EEE369 - Ass02 - Afrida Islam

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EEE369: Professional Practice, Engineers and Society


Case Study

Prepared By:

Name: Afrida Islam

ID: 21221030
Section: 01

Submitted to:
Abdulla Hil Kafi
Case Study number: 24

In this case, a manufacturing company is assigned to assemble a mass automated system, do

certain tests and ship the system to the client. While performing tests after assembling the
system, the engineer, who has been assigned by a superior, found faults. Even though the system
has issues, the manufacturing company sends the system to the client. Now, the engineer faces an
ethical dilemma about risking public safety. He is aware of the system's failure, raises objections,
but the manager shuts him off.

The primary ethical dilemma for the engineer mainly revolves around the conflict between two
things: i) company’s obligations and ii) ensuring public safety by shipping a system with known
failures. The decision comes with challenges which include his professional integrity and
accountability towards the citizens. The NSPE Code of Ethics and IEEE Code of Ethics plays a
key role in decision-making by addressing the challenges. For an engineer, it is necessary to
make decisions with both moral and professional considerations. In this scenario, he needs to
first recognize the ethical theory model of Maslow’s five hierarchy of needs. As this case shows
the importance of considering safety needs in the workplace, this lies under the point of right
ethics. According to the right ethics, it is an important factor as the designed system by the
manufacturing company questions public safety. But it violates the right ethics code.

The manufacturing company holds a contract for a complete automated mass transportation
system. Despite consecutive tests, the final assembly fails, leading to a decision to ship the
system without notifying the client. Stakeholders include the manufacturing company, the
engineer manager, the client, and the public relying on the transportation system. Balancing all of
them makes it a complex decision, considering the ethical dilemma. As all of their interests
cannot be met, the best and right decision, which follows the right ethics, should be made. The
central ethical dilemma is whether to prioritize company commitments or public safety. The
decision to ship a system with known failures raises questions about professional responsibility
and ethical principles. In my opinion, the engineer should first think about public safety as it is
the first and most ethical decision to make.

After the decision is made, the engineer should put his decision into action. First he needs to
think about how to notify the clients regarding the failure of the system as well as think about the
potential consequences associated with it. The engineer can also seek advice from colleagues or
an advisor to make the best decision in addressing public safety concerns. Then he can write
notices to the client, chief of the manufacturing company and government, attaching the
documents of test failures. This step will ensure that the clients, company chief and government
are well informed about the mass transportation system’s failure. The engineer will also fulfill
his duty towards public safety and welfare. If needed, the engineer should also resign from the
manufacturing company as it does not follow the ethics code. Therefore, it will justify the
engineer’s ethical consideration and code of ethics.

The short-term and long-term consequences should both be taken under consideration. The
short-term consequences consist of the company's obligations whereas long-term consequences
include public safety, company's reputation, and legal implications. For the short-term, the
company's reputation can be saved but the risk of public safety remains. On the other hand, in the
long-term, safeguarding public safety will go with code of ethics which might later on hamper
the company’s reputation and have legal consequences.

In alternative solutions, there are many approaches for the engineer to make. Such as: the
engineer can address the issue of the system before the shipment and notify the company chief
and the client as well. He should also refuse to participate in this unethical decision made by his
superior and discourage other colleagues from following unethical decisions. This will ensure,
the mass automated transportation does not reach its desired destination and as well as the
company’s reputation will be saved. Even the engineer will be praised for his honesty and
recommended for future work.

It is necessary to evaluate the implications of prioritizing each of the ethical decisions. As for
comparing the actions of prioritizing a company's reputation or public safety, it is a must needed
thing to consider whether it comes with drawbacks or not. For the ethical solution of long term
effect, the company's reputation will be hampered. Legal actions and many legal paperworks are
required for this process. On the other hand for the short term effect, the alternative solution will
save the company’s reputation but it is not sure that the failure message will reach the clients.So,
both solutions come with pros and cons. Hence comparing the actions for me, the first solution
will be the best as it prioritizes public safety and ethics.

I personally believe that from the identified ethical principles from the above, after discussing
both the drawbacks and challenges while making the ethical decision- putting people’s or client’s
life into risk for a technical issue violates all kinds of framework rules of ethics. So, the optimum
decision for the engineer is to put aside the conflict and emotional challenges to prioritize public
safety and maintain the Right Ethics.

In conclusion, if we recall the key takeaways- The case is a major example of an ethical dilemma
between assuring public safety and consideration of external avenues of a company. The
challenges that come up while making the decision are brought up and emphasized by the
importance of ethical decision-making in assuring the public welfare for the sake of Right Ethics.
It highlights the challenges of balancing contractual commitments with ethical principles in
engineering and explains the fine line between professionalism and ethical values.

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