given that you will
always need comparison?
Global demographics are going to deliver the perfect storm in the future, i.e. countries with huge
populations will be challenged to employ them, whilst a number of countries e.g. Japan, will surpass
the working population - who will fund the aged. Cross border movement of people has to become a
Vikki Brown
works at V.A. Brown Consulting
18.What could be some research proposals related to human resources
management in a bank for my dissertation?
Originally Answered: MBA Research Questions related to Human Resources Management in a
Hi Ifraz:
Some advice right off of the bat:
Your post is difficult to understand. You haven't asked a question, you've only created a list so it's
difficult to know what you want. Communication is key to success. This is what I think you are
saying. "I am a second semester MBA student who needs some help thinking of a research topic
concerning bank executives. Please provide input." I actually didn't get that it had to do with HR
until I reread the title.
Having said that, If I understand you correctly there are several topics that come to mind. Some ideas
Ways that HR practices differ between banks and credit unions
The frequency, causes and possible solutions for employee turnover (i.e. pay, safety concerns etc.

David Creelman
CEO at Creelman Research Inc (2003-present)
19.What are today's special topics in human resources?
The hot topic at the moment is how to handle work-from-home. It’s become apparent that a lot of
employees like this and want it to continue in some form.
Two important areas are Analytics/Evidence-based HR and Technology. These are areas where HR
has lagged behind other functions so there is a desire to catch up.
Particularly in the US, but also some other countries, HR has to find an approach to dealing with
activist employees who are disrupting the company. Related to this is protecting employees from
activists outside the company who are trying to get those employees fired.
Ashley Sewell
Academic Writer at (2014-present)
20.What are some of the latest thesis topics in human resources?
Here is list of some topics..Examining the extent to which employee performance can be effectively
managed Examining the implications of performance management for potential wage capping
Examining subjectivity versus objectivity in employee assessment and evaluation Examining the
concept of “fairness” in employee wages, hours, and other considerations The implications of human
resource management strategy for facilitating employee motivations Investigating the relationship
between reward and motivation among employees Reviewing both legal and ethical aspects of
maintaining workplace diversity.

Bernice Barber
21.What are some recent/trending topics for research in human resource
management and development?
The sphere that is drawing a lot of attention at the moment is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the
impact it is going to have on people at work. Areas being looked at are:
How many job types will become redundant in the light of AI?
How will productivity be improved with the use of AI?
So, just in these two simple questions there rests a world of impact on the workplace of the future.

Parimal J Gunjikar
Working in HR operations since Y2K
22.What are some good HR policies?
Originally Answered: What are some very good HR policies in your company?
I have been in HR for quite sometime now and was fortunate to come across many Best HR Practices
in the companies I worked with and learnt about. Here are some examples.
1) R&R. One of the companies I worked for used to reward employees with a Book to read, A single
rose and a Silver Coin. The senior most official (often the CMD of the company) used to say a few
words of appreciation, share the gist of employees achievement and felicitate him. (there was no
‘her’ there, those days)
2) Production Day: this was the best practice in one of the FMCG companies I worked with. We
would declare any day (or night) as production day and everybody would challenge himself to do the
best of his job for the day. On many occasions we saw the best yields, best of production and best of
3) Contributory training: an employee opts to get himself trained in one of the relevant subjects,
company sponsors him by paying the fees. Next month, the installments of fees start getting
deducted in his salary till it is fully paid up. On completion of training & getting certified, 75–80%
of the fees are refunded and the employee is given a Cash Prize. The deduction of fees is only to give
some seriousness about learning.
Edit 1: The books that we gave away were standard books in the local language. Even when the
employee was ILLITERATE we would gift him a book, so that Someone would read. Books are for
Reading is the maxim.

Ling Lim
HR Consultant & Coach
23.What are the basic HR policies that a startup should have?
If I was a running start up, I would defne some clear policies on:
Hiring policies. Who hires? Who fires? The hiring authority grid so that the founders agree on the
quality of the staff up front.
Flexi work hours, time of work and place of work- what does flexi means?
Travel costs (class of travel, petrol, car parking, tolls , meals and accommodation) - they will be a
fair bit of running around so how does one compensate the staff Hot meals, coffee etc
Performance appraisal - could be project based
Discretionary bonuses
Reporting line
Meetings and attendance at such meetings
Code of dressing Client management /behaviours at such meetings
IT policies/confidentialty of information sharing
Non disclosure agreement (NDA’s)
Patent and copyrights/ownership of inventions
You do not need to bind them too much but these are some areas that are worthy of some attention.
Like most organizations, start ups/unicorns rely on funding so you often hear of people running out
of funds. Thus, always do a budget and do not hire hysterically.
Create a mini handbook and also make it available on your intranet.
Ocasionally have a monthly mini townhall and throw in some meals.
Ask for feedback and tweak as you grow.
Make your policies equitable and don’t have staff whine over money or let them abuse their
Nargis Khan
24.Why are HR practices important?
Originally Answered: What are the HR Practices? Why are HR practices important?
HR practices are the means through which your human resources personnel can develop the
leadership of your staff. This occurs through the practice of developing extensive training courses
and motivational programs, such as devising systems to direct and assist management in performing
ongoing performance appraisals.
The HR Practices are important because of they :
Communicate values and expectations for how things are done at your organization Keep the
organisation in compliance with legislation and provide protection against employment claims
Document and implement best practices appropriate to the organization Support consistent treatment
of staff, fairness and transparency Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform
and predictable To support business strategy and, For smaller organisations, a desire to develop a
more formal and consistent approach that will meet their needs as they grow.
Human Resource Management may be defined as a set of policies, practices and programmes
designed to maximise both personal and organizational goals. Human Resource Management is
management function that helps in managing recruitment, selection, training and development of
members of an organization. Thus human resource management is concerned with the peoples
dimension in organisation. Human Resource Management refers to a set of programmes, functions
and activities designed and carried out in order maximize both employees as well as organizational
effectiveness. It is a process of binding people and organisations together so that the objectives of
each are achieved. Human resource management is a broad concept and human resource
development and personnel management are a part of human resource management. Human
Resource Management is also a management function concerned with hiring, motivating, and
maintaining people in an organisation. It focuses on people in organisations. According to National
Institute of Personnel Management of India, “human resource management is that part of
management concerned with people at work and with their relationship within the organization. It
seeks to bring together men and women who make up an enterprise, enabling each to make his own
best contribution to its success both as an individual and as a member of a working group”.
Scott and others have defined as Human Resource Management as follows: “Human Resource
Management is that branch of management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on
those aspects of relationship of management to employeesand employees to employees and with the
development of the individual and the group. The objective is to attain maximum individual
development, desirable working relationship between employers and employees, and employees and
employees, and effective moulding of human resources as contrasted with physical resources”. In the
words of Jucius, “Human Resource Management may be defined as that field of management which
has to do with planning, organizing and controlling the functions of procuring, development,
maintaining and utilizing a labour force,
(a) objectives for which the company is established are attained economically and effectively;
(b) objectives of all levels of human resources are served to the highest possible degree; and
(c) objectives of society are duly coincided and served”.

Features of Human Resource Policies and practices:-

1) Human resource policies are based upon human resource objectives of the organisation.
2) Human resource policies are general statements of broad understanding.
3) Human resource policies are standing plans. Generally long lasting and can be used again and
4) Human resource policies reflect the recognized intentions of top management in relation to the
human resource of the organisation.
5) Human resource Policies are formulated by the human resource department in consultation with
the line managers.


A policy is a long term plan of action. Policies become benchmarks to compare and evaluate
performance. Human Resource Policies are statement of human resource objectives of an
organisation and provide a broad framework within which decisions of human resource matters can
be made. Human Resource Policies lay down the criterion for decision making in the field of
human resource policies and practices. Then policies define the intentions of the organisation in the
area of human resource policies and practices.
According to Dale Yodder9 “Human resource or labour or industrial relations policy provides
guidelines for wide variety of employment relationships in the organisation.
These guidelines identifies the organization’s intentions in recruitment, selection, promotion,
development, compensation, motivation and otherwise leading and directing people in the working
organisation. Human resource policies serve as a road map for managers.”
In the words of R. Calhoon10, “Human resource policies constitute guidelines to actions. They
furnish the general standards or based on which decisions are reached. There genesis lies in an
organization’s values, philosophy, concepts and principles.”
Human resource policies are vital tool for organisations that are serious about resolving personnel
issues, if any Human Resource Management Policies are intended to help in maximizing the
effectiveness of human resource functions. Human resource management policies should be
consistent, well-written, and legal policies and procedures. Human resource management policy
provide human resource advices for organization specific human resource related issues.
Managing people (Human Resources) in the present context is not an enviable task as it is mired in
many challenges. The competitive challenges include globalization, technology, managing change,
retaining human capital, responding to market forces and cost containment.

The competitive challenges are compounded by concerns for employees influenced by diversity, age,
gender issues, job security, educational levels, employee rights, privacy issues, work attitudes and
family problems.

Challenge # 1. Globalization:

Many companies are seeking business opportunities in global markets to grow and prosper as
domestic markets are shrinking. Globalization is the trend towards opening up foreign markets to
international business and investment. The impact of globalization on business and HRM is

Impact of Globalization on Business:

i. Competition as well cooperation with foreign companies has become an important focal point in
the present business context.

ii. For large companies the vision is to offer customers anything, anytime, anywhere.

iii. Well known products are losing their national identities.

iv. There are many free-trade agreements between nations.

v. Even though there is improvement in the standard of living of people consequent to globalization,
there is still the fear of loss of jobs in certain sections of people.

vi. People in developing countries fear that developed countries are exploiting their natural resources
resulting in a ‘have/have not’ world economy.

vii. Corporates are discovering that being socially responsible helps the people at the bottom line.
Corporate social responsibility is to operate in the best interests of the people and communities
affected by its activities.
Impact of Globalization on HRM:

i. HR managers have to balance a complicated set of issues related to different geographies, cultures,
employment laws and business practices.

ii. HR managers find it difficult to gauge the knowledge and skills of foreign worker and how to train

iii. The different languages and cultures of foreigners make things more complicated.

iv. It is a real challenge to relocate managers and workers.

v. Training managers on foreign cultures and procedures before they take up foreign assignments is

vi. There must be adjustment of compensation plans to ensure equity among the employees who are
posted to different parts of the world.

vii. The most different task is retaining the employees in the face of culture shock faced by the
employees and their families.

Challenge # 2. Ever Changing Technology.

The effect of advancements in information is so dramatic that organizations are changing the way
they do business. Use of internet to do business is so pervasive in both large and small organizations
that e-commerce is rapidly becoming a challenge.

As computer-mediated work style is resulting in ‘virtual’ office in which people can work from
home or any outstation spots, the implication for HRM are mind-boggling.
Impact of Technology on HRM:

i. Advanced technology tends to reduce the number of jobs which require less skill and to increase
jobs requiring high skills.

ii. The shift from ‘touch labour’ to ‘knowledge workers’ has resulted in retraining of employees on
higher responsibilities.

iii. Knowledge based training has become very important.

iv. HRIS has become a potent weapon to lower administrative costs increase productivity, speed up
response times and improve decision making and customer service.

v. Information technology has resulted in automating routine activities, alleviating administrative

burdens, reducing cost and improving productivity in the HR department.

vi. As HR managers are able to access the employee records themselves, delay and wastage of
stationery are reduced.

vii. Apart from the routine activities software’s are being used to recruit, screen and pretest
applications online.

viii. Setting up of goals and measuring of performance are also done through online.

ix. As routine HR activities are done quickly and efficiently through computerization, HR managers
can concentrate more effectively on the firm’s strategic direction such as forecasting personnel
needs, planning for career and promotion and evaluating impact of firm’s policies.

x. HR managers, by sharing information online with production department, are able to make
production managers to come up with better production practices and cost control solutions.

Challenge # 3. Change Management:

The major forces driving changes in organizations as well as HRM are globalization and technology.
In the present business scenario business success mostly depends on how changes are
managed. Companies are successful as they develop a culture that keeps moving all the time. In
highly competitive business environment, change management is the core competency of
Changes could be reactive, proactive or both. Reactive change is one where change occurs after
external forces have already affected performance. In the case of proactive change, change is
initiated to take advantage of environmental opportunities. The main thrust of change management
program is to involve employees in establishing continuous innovation and excellent customer

Role of HR in Change Management:

i. Most of the companies report at least one change initiative occurring in the HRM.

ii. HR managers have to concentrate on responsibilities, job assignments and work process whenever
change occurs.

iii. HR managers play a vital role in overcoming resistance to change through effective
communication and counseling.

iv. They have higher responsibilities to envision the future, communicate the vision to employees, set
clear expectations for performance and develop capability to execute by reorganizing people and
other resources.

Challenge # 4. Managing Human Capital:

Human capital is the knowledge, skill and capabilities of individuals that have economic value to the
organization. As human capital is intangible and elusive, it cannot be managed the way jobs,
products or technologies are managed. This is because human capital is owned by the employees
themselves and not by organizations.

Managing human capital is highly crucial because if valued employees leave an organization, they
take their human capital with them and any investment made in training and development is lost.
Hence, success increasingly depends on an organization’s ability to retain and manage human

The Human Resource Management Department is known to be the heart of an organization. The HR
manager plays a key role in any well established organization. This field is in the developing stage
and is still facing challenges for its recognition in contribution to the business. This profession like
other professions, need to be managed by professionals who play a crucial role in the growth of the
organization and individuals.

In the days of financial crisis and tight job market, HR profession is considered an important field. It
takes responsibility to provide the human resources and becomes the strategic business partner in
accomplishing the corporate goals. In the era of information technology, public sector and private
sector companies have been focusing on this discipline and paying more to meet the challenges of an
open market.

At the strategic level the main function of HR is to develop the balancing act in the growth of the
business of the company and its human capital. The HR function works like a catalyst in the
organization. HR professionals act in the organization as a middleware between the management and
the employees. The objective of HR professionals is to develop a positive and healthy working
environment to increase the productivity and job satisfaction among the employees.

1. Recruitment and Selection : Involves preparing job descriptions, attracting people with
right qualifications and skills, with right mind set and attitude.
2. Manpower Planning : Assessing the present and future manpower requirements in the
organization, succession planning and career planning. This area is very important in which
the future strength of the an organization lies.

3. Human Resource Administration : Defining organization’s HR policies and procedures and

implementation thereof

4. Compensation and Benefits : Determining salary structures, employee perquisites etc,

covers health, security, safety, terminal benefits, and employee welfare facilities. This area is
very important for retaining the talent in organization.

5. Industrial Relations : Promoting healthy relationship between management and employees

associations, addressing employees’ concerns, taking care of legal issues in the labour
courts / labour commissioners.

6. Training and Development : Arranging employee orientation programmes and providing

technical skills and behavioral training to employees for effective performance. This area is
very important for career progression of an individual in the organization.
7. Performance Appraisal : Reviewing performance appraisal system of the employees from
time to time using the assessment information for the purpose of trainings, promotions, and
incentives etc.

Atticinfo is a Private incorporated on 05 January 2007. It is classified as Non-govt Company and is registered
at Registrar of Companies, Hyderabad. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 25, 00,000 and its paid up capital is
Rs.0. It is involved in Software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software publishing includes production,
supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business
& other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing
the best solution in the form of custom software after analyzing the user’s needs and problems. Custom
software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific users. Also, included are
writing of software of any kind following directives of the users; software maintenance, web-page design].

Atticinfo's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 23 rd October 2019 and as per records from
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on financial year 2018-19.

Atticinfo's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U72200TG2007PTC052274 and its registration number is
52274.Its Email address is and its registered address is Flat no.206, 2 nd Floor,
Chaitanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad-500060.

Atticinfo is a consulting firm with vision and focus to provide the IT services for Enterprise needs
of the clients. Our diversified services in the area of Information Technology includes IT
solutions, Web Development, Consultancy, Support & Maintenance, Staffing and Training.

Atticinfo took its shape in 2006 finally when a group of technocrats, expertise at different areas of
Information Technology have decided to start up with a firm, which offers the best services ever
in this industry to their clients.

We at Atticinfo not only help our clients incorporate the world latest techniques in Information
Technology but also offer the most effective Staffing solutions for those who are in IT services.

Our Vision to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology
keeps us motivated all the time.”

“We work with our clients closely to understand their functional needs to come up with the solutions
which suit them the best. In fact we offer solutions, which would enhance their chances of achieving
their business goals more effectively.

We tend to provide personalized solution in regard to the client's specific competency, which prove to be
result oriented rather than just offering solution to meet their IT needs specified. This particular
approach of ours makes us the preferred IT service provider for most of our repeat clients.”


“Our Vision is to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve
their business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information

Thus emerge as the most preferred Global IT service provider by organizations from different

Our Partners
Our Vision to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology keeps
us motivated all the time."


"We work with our clients closely to understand their functional needs to come up with the solutions
which suit them the best. In fact we offer solutions, which would enhance their chances of achieving
their business goals more effectively.

We tend to provide personalized solution in regard to the client's specific competency, which prove
to be result oriented rather than just offering solution to meet their IT needs specified. This particular
approach of ours makes us the preferred IT service provider for most of our repeat clients."

Our Vision

"Our Vision is to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology.

Thus emerge as the most preferred Global IT service provider by organizations from different
We've been designing and developing web sites and web apps for over 11 years (a few of us a lot
longer!) and we're pretty sure we understand what our clients want; a quality product that works,
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We create mobile websites and also develop and deliver iOS and Android applications.

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Step: 1

Proper Planning

We keep your project on time and on budget by doing our research properly, creating sketches and
interactive prototypes so we can test ideas together before writing any code.

Step: 2

Design and building

We use cutting edge technology to create inspiring websites and web apps. You'll have a dedicated
account manager and we only use our award winning in-house team. We never outsource.

Step: 3

Creating success

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rate optimization and driving traffic using SEO, paid search, social media and more.


We've been designing and developing web sites and web apps for over 11 years (a few of us a lot
longer!) and we're pretty sure we understand what our clients want; a quality product that works,
delivered on time and on budget.
Innovative Award winning designs

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Social Media & Branding


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we’ve helped create success in even the most competitive markets

Social media and business

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Social media branding

Your social media branding holds as much sway as any other area of your company branding. We
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that all promote your company to its full potential.

E-marketing newsletters

Using Attic info’s branded email software we design your bespoke template, set up your user
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We've helped create success in even the most competitive markets.

We take a creative but scientific approach to all our digital marketing campaigns, always using the
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We'll always help you achieve your goals using the most cost-effective method we can, whether
that's creating a well-honed onwards campaign, running a successful affiliate programme or,
sometimes, by getting you to number 1 on Google.

It's a science, not an art.

Okay, it's an art too, and we're a dab hand at creating innovative social media campaigns, emails that
generate sales, and viral campaigns that spread like butter on hot toast, but digital marketing really is
about the science. Your competitors are measuring, analyzing and tweaking all of their campaigns to
the nth-degree, so if your digital agency are resting on their laurels then you can't hope to compete.

Everything under one roof.

We know from experience that you can only create real success by building your marketing plans
into your project at the very beginning.

Because we plan, design, build and promote websites and mobile apps all under one roof, we're
thinking about marketing before we write a line of code. We don't have to 'retrofit' SEO best
practices into your site after it's built and we don't have to wait weeks to get a programmer to make
simple changes, because they're sitting opposite us.


"In today's competitive world in almost every competency we offer to our client's innovative and
cost effective solutions, helping them to fulfill their functional needs in time and thus achieve
success in reaching their business goals.

We design business solutions for our clients, with an intention to introduce innovative techniques in
information technology in the process to ensure that the desired goals could be achieved in stipulated
time effectively.

Our Consulting services to the clients in the areas ranging from

Business Analysis

Proof Of Concepts

Architecture Definition

Solution Definitions

Package Assessments

Solution Centers Establishment etc.


Web products the true future of web products is in continuously innovating the products for the

Products are online shopping, email marketing, news portal, job portals, Etc.


Web Works is our service for clients who require a formal arrangement to fulfill their web support
and maintenance needs; ensuring that your online web investment is protected and that your web
site(s) evolve to meet existing and future customer demands.

We Drive

Your web presence

Web Design is our service for clients who require a formal arrangement to fulfil their web support
and maintenance needs; ensuring that your online web investment is protected and that your web
site(s) evolve to meet existing and future customer demands.

Whether you operate a simple single page website or a much complex site incorporating a number of
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Atticinfo is able to assist and support you. Take advantage of WebWorks to formalize your website
maintenance arrangement with us so that we can ensure that your business gets the best service we
have to offer.

Our WebWorks service helps business owners maximize the potential of their online investment,
helping them to make decisions concerning the effectiveness and future direction of their web
presence. Together we are able to help our clients build, progress and achieve their Internet

Our Maintenance and Update Service

Your website was a significant investment for your business, but has it remained a business asset or
has it become an administrative burden? Only you and your customers really know the answer to
that, but by keeping your website up to date with company information, news, product details or with
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they visit you online time and again.

To help website owners we have developed Web-Works, our support and maintenance service. It
offers so much more than a standard maintenance agreement, adding real business value for growing
online enterprises. It is a fact that search engines such as Google rate websites with changing content
more important than those that don't. This directly affects your ranking within Google and has an
impact on how potential customers find your site.

So having a team that can quickly and efficiently update your website as requested is a key point to
keeping you visible to your customers.


"The major amount of time and money spent by IT organizations today is to manage their resources.
ATTICINFO would help their clients in IT services manage their human resource by providing them
the right staffing solutions.

ATTICINFO offers the best Staffing solution in the industry. At ATTICINFO we ensure our client to
provide a right resource in right time. We have a perfect screening procedure in place when
recruiting professionals.
Clients would save their time in recruiting process and investments into non-billable hours in the
course of project implementation with ATTICINFO staffing solutions.

Our valued clients would have an option to engage the most qualified professionals as full time
employees with our full time staffing solutions in place."


In today's business environment, it's quite crucial that the dynamic infrastructure requirements line
up with the requirements of your business. Attic Infomatics. IT Infrastructure Management Services
provide start to end, effective as well as reliable solutions that can transform the operations of your
business in a much better way. Our IT Infrastructure Management Services include:

Server Administration

Desktop Support

Managed Open Source Applications

Network Monitoring and Support Services

We proactively safeguard your critical computing infrastructure by constantly monitoring servers

and networks elements to catch problems before your users get affected, thus protecting your
environment from virus attacks, unofficial users and other security threats. We also back up all data
on all your desktops and servers to make sure that you never lose business critical information.
Whether you lose a file, computer or a tragedy affects an entire site, we rapidly get your users back
to productivity. We monitor and support key network elements remotely, due to which you can save
a significant amount of money. With the help of remote control technology, our talented
programmers repair as well as resolve problems without being onsite. We monitor servers and
computers, remotely repairing over 90% of the problems of our clients.
Transformation Solutions

With emerging trends and technologies such as cloud computing and an on demand IT environment,
most organizations seek consolidation, consistency and rationalization. Our transformation offerings
and solutions transform your IT environment from the current 'as-is' state to the target 'to- be' state
leveraging an analytics led transformation framework. These solutions offer elasticity and optimize
costs towards an efficient and reliable IT infrastructure.

5.1 Data Records

The researcher distributed 400 questionnaires to the chosen 21 companies that had
agreed to participate in the study. 343 filled questionnaires were collected back from 17
companies. Detailed examination of the data resulted in deletion of 33 data records that were
found invalid. Thus the final data set had 310 usable records from the 17 companies. Table
5.1 gives data collection details.

Table 5.1. Sample collection details

Response Rate

No. of invalid

Final no. of



s given
No. of

No. of

No. of


Secunderabad 5 123 89 14 75 60.90%

Hyderabad 12 344 254 19 235 68.30%
Total 17 467 343 33 310 66.30%

The table 5.1 above shows that there is a good rate of response which varies from 60%
to 68% range. The researcher had mainly taken data from the software companies in
Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Out of the 17 companies selected about two third were from
the Hyderabad Techno park.

Out of the 343 records 25 filled in questionnaires did not give the demographic
information and such data records were rejected as incomplete ones, thus reducing the
number of data records to 318. Further the data was tested for outliers through the process
of Bootstrapping and Bolline-shrine plot so as to increase the normality of the data, found
out that there are 8 outliers in the study and they were removed using the bootstrapping
method. Data record size was decided based on power analysis.

wherein an explanatory power of .80 and the 2 value of 0.02 warranted a sample size
of 287. In order to fulfill the principle of sample sufficiency researcher opted to retain all
the usable 310 data records.
5.2 Profile of the respondents

The number of software professionals who took part in the project in Hyderabad and
Secunderabad are given in the table 5.2. Detailed explanation of the profile of the
respondents is provided below.

Table 5.2. Details of the respondents

Location Number of Software professionals percent

Hyderabad 75 24.2%
Secunderabad 235 75.8 %
Total 310 100%

The table 5.2 above shows that majority of the respondents are from IT Raheja park,
Hyderabad which amounts to three fourth of the total number of software professionals.
Infopark Park, Hyderabad is relatively much younger to IT Raheja Park, Hyderabad in
terms of its year of inception. Hence there are more firms in Secunderabad than in
Hyderabad that fulfill the inclusion criteria for the population of this study. Moreover
software professionals working in firms outnumber in Secunderabad than in Hyderabad.
5.3Classification of software professionals based on Gender
Gender may influence performance in three ways: (1) gender role prescriptions
influence expectations of differential behavior between males and females; (2) within each
gender category, gender orientation (masculinity/ femininity) leads to self-identifying with
socially prescribed gender roles; and

(3) Occupational segregation and gender stereotyping result in gender-typed behavioral

expectations for gender-typed occupations (Kiddler, 2001). Out of the 310 respondents,
209 were men and the remaining 101 were women. The details are given in the figure 5.1
given below.

Fig. 5.1. Classification details based on the gender of software professionals

Gendered studies of software production in developing countries have been relatively

few and far. However, more general studies for example in India have shown how social
and cultural factors play a significant role in the progress of women into science and
engineering, which includes software production (Mukhopadhyay & Seymour, 1994). In
Hyderabad, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been seen as an
engine for growth, particularly through ICT production in the form of software
development that will lead to a growth in jobs, incomes, skills and investment, and a
reduction in out-migration of skilled workers.
The ability of women to participate in the labour market on equal terms with men
will affect significantly the outcome of ICT-based macro policies in terms of equality,
efficiency and justice. Although they are equally qualified and equally capable, women do
not appear to compete on equal terms, even in a state with a strong history of women's
development and even in a modern 'high- tech' sector (Arun & Arun, 2001)
Classification of software professionals based on age
Age is classified into three categories and data collection was done on the basis of
these categories. Majority of the respondents come under 25-30 age category and the
remaining comes under the other two categories namely under 25 years and 31-40 years.
The classification details are given in the table shown below.

Table 5.3. Age Group classification of software professionals

Frequency Percent
Less than 25 52 16.7
25-30 189 61.0
31-40 69 22.3
Total 310 100.0

This table shows about two third of the total sample fall under the category of 25-30
years age group and the other one third falls into the two categories of less than 25 years
and age group category between 31-40 years age group. In the study conducted by
Abraham, (2007) age of the worker is proxy of his/her experience, his/her learning by
doing and professional network that can be taken to be an explanatory variable. As the age
of the employee increases the experience and skill sets also increases which helps in up
gradation and acquisition of new skill sets also.

The relatively younger employees, in the age group of less than 30 years, who form
the bulk of the workforce in software firms, are difficult to be retained on account of the
sourcing competition that prevails in the industry. HR Practices may have to be innovative
and challenging so as to attract and retain such employees.
Classification of software professionals based on Education Qualification
The data collection was done among the employees who came from different
educational backgrounds. They were categorized into four groups on the basis of their
qualifications and the researcher came to know that most of the respondents have technical
background. The classification details based on educational qualification are given in the
figure 5.2.

Fig. 5.2. Education qualification of software professionals

BE/B Tech MSc/MCA/M Tech

Figure 5.2 shows that there is comparatively large representation of Technical

graduate employee (43.8%) than non technical employees (21.3%) and post graduate
employees (22.9%). Others include Diploma, ITC/ITI etc which form around 12.9% of the
population. Abraham (2007) found that the basic education skill in engineering related to
computer is preferred by the employer for it is easy to impart continuous skill up gradation
by on-job training, knowledge and skill acquisition for the employees having the basic
knowledge of engineering concept related to computer. According to Fuller and Narsimhan
(2006) important fact pertains to the critical significance of social and cultural capital
surfacing in the guise of “communication skills” that is predominantly vested in the
educated, professional, urban middle class. The software companies are largely
uninterested in how much engineering knowledge the graduates actually possess but
encourage more learning of analytical skills.
Classification of software professionals based on Tenure

The data collection was done among the employees who had different tenures. They
were categorized into four groups on the basis of their number of years and the researcher
came to know that half of the respondents have an experience below 2 years.

Table 5.4. Classification based on tenure of software professionals

Frequency Percent
Less than 1 82 26.4
1-2 years 126 40.8
2-3 years 45 14.5
Above 4 years 57 18.3
Total 310 100

According to the study conducted by Abraham, (2007), about 66 % of the employees

employed in firms in IT Raheja park, Hyderabad had worked only for less than two years
in these firms mainly due to the high inter firm rivalry between the organisations vying for
the skilled and experienced labour.
Classification of software professionals based on Experience
Fig. 5.3. Classification based on experience of software professionals



60 51

2-4 years

4-6 years

6-8 years
2 years
Less than

Above 8


The data collected also covered the experience levels of the respondents. They were
categorized into five groups on the basis of their experience in number of years. The data
reveals that half of the respondents has experience below 4 years.

To sum up, the above demographic analyses show that there is a comparatively large
representation of male employees than female employees and also that technical graduates
makes the major portion of the human resource in software companies. The majority of the
software professionals is below thirty years of age and has tenure of only less than two
years in these software firms. Most of them have total professional experience of less than
four years
Perception on Innovative HR Practices
The study is based on dimensions of Innovative HR Practices; such as perceived
importance of Innovative HR practices, extent of introduction of Innovative HR practices
and satisfaction of the Innovative HR practices. These aspects are put for various
analyses. The table 5.8 shows mean and standard deviations of all the dimensions of
innovative HR practices included in the study.

Table 5.5. Descriptive Statistics for different Innovative HR practices aspects in

the study
Variables Mean Std. Deviation N
Importance of IHRP 3.15 .492 310
Introduction and initiation of IHRP 3.05 .911 310
Satisfaction of IHRP 2.49 .431 310

The table shows the mean scores given by the respondents for each of the outcome
variables out of the possible maximum score of 4. Variance and standard deviation
show the spread of the data. Means of all variables are on the higher scale and variance
on the lower. Higher means and lower level of standard deviation of the scores indicate that
the respondents have understood the questions in the same way and the questions have
been answered properly.

The table 5.5 shows that the perception on the introduction of IHRPs has greater
mean but also have greater standard deviation, whereas scores of satisfaction of the
Innovative HR practices have lower standard deviation and lower mean scores as
compared to other two dimensions. The best spread of the data is in the case of the
perceived importance of innovative HR practices where mean is higher and the standard
deviation is also higher.

Zaltman et al. (1973) found two important dimensions of attitudes which

organizational members could exhibit that are reflective of acceptance of innovations.
First is openness to the innovation consisting of
(1) members' willingness to consider the innovation, (2) whether they are skeptical about
the innovation, (3) whether they feel the innovation will improve how the organization
carries out its function. Second is members' perception of potential for the innovation.
Effect of Background variables on perception of IHRP
The anticipation of the clusters and spread of the perception scores on the
dimensions of IHRPs had led the researcher to suggest H1 and the same was explained by
putting the hypothesis to test.

This section presents the results of the hypotheses tests. t-test and one way ANOVA
were used for testing hypothesis H1 which were about the influence of Gender, Age
categories, Educational qualification, Tenure and Experience on Innovative HR
practices.H1 was stated as:

H1: There is significant difference in perceived importance, extend of introduction of

Innovative HR Practices and satisfaction with the Innovative HR practices with
Gender, Age, Educational Qualification, Tenure and Experience of the

The null hypothesis that the perceived importance, extent of introduction and the
satisfaction of the Innovative HR Practices do not vary across categories of Gender, Age,
Educational Qualification, Tenure and Experience of the software employees was tested
statistically and the results are reported below.

Table 5.6. t-test results for Gender and Innovative HR Practices.

Male Female Total df sig
Importance of IHRP 4.10 3.97 4.035 307 .532
HR Practices Introduction and
4.22 3.05 3.635 307 .341*
initiation of IHRP

Satisfaction of IHRP 3.98 3.99 3.985 307 .212

(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

The above table 5.6 shows the t-test results done on Innovative HR Practices with the
gender. The result showed that the values are not significant at 5% level. Thus the
employees in software companies perceive the importance, introduction and extent of
satisfaction of Innovative HR Practices similarly not withstanding their difference in
HR outcome variables of the study
The present study is emphasizing on the effect of IHRP on selected HR outcomes.
The selected HR outcome variables studied included job satisfaction, organisational
commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour. The following paragraph presents
the differences of perceptions of the respondents on the selected HR outcomes.

Table 5.11. Descriptive Statistics for selected HR outcome variables of the study
Variables Mean Std. Deviation N
Job Satisfaction 5.28 .963 310
Organizational Commitment 5.09 .858 310
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 4.93 .676 310

The table 5.11 shows mean and standard deviations of the selected HR outcome variables
included in the study. The table shows the mean scores given by the respondents for each
of the outcome variables out of a possible maximum score of 7.

The anticipation of the relationships among the selected HR outcomes variables

prompted the researcher to look for the influence of variations in their perception on IHRP
on the various sub dimensions of HR outcome variables. Researcher analysed the
relationship between this sub dimensions of job satisfaction, organisational commitment
and organisational citizenship behaviour across high and low perception on IHRP.

The sub dimensions of Job Satisfaction used in this study are supervisory
satisfaction, co-worker satisfaction, personal growth satisfaction, and job security and
‘T’ test results of Innovative HR practices and Job Satisfaction
Innovative HR practices
LOW HIGH Total df sig
JS- Supervisory satisfaction 3.1172 4.128 3.6537 307 .000*
Job JS-Co-workers satisfaction 3.1241 4.1768 3.6828 307 .010*
satisfaction JS-Personal growth and satisfaction 3.131 4.1341 3.6634 307 .003*
JS- Job security and compensation 3 4.061 3.5631 307 .000*
(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

Table 5.12 presents the t-test results for the difference between the mean scores on
the sub dimension of job satisfaction across high and low perception on IHRP. The t test
results establish attestable differences of the two groups on all the sub dimension of job

Earlier studies also suggest that employee perceptions of benefits from the innovative
HR practices affect attitudes towards all the dimensions of job satisfaction. It was found
that innovations which are linked to the needs of the employees and the organization were
more likely to become accepted and utilized (Kossek, 1989, 1990).
Table 5.13. ‘T’ test results of Innovative HR practices and Organisational Commitment

Innovative HR practices
LOW HIGH Total df sig

Organisational OC- Affective Commitment 2.9172 3.9451 3.4628 309 .009*

Commitment OC- Continuance Commitment 3.0621 3.872 3.4919 309 .001*

(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

Affective Commitment and Continuance Commitment are the sub dimensions used
for organisational commitment. Similar analyses on the sub dimension of organizational
commitment revealed useful results. Table 5.14 shows the t-test results for the difference of
mean scores on the organisational commitment across high and low values on the
perception on IHRP. Results establish significant differences between the two groups on
the two sub dimensions of organisational commitment namely, affective commitment and
continuance commitment. Similar notions were offered by Zomitsky (1995) when he
described that HR practices contributed to the economic success of an organization through
enhanced employee commitment and satisfaction.

Analysis of relationship between sub dimensions of organisational citizenship

behaviour across variations on the perception on IHRP also yielded comparable results.
Sub dimensions of organisational citizenship behaviour used were OCB individual and
OCB organizational.
Table 5.14. ‘t’ test results of Innovative HR practices and Organisational Citizenship
Innovative HR practices
LOW HIGH Total df sig
Citizenship Behaviour- 2.7862 3.1585 2.9838 309 .000*
Organisational Organisational
Behaviour Organisational
Citizenship Behaviour- 3.2 4.0671 3.6602 309 .000*
(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

Table 5.14 depicts the t-test results for the difference of mean scores on
organisational citizenship behaviour across high and low scores on the perception on
IHRP. The t test results show significant differences between the two groups on the two
sub dimensions of organisational citizenship behaviour.

Innovative HR practices influences the minds of the employees which produce higher
level of job satisfaction and motivates the employees to be committed towards the
organisation (Smith, 1983; Schnake, 2003). Innovative HR practices influence the
Organisational Citizenship Behaviour because higher levels of the citizenship behaviour
performance tend to enhance the supportive environment of the organisation which in
turn enhances the Organisational Citizenship Behaviour.

Clusters and spread of the scores on the dimensions of IHRPs like importance, extent
of introduction and satisfaction were thought to have influence on the sub dimensions of
the selected HR outcome variables.

Score variations on IHRP dimension and the sub dimensions of each of the outcome
variables are incorporated to form hypotheses H2, H3 & H4 and were tested. Hypotheses
H5, H6 and H7 attributed linkages among the outcome variables themselves.
Impact of Perception of IHRP on Job Satisfaction
The hypothesis H2 that higher the perceived importance, extent of introduction and
extent of satisfaction with the Innovative HR practices, higher is the employee level of Job
satisfaction was checked with regression analysis.

Analyses clearly convey that the aspect of perceived importance of innovative HR

practices has no effect on job satisfaction of the employees at 5% level of significance.
Regression analysis further reveals that perceived extent of introduction and satisfaction
levels of IHRP contribute towards creation of job satisfaction. Innovative HR practices
have strong positive effect on the creation of job satisfaction among the employees
except for the sub dimension of perceived importance of IHRP.

Table 5.15. Multiple regression analysis results for Innovative HR Practices with
Job Satisfaction

Beta Std Collinearity Durbin-

Variables Sig. R R2
Value Error Tolerance VIF Watson
Importance of IHRP 0.153 0.216 0.528 1.894 0.47
Introduction of IHRP 1.529 0.395 0.906 1.103 0.01* 1.739 0.571 0.326
Satisfaction of IHRP 1.476 0.281 0.527 1.898 0.00*
(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

Assumptions for the regression analysis were tested using the multicollinearity test,
Durbin-Watson coefficient, histogram and scattered diagram for verifying the
multicollinearity, autocorrelation and homoscedasticity of the regression analysis. From
table 5.15 it is noted that all the values of VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) are fewer
than 5, suggesting the absence of high multicollinearity. The Durbin-Watson coefficient was
given as 1.739 showing no significant autocorrelation.

The figure 5.5 above show the histogram of standardized residuals which produce a
roughly normal curve indicating normally distributed residual error. In the figure 5.6 scatter
plot of the dependent variable job satisfaction show no significant pattern for data points
hence the regression model could be considered as homoscedastic. Thus all the four important
assumptions for regression analysis hold good.

Further, table 5.15 shown above with the values obtained from regression analysis,
at 5% significance level, support the hypothesis that there is positive relation between the
sub dimensions of the independent variable and the dependent variable except in one sub
dimension i.e. importance of IHRP. Extent of introduction and satisfaction of innovative
HR Practices have strong positive relation on job satisfaction of the employees.

Regression results that only the introduction and satisfaction levels on IHRP affect the
creation of job satisfaction among the employees and not the perception on the importance of
IHRP encouraged further detailed multivariate regression analysis of each of the dimension
of IHRP with the sub dimensions of the outcome variables.
Table 5.16 show the results of multivariate regression analysis supporting the
findings of the earlier multiple regression results that established the contribution of the
introduction and satisfaction aspects of IHRP with the creation of all aspects of job
satisfaction. The current analysis additionally clarifies that the perceived importance of
IHRP affects only one sub dimension of job satisfaction namely personal growth and
satisfaction, leaving three remaining sub dimensions unaffected.

Table 5.16. Multivariate regression analysis results for difference between the
factors of Innovative HR practices and Job Satisfaction
Type III
Error Mean
Effect Sum Of df F Sig.
df Square
Importance Supervisor satisfaction 7.450 18 1.713 .414 3.848 .057
of IHRP Co worker satisfaction 8.795 18 1.689 .489 4.520 .062
Personal growth
7.792 18 1.762 .433 2.636 .049*
Job security and
10.154 18 1.698 .564 4.097 .060
Introduction Supervisor satisfaction 12.678 21 2.498 .604 4.156 .002*
of IHRP Co worker satisfaction 31.537 21 5.191 1.502 2.366 .000*
Personal growth
13.438 21 2.604 .640 5.248 .001*
Job security and
24.034 21 3.446 1.144 7.052 .000*
Satisfaction Supervisor satisfaction 19.729 23 3.549 .858 8.896 .000*
of IHRP Co worker satisfaction 24.422 23 3.671 1.062 7.497 .000*
Personal growth
21.894 23 3.874 .952 1.156 .000*
Job security and
25.902 23 3.391 1.126 4.556 .000*
(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

Studies have revealed that a significant relationship exists between IHRP and job
satisfaction (Organ & Lingl, 1995). The literature additionally underlines the fact that there
is strong positive relation for IHRP with employees’ job satisfaction in software
companies. It says that Job satisfaction is one of the most prominent correlates of HR
Practices (Bateman & Organ, 1983, Preffer, 1987, Organ & Konovsky, 1989). An HR
practice inculcates in employees a positive state of mind (Smith, 1983) which in turn
motivates them to repay their organization (Schnake et. al., 2003). Positive beneficial
actions directed at employees by the organization create an impetus for employees to
reciprocate in positive ways through their attitudes and/or behaviors (Coyle et al. 2004)
which result in the increased job satisfaction level. Thus the finding of the present study is
supported very well by the findings of earlier projectes and existing literature.
Table 5.23. Multivariate Regression Analysis results for Organisational Commitment with
Organisational Citizenship Behaviour

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III
Error Mean
Source Dependent Variable Sum of df F Sig.
df Square
Affective Organizational
Commitment Citizenship Behaviour 26.000 20 1.698 1.300 5.310 .000*
Citizenship Behaviour 9.378 20 2.498 .469 3.468 .000*
Continuance Organizational
Commitment Citizenship Behaviour 27.451 24 5.191 1.144 4.672 .000*
Citizenship Behaviour 10.866 24 1.691 .453 3.348 .000*
(*.indicates items significant at 5% significance level)

The above table No.5.23 shows the results obtained from the Multivariate regression
analysis done on organisational commitment with organisational citizenship behaviour. All
the values are found to be significant at 5% significance level, which states that the null
hypothesis can be rejected. Thus it is proved that there is strong positive relation for
organisational commitment with organisational citizenship behaviour. As William &
Anderson said (1991), an individual’s perception of the commitment that exists in their
relationship with the organization is positively associated with an employee’s willingness
to reciprocate by engaging in organisational citizenship behaviour and is also positively
related to the broadening of job boundaries to include citizenship type behaviour.



 The analyses of the background variables showed that a comparatively large

representation of male employees work in software firms than female employees
and also that technical graduate made the major portion of the human resource in
software companies. It also revealed that the majority of the software professionals
belonged to below thirty years of age category and had tenure of only less than
two years in these software firms. Most of them had total professional
experience of less than four years.

 Software professionals perceived that their firms gave importance to the

innovative HR practices for achieving the organisational objectives when
compared to the extent of introduction of the innovative HR practices for
achieving the organisational objectives and extent of satisfaction of the
innovative HR practices.

 Employees in software companies perceived the Importance, extent of

introduction and satisfaction of innovative HR Practices similarly not
withstanding their difference in gender.

 Age of employees did not affect their perception on the importance of IHRP but
affected their perception in terms of extent of introduction and extent of
satisfaction of IHRP with respect to age group.

 Perceived importance of innovative HR Practices had insignificant effect on job

satisfaction, meanwhile Introduction and the extent of satisfaction of innovative
HR practices had a significant relation on job satisfaction.

 In this study the relationship between innovative HR practices and selected

HR outcomes is investigated. The current study represents a unique attempt to
study the effects of innovative HR practices, with job satisfaction,
organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour
considered as the consequent variables. Results have affirmed the role of
intervening variables such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment
in establishing the link between IHRP and OCB obliterating any direct
relation between IHRP and organisational citizenship behaviour.

 This finding may enable researchers in the human resource management to

develop more robust understandings of the positive effects of innovative HR
practices on HR outcomes. Thus the present study provides the obvious
contribution of weaving up yet another linkage between the two
complimentary disciplines of Human Resource Management and
Organisational Behaviour.

 The present study also contributes to the understanding of OCB by exploring

its antecedents and extending the intervening role of job satisfaction and
organisational commitment. The findings indicate that a higher level of
introduction / initiation and satisfaction of innovative HR practices produces
high job satisfaction and organisational commitment which lead to OCB.
The researcher drew upon the perception–attitude– behaviour model to
further realise the expected relationship among innovative HR practices, job
satisfaction, organizational commitment and organisational citizenship
behaviour. consequently, this study makes a contribution to the broader
organisational citizenship behaviour literature by manifesting the extended
relationship path from innovative hr practices to organisational citizenship
behaviour, and demonstrating that innovative hr practices at the
organizational level has an effect on employee attitudes and behaviours as

New economic realities have put pressure on the human resource function to
demonstrate how it can add value to the firm’s bottom line. Early conceptualizations often
questioned the function’s relevance to organizational effectiveness, mainly for the fact HR
was seen to hold a primarily a reactive, administrative role.

This project truly reflects the wide scope of innovative HR practice (from functional
activities to wide ranging strategic initiatives) as well as its capability to affect the entire
social structure of an organization. Importantly, it also attempts to transfer ownership and
responsibility for the Innovative HR Practices process to HR professionals. Thus through
this study a wide influence of Innovative HR Practices on the HR outcomes has been
brought out.
Demographic Data

Name of the Company :

Year of Establishment :

Designation :

Your Functional area :




Total Work Experience (in years) : Years with

the current company :

Gender : Male
: Female

Educational Background : BSc/ B.E./B.Tech.

M.E./M Tech.
Less than 25
25 - 30
Age :
31 - 40

Please use a seven –point scale to indicate YOUR agreement or disagreement with each
of the items listed in the questionnaire using a 7-point scale ranging from “ strongly
disagree”(1) through “strongly agree”(7) with a midpoint labeled “neither agree nor
disagree” (4).

1. I really feel as if my organization’s problems are my own 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

2. I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to my

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

3. My organization has a great deal of personal meaning

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
for me

4. I feel emotionally attached to the strategic choices of

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
my organization

5. The values advocated by top management are aligned

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
with my own

6. It would be very hard for me to leave my organization

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
right now even if I wanted to

7. It would be too costly for me to leave my organization

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

8. Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
to leave my organization now

9. I feel I have too few options to consider leaving my

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10. One of the few serious consequences of leaving my

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
organization is the scarcity of current alternatives

Please use a seven –point scale to indicate YOUR agreement or disagreement with each of
the items listed in the questionnaire using a 7-point scale ranging from “ strongly
disagree”(1) through “strongly agree”(7) with a midpoint labeled “neither agree nor
disagree” (4).

1. I help colleagues who have been absent from work 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

2. I help colleagues who have heavy work loads 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

3. I am mindful of how my behavior affects other

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
people’s job

4. I go out of way to help new employees 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

5. I take a personal interest in my colleagues’ job 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

6. My attendance at work is above the norm 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

7. I take undeserved breaks at work 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

8. I often complain about insignificant things at work 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

9. I tend to make “mountains out of molehills” 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10. I adhere to informal rules devised to maintain order 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

11. I attend meetings that are not mandatory but

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
considered important

12. I perform duties that are not required but which

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
improve corporate image

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