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Yeyen Meyzha Putri 2213042074

Diana Shalma 2213042088
Aprilia Amelda Putri 2213042098
Nirmala Sani 2213042102
Nendra Asa Cahyadi 2253042002



Praise be to God Almighty for bestowing the gifts of faith and health upon the
authors, enabling the completion of a significant "Education Management

In their endeavour to present these papers, the author recognises their

imperfections in both preparation and grammar. Therefore, we wholeheartedly
welcome the invaluable suggestions and critiques from our readers, aiming to
enhance the quality of our work.

The paper titled "Education Management Standard" was conceived through divine
blessings, empowering the author to delve into the intricacies of education
management and enriching knowledge and understanding. It is our sincere hope
that these papers serve as wellsprings of knowledge, easing the comprehension of
complex subjects for our readers.

Gratitude is extended to all who contributed support and assistance throughout the
journey of crafting these papers. With humility, we embrace constructive
feedback from our readers, aspiring to refine our work and provide even greater

May these papers stand as beacons of enlightenment, illuminating the path to

knowledge for all who engage with them.


Preface ………………………………………………………………………... i

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………… ii

Chapter 1 Preliminary

1.1. Background ……………………………………………… 1

1.2. Formulation of Problems ………………………………… 1
1.3. Purpose of the Papers ……………………………………… 1

Chapter 2 Discussion

1.1. Definition of the Standard of Educational Management …… 2

1.2. Purpose …………………………………………………........ 2
1.3. Function ……………............................................................. 3
1.4. Types ..................................................................................... 4
1.5. Advantages and Disadvantages …………………………… 8

Chapter 3 Summary

1.1. Summary ................................................................................ 9

Bibliograph .....................................................................................................

Chapter 1


1.1. Background
For students who are pursuing training or study programmes in education,
education management standards are very important as they are included as
compulsory courses. As it is now relatively easy to access the internet to
study and learn about the world of education, students who are studying to
become teachers who are interested in studying or are required or obliged to
study education management standards often find the search subject
confusing for their current position as prospective teachers or not what they
are looking for.

In this paper, we will only describe the general education management

standards in Indonesia. The content of this papers is explanation on what is
education management standards to the college students, the goal, the
function, advantages and the disadvantages of education management

1.2. Problem Formulation

 What is the definition of education management standards?
 What is the impact of education management standards?
 Why are education management standards so influential in education?
 What are the types of education management standards?

1.3. Objectives
 To have a clear understanding of education management standards.
 To know how influential education management standards are.
 To know what impact is obtained in using education management

Chapter 2


2.1. Definition of Education Management Standards

Education is an important thing as a process of developing a person's abilities,
both in attitude, behaviour, and thinking. But in the educational process itself
there are rules that apply to guide and help both in terms of students and
teachers. One of the things that must be seen in the education process is
education management standards.

In its own sense, standard is a word derived from the KBBI which has the
meaning of "benchmark". So, it can be interpreted that the standard is any
process that sets the parts that have been determined and used as a measure,
in order to produce something of higher quality in accordance with the
expectations to be achieved. Meanwhile, education management itself means
something related to the management of the educational process to produce
optimal, effective and efficient education.

So that from this understanding it can be concluded that education

management standards are a process of managing education in controlling
and directing the process of educational interaction, which is based on the
size of education itself, in order to create optimal and efficient education.

2.2. Purpose of Education Management Standards

Education management standards are not only a rule in education but also
have an effect on its improvement. Where the main purpose of education
management standards is to improve the overall quality of education. With
clear standards, the education system can ensure that every aspect starting
from the curriculum to assessment can run well.

Not only that, the purpose of education management standards is also set to
help each educational institution comply with the national standards that have

been set. This is very important to maintain consistency in education so that
all students have equal access to quality education.

Besides improving the quality of education, education management standards

can also improve accountability. With clear rules, teachers, lecturers and staff
of educational institutions can more easily be held accountable for the
educational outcomes achieved. This is certainly very influential in the field
of education, because by using these standards, it can be used as a guide for
teachers to further improve and develop their knowledge, so that it will have a
positive impact on students in their teaching.

From some of these objectives, it can be understood that education

management standards are not just a set of rules, but must be used as a
foundation for creating an orderly, organized and measurable educational

2.3. Function
Management requires the realization of all managements in organizing
education (Nanang, 2004). Function of Educational Standard Management
Educational standard management is similar with Administration or
management that involves some continuous steps that is planning, organizing,
actuating, and controlling.
1. Planning
Planning is the first process that focuses on planning or designing that
enables for leader to decide best decision for getting the point target.
2. Organizing
Organizing is the second action where it is the implementation of
planning has been created in the way of classifying people in a structure
part in order to reach a concreate target.

3. Directing
Directing is the function of management that involves with reinforcing an
effort, giving a guidance, sharing an instruction to work well and to build
the confidence.
4. Pengawasan (Controlling)
Controlling is a stage. This stage in the leader has extra attention to do
controlling to the worker performance in doing the job desk.

Educational management functions as the indicator that has role to size, to

evaluate, to revision, and especially to support the movement of government
in succession the compulsory 9 years education program

Education management serves as a reference for schools in measuring,

evaluating and revising activities that are deemed necessary. In addition,
education management aims to support the school's efforts in supporting and
elaborating the 9-year compulsory education neatly.

2.4. Types
National Education Standards (SNP) are minimum criteria for the education
system in all jurisdictions of the Republic of Indonesia (Article 1 of Law No.
20/2003 on National Education System and Article 3 of Government
Regulation No. 19/2005 on SNP). SNP is an elaboration of Law No. 20/2003
on National Education System, which is outlined in Government Regulation
No. 19/2005. The SNP serves as the basis for planning, implementing and
monitoring education in order to realize quality national education.
Meanwhile, the purpose of the SNP is to ensure the quality of national
education in order to educate the nation's life and shape the character and
civilization of a dignified nation (Article 4 of Government Regulation No.
19/2005 on SNP).

SNP includes content standards, process standards, graduate competency

standards, educator and education personnel standards, facilities and
infrastructure standards, management standards, financing standards, and

education assessment standards. The following is an explanation of each

a. Content Standards
These standards cover the scope of material and the level of competence
to achieve graduate competencies at certain levels and types of education,
including the basic framework and structure of the curriculum, learning
load, education unit level curriculum, and educational/academic calendar.
Content standards determine the topics or areas of learning that must be
taught in each subject. For example, in Mathematics, the Content
Standards will detail topics such as algebra, geometry, statistics, and so
on. The Content Standards also set out the levels of competence or
understanding expected of students at different stages of education. This
helps create clear expectations of what students should achieve by the
end of each level of education.
Then the content standards provide guidance on how learning materials
should be organized in the curriculum. This includes the sequence of
learning and the organization of the curriculum at different school levels.
Content standards also include estimates of the number of learning hours
required for each subject. This helps in planning learning time. The
content standards provide flexibility for schools in designing a
curriculum that suits their context but still conforms to the national
guidelines. Finally, the academic calendar to be followed during the
school year, including the duration of school holidays and the timing of
examinations are also included in the content standards.

b. Process Standards
Process standards are standards related to the implementation of learning
in one education unit to achieve the graduate competency standards. The
learning process in an education unit is organized in an interactive,
inspiring, fun, challenging, motivates students to actively participate, and
provides sufficient space for initiative, creativity and independence in

accordance with the talents, interests and physical and psychological
development of students.

c. Graduate Competency Standards

These standards are used as assessment guidelines in determining student
graduation from education units, which include competencies for all
subjects, subject groups, and subjects. Graduate competencies include
attitudes, knowledge and skills. Graduate competency standards at the
vocational secondary education (SMK) level aim to increase intelligence,
knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently
and follow further education in accordance with their vocations.

d. Standards for Educators and Education Personnel

Standards for Educators and Education Personnel are criteria regarding
pre-service education and eligibility and mental, as well as in-service
education. Educators must have academic qualifications and
competencies as learning agents, be physically and mentally healthy, and
have the ability to realize national education goals. The academic
qualifications referred to above are the minimum level of education that
must be met by an educator as evidenced by a diploma and/or certificate
of relevant expertise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Competencies as a learning agent at the primary and secondary education
levels and early childhood education include: Pedagogical Competence,
Personality Competence, Professional Competence, and Social
Competence. And importantly they must also have moral competence
and spiritual competence proportionally.
Educators include educators at TK/RA, SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA,
SDLB/SMPLB/SMALB, SMK/MAK, education units for Package A,
Package B and Package C, and educators at course and training
institutions. Education personnel include school/madrasah principals,
education unit supervisors, administrative staff, library staff, laboratory

staff, technicians, study group managers, learning assistants, and cleaning

e. Facilities and Infrastructure Standards

Facilities and infrastructure standards are standards relating to the
minimum criteria for learning spaces, places to exercise, places of
worship, libraries, laboratories, and other learning resources, which are
needed to support the learning process, including the use of information
and communication technology. Each education unit must have facilities
that include furniture, educational equipment, educational media, books
and other learning resources, consumables, and other equipment needed
to support an organized and sustainable learning process. Each education
unit must have infrastructure that includes land, classrooms, education
unit leadership rooms, teachers' rooms, administrative rooms, library
rooms, laboratory rooms, workshop rooms, production unit rooms,
canteen rooms, power and service installations, places to exercise, places
to worship, places to play, places to be creative, and other spaces/places
needed to support an organized and sustainable learning process.

f. Management Standards
Management standards are standards relating to the planning,
implementation and supervision of educational activities at the education
unit, district/city, provincial or national level in order to achieve the
efficiency and effectiveness of education delivery. The management of
education units at the primary and secondary education levels applies
school-based management as indicated by independence, partnership,
participation, openness and accountability.

g. Financing Standards
Financing standards are standards that regulate the components and
amount of education unit operating costs that apply for one year.
Education unit operating costs are part of the education funds needed to

finance the operation of the education unit so that educational activities
can take place according to SNP on a regular and sustainable basis.
Education financing consists of investment costs, operating costs and
personal costs. Investment costs for education units include the cost of
providing facilities and infrastructure. Operating costs include salaries
and benefits for educators and education personnel, consumable
educational materials or equipment, and indirect educational operating
costs such as water, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, taxes,
insurance, and so on.

h. Educational Assessment Standards

Educational assessment standards are standards relating to mechanisms,
procedures and instruments for assessing student learning outcomes.
Educational assessment at the primary and secondary education levels
consists of: assessment of learning outcomes by educators; assessment of
learning outcomes by education units; and assessment of learning
outcomes by the Government. The principles include fairness,
transparency, accuracy, diverse types of assessment, feedback to
students, learning, consistency, and responsibility in the use of
assessment results.

2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages

a. Advantages
These are the advantages of Standard of Education Management:
1. Performance measurement: National education management
standards enable consistent performance measurement across all
educational institutions. This helps in monitoring progress and
improving the quality of education.
2. Uniformity: With national standards, there is uniformity in
curriculum, teaching methods and assessment across the country.
This ensures that every student has access to equal education.

3. Quality Monitoring: Management standards help in monitoring the
quality of education. Regular assessments of schools and teachers
can help identify areas that need improvement.
4. Education Quality Improvement: Using assessment data and results,
education institutions can identify weaknesses and take corrective
measures to improve education quality.
5. International Benchmarking: National standards also enable
benchmarking between national education systems and those of
other countries. This can provide insights into the extent to which
national education competes at the global level.
b. Disadvantages
When there are advantages, there are disadvantages, these are the
disadvantages of the Standard of Education Management:
1. Incompatibility with Local Needs: The national standards system
may not fully match local education needs. Each region or school
may have unique challenges that cannot always be addressed by a
standardised approach.
2. Restriction of Teaching Creativity: Sometimes, teachers feel limited
in their creativity because they have to follow set standards. This can
affect the use of innovative and creative teaching methods.
3. Inequality: Although there are national standards, not all schools or
regions have equal access to educational resources and facilities.
This can create inequalities in education.
4. Waste of Time and Resources: The process of implementing national
standards requires time and resources. Sometimes, too much time
and energy is spent on complying with standards when this could be
used to directly improve students' learning experiences.
5. Inconsistent Implementation: The implementation of national
education management standards may not be consistent across all
educational institutions. This could be due to differences in
interpretation, ineffective supervision or non-compliance that is not
firmly addressed.

Chapter 3
3.1. Summary


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