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Future river training program in Bangladesh

BDP 2100 specific goals:

Goal 1: Ensure safety from floods and climate change related disasters;

Goal 2: Enhance water security and efficiency of water usages;

Goal 3: Ensure sustainable and integrated river systems and estuaries management;

Goal 4: Conserve and preserve wetlands and ecosystems and promote their wise use;

Goal 5: Develop effective institutions an- d equitable governance for in-country and trans-boundary
water resources management; and

Goal 6: Achieve optimal and integrated use of land and water resources.

Bangladesh has undertaken a project of 4 years to support and follow-up implementation of BDP 2100
with assistance of the Government of the Netherlands. The following projects of BDP 2100 IP are being
implemented by the GOB:

 Dredging and Excavation of Canals and Small Rivers in 64 Districts (1st Phase): Total Project Cost
– BDT 2279.55 Crore (US$ 268 million). The project is being implemented by Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB).
 Dredging/Re-excavation of Bangali-Karatoa-Fuljor-Hurasagor River System & Bank Protection
Project: Total Project Cost- BDT 2335.60 crore ((US$ 275 million). BWDB has already started
execution of the project.
 Urir Char Cross Dam in Noakhali project with total cost of BDT 533 crore (US$ 63 million is now
awaiting for approval of the Planning Commission.
 World Bank has already expressed its interest in financing BDP 2100 IP. The Bank has
undertaken a Feasibility Study for “The Multi-Phase Jamuna Integrated River Basin Management
(a part of Integrated Jamuna-Padma Rivers Stabilization and Land Reclamation) project, which is
expected to be completed this yea

The Bangladesh government, in partnership with China, has designed the Teesta River Comprehensive
Management and Restoration Project (TRCMRP) in a bid to solve the long-standing Teesta River water
crisis ((Azaz, 2020)
The Government is Formulating a 50-year Mega plan to Bring back Navigability in Rivers, including the
Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna, reports the BDT 310.00 billion Mega plan will be implemented in
there phases – short-term, mid –term and long-term. According to the Mega plan, the Navigability will
be brought back by River Training and Removing silts from all Rivers through Capital Dredging. According
to the Water Resource Ministry, Bringing back the Navigability by River Training and Dredging 240km
from the River Barahmaputra to the River, that includes the Padma, the Jamuna, and the Brahmaputra,
ranges between 10 and 15 kilometers which would be reduced to 5 kilometers.

The second phase of the plan includes the rivers Garai, Hincha,Mathabhanga, Kapotakkho, Arial Khan,
Dhaleshwari, Karnafuli, Buriganga, Turag, Rangshi, Balu and others. The cost for their training and
dredging has been estimated at BDT 1000.00 crore. The third phase of the plan includes 20 kilometers of
th eGarai, 30 kilometers of the old Brahmaputra, 40 kilometers of the Turag and the Buriganga and 20
killometers of the Arial Khan. The estimated cost in this phase is BDT 240.0 crore

“The current government has taken up a dredging master plan to bring navigability to the internal
waterways across the country. Under it, around 10,000km of river routes will be made navigable
through excavating 178 rivers by the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority [BIWTA],” said the
junior minister.

As per the plan, the state minister said the BIWTA had begun excavation of 12 important river routes,
capital dredging in 53 river routes, navigability development of the river route from Mongla port to
Pakshi via Chandpur, Mawa, Goalando and restoration of old Brahmaputra, Darla, Tulai and Punarva

Besides, feasibility study of 47 more rivers will be done under the plan, he added.

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