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Vivencio R. Mamaril Supervising Agriculturist DA-Bureau of Plant Industry


The Changing Face of School Health: Now and Into the Future

Kingdom: Division: Class: Order: Family: Genus: Species: Plantae Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Brassicales Moringaceae

Moringa oleifera

Scientific name: Moringa oleifera Lamn

Common names
Malunggay, Kamunggay, Balungay, Kalamunggay


Literature says
7 times the Vitamin C in oranges

Plus: 4 times the Calcium in milk

Plus: 3 times the Potassium in banana

Plus: 4 times the Vitamin A in carrot

Plus: 2 times the Protein in milk

Literature says
Nutritional Component Moisture (%) Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fiber (g) Pods 86.6 26 2.5 0.1 3.7 4.8 Leaves 75 92 6.7 1.7 13.4 0.9 Leaf powder 7.5 205 27.1 2.3 38.2 19.2

Literature says
Nutritional Component Minerals (g) Calcium (mg) Magnesium Phosphorus (mg) Potassium (mg) Copper (mg) Iron (mg) Pods 2.0 30 24 24 259 3.1 5.3 Leaves 2.3 440 24 24 259 1.1 7 Leaf powder 2,003 368 368 1,324 0.57 28.2

Comparison: gram for gram

Carrot Vitamin A (mg) Vitamin C (mg) Calcium (mg) 1.8



Fresh leaves 6.8

Dried leaves 18.9 17.3 2003

30 120

220 440

Comparison: gram for gram

Spinach Iron (mg) Potassium (mg) Protein (g) 1.14



Fresh leaves 0.85

Dried leaves 28.2 1324 27.1

88 3.1

259 6.7

So, its like growing multivitamins at your doorstep.


This article started it all-1

In India, this crop has many uses. In the article of Rajangam., Manavalan, et al (2001) malunggay has many medicinal uses, among them are 1. fresh root of the young tree is administered in cases of in intermittent fever, 2. infusion of the roots is recommended for asthma, and is useful in ascites caused by diseases of the liver and spleen,

This article started it all-2

3.freshly expressed juice from the root bark and the gum is mixed with sesamum oil and is dropped into the ears in cases of otalgia 4.the tender leaves reduce phlegm and are administered internally for scurvy and catarrhal conditions,

This article started it all-3

3. flowers, irritant in action, are used to heal inflammation of tendons and abscesses, 4. unripe pods act as a preventive against intestinal worms, and 5. fruit is sweet and pungent in taste, an appetizer preventing eye disorders and increasing semen both qualitatively and quantitatively, and many others.

The Food Product Challenge

Food Enrichment: Bio-fortification through Malunggay
Pandesal, Muffins, Cookies, Polvoron, and other bread or similar products Noodles, Siopao, Tea, Candy, and many many others

The Food Product Challenge

Not only a malunggay-enriched food but a malunggay based product
Tea, coffee, and other beverages Candies, ????????????

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