ML10 Xadd 05 - Rep1 FiscalDocsForms - ENG

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Virtual Fiscal Receipt on broader paper tape :

Tax Group rate, Tax Group letter are only as example !!!
ONLY GREEN fields can be either in LATIN or CYRILIC script.
For Companies in VAT sistem, ONLY Tax group: Г, Ђ, Е are valid.

====================== ← Report separator

← Sales location Name
Продавница бр.1
Булевар велики 100 Београд ← Sales location address

ПИБ:100000001 ← ID of Taxpayer
ИБФМ:АГ123450 ← Id number of fiscal module
← Block separator
Велика наградна игра,
4 lines footer
питајте радника на каси ←
Optional Advertisment
или на телефон 333-444-555
← Block separator
Хлеб Сава 500 20,00 Г ← Product description, Price, Tax group letter
Млеко Суб.3.2 32,50 Г ← Product description, Price, Tax group letter
СТОРНО ← STORNO previously sold item
Млеко Суб.3.2 -32,50 Г ← Product description, Price, Tax group letter
Ц-кафа100г 25,00 Е ← Product description, Price, Tax group letter
Књаз Милош 1Л ← Product description
2х23,50 47,00 Ђ ← Quantity, Price for UOM, Amount, Tax group
Суво грожђеКГ ← Product description and UOM
0,350х 125,00 43,75 Ђ ← Quantity, Price for UOM, Amount, Tax group
Jony Walker 0.7L 570,00 Е ← Product description, Price, Tax group letter
Жица телеф./М ← Product description
10,50х 50,00 525,00 Ђ ← Quantity, Price for UOM, Amount, Tax group
← Block separator
СА: 0,00% ← Tax group "А" Tax rate
СД: 20,00% ← Tax group "Д" Tax rate
СЕ: 20,00% ← Tax group "Е" Tax rate
ПГ: 00,00 ← VAT Amount on Tax Group "Г"
ПЂ: 102,63 ← VAT Amount on Tax Group "Ђ"
ПЕ: 99,17 ← VAT Amount on Tax Group "Е"
ПТ: 201,80 ← Total VAT Amount
ЕГ: 20,00 ← Sales Amount on Tax Group "Г"
ЕЂ: 615,75 ← Sales Amount on Tax Group "Ђ"
ЕЕ: 595,00 ← Sales Amount on Tax Group "Е"
ЕТ: 1230,75 ← Total Sales Amount
← Block separator
ЗА УПЛАТУ: 1230,75 ← For payment
ЧЕК: 1000,00 ← Means of payment and Amount (CHEQUE)
ГОТОВИНА: 400,00 ← Means of payment and Amount (CASH)
УПЛАЋЕНО: 1400,00 ← Total Payment
КУСУР: 169,25 ← Cash return - CHANGE
06.06.2003-15:33 ← Time stamp of issue of fiscal receiptа
БИ: 567844 ← FisR counter and fiscal logo
Z Report


Virtual Daily report, without resets and Tax group changes

Tax Group rate, Tax Group letterm, Amounts are only as example !!!

===================== ← Repoort separator

← Sales location Name
Продавница бр.1
Бул. велики 100
← Sales location Address
11120 Београд

ПИБ:100000001 ← ID of Taxpayer
ИБФМ:АГ123450 ← Id number of fiscal module
--------------------- ← Block separator
Дневни извештај ← Report Name: Daily Report
--------------------- ← Block separator
УР: 7 ← Total reset number
БР: 0 ← Reset number in Reporting period
--------------------- ← Block separator
УС: 3 ← Total number of Tax group change
БС: 0 ← Total number of Tax group change in reporting period
СА: 0,00% ← Tax group rate "А" in percents
СГ: 20,00% ← Tax group rate "Г" in percents
СД: 0,00% ← Tax group rate "Д" in percents
СЂ: 20,00% ← Tax group rate "Ђ" in percents
СЕ: 10,00% ← Tax group rate "Е" у процентима
СЖ: **,**% ← Tax group rate "Ж" is undefined
СИ: **,**% ← Tax group rate "И" is undefined
--------------------- ← Block separator
ПА: 0,00 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "А"
ПГ: 1.000,00 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "Г"
ПД: 1.956,52 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "Д"
ПЂ: 1.625,64 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "Ђ"
ПЕ: 2.168,18 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "Е"
ПЖ: 0,00 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "Ж"
ПИ: 0,00 ← VAT Amount in Tax group "И"
ПТ: 6.750,34 ← Total VAT Amount in reporting period
--------------------- ← Block separator
ЕА: 7.000,00 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "А"
ЕГ: 6.000,00 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "Г"
ЕД: 11.739,12 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "Д"
ЕЂ: 9.753,84 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "Ђ"
ЕЕ: 13.009,08 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "Е"
ЕЖ: 0,00 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "Ж"
ЕИ: 0,00 ← Sales Amount in Tax group "И"
ЕТ: 47.502,04 ← Total Sales Amount
--------------------- ← Block separator
06.06.2003-20:40 ← Time stamp of issue of daily report
БИ: 21831- 21994 ← First and Last number if Fiscal Recipt in reporting period
БД: 144 ← Daily report number
БП: 1856 ← Free (left) Daily report and fiscal logo

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