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Development in

Middle Adulthood
中年期(middle adulthood)係指40~65歲的成年人

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physical changes 生理改變
◼ Noticeable midlife physical changes include:
 Wrinkling and sagging of skin. 皺紋
 Appearance of aging spots.
 Hair becomes thinner and grayer.
 Nails become thicker and more brittle with ridges.
 Yellowing of teeth.
◼ Being middle-aged is perceived as positive
for men and negative for women.
◼ Height shrinks in middle age, and many gain
weight—a critical health problem in middle
adulthood. 體重增加
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◼ Age-related loss of muscle mass and
strength can be reduced by regular exercise.
◼ Joint stiffness and difficulty of movement
usually accompany a progressive loss of
bone in middle age. 骨質疏鬆
◼ The sharpest decline in vision occurs
between ages 40 and 59 as the eye’s blood
supply diminishes. 遠視、散光
◼ Hearing starts to decline about age 40,
with men losing sensitivity to high-pitched
sounds earlier than women.
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◼ Midlife is often a time for high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. 高血壓

◼ At menopause, a woman’s blood pressure

rises sharply, remaining higher than that
of men into the later years.停經

◼ At about age 55, lung tissue becomes less elastic;

nonsmokers have the best lung capacity.肺活量

◼ Sleep has more wakeful periods, with more time

spent lying in bed—more tiredness in the mornings.

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◼ Only 7% of people in their early 40s have disabilities,
compared with 16% in their early 50s, and 30% in
their early 60s.

◼ Chronic disorders are: 慢性病

 Rare in early adulthood but increase in middle age.
 Characterized by slow onset and long duration.

◼ Men have higher rates of fatal chronic conditions,

while women have higher rates of nonfatal chronic

◼ Stress is a key factor in disease, especially if

cumulative. 壓力
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◼ Acute stressors cause poor immune
system functioning, but chronic stressors can
cause an increasing weakening of the immune

◼ Emotional stability and personality are linked to

health in middle adulthood—the healthiest being
the most responsible, self-controlled, and the

◼ Culture plays an important role in coronary

disease—immigration modifies healthy practices
even as genetic predispositions remain constant.

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◼ There is a stronger link between
coronary disease and Type A behavior
patterns than Type B behavior patterns.

◼ Hardiness is a personality style that

can lessen the effects of stress—when
accompanied by regular exercise
and positive social support, it can help
maintain good health.耐性

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◼ Chronic diseases are the main cause of death
during middle adulthood:
 Leading cause of death is heart disease.
 Second leading cause is cancer.
 Third leading cause is cerebrovascular

◼ Although most menopausal women report

having hot flashes and other effects, the
majority of them felt relieved that their
childbearing years were over.熱潮紅

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◼ The average age for menopause is 51 but varies from ages
39 to 59—the majority of women remain sexually active and
retain their femininity.
◼ Cross-cultural studies show that the menopausal
experience varies among women, but it is not generally as
negative as it is thought to be.
◼ Postmenopausal hormone treatments have been linked to
increased risk of stroke, dementia, and cancer.
◼ Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women is
◼ Testosterone levels in men gradually drop in middle
adulthood decreasing sexual ability and activity, but several
therapies and techniques can improve performance.睪固酮
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◼ 卵巢與睪丸的功能逐漸退化,造成女性性腺所製

◼ 因性荷爾蒙的改變,造成生殖系統與性器官出現


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• 圖10-1 女性更年期常見的症狀
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Cognitive Development 認知發展
◼ Crystallized intelligence晶體智力(理解能力)
— an individual‘s accumulated
information and verbal skills— increases in
middle adulthood
◼ Fluid intelligence流體智力(記憶力、聯想力)
— ability to reason abstractly— begins to
decline. 23-30歲時達顛峰

◼ Some studies show middle adulthood is a

time when cognitive functioning peaks, but
the rate of information-processing
decreases in most.
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◼ The Seattle Longitudinal Study—extensive
study in intellectual abilities in adulthood years:
 Peak performance on vocabulary, verbal
memory, inductive reasoning, and spatial
orientation was attained in middle age.
 Numerical ability and perceptual speed
 Declines in memory, word fluency, and
perceptual speed in middle adulthood were
linked to neuropsychologists’ ratings of
individuals‘ cognitive impairment in late

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◼ 認知發展
◼ 是從成年期的達成階段延續發展到中年期的負
◼ 不再以自我學習及成長為目標,而是將重心轉
◼ 開始關心社會,成為重要貢獻的執行者

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Careers, Work, and Leisure職業
◼ Work is central to one’s life during middle age.
◼ In the U.S., about 80% of people aged 40 to 59
◼ Midlife is a time of evaluation, assessment, and
reflection about work roles and future goals.
◼ Overall, job satisfaction steadily increases
throughout one’s working life—usually from age
20 to 60.
 This pattern applies to both men and women.
 This pattern applies to both college- and non-
college-educated adults.
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◼ As workers enter middle age, there is a greater
commitment to work and less absenteeism.
◼ Currently, middle-aged workers face
many challenges:
 Globalization and exporting of jobs.
 Rapid development in technologies.
 Downsizing and restructuring of companies.
 Early retirement—forced or due to buyouts.
◼ Leisure is an important aspect of middle
adulthood due to changes in relationships and

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Religion and Meaning in Life 信念
A majority of middle-aged adults are religious
and consider spirituality a major part of their
 Spirituality significantly increases from the
early 30s to the late 60s and early 70s.
 Females are more interested and active in
both organized and personal forms of religion
than men.
 Americans show strong belief in God and
religion but show declining faith in mainstream
religions, religious leaders, and the moral
stature of the nation.
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◼ Many have pondered the meaning of life—the
search may come after great personal losses.

◼ Frankl identified three most distinct human

qualities as:
 Spirituality.
 Freedom.
 Responsibility.

◼ In middle adulthood, the reality of approaching

death forces one to ask questions and
evaluate the answers.
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◼ Baumeister has argued that the
quest for the meaning of life may
be understood in terms of 4 needs:
 Purpose.
 Values.
A sense of efficacy.
 Self-worth.

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Personality Theories and
Development 人格發展理論
◼ Many personality and development
theories of middle age have adult stages:
 Erikson’s
“generativity versus stagnation”
創造 vs 停滯
◼ Generativity is highly related to intimacy.
◼ Middle-aged adults develop generativity
through parenting, work, and culture.
 Levinson’s
“seasons of a man’s life”
emphasizes developmental tasks.
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Items Used to Assess Generativity and
Identity Certainty

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◼ Levinson’s research: Transition to middle
adulthood lasts about 5 years (ages 40 to 45)
and requires that men come to grips with
conflicts existing since adolescence:
 Being old instead of being young.
 Being constructive, not destructive.
 Dealing with gender issues of masculine roles.
 Being attached to, not separated from, others.

◼ Smooth midlife transition brings acceptance of

past and adjustment may include memory
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Levinson’s Period of Adult

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中年危機(middle crisis)
➢ 這個名詞最初是由楊格(Jung, 1968)和賈金斯
(Jacgues, 1967)所提出,認為這是開始進入中年期
➢ 發生中年危機的原因有五項:





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◼ How pervasive are midlife crises?
Results of longitudinal study of over
3,000 Americans from 25 to 72 years of
 26% had a crisis, but attributed it to
negative life events, not aging.
 The middle-aged felt they had more control
of their work, more financial security—a
greater sense of autonomy.

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◼ The contemporary life events approach is an
alternative to age-related stage of development:
 Life events, like death of spouse, marriage,
and divorce, cause varying degrees of stress.

 Mediating factors like physical health and

family support can reduce stress effects and
allow more effective coping strategies.

 Weaknesses of life events approach include

too much emphasis on change, and what are
primary sources of stress.

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A Contemporary Life-Events Framework for
Interpreting Adult Developmental Change
Life-stage context

Life event:
New job
Birth of child Adaptation process
Appraisal Coping Adult
Mediating of threat strategies change
Physical health
Family supports
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Sociohistorical context
◼ 由體力取向轉為智慧定位
◼ 人際關係自性關係轉為社會化的結合

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◼ 感情的投入由固執轉為彈性

◼ 心理活動的彈性對抗僵化


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Stability and Change
◼ The Kansas City Study was a longitudinal study on
people ages 40 to 80 over a 10-year period:
 Stylesof coping characterized stability in aging.
 Most change in aging comes from becoming more
passive and being less threatened by the
◼ The Baltimore Study used 5 factors of personality to
study college-educated persons aged 20 to 96
starting from the 1950s and continuing today:
 Age trends were consistent across cultures surveyed.
 Younger adults were more extraverted.
 Older adults
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Five Big Factors of Personality
Extraversion:外向 Agreeableness: 親善
Sociable or retiring Softhearted or ruthless
Fun-loving or somber Trusting or suspicious
Affectionate or reserved Helpful or uncooperative

Imaginative or practical
Interested in variety or routine
Independent or conforming

Emotional stability:情緒穩定 Conscientiousness:謹慎

Calm or anxious Organized or disorganized
Secure or insecure Careful or careless
Self-satisfied or self-pitying Disciplined or impulsive

Fig. 17.8 © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
◼ 相當多有關人格特徵的研究都圍繞著所謂「五大
1. 神經質:一個人的狀態是喜怒無常的、焦慮的、
2. 外向性:外向或害羞的程度。
3. 開放性:個人好奇及對新的體驗有興趣的程度。
4. 親善性:對人隨和以及樂於助人的程度。
5. 謹慎性:有系統及有責任感的程度。

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◼ McCrae and colleagues found consistent age
trends in personality in several cultures, with few
cultural variables.
◼ Berkeley Longitudinal Studies: 1920s
through today:
 No support that personality is characterized by
changes or stability from adolescence to
 Intellectually oriented, self-confidence, and
openness were the more stable traits.
 Ability to nurture and self-control changed most.

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➢ 有些特質會特別穩定:沉著穩重的20歲人到了75
➢ 同樣地,30歲的自我概念可能也代表著80歲時的
➢ 例如一些研究指出,有自信的青少年,在55歲左

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◼ 較多正向情緒表現的女性,傾向表現高度合作和
◼ 有較正面情緒的人們也可能較外向與積極。
◼ 看似受限和不重要的成年早期之正面情緒,竟然

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◼ Vaillant’s studies: 1920s through today:
 Alcohol abuse and smoking at age 50 was best
predictor of death between ages 75 and 80.
 Factors at age 50 which are best predictors of
“happy-well” between ages 75 and 80:
◼ Regular exercise and avoiding being overweight.
◼ Well-educated and future oriented.

◼ Having a stable marriage and good coping skills.

◼ Being thankful, forgiving, and empathic.

◼ Being active with other people.

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◼ Mills College Study: late 1950s to 1980s:
 Midlife crisis was really midlife consciousness.
 Similarities in concerns found between
women in early 40s and Levinson’s findings.
 Between ages 27 and early 40s, women
shifted toward less traditional feminine
 Menopause, caring for aging parents, and
empty nest were not linked to increased self-
control and responsibility.

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◼ 對某些人來說,中年期帶來了對改變的渴
◼ 例如有些人可能因對工作感到失望,有些

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➢ 大部分的中年夫妻對婚姻滿意度會增
◼ 經濟安全感

◼ 卸下養育子女重擔的輕鬆感

◼ 由彼此互動增加中找回的相依親密感

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◼ Contrary to what would be expected from the
empty nest syndrome, marital satisfaction may
increase after the children have left.空巢症候群
◼ In today’s world, stress often results when the
empty nest refills with adult children
returning home to live for various reasons.
◼ The most common complaint from children
returning to refill the nest is “loss of privacy”
and parents’ restrictions on behaviors.
◼ Relationships between adult children and
mothers appear to be closer than those
with fathers.
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◼ 事實上,子女離家可能會帶來一些可觀的好處。
◼ 已婚的人都能讓自己全心投入職場,而不用再擔
◼ 記住,大部分研究調查所謂的空巢症候群是以女
◼ 因為男人傳統上在教養孩子上不像女人干預得多
◼ 然而,至少一些研究顯示,當子女離開後男人也
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➢ 中年夫妻有個特定的滿意度來源。例如,一個調查
➢ 他們也傾向視婚姻為長期的承諾,且與自己的目標
➢ 最後,大部分的人也覺得自己的配偶在婚姻的過程
➢ 性生活滿意度與一般的婚姻快樂有關。多久有一次
➢ 如果性交次數很重要的話,那麼大部分的夫妻都會

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◼ Some of the main reasons men and women
seek divorce in middle adulthood:
 Women:
◼ Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse.
◼ Alcohol or drug abuse.

◼ Cheating.

 Men:
◼ No obvious reason; just fell out of love.
◼ Cheating.

◼ Different values or lifestyles.

◼ Divorce can have both positive and negative

effects, and reasons greatly vary among
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◼ 在子女離家的同時,或者返家成為復歸的子女的
◼ 「三明治世代」這名詞是用來指在子女和年邁雙
◼ 成為三明治世代的角色相對地也是一個新的現象
◼ 身處夾心一代的中年人,必須滿足長輩及晚輩的

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◼ Similarity between parents and an
adult child is often most noticeable in
religion and politics.

◼ Differences between parents and an adult

child are most noticeable in gender roles,
lifestyle, and work orientation.

◼ Sometimes middle-aged adults are the

“sandwich generation” — caring for their own
children and their parents.
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