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July 20th 2020

Pi os able to embrace all 3 religions rather than disliking them
and focusing on their differences because he loves the feeling
of god Pi loves getting to know the religions better and better
until he is connected to god and has memorized the stories
and the lives of the people of god in the scripture.
The most important quality that pi has is that he doesn’t
judge the religions. Pi sees each and every one of the religion
as the same thing , just based off of each other. Like this
quote below.
“I told her that in fact she was not so wrong. That hindus, in
their capacity for love, are indeed hairless christains, just as
muslims, in the was they see god in everything, are bearded
hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to god , are hat
wearing muslims”
Pi is trying to explain toa woman that he knows that the term
“hairless Christians” is not such a bad concept.

July 22 2020
When the priests first come and see that each of them is
going to the same person, they start
to get uncomfortable. After the first couple minutes of
talking everyone is confused. They think
that Pi is a true follower of their religion and their religion
only. The three priests starts to view
each other as trash and turn cold thinking that these devils
need to change their ways to be more
like them and follow the “true” God.

Throughout all of this craziness, the religious figures start to

have a few things that they can
agree on. A list is below:
 All three thought that it was good that Pi was so religious
and had such deep feelings for
God no matter which religion.
 All three thought the same thing: that their religion was the
best and all should follow
their leads so that they could be the followers of the one true
 All three believed that there is a type of God, but they just
couldn’t agree on a number. If
there should be one God like Christianity or multiple like
Hinduism and Islam.
Pi answers with a quote from Gandhi saying, “Bapu Gandhi
said, all religions are true.’ I just
want to love God.” This shocks the religious figures and they
go away soon after that. From that
point on, the reader can see that Pi is different than other
religious figures. These figures think
that they are so great and good and that God loves them for
trying to convert others. Pi on the
other hand just wants to love God. He wants to be close to
him. He doesn’t care if God doesn’t
like him. As long as Pi loves God, he believes everything will
turn out fine.

July 23 2020

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